Thank you! It depends on the chemicals that you use. The manufacturer will usually tell you the estimated time. I think this one is around 8 but I could be mistaken. You'll start to notice some odd color variations and that means it's time to change to a fresh batch. Not sure on the shelf life, that again depends on the chemical but it's been a few months in a cool environment and it's worked fine for me.
Once you have closed the lid leaves the side a little bit open and pushes in the middle to really remove the air and then close the lid well so he will be tightly sealed when you're shaking the bottle! :-)
Great video, how many times can you reuse the chemical? What is the shelf life after mixing? Thanks
Thank you! It depends on the chemicals that you use. The manufacturer will usually tell you the estimated time. I think this one is around 8 but I could be mistaken. You'll start to notice some odd color variations and that means it's time to change to a fresh batch. Not sure on the shelf life, that again depends on the chemical but it's been a few months in a cool environment and it's worked fine for me.
Once you have closed the lid leaves the side a little bit open and pushes in the middle to really remove the air and then close the lid well so he will be tightly sealed when you're shaking the bottle! :-)
Awesome tip, thank you so much! Always scary flipping those things around =P
Good stuff 👊
Thanks so much! Appreciate that!