Very interesting conversation! And I love the data-driven approach to explaining the "Great De-Churching" phenomenon. My copy of the book arrived today so I'm really looking forward to digging into the operational definitions and trends.
Thank you so much to Andrew Lazo for sharing the link to this video. I found myself nodding in agreement, tearing up in heartache (personal and corporate), and filling with hope. I have grown weary of hearing pastors and church leaders blaming people for leaving for reasons the people don't even have rather than looking in the mirror to see the distorted reflection they've presented. Thank you for sharing truth, goodness, beauty...and hope. Truly, thank you. May God lead us all to genuine renewal. 🕊
Very interesting conversation! And I love the data-driven approach to explaining the "Great De-Churching" phenomenon. My copy of the book arrived today so I'm really looking forward to digging into the operational definitions and trends.
This was a fascinating discussion.
Thank you so much to Andrew Lazo for sharing the link to this video. I found myself nodding in agreement, tearing up in heartache (personal and corporate), and filling with hope. I have grown weary of hearing pastors and church leaders blaming people for leaving for reasons the people don't even have rather than looking in the mirror to see the distorted reflection they've presented. Thank you for sharing truth, goodness, beauty...and hope. Truly, thank you. May God lead us all to genuine renewal. 🕊
With all the suggestions, I would add, preach the gospel, and make disciples. The rest will take care of itself.