TedTalk Speech on The Power of Gratitude For the People Around Us

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 9 ก.ย. 2024
  • Nining Kurniah from class 6B English Literature with students ID 12522097
    Performing Tedtalk Speech on The Power of Gratitude For the People Around Us.
    Speech Transcript:
    Hello everyone my name is Nining Kurniah, I'm form class 6B English literature. In this video, I would like to give my speech. The type of my speech is Tedtalk speech. The topic is "The power of Gratitude for the people around us". The purpose of this speech is to inspire audiences to express their gratitude more often to friend, family, and coworkers and show appreciation for their support and contributions.
    Let me start with a story. A few years ago, I was in a difficult situation. I felt stuck in a monotonous routine and lost my way. However, there was one thing that always kept me going: the people around me.
    My parents, who always supported and cheered me on. My friends, who were always there to listen and encourage me. My co-workers, who worked together over time to achieve a common goal. They were all pillars of strength in my life.
    At that time, I didn't realize how lucky I was to have them. I often got caught up in my busyness and forgot to appreciate their presence. However, one incident changed my perspective.
    One day, I heard about the concept of a "gratitude journal." The basic idea is simple: every day, write down three things you are grateful for. I decided to give it a try, and the results were amazing. By writing down little things I was grateful for every day, I started to realize how many good things there were in my life, especially the people around me.
    Not only did this gratitude make me feel happier, it also strengthened my relationships with the people around me. I started to thank them more often, and it created a positive cycle. They felt appreciated, and our relationships became stronger.
    Gratitude also helps us see the good in people. Sometimes, we focus on other people’s shortcomings or mistakes. However, with gratitude, we can see their efforts and contributions, no matter how small. We can see the good in them and appreciate it.
    Studies have also shown that gratitude has many benefits. People who are grateful are happier, healthier, and have better relationships. Gratitude helps reduce stress, improves sleep quality, and even strengthens the immune system.
    So how can we start being more grateful for the people around us? Here are some simple steps we can try:
    1. Say thank you in person: When someone does something nice for you, take the time to say thank you. Express your gratitude sincerely.
    2. Write a letter or message: Sometimes, writing down our feelings is easier than saying them. Write a letter or short message to the people you are grateful for and tell them how much they mean to you.
    3. Reflect daily: Take time each day to think about the things you are grateful for. You can do this before going to bed or when you wake up. Focus on the people around you and how they affect your life.
    4. Do an act of kindness: Gratitude is not just about words, but also actions. Do small actions that show your gratitude, such as helping friends or family, providing support, or simply spending time with them.
    Gratitude is a powerful force. By appreciating the people around us, we not only make them feel better, but also improve our own well-being. So, let's start being more grateful and appreciating their presence in our lives.
    Maybe that's all from me, see u. Thank you.

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