Absolutely! The whole system of training, procedures, and legal principals has to be reviewed and analyzed. Police need to be accountable and responsible for every single excessive use of force and intimidating escalation they cause.
Reform is great, but this will not impact communities to the same extent an overhaul of the Healthcare system would. Per capita heart disease kills far more black Americans than police. Homicide counts for just 5% of all deaths and that includes police shootings. Like in the case of Daniel Prude police may have aggravated his death but the root cause is lack of access too good mental health care and addiction treatment. The defund police movement understands this even if they don't openly state it. This is why community counseling was requested as a first line. In short, there are many hacking at the branches of evil, but few who strike at the roots.
@@princecharming69 I'm not focused on the disgrace of cultural subconscious prejudice, or what we call "racism". That belongs in a different area of discussion. To me this is about how police are trained and taught to think about their jobs and about people in their own country, by the state and the people in the state who decide how they are going to be trained, how the law will regard citizens, what gear and procedures they operate with, etc. The very notion that electrocuting people as a means of forcing them to obey is disturbing. Case and point; most countries consider such practices too inhuman and weird... until they decide that "America must know what it does!" and copy us, tragically ruining a sensitivity that had managed to conserve until then.
@@Patrick.Edgar.Regini to my point, many other countries don't have these problems BECAUSE they have better health care. For example you may disagree with how the government in China restricts liberties, but people can get medicine to a greater extent than most U.S. states.
are you out of your braindead mind???!!! DOCTORS HELD ACCOUNTABLE????!!!!!!!!! doctors are the single most murderous, child molesting people on the planet and all of you are so poopeating stupid you pay them to do it
Elijah McClain doesn't get as many headlines. Each death is an atrocity but his for some reason gets me the most. He was a child, unarmed, less than a hundred pounds, a vegan who told police he doesn't do guns and would not even hurt insects, he was a musician who volunteered at an animal shelter. He even told the officers 'I have nothing against you I love you' as they were killing him. He was simply walking home after buying an iced tea to take to his brother. I only have to hear his name to break down.
Tony, I agree that Elijah not hardly being mentioned is bad especially because he is so innocent; yet I think they are focusing on the Floyd case due to the trial ofthe cop coming up. Even though someone has a record doesn't give police the right to take their life. Not saying you were saying that, just pointing that out.
@@tonymemory2279 they do it to discredit and undermine the police reform and deburdening movements. If they only or also reported on police brutality on innocent victims and survivors no matter what race like Elijah McClain, Tamir Rice, Bryce Masters, and James King their reportage would make the police look wicked bad. By this deliberate failure the mainstream media set themselves up to be the enemies of ALL the people and the friends of tyrants!
A problem with the criminal system is that it focuses on punishing, harming, intimidating, labeling, shaming, objectifying, disrespecting, enslaving, etc. as opposed to deescalating and reforming. Another problem is that prosecutors are heavily funded while public defenders are severely underfunded and backlogged.
the Capitol could have been defended without firing a single shot. this should prove to people that police *CAN* de-escalate violence. unfortunately, *EVERYONE* was discussing the right wing narrative which will lead to restrictive laws against *US.* ...rather than disarming patrol officers. armed patrols exist in occupied countries to kill dissidents.
That's why the ones who are acquitted usually are those who can afford a sharp lawyer who is not corrupt or are able to find one who theirself was victimised by the police.
"A problem with the criminal system is that it focuses on punishing, harming, intimidating, labeling, shaming, objectifying, disrespecting, enslaving, etc." That's all historic in this country...nothing new. We also punish, harm, intimidate, shame, disrespect each other and the children growing up as well. No wonder why we're all messed up. In the United States we're abusive to each other.
Stopping people without cause needs to stop too. That one man was just walking minding his own business the officers had No proof he was involved in anything. He died
The other issue is police saying the person was resisting arrest. Yet there is no charge for a crime that was led to being arrested. What arrest was being resisted? Resistance of arrest can never be the sole charge. There should be a charge of a crime that brought on an arrest prior to resisting.
It's sick and disheartening what the cops do from George floyd and briana Taylor. And the young man who was treated so horrible that a condition. It makes me sick something has to be done to remove these monsters!
@@Fafnd you mean rich AND white. James King white guy who was not rich but only middle class was defending himself from an unlawful arrest and he bit one of the officers when the officer was choking him. At that point according to the Sixth Circuit that unlawful arrest mutated into a lawful arrest. The Bad Elk decision set the precedent for this! The only reason why he was acquitted in state court was because the undercover officers wearing badges but not otherwise identifying themselves gave him sufficient reason to believe they were impersonators who were mugging him when they stole his wallet and assaulted him during a Terry search, causing him to try to escape and flee.
You see it all the time, increasingly they are making people panic, which was the reason he "may have" reached for his gun. (Did he? Or was he just trying to grab anything to help himself pull away from his attackers?) We never talk about police accountability in how they cause a human being to naturally react in self defense beyond their control. We are not machine subjects, people panic the same as they would in the same situation. Yet you hear stupid arguments all the time about how people just need to obey on command. It's ridiculous! Our citizens are not slaves, we are not animals, we are not machines. Authority needs to look at the human factor and stop treating people like objects in order to complete the logic of their inhuman reasoning and unnatural ideologies and systems of "administration". When are the police and the government going to acknowledge responsibility for the this situation the country is living regarding the police and the law!!?
Cross-reference the misconduct database with a conflicts database. Make sure the violent cops aren't exacting extrajudicial punishment, or somehow connected to organized crime. Police cater to political corruption. Same for judicial misconduct. Any complaints against an official should be registered. The pattern of criminality is already obvious to the naked eye.
Very good ideas,but M King tried ,MalX, tried Steve Biko and the list can go back even to black wall Street.. This is a spiritual problem not political judicial or whatever, no human being is capable of doing something that YAHUAH can only do..Stop dreaming...Esau hates Jacob,read the scriptures Malachi 1:1-6 Esau is Edom (whites) Jacob ,(colour people )Since Deuteronomy 28 explain what happens to disobedience you can only fathom how THE Most High is concerned that we should be punished,check your Bible not only ur intelligence,,, WAKE up black people...
Consider this : It requires *more* time and *training* in America to become a licensed barber/hairdresser than it does to be on the "police force".... and yet "police" carry *LETHAL* *WEAPONS* which they are *obviously* encouraged/expected to *use* . Now, considering body cams: those usually tend to "not be worn", "turned off" or conveniently "not working" whenever the so-called "few bad apples" are out there committing heinous acts, violence & thuggery. Regardless, even *WITH* clear video evidence, the "secret grand jury proceedings" will generally result in a "decline to indict". There's also a *VERY* *SERIOUS* *PROBLEM* and clearly a conflict of interest on the behalf of the public that "law enforcement" personnel files are essentially required/expected to be *scrubbed* on a consistent basis... meaning the history of all their internal records, including any complaints against themselves are "wiped" (hidden from view). The very reason for this practice is so departments to protect their *OWN* *INTERESTS* (and whenever necessary), can simply claim they "weren't aware" that their "police officer" for example had any strikes against them, was previously fired for having mental issues or had a history of committing acts of brutality within the community. This is completely immoral & unacceptable. *Almost* as outrageous and unacceptable as their standard reply of: "we've *investigated* *ourselves* and come to the conclusion that *we* *have* *done* *no* *wrong* "! These orders to delete personnel files come from the very top of the 🐷 departments and again, are carried out as a standard practice and *routine* occurrence. So-called "law enforcement officer" Loehmann (who was literally awarded a *paid* *vacation* after he *MURDERED* 12 year old Tamir Rice in November of 2014) wasn't even fired for *murdering* the *innocent* *twelve* *year* *old* *elementary* *school* *child* : he was allegedly fired for "lying on his application". 🤔 They said Loehmann "failed to disclose" he was "deemed an *emotionally* *unstable* recruit and *unfit* *for* *duty* by his previous department! Digging a little deeper into the entire matter, it is discovered that Loehmann chose to resign from his first job (probably an option his "superiors" afforded him) instead of being terminated. This was allowed to happen even though the records show that it was noted "no amount of time or training would be sufficient enough to change Loehmanns deficiencies". There were concerns of "officer" Loehmann being "unable to follow basic functions as instructed" citing Loehmanns " *DANGEROUS* *LOSS* *OF* *COMPOSURE* " "deputy police chief" Jim Polak in this "memo" said occurred during (of all times) " *WEAPONS* *TRAINING* ". 💩👹🐷 That internal "memo" (still accessible of course to the Independence, OH department where Loehmann worked prior to being hired in Cleveland and spent four months in "academy") suddenly "surfaced" after the *MURDER* of Tamir Rice. Cleveland fired Loehmann for "withholding information" on a job application (which clearly could be considered a less serious issue for his *next* potential employer to look past than say, oh I don't know just for example, "murdering a twelve year old in cold blood" would be). Four years later in 2018, Loehmann in fact *WAS* *REHIRED* by Bellaire, OH "Police chief" Richard Flanagan who has been quoted as saying "he deserves a second chance, he was never charged, it's over and done with"... Loehmann ended up withdrawing his application five days later and his training at Belleaire "police department" ended. Not sure if public outrage or pressure played into that decision or not.
This is so sad and heartbreaking for us as Black people because we rarely get justice. The most mistreated people in the world. Even our children aren't safe from mistreatment.
Wow! This man just said exactly what anyone who has an intellect knows AND thinks the USA it has failed us for a long time its tearing down everything in sight right now
This is foolishness of the highest order. No bills should have to be resubmitted to the House again if it passed the House and go to the Senate and was not debated in the Senate. All bills sent to the Senate should be mandated to be debated during the sitting life of that Senate.The majority leader should be automatically removed from chairmanship when he or she refused to take up bills without valid reasons justifiably given and prohibited from casting a vote for the remainder of the sitting life of that Senate.That is the reform that is needed to stop foot drag on the peoples business.
The senate was sort of designed to stall, it has been way exaggerated; however its like the Filibuster, last used by senGovern or H Clay, to oppress racial group(1860?) yet a MERE THREAT OF FILIBUSTER is discussed as if it were an empowered tool. Check the details
Hebrews 4:12 [12]For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
Leviticus 26:16-17 [16]I also will do this unto you; I will even appoint over you terror, consumption, and the burning ague, that shall consume the eyes, and cause sorrow of heart: and ye shall sow your seed in vain, for your enemies shall eat it. [17]And I will set my face against you, and ye shall be slain before your enemies: they that hate you shall reign over you; and ye shall flee when none pursueth you. TO THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL
I didn't even watch the video. The title said it all. 💯%. The one thing the police don't need training in is 'deescalation'. They know how to deescalate, they just choose not to on a certain group of people.
If the system is teaching People wrong. There comes a time when even if People have to stand alone. People have to stop doing what the evil oppressors wants. Most People are fully aware of right from wrong. People cannot keep on ignoring reprogramming themselves. People are going to make many mistakes reprogramming themselves because they are used to wrong but People cannot not reprogram themselves and keep blaming the system that is prejudice, ignorant, and vindictive.
NEVER FORGET and ALWAYS REMEMBER, the lawyers write the laws that will make victims into defendants to HIRE LAWYERS that are very expensive to 'defend' you from the LAWS THE LAWYERS WRITE. The police will NEVER be held personally responsible for crimes they commit. Why? Because the lawyers won't allow any change that will hold the individual Police responsible but will hold the 'municipalities' where those police work, responsible for PAYING any judgments that the lawyers will collect the penalty money from those that have the MONEY, the municipalities. Joe Magnets
Tamir Rice's murder was reprehensible. They were so obviously hopped up and looking to shoot. That cop that fired the shot was reckless, and should have at the very least, been charged with manslaughter, but it should have been cold blooded murder, and the person who called the cops on the child should have been eligible for a civil law suit.
Ecclesiasticus 12:10-11 [10]Never trust thine enemy: for like as iron rusteth, so is his wickedness. [11]Though he humble himself, and go crouching, yet take good heed and beware of him, and thou shalt be unto him as if thou hadst wiped a lookingglass, and thou shalt know that his rust hath not been altogether wiped away.
The devil will always be the devil, time to separate or leave entirely, marching, praying ,voting , signing petitions hasn't worked .....wicked near humans ...
Sometimes calling the police for help is like asking your ex wife to be the executor of your will. Eventually the people will get sick and tired of this and make it stop.
28 times: I can't breathe, the police look at the camera with his evil smirk on his face. The other police are just as guilty. These police need to go to jail for life. Praise the Lord Yah.
WHAT HAPPENED TO .... PROTECT (everyone as if they are your family) and SERVE!!!!? ( When things aren't going great, NO AMOUNT OF LETHAL FORCE IS OKAY!! ) LEARN KARATE... NO HARM should be done!!!!
Last I checked, usa has rejected the world courts. We prosecute thru courts that we refuse to honor if they prosecute USA officers? I don’t know much about this apparently DOUBLE STANDARD STATUS
I say leave this system behind. They don't want us here; no problem. Just move to where you can be accepted, respected, loved and appreciated; "MOVE TO AFRICA OR THE CARIBBEAN. Leave this sinful, GOG FORSAKEN and I do mean FORSKEN
The reasons why a total overhaul is necessary are many. I wonder how many would argue systematic reform does not go far enough? A land re-distribution plan has military roots in General Tecumseh Sherman's Land Red-Distribution Plan in the post Civil War period. This plan would have abolished the economic basis on which the races are divided and the Jim Crow Era had the plan not been shot down by Johnson after Lincoln's assassination would never had been. I consider ths re-distribution plan an incomplete chapter to America's development that is still feasible along wth Wallace's agricultural plan that by this time the corporations were the pre-eminent social power in society. As they say its never too late, look at China announcng 717 million people lifted out of poverty. Abolishing poverty is key to never giving the chance and the conditions for fascism and racism to arise. No need for it when everyone has food on the table.
We need a national standard for what constitutes use of force and equally as important what does not! Also teachers, lawyers, doctors, nurses and CPAs all must be licensed before they can begin practicing in their respective fields, policing should be no different. If someone ran from police and when asked why they ran by a judge, what do you think the judge would say if they responded "I was afraid.'
"Trial of the Chicago 7" (8 with Bobby Seale) "Judas and the Black Messiah" "The Mauritanian" watch these 3 movies in that order and you can come to no other *honest* rational conclusion. "The Whole System Needs to be Indicted."
Hmm the I was in fear for my life and partner life didn't work for the Black Muslim Police Officer that shot an Australian Woman once in a dark alley that knocked their driver's side window. That Police Officer was found guilty before his court date and is serving a 12 years prison sentence. So how can a Police Officer with his knee pressing down on the back of a handcuffed arrested suspect neck with his hands inside his pockets say that he was in fear for his life?
In the ominous case of racism, when u live a lie, u will undoubtedly become that lie, & through the need to justify it at all cost, will reign desolate, an abomination & burdensome to the development & future of all humankind. peace & goodwill.
Knowing that if you commit the crime you do the time ,so what better way to avoid criminal charges and exercise their hate by joining law enforcement backed up by lawyers that know all the dirty antics with experience.
The only solution to all mankind's problems including this, is God's Kingdom, the one Jesus taught us to pray for in the Lord's Prayer "Thy Kingdom (government by God with Jesus as king)) come; Thy will be done on earth..." Matthew 6:10 (Holy Bible)
Abserlutly disgusting. Disgusting. Where on earth is justice in America. Oh america shame on you shane on you. Have you forgotten that there is an almighty God thats omnipresent. And God is love. You cant take anothers life unless your being attacked. ( we are alliwed to defend ourselves then). They will get thair comeuppance..
Absolutely! The whole system of training, procedures, and legal principals has to be reviewed and analyzed. Police need to be accountable and responsible for every single excessive use of force and intimidating escalation they cause.
Reform is great, but this will not impact communities to the same extent an overhaul of the Healthcare system would. Per capita heart disease kills far more black Americans than police. Homicide counts for just 5% of all deaths and that includes police shootings. Like in the case of Daniel Prude police may have aggravated his death but the root cause is lack of access too good mental health care and addiction treatment. The defund police movement understands this even if they don't openly state it. This is why community counseling was requested as a first line. In short, there are many hacking at the branches of evil, but few who strike at the roots.
It will never change they commit crimes and hold there selves not accountable. Not my words God's words.
It's all about the power and effect guns and weapons have on the human mind.
I'm not focused on the disgrace of cultural subconscious prejudice, or what we call "racism". That belongs in a different area of discussion. To me this is about how police are trained and taught to think about their jobs and about people in their own country, by the state and the people in the state who decide how they are going to be trained, how the law will regard citizens, what gear and procedures they operate with, etc.
The very notion that electrocuting people as a means of forcing them to obey is disturbing. Case and point; most countries consider such practices too inhuman and weird... until they decide that "America must know what it does!" and copy us, tragically ruining a sensitivity that had managed to conserve until then.
@@Patrick.Edgar.Regini to my point, many other countries don't have these problems BECAUSE they have better health care. For example you may disagree with how the government in China restricts liberties, but people can get medicine to a greater extent than most U.S. states.
Right on hold them accountable if a doctor is held accountable so should police officer if they don’t like it quite
Quit not quite 👍🏼
are you out of your braindead mind???!!! DOCTORS HELD ACCOUNTABLE????!!!!!!!!! doctors are the single most murderous, child molesting people on the planet and all of you are so poopeating stupid you pay them to do it
You're a a t👀l..
@@MaxMisterC great argument, spoken like a true intellectual. I'm amazed at your undebatable linguistic entanglement. doo-doo head
"George Floyd Justice In Policing Act" is critical. We need this 'overhaul' in the policing system.
George Floyd Justice in Policing Act does not go far enough but it is a beginning.
It passed three days ago.
Elijah McClain doesn't get as many headlines. Each death is an atrocity but his for some reason gets me the most. He was a child, unarmed, less than a hundred pounds, a vegan who told police he doesn't do guns and would not even hurt insects, he was a musician who volunteered at an animal shelter. He even told the officers 'I have nothing against you I love you' as they were killing him. He was simply walking home after buying an iced tea to take to his brother. I only have to hear his name to break down.
its a shame the liberal media only wants to glorify the tough guy criminals like floyd who had a violent rap sheet. Mcclain was truly 100% innocent.
Tony, I agree that Elijah not hardly being mentioned is bad especially because he is so innocent; yet I think they are focusing on the Floyd case due to the trial ofthe cop coming up. Even though someone has a record doesn't give police the right to take their life. Not saying you were saying that, just pointing that out.
@@tonymemory2279 they do it to discredit and undermine the police reform and deburdening movements. If they only or also reported on police brutality on innocent victims and survivors no matter what race like Elijah McClain, Tamir Rice, Bryce Masters, and James King their reportage would make the police look wicked bad. By this deliberate failure the mainstream media set themselves up to be the enemies of ALL the people and the friends of tyrants!
Was he not 23?
no need to stop at policing, lets reform the entire american political system aswell.
For many no life matters,the only two things that matter to them is money and power. 😥
It's information
@@illuminated_ Sorry, I don't understand your reply, please explain.
@@4623620 money and power is the mirage they sell to us because they don't want us to do research and learn information because that's the real power
@@illuminated_ You are so right !
Pass the bill. Black people are tax paying citizens.
There so many weirdos following the good 'ol boy' protocol. There needs to be change.
A problem with the criminal system is that it focuses on punishing, harming, intimidating, labeling, shaming, objectifying, disrespecting, enslaving, etc. as opposed to deescalating and reforming. Another problem is that prosecutors are heavily funded while public defenders are severely underfunded and backlogged.
the Capitol could have been defended without firing a single shot.
this should prove to people that police *CAN* de-escalate violence.
unfortunately, *EVERYONE* was discussing the right wing narrative which will lead to restrictive laws against *US.*
...rather than disarming patrol officers.
armed patrols exist in occupied countries to kill dissidents.
Too real 🎯
That's why the ones who are acquitted usually are those who can afford a sharp lawyer who is not corrupt or are able to find one who theirself was victimised by the police.
"A problem with the criminal system is that it focuses on punishing, harming, intimidating, labeling, shaming, objectifying, disrespecting, enslaving, etc." That's all historic in this country...nothing new. We also punish, harm, intimidate, shame, disrespect each other and the children growing up as well. No wonder why we're all messed up. In the United States we're abusive to each other.
Stopping people without cause needs to stop too. That one man was just walking minding his own business the officers had No proof he was involved in anything. He died
The other issue is police saying the person was resisting arrest. Yet there is no charge for a crime that was led to being arrested. What arrest was being resisted? Resistance of arrest can never be the sole charge. There should be a charge of a crime that brought on an arrest prior to resisting.
We All have a Right To Liberty & Justice in America!
Hold all of them accountable!!!!
Don’t forget the child that was pepper sprayed for behaving like a child. She is a child. She deserves to be treated with respect.
Savage police.
It's sick and disheartening what the cops do from George floyd and briana Taylor. And the young man who was treated so horrible that a condition. It makes me sick something has to be done to remove these monsters!
How about the people make the laws!#! Like if a cop dies while trying to push unconstitutional tyranny the person defending him/her self walks
@Steven Prime right...try that with a police officer and not be rich or white and see what happens. I'm going to bet you'll be in a cell or dead.
@@Fafnd you mean rich AND white. James King white guy who was not rich but only middle class was defending himself from an unlawful arrest and he bit one of the officers when the officer was choking him. At that point according to the Sixth Circuit that unlawful arrest mutated into a lawful arrest. The Bad Elk decision set the precedent for this!
The only reason why he was acquitted in state court was because the undercover officers wearing badges but not otherwise identifying themselves gave him sufficient reason to believe they were impersonators who were mugging him when they stole his wallet and assaulted him during a Terry search, causing him to try to escape and flee.
You see it all the time, increasingly they are making people panic, which was the reason he "may have" reached for his gun. (Did he? Or was he just trying to grab anything to help himself pull away from his attackers?) We never talk about police accountability in how they cause a human being to naturally react in self defense beyond their control. We are not machine subjects, people panic the same as they would in the same situation. Yet you hear stupid arguments all the time about how people just need to obey on command. It's ridiculous! Our citizens are not slaves, we are not animals, we are not machines. Authority needs to look at the human factor and stop treating people like objects in order to complete the logic of their inhuman reasoning and unnatural ideologies and systems of "administration". When are the police and the government going to acknowledge responsibility for the this situation the country is living regarding the police and the law!!?
armed patrols exist in occupied countries to kill dissidents.
occupied countries, like America.
Cross-reference the misconduct database with a conflicts database. Make sure the violent cops aren't exacting extrajudicial punishment, or somehow connected to organized crime.
Police cater to political corruption.
Same for judicial misconduct.
Any complaints against an official should be registered.
The pattern of criminality is already obvious to the naked eye.
Very good ideas,but M King tried ,MalX, tried Steve Biko and the list can go back even to black wall Street.. This is a spiritual problem not political judicial or whatever, no human being is capable of doing something that YAHUAH can only do..Stop dreaming...Esau hates Jacob,read the scriptures Malachi 1:1-6 Esau is Edom (whites) Jacob ,(colour people )Since Deuteronomy 28 explain what happens to disobedience you can only fathom how THE Most High is concerned that we should be punished,check your Bible not only ur intelligence,,, WAKE up black people...
Consider this :
It requires *more* time and *training* in America to become a licensed barber/hairdresser than it does to be on the "police force".... and yet "police" carry *LETHAL* *WEAPONS* which they are *obviously* encouraged/expected to *use* .
Now, considering body cams: those usually tend to "not be worn", "turned off" or conveniently "not working" whenever the so-called "few bad apples" are out there committing heinous acts, violence & thuggery. Regardless, even *WITH* clear video evidence, the "secret grand jury proceedings" will generally result in a "decline to indict".
There's also a *VERY* *SERIOUS* *PROBLEM* and clearly a conflict of interest on the behalf of the public that "law enforcement" personnel files are essentially required/expected to be *scrubbed* on a consistent basis... meaning the history of all their internal records, including any complaints against themselves are "wiped" (hidden from view). The very reason for this practice is so departments to protect their *OWN* *INTERESTS* (and whenever necessary), can simply claim they "weren't aware" that their "police officer" for example had any strikes against them, was previously fired for having mental issues or had a history of committing acts of brutality within the community. This is completely immoral & unacceptable. *Almost* as outrageous and unacceptable as their standard reply of: "we've *investigated* *ourselves* and come to the conclusion that *we* *have* *done* *no* *wrong* "!
These orders to delete personnel files come from the very top of the 🐷 departments and again, are carried out as a standard practice and *routine* occurrence.
So-called "law enforcement officer" Loehmann (who was literally awarded a *paid* *vacation* after he *MURDERED* 12 year old Tamir Rice in November of 2014) wasn't even fired for *murdering* the *innocent* *twelve* *year* *old* *elementary* *school* *child* : he was allegedly fired for "lying on his application". 🤔
They said Loehmann "failed to disclose" he was "deemed an *emotionally* *unstable* recruit and *unfit* *for* *duty* by his previous department!
Digging a little deeper into the entire matter, it is discovered that Loehmann chose to resign from his first job (probably an option his "superiors" afforded him) instead of being terminated. This was allowed to happen even though the records show that it was noted "no amount of time or training would be sufficient enough to change Loehmanns deficiencies". There were concerns of "officer" Loehmann being "unable to follow basic functions as instructed" citing Loehmanns
"deputy police chief" Jim Polak in this "memo" said occurred during (of all times) " *WEAPONS* *TRAINING* ". 💩👹🐷
That internal "memo" (still accessible of course to the Independence, OH department where Loehmann worked prior to being hired in Cleveland and spent four months in "academy") suddenly "surfaced" after the *MURDER* of Tamir Rice.
Cleveland fired Loehmann for "withholding information" on a job application (which clearly could be considered a less serious issue for his *next* potential employer to look past than say, oh I don't know just for example, "murdering a twelve year old in cold blood" would be).
Four years later in 2018, Loehmann in fact *WAS* *REHIRED* by Bellaire, OH "Police chief" Richard Flanagan who has been quoted as saying "he deserves a second chance, he was never charged, it's over and done with"...
Loehmann ended up withdrawing his application five days later and his training at Belleaire "police department" ended. Not sure if public outrage or pressure played into that decision or not.
I'm just glad they didn't kill the poor girl filming George's murder. They would have gotten away with that too.
Exactly!! I hope she’s being safe because I do not trust them at all!!
I hope it passes
This is so sad and heartbreaking for us as Black people because we rarely get justice. The most mistreated people in the world. Even our children aren't safe from mistreatment.
Thank You Lawyer Crump!
🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽in for these reforms🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽for the lost of all the victims and families let's not have their deaths be in vain
Qualified immunity is so BS.
Wow! This man just said exactly what anyone who has an intellect knows AND thinks the USA it has failed us for a long time its tearing down everything in sight right now
great person, thank you for your work toward justice in the unjust land. Genocide??
Change won’t come until you close the wealth Gap.. Legislation can’t control Evil Behavior.. Stay Safe D-NOW Family Keep Informed ✌🏽❤️
Gotta fix the dysfunctional family situations.
I agree the Police all over the nation need to be indicted or Investigated along with the DA
Well that teaches you not to call the police
160,000,000 of USA knew that years ago, how might we fix it?
Same thing this year in CA. Mental health crisis.
Thank you, mr. Crump for your God given, righteous voice.
The 15 thumbs down are most likely the people that are probably part of the problem 🤣🤣🤦♂️🍻
This is foolishness of the highest order. No bills should have to be resubmitted to the House again if it passed the House and go to the Senate and was not debated in the Senate. All bills sent to the Senate should be mandated to be debated during the sitting life of that Senate.The majority leader should be automatically removed from chairmanship when he or she refused to take up bills without valid reasons justifiably given and prohibited from casting a vote for the remainder of the sitting life of that Senate.That is the reform that is needed to stop foot drag on the peoples business.
The senate was sort of designed to stall, it has been way exaggerated; however its like the Filibuster, last used by senGovern or H Clay, to oppress racial group(1860?) yet a MERE THREAT OF FILIBUSTER is discussed as if it were an empowered tool. Check the details
Hebrews 4:12
[12]For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
The entire system! End the racist policing system! ✊🏼✊🏼
"Knock it down" --Corrosion of Conformity (great lyricist, that Pepper is)
When he said yes ma'am I could just roll my eyes.
If we as blk people have no protection then we shouldn’t have to pay taxes.
Democide has replaced Democracy.
"This is America" -Gambino
Leviticus 26:16-17
[16]I also will do this unto you; I will even appoint over you terror, consumption, and the burning ague, that shall consume the eyes, and cause sorrow of heart: and ye shall sow your seed in vain, for your enemies shall eat it.
[17]And I will set my face against you, and ye shall be slain before your enemies: they that hate you shall reign over you; and ye shall flee when none pursueth you.
You know it is very likely this is not going to happen.
I didn't even watch the video. The title said it all. 💯%. The one thing the police don't need training in is 'deescalation'. They know how to deescalate, they just choose not to on a certain group of people.
If the system is teaching People wrong. There comes a time when even if People have to stand alone. People have to stop doing what the evil oppressors wants. Most People are fully aware of right from wrong. People cannot keep on ignoring reprogramming themselves. People are going to make many mistakes reprogramming themselves because they are used to wrong but People cannot not reprogram themselves and keep blaming the system that is prejudice, ignorant, and vindictive.
Lead by example? Hesed
Make cops buy their own insurance for malpractice. The taxpayer is not responsible.
Truer words were never spoken
How do you have a "no-knock warrant" in a country that has a second amendment?
PROVERB 6:16...
A to little law far to late.
Before gender colour & ideology we are ALL human beings.
Practice humanity, not ideology & join the evolution. ✌️❤️
anoter good reason why I am glad I do not live in Amerika
NEVER FORGET and ALWAYS REMEMBER, the lawyers write the laws that will make victims into defendants to HIRE LAWYERS that are very expensive to 'defend' you from the LAWS THE LAWYERS WRITE. The police will NEVER be held personally responsible for crimes they commit. Why? Because the lawyers won't allow any change that will hold the individual Police responsible but will hold the 'municipalities' where those police work, responsible for PAYING any judgments that the lawyers will collect the penalty money from those that have the MONEY, the municipalities.
Joe Magnets
Jesus died for all, 2000 years ago, including all mankind of all colors!
Jesus died for all of our sins but that wasn't so we could commit murder and still get to heaven
Thank you Mr. Crump 💯 no justice no peace!
That isSo true all of them need to go
Murder is murder no matter what "authority" you claim.
Right 💯
Didn't even need to listen to recognize that.
Stop we know THE ONES WHO BROUGHT US HERE WONT GIVE US JUSTICE THEY ONLY GIVE US SIN. To keep us on the bottom Deuteronomy 28:68
Stop turning the other cheek 😤
I agree 100 percent
I hope they pass the bill
It ain't the fear,it ain't the training,it ain't the Black crime. IT'S THE HATE ! AND WITHOUT QUESTION, EVERYTHING IS BY DESIGN.
No all these police officers should be on trial and going to jail all of them that got off.
Tamir Rice's murder was reprehensible. They were so obviously hopped up and looking to shoot. That cop that fired the shot was reckless, and should have at the very least, been charged with manslaughter, but it should have been cold blooded murder, and the person who called the cops on the child should have been eligible for a civil law suit.
Ecclesiasticus 12:10-11
[10]Never trust thine enemy: for like as iron rusteth, so is his wickedness.
[11]Though he humble himself, and go crouching, yet take good heed and beware of him, and thou shalt be unto him as if thou hadst wiped a lookingglass, and thou shalt know that his rust hath not been altogether wiped away.
Love thy enemy. Trust ? That’s solely a divine attribute, imbued upon integers.
The devil will always be the devil, time to separate or leave entirely, marching, praying ,voting , signing petitions hasn't worked .....wicked near humans ...
Leave and go where?! This is everywhere.
Sometimes calling the police for help is like asking your ex wife to be the executor of your will.
Eventually the people will get sick and tired of this and make it stop.
No, people in charge need to be indicted ffs...
It didn't work!
Is he really working for change? Or just willing to get a check
28 times: I can't breathe, the police look at the camera with his evil smirk on his face. The other police are just as guilty. These police need to go to jail for life. Praise the Lord Yah.
This bill gave the police departments lots of money in this bill. This bill now works against us.
PROTECT (everyone as if they are your family) and
SERVE!!!!? ( When things aren't going great, NO AMOUNT OF LETHAL FORCE IS OKAY!! )
LEARN KARATE... NO HARM should be done!!!!
Can't we do a CLASS ACTION SUIT or even go to the World Court as a Human Rights Violation??
Last I checked, usa has rejected the world courts. We prosecute thru courts that we refuse to honor if they prosecute USA officers? I don’t know much about this apparently DOUBLE STANDARD STATUS
I say leave this system behind. They don't want us here; no problem. Just move to where you can be accepted, respected, loved and appreciated; "MOVE TO AFRICA OR THE CARIBBEAN. Leave this sinful, GOG FORSAKEN and I do mean FORSKEN
You don't have to be black to catch a beat down by the good ol' boys in blue.
The reasons why a total overhaul is necessary are many.
I wonder how many would argue systematic reform does not go far enough?
A land re-distribution plan has military roots in General Tecumseh Sherman's Land Red-Distribution Plan in the post Civil War period.
This plan would have abolished the economic basis on which the races are divided and the Jim Crow Era had the plan not been shot down by Johnson after Lincoln's assassination would never had been. I consider ths re-distribution plan an incomplete chapter to America's development that is still feasible along wth Wallace's agricultural plan that by this time the corporations were the pre-eminent social power in society. As they say its never too late, look at China announcng 717 million people lifted out of poverty.
Abolishing poverty is key to never giving the chance and the conditions for fascism and racism to arise. No need for it when everyone has food on the table.
Good get it right many lies love respect thanks bev artist
We need a national standard for what constitutes use of force and equally as important what does not!
Also teachers, lawyers, doctors, nurses and CPAs all must be licensed before they can begin practicing in their respective fields, policing should be no different.
If someone ran from police and when asked why they ran by a judge, what do you think the judge would say if they responded "I was afraid.'
If you don't avenge your own ther you go....
Don't call the police
"Trial of the Chicago 7" (8 with Bobby Seale)
"Judas and the Black Messiah"
"The Mauritanian"
watch these 3 movies in that order and you can come to no other *honest* rational conclusion.
"The Whole System Needs to be Indicted."
They're movies. Try harder
name one thing in those movies that is not true.
you can't.
@@donHooligan Oh, i can. It's ignorant and lazy of you to cite Netflix as a unbiased source of history. But, march on...lol
Hmm the I was in fear for my life and partner life didn't work for the Black Muslim Police Officer that shot an Australian Woman once in a dark alley that knocked their driver's side window.
That Police Officer was found guilty before his court date and is serving a 12 years prison sentence.
So how can a Police Officer with his knee pressing down on the back of a handcuffed arrested suspect neck with his hands inside his pockets say that he was in fear for his life?
Amy is Jewish advocating DEMOCRACY. Yet rejects who the real Jews are. COME ON AMY
Nelly Fuller is the way
The grand jurors seen the same video footage that the public seen so that's bullcrap
Sat in his office Dennis Mooney. Cbi, wyatt angelo lied back up by cbi
In the ominous case of racism, when u live a lie, u will undoubtedly become that lie, & through the need to justify it at all cost, will reign desolate, an abomination & burdensome to the development & future of all humankind. peace & goodwill.
Knowing that if you commit the crime you do the time ,so what better way to avoid criminal charges and exercise their hate by joining law enforcement backed up by lawyers that know all the dirty antics with experience.
The only solution to all mankind's problems including this, is God's Kingdom, the one Jesus taught us to pray for in the Lord's Prayer "Thy Kingdom (government by God with Jesus as king)) come; Thy will be done on earth..." Matthew 6:10 (Holy Bible)
Uh, we tried that for most of recorded history. Let's NOT go back to the dark ages, please.
LAPD air support uses infrared and electronic serveillance of people enemy's list.
Abserlutly disgusting. Disgusting. Where on earth is justice in America. Oh america shame on you shane on you. Have you forgotten that there is an almighty God thats omnipresent. And God is love. You cant take anothers life unless your being attacked. ( we are alliwed to defend ourselves then). They will get thair comeuppance..
Ben Crump in order to get Justice we need to get rid of qualified immunity.
Who was murdered by cops