My issue with Bungou’s season 3 finale... (it could've been better)

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 21 ต.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 44

  • @casualfandomview
    @casualfandomview  ปีที่แล้ว

    Time stamps:
    Intro: 00:00-1:15
    Part one: 1:16-3:12
    Part two: 3:12-6:39
    Part three: 6:39-9:59
    Outro: 9:59-10:38
    I really should’ve edited my script for this video some more, but somehow i didn’t notice the issues in my wording until i’ve already recorded it all. This channel is called ‘casual’ for a reason, so some videos won’t be as concise when i’m the type of person to repeat myself occasionally 😃😅

  • @kuricat16
    @kuricat16 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    S4 is the first season I'm seeing after reading the manga so I'm honestly just seeing certain adaptation disappointments for the first time now. Watching s3 as an anime only fan was super cool but reading the manga afterwards definitely added the extra weight with the headmaster trauma.
    For s4 tho, (spoilers)
    Imo I feel like kenji and tanizaki's emotions aren't coming across as well as they could this season but yosano's story was definitely done justice with the voice acting so that made me happy-

    • @casualfandomview
      @casualfandomview  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      thanks for the comment! 💜
      (s4 spoilers below)
      i haven't watched the latest episode of bsd, but i have watched till yosano's episode which i loved deeply. i honestly haven't read the bsd manga in a hot minute & i've only read the content from s3 onwards since i read the manga after s2. for s3 the main issue i had was the finale b/c of how tone-deaf it seemed and the headmaster reveal was a HUGE moment i loved when i first read it in the manga so it stood out for me as awkward in comparison to what i recalled to be a super serious moment. I don't expect BONES to nail every aspect of the manga because as with any adaptation there will be slight differences that just cannot translate from manga to anime. For the light novels, they're doomed from the start due to their time constraints, so i can't say anything about that since i'm happy to see any snippets animated (and if i haven't read the light novel it's motivation for me to go back and read it at some point if the anime doesn't give me enough).
      s4 so far i haven't seen any big problems personally, the tone of yosano's episode was immaculate for me and i got emotional watching it. The way they animated the action sequences was great for me as well. for me, kenji and tanizaki's characters, even as a manga reader, are probably the weakest on the ADA team. like Kenji gets way more character development in the Beast light novel that i remember lmao and it's basically an AU. And for tanizaki, i don't even remember him much b/c he's not a character i care about (probably b/c of the whole incest thing), even in the manga he's just a generic dude who's protective of his family, and co-workers. His ability is very useful for the ADA though. but once again, it's been a long time since i've read it and i plan to re-read it only after finishing the season in all likelihood. For now, I just wanna watch the new season without an overly critical manga reader pov, and kinda just have fun while watching it. otherwise i don't think i'll have as much fun watching the new season!! I'm just thankful we got a s4 at all! And im still behind on reading the current manga chapters (i may or may not make a reaction video at some point woohoo! 😁)

    • @kuricat16
      @kuricat16 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @Casual Fandom View yes s4 as a whole was a gift and omg kenji was so adorable in beast TwT
      (S4 spoilers)
      For me personally, I think tanizaki just showed a lot more fear during this whole arc and kenji getting stabbed by tetcho just felt more urgent in the manga but overall, both characters definitely aren't developed that much throughout the series-
      Love ur vids btw 👀

    • @casualfandomview
      @casualfandomview  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@kuricat16 glad to hear you're enjoying s4 so far as well! 😊kenji is such a sweetheart in beast yes!
      (S4 Spoilers)
      now that you mention it could be the case for tanizaki, he might've been more panicky than i recalled, tho he did seem distraught in the anime for me personally...i definitely felt like the manga had instilled more fear in me but i think it might be because we had to wait 1 or more months for each update. 😅 i think kenji being stabbed in the manga definitely had a bigger impact. it must've been more of a close up or something? it's likely the impact feels more prevalent to us in the manga b/c in the anime they're depicting it as an action sequence that occurs accurately. in this case, the sword is supposed to be super fast so the shot of kenji being stabbed can't be very long. for the anime what they seemed to focus on most was the pure SPEED at which the sword moves. and i do think this was properly conveyed visually. Though, this is just my opinion. they probably could've given kenji a few more frames of focus tho lmao. i could be forgetting if kenji had more lines that i forgot about, correct me if i'm wrong. if they cut any of those out, then they did him dirty omg

  • @ProPinkist
    @ProPinkist ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Yeah, I'm one of those snobby people who, after having read the manga and light novels, am unfortunately quite disappointed in BSD's anime as a whole, and how it in large part fails to understand the tone, darkness, and nuances the manga/light novels so beautifully and delicately portray. And I always feel bad for being such a negative nancy about this lol, I really don't want to rain on the parade of anime-onlies, or people who enjoy the anime in general; hell, I don't _hate_ it, I myself do like it a lot sometimes. Season 4 is probably the most consistently good the anime has ever been.
    But although I enjoyed the first 2 seasons when I watched them blind week to week in 2016 (god that was so long ago, I miss those days OTL), and they were what got me into BSD, ignorance, as they say, is unfortunately bliss, and it wasn't until I went back and reread the manga from the beginning, read Dark Era, and most recently read Dazai's Entrance Exam and Untold Origins, that I started seeing the anime in a completely different light, and realized that it just.... really does not get BSD. It's too shounen, it's too "fluffy" is the word I tend to use; it chooses to focus more on the action and pace things way too quickly, skipping over crucial scenes and moments, ruining the tone of key moments because it doesn't understand what said tone should _be_ , as you pointed out in this video, the art style is so inconsistent and wonky sometimes, flanderizing characters and watering them down compared to how much more complex they are in the manga (Dazai, as the other commenters have said, gets the absolute worst of this treatment, his vulnerability and human moments completely stripped in favor of his "cool" factor, but I'd also point to Oda; Oda's nuances are 99% unable to be fully understood unless you read Dark Era, just like with Dazai, there's no two ways around it, sadly. Also Fyodor is so ugly in the anime lol, his ethereal, angelic manga charm is completely absent).
    BSD is a seinen; it's dark, and heavy, and gritty, and real, and sensitive, and nuanced, but Bones just really doesn't get how it's supposed to be, and the stylistic choice they've chosen for the anime doesn't properly do Asagiri's rich story, and Harukawa's gorgeous art that conveys SO much, justice. And it's really, really sad, because to me BSD is so incredibly underrated and overlooked, and I honestly blame a lot of that on the anime not properly conveying how incredible it really is... I mean, to be fair a lot of manga readers underrate it too lol (and not enough people read the light novels.... sigh), but the anime is what gets a lot of people _into_ BSD, myself included, and I see plenty of watchers who enjoy it well enough, but just with an air of "yeah it's good", but not _great,_ because the adaptation is overall just such a mediocre mess. Season 3 is definitely the worst, this finale is a mess, I will NEVER forgive how they butchered chapter 39 and created that hollow shell of an "adaptation", Dazai's Entrance Exam is completely butchered in season 1, Dark Era and Untold Origins are probably the best of the light novel adaptations (admitting that I haven't read Fifteen yet, but I heard they cut out a ton of it so lol) but even they suffer from usual Bonesisms and not having enough time or using enough internal monologues to showcase Oda and Fukuzawa's characters (honestly, the light novels should be movies or long OVAs, full stop; I will _never_ understand why they insist on squeezing them into the seasons, because that just makes them AND the manga content suffer from not enough time).... and as I said, season 4 is pretty good, probably the best so far (for this anime adaptation lol), but almost every week I am still constantly encountering rushed pacing or scenes where the tone is off, or cut scenes, and some of these scenes in question are ones that I have literally been looking forward to seeing animated for YEARS (Dazai's arrest scene, Nikolai's bird speech to Atsushi, Ango standing at Oda's grave; ALL RUINED). And lets not forget how they love to overuse the dreaded fisheye lens 🥴💀
    .....Now, all that being said, I of course DO NOT blame ANY of this on the artists, animators, editors, voice actors, composers, etc. All that staff are doing the best they can with what they are told to do, and doing an incredible job, even, within the hellish constraints of the anime industry. Oftentimes the voice actors HARD CARRY scenes where the tone is otherwise a bit iffy all on their own (and in the dub too, cause I love the dub). I fully put the blame on the higher ups who make the decisions of the direction the anime is supposed to take, and which scenes get cut, etc, and misinterpret so much of BSD..... Season 4 truly feels like it has a lot of love put into it, the most the anime ever has (Yosano's backstory and also basically anytime Mushitarou gets focus is quite literally godly, I am so thankful for that), and I can really feel that most of the time, but even so, it's still held back by Bones being Bones, and sometimes to devastating effect. It's not a _bad_ anime by any means, it absolutely excels at things like lighting and color palette symbolism, the soundtrack is amazing, the OPs and EDs are always bangers, and it can be really good in general at times, as I've said. But overall, on average, it's just... mediocre. Dead Apple completely scrapped so much of Asagiri's original ideas for it, and for it and season 3 they were lazy enough to just reuse old animations for the main OP/ED visuals instead of creating brand new ones like in seasons 1 2 and 4. Again, things have majorly improved this season, but not enough, consistently, and it can't erase what came before. It just really makes me wish I lived in the timeline where Mappa adapted BSD instead, like that other commenter said, cause I know they would do BSD justice, like it deserves. 💔 The _stage plays_ are better adaptations of the manga and light novels, for crying out loud.
    Lol I'm so sorry for the super elitist and negative rant, I know I probably sound so arrogant alkdjfgkfdlsd, and I still want to stress that I _am_ grateful the anime exists at all; if it wasn't for the anime, I would not have gotten into BSD, most likely, and I'd never want that to have been the case. Season 2 starting with Dark Era was what made me absolutely fall head over heels for this series, and fall 2016 of watching that and crying over it with my friend is an incredibly nostalgic memory for me. I'm glad the anime is still going and giving the series the popularity it deserves. But I also know that it deserves so much more, so much better, and any harsh criticism I give the anime is purely born out of how much sheer love for the source material I have, and out of a strong desire for anime-onlies to know what they're missing out on, and urging them to read the manga and light novels, so they can fully understand and appreciate how special this series truly is. I hope that season 4 does encourage more people to read the source material... and regardless of me wishing the anime was better, I have overall mostly been enjoying watching s4 week to week (and twice, cause of the dub) 💖and it makes me glad to see how much of a major step up it is from last season, even with the gripes I still have lol
    (also I read the description, I hope things get better for you soon ❤🫂 I love your BSD content, but take all the time you need to make more)

    • @sci-fienthusiast5500
      @sci-fienthusiast5500 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Btw what do u mean by BSD is underrated/overlooked? Is it not one of the most popular animes in Japan?

    • @ProPinkist
      @ProPinkist ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@sci-fienthusiast5500 Yeah I think it is fairly popular in Japan, I meant more in the English-speaking fanbase.... there's not a lot of deep and nuanced discussion about the more complex themes of BSD, despite it being a series inspired by classic literature. Of course I'm not saying there's _no_ intelligent analysis, there definitely is plenty if you look in the right places, but it isn't the majority, since the fanbase is mostly comprised of younger people and.... dominated by shipping, as most anime fandoms tend to be. I just think BSD is underrated and its true maturity/quality completely overlooked even by most of the people who do like it, and the surface-level anime adaptation certainly doesn't help matters :/ I know that sounds really arrogant of me hfjkdsf and I'm not trying to patrol or dictate how people enjoy and interact with the thing they like; just saying that sometimes -a lot of the time- I feel like the odd one out in this fandom cause I feel like most people don't focus on/talk about the things that I love about it lmao

    • @amochikaay
      @amochikaay ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I agree for the most part, though I don’t think BSD is all that dark, gritty, and complex as you seem to be implying. Don’t get me wrong, I think BSD definitely has a complex and dark thing going for it, but sometimes it does have sillier and more ridiculous moments. The whole premise of BSD sounds kinda ridiculous, but I think the characters and their relationships with eachother is where BSD really shines, and where we get the more interesting and complex aspect of the story.

    • @emeraldfantasyworld8916
      @emeraldfantasyworld8916 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@amochikaay I agree that BSD really shines with its characters and relationships. It is not the story or plot of BSD that is complex, but just the characters. I remember seeing negative reviews of the anime because people thought BSD was just a typical generic shounen, and honestly, I can't blame them for thinking that. The anime just shows the surface level of the characters, and never the depths of the characters. And because of this, there are a lot of misconceptions about the characters, specifically from anime onlys...Like I will never understand why so many people compare Dazai to freaking Gojo from JJK.💀Those two are actually nothing alike, and I really blame the anime for the way it portrays Dazai.

  • @yutqoi
    @yutqoi ปีที่แล้ว +13

    It's so unfortunate, but it isn't even just this episode, but the anime as a whole. Still absolutely love the anime with all my heart, but it's so important to point out how much it doesn't seem to understand the original source material, ESPECIALLY the light novels. It definitely does some things right, better than the manga honestly, but those are few and far between. It's so sad to because the manga and light novels cover nuances so important to bsd's theme, it's sad to see it not featured well in the anime, which leads to a lot of people to misunderstand the series
    There's many examples to how the anime messes up, but imo, the BIGGEST thing bones doesn't understand is Dazai's character. The anime seems to romanticize him way too much and it's honestly so different than how Asagiri writes him. Didn't realize just how much different Dazai is in the anime compared to the manga and light novels until I read the age fifteen novel and volume 7 of the manga. This is a whole rant on its own, but it's honestly impressive how different he is, especially in the novels. And again, this is just one of the many things that the anime messes up in adapting bsd

    • @sci-fienthusiast5500
      @sci-fienthusiast5500 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Not just Dazai’s character, but also Akutagawa’s. Why tf does Akutagawa seem like a different character in the anime than he is in the manga.

    • @yutqoi
      @yutqoi ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@sci-fienthusiast5500 Right! Bones seems to just leave out things for Akutagawa, which I completely understand is for time purposes, but it does leave out moments important in understanding his character (specifically pointing out chapter 39 and the short story in volume 6). I'm really interested in what Bones will do for volume 20, but I'm predicting it won't be able to truly show the feeling like how it did in the manga. The action he did for Atsushi there can be justified because the manga shows him empathizing with Atsushi in the times he understood where Atsushi came from. With how he is portrayed in the anime, it could be like "why did he do that, I thought he hated Atsushi?"
      Bones also seems to not portray Atsushi and Akutagawa working together as well as the manga since the Fitzgerald and Ivan battle are very different (imo) than what happened in the manga, so it's definitely gonna be interesting how they animate volume 20. Regardless, still gonna probably bawl my eyes out, so it's whtvr ig- LMAO

    • @sci-fienthusiast5500
      @sci-fienthusiast5500 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@yutqoiOh God I dread chapter 88 being animated. LIKE I AM NOT PREPARED😖

    • @kuricat16
      @kuricat16 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Manga dazai has so much more depth but anime dazai is more of an airhead T^T

    • @emeraldfantasyworld8916
      @emeraldfantasyworld8916 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Speaking of shitty light novel adaptations, I am NEVER forgiving BONES Studio in how they adapted Dazai's Entrance Exam in S1 like literally wtf was that. Why tf did they Atsushi in that adaptation when it was really about Kunikida and Dazai and how they interacted with each other. And Dazai, Chuuya Age 15 adaptation left out so much content and felt rushed. Dark Era adaptation was actually good, but at the end of the day, we know the light novel is better. And currently, I don't know how to feel about the current season's adaptation of Untold Origins. And I swear to fucking God, if they adapt Stormbringer in a future season in just 3 episodes, I am rioting.

  • @user-lt3lx1cl1k
    @user-lt3lx1cl1k ปีที่แล้ว +2

    This was a very interesting video , I personally still love the anime and it’s portrayal of the story and the characters though I can understand why manga readers have their problems with the anime . I think another reason I like the anime so much is because I find the art style of the anime very appealing and the soundtrack is top notch . Personally speaking I have no problem with the anime even as a manga reader (which I also love for its own reasons).
    I’m curious what do think of the anime as a whole and it’s characters .

    • @casualfandomview
      @casualfandomview  ปีที่แล้ว

      Thanks for the comment! 😊as a whole i love the anime, i even made a video on my channel on why people should watch it. Even though I love it, like any media I consume I enjoy picking apart ways it could be improved. I thoroughly enjoyed the third season, it's just the finale episode didn't hit the right mark for me. But that's just my opinion! other people who have read the manga, like yourself, might still have fun watching it, and see no problem in it. I don't think there's one singular 'correct' opinion, b/c we all have a different preferences when it comes to shows we watch.

  • @sci-fienthusiast5500
    @sci-fienthusiast5500 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    I have personal beef with BONES Studios and the way they adapt the Bungou Stray Dogs manga and light novels. Anime onlys will never understand all the things the anime does wrong. Why tf couldn’t BSD been animated by MAPPA Studios instead🥲

    • @casualfandomview
      @casualfandomview  ปีที่แล้ว +3

      i can't speak on BONES as whole, but i do feel like the show is a hit or miss depending on what they're adapting. for the light novels, they kinda set themselves up for failure due to the lack of episodes they're seemed to be 'allowed' to leave for the light novels. I don't know all the behind the scenes technical stuff that's involved with how many episodes they're allowed so because of this all i can really mention is what's missing and how sound choice/visual changes could help improve the adaptation. thanks for the comment!! 😊