The Hidden Dark Side Of Being A Heyoka Empath That Nobody Understands | Heyoka Empath | Clairvoyant

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 8 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 61

  • @annlove2098
    @annlove2098 2 ปีที่แล้ว +22

    Yes we do get duped by those who use us. But we can make ruthless enemies of them afterwords.

    • @kohakuusagi
      @kohakuusagi 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Very true.

    • @kahalacromwell9741
      @kahalacromwell9741 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      They don’t exist imho I attract NPD’s narcissistic personality disordered individuals / I grew up w npd’s

  • @weldonengelbrecht
    @weldonengelbrecht ปีที่แล้ว +7

    True, this video is spot on. When we develope this gift, it becomes a blessing. The fact that we have the ability to help others, who do not know how to help themselves should be sufficient to let us know how truly strong we are. We can heal emotionally, physically and even spiritually but many of us dont even know it yet. We have been blessed with this ability not as a punishment but because God knew that we can handle it, handle our own burdens and the burdens of others. Only God knows how truly strong we are, even when we dont know it yet. Embrace this blessed truth and we will not regret it.

  • @cyndie-anjellvernet4114
    @cyndie-anjellvernet4114 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    A couple of years ago I read that majority of suicide victims were empaths. Personally for me it’s been many years of constant struggle to not allow the sorrow of others overpower me.

    • @sexylexi3896
      @sexylexi3896 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Wow! I have nvr heard that but it makes so much sense being that we are so freakin sensitive! In all honesty, I tried to leave earth on my own terms but woke up pissed off that I was still here! After the anger wore off I knew I was here for a reason. It wasn't til abt 15 yrs after that I realized my purpose during my 2nd spiritual awakening. I cried for 8 hrs nonstop from tears of joy. Now I embrace every aspect of who I am and have finally learned to not take personally anything negative or hateful that comes from other ppl. Even tho they direct it towards me I know now that 99% of the time it's not abt me it's their own insecurities from me inadvertantly mirroring their dark side back to them. Now when it happens I acknowledge the pain from the experience and then I let it go bc I know it wasn't abt me. Took me 50 yrs to get to this point but I did it!! And I'm so grateful for it all!!!

  • @mariazamora4595
    @mariazamora4595 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Start understanding yourself, If we are capable to understand another person, help and heal people, we can understand ourself. The same love we give to others , the same love we can give to ourself, understand ourselves, heal, etc. if we are capable to understand the self we are capable to understand everything. We are capable to understand ourselves and find a balance in our life.

  • @julihewitt5895
    @julihewitt5895 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Spot on nailed it and you explained it so well and sending love blessings and gratitude

  • @roselopez8363
    @roselopez8363 2 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    its important not to become one of them a user & its important to always stay focused on being honest" & your goals' for a better out- come. Be a Leader- not a follower"

    • @kristinw.9327
      @kristinw.9327 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      You don't 'become' one. You are born one and become aware of your character.

    • @roselopez8363
      @roselopez8363 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@kristinw.9327 your message is confuseing" at best.

    • @kristinw.9327
      @kristinw.9327 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@roselopez8363 what's confusing about it? You don't 'become' anyone you aren't born with the tendency to be already. Yes, things affect people. But a person born with a tendency towards being a helpful person will be that way their whole life. You adapt. People don't change fundamentally. Those who are born with a negative aspect to their personality will always have that aspect.
      People don't 'become' someone other than who they already are.

    • @roselopez8363
      @roselopez8363 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@kristinw.9327 you are wrong" if we accept Jesus Christ in our heart his holy" spirit changes our heart" & character as we study the Bible every- day" we do not remain the same.

    • @kristinw.9327
      @kristinw.9327 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      It's nice of you to judge not only my faith (I am a non denominational Chaplain) but my experience. I'm also a counselor.
      People themselves don't change. It does take faith to walk a positive path. I agree. But if you've got a heart and personality towards the darkness in life you still HAVE that element as a part of who you are/were even if you turn to Christ. You're forgiven if you ask. But you're still who you were made to be. He never told anyone they were no longer a sinner. He told them to go and sin no more. That dark side is still an element in life.
      Funny how you decided to use religion as a tool to try to prove yourself right...and automatically assumed I had no understanding of faith.
      As a therapist, after working with countless people....with experience, I can tell you people don't change. They are who they are. They cope and try to do things differently, but they consistently have to choose to do that. The other side doesn't get erased from their personality or their actions.
      Even in your choice of proof, you must admit Jesus does the change in people. They don't change or become anything but who they are on their own.
      Enjoy your day. ❤

  • @sexylexi3896
    @sexylexi3896 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Spot on in every aspect it's almost scary! I wldnt change who or what I am if given the choice. it so super handy to know smthg b4 it takes place!! My fave thing is to be underestimated. Always keeps me at least 5 steps ahead of the their fuckery and I get to sneak up on them when least expected. Shocks the shit out of em and won't try me again! 😁

  • @normanschmidt8389
    @normanschmidt8389 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I just want peace.

  • @susanmeadows4680
    @susanmeadows4680 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Oh my goodness, I am a definite empath. I can barely handle being around people much anymore. I try to be my natural, kind, empathetic self and I attract the worst of individuals. I stay exhausted, all of my romantic relationships even my marriage were to very toxic men. Narcissistic. I know instantly when around anyone how they feel, most don't even have to say a word. The energy is unreal that I receive. So, being hurt so much, worrying about the news, state of our country and the world has made me isolate myself. Anyone else feel lonely because of this also?

    • @d.a.4675
      @d.a.4675 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      YES, Yes ALL of it. Even the marriages are almost word for word. LOVE2ALL!

    • @Sleeping_Dreamer
      @Sleeping_Dreamer 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      You are very much not alone, we can shield ourselves from energy however its much easier to allow the energy to pass through, try not to hold onto negative emotions unless you are helping someone, that negative energy can be tricky to remove sometimes. And yes the world events has both helped and hurt my mental and emotional stability. I keep up with whats really going on generally and having the knowledge brings me some peace but its also terrifying because i can see where things are and where they will be very soon. Do your best to have confidence in yourself and if you haven't already, start doing "shadow work" for yourself. Try not to be isolated for too long, empaths need positive human connection to not feel drained and exhausted.

    • @luckyduckydaisyflower2344
      @luckyduckydaisyflower2344 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      I'm so tired I don't understand how to enjoy life anymore..I hope I can find peace again someday..

    • @luckyduckydaisyflower2344
      @luckyduckydaisyflower2344 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Terrible painful love. Romantic. Family..friends..too much pain 💔

    • @Kennbrooks
      @Kennbrooks ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Why don’t you use your gift to intuit staying away from those people especially if you know their feelings?

  • @johnjohnstone9805
    @johnjohnstone9805 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I Used To Be A People Person But People Ruined It. A Funny But Relevant Quote.

  • @curious4967
    @curious4967 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    My "cloak" looks like various sized shredded crystals (think pink insulation) but pulled apart, so that my healing frequency/s can reach through. The "cloak" does reduce amount received by a patient; consequently, a longer session is required. I find most folks max out at about 20 minutes per 12-24 hour period. First session requires more from me but subsequent sessions are easier.(time & attention). I also find I am needed to give a minute or so "touchups" during the ensuing years.This works for pain & trauma, physical & emotional.

  • @pamelaruigh8185
    @pamelaruigh8185 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Because we absorb so much dark energy from others we need a lot of alone time to recover. We develop a tough skin but as we get older we tend to isolate more and more which can be problematic. Interacting with people who don't understand how we are is exhausting and sometimes we just have to cut people off cold because the interactions become so toxic as to be painful and physically and mentally draining. We also make others nervous. We see behind the persona of all the "happy people" who are hiding behind a mass of conflicts and on some level they know we can "read" them.

  • @capt.whippersnapper5496
    @capt.whippersnapper5496 2 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    The bible has empaths in it they are called burden bearers. It is all in God's plan , we are all here for a greater purpose. Empathy is a curse as it is blessing.

    • @susanmeadows4680
      @susanmeadows4680 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Very true, I feel like a lone wolf. Like I don't fit in society also. It can be a gift and a curse. People think they can roll right over me and when I step back and say wait stop. They get offended.

  • @joeyr.3435
    @joeyr.3435 ปีที่แล้ว

    Yes this is true. But some people aren't worth my time.

  • @gregoryrees1243
    @gregoryrees1243 ปีที่แล้ว

    Note to Susan Meadows.
    Susan if you cannot control this wonderful gift you were born with then I recommend that you turn it off. Become an emotional void for a while by severely restricting life's emotional content. Then when you start to feel strong enough to help people less gifted than you are you can. Don't wast your gift on people who do not deserve or justify it. It is vital for your own health and well being that you become a strong heyoka. Kind regards greg.

  • @yourtransformationgenie
    @yourtransformationgenie ปีที่แล้ว

    Just realised I am a one of these. This video explains a lot about why I have had several sudden, close relationships with people who said they wanted my help and who confirmed I had helped them, then suddenly and brutally rejected me and sought to drag me down into the mud. I managed not to let them, but walked away wounded and hurt. Each time this happened, I learned more and became wiser, so with the last one, although I did not see the email from her coming or have any sense of how appalling it would be, I had in fact already written a termination email to her, so this is significant for me. Somehow, intuitively, I sensed something dangerous about her. She suffers from BPD as it turns out. So, as I wrote to her, I am 'best off out of there'... I left her to mull that one over for herself. She knows her daughter has it, and we spoke briefly about how it is hereditary.... perhaps she is realising that now.
    I've also often wondered why people see me as being immensely powerful and why my understanding of human nature is admired. My husband once told me that when I speak at a party or somewhere like that, people stop and listen and I hold the room. I have previously only been vaguely aware of this, but he has helped me to see it when it happens and to understand this quality in myself. This is why I am now preparing to vlog on my youtube channel, Your Transformation Genie. Contact me if you wish to join up/subscribe or hear when it goes live. I've got a list of people I'd said I would let know when my first video goes up.
    As a wounded healer, who has since healed, and as a Transformation Coach (23 years and counting), a 5th generation Reiki master, intuitive shaman, clairsentient and clairvoyant, animal whisperer and expert in reading body language and micro-expressions, it has taken me my full 62 years to get comfortable with where I am and with the negativity I see in the world, and which I feel I must address - largely because I don't see others around me doing it. Most people seem to be content to be armchair travellers, who would let others lead the way. I often wondered why I felt burdened by what I was taking on and wondered why no-one else felt it too, but now I understand why. It does not resolve the challeng of it, but it is a positive step, I feel. So thanks for this video. It's very helpful. I needed some more clarity and this has given me that. :-)

  • @stace310
    @stace310 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you for the highvibration message... I'm OK being an INFJ Heyoka...

  • @marthadressel3856
    @marthadressel3856 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Excellent n TY

  • @1zebracrossing
    @1zebracrossing 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    ..... Watch out for the dream smashers.....

  • @kevinsantich3184
    @kevinsantich3184 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Yes. Nicely done.

  • @elizabetharmah9971
    @elizabetharmah9971 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I need more video like that the wisdom God has given you, Thank you and stay blessed,

  • @allensheets9369
    @allensheets9369 ปีที่แล้ว

    as a kid i could not go to the fair i would get sick and have to be put into a quit dark room

  • @elizabetharmah9971
    @elizabetharmah9971 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    You so right,

  • @gregoryrees1243
    @gregoryrees1243 ปีที่แล้ว

    I am a rather different heyoka. My range of emotional absorbs ion and reflection includes the dead, animals and plants.
    I walk down this narrow path blindfolded. Stopping only occasionally to take the blindfold off and focus on helping those who badly need me. I avoid all media and emotional excess. That way protecting my reasoning. strength and sanity. Strangely my few friends think I could have been a professional comedian. I am not interested in the curious or justifying the strange way I think to anyone. However. if there is a fellow heyoka out there that needs the benefit of my protection for a while then I would be happy to help.
    God Bless.
    Ps you need faith to take on spirit realm emotions.
    Greg Rees

    • @noneofyourbuizness
      @noneofyourbuizness ปีที่แล้ว

      Being en empath is more due to traumas than super power

  • @juilepatterson119
    @juilepatterson119 ปีที่แล้ว

    Spot on .I'm heyoka. I'm in tears ..I promise I'm psychic meduim , ect.this heyoka is harder I find .I'm blessed, but I struggle the more powerful it gets, harder I find to be a social butterfly. I'm blessed my sons in spirit, we see each other communicate 🙏 thanks for your video it's so correct 😂

  • @kennethlapointesongwriter3330
    @kennethlapointesongwriter3330 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Maybe it's language?: the title specifies 'heyoka empath' yet most of the video you refer to simply 'empaths'. Also you're throwing around a lot of generalities and opinions in this video. And the word 'dark'...I waited for some evil-intentioned aspect that a (heyoka) empath does or keeps're simply using 'dark' as in 'negative' aspects and troubles empaths may experience.

    • @irviniturbide
      @irviniturbide ปีที่แล้ว

      Well am 36 about to turn 37 next month and i wish i did not have what u call them gift from god man its not easy bro from having people around going out now i stay all day or weeks in my house thinking dont watch news cant hang with nobody because for some reasson i feel eveeything i obsorb their bad energis or vibes am not perfect but since i do drugs to feel less paint i think i make it worst i feel i think i see or see whats going to whappen if i play peoples game its scary

    • @erikroberts8307
      @erikroberts8307 ปีที่แล้ว

      Too bad you can't read minds, see into the future, or astro-project like a true Heyoka. When people get on my nerves after dumping their emotional baggage on me using every narcissistic trick in the book, I hit them with a few telepathic zingers to screw with their minds. It's great fun watching them completely fall apart. Only when they stop trying to manipulate me do I ever try and help them out.

  • @julianamallory3547
    @julianamallory3547 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    We are closer to GOD.

  • @RashEnterprises.13
    @RashEnterprises.13 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    @empaths refuge: do you have a Facebook?

  • @elizabetharmah9971
    @elizabetharmah9971 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    God has given you knowledge to help people like us,what you saying is true,

  • @irviniturbide
    @irviniturbide ปีที่แล้ว

    Hi my name is irvin and i am a empath i saw the video know i know that i am not crazy how to explain my fam when their where figths or something when wrong how could i know what the person whats i could use a hand on this cant explain hows is it possible all this years i had a few problems elvolving me getting busted or getting killed but for some reason people or fam would say that it wuz god or my mpther thats kkeping me save i jist know when something bad when the person is traying to find a way to be with me alone my instic tells me that just ignore him sometimes i could be wrong but what if am not???

  • @morphman30
    @morphman30 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Not all empaths are Heyoka. Misleading title

  • @moubhattacharyay6891
    @moubhattacharyay6891 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    All Kind Of Empaths Have This Dark Sides.. Not Only Jst Heyoka Goes Through!
    Empath's Dark Sides Aren't Called Heyoka!
    They're Something Different Persona Of Empath Categories..
    So Plz, Don't Blend This Two Individual Into One!
    Plzz.. Change The Title For Describing An Empath's Vulnerable Sides Names As A "Heyoka Personality "‼️
    Nope 🙅‍♀️ Not At All Even The Heyoka Empaths Also Goes Through These Emotional Burdens As The Other Kinds Of Empaths Go Through.. Bt, Doesn't Mean That Wht U Describe Here As An Empaths Dark Side Called Them Heyoka‼️
    Maybe U Needed To Research More Abt Empath's Notions 🙏🏻😊

  • @Masaichi-ux5lf
    @Masaichi-ux5lf 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Mostly your not even aware of your body. Your not in it. It's muscle memory. Always in the head.

  • @uckBayNguyen
    @uckBayNguyen ปีที่แล้ว

    All phony baloney. The heyoka never seek to meddle in the affairs of others. They don't mind other people's business. It's not until people come to them do they open up. And don't expect a warm welcome if your uncertain what to say. Heyokas will call you out. They're frank and to the point. They're counselors, not your cozy best friend