Assuming you live in the United States, when you file taxes, do you file jointly as a married couple? That’s how you can be sure, since most married couples file jointly due to the benefits they receive, as opposed to filing separately.
You are not commanded by American Law to be Marrried. For even Homosexuals can do that at least for the moment. As women are not commanded by Law to seek an abortion , it was just legal but not any more for now it is illegal. So submit to the Laws of the Land for it is God who allowed them to be there. But almost all peoples do not understand what Jesus said. Jesus said to them, “People of this age marry and are given in marriage. But those that have been found worthy of this age and the resurrection do not marry reproduce there own kind for they are sons of the resurrection and cannot die anymore.
“Fornication” is the (now rarely used word) for sex between two persons who are not married. In traditional terms, adultery has often meant illicit sex once married, and fornication has meant illicit sex outside of marriage.
My belief is that the line between married and unmarried couples are crossed when both parties agree that she is his wife, and he is his husband, therefore sealing their relationship with bond of word which is extremely powerful like a contract in Gods eyes
A marriage license in America was created to vet interracial marriages. Also once a marriage license is signed the state is the third party involved and has a vested interest in anything created between the couple, including kids. If you signed a marriage license the government has ownership of your children. My wife and I would have gone a different legal route if we knew this before we were married. Romans 13 is a tricky passage. There is a lot of context involved and I don’t think it’s as simple as just blindly submitting to government. That’s how Hitler was able to control all the Christians from standing against him when he was slaughtering the Jews. He used Romans 13 against them. We have to be discerning and know the context completely before blindly submitting to government.
@@kiavaxxaskew I agree with you! We are to be led by the Spirit in all we do. But if you don’t know God’s word you will fall for the weaponization of His word. People take the Bible out of context all the time that’s why we have so many denominations and cults that claim to be Christian. There are Christians that believe that we aren’t to practice self defense by using the “turn the other cheek” passage. Christians that don’t believe in righteous violence. What these Christians believe are far from God and actually cause harm to humans. We aren’t to stand idly by while people murder the unborn! As men we are called to protect our families. We aren’t to allow people to break in to our homes and harm our families because someone took what Jesus said out of context and turn the other cheek. Righteous violence is apart of the love of God. With all that being said, vengeance is for God. Retaliation is not for Christians to act on. Revenge is different than self defense. We are to have hearts of discernment and godly wisdom for each situation. The Holy Spirit will give us that if we pray and ask for it. The armor of God has His word as our weapon and if we don’t know His word then we are not armed.
So many preaching their interpretations of religion. I would love to see a random group of people who have never read the Bible get together and read it without any outside influences to see how they would interpret it.
So far I just moved out of my folks and have moved in with my woman. We both are trying to live up to Gods standards and plan for our lives. I always think back to what Christ said “Haven’t you read,’ he replied, ‘that at the beginning the Creator made them male and female,’ and said, ‘For this reason, a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’? So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.” - Matthew 19:4-6 I need to know if me and my love are husband and wife in the eyes of God. I pray hard that if we are not, then let us both be so appropriately for his standards.
I always took it to as if your community recognizes you as an offical and established and permanent couple and you have consumated the marriage, and the laws recognize your relationship, you are married. In my country you are considered married under common law if you live together "as a married couple" even without the ceremony and the legal paper work. If a couple were to split up under these circumstances marriage/divorce laws still apply. This is a common way to be married where I live. So it's culturally different depending on where you live. Because I think your marriage need to be recognized as such by your wider community for it to be valid.
Concubines were considered lesser wives who had a secondary status due to the fact that they served a purpose of sexual pleasure to build a family.. so they were actually wives.
@@2696ize “And his concubine was unfaithful to him, and she went away from him to her father’s house at Bethlehem in Judah, and was there some four months. Then her husband arose and went after her, to speak kindly to her and bring her back. He had with him his servant and a couple of donkeys. And she brought him into her father’s house. And when the girl’s father saw him, he came with joy to meet him.” Judges 19:2-3 It's just one of the MANY manipulations of scripture in this absolutely ridiculous video
I should have ended my marriage years ago and saved alot of hurt feelings....but do you blame me? I loved her and wanted it to work. I had our whole future to be excited for and held onto hope. I loved our family and our upcoming baby and we also had a second one while trying to make it work.... I love my family but clearly see I should have ended it. If only she wanted to fix it as much as I did... she refused marital counseling saying that statistics tell her counseling doesn't work.....without trying. This broke me... I live alone trying to fight for time to see my children. She convinced the court that covid was a valid reason to keep me from the children. I'm still fighting. Over 3 years now. Missed Christmas's, birthdays, fathers day... I'm a wreck. I miss my babies. She replaced me Ina month and 2 new boyfriends are around my kids more than I am. I've been able to see them 9 times over almost 4 years.
She has committed adulatory and In Gods eyes she is still your wife as he doesn’t recordnize divorce for anything other than proven adultery on one’s part…
With the Bible entered in as a legal document you can record the marriage in the Holy Bible, take it to a probate Judge and it will be legal for the government
I and another woman vowed ourselves to each other (but only before God) and made love after. We meant our vows but, are now separated from each other. Thoughts?
In Hebrews 13:17, the Bible instructs believers to 'Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over your souls, as those who will have to give an account.' This emphasizes the importance of spiritual leadership within the church. Church traditions, including marriage ceremonies conducted by pastors, serve as a way to honor and obey these spiritual leaders who guide and shepherd the community. While not explicitly mandated as the only valid form of marriage, participating in church traditions can reflect a commitment to community, accountability, and spiritual guidance in one's marital journey.
Men, do not involve the government into you bed by getting a marriage license. Better than 50% chance you will regret it. You are not doing anything illegal by creating your own covenant and having a ceremony, while excluding the government from your relationship.
I do agree with that. This has been one of my concerns. I know couples who have a home and kids together and aren't married. So, based on these Biblical people these couples are still fornicating lol. It doesn't make sense! Fornicating is when people only have sex based on lust, like a one-night stand or something.
What makes a man and woman husband and wife is mutual agreement to be so, a marital covenant or "betrothal." Intercourse between the betrothed couple "consummates" or completes the marriage. Both of these actions are usually accompanied with various traditions and ceremonies but the only one required in the Torah was the brideprice. It was a wedding *feast* Our Savior attended, something the Bible mentions most often in connection with marriage. In our own relationship with God we are currently in the betrothed stage awaiting His coming when we will celebrate the wedding supper and live with Him for eternity.
Grace and peace to you; this a great point! Do you think a payment of a bride-price is always biblically necessary for marriage? Also, can you elaborate on why you emphasize the "feast" in Cana? Thanks alot.
@@AskBibleNotes I think that a bride can also be "given in marriage" as a gift without a bride price being paid. There are also brides who, because their father is dead or they have been widowed, can give themselves in marriage and any bride price would in that case be given directly to her (probably taking the form of a wedding or engagement ring). In western culture where the bride price has fallen out of use, I think we still have legitimate marriages, we are just proceeding with a bride price of 0. I emphasized feast because the video kept saying Christ attended a wedding ceremony. A wedding feast is more of a celebration of the couple coming together than it is a ceremony. As such, we might call it a "wedding reception" if we were putting it into modern terms. The ceremony, or covenant making, would have taken place a while prior at the time of the betrothal.
@@777Treeoflife Here is a more thorough Biblical approach to marriage from Come Reason . Org : *Must Marriage be Legal to be Blessed by God?* I have an 18 year old son that has been dating his girlfriend for 2 years. They are officially engaged. Recently they suspected she was pregnant. God answers prayers and thankfully she was not. I tried to talk to both kids about pre martial sex and abstaining until they are married. My son's reply shocked me.. He proceeded to tell me "We are married mom".. I asked what made him think that. He said they had made their vows to each other and consummated the relationship, and though not legally married he felt that they are married in the eyes of God. He also stated that no where in the bible does it state you have to go through a "ceremony" and he felt what they did was enough. My son is a VERY intelligent boy, in the top 10% of his class in college, but since he started taking philosophy he has come up with some strange ideas about God etc.. I want to show him that they need to be legally married but I can't find anywhere in the bible where it states "How to marry", it just says marry. Can you help me find an answer, or is my son right? Any advice would be appreciated. Lynn Hi Lynn, Thank you for writing. This is a very interesting question as it pertains to the biblical approach to marriage. I'd like to review the way the Bible approaches the concept of marriage. *I think marriage is woefully misunderstood in our society and by examining how the Bible defines marriage we can better grasp how we should enter into a marriage relationship.* *1. Marriage is an institution created by God and therefore is holy.* Jesus confirmed this in Matthew 19 when He said, "Have you not read that He who created them from the beginning made them male and female, and said, 'for this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh'? So they are no longer two, but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let no man separate." Because God created marriage, it becomes more than just a cultural idea. It is a holy union blessed by God. In recognizing such, it deserves a certain amount of respect and recognition beyond "we say we're married so we are". *2. Marriage can only be between a man and a woman.* In creating marriage, God defined it precisely. Genesis 2:24 states, "For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother, and be joined to his wife; and they shall become one flesh." Marriage can only be between a man and a woman where they are joined together as a single entity. It involves the leaving of the old, childhood life and starting something new. There are many kinds of unions between people. However, that does not make them equivalent to marriage. Living together may be a type of union, but it does not join the participants into a single entity. Our laws recognize that spouses cannot testify against one another; precisely because they are joined in such a union. It also answers the question of so-called "homosexual marriage". Since, by definition, marriage can only be between a man and a woman, homosexual unions are not marriages. They cannot be. You may use some other term to describe their relationship, but to use the word marriage is incorrect. The definition won't allow it. *3. Marriage is more than a commitment.* In your question, you state "He said they had made their vows to each other and consummated the relationship, ... He also stated that nowhere in the bible does it state you have to go through a 'ceremony' and he felt what they did was enough." Your son said he felt making vows to each other was enough to constitute a marriage in the eyes of God. *However, the Bible actually does take a different view.* *You see, marriage is more than just making a commitment to someone else. It is also entering into a holy covenant before God.* *In Malachi, God is rebuking the people of Judah for not following His laws. There we read, " 'Because the Lord has been a witness between you and the wife of your youth, against whom you have dealt treacherously, though she is your companion, and your wife by covenant.. For I hate divorce,' says the Lord." (Mal **2:14**,16).* (For more on divorce, please see "Is Matthew 19 a Contradiction?"). *God says here that marriage is a covenant, one witnessed and sealed by Him. A commitment is a civil agreement. A covenant is religious by nature and should be presided over by a religious official.* Breaking a commitment can be done by mutual agreement. *However, a covenant is considered binding and can only be broken if God has provided for such a dissolution - such as adultery.* *4. Marriage is to be witnessed.* *Because marriage is a covenant to be entered freely by two individuals, is must be witnessed by at least two or three people. This idea is confirmed in Matthew 18:16, where Jesus quotes Leviticus, "Out of the mouth of two or three witnesses every fact may be confirmed."* *Ruth 4:9-12 shows this applies specifically to marriage when Boaz seeks out witnesses to secure his right to marry Ruth, the Moabitess. There, the witnesses even pronounce a marriage blessing on them.* *5. Marriage is to be held in honor.* *If we take all of the above into account, we can see that marriage is an institution not to be taken lightly. In fact, it is a union of the highest honor. "Marriage is to be held in honor among all, and the marriage bed is to be undefiled..." (Heb. 13:4).* *Interestingly, this verse links the idea of marriage to legal custom. In Romans 13, Paul tells us that we are to be in subjection to governing authorities. In other words, we are to obey the laws of the land because God has placed those people in power. Then, in verse 7, he writes, "Render to all what is due them: tax to whom tax is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honor to whom honor."* *We know that marriage is honorable and the Bible commands us to render it honor properly. Further, it shows that we are to obey the governing laws and respect the customs associated with Biblical marriage.* *Our laws recognize the holy union of marriage (point number 1), require it to be between a man and a woman (point number 2), recognizes the covenant nature of marriage by sanctioning clergy to perform marriage ceremonies (point number 3), and requires witnesses (point number 4). Therefore, in order to give marriage proper honor and to render the proper respect to the governing authorities, legal marriage is both required and appropriate. It does not follow that legal marriage is not necessary in today's society.* *Taking all into account, the Bible clearly shows that an official marriage ceremony governed by clergy is entering into marriage appropriately. Jesus blessed official marriage by performing His first miracle at the marriage feast in Cana (John 2). His relationship with the church is compared to a bridegroom and his bride, again showing the holiness of the marriage relationship.* *It is an unfortunate commentary on our society that we've reduced the idea of marriage to one of comfort. With Las Vegas 30 minute weddings and no-fault divorce, we are straying farther and farther away from the idea of the holy covenant God set forth. It is to be binding, not broken by any man.* *I would question your son's sincerity in his intent for marriage. If he truly is serious in vowing "until death do us part", then why would he be resistant to making that vow legal? Many times people are betrayed by their concern for the consequences of their actions. The consequences of dissolving a legal marriage are much less than they were, but are still significant. It could be those consequences are what bothers him, which means he isn't entering a covenant relationship, but merely a temporary agreement -and that isn't marriage.* I hope this has helped you understand what Biblical marriage is and why it is important. Please let me know how things go. I will be praying for you and your family. May God bless you as you continue to seek Him.
*Must Marriage be Legal to be Blessed by God?* I have an 18 year old son that has been dating his girlfriend for 2 years. They are officially engaged. Recently they suspected she was pregnant. God answers prayers and thankfully she was not. I tried to talk to both kids about pre martial sex and abstaining until they are married. *My son's reply shocked me.. He proceeded to tell me "We are married mom".. I asked what made him think that. He said they had made their vows to each other and consummated the relationship, and though not legally married he felt that they are married in the eyes of God. He also stated that no where in the bible does it state you have to go through a "ceremony" and he felt what they did was enough.* My son is a VERY intelligent boy, in the top 10% of his class in college, but since he started taking philosophy he has come up with some strange ideas about God etc.. I want to show him that they need to be legally married but I can't find anywhere in the bible where it states "How to marry", it just says marry. Can you help me find an answer, or is my son right? Any advice would be appreciated. Lynn Hi Lynn, Thank you for writing. This is a very interesting question as it pertains to the biblical approach to marriage. I'd like to review the way the Bible approaches the concept of marriage. *I think marriage is woefully misunderstood in our society and by examining how the Bible defines marriage we can better grasp how we should enter into a marriage relationship.* *1. Marriage is an institution created by God and therefore is holy.* Jesus confirmed this in Matthew 19 when He said, "Have you not read that He who created them from the beginning made them male and female, and said, 'for this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh'? So they are no longer two, but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let no man separate." *Because God created marriage, it becomes more than just a cultural idea. It is a holy union blessed by God.* In recognizing such, it deserves a certain amount of respect and recognition beyond "we say we're married so we are". *2. Marriage can only be between a man and a woman.* In creating marriage, God defined it precisely. Genesis 2:24 states, "For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother, and be joined to his wife; and they shall become one flesh." Marriage can only be between a man and a woman where they are joined together as a single entity. It involves the leaving of the old, childhood life and starting something new. There are many kinds of unions between people. However, that does not make them equivalent to marriage. Living together may be a type of union, but it does not join the participants into a single entity. Our laws recognize that spouses cannot testify against one another; precisely because they are joined in such a union. It also answers the question of so-called "homosexual marriage". Since, by definition, marriage can only be between a man and a woman, homosexual unions are not marriages. They cannot be. You may use some other term to describe their relationship, but to use the word marriage is incorrect. The definition won't allow it. *3. Marriage is more than a commitment.* In your question, you state "He said they had made their vows to each other and consummated the relationship, ... He also stated that nowhere in the bible does it state you have to go through a 'ceremony' and he felt what they did was enough." Your son said he felt making vows to each other was enough to constitute a marriage in the eyes of God. *However, the Bible actually does take a different view.* *You see, marriage is more than just making a commitment to someone else. It is also entering into a holy covenant before God.* *In Malachi, God is rebuking the people of Judah for not following His laws. There we read, " 'Because the Lord has been a witness between you and the wife of your youth, against whom you have dealt treacherously, though she is your companion, and your wife by covenant.. For I hate divorce,' says the Lord." (Mal **2:14**,16).* (For more on divorce, please see "Is Matthew 19 a Contradiction?"). *God says here that marriage is a covenant, one witnessed and sealed by Him. A commitment is a civil agreement. A covenant is religious by nature and should be presided over by a religious official.* Breaking a commitment can be done by mutual agreement. *However, a covenant is considered binding and can only be broken if God has provided for such a dissolution - such as adultery.* *4. Marriage is to be witnessed.* *Because marriage is a covenant to be entered freely by two individuals, is must be witnessed by at least two or three people. This idea is confirmed in Matthew 18:16, where Jesus quotes Leviticus, "Out of the mouth of two or three witnesses every fact may be confirmed."* *Ruth 4:9-12 shows this applies specifically to marriage when Boaz seeks out witnesses to secure his right to marry Ruth, the Moabitess. There, the witnesses even pronounce a marriage blessing on them.* *5. Marriage is to be held in honor.* *If we take all of the above into account, we can see that marriage is an institution not to be taken lightly. In fact, it is a union of the highest honor. "Marriage is to be held in honor among all, and the marriage bed is to be undefiled..." (Heb. 13:4).* *Interestingly, this verse links the idea of marriage to legal custom. In Romans 13, Paul tells us that we are to be in subjection to governing authorities. In other words, we are to obey the laws of the land because God has placed those people in power. Then, in verse 7, he writes, "Render to all what is due them: tax to whom tax is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honor to whom honor."* *We know that marriage is honorable and the Bible commands us to render it honor properly. Further, it shows that we are to obey the governing laws and respect the customs associated with Biblical marriage.* *Our laws recognize the holy union of marriage (point number 1), require it to be between a man and a woman (point number 2), recognizes the covenant nature of marriage by sanctioning clergy to perform marriage ceremonies (point number 3), and requires witnesses (point number 4). Therefore, in order to give marriage proper honor and to render the proper respect to the governing authorities, legal marriage is both required and appropriate. It does not follow that legal marriage is not necessary in today's society.* *Taking all into account, the Bible clearly shows that an official marriage ceremony governed by clergy is entering into marriage appropriately. Jesus blessed official marriage by performing His first miracle at the marriage feast in Cana (John 2). His relationship with the church is compared to a bridegroom and his bride, again showing the holiness of the marriage relationship.* *It is an unfortunate commentary on our society that we've reduced the idea of marriage to one of comfort. With Las Vegas 30 minute weddings and no-fault divorce, we are straying farther and farther away from the idea of the holy covenant God set forth. It is to be binding, not broken by any man.* *I would question your son's sincerity in his intent for marriage. If he truly is serious in vowing "until death do us part", then why would he be resistant to making that vow legal? Many times people are betrayed by their concern for the consequences of their actions. The consequences of dissolving a legal marriage are much less than they were, but are still significant. It could be those consequences are what bothers him, which means he isn't entering a covenant relationship, but merely a temporary agreement -and that isn't marriage.* I hope this has helped you understand what Biblical marriage is and why it is important. Please let me know how things go. I will be praying for you and your family. May God bless you as you continue to seek Him. (From Come Reason . Org)
What if your government's laws have drifted so far from Biblical principles that feels more like a curse than a blessing to be considered "legally" married? 😂
In the United States, the Government wasn't involved in marriage at all until the early 20th century. There's a vast difference between marriage and legal marriage. Legal marriage is a counterfeit of spiritual marriage. We all know who is the Father of spiritual counterfeits.
TH-cam "Betty Bowers Explains Traditional Biblical Marriage." Salomon had 700 wives and 300 concubine. Lots of diversity in the Bible about relationships
There is no polygamy in the New Testament. 'When asked about marriage, Jesus Christ said: “He who created them from the beginning made them male and female and said, “For this reason a man will leave his father and his mother and will stick to his wife, and the “two” will be one flesh” (Matthew 19:4, 5).' The first marriage was monogamous and Jesus and his disciples only approved of one man one woman. Now you can make an argument that you disagree, but you cannot make an argument that the Biblical view of a true marriage is polygamy. God knew humans fail to not sin, but his understanding of that isn't a cosign. It's just the way of the world.
@5050TM only if you throw out the Old Covenant completely; and that God finally decided that about 2000 years ago when the New Covenant was written. Polygamy was still being practiced in some Christian churches until around 1890 and still a few today.
The Most High would Never tell His people to go surrender Under the Authority of a Heathen rulership. That's the Same thing as You telling your Wife to surrender to the man next door...think about it.
May I remarried if my husband asked me for a divorce. And I still love him unconditionally. But I know God took him out of my life for some reason. I don't want to be alone. But I don't want to do my will. Would it be okay with God?
@@angelicadiaz4292 If your husband asked you for a divorce and you agreed and signed the divorce papers . You have been made an adulteress. If you were following and obeying Jesus Christ commands you would not divorce your husband . However if your husband is dead you are free to marry another as long as he is a Christian.
Got Questions has plenty of articles online if you need answers. They might not have converted all their articles into TH-cam videos yet so it's best to read the articles on their website. Hope you find the answer.
I have always taken the "one flesh" principle as referring to the production of children... I have looked into the meaning of the original Hebrew and Greek words used and I am just not convinced they mean anything more... It is true that in marriage the individuals do often become quite close and attached but sometimes I think people read into the words used what they feel instead of those intended by th he author.
As a side note.... If "one flesh" is in fact a reference to the making of children then these passages would be an exclusion to gay marriage.... Two men or two women cannot produce one flesh (make a baby).
@@angiepeace4830 What about them? You do know what a general statement is right? Taking somebody else's statement and exaggerating it beyond logic in order to push a false narrative is a fallacy..... But you know that right?
@@GSpotter63 I’m genuinely trying to understand your understanding of one flesh…it means the production of children, but the scripture excludes certain groups of people? So do you think that marriage isn’t marriage between those groups? (I’m not trying to offend you or exaggerate anything. There are so many things that I don’t understand.I just want to learn. To do that means asking questions)
@@angiepeace4830 "The scriptures exclude certain groups of people" YES! Anything other then one man and one women. Just as the maker of the universe has stated in his words...
Matthew Chapter 25 41Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels: 42For I was an hungred, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink: 2 Peter 2:17 These are wells without water, clouds that are carried with a tempest; to whom the mist of darkness is reserved for ever.
The documents we used to forgo a marriage license wasf untrue but we were married because of these untrue documents. My lawyer says this is a valid reason for our marriage to be voided. But in the eyes of God are we married if we had dishonest documents?
I have a question. So in the bible it says,”Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh” so does this mean as soon as a man lives with his wife they are married in god’s eyes? Because also back in biblical times ceremonies werent always done. So i just need help if this view is correct or not.
...this good fellow communicates and concludes at the end of his account here that a combination of the 1) law, the 2) culture and sexual 2) intercourse (if physically possible) in a community that you live in, constitutes a marriage in the eyes of God. Is this account correct?
It seems the family court systems in most states heavily favor women in the division of assets and custody of children in the case of divorce and also in domestic disputes. I think having to submit to authority of this biased court culture makes the requirements of government approval unreasonable.
*We all know Bible has no reference at all about wedding ceremony in church or anywhere. No wedding ring or marriage vows or marriage certificate mentioned in the Bible. Old Testament and New Testament. What if a man and woman take a pledge among themselves and start living together, have sex and love one another Biblically in all respects? Are not they married in the sight of God? Did I tell you most couples despite having had church weddings, marriage certificates, wedding rings, live separated (though not divorced by law), live as divorced? Biblically God sees what you are in your married life in heart and deeds, despite not having all government and church proofs*
I'm unsure if you read bible but Jesus attended a marriage in Cana in which he turned the water into wine. It best to pray for understanding before we lead ourselves into destruction 🙏
Biblucal marriage is this... , For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh? Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder. Matthew 19:5-6
Atcually Romans 13:1-2 is quite the opposite to what you may think, if you look at the most original we have today and with guidence and wisdom from God, then he will tell show you that he means spiritual authority aka real authority and anyone with spiritual authority is someone who God has given authority. He doesn't mean presidents and such because they atcually have no authority over the follower of God.
Please get a marriage certificate and witness I did the private vow and was under heavy conviction of fornication I prayed and I would fast about if I was really married the peace of the Lord left me in that and was under spiritual attack until I removed myself from the situation. God bless
So for an example a boyfriend and girlfriend love each other and have a sexual intercourse for the first time are they married? Even though they didn’t have a ceremony or a legal contracted marriage? Does all 3 views have to apply to being considered married? Is it okay for them to live together after some time of being together? Then get legally married later on?
You are not commanded by American Law to be Marrried. For even Homosexuals can do that at least for the moment. As women are not commanded by Law to seek an abortion , it was just legal but not any more for now it is illegal. So submit to the Laws of the Land for it is God who allowed them to be there. But almost all peoples do not understand what Jesus said. Jesus said to them, “People of this age marry and are given in marriage. But those that have been found worthy of this age and the resurrection do not marry reproduce there own kind for they are sons of the resurrection and cannot die anymore.
Your 1,2,3 conclusion sounds very catholic to me. I would like to see your analysis of the catholic teachings on marriage. Considering they put the bible together and have an unbroken 2000 years of tradition to call on I don’t think we should dismiss them and their teaching so quickly. We might learn something from a full analysis of why they teach covenantal marriage and marriage as a sacrament. God bless you. Thank you.
@Margaret Bullock I would doubt that. The Catholic faith has always taught that marriage is a holy sacrament. The Catholics believe in seven sacraments. The priest is in attendance at all those sacraments. So I would guess that a marriage In the Catholic Church would’ve as often as possible been attended by a priest, and in fact probably required a priest in all circumstances. But I could be wrong.
The Catholic Church didn't perform weddings as a sacrament until the 1520's AFTER the Protestant Church in Europe began doing it. Neither Church nor government is a requirement for a real marriage.
Yeah uhh, no. In the eyes of the law? Absolutely not. The law is a human constructed system that I don’t recall seeing in the Bible. “Gotta file that paperwork before you’re actually married!” Yeah no
God considers two people married when, the bride and groom freely agree to form a Marriage Covenant and the bride's Father or other male guardian agrees to the Marriage Covenant with very few exceptions.
1 Corinthians 7:1-2 Says each man should have intercourse with his wife and each wife have intercourse with her husband. I don't think you can use that as an argument against the biblical basis of intercourse defining marriage because nowhere in the passage does it even define what marriage is. It could be interpreted to mean the commitment a husband and wife make together before God, and the sexual immorality means casual sex without commitment. The bible also says marriage is when a man leaves his father and mother and becomes one flesh with his wife. This means you live together and you have sexual relations with one another. I believe it is important and good to get legally married, but the Bible does not say this is what makes a marriage real. The most important aspect is the commitment the two make to God to stay loyal and love one another for life. I have a hunch that the ceremony has to do symbolic agreement of the father giving the daughter away to her husband, because before women did not have the power to make a decision to marry who they wanted if they still were under their father's authority. Now women have more equal rights they can make this decision whenever they want to whoever they choose. From my point of view walking across a room inside a church and making a public show of your commitment to God isn't what makes that commitment valid, nor is the documentation. That's just my take on this, much love to y'all and God bless.
You never mention The title of this piece asks, “Is it wrong to have sex before marriage?” so let me start by showing from the Bible that such behavior is clearly a sin. “Fornication” is the (now rarely used word) for sex between two persons who are not married. In traditional terms, adultery has often meant illicit sex once married, and fornication has meant illicit sex outside of marriage. The word “fornication” is used in the King James Version in 1 Corinthians 6:18, but the Greek word there is porneia which includes every kind of illicit sexual activity, from adultery to homosexuality to prostitution to sex before marriage also biblical.
O.oh so Adam and Eve never had a ceremony, another sin.. or wait... Our lord made sure there come together. Now, that said.. what if "marriage" is being together men and woman called a relationship and one night stand is outside marriage (outside relationship)
You are adding your own words to scripture and taking scripture out of context it says that Issac seen Rebecca and loved her and then he took Rebecca into his mother's tent and she became his wife so you're wrong
Jesus explains who is married in God's eyes, it's when two become one flesh, it would have been easier to understand had it translated, When two bodies of flesh become one body of flesh, a child being one of him and one of her, also obviously born out of mutual love and not born out of any sexual sin forbidden in the law, Jesus said what God has joined together, not man nor one representing God, this includes all of mankind, not just those given to customs and traditions
Can you share scriptures to show that sexual intercourse is needed to validate the marriage? My friend married a man in prison and they divorced never had sex. So wants to know if she can remarry? And was that marriage bailed if they didn’t get to consummate the marriage!
@Israel144K I have this exact problem smh. I been searching for answers. He left the marriage while he was still incarcerated. We were married for like a month before he called it off.
@@Pooh_86 well that sounds like a whole pickle and a half, maybe he thought you were too beautiful handling the maintenance of the relationship was too much for him, oh well better luck next time
You’re correct but it’s really validated once the husband virgin and wife virgin consummate the marriage on the wedding night bed and the BLOOD is on the bedsheets, it’s a BLOOD COVENANT, BLOODLINE it’s all about the blood. That’s why the scriptures said let not the bed be defiled in marriage, come on teachers.
I'm kinda getting the idea according to this guy that marriage is only valid if it's a man and WOMAN .. In this whole video he talks around the fact that marriage has had no universal standard it has all been cultural and religion specific defined .. In the old Testament marriage was different than today .. Marriage for love was not a condition of marriage .. In the vast majority of cultures marriage was a property and social issue .. Arranged by the families .. There was no marriage in the early church it was a civil matter with some people later asking for a blessing from the bishop or other church authority .. After the fall of the Western Roman Empire did the church step in to perform marriages to validate the couple's relationship under the law .. He even destroyed the idea put forth by right wingers who say 1 man 1 woman with a biblical passage recognizing polygamy ..
Gotta love how the buttons on the guys shirt form a cross.
One of my favorite channels love the commentaries
@@StraitTalkMedia Same.
Nice. I didn't notice that.
I can’t unsee this now 😂
My wife and I do not have a formal ceremony but I want one just to be sure. I do consider her my wife and me her husband. Pray for us!
Until you do it with a vow before God you are fornicating with her
Assuming you live in the United States, when you file taxes, do you file jointly as a married couple? That’s how you can be sure, since most married couples file jointly due to the benefits they receive, as opposed to filing separately.
You are not commanded by American Law to be Marrried. For even Homosexuals can do that at least for the moment. As women are not commanded by Law to seek an abortion , it was just legal but not any more for now it is illegal. So submit to the Laws of the Land for it is God who allowed them to be there. But almost all peoples do not understand what Jesus said. Jesus said to them, “People of this age marry and are given in marriage. But those that have been found worthy of this age and the resurrection do not marry reproduce there own kind for they are sons of the resurrection and cannot die anymore.
“Fornication” is the (now rarely used word) for sex between two persons who are not married. In traditional terms, adultery has often meant illicit sex once married, and fornication has meant illicit sex outside of marriage.
One of the best ministries online
Very polished, very sincere, but sometimes very wrong.
Ephesians 5:25
Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;
Wives, love your husbands..........
'Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. '
Ephesians 5:22
My belief is that the line between married and unmarried couples are crossed when both parties agree that she is his wife, and he is his husband, therefore sealing their relationship with bond of word which is extremely powerful like a contract in Gods eyes
Not the authorities of this land. There’s a difference between a covenant marriage & state marriage
A marriage license in America was created to vet interracial marriages. Also once a marriage license is signed the state is the third party involved and has a vested interest in anything created between the couple, including kids. If you signed a marriage license the government has ownership of your children. My wife and I would have gone a different legal route if we knew this before we were married. Romans 13 is a tricky passage. There is a lot of context involved and I don’t think it’s as simple as just blindly submitting to government. That’s how Hitler was able to control all the Christians from standing against him when he was slaughtering the Jews. He used Romans 13 against them. We have to be discerning and know the context completely before blindly submitting to government.
@@kiavaxxaskew I agree with you! We are to be led by the Spirit in all we do. But if you don’t know God’s word you will fall for the weaponization of His word. People take the Bible out of context all the time that’s why we have so many denominations and cults that claim to be Christian. There are Christians that believe that we aren’t to practice self defense by using the “turn the other cheek” passage. Christians that don’t believe in righteous violence. What these Christians believe are far from God and actually cause harm to humans. We aren’t to stand idly by while people murder the unborn! As men we are called to protect our families. We aren’t to allow people to break in to our homes and harm our families because someone took what Jesus said out of context and turn the other cheek. Righteous violence is apart of the love of God. With all that being said, vengeance is for God. Retaliation is not for Christians to act on. Revenge is different than self defense. We are to have hearts of discernment and godly wisdom for each situation. The Holy Spirit will give us that if we pray and ask for it. The armor of God has His word as our weapon and if we don’t know His word then we are not armed.
I love these helpful videos! This was a question I had earlier this year! Thank you for your faithful work! So thoroughly explained as always!
I never wanted the divorce. He said if you love me let me go.
So many preaching their interpretations of religion. I would love to see a random group of people who have never read the Bible get together and read it without any outside influences to see how they would interpret it.
"By the power of the State, I pronounce you man and wife". Instead, how about taking that vow before God, and then honouring that vow.
A couple should be legally married in the eyes of God, not in the presence of the government.
So far I just moved out of my folks and have moved in with my woman. We both are trying to live up to Gods standards and plan for our lives. I always think back to what Christ said “Haven’t you read,’ he replied, ‘that at the beginning the Creator made them male and female,’ and said, ‘For this reason, a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’? So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.”
- Matthew 19:4-6
I need to know if me and my love are husband and wife in the eyes of God. I pray hard that if we are not, then let us both be so appropriately for his standards.
Remember the part where he says one man and one woman, because people try to bend those rules these days
I always took it to as if your community recognizes you as an offical and established and permanent couple and you have consumated the marriage, and the laws recognize your relationship, you are married.
In my country you are considered married under common law if you live together "as a married couple" even without the ceremony and the legal paper work. If a couple were to split up under these circumstances marriage/divorce laws still apply. This is a common way to be married where I live. So it's culturally different depending on where you live. Because I think your marriage need to be recognized as such by your wider community for it to be valid.
May I ask where you live?
Well explained👍
Concubines were considered lesser wives who had a secondary status due to the fact that they served a purpose of sexual pleasure to build a family.. so they were actually wives.
Can you point to that scripture ? I'd like to read it.
@@2696ize “And his concubine was unfaithful to him, and she went away from him to her father’s house at Bethlehem in Judah, and was there some four months. Then her husband arose and went after her, to speak kindly to her and bring her back. He had with him his servant and a couple of donkeys. And she brought him into her father’s house. And when the girl’s father saw him, he came with joy to meet him.”
Judges 19:2-3
It's just one of the MANY manipulations of scripture in this absolutely ridiculous video
I should have ended my marriage years ago and saved alot of hurt feelings....but do you blame me? I loved her and wanted it to work. I had our whole future to be excited for and held onto hope. I loved our family and our upcoming baby and we also had a second one while trying to make it work.... I love my family but clearly see I should have ended it. If only she wanted to fix it as much as I did... she refused marital counseling saying that statistics tell her counseling doesn't work.....without trying. This broke me... I live alone trying to fight for time to see my children. She convinced the court that covid was a valid reason to keep me from the children. I'm still fighting. Over 3 years now. Missed Christmas's, birthdays, fathers day... I'm a wreck. I miss my babies. She replaced me Ina month and 2 new boyfriends are around my kids more than I am. I've been able to see them 9 times over almost 4 years.
She has committed adulatory and In Gods eyes she is still your wife as he doesn’t recordnize divorce for anything other than proven adultery on one’s part…
Now to the unmarried and the widows I say: It is good for them to stay unmarried, as I am. 1 Corithians 7:8
marriage does not have to include government theres a difference between state marriage and biblical marriage
The problem is from KV1 to the most recent one, that law about the government keeps changing, favoring the government tyrannical control of the land
With the Bible entered in as a legal document you can record the marriage in the Holy Bible, take it to a probate Judge and it will be legal for the government
@@SaNaFrIsCo really?
I and another woman vowed ourselves to each other (but only before God) and made love after. We meant our vows but, are now separated from each other. Thoughts?
In Hebrews 13:17, the Bible instructs believers to 'Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over your souls, as those who will have to give an account.' This emphasizes the importance of spiritual leadership within the church. Church traditions, including marriage ceremonies conducted by pastors, serve as a way to honor and obey these spiritual leaders who guide and shepherd the community. While not explicitly mandated as the only valid form of marriage, participating in church traditions can reflect a commitment to community, accountability, and spiritual guidance in one's marital journey.
Men, do not involve the government into you bed by getting a marriage license. Better than 50% chance you will regret it.
You are not doing anything illegal by creating your own covenant and having a ceremony, while excluding the government from your relationship.
I do agree with that. This has been one of my concerns. I know couples who have a home and kids together and aren't married. So, based on these Biblical people these couples are still fornicating lol. It doesn't make sense! Fornicating is when people only have sex based on lust, like a one-night stand or something.
@@JordanAlexochannel sex is marriage …
@@JordanAlexochannel Marriage should be approved by God, Parents/elders..with consent
Not necessarily a legal process or ceremony
@@JordanAlexochannel atleast have a ceremony. exclude the government.
What makes a man and woman husband and wife is mutual agreement to be so, a marital covenant or "betrothal." Intercourse between the betrothed couple "consummates" or completes the marriage. Both of these actions are usually accompanied with various traditions and ceremonies but the only one required in the Torah was the brideprice.
It was a wedding *feast* Our Savior attended, something the Bible mentions most often in connection with marriage. In our own relationship with God we are currently in the betrothed stage awaiting His coming when we will celebrate the wedding supper and live with Him for eternity.
Grace and peace to you; this a great point! Do you think a payment of a bride-price is always biblically necessary for marriage? Also, can you elaborate on why you emphasize the "feast" in Cana? Thanks alot.
@@AskBibleNotes I think that a bride can also be "given in marriage" as a gift without a bride price being paid. There are also brides who, because their father is dead or they have been widowed, can give themselves in marriage and any bride price would in that case be given directly to her (probably taking the form of a wedding or engagement ring). In western culture where the bride price has fallen out of use, I think we still have legitimate marriages, we are just proceeding with a bride price of 0.
I emphasized feast because the video kept saying Christ attended a wedding ceremony. A wedding feast is more of a celebration of the couple coming together than it is a ceremony. As such, we might call it a "wedding reception" if we were putting it into modern terms. The ceremony, or covenant making, would have taken place a while prior at the time of the betrothal.
@@betrothalguys Thank you so much for your clarification; I appreciate it. God bless you in your ministry!
We are the bride of Christ. What constitutes that union? We do. We make the choice.
@@777Treeoflife Here is a more thorough Biblical approach to marriage from Come Reason . Org :
*Must Marriage be Legal to be Blessed by God?*
I have an 18 year old son that has been dating his girlfriend for 2 years. They are officially engaged. Recently they suspected she was pregnant. God answers prayers and thankfully she was not.
I tried to talk to both kids about pre martial sex and abstaining until they are married. My son's reply shocked me.. He proceeded to tell me "We are married mom".. I asked what made him think that. He said they had made their vows to each other and consummated the relationship, and though not legally married he felt that they are married in the eyes of God. He also stated that no where in the bible does it state you have to go through a "ceremony" and he felt what they did was enough.
My son is a VERY intelligent boy, in the top 10% of his class in college, but since he started taking philosophy he has come up with some strange ideas about God etc.. I want to show him that they need to be legally married but I can't find anywhere in the bible where it states "How to marry", it just says marry. Can you help me find an answer, or is my son right? Any advice would be appreciated.
Hi Lynn,
Thank you for writing. This is a very interesting question as it pertains to the biblical approach to marriage. I'd like to review the way the Bible approaches the concept of marriage. *I think marriage is woefully misunderstood in our society and by examining how the Bible defines marriage we can better grasp how we should enter into a marriage relationship.*
*1. Marriage is an institution created by God and therefore is holy.*
Jesus confirmed this in Matthew 19 when He said, "Have you not read that He who created them from the beginning made them male and female, and said, 'for this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh'? So they are no longer two, but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let no man separate."
Because God created marriage, it becomes more than just a cultural idea. It is a holy union blessed by God. In recognizing such, it deserves a certain amount of respect and recognition beyond "we say we're married so we are".
*2. Marriage can only be between a man and a woman.*
In creating marriage, God defined it precisely. Genesis 2:24 states, "For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother, and be joined to his wife; and they shall become one flesh." Marriage can only be between a man and a woman where they are joined together as a single entity. It involves the leaving of the old, childhood life and starting something new.
There are many kinds of unions between people. However, that does not make them equivalent to marriage. Living together may be a type of union, but it does not join the participants into a single entity. Our laws recognize that spouses cannot testify against one another; precisely because they are joined in such a union.
It also answers the question of so-called "homosexual marriage". Since, by definition, marriage can only be between a man and a woman, homosexual unions are not marriages. They cannot be. You may use some other term to describe their relationship, but to use the word marriage is incorrect. The definition won't allow it.
*3. Marriage is more than a commitment.*
In your question, you state "He said they had made their vows to each other and consummated the relationship, ... He also stated that nowhere in the bible does it state you have to go through a 'ceremony' and he felt what they did was enough." Your son said he felt making vows to each other was enough to constitute a marriage in the eyes of God. *However, the Bible actually does take a different view.*
*You see, marriage is more than just making a commitment to someone else. It is also entering into a holy covenant before God.*
*In Malachi, God is rebuking the people of Judah for not following His laws. There we read, " 'Because the Lord has been a witness between you and the wife of your youth, against whom you have dealt treacherously, though she is your companion, and your wife by covenant.. For I hate divorce,' says the Lord." (Mal **2:14**,16).* (For more on divorce, please see "Is Matthew 19 a Contradiction?").
*God says here that marriage is a covenant, one witnessed and sealed by Him. A commitment is a civil agreement. A covenant is religious by nature and should be presided over by a religious official.*
Breaking a commitment can be done by mutual agreement. *However, a covenant is considered binding and can only be broken if God has provided for such a dissolution - such as adultery.*
*4. Marriage is to be witnessed.*
*Because marriage is a covenant to be entered freely by two individuals, is must be witnessed by at least two or three people. This idea is confirmed in Matthew 18:16, where Jesus quotes Leviticus, "Out of the mouth of two or three witnesses every fact may be confirmed."*
*Ruth 4:9-12 shows this applies specifically to marriage when Boaz seeks out witnesses to secure his right to marry Ruth, the Moabitess. There, the witnesses even pronounce a marriage blessing on them.*
*5. Marriage is to be held in honor.*
*If we take all of the above into account, we can see that marriage is an institution not to be taken lightly. In fact, it is a union of the highest honor. "Marriage is to be held in honor among all, and the marriage bed is to be undefiled..." (Heb. 13:4).*
*Interestingly, this verse links the idea of marriage to legal custom. In Romans 13, Paul tells us that we are to be in subjection to governing authorities. In other words, we are to obey the laws of the land because God has placed those people in power. Then, in verse 7, he writes, "Render to all what is due them: tax to whom tax is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honor to whom honor."*
*We know that marriage is honorable and the Bible commands us to render it honor properly. Further, it shows that we are to obey the governing laws and respect the customs associated with Biblical marriage.*
*Our laws recognize the holy union of marriage (point number 1), require it to be between a man and a woman (point number 2), recognizes the covenant nature of marriage by sanctioning clergy to perform marriage ceremonies (point number 3), and requires witnesses (point number 4). Therefore, in order to give marriage proper honor and to render the proper respect to the governing authorities, legal marriage is both required and appropriate. It does not follow that legal marriage is not necessary in today's society.*
*Taking all into account, the Bible clearly shows that an official marriage ceremony governed by clergy is entering into marriage appropriately. Jesus blessed official marriage by performing His first miracle at the marriage feast in Cana (John 2). His relationship with the church is compared to a bridegroom and his bride, again showing the holiness of the marriage relationship.*
*It is an unfortunate commentary on our society that we've reduced the idea of marriage to one of comfort. With Las Vegas 30 minute weddings and no-fault divorce, we are straying farther and farther away from the idea of the holy covenant God set forth. It is to be binding, not broken by any man.*
*I would question your son's sincerity in his intent for marriage. If he truly is serious in vowing "until death do us part", then why would he be resistant to making that vow legal? Many times people are betrayed by their concern for the consequences of their actions. The consequences of dissolving a legal marriage are much less than they were, but are still significant. It could be those consequences are what bothers him, which means he isn't entering a covenant relationship, but merely a temporary agreement -and that isn't marriage.*
I hope this has helped you understand what Biblical marriage is and why it is important. Please let me know how things go. I will be praying for you and your family. May God bless you as you continue to seek Him.
*Must Marriage be Legal to be Blessed by God?*
I have an 18 year old son that has been dating his girlfriend for 2 years. They are officially engaged. Recently they suspected she was pregnant. God answers prayers and thankfully she was not.
I tried to talk to both kids about pre martial sex and abstaining until they are married. *My son's reply shocked me.. He proceeded to tell me "We are married mom".. I asked what made him think that. He said they had made their vows to each other and consummated the relationship, and though not legally married he felt that they are married in the eyes of God. He also stated that no where in the bible does it state you have to go through a "ceremony" and he felt what they did was enough.*
My son is a VERY intelligent boy, in the top 10% of his class in college, but since he started taking philosophy he has come up with some strange ideas about God etc.. I want to show him that they need to be legally married but I can't find anywhere in the bible where it states "How to marry", it just says marry. Can you help me find an answer, or is my son right? Any advice would be appreciated.
Hi Lynn,
Thank you for writing. This is a very interesting question as it pertains to the biblical approach to marriage. I'd like to review the way the Bible approaches the concept of marriage. *I think marriage is woefully misunderstood in our society and by examining how the Bible defines marriage we can better grasp how we should enter into a marriage relationship.*
*1. Marriage is an institution created by God and therefore is holy.*
Jesus confirmed this in Matthew 19 when He said, "Have you not read that He who created them from the beginning made them male and female, and said, 'for this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh'? So they are no longer two, but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let no man separate."
*Because God created marriage, it becomes more than just a cultural idea. It is a holy union blessed by God.* In recognizing such, it deserves a certain amount of respect and recognition beyond "we say we're married so we are".
*2. Marriage can only be between a man and a woman.*
In creating marriage, God defined it precisely. Genesis 2:24 states, "For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother, and be joined to his wife; and they shall become one flesh." Marriage can only be between a man and a woman where they are joined together as a single entity. It involves the leaving of the old, childhood life and starting something new.
There are many kinds of unions between people. However, that does not make them equivalent to marriage. Living together may be a type of union, but it does not join the participants into a single entity. Our laws recognize that spouses cannot testify against one another; precisely because they are joined in such a union.
It also answers the question of so-called "homosexual marriage". Since, by definition, marriage can only be between a man and a woman, homosexual unions are not marriages. They cannot be. You may use some other term to describe their relationship, but to use the word marriage is incorrect. The definition won't allow it.
*3. Marriage is more than a commitment.*
In your question, you state "He said they had made their vows to each other and consummated the relationship, ... He also stated that nowhere in the bible does it state you have to go through a 'ceremony' and he felt what they did was enough." Your son said he felt making vows to each other was enough to constitute a marriage in the eyes of God. *However, the Bible actually does take a different view.*
*You see, marriage is more than just making a commitment to someone else. It is also entering into a holy covenant before God.*
*In Malachi, God is rebuking the people of Judah for not following His laws. There we read, " 'Because the Lord has been a witness between you and the wife of your youth, against whom you have dealt treacherously, though she is your companion, and your wife by covenant.. For I hate divorce,' says the Lord." (Mal **2:14**,16).* (For more on divorce, please see "Is Matthew 19 a Contradiction?").
*God says here that marriage is a covenant, one witnessed and sealed by Him. A commitment is a civil agreement. A covenant is religious by nature and should be presided over by a religious official.*
Breaking a commitment can be done by mutual agreement. *However, a covenant is considered binding and can only be broken if God has provided for such a dissolution - such as adultery.*
*4. Marriage is to be witnessed.*
*Because marriage is a covenant to be entered freely by two individuals, is must be witnessed by at least two or three people. This idea is confirmed in Matthew 18:16, where Jesus quotes Leviticus, "Out of the mouth of two or three witnesses every fact may be confirmed."*
*Ruth 4:9-12 shows this applies specifically to marriage when Boaz seeks out witnesses to secure his right to marry Ruth, the Moabitess. There, the witnesses even pronounce a marriage blessing on them.*
*5. Marriage is to be held in honor.*
*If we take all of the above into account, we can see that marriage is an institution not to be taken lightly. In fact, it is a union of the highest honor. "Marriage is to be held in honor among all, and the marriage bed is to be undefiled..." (Heb. 13:4).*
*Interestingly, this verse links the idea of marriage to legal custom. In Romans 13, Paul tells us that we are to be in subjection to governing authorities. In other words, we are to obey the laws of the land because God has placed those people in power. Then, in verse 7, he writes, "Render to all what is due them: tax to whom tax is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honor to whom honor."*
*We know that marriage is honorable and the Bible commands us to render it honor properly. Further, it shows that we are to obey the governing laws and respect the customs associated with Biblical marriage.*
*Our laws recognize the holy union of marriage (point number 1), require it to be between a man and a woman (point number 2), recognizes the covenant nature of marriage by sanctioning clergy to perform marriage ceremonies (point number 3), and requires witnesses (point number 4). Therefore, in order to give marriage proper honor and to render the proper respect to the governing authorities, legal marriage is both required and appropriate. It does not follow that legal marriage is not necessary in today's society.*
*Taking all into account, the Bible clearly shows that an official marriage ceremony governed by clergy is entering into marriage appropriately. Jesus blessed official marriage by performing His first miracle at the marriage feast in Cana (John 2). His relationship with the church is compared to a bridegroom and his bride, again showing the holiness of the marriage relationship.*
*It is an unfortunate commentary on our society that we've reduced the idea of marriage to one of comfort. With Las Vegas 30 minute weddings and no-fault divorce, we are straying farther and farther away from the idea of the holy covenant God set forth. It is to be binding, not broken by any man.*
*I would question your son's sincerity in his intent for marriage. If he truly is serious in vowing "until death do us part", then why would he be resistant to making that vow legal? Many times people are betrayed by their concern for the consequences of their actions. The consequences of dissolving a legal marriage are much less than they were, but are still significant. It could be those consequences are what bothers him, which means he isn't entering a covenant relationship, but merely a temporary agreement -and that isn't marriage.*
I hope this has helped you understand what Biblical marriage is and why it is important. Please let me know how things go. I will be praying for you and your family. May God bless you as you continue to seek Him.
(From Come Reason . Org)
What if your government's laws have drifted so far from Biblical principles that feels more like a curse than a blessing to be considered "legally" married? 😂
The Bible tells us to honor the government’s laws, but as with anything we honor God first and foremost
@@iamjulian2810 I remember that scripture being once it's in accordance to God. So I mean ppl were getting married years ago without government.
@@mightymorphinniqz9235 yes i know. And all scripture is in accordance with God’s word, my point was God>government
These are my thoughts exactly, and this is why I only want to be married in God's eyes and not the government.
In the United States, the Government wasn't involved in marriage at all until the early 20th century. There's a vast difference between marriage and legal marriage. Legal marriage is a counterfeit of spiritual marriage. We all know who is the Father of spiritual counterfeits.
If the couple is not legally married- what constitutes a divorce?
Exudes 22:16,17
In the Caymanislands we don't have a marriage we have what's call a partnership but some people still have the American standard of a wedding
TH-cam "Betty Bowers Explains Traditional Biblical Marriage." Salomon had 700 wives and 300 concubine. Lots of diversity in the Bible about relationships
There is no polygamy in the New Testament.
'When asked about marriage, Jesus Christ said: “He who created them from the beginning made them male and female and said, “For this reason a man will leave his father and his mother and will stick to his wife, and the “two” will be one flesh” (Matthew 19:4, 5).'
The first marriage was monogamous and Jesus and his disciples only approved of one man one woman.
Now you can make an argument that you disagree, but you cannot make an argument that the Biblical view of a true marriage is polygamy. God knew humans fail to not sin, but his understanding of that isn't a cosign. It's just the way of the world.
@5050TM only if you throw out the Old Covenant completely; and that God finally decided that about 2000 years ago when the New Covenant was written. Polygamy was still being practiced in some Christian churches until around 1890 and still a few today.
The Most High would Never tell His people to go surrender Under the Authority of a Heathen rulership. That's the Same thing as You telling your Wife to surrender to the man next door...think about it.
May I remarried if my husband asked me for a divorce. And I still love him unconditionally. But I know God took him out of my life for some reason. I don't want to be alone. But I don't want to do my will. Would it be okay with God?
Please help me.
@@angelicadiaz4292 If your husband asked you for a divorce and you agreed and signed the divorce papers . You have been made an adulteress. If you were following and obeying Jesus Christ commands you would not divorce your husband . However if your husband is dead you are free to marry another as long as he is a Christian.
It's not what I want. Thank you for sharing. God bless you all.
Got Questions has plenty of articles online if you need answers. They might not have converted all their articles into TH-cam videos yet so it's best to read the articles on their website. Hope you find the answer.
If you're husband divorced you and you had never committed adultery resulting in his seeking the divorce, then you are okay to move on and remarry.
You missed a lot more verses to confirm and deny all 3 points.
What exactly is a concubine? And how do I get several?
Getting by the state seems counter productove now days.
I have always taken the "one flesh" principle as referring to the production of children... I have looked into the meaning of the original Hebrew and Greek words used and I am just not convinced they mean anything more... It is true that in marriage the individuals do often become quite close and attached but sometimes I think people read into the words used what they feel instead of those intended by th he author.
As a side note.... If "one flesh" is in fact a reference to the making of children then these passages would be an exclusion to gay marriage.... Two men or two women cannot produce one flesh (make a baby).
What about a woman or man who can’t reproduce
What about them? You do know what a general statement is right?
Taking somebody else's statement and exaggerating it beyond logic in order to push a false narrative is a fallacy..... But you know that right?
@@GSpotter63 I’m genuinely trying to understand your understanding of one flesh…it means the production of children, but the scripture excludes certain groups of people? So do you think that marriage isn’t marriage between those groups? (I’m not trying to offend you or exaggerate anything. There are so many things that I don’t understand.I just want to learn. To do that means asking questions)
"The scriptures exclude certain groups of people"
YES! Anything other then one man and one women. Just as the maker of the universe has stated in his words...
Matthew Chapter 25
41Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:
42For I was an hungred, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink:
2 Peter 2:17
These are wells without water, clouds that are carried with a tempest; to whom the mist of darkness is reserved for ever.
These aren’t relevant
The documents we used to forgo a marriage license wasf untrue but we were married because of these untrue documents. My lawyer says this is a valid reason for our marriage to be voided. But in the eyes of God are we married if we had dishonest documents?
I have a question. So in the bible it says,”Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh” so does this mean as soon as a man lives with his wife they are married in god’s eyes? Because also back in biblical times ceremonies werent always done. So i just need help if this view is correct or not.
...this good fellow communicates and concludes at the end of his account here that a combination of the 1) law, the 2) culture and sexual 2) intercourse (if physically possible) in a community that you live in, constitutes a marriage in the eyes of God. Is this account correct?
It seems the family court systems in most states heavily favor women in the division of assets and custody of children in the case of divorce and also in domestic disputes.
I think having to submit to authority of this biased court culture makes the requirements of government approval unreasonable.
My parents forced me to marry after pregnancy. Was that a ligitimate?
*We all know Bible has no reference at all about wedding ceremony in church or anywhere. No wedding ring or marriage vows or marriage certificate mentioned in the Bible. Old Testament and New Testament. What if a man and woman take a pledge among themselves and start living together, have sex and love one another Biblically in all respects? Are not they married in the sight of God? Did I tell you most couples despite having had church weddings, marriage certificates, wedding rings, live separated (though not divorced by law), live as divorced? Biblically God sees what you are in your married life in heart and deeds, despite not having all government and church proofs*
I'm unsure if you read bible but Jesus attended a marriage in Cana in which he turned the water into wine. It best to pray for understanding before we lead ourselves into destruction 🙏
In my provence it is legally the same if you are living together as a couple . So would that fall under government laws in eyes of god ?
I dont want to get state legal document married. Unfortunately this generation, anything that goes wrong with legal documentation, it can get ugly
Why in Genesis there are no wedding ceremonies. Why did adam, cain, isaac didn't have marriage ceremonies. Are their marriages invalid
Biblucal marriage is this...
, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh?
Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.
Matthew 19:5-6
so wait is government recognition needed to be married in Gods eyes? Yes or no?
This is a good example of eisegesis. Classic scripture-twisting.
Can you explain a bit more what you mean? Thank you.
Atcually Romans 13:1-2 is quite the opposite to what you may think, if you look at the most original we have today and with guidence and wisdom from God, then he will tell show you that he means spiritual authority aka real authority and anyone with spiritual authority is someone who God has given authority. He doesn't mean presidents and such because they atcually have no authority over the follower of God.
All I want to do is marry my girlfriend for 7-8 years without involvement of the government. Is that a sin and ungodly in his eyes?
This is literally all I want too. There are so many different views on this
Please get a marriage certificate and witness I did the private vow and was under heavy conviction of fornication I prayed and I would fast about if I was really married the peace of the Lord left me in that and was under spiritual attack until I removed myself from the situation. God bless
So for an example a boyfriend and girlfriend love each other and have a sexual intercourse for the first time are they married? Even though they didn’t have a ceremony or a legal contracted marriage? Does all 3 views have to apply to being considered married? Is it okay for them to live together after some time of being together? Then get legally married later on?
You are not commanded by American Law to be Marrried. For even Homosexuals can do that at least for the moment. As women are not commanded by Law to seek an abortion , it was just legal but not any more for now it is illegal. So submit to the Laws of the Land for it is God who allowed them to be there. But almost all peoples do not understand what Jesus said. Jesus said to them, “People of this age marry and are given in marriage. But those that have been found worthy of this age and the resurrection do not marry reproduce there own kind for they are sons of the resurrection and cannot die anymore.
Your 1,2,3 conclusion sounds very catholic to me. I would like to see your analysis of the catholic teachings on marriage. Considering they put the bible together and have an unbroken 2000 years of tradition to call on I don’t think we should dismiss them and their teaching so quickly. We might learn something from a full analysis of why they teach covenantal marriage and marriage as a sacrament.
God bless you.
Thank you.
@Margaret Bullock
I would doubt that. The Catholic faith has always taught that marriage is a holy sacrament. The Catholics believe in seven sacraments. The priest is in attendance at all those sacraments. So I would guess that a marriage In the Catholic Church would’ve as often as possible been attended by a priest, and in fact probably required a priest in all circumstances. But I could be wrong.
The Catholic Church didn't perform weddings as a sacrament until the 1520's AFTER the Protestant Church in Europe began doing it. Neither Church nor government is a requirement for a real marriage.
Yeah uhh, no. In the eyes of the law? Absolutely not. The law is a human constructed system that I don’t recall seeing in the Bible. “Gotta file that paperwork before you’re actually married!” Yeah no
God considers two people married when, the bride and groom freely agree to form a Marriage Covenant and the bride's Father or other male guardian agrees to the Marriage Covenant with very few exceptions.
1 Corinthians 7:1-2 Says each man should have intercourse with his wife and each wife have intercourse with her husband. I don't think you can use that as an argument against the biblical basis of intercourse defining marriage because nowhere in the passage does it even define what marriage is. It could be interpreted to mean the commitment a husband and wife make together before God, and the sexual immorality means casual sex without commitment. The bible also says marriage is when a man leaves his father and mother and becomes one flesh with his wife. This means you live together and you have sexual relations with one another. I believe it is important and good to get legally married, but the Bible does not say this is what makes a marriage real. The most important aspect is the commitment the two make to God to stay loyal and love one another for life. I have a hunch that the ceremony has to do symbolic agreement of the father giving the daughter away to her husband, because before women did not have the power to make a decision to marry who they wanted if they still were under their father's authority. Now women have more equal rights they can make this decision whenever they want to whoever they choose. From my point of view walking across a room inside a church and making a public show of your commitment to God isn't what makes that commitment valid, nor is the documentation. That's just my take on this, much love to y'all and God bless.
You never mention The title of this piece asks, “Is it wrong to have sex before marriage?” so let me start by showing from the Bible that such behavior is clearly a sin. “Fornication” is the (now rarely used word) for sex between two persons who are not married. In traditional terms, adultery has often meant illicit sex once married, and fornication has meant illicit sex outside of marriage. The word “fornication” is used in the King James Version in 1 Corinthians 6:18, but the Greek word there is porneia which includes every kind of illicit sexual activity, from adultery to homosexuality to prostitution to sex before marriage also biblical.
O.oh so Adam and Eve never had a ceremony, another sin.. or wait... Our lord made sure there come together.
Now, that said.. what if "marriage" is being together men and woman called a relationship and one night stand is outside marriage (outside relationship)
This whole video is untrue there was no law in bc
You are adding your own words to scripture and taking scripture out of context it says that Issac seen Rebecca and loved her and then he took Rebecca into his mother's tent and she became his wife so you're wrong
Jesus explains who is married in God's eyes, it's when two become one flesh, it would have been easier to understand had it translated, When two bodies of flesh become one body of flesh, a child being one of him and one of her, also obviously born out of mutual love and not born out of any sexual sin forbidden in the law, Jesus said what God has joined together, not man nor one representing God, this includes all of mankind, not just those given to customs and traditions
Also if you can't consummate sexual intercourse your not married, Jesus made this rule clear in the Bible, so he's absolutely wrong about that one
Can you share scriptures to show that sexual intercourse is needed to validate the marriage?
My friend married a man in prison and they divorced never had sex. So wants to know if she can remarry? And was that marriage bailed if they didn’t get to consummate the marriage!
@Israel144K I have this exact problem smh. I been searching for answers. He left the marriage while he was still incarcerated. We were married for like a month before he called it off.
@@Pooh_86 well that sounds like a whole pickle and a half, maybe he thought you were too beautiful handling the maintenance of the relationship was too much for him, oh well better luck next time
@@patricksanders2219 do you know in the Bible where it's permitted for me to remarry, given my circumstances?
@@Pooh_86 yes and that makes sense
I cant take these Solo scriptoral protostants seriously
You’re correct but it’s really validated once the husband virgin and wife virgin consummate the marriage on the wedding night bed and the BLOOD is on the bedsheets, it’s a BLOOD COVENANT, BLOODLINE it’s all about the blood. That’s why the scriptures said let not the bed be defiled in marriage, come on teachers.
1. Is rubbish. Did any of the Old Testament people get married and register it by law? Lmaoooooo. It was a vow before God with family as witnesses.
This is one of the most blatant manipulations of scripture I have ever seen! Shameful.
This man is preaching false scriptures
I'm kinda getting the idea according to this guy that marriage is only valid if it's a man and WOMAN .. In this whole video he talks around the fact that marriage has had no universal standard it has all been cultural and religion specific defined .. In the old Testament marriage was different than today .. Marriage for love was not a condition of marriage .. In the vast majority of cultures marriage was a property and social issue .. Arranged by the families .. There was no marriage in the early church it was a civil matter with some people later asking for a blessing from the bishop or other church authority .. After the fall of the Western Roman Empire did the church step in to perform marriages to validate the couple's relationship under the law .. He even destroyed the idea put forth by right wingers who say 1 man 1 woman with a biblical passage recognizing polygamy ..