Lawyers, What Was Your "OH CR@P" Moment In COURT?

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 22 ต.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 29

  • @dreamwolf7302
    @dreamwolf7302 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +37

    Friend of mine had a lawyer go after the hospital that his mother died in.
    They charged him for 'corpse storage and disposal' to the tune of 12k, plus other charges totaling slightly under 40k for everything.
    they also billed that money to her insurance, and the federal government (covid related death, the expenses were supposed to be taken care of that way anyhow).
    He was expecting a long drawn case after the lawyer told him it usually took 8-16 months to get a resolution.
    Well, the hospital 'lost' the billing records, and instead of being given more time to find them, the judge simply ruled in my friend's favor stating 'If the bill that was important to them, they would have kept better track of the paperwork.'

    • @s.h.6858
      @s.h.6858 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      Sounds like a judge who was tired of the hospitals shinanigans

  • @mikkelnpetersen
    @mikkelnpetersen 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +22

    3 Simple rules in a courtroom
    1. Be there (you don't attend, you don't get a say)
    2. Say as little as possible, preferably let your lawyer do ALL the talking.
    3. Don't disrespect the judge, you insult the judge just once and a "sure win" can turn into a "lost because you turned the judge against you"

    • @Akiku2
      @Akiku2 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      All terrific advice!

    • @adrianrust3229
      @adrianrust3229 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      That seems so simple, right?!

  • @Backstabmacro
    @Backstabmacro 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    Hey, I’ve actually got a story for this topic.
    Few years ago I was tapped for jury duty. I showed up, kind of excited because I’d never done it before, but also knowing I’d likely not get picked.
    Got called for jury selection, alphabetically the very last person to be queried by the judge and counsel. They asked if there was any reason I would be unable to remain impartial in pursuit of justice, and I answered yes.
    Pretty routine, a number of people had already been excluded and excused before me. They asked why, and I said “Because I probably processed the defendant’s police case at time of arrest. I work for the records department and I recall his name.”
    Both lawyers and the defendant up front turned around in their seats to look at me like “wait, what.”
    Silence for a couple seconds, and then the judge simply stated, “Understood, thank you for your explanation. You are excused back to the jury waiting room.”
    Two hours waiting in a packed courtroom for jury selection just to be incapable of participating 😅
    I have a grand jury summons coming up in a few months now and they won’t exclude me based on my profession, so I have no choice but to go and be ineligible again lol.

  • @johneddiecox741
    @johneddiecox741 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +41

    I’ve got one. So I was in court because I had to get a protective order against one of the people who lived on my street back at my old house. The judge had issued a temporary order of protection while we waited for the court date. Well, while we’re in the middle of the hearing, the deffendant’s lawyer admits that their client violated the order the day before court to try and apologize for their actions, and get me to drop the case. Needless to say, the judge was not happy at all, and I ended up getting the protective order I needed. The funniest part for me is that I was a 21 year old at the time with no lawyer, no one in my family has experience with legal jargon, and only my mother had come with me because I can’t drive. The other guy had a lawyer, and it was his lawyer that ended up Costing him the case.

  • @adrianrust3229
    @adrianrust3229 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    A cousin of mine, Derrick, was in family court for child custody. The other side's attorney referred to a document that Derrick never received, which Derrick pointed out. The attorney said that he'd faxed the document to Derrick's lawyer last week. Derrick's response was, "I don't have a lawyer", which, in retrospect, was probably kind of obvious since Derrick was alone. No idea where that fax went. 😂

  • @SirFailsalot91
    @SirFailsalot91 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +13

    I'm so glad at getting recommended Reddit post-reading videos on here that *_aren't_* done with text-to-speech for a change, nothing is more cringe than the obvious robotic reading and pronunciation of a computer being the first thing you hear when you tap on a video.
    Also hearing "Oh sure, I lie all the time!" from someone in court literally made me spit take, that's comedy gold.

  • @niceguy169
    @niceguy169 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    KIND OF in the right vein... No lawyer, fighting a parking ticket.
    My mom was in a rehab hospital for a time (busted up her bones, re-learning to walk and such). Closest parking, street parking, was about 8 spots, a driveway, 2 spots, then the hospital's driveway and no more parking. Eight spots were legal all day, two closest spots were illegal until 4pm, so I tried to arrive at about 4 so I could get one of the newly legal spots. But one day hospital wanted a meeting at 2 or 3, something like that. I end up with the spot on the other side of the driveway, the last of the 8. The thing is, the sign differentiating the spots wasn't quite at the driveway, clearly because of a big tree, most likely didn't put the sign where it should be due to difficulty navigating tree roots, so sign was about mid-parking-spot, the one I was in. The thing is, 8-driveway-2 was WAY more logical than 7-1-driveway-2. Super obvious the 2 were legally separate, the 8 were together. So, my response on the ticket was a detailed rendering of how the signage indicated, and how the ticketing officer was interpreting things. Seemed very clear logically that the officer got it wrong.
    Come court day, the judge asked for me to present my case, I said that what I replied in my ticket pretty much said it. The ticket wasn't present, wasn't part of the court documents, the vibe was that it never would have been, I'd be silly to assume it would be. Where's MY evidence. I JUST had started owning an iPad 1 (around when iPad 3 was current), maybe a year or two later I could have somehow used either court wi-fi or my phone to provide a hotspot, then use Google Earth to use Street View to show the signage, but alas, not sure how possible that was yet and I was still getting to know what I could do with the iPad... Judge says "Being so unprepared, you MUST be telling the truth. Case dismissed". _I'M_ unprepared? I wasn't the one without the actual ticket this case was about, LOL! I was happy to win, a little irked at WHY, but since this wasn't some wacky sitcom I took the win instead of remark further or keep defending myself. :)
    Actually, I had a pretty similar experience before. At the time of THIS ticket I lived in an apartment with street parking (and no parking in front of my building, too close to a busy intersection), when I moved in I was assured the small street behind our building was not busy and everybody parked over there. Well, one day all I found was on this little street. Weirdly, as a dead-end, the street just STOPPED. No circle just, no more road, here's a fence, like the bandage at the end of a severed limb. I figured I could park CROSSING the road, next to the fence. Sign on the fence was a diamond (square turned sideways), yellow/black checkerboard for like 3 or 4 rows, then the middle was all yellow. Closest I found looking it up was ALL checkerboard, and only meant "Road Ends", nothing about no parking. Well, there was a business at the end of the street, SOMETHING mobile because they had a garage and driveway for trucks. I had checked, coming straight out of the garage fed out BESIDE my car, clear it easily, though this was late at night, all of this was empty when I parked.
    Next morning I get a cop knocking at my door, saying I have to move my car. I figure a cop warning was better than a ticket, but I got both. Business had decided to be a dick. He parallel parked a truck behind me along the fence, then blocked it in with other trucks, THEN called the cops saying I blocked him in! This company had a reputation for being dicks (their driveway went to the back of the property, where they shared a fence with our backyard, when I moved in the easiest thing was to park in this road, then for me to use their driveway to step over the low fence, boom, I'm at my back door, much smoother and quicker than walking all the way around the block, making the next street over parking feel not far, and all pavement so no real wear-and-tear or damage from me. They mounted a 15 foot fence onto the low fence so we couldn't do that any more. I only did this at night when they were closed and everybody was home, I doubt anyone in my building did any different, only 6 apartments anyway).
    Anyways, come court date I describe the sign, they don't recognize it (maybe it was an old version of the all-checkerboard one?), but judge decides if there wasn't a No Parking sign, good enough for him, went WAY easier than I thought. Again, won with an "Oh shit, that worked" feeling.

  • @TheFluffyWendigo
    @TheFluffyWendigo 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +23

    The one time I wound up in front of a judge, I shut up and let my lawyer do the talking.

    • @mikkelnpetersen
      @mikkelnpetersen 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      Smartest thing you can ever do in a court of law.

  • @jeannebuttons5301
    @jeannebuttons5301 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I'm not sure if anybody said 'oh sh!t' but I had been summoned for jury duty and during the little mini seminar are they give you to explain what it means to be a juror as well as other expectations for the case we would be potentially a juror for mentioned the actual case would be heard was going to be in a few months, the same time I had booked a prepaid and non-refundable vacation out of town.
    I shared my woes with one of the clerks and they mentioned that I should have wrote that down on the hardship form and if I just went up in front of the judge and explained myself I probably would be dismissed.
    That judge was very busy and he was not taking any appointments so I just had to wait in line in front of his office door to be seen but every time I managed to get down to the court there was a line out the door and I never would get in before his posted office hours.
    So I end up going to the jury selection process (I don't know how you spell it but I know it's pronounced voir dire) over the course of three days and afterwards I would still try to catch the judge but I had no luck. On the fourth day I was selected to actually sit in the jury box as a potential final choice and as I walked up to the box I was starting to get glassy-eyed but managed to keep myself from crying out loud.
    Once I was seated and the same spiel about how we were to answer all questions truthfully it was done, one of the lawyers called on me specifically and asked if I had been trying to get in touch with the judge this whole time. I answered yes and when the lawyer asked me if I could elaborate on why I just started blubbering and trying to explain myself I've been trying to see the judge to change my hardship because I had a non-refundable thing in in a few months and it was going to overlap with this case and every single time I tried to see the judge it just never worked out.
    The judge interrupted me, mention that he had gotten a note about this and immediately dismissed me. I think the judge and tried to scurry out of the courtroom as quickly as I could crying and snotting all the way down the aisle.
    I had to sit in the car and bawl for a good 10 minutes before I was calm enough to actually drive because all of the stress and resentment as well as the frustration and having to take off the time off work to drive to another town in order to be present for jury duty was getting to me.
    By the way I did go to that vacation and I had a lot of fun.

  • @Muted-Edits
    @Muted-Edits 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

    bored as hell and saw you uploaded, thanks for uploading SO DAMN MUCH bc i binge watch all of these videos in the background of whatever im doing

    • @RufusReadit
      @RufusReadit  9 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      Thanks for watching

  • @SpicyMartina
    @SpicyMartina 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    My dad was called up for jury duty. Well he couldn't do as it was my cousin. When she saw it was my dad she shoutec out don't tell my mom. He gets home and tells my mom while i was sat there. I really don't like my cousin as she screwed my sister over. I laughed picked up my phone and called my aunt. She was in court for shop lifting. My aunt no longer talks to her. 😂 mess with my sisters and brother i will get you. She got 2 yrs her kids went to their father and when she got out she was living on the streets. 🤷🤣

  • @samiballew4609
    @samiballew4609 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Not a lawyer and a lawyer wasn't involved but I had to get an emergency restraining order against my mother in my early 20s. When it came time for the court date we go in front of the judge. I explained what happened. Honestly it was a he said she said situation with no evidence so my mother could have simply denied it happening. Instead when asked if she had actually threatened me she tells the judge "fuck yes I did she's my daughter and I can do what I want with her!" Yeah the judge and I had an oh crap look on our face. Restraining order granted lol. My mother and I actually have a good relationship now ten years later and I still laugh at her for it

  • @jasonmolenaar119
    @jasonmolenaar119 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    I went to traffic court and the officer said info contrary to the ticket, and the judge reprimanded the officer and dismissed the ticket

  • @nickbradstreet8740
    @nickbradstreet8740 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    This one looks good. Good job

  • @pompe221
    @pompe221 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    The part about being on Coumadin and thus can't enjoy the salad bar does have some science behind it. People on Coumadin have to be careful about eating food rich in Vitamin K in because Vitamin K works as a "blood thinner" thus making the Coumadin dose a bit too effective. A good source of Vitamin K is green, leafy vegetables -- which you find on salad bars. Still a stupid reason to sue though.

    • @wiggwigg12
      @wiggwigg12 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      I’m so glad to see someone who knows this!
      But the funny thing about it is that it’s not like you CANT eat green leafy veggies but you need to keep it consistant, so that the clinics can adjust dose around it. If you like salad and usually eat 1-2 a week, keep up with it! You just have to be consistent and not eat five one week and none the next .

    • @pompe221
      @pompe221 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@wiggwigg12 Yeah exactly! If anything, she should continue to "enjoy the salad bar" if that's a regular thing for her! What a stupid person (on a couple of levels.)

  • @Mewse1203
    @Mewse1203 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    The firsr one is " that may be an argument for your CARRIER" not career. As in his malpractice insurance carrier

  • @bensoncheung2801
    @bensoncheung2801 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I’m here too.

  • @blindbrad4719
    @blindbrad4719 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Story 10, sir, are you currently smelling burnt toast at all? 12:22