I just came across this recently and have to say it 'blew me away'. I'm an old, old guy now (old enough to be grandfater to you all) but I have seen and enjoyed the birth of rock, pop, glam, grunge, garage, punk, mod etc. you name it, I've enjoyed it. But, I have never been effected so much as I have been by the Fever Ray character. . . To me it's pure art distilled with music! Wow!. It hits me so deeply that I shiver when I listen. Thank you all so much for your art and for sharing it with us all. Paul in Scotland
I just came across this recently and have to say it 'blew me away'. I'm an old, old guy now (old enough to be grandfater to you all) but I have seen and enjoyed the birth of rock, pop, glam, grunge, garage, punk, mod etc. you name it, I've enjoyed it. But, I have never been effected so much as I have been by the Fever Ray character. . . To me it's pure art distilled with music! Wow!. It hits me so deeply that I shiver when I listen. Thank you all so much for your art and for sharing it with us all. Paul in Scotland
The drop at 4:00 makes me emotional
L❤️ve it 😈
Sicke show was dit
love from mauritius
That‘s cool wow
Anybody know who the second singer is? With the dark hair? Thanks
Helena Guttara
Okay, thanksm
You are right buddy
Hey 3voor12! Komt de Tamino upload nog terug van Lowlands 2023?
Ja graag!
Helaas stond die door een misverstand online. Hij wil hem niet online hebben
Komt heilung ook nog online?
Iedereen wacht op het optreden van Underworld. Komt die nog?
Beetje Bicep zou ook leuk zijn
We zijn nog in gesprek met Underworld. Bicep wil helaas niets online hebben
En het optreden van Turnstile?
Turnstile wil hun set niet online hebben helaas
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Helaas willen zij hun set niet online hebben. Ze speelden veel nieuw werk dat nog niet uit is
Komt Steve Lacy ook nog online? 🤞🏻
Helaas wil hij zijn set niet online hebben
Komt de set van Charlotte de witte / Underworld/ joost klein online ?