I saw this video about a year ago, and thanks to you I no longer spend my money on Pokémon cards. I buy huge bulk , resale it in lots of 100 cards, get my money back and spend all the extra money on singles that I want. I’ve bought around 1K in cards for my collection without spending a single penny of my income.
As a person who started collecting in the last 2 weeks I can agree those bulk sales seem very reasonable & tempting when starting out. 50 cards for $5 vs 10 cards for a $5 pack sounds better when we are starting from scratch and just want cards for ourselves regardless of what they are.
I remember putting my bulk cards into sleeved binders 3 of them completely full , I spent the time to individually price each of them for my mom's yard sale , the next week I seen her and she told me they all sold I was so excited , then she said yeah some dude offered me $2 for all of them , and then I explained to her that the binders and sleeved pages cost me more than $2 ..... That was like 15 years ago , all base set or fossil..
Made the same mistake except a binder of base set foils for $350. This was a couple years after base set came out... Def not making that mistake again. Even if "modern" cards aren't worth anything in another 25 years, I already know I'll look back on it and think "I still made the right decision".
Happened to most of us. My mom sold my old cards while I was away and I know she didn’t get much for them. And years ago, my parents had me tear up my Yu Gi Oh cards because they thought they were the devil... the joys of growing up in Texas… I was so sad that day. There was always something happening that shook people out of their cards. That’s why they’re so expensive nowadays.
Sold my original collection of about 2000 cards plus another 15 decks all from base set up to neo plus a game boy classic with a few games all for $150 on eBay 4 years ago when I was struggling, i regret it so bad, I think about it all the time, wish I would’ve never done it, worst part was that somehow the guy who bought em never received the package, he reported me on PayPal after a few months, he got his money back, i was charged the $150 and the package was lost, when I entered the tracking number I got an error and Usps couldn’t help me
Thanks for the information. I recently got stationed in Japan and got back into collecting. Already have a sizable bulk of commons, uncommons, Vs, and VMAX that I would like to sell.
Great vid as usual! Lots of useful info....not to discourage anyone but with Ebay's constant fee increases (and their new tax on all sales over $600).....its alot of work for very little ROI...no hate, just keeping it real!
What a good video, I had to save it in my bookmarks. How do you deal with the shipping costs selling a 50 to 100 bulk for $5.00? 14:55 if you're a Waluigi fan
Awesome info! Thanks for spreading knowledge piece by piece bro! I wanna start handling my bulk soon. Only thing I don’t have a computer and a printer atm which I feel makes it a bit more challenging maybe. Is it possible to manage doing it all from my phone?
@@TCGFunhouse Got ya and thank you for answering my questions. If I hand write the labels for now maybe secure the lots part for the future and work on uncommons and commons to ship out as bulk to add the money to invest in a computer and printer?
@@TCGFunhouse tcg player's direct system is also a super hassle free way to sell bulk. Cuts your shipping cost substantially and gives you tons of more free time for other things
Thanks so much for the videos! Working on opening my own TCG and TTG store. Been watching a bunch of your videos. Quick question, where do you get the plastic for your 50 and 100 card lots?
I just started collecting pokemon cards and have tons of commons and uncommons, but ive never sold anything that requires shipping before so im extremely nervous to try this out 😭 I really want to make some money back to buy more booster packs though 🥺
0.02 Card + 0.78 Shipping is not $80 for 100 cards you get. You spend the shipping so really its $2 you get back shipping 100 cards! That's not including taxes/fees or replacements etc!
This is all really helpful information! I have one question regarding the shipping method you use. For this cheaper bulk single cards, do you send them in just a standard envelope? What do you think is the most efficient way to ship these?
what do you put in your 50 card stacks ? meaning as like do you put like only trainers in one and your grass and fire in another or do you mix it up for the 50 card stacks you sell for 5$?
One more thing, BUY LOW and SELL HIGH. Remember when charizard sold for 200$? Lmao also where to get good lots? I got 2k off fatalcharizard. Not expecting him to just give money away like moistcritikal. But they look cheap rn (27$)
I saw this video about a year ago, and thanks to you I no longer spend my money on Pokémon cards. I buy huge bulk , resale it in lots of 100 cards, get my money back and spend all the extra money on singles that I want. I’ve bought around 1K in cards for my collection without spending a single penny of my income.
That is awesome!
As a person who started collecting in the last 2 weeks I can agree those bulk sales seem very reasonable & tempting when starting out. 50 cards for $5 vs 10 cards for a $5 pack sounds better when we are starting from scratch and just want cards for ourselves regardless of what they are.
I remember putting my bulk cards into sleeved binders 3 of them completely full , I spent the time to individually price each of them for my mom's yard sale , the next week I seen her and she told me they all sold I was so excited , then she said yeah some dude offered me $2 for all of them , and then I explained to her that the binders and sleeved pages cost me more than $2 .....
That was like 15 years ago , all base set or fossil..
Oh no. Garage sales the bane of Pokémon card existence
Made the same mistake except a binder of base set foils for $350. This was a couple years after base set came out... Def not making that mistake again.
Even if "modern" cards aren't worth anything in another 25 years, I already know I'll look back on it and think "I still made the right decision".
My mom did that with all my sports and Pokémon cards / I have a binder of $466 worth of yu gi oh I’m tryna sell for $200 and nobody will take it
Happened to most of us. My mom sold my old cards while I was away and I know she didn’t get much for them. And years ago, my parents had me tear up my Yu Gi Oh cards because they thought they were the devil... the joys of growing up in Texas… I was so sad that day. There was always something happening that shook people out of their cards. That’s why they’re so expensive nowadays.
Sold my original collection of about 2000 cards plus another 15 decks all from base set up to neo plus a game boy classic with a few games all for $150 on eBay 4 years ago when I was struggling, i regret it so bad, I think about it all the time, wish I would’ve never done it, worst part was that somehow the guy who bought em never received the package, he reported me on PayPal after a few months, he got his money back, i was charged the $150 and the package was lost, when I entered the tracking number I got an error and Usps couldn’t help me
I’m 12 seconds in and I am already loving this. No dumb intro, just cuts straight to it. Thanks bro 😤👍
You earned a subscriber here today bro
Thanks Mr Taco
Same here. Instant Sub. TY
Thanks for the information. I recently got stationed in Japan and got back into collecting. Already have a sizable bulk of commons, uncommons, Vs, and VMAX that I would like to sell.
A lot of great information here thanks for sharing it. Seems like a lot of work getting it all ready and sold but it all looks like it adds up
It’s def a lot of work and time. But can be worth it overall
Great vid as usual! Lots of useful info....not to discourage anyone but with Ebay's constant fee increases (and their new tax on all sales over $600).....its alot of work for very little ROI...no hate, just keeping it real!
Singles is def a small ROI heavy bulk selling game
I work handling Pokémon cards as my 9 to 5, but this is a great idea to keep getting money for my hobby. I’ll be doing this . Thank you
Thanks Oscar
i thoroughly enjoy your channel!
Great Informational Video Travis
Thanks Sean
Thank you , very informative and helpful.
What a good video, I had to save it in my bookmarks. How do you deal with the shipping costs selling a 50 to 100 bulk for $5.00? 14:55 if you're a Waluigi fan
Hey nice work!
Thanks so much !
Brilliant tips! Thanks buddy, good luck with your collecting and business!
Much appreciated!
thanks for taking the time to teach this! :)
You are welcome
Great Video, I am starting to get into selling and you are making it a lot easier!
Let’s go
I burn them for warmth during the winter time
Awesome info! Thanks for spreading knowledge piece by piece bro! I wanna start handling my bulk soon. Only thing I don’t have a computer and a printer atm which I feel makes it a bit more challenging maybe. Is it possible to manage doing it all from my phone?
I know that you can setup auctions on both eBay and TCGPLAYER from the apps.
Printing labels would be the hard part. You could hand write everything and take it down to the post office. But it will be inconvenient and pricey
@@TCGFunhouse Got ya and thank you for answering my questions. If I hand write the labels for now maybe secure the lots part for the future and work on uncommons and commons to ship out as bulk to add the money to invest in a computer and printer?
My fav quote from an old card store owner I once knew was, "bulk pays bills"
@@TCGFunhouse tcg player's direct system is also a super hassle free way to sell bulk. Cuts your shipping cost substantially and gives you tons of more free time for other things
Thanks a lot!!! This is the video I was looking for!! You got a new sub!!
Thanks for the sub!
Awesome content thank you boss🙏🏻
Thanks Dude
Super helpful man I appreciate it
Another great video travvv
I sold all of my bulk back when I could find pokemon cards
So barren out there right Now for sure
Looking into getting into this.. where can i find the shipping supplies, the plastic for the lots for example
All kinds of places. eBay and amazon is where I get most of my shopping stuff
Very cool content. Got a lot from this. Thankyou
Thanks so much
This was incredibly helpful! Thanks a ton for this!
Seems like many have this as a side hobby. Makes me wonder if it’s possible to be ok financially doing this full time?
Plenty of people do this full time 💯💯💯
You look so much like Bray Wyatt in the video picture lol it’s crazy (not an insult lol he’s the man)
I have heard that about this video a few times lmao
@@TCGFunhouse lol definitely a cool person to be looking like lol and he ad the FireFly Funhouse so I was dieing lol good video dude 🤘🏼🤘🏼
Sweet, this is what I needed
I subbed great video
Thanks for the info bro 🙏🏾
Big fan also in description can u link ur tcg store
I would love to do this I I barely have time I would have to do it all on the weekends Great info though
Time is definitely one of the biggest factors in the bulk game
This would be cool but I don’t even have as much as 1000 cards without energy’s or reverses and rates
Keep collecting!!!
Can you do a video on the packaging and labeling process for these methods of sales.
Y everyone use bosses order > guzma, when they also put switch in their deck?
Seems redundant
Thanks so much for the videos! Working on opening my own TCG and TTG store. Been watching a bunch of your videos.
Quick question, where do you get the plastic for your 50 and 100 card lots?
I’m wondering the same thing!
great video!
I just started collecting pokemon cards and have tons of commons and uncommons, but ive never sold anything that requires shipping before so im extremely nervous to try this out 😭 I really want to make some money back to buy more booster packs though 🥺
Hard to find good bulk buyers in my side of the world...
Hey i was curious as to how shipping would work for a single card for instance
I posted a short about it
wait you never said where we could send our 3000-4000 cards for a booster box
Too much work for me lol nice informative video my man!
I’m sure you put in just as much work with your middle man submissions dude.
Omaash, I think we'll just let PSA do the work for us
@@legendofdawn213 huh? Haha
@@omaash Grading PSA cards and selling at a premium is much easier than this method
@@legendofdawn213 oh yes 100%! Haha completely forgot the context of my comment and this video. It’s been a while lol
What’s the best way of keeping your bulk in great condition?
i have turtonator gx
awesome !
What do you pack your 50 card lots with?
Cost-Benefit is important. May not be worth 10 hours or more to get the extra 50 or 100 bucks. but its always dealers choice in the end.
Nice thumbnail 😂
What is the best way to ship 50-100 card lots and maximize profits?
I'm making decks to sell my extra cards that way I can get rid of a lot a common and energy cards😁
Where do you get the bags that hold the 50 cards each?
Check a few places. eBay, Amazon, local game stores
0.02 Card + 0.78 Shipping is not $80 for 100 cards you get. You spend the shipping so really its $2 you get back shipping 100 cards! That's not including taxes/fees or replacements etc!
can i sell my pokemon cards to you
Right I got plenty
@@cuzcuzz6134 I will purchase them. Are they lot/bulk sell or just your old collection?
I will purchase them are they lot/bulk or old collection?
@@JohnsBones I can sell you my cards or trade you
@@abo7ara218 I'd buy your cards too
Is this still relevant today with all the Pokémon hype? Will companies like full grip games still send you a booster box for 3000 cards?
A lot of stores will still do trade ins yea
@@TCGFunhouse Time to count my cards.
So do you actually sell bulk lots on eBay? I don't see any sales for that going back as far as December
I don’t sell bulk on eBay. Just singles over a certain dollar amount.
@@TCGFunhouse what’s the minimum dollar amount worth selling on eBay?
This is all really helpful information! I have one question regarding the shipping method you use. For this cheaper bulk single cards, do you send them in just a standard envelope? What do you think is the most efficient way to ship these?
Check out my previous video in the series that goes over shipping !
what is the thing called where he was able to fit 50 cards in
Ultra Pro Team Bag
Hey, I’m actually pending to go to level 3.
nice !!!
I learned a lot
Awesom !
I think I have a hyper rare nine tails gx
Nice !
Thank you
suddenly working in a warehouse at a semiconductor plant seems not so bad anymore lol
Also… how much do you want to price for 5k bulks?
You are a genius!
Wish i was lmao
what do you put in your 50 card stacks ? meaning as like do you put like only trainers in one and your grass and fire in another or do you mix it up for the 50 card stacks you sell for 5$?
mix for sure
But how do we supposed to get a lot of cards
By opening packs !
@@TCGFunhouse I guess!
what part of florida do you live in because you could do a private session with me becaause i want to be a pokemon resaler
Great fkn video bro
How come I’m not making any sells on tcg player?
Have you over priced your cards ?
My local hobby shop only offer me 30$ cash for 3000 cards. I was pissed.
Never do that ! Terrible deal
A penny a card
Trainer cards count right but no energies ?
Definitely a lot of work, I spend hours just sorting through cards before even selling them haha
Yep. Time time and more time
Love it
We're waiting for a fallout scenario where commons/uncommons will go to the moon and we sell them to wastlanders at a massive margin
Is there a UK equivalent to TCGplayer?
A couple questions up he said not that he knew of
Tcg doesn't work for canadian 😢
That stinks
Do you have to ship your cards or dose tcg player ship them for you
I ship them. TCG Player Direct doesn’t really save you money unless you are selling hundreds a week or so
what are websites that I could use to do this
Answer in video
What’s the best site you’d recommend to trade your bulk in for a booster box? 🤔 Anyone? Haha
Hydro pump
What would you suggest from vintage bulk? Like diamond a pearl era cards.
TCG Player all day
and it is holo
I really appreciate this video as I need more money for more packs for my channel 🤣
More money equals more packs haha
My mightyena ex be chilling
I got rid of bulk but this time we have most to the school
That’s cool
One more thing, BUY LOW and SELL HIGH.
Remember when charizard sold for 200$? Lmao also where to get good lots? I got 2k off fatalcharizard. Not expecting him to just give money away like moistcritikal. But they look cheap rn (27$)
You the g
hi there, is there any tcgplayer alternative to sell on in EU? seems like tcg is only for US =(
I don’t know unfortunately.
I will buy bulk, anyone selling let me know.
I have an entire room of bulk cards
Give me a Sylveon plushie🦊🦊🦊
they are super cute ones for sure
3000 card minimum? $1500 of 5 dollar booster packs eeeek
Sell them to a player, they love bulk. (Speaking as a player)
Be careful of who you use. Safari Zone was not a good experience for our channel.
Oof that’s rough
the shippingscosts are fucking you over when you sell shit cards for 0,25 cents or a dollar
-_- lmao. Dude that is alot of work for 20 cents a card. I'd be better off just selling the whole lot for a set price lol.