I ran these at 180 F for the first two hours, and then 270 F for 2.5 hours and that was when I probed them for tenderness. When I probed them I still got just a little bit of resistance when removing the toothpick so I gave it another 20 minutes and checked them again before pulling them off. I like starting them off at 180 F (Smoke mode) as they will get a little bit extra smoke flavor during the first part of the cook.
What was your process so 180 for 2 hours then 270 for how long?
I ran these at 180 F for the first two hours, and then 270 F for 2.5 hours and that was when I probed them for tenderness. When I probed them I still got just a little bit of resistance when removing the toothpick so I gave it another 20 minutes and checked them again before pulling them off. I like starting them off at 180 F (Smoke mode) as they will get a little bit extra smoke flavor during the first part of the cook.
bitcccch did u rly 1 rack ribs on that big assss smoker? haha, are u happy with the smoker?