I took apart the motor on my Renault Kangoo 2001, just as you said. Had a bit of rust on the commutator, wiped it of cleaned the junk out. And voila! The motor works again 😃 Thank you!
It's worth checking the drain channels are clear when you find this problem (there is one either side), my wiper motor was swimming in water.. Thanks for the advice.
Thank you so much for this video I would never have thought to take the motor apart I would have assumed it was the contacts which were full of gunk so I did as you done and would you believe the magnets were broken jamming the whole lot up, just one question is that pink stuff near the gears grease or has something melted thanks again
good information unfortunately i m not a mechanic taking things apart and disecting parts to clean i wouldnt know how to put it all together again plus you should have shown how you cleaned the motor out
I can't understand how Renault can put into production a design feature where drainage obstruction can result in failure of essential actions eg. w/wipers - the drainage ports in the wells of the window wiper compartment are quite inadequate in size. As in my case were I'm parked under much tree canopy with extreme leaf collection in there but I'm always clearing the wells from debris?
You are the only one on you tube that can fix the motor not just replace it. You are a proper mechanic thanks for posting.
I took apart the motor on my Renault Kangoo 2001, just as you said. Had a bit of rust on the commutator, wiped it of cleaned the junk out. And voila! The motor works again 😃 Thank you!
You are the Real Mechanic
Thanks for the video I have just fixed my motor the Sam way as my drain was blocked also it's a quick fix aswell 👍👍
Thanks man for disassembly you're the boss! Only one on TH-cam, only on text forums!
It's worth checking the drain channels are clear when you find this problem (there is one either side), my wiper motor was swimming in water.. Thanks for the advice.
Thank you! This video just saved me. I hade that same problem. Now it works👍
Thank you so much for this video I would never have thought to take the motor apart I would have assumed it was the contacts which were full of gunk so I did as you done and would you believe the magnets were broken jamming the whole lot up, just one question is that pink stuff near the gears grease or has something melted thanks again
good information unfortunately i m not a mechanic taking things apart and disecting parts to clean i wouldnt know how to put it all together again plus you should have shown how you cleaned the motor out
Nice work.
I can't understand how Renault can put into production a design feature where drainage obstruction can result in failure of essential actions eg. w/wipers - the drainage ports in the wells of the window wiper compartment are quite inadequate in size. As in my case were I'm parked under much tree canopy with extreme leaf collection in there but I'm always clearing the wells from debris?
What cleaner do you use
Brake cleaner. It works well
Not a very good original seal!