Taxing people for the sin of providing education. Didn't Blair say his priority was "education, education, education"? May as well put VAT on student fees as most students come from wealthier families.
Even if they end tax breaks and try and make it difficult for religious schools to exist and they get taxed, even though they get no help from government..and even though public schools get billions of pounds to promote their version of history, religion.. Jesus Christ is still LORD OF ALL .. This truth will never be quashed.
@@codders69they don’t …. It’s all fudged tourism numbers to make the monarchy look better…. Tourists still go to France and Italy not for the monarchy and they will still come to the UK..
@Cobra_Kie this is true... once they have a prayer room it becomes a place of worship 👍 and can no longer be considered "residential" although people live there
Crazy is thinking successive governments have not looked at waste constantly for the past 50 years - working in commercial organisations having been on many projects that focus on reducing "waste" it is no easy task, and ends up costing more than it saves.
Of course, they have to pay for their constantly increasing size so they can continue to gorge themselves. Why do they never think 'maybe we should cut back on certain parts of the government' cause they are greedy leaches.
And... totally and utterly missed the impending fcup. The money spent by parents on private education frees up the money that would have been used by that pupil if they were in the state education system. Said money is then used within the state education system. Win-win. No. Whoever advised Phillipson that this would result in a net gain for the education system believes that 2+2=5.
As a taxpayer I certainly don't want to be paying for children's education when their parents were willing to pay for it themselves. I went to a state school, and certainly don't have any great love for private education but this policy seems, like so many other of Labour's, to be very badly thought out.
I think its offensive that we allow these public schools to vene exist while we have thousands of schools that are literally crumbling to bits because the wealthy dont want to pay taxes
I'm looking forward to all these parents taking up their legal entitlement to state school places that they currently pay for but don't use. Let's see how the education system copes with that. No VAT coming in but additional costs to the state system. Labour are just a nasty, vindictive party.
When private schools pay up and stop pretending to be CHARITIES, all public schools will be of the same STANDARDS, stop these LIES…Labours reflecting the GREED of ELITE societies…!!!
Both my grandsons go to a private school and I'm fortunate to be able to help towards the fees ,that said I agree that why should I not have to pay VAT ? let's improve the state schools with the money
Less pupils going to private achools means more pressure on the already oversubscribed state school system. This tax will actually end up costing the country more money. Starmer has absolutely no idea how the country works.
Not only that, VAT registered schools can now claim back the VAT on business related works over the last 10 years. Last year, Eton School soent £21.5m on new sports facilities, that includes a swimming pool. The government now owes the school over £4m, right from the off. Total VAT revenue from Eton will be about £20m a year. VAT rebates will chip into that
Well, I think is better. Imo all paid school should be closed, everybody gets the same education. Maybe then, the rich parents, will fight with the rest of us for better schools.
How to put a nation into decline - destroy its education system. Stopped voting for Labour decades ago. My wife and I are both professionals but both our parents were not. We choose to put our two sons into private schools only because the state schools locally were so bad. This involved big sacrifices over the years and same applied to many other parents too.
Ok, so these people are paying for education twice, paying tax into the system partly for education, not benefiting from it, and then paying a private tax on their wages, then paying an institution, who pays tax on profit, (maybe not VAT), then employees wages, who pay tax on that, who pay tax on what they buy..... TAX TAX TAX TAX TAX - Then spend it like it's going out of fashion....
Aren’t we all paying taxes to fund schools? In essence this government is taxing independent schools and at the same time admits that taxation is ineffective and therefore is imposing more tax. Great logic. I agree, we pay road tax that doesn’t fix any roads.
Despite coming from a background of miners on my mother's side (Durham) and miners on my Father's side (Blaenavon) none of us have EVER voted for Liebour, as we all believe in hard work and enterprise and not in union shenanigans, fake strikes and benefit claiming. My daughter went to private school, because of the awful local comp and afforded by the massive sacrifices we made - No overseas holidays for 30 years, 1 meal out a year for 30 years, 1 weeks UK holiday for 30 years etc. On a Saturday afternoon pick-up at my daughter's school, one lad was picked up in a helicopter, one in a Ferrari and the rest in a mix of vehicles, including carpenters and plumber's vans! This tax is a tax on aspiration, a tax on sacrifice and a tax on choice.
This is the only govt. Vat on private schools obviously pvt schools charge to parents , for hard working parents its like paying double tax , after tax money paying school fees with Vat ,this is the only country in the world came with this policy -forgotten education is service.
@@Srinaredlanaredla Agreed, it is why a good 7-9 million Brits have left this country over the last 25-30 years. Brexit and immigration has mask the British brain drain that has gone on due to the all fees, taxes, VAT, and public sector cut backs, this policy won't help matters.
Look forward to larger state school classes in future as less well off parents are pushed out of the private sector. The politics of envy will not only fail to achieve what it sets out to do, but will actually result in a worse education system for both private and state schools.
@@weightsallday2245 Labour know it's a vote winner to charge more tax on people who the public think are rich. In reality some of those parents are very rich, but many are not. However it's the perception of taxing the rich that if the politics of envy. Otherwise all private education, including nurseries and universities would attract VAT, which they do not currently.
And th VAT break on insurance, books, MBA feesl university fees, hospitals, betting, lotteries, water bills, electric, lonas, credit cards, new house builds, club subscriptions, charity fundraising, commercial rents. Why should any business be exempt from paying VAT. This includes businesses that supply the NHS and state schools. Ah, but this will hurt the school and NHS budgets.
A Dutch report estimated that the net cost of “asylum migration” to the Dutch treasury averages €475,000 per immigrant (approximately £400,000). That is each accepted person. Reduce that and invest in schools
Actually those families that won’t be able to afford it will now “not have to afford it” so their lives should improve without the extra expense right?
@@risenshine2783There’s quotas for everything ie the number of unemployed, criminals and recruitment in terms of recruiting an x amount of candidates from “BME” backgrounds. Clearly, not a level playing field!
I am applying for schools by 15/1 this year for my son and we need to choose 3. I initially wanted private school but can not cope with the raised fees after tax. All 3 of the schools I have chosen near my address are all oversubscribed! But I have no choice anyways.
Politicians just love to believe they can spend money more wisely than individual citizens. I think they're wrong about that which is why tax bands should be lower but all allowances scrapped except personal income allowance to about 10k. Then people would know where they stand in a more transparent and easily administered system and make their own spending decisions without government constantly trying to influence their choices.
The closing of schools due this policy will cancel out any tax gain as now they have lost NI tax and have to find places in schools for thousands of pupils. These people will now buy houses near the best state schools forcing more into poorer schools. Seems they are increasing flying tax for families but not taxing private jet fuel for their rich chums !
Agree with regards to raising house prices, however I doubt private schools will close, the government will want to avoid that, they will just take in more international students, more tax. Which then more international famillies may live here or invest in the economy in other ways, create jobs and buy 2nd homes. More of those international students as adults, will likely form relationships, live or work here or own 2nd homes here.
I'm a visiting music teacher at a private school. They employ me on a zero hours contract. Why are my pupils being charged VAT for their lessons when pupils at the local comp and private pupils visiting local teachers in town are exempt? Surely we're a competing service?
Wealthy people getting tax breaks for cost of living expenses. I would go for it if everyone else gets a tax break for the same amount. seems fair to me.
If this ever completely happens the time it will take will be at least twenty five years in order for new state schools to be built to give enough available places. What a mess!
Lol what a silly statement, just in London in the next few years we need to reduce school places by over 56,000 places due to falling birth rates - this is happening across the country. Estimated this new tax will result in 36,000 moving back to state schools. So even if all 36k was in London we'd be fine. Oh and the initial estimations seem to be well over what is ACTUALLY happening.
That will raise nothing as lots of people will leave private to public since they cannot afford it anymore... more people in state school will mean more people will have their application refused from good school that are not in their catchment areas. So in the end, it will benefit nobody! Stupid MPs
Exactly. Private schools will be able to reclaim VAT too as they will need to be VAT registered in order to charge it. Labour’s policy of envy could end up costing more.
No it wont, for two reasons, (1) not many people will leave private schools (2) Fall in birth rates means the state schools have huge amounts of free space. The £1.5 billion this will raise ALREADY factors in people returning to state schools.
Perhaps we should just get rid of all allowances save for the first 10K of income and simplify the whole tax system. It's become a huge waste of resources, effort and time having such a complicated system. People could actually be using that time productively, earning more and paying a reasonable rate within a less bureaucratic tax system. Anyone who files self assessment returns this time of year knows what I'm talking about.
Whether anyone likes it or not many believe private education perpetuates a form of "social apartheid" and has given rise to a political class drawn from a "segregated elite" that does not understand or share the views of most people. Some would also argue that a system similar to that in FINLAND, where there are no fee paying schools, would serve the needs of our country far better!
Oh do me a favour. "apartheid"?? Some people support Liverpool and some Man Utd is that "social apartheid" ? "The great enemy of clear language is insincerity. When there is a gap between one's real and one's declared aims, one turns, as it were, instinctively to long words and exhausted idioms, like a cuttlefish squirting out ink." George Orwell
@@AT-vq9ss Yupp, except that is an investment into the future of this country. Doing nothing and just agreeing with the unfair system won't make people hold hands. Making humans mingle and supporting weaker links eventually will.
How about transparency of what tax the wealthy are paying and earning so we can see just how much they hide away. Then we can compare it to the aid we send.
Misleading title. There is currently no tax on education so there is no exemption. At least private schools will be able to reclaim VAT now and Labour’s policy of envy will raise very little money.
I took mine out of the state junior school (the infant school was superb!) because they werent actually learning anything. We barely managed to survive the financial hit even then (Blair's Britain) and any idea of saving for laater years was completely out of the window!
The private schools were exempt from tax. Seriously? What is their reasoning? So that private schools would lower their prices and poor can afford? No. It is for rich to pay less.
@@Angela-kc5ui And why not tell me? The more people paying for their education means more money for state education. Parents in private schools also pay taxes for state education but receive nothing from it
They shouldn’t be exempt from tax. Why they should be? In fact, they should pay even more tax for providing luxury education. Luxury meaning in this context that they can have better education with better resources which creates unfairness.
Even if the government do manage to employ 1 extra teacher for every 4 or 5 state schools I’m not sure that’s going to be life changing for the majority of state schools pupils. Are these 6,500 teachers just sitting around waiting for a job i.e where are the Government going to find them?
@@jimmeltonbradley1497 Labour over the years has started to make people pay for education. First it's student loans. Now it's VAT on school fees. Where next?
@@david_porthouse Student loans was the only way the country could pay for the massive expansion in higher education numbers introduced by the Blair government. And that, in my view, was a bad idea. Vocational training should have been expanded instead. As for Charity School fees (they are neither private nor independent, but, for the most part, registered charities), having failed to properly fulfill their charitable purpose of "providing education for the benefit of the public", VAT on their fees, is the best way of taxing them as the businesses they really are. Making the rich pay their fair share of tax is the "where next"..
@@jimmeltonbradley1497 Private schools have the character of mutual or provident societies. If they are taxed through VAT, then that is putting a tax on education.
Winter fuel allowance payments, have been held back, even for people,who receive pension credit, the government have not told the British people, that they are doing that but they are
Doesn't go far enough - private education should be abolished. What gives silver spoon babies the divine right to a head start in life over everyone else?
I'd say we should start at a much better place which is inheritance tax. Taxing inheritance and gift at 100% would equalise the population of the UK in a couple of generations. Much better than focussing on small items like schooling. Take away everything and redistribute it to the needy.
Universities don't have to pay vat but now necessary first and secondary private education does. Are unis next...? THERE SHOULDN'T BE ANY VAT ON ANY KIND OF EDUCATION! STOP GIVING THE RICH TAX BREAKS AND STOP GIVING YOURSELFS UNDESERVED BONUSES AND PAY RAISES !
@historiamilitaris5161 Indeed. My self interest says, ban all private education so that everyone has a vested interest in our state run one. That way we can all agree it's a priority and invest in it accordingly. Instead those that are "well off" vote to minimise investment because they see no value to their own "self interest". See works both ways.
The pensioners want the winter fuel payment back, the farmers don't want to pay inheritance tax, small businesses are complaining about the NI rises, the private schools are moaning. The way I see it, nobody wants to pay anything.
Not to fund Labour's homemade blackhole of billions wasted on foreign aid, carbon capture, net zero madness and housing 150,000 illegal immigrants. Why should we pay for any of this?
@sloths-df3gf All Governments are dodgy with finances. The Tories were excellent at ripping us all off . I haven't forgotten Michelle Mone yet although it looks like they have.
This is not punishment. This is called trying to equalise the poor and rich in terms of education. If this is a competition, let’s compete on equal terms. How about that?
@@WestermanT. Why? State school education does not have VAT added. Children's clothes does not have VAT added. Maybe they should add VAT onto everything then everyone would be equal
@Jonathan-h1w9jVAT on private school fees is perfectly reasonable. This is just about rich people having unfair tax exemptions removed. Have a bit of class.
People with money not choosing to spend it on state schooling. These pepole already pay lots of tax like the rest of us. We should be encouraging more to pay extra and go private to eliviate the pressures on state schools
Wasn’t kiers private education subsidised or written off ? Just asking because I’m sure I heard it on media , how wonderful if correct eh I’m uneducated so taking an uneducated guess.
Try ending tax breaks on religious organisations.
Why not billionaires?
Mega bucks idea there
Taxing people for the sin of providing education. Didn't Blair say his priority was "education, education, education"? May as well put VAT on student fees as most students come from wealthier families.
Even if they end tax breaks and try and make it difficult for religious schools to exist and they get taxed, even though they get no help from government..and even though public schools get billions of pounds to promote their version of history, religion..
Jesus Christ is still LORD OF ALL .. This truth will never be quashed.
@@Gladness2023 "Religion started when the first conman met the first fool"
No VAT on gambling! Strange moral compass held by Liebour!
its practicality. You'd have to issue VAT refunds on all losing bets.
But for that im sure they'd love to do it.
They just don't have one in the first place.
Tax gambling companies more, they steal from the poor and uneducated
Now do the same for religious institutions
And the Monarchy - no inheritance tax… crazy with all their wealth
@@davelou1995 They actually create wealth... £1.7 billion to be exact. Inheritance tax wouldn't even make half of what they bring in already
@@codders69they don’t …. It’s all fudged tourism numbers to make the monarchy look better…. Tourists still go to France and Italy not for the monarchy and they will still come to the UK..
They create wealth, how?
@@danielhornby5581 The Royal Family brings in a ton of money from tourism.
That means more pupils in state schools, higher house prices around good state schools...
No. It really doesn't. The well-off don't like their offspring mingling with the povs.
Meaning more money to be invested making the quality go up.
@aieverythingsfine that’s incredibly naive
@aieverythingsfine I can hear teachers' union leaders rubbing their hands together at the prospect of pay increases.
@sloths-df3gf teachers work over 70 hours per week and get paid for 40. Absolute disgrace and modern slave labour!
Now do the same with houses that have "prayer rooms" in them as they are exempt from Council Tax...
Wonder who that might be
This ain’t true mate. Unless it stops being a residential property.
That's a lie.
People who pay for private education don't get 'tax breaks'. This is about taxing education - which is wrong
@Cobra_Kie this is true... once they have a prayer room it becomes a place of worship 👍 and can no longer be considered "residential" although people live there
It’s crazy to think all these stupid politicians just wana increase taxes without ever looking at where it’s being wasted.
Crazy is thinking successive governments have not looked at waste constantly for the past 50 years - working in commercial organisations having been on many projects that focus on reducing "waste" it is no easy task, and ends up costing more than it saves.
It's crazy we all keep playing thir game
most cuts of 'waste' we see are false economies that just make things worse and are only done to give rich tax cuts.
So rich people getting unwarranted tax breaks isn't a waste?
Of course, they have to pay for their constantly increasing size so they can continue to gorge themselves. Why do they never think 'maybe we should cut back on certain parts of the government' cause they are greedy leaches.
And... totally and utterly missed the impending fcup. The money spent by parents on private education frees up the money that would have been used by that pupil if they were in the state education system. Said money is then used within the state education system. Win-win.
No. Whoever advised Phillipson that this would result in a net gain for the education system believes that 2+2=5.
This is ideological, borne of far left envy and spite. There is no underlying rationality.
Sounds like your parents had to pay for yours as well.
No it does not.
And we aren't talking 'tax breaks'. This is about VAT. The people paying for private education still have to pay full council tax.
As a taxpayer I certainly don't want to be paying for children's education when their parents were willing to pay for it themselves. I went to a state school, and certainly don't have any great love for private education but this policy seems, like so many other of Labour's, to be very badly thought out.
The ham treasury article is ridiculous. It’s not a tax break it’s an exemption. This vat on education is offensive. the elite!
Exactly. Similar to the exemption for children's clothes.
I think its offensive that we allow these public schools to vene exist while we have thousands of schools that are literally crumbling to bits because the wealthy dont want to pay taxes
I'm looking forward to all these parents taking up their legal entitlement to state school places that they currently pay for but don't use. Let's see how the education system copes with that. No VAT coming in but additional costs to the state system. Labour are just a nasty, vindictive party.
Both sides are nasty and can’t function without each other.
When private schools pay up and stop pretending to be CHARITIES, all public schools will be of the same STANDARDS, stop these LIES…Labours reflecting the GREED of ELITE societies…!!!
The overreaction by society's most selfish, now having to pay their way, is such a joy. Such unpleasant people.
Both my grandsons go to a private school and I'm fortunate to be able to help towards the fees ,that said I agree that why should I not have to pay VAT ? let's improve the state schools with the money
@Observer01-qn8eg True.
Surrey Council has said it's already run out of school spaces, due to those leaving private and rejoining state ed.
Birth rates are going down. Many schools have spaces. Private schools shouldn't exist.
That’s their stupid fault for becoming over reliant on private schools.
Maybe dont privatise education then lmao
@ Your input is greatly appreciated.
its not a tax break
all education ,school, collages are vat exempt
Public schools claim they're charities to avoid tax, that's what needs to stop. It's a fiddle
No, they're not.
@@darkflighter100 Really?
Which ones aren't?
The EU laws forbid any taxes on any education, so any change will be since Brexit.
Which state schools do parents pay VAT on? Answer - none
Less pupils going to private achools means more pressure on the already oversubscribed state school system. This tax will actually end up costing the country more money. Starmer has absolutely no idea how the country works.
Not only that, VAT registered schools can now claim back the VAT on business related works over the last 10 years. Last year, Eton School soent £21.5m on new sports facilities, that includes a swimming pool. The government now owes the school over £4m, right from the off. Total VAT revenue from Eton will be about £20m a year. VAT rebates will chip into that
Well, I think is better. Imo all paid school should be closed, everybody gets the same education. Maybe then, the rich parents, will fight with the rest of us for better schools.
Tax on private schools is long overdue if people don't like it tough
It is "fewer" not "less" - pedant here.
How to put a nation into decline - destroy its education system.
Stopped voting for Labour decades ago.
My wife and I are both professionals but both our parents were not. We choose to put our two sons into private schools only because the state schools locally were so bad. This involved big sacrifices over the years and same applied to many other parents too.
Ok, so these people are paying for education twice, paying tax into the system partly for education, not benefiting from it, and then paying a private tax on their wages, then paying an institution, who pays tax on profit, (maybe not VAT), then employees wages, who pay tax on that, who pay tax on what they buy..... TAX TAX TAX TAX TAX - Then spend it like it's going out of fashion....
Aren’t we all paying taxes to fund schools? In essence this government is taxing independent schools and at the same time admits that taxation is ineffective and therefore is imposing more tax. Great logic. I agree, we pay road tax that doesn’t fix any roads.
Try cutting hotel accomodation for criminal migrants instead
Protect the poshies like a good servant
@@gaz9957 they already protected . They in posh hotels
It's the hotel-owning Tory donors who made the most out of that little scam. Another reason to never vote Tory ever again.
Try the rich actually paying their taxes rather than hiding it in loopholes that grossly benefit the wealthy.
and funding wars in ukraine, gaza and syria
Despite coming from a background of miners on my mother's side (Durham) and miners on my Father's side (Blaenavon) none of us have EVER voted for Liebour, as we all believe in hard work and enterprise and not in union shenanigans, fake strikes and benefit claiming. My daughter went to private school, because of the awful local comp and afforded by the massive sacrifices we made - No overseas holidays for 30 years, 1 meal out a year for 30 years, 1 weeks UK holiday for 30 years etc. On a Saturday afternoon pick-up at my daughter's school, one lad was picked up in a helicopter, one in a Ferrari and the rest in a mix of vehicles, including carpenters and plumber's vans! This tax is a tax on aspiration, a tax on sacrifice and a tax on choice.
Well said! Admirable sentiments!
Register as a charity, look what they get away with, CEOs on over £200,000 basic pay.
Mean while state schools are claiming back VAT paid for supplies and service. Talk about double standards!
Education is not a business, state or private it is a public service.
This is the only govt. Vat on private schools obviously pvt schools charge to parents , for hard working parents its like paying double tax , after tax money paying school fees with Vat ,this is the only country in the world came with this policy -forgotten education is service.
@@Srinaredlanaredla Agreed, it is why a good 7-9 million Brits have left this country over the last 25-30 years. Brexit and immigration has mask the British brain drain that has gone on due to the all fees, taxes, VAT, and public sector cut backs, this policy won't help matters.
Look forward to larger state school classes in future as less well off parents are pushed out of the private sector. The politics of envy will not only fail to achieve what it sets out to do, but will actually result in a worse education system for both private and state schools.
Envy of what?
@@weightsallday2245 Labour know it's a vote winner to charge more tax on people who the public think are rich. In reality some of those parents are very rich, but many are not. However it's the perception of taxing the rich that if the politics of envy. Otherwise all private education, including nurseries and universities would attract VAT, which they do not currently.
So envious of being rich?
Clueless reeves it's not a tax break
guessing they will remove the "tax break" on food next??
Food is taxed in many EU countries. Why are we so special?
And th VAT break on insurance, books, MBA feesl university fees, hospitals, betting, lotteries, water bills, electric, lonas, credit cards, new house builds, club subscriptions, charity fundraising, commercial rents. Why should any business be exempt from paying VAT. This includes businesses that supply the NHS and state schools. Ah, but this will hurt the school and NHS budgets.
@@MarkPayne-k7l Private education is not taxed in the EU; why are we so special?
@@stumcplop9233 Because we do not tax food....that means with our succession of fiscally incontinent governments other things have to be taxed.
@@stuffanthings Why not make a genuine contribution to this debate?
A Dutch report estimated that the net cost of “asylum migration” to the Dutch treasury averages €475,000 per immigrant (approximately £400,000). That is each accepted person. Reduce that and invest in schools
What absolute drivel. These are two separate debates. Kindly focus on the issue here.
Half a million over their entire lifetime so 1000 a year if they live 50 years.... Wow... What a large number....
@@Yatagurusu And completely irrelevant to this debate which is over fairness of tax treatment.
Actually those families that won’t be able to afford it will now “not have to afford it” so their lives should improve without the extra expense right?
Reeves from retail an economist with the truth.
It is not a tax break!
Private school graduates do have more opportunities.
Not really. Universities are told to accept from deprived area schools or lose their funding…
How so?
@@risenshine2783There’s quotas for everything ie the number of unemployed, criminals and recruitment in terms of recruiting an x amount of candidates from “BME” backgrounds. Clearly, not a level playing field!
I mean yeah it's obvious
@maneshipocrates2264 it’s what’s referred to as “cultural capital.” Pierre Bourdieu used this term or concept…
Rachel from accounts.
The politics of spite. The moment Labour lost another voter for ever.
Cry harder 😂
Won't be missed.
All part of the campaign to dull the populous.
we don't benefit one iota from the kind of eleitist education these places output that treat the rest of us like cattle
Hope enough room in the classrooms thought schools are full
I am applying for schools by 15/1 this year for my son and we need to choose 3. I initially wanted private school but can not cope with the raised fees after tax. All 3 of the schools I have chosen near my address are all oversubscribed! But I have no choice anyways.
Estimated gain of £1.8 million which will then be promised to overseas countries. Absolutely evil people.
Total Nonsense
@@ianphillips9455 didn’t they just do this with the farmers?
Politicians just love to believe they can spend money more wisely than individual citizens. I think they're wrong about that which is why tax bands should be lower but all allowances scrapped except personal income allowance to about 10k. Then people would know where they stand in a more transparent and easily administered system and make their own spending decisions without government constantly trying to influence their choices.
How about changing income tax rates from £12,570 to £18,000
Yet insurance companies and banks pay IPT at 12%. It is a class war, shameful.
The closing of schools due this policy will cancel out any tax gain as now they have lost NI tax and have to find places in schools for thousands of pupils. These people will now buy houses near the best state schools forcing more into poorer schools. Seems they are increasing flying tax for families but not taxing private jet fuel for their rich chums !
Agree with regards to raising house prices, however I doubt private schools will close, the government will want to avoid that, they will just take in more international students, more tax. Which then more international famillies may live here or invest in the economy in other ways, create jobs and buy 2nd homes. More of those international students as adults, will likely form relationships, live or work here or own 2nd homes here.
*create jobs or apply for visas to work here
I'm a visiting music teacher at a private school. They employ me on a zero hours contract. Why are my pupils being charged VAT for their lessons when pupils at the local comp and private pupils visiting local teachers in town are exempt? Surely we're a competing service?
Wealthy people getting tax breaks for cost of living expenses. I would go for it if everyone else gets a tax break for the same amount. seems fair to me.
Tax religious institutions, and tax NGOs.
Perhaps it is time that the throwing of money at a system, only goes to lower the standards for all.
Not a a fan of this Labour government but why we subsidize private school is insane.
I home school and i dont get any subsidies....cos I'm poor.
How about implementing some actual standards in public schools before attacking what is often good education. Our country will only be dumber for it
Socialist comment section.😂
@@Klaoloam3864 It's somehow socialist to remove tax breaks on private services? Well, tough luck. Pay your due!
How about ending tax exemptions on the Royal family?
Not being robbed by the State is a luxury now? How long before eating and having shelter become luxuries in this miserable dystopian hellscape?
If this ever completely happens the time it will take will be at least twenty five years in order for new state schools to be built to give enough available places. What a mess!
Total Nonsense
Lol what a silly statement, just in London in the next few years we need to reduce school places by over 56,000 places due to falling birth rates - this is happening across the country.
Estimated this new tax will result in 36,000 moving back to state schools. So even if all 36k was in London we'd be fine.
Oh and the initial estimations seem to be well over what is ACTUALLY happening.
More tax gouging.
That will raise nothing as lots of people will leave private to public since they cannot afford it anymore... more people in state school will mean more people will have their application refused from good school that are not in their catchment areas. So in the end, it will benefit nobody! Stupid MPs
Exactly. Private schools will be able to reclaim VAT too as they will need to be VAT registered in order to charge it. Labour’s policy of envy could end up costing more.
Sky News, always on the side of the privileged few and never on the side of the people.
God she’s horrible no wonder education is so bad in this country
What is happening with the schools closed because of aircrete RAAC?
Shame, this is not cigarettes or Alcohol to tax, this is education. Education and bread and water should never be taxed!
Education is not taxed anywhere in the UK or the EU. It is not a tax break.
not a tax exemption
This will now;put a huge strain on state schools and upset tens of thousands of children’s education
No it wont, for two reasons, (1) not many people will leave private schools (2) Fall in birth rates means the state schools have huge amounts of free space.
The £1.5 billion this will raise ALREADY factors in people returning to state schools.
Perhaps we should just get rid of all allowances save for the first 10K of income and simplify the whole tax system. It's become a huge waste of resources, effort and time having such a complicated system. People could actually be using that time productively, earning more and paying a reasonable rate within a less bureaucratic tax system. Anyone who files self assessment returns this time of year knows what I'm talking about.
Whether anyone likes it or not many believe private education perpetuates a form of "social apartheid" and has given rise to a political class drawn from a "segregated elite" that does not understand or share the views of most people. Some would also argue that a system similar to that in FINLAND, where there are no fee paying schools, would serve the needs of our country far better!
Count me among those 'some'.
Oh do me a favour. "apartheid"?? Some people support Liverpool and some Man Utd is that "social apartheid" ?
"The great enemy of clear language is insincerity. When there is a gap between one's real and one's declared aims, one turns, as it were, instinctively to long words and exhausted idioms, like a cuttlefish squirting out ink."
George Orwell
But the policy, by making private schools less affordable entrenches and deepens the alleged social apartheid.
@@AT-vq9ss Yupp, except that is an investment into the future of this country. Doing nothing and just agreeing with the unfair system won't make people hold hands. Making humans mingle and supporting weaker links eventually will.
Why do the people with the most expect to be able to get more for less?
Finland has shown it works.
It happened.
So carry on crying 😢
Next thing they will tax is food, how about stop sending billions of our money to foreign countries.
How about not giving tax breaks to the country's wealthiest people?
Don't put ideas in their heads
How about transparency of what tax the wealthy are paying and earning so we can see just how much they hide away. Then we can compare it to the aid we send.
There already is tax on food and drink 😂 it’s just not sold as +Vat
VAT on tap water.
Labour wants more sky reporters,,,
parents shop at Expensive supermarket ? like where?
Misleading title. There is currently no tax on education so there is no exemption.
At least private schools will be able to reclaim VAT now and Labour’s policy of envy will raise very little money.
What is this ? Private schools are not charities. They are businesses and should be taxed as such. Your Murdoch bias is showing Sky !
no longer the owner of sky in the uk.
@@prettypinkcupcake same bias though
@Jonathan-h1w9j brainwashed. Private schools are NOT charities . They are businesses .
Yeah just like Universities right? Slap VAT on tuition fees.
I took mine out of the state junior school (the infant school was superb!) because they werent actually learning anything.
We barely managed to survive the financial hit even then (Blair's Britain) and any idea of saving for laater years was completely out of the window!
The private schools were exempt from tax. Seriously? What is their reasoning? So that private schools would lower their prices and poor can afford? No. It is for rich to pay less.
No they had “charity “ status. And the Tories and Farage who the working class in this country perversely adore would have kept it so.
@@Angela-kc5ui And why not tell me? The more people paying for their education means more money for state education. Parents in private schools also pay taxes for state education but receive nothing from it
@ Charity status 🤣 charity for rich so that they would pay less, poor them.
@Jonathan-h1w9j sure, and the more VAT they'll pay too now, nothing wrong with that.
They shouldn’t be exempt from tax. Why they should be? In fact, they should pay even more tax for providing luxury education. Luxury meaning in this context that they can have better education with better resources which creates unfairness.
Our country is a complete joke.
Got to cover that £8m a day some how
They’ve not even come for the working man yet😂
Did these families try not eating avocado toast and cancelling their Netflix, lol.
They should pull a little harder on those bootstraps
We don't need more University students this country needs people with hands on skills likes brickies and chippies etc
liar liar pants on fire !
Even if the government do manage to employ 1 extra teacher for every 4 or 5 state schools I’m not sure that’s going to be life changing for the majority of state schools pupils. Are these 6,500 teachers just sitting around waiting for a job i.e where are the Government going to find them?
Private schools pay little to no council tax, just like the farmers tax this is another loophole being closed down. About time.
6000 pread across 29000 schools. Not a massive help is it
So I undertake a correspondence course to become an election agent for the Labour Party. Will course fees also be subject to VAT?
If it's a privately funded correspondence course, then the answer is yes. What is your point?
@@jimmeltonbradley1497 He thought he was going to be clever?
@@jimmeltonbradley1497 Labour over the years has started to make people pay for education. First it's student loans. Now it's VAT on school fees. Where next?
@@david_porthouse Student loans was the only way the country could pay for the massive expansion in higher education numbers introduced by the Blair government. And that, in my view, was a bad idea. Vocational training should have been expanded instead. As for Charity School fees (they are neither private nor independent, but, for the most part, registered charities), having failed to properly fulfill their charitable purpose of "providing education for the benefit of the public", VAT on their fees, is the best way of taxing them as the businesses they really are. Making the rich pay their fair share of tax is the "where next"..
@@jimmeltonbradley1497 Private schools have the character of mutual or provident societies. If they are taxed through VAT, then that is putting a tax on education.
I will say " KNICKERS TO RACHEL REEVES!" I don't need to say anything more!!
We want traditional schools
A lot of private schools are more traditional than state schools.
Ban religious schooling.
Good luck with that.
A ‘traditional’ UK would be nice to go back to as well.
There should be no dodgy private schools
Winter fuel allowance payments, have been held back, even for people,who receive pension credit, the government have not told the British people, that they are doing that but they are
That's right Labour, piss on our backs & tell us it's raining, delusional, deplorables
Just done so only the rich can pay for private schools keep the plebs down f ing ridiculous
Doesn't go far enough - private education should be abolished. What gives silver spoon babies the divine right to a head start in life over everyone else?
That would just be a race to the bottom
@@Cav-z1y Why so?
I'd say we should start at a much better place which is inheritance tax.
Taxing inheritance and gift at 100% would equalise the population of the UK
in a couple of generations.
Much better than focussing on small items like schooling.
Take away everything and redistribute it to the needy.
Where are the proper doctors ????
Universities don't have to pay vat but now necessary first and secondary private education does. Are unis next...?
Private education is pure self-interest, so yeah, tax it. No big deal.
Self-interest? What else should it be?
Aren't Universities self-interest, shouldn't they have to pay VAT on fees?
@historiamilitaris5161 Indeed. My self interest says, ban all private education so that everyone has a vested interest in our state run one. That way we can all agree it's a priority and invest in it accordingly. Instead those that are "well off" vote to minimise investment because they see no value to their own "self interest". See works both ways.
@@RonnieT44 Yes
@@gerryparker7699 That is the ideal, adding VAT is a poor second.
Dyche OUT
Calvert-Statue-Lewin OUT
Counting your eggs before they’ve hatched!
And never place all the eggs in one basket!!!
The pensioners want the winter fuel payment back, the farmers don't want to pay inheritance tax, small businesses are complaining about the NI rises, the private schools are moaning. The way I see it, nobody wants to pay anything.
Not to fund Labour's homemade blackhole of billions wasted on foreign aid, carbon capture, net zero madness and housing 150,000 illegal immigrants. Why should we pay for any of this?
Not when the government is so poor at spending money, no.
@sloths-df3gf All Governments are dodgy with finances. The Tories were excellent at ripping us all off . I haven't forgotten Michelle Mone yet although it looks like they have.
Ukraine needs more freedom and democracy. Close these schools , send money for freedom .
Politics of envy…. Nothing less. Show me the research done to support this policy
How thick are Labour MPs? Unbelievably naive and once again, telling that they have no idea. God help state schools with the impending influx!
Trying to punish the people who go private …
This is not punishment. This is called trying to equalise the poor and rich in terms of education. If this is a competition, let’s compete on equal terms. How about that?
Not really, just adding vat to something that should have had always had it.
@@WestermanT. Why? State school education does not have VAT added. Children's clothes does not have VAT added. Maybe they should add VAT onto everything then everyone would be equal
@Jonathan-h1w9jVAT on private school fees is perfectly reasonable. This is just about rich people having unfair tax exemptions removed. Have a bit of class.
Yes, it's about time.
Where are the6 getting these teachers
Politics of envy, it will raise little and put more strain on state schools
Envy what? What is it that they're envying?
People with money not choosing to spend it on state schooling. These pepole already pay lots of tax like the rest of us. We should be encouraging more to pay extra and go private to eliviate the pressures on state schools
Bore off. Warren Buffett has called for higher taxes. I suppose he's driven by envy too?
@@davidmcmanus2464 i will fix that for yopu . people with money never wanting to pay their fair share of taxes EVER but we bloody have too
Try to sound less like an elitist.
The politics of envy. How very socialist.
The politics of meritocracy. Cry about it, or better leave.
It's like what David Cameron said, we're all in this together. So stop whining and start contributing!
Good work
Get our money back by booting the immigrants back to where they came from.
Will the ECHR uphold its rules on free education.
Wasn’t kiers private education subsidised or written off ? Just asking because I’m sure I heard it on media , how wonderful if correct eh
I’m uneducated so taking an uneducated guess.
Good yries to improve as portugal curriculum