@@AkiRa22084 were you alive then? Cause that’s now how I remember it. I remember nerds going back to see it multiple times hoping maybe the second or third time they’d find something good about it. But we were starved for Star Wars content for years. I was 14 when phantom menace came out. My friends are and were those kinds of nerds, and while we weren’t able to get to the theater to see it, as soon as it got to home video we watched it as a group and we had the same “uhhhh…. What the hell was that?” Reaction. Some of those jokes from our initial reactions have persisted our entire lives. I’ve had the same outlook on it since then, all that movie really needed to be a much better film was one person in that writing room or preproduction meetings to turn to George and say “you know this is a really dumb idea, right?” And you can pick any one of 15 really dumb ideas that are in the film for this hypothetical conversation to be about. Doesn’t matter.
Dial of destiny was depressing. Seeing Harrison Ford in this age was heart breaking. It makes the realization hit hard that soon he will no longer be in this world.😢
Say what you want about the prequels, but it did give us Darth Maul and Duel of the Fates.. Come on, people, Darth Maul, standing in front of everyone like, come at me, bro! It's one of the best Star Wars moments ever.!
The Dark Tower - 7 books worth of plot squished into a vague, underwritten 2 hour movie that spent so much on its two A list lead actors that it looks like they barely had any money left to actually make the movie.
Yeah, that entry on this list was a real head-scratcher for me, too. I know people were divided on the ending, but I don't recall anyone taking issue with anything in the first two acts. But as is usually the case in WhatCulture videos, the narrator's obvious biases took precedence over kind of any logical analysis they pretend to provide. For example, for one movie a poor box office return is held up as proof that the movie was bad; for another, a huge box office return is belittled as an empty cash grab. There's no rhyme or reason to it. It really just comes does to what the narrator personally liked or didn't like.
Wait a minute, you pan the phantom menace as not knowing what the fans want, when there are 3 sequel starwars movies that the fans hate way way way way way more? The force awakens, the last jedi, and the return of skywalker are are all hated with the white hot intensity of 1000 suns by the fans for giving them what they didn't want. How much did Krazy Kathy pay you for that little attempt to detoxify her legacy?
The Force Awakens should have taken all 8 spots on this list. It’s a master class in not understanding anything about SW. I’d rather watch the prequels 100 times over than watch any of the sequels a second time.
I agree partially. Ep 7 was basicly copypaste of Ep 4. That said enough time had passed and the tech/graphics improved that it, on it´s own, was still better than the prequels. Then came Ep 8 and boy suddenly the prequels didn´t look that bad anymore. Honestly, putting a braindead monkey in front of scriptwriter might have gotten them better results. They couldn´t have messed up more if they tried. Unless one counts "subverting expectations" as actually trying to bomb the movie. In that case, Great Job. As for Ep 9... too little too late. No real way to salvage the mess Ep 8 left, not enough time (movies, not runtime) to give a proper ending to the Skywalker saga. In the end it "tried" to please everyone and achieved exactly nothing. The best I can say about it is "forgetable" Honestly, I can´t remember half the stuff that happened in that movie anymore. Something about a Sith Dagger that should lead them to Palpatine? Ep 8 as bad as it was will be remembered for it´s faults, of which there are many far longer. Top3 on top of my head: #3 Tico crashing into Finn to "save his life" undermines his potential sacrifice and should have lead to the anhilation of the rebels. #2 The casino part... all of it. Completly unnecessary, achieved nothing, totally asine, predictable and worst of all boring. #1 The Holdo manoveur. Aside from the fact that that should have been Akbar not her there is the manoveur itself. I´m not talking about the hows and whys of "it was never done before", that´s retcons are for and some creative freedom is good. I´m talking why, in the same freaking movie, it wasn´t attempted before. That fleet was following them for weeks if memory serves right and noone said "I got a bright idea how to not only got us out here but can also cripple that fleet" In summary my opinion. Top to buttom 4, 6, 5, 7, 1, 3, 2, 9, 8 Not in the counting the non Ep. Movies. Those are harder to place and can move up or down a rank Solo would land around Ep. 9 and Rouge One somewhere around Ep. 7 Definitly not going into TV series territory. Manalorian had eps for the far side of both spectrums, Boba Fett... the less said the better and I can´t comment on Andor, Ashoka, Acolyte and wat else there is because I haven´t seen them myself only heard from people with similar tastes to myself which would translate to "the forgetable", "the mostly ok" and the "God it´s so bad, give me Ep 8 again instead of that shit". The last one, language(german) aside, is actually a direct quote.
I respectfully disagree. I don’t consider The Force Awakens a great movie. “Master class in not understanding anything about SW” is a FAR more accurate statement when referring to A Phantom Menace. Growing up with the original trilogy, then seeing The Phantom Menace (ditch HS to watch it day one at the theater, BTW) it seemed completely detached from what came before it, almost as if it was from a completely different franchise.
@hellraider2006 i actually liked episode 8. But then again I am not a huge Star Wars fan. I liked the first 3, but the rest were hit and miss. In fact episode 8 was my favorite since the original trilogy.
Yep. The movie probably would've been better received if they telegraphed that better. The idea of Indiana Jones passing through the tropes of different decades could've worked quite well.
In fairness to X Men origins wolverine they did dead pool as dirty as could possibly be done, but the rest of the movie wasn't that bad... In the last stand the post credit scene where Charles Xavier puts consciousness into a comatose guy, was the one [art of that movie that actually happened in the comics.
i think if you are yourself a fan, and want to make an adaptation in good faith (and have the talent to do it): that would be a good enough formula. That was the success of Jackson's LOTR trilogy.
It really isn‘t though. Things are popular for a reason. Just find out what that is, maybe talk to the fans. Even if every fan has a different reason for liking something, in the end they all like the same thing.
@micah4029 And generally that's far far far less people than which watched just a movie. Movie wasn't book adaptation, it took just some characters, plot and references. Similar like comic movies, most of them aren't literally comic adaptation, they are making their own story and world. I understand it wasn't like LOTR or HARRY POTTER, but as just movie it was pretty good movie, many people didn't even know it was made by the book.
The only thing I didn't like above Covenant was the fact that, at least heavily implied, if not outright, I dont really know the thuth, but David the android apparently created the Xenomorphs. I don't know what's more anticlimactic than a popcorn fart, but this definitely was it. Even if it was an altered version, and didn't really create them, once again I don't know what the actual canon is, it was an insult as a fan. The rest of the movie was fair enough to enjoy.
I had no issues with Prometheus. I think there was some really interesting stories in it and I think it answered some questions. I legitimately do not understand why people dislike it so much
Judge Dredd (1995).... is what happens when Hollywood hires a big actor for a role that requires his or her face to be covered for the entire movie, thus, it will NEVER be properly adapted for that reason alone.
It's a bit of a quagmire that. The creators of Judge Dredd felt Stallone was a good choice (they even used promos of him from Rocky and Rambo as a ref for several of the previous comic stories) but said the studio should've kept a tighter control on his ideas (Stallone later admitted this was true, and if he had to do it again he'd have agreed to never take the helmet off) and the movie should've stuck to one story rather than try mix-and-matching the iconic parts from the best known Dredd serials.
Phantom menace is a lesson in fans not knowing what they themselves wanted in a prequel and nitpicking admittedly less than perfect parts of the film and blowing them out of proportions!
The one the director wanted to make was decent, one the studio wanted was garbage, the hybrid we ended up with was a train wreck. The only saving grace, as small as it is was that you can clearly distinguish between the two movies if you are paying attention. Don’t watch it again, but knowing some of what the studio mandated lets you distinguish between the two.
Nah the original was gold. "Get to da chopper"... Oh, you meant that pile of garbage they showed in the clip. Yeah. That was bad. Even worse than Alien vs Predator or Prometheus. None of those three have any place in either franchise.
Cripes, I thought I disliked the end of "Predators," but "The Predator" was the most appalling crap. Funnily enough, the backstories on the NECA "Predator" action figures' packaging does a thoroughly admirable job of tying all the disparate versions together, even that execrable "Forever Midnight" novel. With just a little effort, you could probably work the "Ultra-Predator" stuff into that over-arching story, too. But the AutiSm iS a sUpeRp0weR nonsense has to go.
Stallone's Dredd was was so so terrible. Urban's redo was the perfect Dredd movie and I wished it has done better. It is a masterpiece in my opinion; taking what is so good about the comics and adapting it to the silver screen so sincerely. Such an underrated clicky.
Many of these movies are great to illustrate that fans want a movie that is close to the source material. It's not because fans are "toxic" but when you change elements of the source material for a "message" we are generally not going to like it.
That's not really what the list shows at all. What it REALLY shows is that a lot of fans desperately want a movie that is EXACTLY the same as the previous one Because a lot of people are stupid.
I guess I’m in the minority, but I never thought Jean killed Charles. I always thought she used what little control she still had to transport him away.
Episode 9 is what happens when Disney caves to the racist "fanboys" who skreee over the idea of a black and female Jedi leading the charge. Because God forbid anyone other than a white guy do anything cool. I wanna see the sequel trilogy as it was intended because 7 wasn't bad at all, and 8 was clearly setting up for things that would've been great. As a long time SW fan, the prequels just sucked.
To me, the most disappointing Star Wars prequel is AOTC and not TPM. Yes, trade route taxation isn’t the most riveting conflict (not at least until TCW came along and did the political stuff right) and Jar Jar can be annoying (although I’ve never carried the same hate for him that some people seem to hold), but once the film really gets going, I’m hooked and invested every single time. There’s real stakes to what’s happening in everything from Palpatine’s subtle takeover of the Chancellorship to the ultimate fate of Qui-Gon as the ideal teacher for Anakin, which is more than can be said for the dead-dull love story between Anakin and Padme in AOTC. Obi-Wan’s detective subplot is cool but doesn’t get enough focus, and the ending feels rushed instead of epic as was probably the intent. I do feel, though, that TPM would’ve been stronger ending on Qui-Gon’s funeral with Palpatine watching his greatest obstacle in the way of corrupting the Chosen One literally go up in flames, so that’s one leg up AOTC has on it with its more dour ending.
Talking about 'checks and balances' in Hollywood is LOL- some of these movies were made through sheer executive will, even though everything in the real world was working against them. This year's disastrous 'The Crow' remake is the result of almost two decades of rewrites and a revolving door of leads, writers, and directors. It was practically cursed to fail, and not in the cool, scary, or interesting way. Anyone on the outside could have seen it was a bad idea, but /multiple/ studios pursued it. And here we are.
(As someone who was an edgy teen when 'The Zombie Survival Guide' and 'World War Z' books were huge, I think 'World War Z' is a great example of this- absolutely should not have been a movie- much better as a miniseries or even proper TV show -but they were sooooooo determined to force it through. At least it was cool to watch on the big screen. Extremely wasted potential tho.)
The sad thing about the Karl Urban "Dredd" movie is that it had the perma-stink of the ego driven Stallone version of 25 years prior destroying any chance of the remake ever being anything other than a flop.
To be fair, World War Z would of been nearly impossible to adapt to screen. It was basically a bunch of connected short stories. That and he couldnt decide on them being undead zombies ore plague zombies, and mixed them in a way that didnt really make sense. I enjoyed the book quite a bit, but it should never have been made into a movie.
Everyone complains about CGI. There are maybe count them on one hand that CGI is fully convincing. The Way Of Water is at the top of that list. Maybe it's my background as an artist, but as far as CGI goes, for me, it's only fully convincing if it's a still photo. Once there is movement, the illusion always fades. Seriously. The Backyardigans is more believable than about 90% of Hollywood CGI.
I disagree about the the phantom menace. The prequels had problems but they were in keeping with the original trilogy. Clone wars made that era actually good. The sequels were just a cash grab and betray the original trilogy. For this reason I have decided to check legends out.
They should have made a Marion Ravenwlod spin-offquell starring 2009 era Emma Stone instead of Kingdom about her trying to prove herself a better explorer then Jones and a need to live up to the Ravenwood name. Bring in recast Raiders era Sala and Marcus but have her not wanting to work with Indy a major part of the move so she and the Ravenwood franxhise could stand alone.
Say what you will about The Crystal Skull or The Phantom Menace but they are still leaps and bounds better than anything out of Disney since they took control and used Lucas films as a garbage disposal
I don’t think anybody that takes issue with the World War Z adaptation actually understands how movies work. I’ve read the book, a few times. I love the book. There is absolutely no way you can put that book on screen faithfully. Just ain’t happening. But you didn’t have to. The book is awesome and the movie is equally awesome in its own right. Some stories just don’t adapt well. I am Legend, not even close. Ready Player One? Impossible (but I’d say stick to the book which is muuuch better). Jurassic Park 1 ain’t like the book, but both are masterpieces. You just gotta understand visual vs written storytelling, and some things cannot exist in their alternate form.
@@vampricramento be book accurate, yes. To be entertaining? No. Not even a little bit. Who’s watching that? It’s extremely difficult to pull off because people start yawning when you even mention the word documentary. Closest I can think of is District 9 which did decently well on release, but is kind of an anomaly. Ijs it would have been a pretty big gamble to do it that way, and studios aren’t big on gambling.
@@thatboybear The whole thing that makes Max Brooks' book entertaining and unique is its faux-journalistic take on a zombie outbreak. It's the one thing that sets it apart from a horde of other zombie apocalypse media.
The one effect from the Star Wars prequels I remember to this day as being a bad, if not outdated, effect... Giving the spaceship the shiny silver chrome effect. For me, that was cringe the moment I saw it.
I personally think that it would be a bigger failure to approach art with a "let's give the fans what they want" directive, hence The Rise of Skywalker. Let the creatives create without any mandate to include plots or characters for the "fans". If it's that bad, people won't turn out and lessons should be learned
The Predator was the biggest disappointment for me out of all of the movies mentioned. There were so many cringey and corny moments that even as a big fan of the franchise, I couldn't help but call the movie stupid.
The phantom menace is a million times better than the last Jedi. I don't know anybody who will bang the drum for it and sing of its praises. I will watch the prequels a million times before I watch Disney's trash. Dude. When Luke Skywalker says I reject this version of Luke. I do not agree with it. This is not my Luke Skywalker. But I like money. Ain't much you can say about Disney's sequels 🤷🏾♂️
Romulus has dropped as of my watching this, and I still am hesitant to watch any portion of it on account of how bad Covenant was. Between the whole casts' stupidity, storywriting, overuse of CG, and the fact that they thought it was worth creating, any and all goodwill I had with the franchise has now been reduced to nostalgic love for what was from long ago. Also, Shane Black should never be allowed near any movie franchise again, especially Predator. I felt insulted with every scene of that hot garbage, and never want to revisit it.
I´m outing myself now and say I actually liked both versions. But as far as "not what fans wanted" is concerned it shouldnt belong on the list. Mind you the fans in that case were Stallone fans, not Judge Dredd ones. At that time he was a banger for nearly every movie he was in. They were paying big bucks for him. Not showing his face would have been a waste of money. Without looking it up I couldn´t tell you who was under the helmet in the remake.
Downvoting because you couldn't be more wrong about your #1. Despite the many the flaws of the prequels, they were also superior to the Dizney trilogy!
The star wars prequels are so weiird. You love them as a youngster, which was what they intended to do. They were hated by a bunch of people anyway, But watch them again with hindsight and more understanding of how politics works with wars, and how things might be manipulated, suddenly they are good as an adult. Now what Disney gave us...that is true Garbage.
Videos like this make me want to stop watching WhatCulture. The author sounds like a teenage cynic who maybe shouldn't be writing articles about pop culture. All of these films made mistakes and a lot of them are what I'd call bad, but why exactly are we calling characters lame and idiotic?
Can't believe they let the same guy screw up the dark pheonix storyline in 2 different eras.
Yeah, I think they need to just AVOID that particular storyline in the future... It just seems NOT to translate well.
@@LoneWolf-gz9mrworked in the cartoon
Looking forward to when he gets to tackle the MCU Dark Phoenix movie.
Kinberg is like the Avi Arad of the X-men movies.
Paramount's Entire Live Action G. I. Joe films is proof of a studio creating and entire Franchise that didn't even Try to understand its fanbase.
Phantom Menace was beloved when it was released. Only after RLM over-analyzed it, did a part of the fandom start hating it.
@@AkiRa22084 were you alive then? Cause that’s now how I remember it. I remember nerds going back to see it multiple times hoping maybe the second or third time they’d find something good about it. But we were starved for Star Wars content for years. I was 14 when phantom menace came out. My friends are and were those kinds of nerds, and while we weren’t able to get to the theater to see it, as soon as it got to home video we watched it as a group and we had the same “uhhhh…. What the hell was that?” Reaction. Some of those jokes from our initial reactions have persisted our entire lives. I’ve had the same outlook on it since then, all that movie really needed to be a much better film was one person in that writing room or preproduction meetings to turn to George and say “you know this is a really dumb idea, right?” And you can pick any one of 15 really dumb ideas that are in the film for this hypothetical conversation to be about. Doesn’t matter.
Dial of destiny was depressing. Seeing Harrison Ford in this age was heart breaking. It makes the realization hit hard that soon he will no longer be in this world.😢
Say what you want about the prequels, but it did give us Darth Maul and Duel of the Fates.. Come on, people, Darth Maul, standing in front of everyone like, come at me, bro! It's one of the best Star Wars moments ever.!
The Dark Tower - 7 books worth of plot squished into a vague, underwritten 2 hour movie that spent so much on its two A list lead actors that it looks like they barely had any money left to actually make the movie.
Indy 5 is definitely a movie that suffered from the same problem.
8 Movies That Surprisingly Understood What Fans Needed
WhatCulture is literally the only people I’ve heard complain about World War Z.
I liked WWZ but it was absolutely nothing like the book, which disappointed the hell out of me.
Yeah, that entry on this list was a real head-scratcher for me, too. I know people were divided on the ending, but I don't recall anyone taking issue with anything in the first two acts. But as is usually the case in WhatCulture videos, the narrator's obvious biases took precedence over kind of any logical analysis they pretend to provide. For example, for one movie a poor box office return is held up as proof that the movie was bad; for another, a huge box office return is belittled as an empty cash grab. There's no rhyme or reason to it. It really just comes does to what the narrator personally liked or didn't like.
They are correct, though. The movie is nothing like the book
@@cognitivefailurethe writer and the speaker are rarely one and the same.
World War Z is often regarded as one of the worst book adaptations of all time, what are you talking about?
I love World War Z,yes it's not like the book but it's one of the best Zombie films of the 21st century
World War Z is perfect for a serialised adaptation. Episode per survivor story.
Wait a minute, you pan the phantom menace as not knowing what the fans want, when there are 3 sequel starwars movies that the fans hate way way way way way more? The force awakens, the last jedi, and the return of skywalker are are all hated with the white hot intensity of 1000 suns by the fans for giving them what they didn't want. How much did Krazy Kathy pay you for that little attempt to detoxify her legacy?
I was with you up until you dropped the "how much did X pay you" line
The prequels are now appreciated, while the latest trilogy is seen as empty. So I don't know what this WhatCulture guy is on about.
The prequels are just poorly made and to intrested in making toy sales. The 3rd trilogy is just rubbish all round.
The Force Awakens should have taken all 8 spots on this list. It’s a master class in not understanding anything about SW. I’d rather watch the prequels 100 times over than watch any of the sequels a second time.
I agree partially. Ep 7 was basicly copypaste of Ep 4. That said enough time had passed and the tech/graphics improved that it, on it´s own, was still better than the prequels.
Then came Ep 8 and boy suddenly the prequels didn´t look that bad anymore. Honestly, putting a braindead monkey in front of scriptwriter might have gotten them better results. They couldn´t have messed up more if they tried. Unless one counts "subverting expectations" as actually trying to bomb the movie. In that case, Great Job.
As for Ep 9... too little too late. No real way to salvage the mess Ep 8 left, not enough time (movies, not runtime) to give a proper ending to the Skywalker saga. In the end it "tried" to please everyone and achieved exactly nothing. The best I can say about it is "forgetable" Honestly, I can´t remember half the stuff that happened in that movie anymore. Something about a Sith Dagger that should lead them to Palpatine?
Ep 8 as bad as it was will be remembered for it´s faults, of which there are many far longer. Top3 on top of my head:
#3 Tico crashing into Finn to "save his life" undermines his potential sacrifice and should have lead to the anhilation of the rebels.
#2 The casino part... all of it. Completly unnecessary, achieved nothing, totally asine, predictable and worst of all boring.
#1 The Holdo manoveur. Aside from the fact that that should have been Akbar not her there is the manoveur itself. I´m not talking about the hows and whys of "it was never done before", that´s retcons are for and some creative freedom is good. I´m talking why, in the same freaking movie, it wasn´t attempted before. That fleet was following them for weeks if memory serves right and noone said "I got a bright idea how to not only got us out here but can also cripple that fleet"
In summary my opinion. Top to buttom 4, 6, 5, 7, 1, 3, 2, 9, 8
Not in the counting the non Ep. Movies.
Those are harder to place and can move up or down a rank
Solo would land around Ep. 9 and Rouge One somewhere around Ep. 7
Definitly not going into TV series territory. Manalorian had eps for the far side of both spectrums, Boba Fett... the less said the better and I can´t comment on Andor, Ashoka, Acolyte and wat else there is because I haven´t seen them myself only heard from people with similar tastes to myself which would translate to "the forgetable", "the mostly ok" and the "God it´s so bad, give me Ep 8 again instead of that shit". The last one, language(german) aside, is actually a direct quote.
...I liked that movie.
I respectfully disagree. I don’t consider The Force Awakens a great movie. “Master class in not understanding anything about SW” is a FAR more accurate statement when referring to A Phantom Menace. Growing up with the original trilogy, then seeing The Phantom Menace (ditch HS to watch it day one at the theater, BTW) it seemed completely detached from what came before it, almost as if it was from a completely different franchise.
@hellraider2006 i actually liked episode 8. But then again I am not a huge Star Wars fan. I liked the first 3, but the rest were hit and miss. In fact episode 8 was my favorite since the original trilogy.
7 was alright!
Only 8? This list could be almost every movie since 2015. The entire industry is f'd.
C’mon loosen up
Probably more like 20 years since Hollywood was even a little creative.
Nearly every cross-media adaptation.
90's Mario Bros
Monster Hunter
The 4th Indiana Jones was a Tribune to 50's sci- fi movies
Yep. The movie probably would've been better received if they telegraphed that better. The idea of Indiana Jones passing through the tropes of different decades could've worked quite well.
In fairness to X Men origins wolverine they did dead pool as dirty as could possibly be done, but the rest of the movie wasn't that bad... In the last stand the post credit scene where Charles Xavier puts consciousness into a comatose guy, was the one [art of that movie that actually happened in the comics.
Giving fans what they want is a tricky thing
Because no one knows what fans want
In fact, not even fans know what they want
Different strokes for different folks. We all want different things. It's impossible to make everybody happy.
i think if you are yourself a fan, and want to make an adaptation in good faith (and have the talent to do it): that would be a good enough formula. That was the success of Jackson's LOTR trilogy.
It really isn‘t though. Things are popular for a reason. Just find out what that is, maybe talk to the fans. Even if every fan has a different reason for liking something, in the end they all like the same thing.
World War Z wasn't disappointment, it was very good movie.
I've watched it 6 times. I really like. I apologise to no one 🎉🎉🎉🎉
It was a disappointment to a lot of the people who'd read the book.
@micah4029 And generally that's far far far less people than which watched just a movie. Movie wasn't book adaptation, it took just some characters, plot and references. Similar like comic movies, most of them aren't literally comic adaptation, they are making their own story and world. I understand it wasn't like LOTR or HARRY POTTER, but as just movie it was pretty good movie, many people didn't even know it was made by the book.
Someone liked Indy 5?
The only thing I didn't like above Covenant was the fact that, at least heavily implied, if not outright, I dont really know the thuth, but David the android apparently created the Xenomorphs. I don't know what's more anticlimactic than a popcorn fart, but this definitely was it. Even if it was an altered version, and didn't really create them, once again I don't know what the actual canon is, it was an insult as a fan. The rest of the movie was fair enough to enjoy.
I had no issues with Prometheus. I think there was some really interesting stories in it and I think it answered some questions. I legitimately do not understand why people dislike it so much
Judge Dredd (1995).... is what happens when Hollywood hires a big actor for a role that requires his or her face to be covered for the entire movie, thus, it will NEVER be properly adapted for that reason alone.
It's a bit of a quagmire that. The creators of Judge Dredd felt Stallone was a good choice (they even used promos of him from Rocky and Rambo as a ref for several of the previous comic stories) but said the studio should've kept a tighter control on his ideas (Stallone later admitted this was true, and if he had to do it again he'd have agreed to never take the helmet off) and the movie should've stuck to one story rather than try mix-and-matching the iconic parts from the best known Dredd serials.
Guarantee the MCU will make the same mistake with RDJ Dr Doom by giving him a nano retractable helmet so you can see his face for 90% of the movie
I yern for the days when crystal skull was the worst film we’d ever seen.
I hear ya. Not even the worst Indy movie anymore. Ford has fallen a long way from his day of gueranteed blockbuster hit.
Like Liberace, he's crying all the way to the bank.
Episode 1 is so much more appreciated after the Sequel trilogy
Phantom menace is a lesson in fans not knowing what they themselves wanted in a prequel and nitpicking admittedly less than perfect parts of the film and blowing them out of proportions!
I heard the opposite about Stallone, the studio paid for his face and insisted he show it when he wanted to stay true to the comic
I’ve heard it both ways.
Phantom Menace is orders of magnitude better than the Last Jedi.
The predator drove me insane! SO bad it was painful.
The one the director wanted to make was decent, one the studio wanted was garbage, the hybrid we ended up with was a train wreck. The only saving grace, as small as it is was that you can clearly distinguish between the two movies if you are paying attention. Don’t watch it again, but knowing some of what the studio mandated lets you distinguish between the two.
Nah the original was gold. "Get to da chopper"...
Oh, you meant that pile of garbage they showed in the clip. Yeah. That was bad. Even worse than Alien vs Predator or Prometheus. None of those three have any place in either franchise.
Cripes, I thought I disliked the end of "Predators," but "The Predator" was the most appalling crap.
Funnily enough, the backstories on the NECA "Predator" action figures' packaging does a thoroughly admirable job of tying all the disparate versions together, even that execrable "Forever Midnight" novel. With just a little effort, you could probably work the "Ultra-Predator" stuff into that over-arching story, too. But the AutiSm iS a sUpeRp0weR nonsense has to go.
World War Z was great. The novels are bad.
I wish to complain. I currently live my life without seeing Jar-Jar Binks ever again..... You just broke that
why not ten movies? why eight?
Stallone's Dredd was was so so terrible. Urban's redo was the perfect Dredd movie and I wished it has done better. It is a masterpiece in my opinion; taking what is so good about the comics and adapting it to the silver screen so sincerely. Such an underrated clicky.
Many of these movies are great to illustrate that fans want a movie that is close to the source material. It's not because fans are "toxic" but when you change elements of the source material for a "message" we are generally not going to like it.
That's not really what the list shows at all. What it REALLY shows is that a lot of fans desperately want a movie that is EXACTLY the same as the previous one
Because a lot of people are stupid.
We wanted Dredd, but we got Judge Dredd instead. Eventually, we got Dredd. That doesn't make up for Judge Dredd though.
Nope, I fully disagree. I never read the book, but as a piece of cinematic art on its own, World War Z was great!!
Shut your mouth about Arnie's Mr Freeze. He's the best part of that movie.
His ice puns are legendary. Bad, but legendary.
Six of these could have just been Star Wars movies then at least three more X-Men movies
I guess I’m in the minority, but I never thought Jean killed Charles. I always thought she used what little control she still had to transport him away.
Doesn't matter. The movie was awful and was thankfully removed from canon after DOFP. Although, they f'ed up again with Apocalypse and Dark Phoenix
No she killed him , and then he took the consciousness of his twin that was in the coma
@@rorylynch7775 Maybe not good but definitly better than take two aka dark phonix. Now that was real trashfire.
@@hellraider2006 that's like saying Dogshit is better than horse shit. One may be worse, but they are both still bad
At least Lucas tried with the prequel trilogy. "The Rise of Skywalker" made them look good.
yep, compared to the sequels the prequels are cinematic masterpieces
Episode 9 is what happens when Disney caves to the racist "fanboys" who skreee over the idea of a black and female Jedi leading the charge. Because God forbid anyone other than a white guy do anything cool.
I wanna see the sequel trilogy as it was intended because 7 wasn't bad at all, and 8 was clearly setting up for things that would've been great.
As a long time SW fan, the prequels just sucked.
To me, the most disappointing Star Wars prequel is AOTC and not TPM. Yes, trade route taxation isn’t the most riveting conflict (not at least until TCW came along and did the political stuff right) and Jar Jar can be annoying (although I’ve never carried the same hate for him that some people seem to hold), but once the film really gets going, I’m hooked and invested every single time. There’s real stakes to what’s happening in everything from Palpatine’s subtle takeover of the Chancellorship to the ultimate fate of Qui-Gon as the ideal teacher for Anakin, which is more than can be said for the dead-dull love story between Anakin and Padme in AOTC. Obi-Wan’s detective subplot is cool but doesn’t get enough focus, and the ending feels rushed instead of epic as was probably the intent. I do feel, though, that TPM would’ve been stronger ending on Qui-Gon’s funeral with Palpatine watching his greatest obstacle in the way of corrupting the Chosen One literally go up in flames, so that’s one leg up AOTC has on it with its more dour ending.
WWZ was ok for me.
Talking about 'checks and balances' in Hollywood is LOL- some of these movies were made through sheer executive will, even though everything in the real world was working against them. This year's disastrous 'The Crow' remake is the result of almost two decades of rewrites and a revolving door of leads, writers, and directors. It was practically cursed to fail, and not in the cool, scary, or interesting way. Anyone on the outside could have seen it was a bad idea, but /multiple/ studios pursued it. And here we are.
(As someone who was an edgy teen when 'The Zombie Survival Guide' and 'World War Z' books were huge, I think 'World War Z' is a great example of this- absolutely should not have been a movie- much better as a miniseries or even proper TV show -but they were sooooooo determined to force it through. At least it was cool to watch on the big screen. Extremely wasted potential tho.)
The sad thing about the Karl Urban "Dredd" movie is that it had the perma-stink of the ego driven Stallone version of 25 years prior destroying any chance of the remake ever being anything other than a flop.
To be fair, World War Z would of been nearly impossible to adapt to screen. It was basically a bunch of connected short stories. That and he couldnt decide on them being undead zombies ore plague zombies, and mixed them in a way that didnt really make sense. I enjoyed the book quite a bit, but it should never have been made into a movie.
Everyone complains about CGI. There are maybe count them on one hand that CGI is fully convincing. The Way Of Water is at the top of that list. Maybe it's my background as an artist, but as far as CGI goes, for me, it's only fully convincing if it's a still photo. Once there is movement, the illusion always fades. Seriously. The Backyardigans is more believable than about 90% of Hollywood CGI.
Crystal skull would never have made as much if it didn't bank on the previous 3 movies.
The Predator is probably the only one that doesn't belong on this list. That movie was actually good.
I disagree about the the phantom menace. The prequels had problems but they were in keeping with the original trilogy. Clone wars made that era actually good. The sequels were just a cash grab and betray the original trilogy. For this reason I have decided to check legends out.
Apparently i dont pay enough attention! Lol
They should have made a Marion Ravenwlod spin-offquell starring 2009 era Emma Stone instead of Kingdom about her trying to prove herself a better explorer then Jones and a need to live up to the Ravenwood name. Bring in recast Raiders era Sala and Marcus but have her not wanting to work with Indy a major part of the move so she and the Ravenwood franxhise could stand alone.
Say what you will about The Crystal Skull or The Phantom Menace but they are still leaps and bounds better than anything out of Disney since they took control and used Lucas films as a garbage disposal
Sorry. Let me get this straight. You came up with only 8 movies where the filmmakers did not understand what the fans wanted???
People have plenty of high regard for the Star Wars prequel trilogy since the sequel trilogy ended.
I don’t think anybody that takes issue with the World War Z adaptation actually understands how movies work. I’ve read the book, a few times. I love the book. There is absolutely no way you can put that book on screen faithfully. Just ain’t happening. But you didn’t have to. The book is awesome and the movie is equally awesome in its own right. Some stories just don’t adapt well. I am Legend, not even close. Ready Player One? Impossible (but I’d say stick to the book which is muuuch better). Jurassic Park 1 ain’t like the book, but both are masterpieces. You just gotta understand visual vs written storytelling, and some things cannot exist in their alternate form.
Should have been in the style of an on the ground war documentary.
@@vampricramento be book accurate, yes. To be entertaining? No. Not even a little bit. Who’s watching that? It’s extremely difficult to pull off because people start yawning when you even mention the word documentary. Closest I can think of is District 9 which did decently well on release, but is kind of an anomaly. Ijs it would have been a pretty big gamble to do it that way, and studios aren’t big on gambling.
@@thatboybear The whole thing that makes Max Brooks' book entertaining and unique is its faux-journalistic take on a zombie outbreak. It's the one thing that sets it apart from a horde of other zombie apocalypse media.
The one effect from the Star Wars prequels I remember to this day as being a bad, if not outdated, effect... Giving the spaceship the shiny silver chrome effect. For me, that was cringe the moment I saw it.
joker foile a deux is one cause yeesh that movie failed on so many expectations
Phantom Menace is a blast and a lot of fun. Was great seeing that back in 1999. The sequel trilogy is garbage.
Add Werewolves to that list
I didnt know he ruined Dark Phoenix TWICE!!!!
I think X-Men Origins: Wolverine is way better than Last Stand. And I don't mean that as a compliment for X-Men Origins Wolverine.
I'm really mad Borderlands it's not here!!!
I personally think that it would be a bigger failure to approach art with a "let's give the fans what they want" directive, hence The Rise of Skywalker. Let the creatives create without any mandate to include plots or characters for the "fans". If it's that bad, people won't turn out and lessons should be learned
The Predator was the biggest disappointment for me out of all of the movies mentioned. There were so many cringey and corny moments that even as a big fan of the franchise, I couldn't help but call the movie stupid.
Best of the worst: Crystal Skull VS Dial of Destiny?
world war z is one of the best zombie movie....imo
Haven't seen mention of the last Airbender... Cuz they got it ALL wrong!
The phantom menace is a million times better than the last Jedi. I don't know anybody who will bang the drum for it and sing of its praises. I will watch the prequels a million times before I watch Disney's trash. Dude. When Luke Skywalker says I reject this version of Luke. I do not agree with it. This is not my Luke Skywalker. But I like money. Ain't much you can say about Disney's sequels 🤷🏾♂️
It's really not
@falvoa than Disney's trilogy? Well. I respectfully disagree
Romulus has dropped as of my watching this, and I still am hesitant to watch any portion of it on account of how bad Covenant was. Between the whole casts' stupidity, storywriting, overuse of CG, and the fact that they thought it was worth creating, any and all goodwill I had with the franchise has now been reduced to nostalgic love for what was from long ago.
Also, Shane Black should never be allowed near any movie franchise again, especially Predator. I felt insulted with every scene of that hot garbage, and never want to revisit it.
All of the sequel grabage are worse than the Phantom Menace
Judge Dredd-ful (1995)
I´m outing myself now and say I actually liked both versions.
But as far as "not what fans wanted" is concerned it shouldnt belong on the list.
Mind you the fans in that case were Stallone fans, not Judge Dredd ones. At that time he was a banger for nearly every movie he was in. They were paying big bucks for him. Not showing his face would have been a waste of money. Without looking it up I couldn´t tell you who was under the helmet in the remake.
@hellraider2006 ....quiet
Jem and the Holograms
Downvoting because you couldn't be more wrong about your #1. Despite the many the flaws of the prequels, they were also superior to the Dizney trilogy!
ridley scott lost it.
he should just retire with dignity already
he never got over what happened to tony
Olivia Munn is is the kiss of death for everything she's in...stop casting her!
Don't even start with TLJ! The Phantom Menace was far better.
The phantom menace is a masterp compared to the last Jedi
The star wars prequels are so weiird. You love them as a youngster, which was what they intended to do. They were hated by a bunch of people anyway, But watch them again with hindsight and more understanding of how politics works with wars, and how things might be manipulated, suddenly they are good as an adult. Now what Disney gave us...that is true Garbage.
Star Trek Generations
Worse Xmen movie is dark phoenix by far. So incredibly boring. At least wolverine origins had some decent action and was so bad it was funny
Videos like this make me want to stop watching WhatCulture. The author sounds like a teenage cynic who maybe shouldn't be writing articles about pop culture. All of these films made mistakes and a lot of them are what I'd call bad, but why exactly are we calling characters lame and idiotic?
Wokeculture defending the Last Jedi... and putting Crystal Skull over Dial of Destiny.... shocker.
Dark phoenix is worse than x-men origins wolverine
List list some credibility by that blunder