awesome list questy! I would throw on Hellripper, Furia, Carach Angren, Goatmoon, Abbath, Ihsahn, Benighted, Sabbat, Moonsorrow, Mare Cognitum, Watain, Angelcorpse, 1914, Ancient Rites etc.
A literal encyclopedia of black metal music. I am grateful! I'd add Cobalt (either Gin or Slow Forever) for another unique American selection. They share common DNA with Wayfarer and are similar in style.
Albums I would've included: Gorgoroth - Under The Sign Of Hell Plaga - Magia Gwiezdnej Entropii Absurd - Der fünfzehnjährige Krieg Goatmoon - Varjot Summoning - Stronghold ANTI - The Insignificance Of Life Damarr - Triumph Through Spears of Sacrilege Gehenna - First Spell Apati - Morgondagen Installd I Brist Pa Intresse Sadistik Exekution - We Are Death Fuck You
Good list as always, maybe a bit more your favorites than the essential albums. But hey, its not easy pick up 100 essential albums. I would add here The ruins of beverast - Foulest Semen of a Sheltered Elite.
Evilfeast - Wintermoon Enchantment Katharsis - VVorldVVithoutEnd S.V.E.S.T. - Urfaust Grand Belial's Key - Judeobeast Assassination Branikald - Rdyandalir Forest - Foredooming the Hope for Eternity Goatmoon - Finnish Steel Storm Mortuary Drape - All the Witches Dance Ildjarn - Forest Poetry Negative Plane - Stained Glass Revelations all could be contenders for this list
Because I’m lazy and set in my ways, most of the black metal I listen to is still the 90s stuff that I fell in love with back then. To me the perfect sound is mid-90s Norwegian productions like Ulver, Arcturus, Emperor, Enslaved, Satyricon, Old Man’s, Dimmu, Borknagar, etc. You included most of my favorites. Really the only current BM bands I listen to are Alcest and Drudkh. So thank you for all the other recommendations of stuff to check out, when I get around to it. 🤘
If you haven’t already I highly recommend checking out the Finnish black metal scene. They essentially continued where the Norwegian scene left off in the mid-late 90s. Check out Sargeist, Horna, Satanic Warmaster, Vargrav, Archgoat, and Behexen.
I heard all the blackmetal band, im just as obsessed as you or more, and Ive already died and resurrected a few times. But blackmetal, yea, its like our new folk music!
Missed seeing Obtained Enslavement - Witchcraft and Falkenbach - en their medh riki fara but then you realise that black metal is so good that a top 100 album list is short
I just ordered Marduk’s Opus Nocturne on CD and I got Sigh’s Scorn Defeat on CD two days ago. This is a really good list. I’ve heard most of these albums and many of these are some of my all time favorite black metal albums. I still need to check out Kvist, Negura Bunget, Odium, Ragnarok, I Shalt Become, Lifelover, and Lunar Aurora. I’m definitely curious to check them all out.
Not a bad list, IMO. I do find there was a lot on entry level albums tho... I wished there was more mention to the underground scene, which has probably a good share of classics. I would have mention: Nehemah - Requiem Tenebrae, Armagedda - Ond Spiritism, Trist - Zrcadenie Melancholie, Horna - Sanojesi Aarelle, Nyktalgia - Nyktalgia, Mortuus - De Contemplanda Morte, Manes - Under ein blodraud maane, DHD - Kronet til Konge, Craft - Fuck the universe, Furia - Martwa polska jesień, Svartidaudi - Flesh Cathedral, etc
Storm lord...mare nostrum!..very fine!it is a creative must hear! Wanna hear a whole slow black matal song played with acoustic gitarres only? Here we go...get it!
Remembering it’s all just opinions 👍 Naglefar- Hungreb Im herbst Serithal- Nord Strid- End of life Caladan Brood - Echoes of battle Ellende - Todbringer I would have these before the ones you mentioned Satyricon - Shadow throne Enslaved - Vikinglir Veldi It’s a good topic & debate 👍
Strid and Forgotten Woods definitely deserved a spot here. For Strid because they basically created depressive black metal in 1993. Waaay before all the d..m.b..sses start saying dbm is "just a Burzum copy 🤪". For Forgotten Woods I would have changed it for Lifelover, because Lifelover is literally a rip-off of Forgotten Woods. The thing is that Lifelover started getting copied an INSANE amount of times in the late 2000's by angsty-teenager bedroom "dsbm" projects.
I might have switched a couple out, specifically, I’d have gone with …And So The Night Became for Aeternus, just like the folkier elements a bit more on that one. For ImpNaz, I’d have gone with Suomi Finland Perkele. I might have subbed Memoria Vetusta III for TWWTG, and placed Axis Of Perdition in there to fill the cold mechanical void. Lastly, I would have found a place for Setherial’s Nord in there somewhere. You had other stuff that’s just as good in there, but I couldn’t leave it off a list like this myself (unless you did and I just missed it).
Ravendusk in my heart one million percent. It has everything you want and more in a black metal album. A little cradle of filth a little emperor even squeezes in a slight mercyful fate vocal
Great interesting list. Love to hear your thoughts on ABSURD. maybe a ranking. For example TOTENLIEDER. What an absolute masterpiece. And VESPERIAN SORROW beyond the cursed eclipse. Oh before i forget. Unlord SCHWARZWALD.
Nice list and quick reviews. I agree with much of what is here. Only thing I’d maybe say a little different is “Hey, here’s a bunch of bands and albums I really dig” as opposed to “essential.” I’m not even sure you can call 100 of anything “essential.” Oh, well. Good stuff. Enjoyed
I didn’t include some proto bands like venom, slayer,sodom, sepultura, mercyful fate and the like as although highly influential I never considered any of them black metal, personally anyway cheers
100 essentials? Thats quite a lot. On Immortal,I'd rather put At The Heart Of Winter,unless we're going for the pure BM sound. GORGOROTH! With their most BM album too. On Bathory,maybe The Return... would be my choice. No arguing on Dissection. Also,Demon Burger's peak. CoF...maybe Cruelty instead...both work. Satyricon? Yeah,good choice,the debut is enchantic too. On Judas Iscariot,their last effort seems as worthy a choice as what you put forth. Aaaand Nokturnal Mortum! Haven't given The Voice Of Steel enought time,but Weltanschauung left my jaw on the ground,what a release. The Behemoth pick is still their best. From Taake,the sophomore release take the cake now for me. Moon In The Scorpio is an absolute beast,what a ride. For Sargeist,I am still choosing Let The Devil In. Apocalyptic Raids just rips!
Nah. Taake literally made them a name for that banjo solo. Gotta respect originality and "coolness" over being a rip-off outta the 2nd wave of black metal (mostly copying everything the norwegians did).
@@i_want_my_shuggah You know,that's a fair point. I chose the second album as it had more of the traditional Norwegian BM sound while adding more creative stuff to it.
I have listened to every single album on this list. I think this would have encapsulated my taste pretty accurately from the 2000's to the mid 2010's. My taste in black metal has changed a fair bit since then however. Lots I agree with, plenty that I do not. Definitely surprised at the lack of Moonsorrow but glad Nokturnal Mortum made the list. Other band inclusions could have been Dødsengel, Cult of Fire, and Schammasch.
I don't know if you mentioned some of these plus i'm too lazy to mention the album titles lol Abyssos debut album. Very Swedish melodic vampyric black metal In Aeternum debut album absolutely amazing Swedish melodic black metal Midvinter only album is Swedish melodic black metal with Emperor vibes Hecate Enthroned - Slaughter of Innocence is the best black metal album to listen in pitch blackness ...And Oceans first album alot like early Dimmu Borgir while 3rd album is very futuristic electronica black metal Seth debut is like early Dimmu Borgir but French Ancient Cainian Chronicle is easily their best. First album is good but kinda samey like alot of bands. Kaiaphas very unique vocals. Albums after are very experimental. Their 2004 album is more a return to melodic black metal. Naglfar first two albums but i kinda lean more towards the 2nd album Diabolical. 3rd album great too Bloodthorn debut is also great to listen to in the dark. They were more doomy atmospheric black metal early on Agathodaimon first album but 2nd and 3rd are really good too Siebenburgen first 3 albums but essential i'd probably say the 3rd was the best Ancient Ceremony first two albums Bethzaida debut is Norwegian black metal with flute Algaion debut is the blackest but i actually really like the 3rd album Vergelmer, Noctes, Unanimated, The Moaning are all great Swedish melodic black metal. Crimson Moon debut is pretty evil
Hey questy. Do you listen to traditional rock and roll like acdc or airbourne. I recommend a band called asomvel. They A LOT. Like motorhead. Very underrated
Incredible i like the same albums, not all but many. Enthroned, Necromantia, Arcturus, Absu…really onest…Kvist, Gehenna…Ved Buens Ende, Ragnarok, Ancient ( i prefer The Cainian Chronicles) Limbonic Art, Diabolical Masquerade…i grew whit this albums
Nice list man. I think I own at least 60% of these, and have listened to almost all of them, except for the DSBM stuff, never really got into that subgenre. If it was my list I would have included a couple other USBM bands like Summon/Masochist, Profantatica, GBK, and the first Antaeus, a Mystifier album, Acherontas/Stutthof, Setherial, the second Behexen, Odal, Moonblood…dang. There’s a lot of stuff that could be considered essential I guess. PS, I heard that if Denial Of God isn’t on your list, then you’re a flat out poser canoe 😵😎😆
Where the hell is Gris? They have literally one of the best black metal (and the best depressive black metal album. Yes, beating both Abyssic Hate and Shining combined together) of all time! _Il était une forêt.._ is a goddamn masterpiece!
Very early in I'm already about to note: Funeral Moon is much more essential black than Blaze, and the only truly essential Burz are the two immediately following release, Belus and Fallen.
Granted, some people come for the image and some for the aesthetic. Here's a quick and by no means comprehensive list of shit that a confirmed lifer who does not traffic with any mere crap has accumulated over nearly (fukk..) 30 years of this: Grand Declaration - ignore shit talk. An essential exercise from THE band that most defines the genre. Also Chimera, but also every Mayhem. Not a bad one yet. Bestial Warlust, but also Bestial Mockery. Different vibes, but both fucking jackhammer. Vampires of Black, yes, but also Black Millennium. France is key. On which note, L'Ordure Etat Pur. And also the racist one from 2018. Most bands that can pull off one will end up repeating on the list. I mentioned post prison Burz, but the first prison one is really good and the second one is just shit. Funny enough, same with the weird Beherit. Which brings us to Engram, which is the single most black metal thing ever set to record. Mayhem is the band, but Beherit set the bar. And definitely Thorns. The split has all the best Emperor, but the album has the best Thorns. Fallen Angel should be mentioned way sooner than halfway up any list, and the last one off the top of my head has to be Profanatitas. Just buy that and come back to thank me in the replies.
I just really feel that if one wishes to pass the flame to a theoretical future, it is important to put what matters right up front. The Thorns album is not some later addendum to a list, nor is it something you should check out only on the proviso that you like industrial black. Fenriz credits homes with having invented the black metal riff; he was key to the very existence of Mayhem in addition to being a part in the much celebrated drama; Hellhammer does drums and the boys from Satyricon and Dodheimsgard hold down a mic for him. Industrial black metal is a thing that exists because this album. If you like black metal and are not intimately aware of Thorns, you would obviously be young or new to this. And welcome, go buy a copy of Thorns. That's top ten for anyone, I don't even care. Immortal, look, it's fine to enjoy whatever. But the guys from Immortal were scrupulous to delineate that they weren't even doing the full on aesthetic, they just liked the image thing.
While I won't disagree with the impact and status of those albums, people who are getting into bm should go for great newer albums instead of old shite :P (This coming from someone who bought Burzum at Helvete in the early 90s)
"I'm an Englishman. I'm not very good at 'pronoun-see-ation'..." It's your mother tongue haha, maybe try English words at least phonetically sometimes. 'Pronunciation' is said the way it's spelt, see? There's no second 'O' in there. Just think of women in habits that get paid for milling about muttering sky daddy gibberish... Pro nuns, y'know?
Ow to go a little further. I one would ask me whats your favorite black metal and i think far too little attention is given to this band. 🥁🥁🥁🥁 AKERCOCKE. Satanic Bow and tie black metal with a 😉 wink. Fantastic
No idea why I said “Swedish” meloblack for immortal I’m a donut!
Next time gonna call Burzum drone metal! 😂
awesome list questy! I would throw on Hellripper, Furia, Carach Angren, Goatmoon, Abbath, Ihsahn, Benighted, Sabbat, Moonsorrow, Mare Cognitum, Watain, Angelcorpse, 1914, Ancient Rites etc.
Thanks for putting the list in the description :) helps finding them!
Great video and amazing album choices. I’m proud of owning, in vinyl records, 84 out of those 100.
Leviathan - tenth sub level of suicide, is the one of most heaviest stuff i have ever heard. Absolute masterpiece!
A literal encyclopedia of black metal music. I am grateful! I'd add Cobalt (either Gin or Slow Forever) for another unique American selection. They share common DNA with Wayfarer and are similar in style.
Albums I would've included:
Gorgoroth - Under The Sign Of Hell
Plaga - Magia Gwiezdnej Entropii
Absurd - Der fünfzehnjährige Krieg
Goatmoon - Varjot
Summoning - Stronghold
ANTI - The Insignificance Of Life
Damarr - Triumph Through Spears of Sacrilege
Gehenna - First Spell
Apati - Morgondagen Installd I Brist Pa Intresse
Sadistik Exekution - We Are Death Fuck You
But that Apati album is not black metal, just so you know.
Agreed with a lot of these but not absurd, fuck that nazi shit
I have Varjot as my license plate. Still don't know how I got that one past the DMV 😂
Plaga is so good!
Good list as always, maybe a bit more your favorites than the essential albums. But hey, its not easy pick up 100 essential albums. I would add here The ruins of beverast - Foulest Semen of a Sheltered Elite.
Based pick?
Evilfeast - Wintermoon Enchantment
Katharsis - VVorldVVithoutEnd
S.V.E.S.T. - Urfaust
Grand Belial's Key - Judeobeast Assassination
Branikald - Rdyandalir
Forest - Foredooming the Hope for Eternity
Goatmoon - Finnish Steel Storm
Mortuary Drape - All the Witches Dance
Ildjarn - Forest Poetry
Negative Plane - Stained Glass Revelations
all could be contenders for this list
Was listening to Finnish steel storm this morning but ye great list
Because I’m lazy and set in my ways, most of the black metal I listen to is still the 90s stuff that I fell in love with back then. To me the perfect sound is mid-90s Norwegian productions like Ulver, Arcturus, Emperor, Enslaved, Satyricon, Old Man’s, Dimmu, Borknagar, etc. You included most of my favorites.
Really the only current BM bands I listen to are Alcest and Drudkh.
So thank you for all the other recommendations of stuff to check out, when I get around to it. 🤘
If you haven’t already I highly recommend checking out the Finnish black metal scene. They essentially continued where the Norwegian scene left off in the mid-late 90s.
Check out Sargeist, Horna, Satanic Warmaster, Vargrav, Archgoat, and Behexen.
Love these longer videos
Me too.
Glad that Slaughtersun and Enter the Moonlight Gate getting some love, absolute gems
An absolute killer list. Congrats!
I heard all the blackmetal band, im just as obsessed as you or more, and Ive already died and resurrected a few times. But blackmetal, yea, its like our new folk music!
Beautiful list brother 🙏
Missed seeing Obtained Enslavement - Witchcraft and Falkenbach - en their medh riki fara but then you realise that black metal is so good that a top 100 album list is short
33.07 should be where obtained is but ye falkenbach are great too easy to make the list even longer haha
@@Questformetal oh I missed it haha, but yeah, awesome list btw
I just ordered Marduk’s Opus Nocturne on CD and I got Sigh’s Scorn Defeat on CD two days ago. This is a really good list. I’ve heard most of these albums and many of these are some of my all time favorite black metal albums. I still need to check out Kvist, Negura Bunget, Odium, Ragnarok, I Shalt Become, Lifelover, and Lunar Aurora. I’m definitely curious to check them all out.
Opus Nocturne has the best drumming sound of all black metal albums in my opinion. At least on the original master.
This my guys, is a good list. Not sure what I would add besides Goatmoon (Finnish Steel Storm) and Waitain (Sworn to the Dark).
2 bands I love: craft fuck the universe and darkened nocturn slaughtercult nocturnal march are a must
Not a bad list, IMO. I do find there was a lot on entry level albums tho... I wished there was more mention to the underground scene, which has probably a good share of classics. I would have mention: Nehemah - Requiem Tenebrae,
Armagedda - Ond Spiritism,
Trist - Zrcadenie Melancholie,
Horna - Sanojesi Aarelle,
Nyktalgia - Nyktalgia,
Mortuus - De Contemplanda Morte,
Manes - Under ein blodraud maane,
DHD - Kronet til Konge,
Craft - Fuck the universe,
Furia - Martwa polska jesień,
Svartidaudi - Flesh Cathedral, etc
Storm lord...mare nostrum!..very fine!it is a creative must hear! Wanna hear a whole slow black matal song played with acoustic gitarres only? Here we go...get it!
Remembering it’s all just opinions 👍
Naglefar- Hungreb Im herbst
Serithal- Nord
Strid- End of life
Caladan Brood - Echoes of battle
Ellende - Todbringer
I would have these before the ones you mentioned
Satyricon - Shadow throne
Enslaved - Vikinglir Veldi
It’s a good topic & debate 👍
Strid and Forgotten Woods definitely deserved a spot here. For Strid because they basically created depressive black metal in 1993. Waaay before all the d..m.b..sses start saying dbm is "just a Burzum copy 🤪". For Forgotten Woods I would have changed it for Lifelover, because Lifelover is literally a rip-off of Forgotten Woods. The thing is that Lifelover started getting copied an INSANE amount of times in the late 2000's by angsty-teenager bedroom "dsbm" projects.
Nord by Setherial is an absolute masterpiece
I might have switched a couple out, specifically, I’d have gone with …And So The Night Became for Aeternus, just like the folkier elements a bit more on that one.
For ImpNaz, I’d have gone with Suomi Finland Perkele.
I might have subbed Memoria Vetusta III for TWWTG, and placed Axis Of Perdition in there to fill the cold mechanical void.
Lastly, I would have found a place for Setherial’s Nord in there somewhere. You had other stuff that’s just as good in there, but I couldn’t leave it off a list like this myself (unless you did and I just missed it).
Nah setherial is a good shout that’s a classic album nord
Ravendusk in my heart one million percent. It has everything you want and more in a black metal album. A little cradle of filth a little emperor even squeezes in a slight mercyful fate vocal
Very good list. Would have thrown Nord by Serherial on there, cause that one is a classic many people do know.
100 essential doom metal album next? 👀
And death metal
1001 essential metal albums better.
Great to see Abysic hate getting some ❤️. I knew Shane many full moons ago now
Great interesting list. Love to hear your thoughts on ABSURD. maybe a ranking. For example TOTENLIEDER. What an absolute masterpiece. And VESPERIAN SORROW beyond the cursed eclipse. Oh before i forget. Unlord SCHWARZWALD.
Nice list and quick reviews. I agree with much of what is here. Only thing I’d maybe say a little different is “Hey, here’s a bunch of bands and albums I really dig” as opposed to “essential.” I’m not even sure you can call 100 of anything “essential.” Oh, well. Good stuff. Enjoyed
Craft...! Everyone's gonna have their 'how could you miss this?' 'Fuck the Universe', but really any of their work is mandatory listening.
Surprising not to see venom's black metal here, but deffo will be checkin' some of these out. Cheers!
I didn’t include some proto bands like venom, slayer,sodom, sepultura, mercyful fate and the like as although highly influential I never considered any of them black metal, personally anyway cheers
@@Questformetaland good decision, because they are not black metal!
That's because it is not black metal, dude...
Phenomenal list. I’ll add Akercocke (UK) - The Goat of Mendes & Aborym (Italy) - Fire Walk With Us.
Thyrane - Symphonies of Infernality
I find your lack of Horna disturbing...
Otherwise a solid list! Though I've always considered Behemoth's Demigod a death metal album.
100 essentials?
Thats quite a lot.
On Immortal,I'd rather put At The Heart Of Winter,unless we're going for the pure BM sound.
With their most BM album too.
On Bathory,maybe The Return... would be my choice.
No arguing on Dissection.
Also,Demon Burger's peak.
CoF...maybe Cruelty instead...both work.
Yeah,good choice,the debut is enchantic too.
On Judas Iscariot,their last effort seems as worthy a choice as what you put forth.
Aaaand Nokturnal Mortum!
Haven't given The Voice Of Steel enought time,but Weltanschauung left my jaw on the ground,what a release.
The Behemoth pick is still their best.
From Taake,the sophomore release take the cake now for me.
Moon In The Scorpio is an absolute beast,what a ride.
For Sargeist,I am still choosing Let The Devil In.
Apocalyptic Raids just rips!
Nah. Taake literally made them a name for that banjo solo. Gotta respect originality and "coolness" over being a rip-off outta the 2nd wave of black metal (mostly copying everything the norwegians did).
@@i_want_my_shuggah You know,that's a fair point.
I chose the second album as it had more of the traditional Norwegian BM sound while adding more creative stuff to it.
Did you ever like Anorexia Nervosa (France) or Evol (Italy) ?
Check out Post Mortem Superstar -Which Witch Wroughts
...and Oceans of finland's first two albums are among my favs, nice list
I have listened to every single album on this list. I think this would have encapsulated my taste pretty accurately from the 2000's to the mid 2010's. My taste in black metal has changed a fair bit since then however. Lots I agree with, plenty that I do not. Definitely surprised at the lack of Moonsorrow but glad Nokturnal Mortum made the list. Other band inclusions could have been Dødsengel, Cult of Fire, and Schammasch.
Great list of bands! No Watain?
I don't know if you mentioned some of these plus i'm too lazy to mention the album titles lol
Abyssos debut album. Very Swedish melodic vampyric black metal
In Aeternum debut album absolutely amazing Swedish melodic black metal
Midvinter only album is Swedish melodic black metal with Emperor vibes
Hecate Enthroned - Slaughter of Innocence is the best black metal album to listen in pitch blackness
...And Oceans first album alot like early Dimmu Borgir while 3rd album is very futuristic electronica black metal
Seth debut is like early Dimmu Borgir but French
Ancient Cainian Chronicle is easily their best. First album is good but kinda samey like alot of bands. Kaiaphas very unique vocals. Albums after are very experimental. Their 2004 album is more a return to melodic black metal.
Naglfar first two albums but i kinda lean more towards the 2nd album Diabolical. 3rd album great too
Bloodthorn debut is also great to listen to in the dark. They were more doomy atmospheric black metal early on
Agathodaimon first album but 2nd and 3rd are really good too
Siebenburgen first 3 albums but essential i'd probably say the 3rd was the best
Ancient Ceremony first two albums
Bethzaida debut is Norwegian black metal with flute
Algaion debut is the blackest but i actually really like the 3rd album
Vergelmer, Noctes, Unanimated, The Moaning are all great Swedish melodic black metal. Crimson Moon debut is pretty evil
I really missed Hate Forest and Akhlys in your list.
I love how you refer to Greek bm as Hellenic - you're so cultured🧐🖤🤘🖤🤘🖤🤘🖤
I've bookmarked this to watch after work, but if Can Baard's Devoured by the Oak album isn't here I will be sad. 😂
I guess its too new to be "essential"
As a late comer to black metal, I've only heard 47 of these.
I have a lot of listening to do!
Hey questy. Do you listen to traditional rock and roll like acdc or airbourne. I recommend a band called asomvel. They A LOT. Like motorhead. Very underrated
Wayfarer are also a great band. Definitely recommend A Romance With Violence.
Quite A Unique band too
I was about to say this, A Romance With Violence is a gem, saw them live couple of months ago they were unreal.
I've always preferred the German band called Nagelfar, the Virus West album is absolutely colossal.
No Gallowbraid -Ashen Eidelon?
Yo! I was thinking the exact same thing I have that album on CD it's that good
Recensione ASAGRAUM? 👋🤘
I hope youve heard Desaster's Satans Soldier Syndicate!!!
It's time to make your top 100 favorite metal albums of all time🍺
He already did
Cool af video
Der Weg Einer Freiheit - any album, they are all perfect - should have been there
Also would add some Moonsorrow, 1914 and Deafheaven.
Incredible i like the same albums, not all but many. Enthroned, Necromantia, Arcturus, Absu…really onest…Kvist, Gehenna…Ved Buens Ende, Ragnarok, Ancient ( i prefer The Cainian Chronicles) Limbonic Art, Diabolical Masquerade…i grew whit this albums
Nice list man. I think I own at least 60% of these, and have listened to almost all of them, except for the DSBM stuff, never really got into that subgenre. If it was my list I would have included a couple other USBM bands like Summon/Masochist, Profantatica, GBK, and the first Antaeus, a Mystifier album, Acherontas/Stutthof, Setherial, the second Behexen, Odal, Moonblood…dang. There’s a lot of stuff that could be considered essential I guess.
PS, I heard that if Denial Of God isn’t on your list, then you’re a flat out poser canoe 😵😎😆
Denial of god is for wimps like the dawg real men listen to slipknot brah brah
@@Questformetal 😆🍻🤘
Where the hell is Gris? They have literally one of the best black metal (and the best depressive black metal album. Yes, beating both Abyssic Hate and Shining combined together) of all time! _Il était une forêt.._ is a goddamn masterpiece!
That’s somehow a band that’s flown over my radar I’ve been aware of them but never listened. I’ll have to listen tonight
@@Questformetal 😔🙏
for the love of God Questy,,, DO A MIDNIGHT ODYSSEY" RANKING !!!
Necromantia from my country greece🤟🇬🇷🤟
pame ligoo ellhnes edww
Can someone make a playlist on spotify with all of these albums on it pleaseeeeee
Some bands like Nocturnal Mortum and Abyssic Hate aren't on spotify so it'll be incomplete
Where is Tar Blossom 😮?
I would add something with
Destruction ritual
And the only album by Charon-Sulphur seraph
Very early in I'm already about to note:
Funeral Moon is much more essential black than Blaze, and the only truly essential Burz are the two immediately following release, Belus and Fallen.
Nattens by far over Bergtatt. Are you directing people to essentials or conducting a history seminar?
Rebel Extravaganza.. where bands begin to come into their own. A notable exception being DHG, whose most essential albums really are the earliest.
Granted, some people come for the image and some for the aesthetic. Here's a quick and by no means comprehensive list of shit that a confirmed lifer who does not traffic with any mere crap has accumulated over nearly (fukk..) 30 years of this:
Grand Declaration - ignore shit talk. An essential exercise from THE band that most defines the genre. Also Chimera, but also every Mayhem. Not a bad one yet.
Bestial Warlust, but also Bestial Mockery. Different vibes, but both fucking jackhammer.
Vampires of Black, yes, but also Black Millennium. France is key.
On which note, L'Ordure Etat Pur. And also the racist one from 2018. Most bands that can pull off one will end up repeating on the list.
I mentioned post prison Burz, but the first prison one is really good and the second one is just shit. Funny enough, same with the weird Beherit.
Which brings us to Engram, which is the single most black metal thing ever set to record. Mayhem is the band, but Beherit set the bar.
And definitely Thorns. The split has all the best Emperor, but the album has the best Thorns.
Fallen Angel should be mentioned way sooner than halfway up any list, and the last one off the top of my head has to be
Profanatitas. Just buy that and come back to thank me in the replies.
I just really feel that if one wishes to pass the flame to a theoretical future, it is important to put what matters right up front. The Thorns album is not some later addendum to a list, nor is it something you should check out only on the proviso that you like industrial black. Fenriz credits homes with having invented the black metal riff; he was key to the very existence of Mayhem in addition to being a part in the much celebrated drama; Hellhammer does drums and the boys from Satyricon and Dodheimsgard hold down a mic for him. Industrial black metal is a thing that exists because this album. If you like black metal and are not intimately aware of Thorns, you would obviously be young or new to this. And welcome, go buy a copy of Thorns. That's top ten for anyone, I don't even care. Immortal, look, it's fine to enjoy whatever. But the guys from Immortal were scrupulous to delineate that they weren't even doing the full on aesthetic, they just liked the image thing.
Unanimated - Ancient God of evil??
While I won't disagree with the impact and status of those albums, people who are getting into bm should go for great newer albums instead of old shite :P (This coming from someone who bought Burzum at Helvete in the early 90s)
GBK and Goatmoon are missing damn it :(
GBK are shit and Goatmoon are nothing special
And horna tbh could easily make the list 200 haha
And Troll Drep.. album also Covenant in times album. But good list non the less man. Cheers 🍻
Why recommend NSBM bands like Taake?
Goatmoon - Finnish Steel Storm
Wolves in the Throne Room - Diadem of 12 Stars
Wodensthrone - Loss
Winterfylleth - The Ghost of Heritage
Why do you not say your T’s? ‘Black Meddle…’
i have listened 65 albums from that list lol
Time to listen to them all!
@@i_want_my_shuggah you did it? :0
@@vrildom I never counted them all. But I still have some pending.
Carpathian forest and Arcturus are both in this video
that's my kinda video
Those spelling mistakes gave me cancer, expect the bill for my treatment at any second
Nightwork is way better than Ravendusk in My Heart IMO
Wouldn't they play this music on the elevators in hell?
No Black Album from Metallica? The list is a joke
The pagans are going to war against the Vikings? Lol
Where is ghost?? Swedish fish meloblack masterpiece
lol at darkspace being here
Paysage d'Hiver and Darkspace are some of the best atmospheric black metal bands in history. Stfu.
"I'm an Englishman. I'm not very good at 'pronoun-see-ation'..." It's your mother tongue haha, maybe try English words at least phonetically sometimes. 'Pronunciation' is said the way it's spelt, see? There's no second 'O' in there. Just think of women in habits that get paid for milling about muttering sky daddy gibberish... Pro nuns, y'know?
Pls shave bro
@@somethingelse04you’re not questy are you?
@@davidavila8805 🤡
Stfu and listen to the albums.
Bathory, Mgla, Behemoth is not black metal.
Huh? What are you going on about?
>Not black metal
MGŁA not black metal? lay off the weed mate
What the f... are you on, loser forty ager?
Yikes, i feel sorry for you lol
I'm a BM hype beast, thnx, I can now flex to everyone how trve I am. 🤟
Ow to go a little further. I one would ask me whats your favorite black metal and i think far too little attention is given to this band. 🥁🥁🥁🥁
AKERCOCKE. Satanic Bow and tie black metal with a 😉 wink. Fantastic