This bike is so special to me, I got it in 1985 and used it for 6yrs and had to sell it because it was difficult to get some of the spare parts in The Gambia.
My dad bought me a brand new GT80 when I was 10.... I'm 52 now, and still have it. Awesome and fun little bike! Still looks almost new. I probably have more fun on this little thing than I do on my big bikes!
I had a 78 the same color loved it my first bike.
This bike is so special to me, I got it in 1985 and used it for 6yrs and had to sell it because it was difficult to get some of the spare parts in The Gambia.
My dad bought me a brand new GT80 when I was 10.... I'm 52 now, and still have it. Awesome and fun little bike! Still looks almost new. I probably have more fun on this little thing than I do on my big bikes!
I got one for Christmas in 1980 I was 11yrs old. I loved it.
i had the exact same bike it was awesome....
I was 11 yrs old, I got one of these that year for Christmas. It was the Best. Thanks for Sharing. Where are you located in the U.S.?
Gostaria de comprar de vc
I had one exactly like it as a kid
I want carburetor Yamaha Gt 80 1975