ADHD as a Gift or a Curse: Hallowell vs. Barkley - Part 1

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 19 ก.ย. 2024
  • This four-part video series centers on the widely held view that Dr Edward Hallowell and I have sharp disagreements or contrasting views on the nature of ADHD, with him viewing it as a gift and me seeing it as a curse or pathology. While largely mistaken, this view fails to appreciate the many ideas about ADHD we have in common. Yet there are a few ideas about ADHD on which we disagree. I also believe that there are multiple downsides to viewing ADHD as a gift or super-power.
    Part 1 - Here I hope to give some background to this popular view of our opinions as being highly divergent.
    Part 2 - In this short lecture I set forth the many areas of agreement between Dr. Hallowell and I on various aspects of ADHD.
    Part 3 - Here I wish to concede certain points to critics of my opinions on ADHD, though I disagree with their accusations that I over-pathologize the disorder.
    Part 4 - I discuss the several areas where I do disagree with some of the views expressed by Dr. Hallowell and why. I also discuss the several downsides that might potentially arise from viewing ADHD as a gift, super-power, or just awesome.

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