  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 9 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 100

  • @BogovidZivkovic
    @BogovidZivkovic 29 วันที่ผ่านมา +27

    Painful truth for me being a sinner of this kind, yet prayer/ing keeps me off. Thankfulness is to you, God! Let it be just your will on me!

    • @cherylcobern4483
      @cherylcobern4483 29 วันที่ผ่านมา


    • @Tom-and-Jerry-again
      @Tom-and-Jerry-again 28 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Heterosexual people, on average are much worse sinners. Much worse. This channel is a perfect example of this. Let me ask you this, let's say you were given a desire where there exists a tiny, very narrow path of Righteousness and yet you could not use your desire in only that way and failed. You were given a chance, albeit it very small and difficult, but you were given a chance for Righteousness. Then there's the person who was given a desire where there is no way to remain in Righteousness. Who is the worse sinner? The one with a tiny path with the desire and failed or the one with no path available with the desire and failed? Know that desires are not who we are. They are installed into us and they will be removed. People born into cults and religions which teach lies are a similar situation. Who is worse, the person lied to all their life and thus never found The Way, or the person who had available to them all Truth but still never applied it into their life?

    • @DIYDaveT
      @DIYDaveT 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +5

      Congrats on realizing that homosexuality is an abomination in the eyes of our Lord and for working hard to avoid its temptation. Proverbs 9:10 (KJV): "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding."
      If you stay fearful during your life, you have nothing to fear upon your eventual passing. Many forget that they are dying because it is such a difficult subject. They don't want to think about it. But a wise Christian thinks about it every single day and lets this fact guide their actions toward things that please and do not anger our Lord G_d.

    • @jeffc5474
      @jeffc5474 28 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@Tom-and-Jerry-againOkay, which group is openly displaying their proclivities in public for all to see and insisting on their right to groom children? The LGBTQ! They are unrepentant in their actions and believe they have a right to practice their acts in public. Hetero couples don’t do that. You are a Pharisee casting stones.

  • @rocketscientisttoo
    @rocketscientisttoo 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +5

    A communion based upon the word of God, as spoken and revealed here, makes all others pale in comparison. May God have mercy upon us and enlarge this ministry for His glory.

  • @la_palomita
    @la_palomita 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +13

    I used to be a fornicator, adulterer, and a homosexual, addicted to pornography. I was lost for years and the Lord Jesus still loved me despite the evil I lived in, but He loved me enough not to let me stay that way. After following the Lord Jesus for 3 years now I can say by His grace I have not looked at porn since I gave my life to Him and miraculously I have NO DESIRE to. I also lost all attraction to the same sex and only have attraction to the partner that God has brought me to marry. We are waiting to be intimate until our wedding night because the Lord Jesus Christ has shown me His heart and how much damage I did to my soul by living the way I used to. Now I live His way and I have peace and His blood washed away all of my sins and HE CHANGED MY HEART. My desires are lining up with God’s desires more and more every day. Homosexuality is as evil as satan himself and goes against God’s design. Just because it feels good doesn’t mean it is good. And sin always comes with a price tag. God’s pleasure and His design is so far beyond feeling good that all earthly fleeting pleasure are like garbage compared to the Father’s love and approval. He can do anything, Jesus is King!!! I’m straight! I’m a woman! I submit to Christ!!!

    • @theashman1967
      @theashman1967 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

      Amen, sister!😇

    • @Clrfy
      @Clrfy 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

      Amen!! May His blessings be on you and your marriage!

    • @jeffc5474
      @jeffc5474 27 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      He still delivers us!!

  • @timhalcomb4041
    @timhalcomb4041 29 วันที่ผ่านมา +7

    Thank you all for sharing you have a blessed day in the name of Jesus Christ

  • @theselector2310
    @theselector2310 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +8

    Our society is on a rocket sled to the lowest morality.

  • @unknown36187
    @unknown36187 29 วันที่ผ่านมา +15

    The Lord says a believer who is living in sin, we must treat them as an unbeliever or tax collector. Which means to provide/ edify them in the Gospel and encourage them to repent and believe in Jesus Christ, but do not support or partake in their sins. Boundaries. Not full out cutting them out of your life. Provide them the same grace and mercy the Lord provided you and that you would provide any other unbeliever. Now if they are blatantly overstepping boundaries or throwing their sin in your face. The Lord tells us to deliver them unto Satan for the destruction of flesh so that their souls may be saved on the last day. Trust the Holy Spirit in discerning when that is needed.

    • @Tom-and-Jerry-again
      @Tom-and-Jerry-again 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +4

      This person who pretends to be giving sermons has caused many to turn away from The Good News of Christ. It's entirely against how Jesus instructed the disciples on how to introduce The Lord Jesus Christ Saviour and Messiah to the world.

    • @toddarcand6002
      @toddarcand6002 28 วันที่ผ่านมา

      The Bible also says to Remember the Sabbath to keep it Holy. Out of love a question, which Day is to be kept according to that verse? It should be the 7th day, not the first day as most of apostate Christianity teaches. By doing so they commit sin because sin is the transgression of God's law. They also accept the authority of another god by keeping Sunday as in vain they WORSHIP Him teaching (keeping) the commandments of men.

    • @Tom-and-Jerry-again
      @Tom-and-Jerry-again 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

      ​@@toddarcand6002 Practice John 14-20 every single day of your life. Don't take chances with your eternal soul. Don't ask others questions like that - who do you think is worthy to be called Teacher? Matthew 23-8. The Way found in John 15-26.

    • @toddarcand6002
      @toddarcand6002 28 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @Tom-and-Jerry-again what? Are we not supposed to tell others of truth? Aren't ALL HIS COMMANDMENTS truth? The Bible says they are. I read the Whole Bible and I read and understand every scripture with what the Bible says is truth, if it doesn't speak in harmony with the 3 definitions it gives, then it is a lie. Biblical definitions of truth.
      1. Jesus Christ the way the TRUTH
      2. His Word is TRUTH
      3. ALL His commandments are TRUTH
      Drop one of these as truth, and each truth above does not represent truth. Even one commandment.
      By going to church on Sunday, people look like nothing more than a good catholic, but by keeping the Sabbath, now that makes a statement to the World. After all the Bible does teach that catholicism is the antichrist system with a leader who claims Himself to be god, above god, and tradition supersedes the word of God. It also states that the whole world wondered after this beast. Wondered, with an o, meaning thinks like the beast does. And by keeping Sunday, they are actually worshipping the beast, which received its power from the dragon.

  • @NickeyWilson316
    @NickeyWilson316 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    I'll Jump out-of my sleep pastor after a fee hours and if your not playing (cuase I fall asleep to your preaching) I immediately play a topic that i feel calling to me I played this just now as I got up after I prayed
    I'm humbled by hes word it's the only thing I crave In this world everything will Burn with furvant heat but hes word will last for ever ty Jesus

  • @roadrules3671
    @roadrules3671 29 วันที่ผ่านมา +12

    Having gone through the American Educational System a LONG Time ago; i can easily look back and come to the conclusion that a vast majority of " Educators " couldn't tell you the difference and discrepancy between Right/Wrong Good/Bad if you put Almighty God and the Desolate One 10 ft. in front of their face. Not kidding.

    • @jellyface401
      @jellyface401 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

      It is sad but we do live in the midst of Babylon, you can see the works of the serpent everywhere, I try to be considerate about other peoples hearth condition, because I was just like them and if I am not like that anymore is not thanks to me.

    • @loridean177
      @loridean177 28 วันที่ผ่านมา

      We are all sinners but saved by grace. If you truly love your fellow man you want keep truth from them that will keep them from eternal fire and separate from Christ. We are called to speak from a place of love and not condemnation. The fact that you wallowed in your sin without repentance makes you perfect to talk to others. You got out they need to know how to get out of sin. ​@@jellyface401

  • @ElleKay4Life
    @ElleKay4Life 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

    That reads plenty clearly to me that all sin‘s will send you straight to hell unless you carry the Holy Spirit and believe in Jesus. And a side effect of carrying the Holy Spirit within you means you want to stop sinning so you and longer want to be homosexual.

  • @theashman1967
    @theashman1967 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

    I really like your singing!

  • @linklesstennessee2078
    @linklesstennessee2078 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    AMEN John

  • @markav1212
    @markav1212 29 วันที่ผ่านมา +14

    There is only one sin in the bible that caused to God to rain down fire and brimstone from heaven on two cities that were guilty of it. It was also a death penalty sin for the original Israelites. So while all sin separates us from God, there is a reasonable argument that homosexuality is the worse or close to it.

    • @johnnieparker4465
      @johnnieparker4465 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

      It wasn't just homosexuality it was making false gods

    • @Tom-and-Jerry-again
      @Tom-and-Jerry-again 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

      @@johnnieparker4465 It wasn't just those two, it was all the commandments and since it was Biblical times, all of them knew very well about God and God's Son. They all knew The Gospel of Christ better than we do and this was BC years. Most people can not understand The Torah because they've yet to understand that The New Covenant under which we live now in modern times requires The Words from The Lord Jesus Christ Saviour and Messiah to the world.

    • @ShaneSpencer-lq2uh
      @ShaneSpencer-lq2uh 28 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Prove that using scripture

    • @Tom-and-Jerry-again
      @Tom-and-Jerry-again 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      @@ShaneSpencer-lq2uh Do you believe in the book of Proverbs? Is Proverbs 30-4 asking a rhetorical question?

    • @jellyface401
      @jellyface401 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

      My father used to tell me that he worst most evil thing that he saw was hitmen here in our mother nation that would kill mostly anyone for what for about 150 dollars.
      And he was certain by testimony of the people of the community that they did execute on the innocents. My father said that to me with such sadness and he is the most prideful person I know, it almost made him contemplate his condition as a sinner as far as my limited mind is considered. I don't think that would have been the same thing if I told i was into dudes. ( "I am not").

  • @jimanglin4719
    @jimanglin4719 27 วันที่ผ่านมา

    God love’s his creation man is trying to destroy his work Praise our Lord Jesus Christ for what he has done for his children amen

  • @theashman1967
    @theashman1967 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +2


  • @robertdock-dn7wy
    @robertdock-dn7wy 29 วันที่ผ่านมา +4

    PLEASE don’t tell us that WE CANT TAKE OUR DOGS!!!!!!
    Some of us have dogs that are a big part of our families!!!!
    I just can’t believe that to be true! God gave us these animals just like He gave us our family members,
    Of course a dog is not worth the same as a person in Gods eyes, BUT in some people’s eyes it’s all they have.
    This is just me now, but I believe God will return to us every single beloved pet that we ever had, I mean, why wouldn’t He? If it’s something that truly makes us happy and it’s nothing that God deems as bad or sin, why wouldn’t He, He can do anything in creation to make us happy…….BECAUSE HE IS GOD ! And there’s nothing He can’t do. ❤️💕💕💕💕💕💕

    • @deasvail99
      @deasvail99 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      There are animals on the new earth according to Scripture; lion and the lamb, etc.

    • @Ari-ih2nl
      @Ari-ih2nl 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      C S Lewis - the point is not to love your animal family less but to love GOD more -

    • @robertdock-dn7wy
      @robertdock-dn7wy 7 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@Ari-ih2nl I love God and need Him more than anything! I guess my perspective is, just like we’ll have our family members, my hope and prayers are that we’ll also have our animal family to enjoy throughout eternity because God knows how much some of us love our animals.

  • @toddarcand6002
    @toddarcand6002 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +4

    He also gave us the definition of sin, which you don't teach. 1 John 3:4 For whosoever sinneth also transgresses the Law, for sin IS the transgression of the Law. Sin is quite well defined here, and it concerns all 10 of His commandments. Why do you continue to teach people to commit sin? Break one, break them all.

  • @edtorrejon2935
    @edtorrejon2935 29 วันที่ผ่านมา +5

    so is adultery lying cheating but Jesus blood covers it

    • @jeffc5474
      @jeffc5474 29 วันที่ผ่านมา +10

      Yet the blood is not a license to continue in our sin.

    • @UserId-ir4gq
      @UserId-ir4gq 29 วันที่ผ่านมา

      In our country higher caste got less punishment and lower caste( untouchable) got higher punishment from Killer God for SAME SIN.(Adultery, fornication etc) Bcz cruel God's view lower caste parents are sinners. Higher caste people hindu/christian any other religion they are children from righteousness father.
      My question is why birth me child in unrighteous father's generation?
      What's the reason God wants to me suffer in earth?
      Why not you punish all sinners?
      Some sinners suffered in earth. Some sinners cherished in earth . What a partial judgement?

    • @jeffc5474
      @jeffc5474 29 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@UserId-ir4gqGod doesn’t punish people depending on what caste they were born into. All will suffer the same fate for unconfessed sin in their lives.

    • @terrikincaid9921
      @terrikincaid9921 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +5

      Every sin can be forgiven by God, IF YOU REPENT, seek His forgiveness and stop sinning.

    • @Tom-and-Jerry-again
      @Tom-and-Jerry-again 28 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Think in spiritual and eternal terms. Jesus' suffering is much greater than others. Most people will pass out before the suffering and pain gets too great for them. God is most worried about your soul and what direction you take in terms of your soul, your body and your desires are not who you really are.

  • @magnus.kalix72
    @magnus.kalix72 29 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    23:44 ❤🙏🏽✝️

    • @magnus.kalix72
      @magnus.kalix72 29 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      25:25 ❤

    • @magnus.kalix72
      @magnus.kalix72 29 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      27:46 the covenant 🙏🏽❤️✝️

    • @magnus.kalix72
      @magnus.kalix72 29 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      28:55 amen ❤️

    • @magnus.kalix72
      @magnus.kalix72 29 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      29:17 🙏🏽😭🙏🏾❤️

  • @jasonklop476
    @jasonklop476 23 วันที่ผ่านมา

    I honestly want nothing to do with Republican Jesus who came down from heaven and wrote the Constitution in his own blood

    • @robertdock-dn7wy
      @robertdock-dn7wy 7 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@jasonklop476 Jesus isn’t a republican or democrat, He is God. I truly hope that you look at it that way.

  • @wbaukema
    @wbaukema 28 วันที่ผ่านมา


  • @jstalnaker28
    @jstalnaker28 26 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Dogs aren't homosexuals.

  • @audreykattan7977
    @audreykattan7977 29 วันที่ผ่านมา +5

    Jesus Christ said to keep keep God's commandments ●

  • @byronumphress3805
    @byronumphress3805 28 วันที่ผ่านมา

    So who going to step up and to the problem ?
    Your leader’s ?

  • @craigs.4302
    @craigs.4302 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    Nobody can prevent human attraction from happening. We control how we act on it, but human connection is sacred between two souls who unite...whether it be platonic? To physical. No "physical" is not God's best outside of marraige or between two of the same gender, but it is what it is...and even if it is sin? God's grace is sufficient for those who need touch and connection, while still having a spirit for the one above VS the pride of the rainbow.

  • @rvsc2277
    @rvsc2277 29 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    Stop dreaming There is no .

    • @SonnyWalker-nf6jw
      @SonnyWalker-nf6jw 29 วันที่ผ่านมา +5

      There is no what?? 🙂
      There is Jesus, and He is the only path to salvation and eternal life.
      Repent and believe the gospel of Jesus.
      1 Corinthians 15:1-4

    • @kayla6699
      @kayla6699 29 วันที่ผ่านมา +4


    • @theashman1967
      @theashman1967 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +3


  • @Blessisraelsamcohen
    @Blessisraelsamcohen 28 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Hope the head of the church of england is watching.