There’s No Timeline On Grieving - The Life I Thought I’d Be Living

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 4 ต.ค. 2024
  • Hey guys!! Been away for a few weeks on here. My apologies on that. I have not been sharing this and felt it is time I share more of what I’m going through and how I’m moving forward in life. The Lord is holding me together and guiding me. It’s a daily process to hand your life over the Him. I’m blessed to be held by Him and have Him showing me what it means to truly to be loved. I’m so blessed for where I am today. That the Lord saved me from the horrible “marriage” I once was in and gave me peace to overcome the evil that surrounded me. I’m so blessed. Thank you Lord.
    It’s ok to feel grief over all of the things lost and the things you have to let go of.
    “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.” Psalm 34:18 💗
    #bibleverse #bible #psalms #psalm #christianliving #biblereading #godsword #divorce #christian #christianlife #grief #mourning #movingon #heartbreak

ความคิดเห็น • 62

  • @Jesus_Knows_You
    @Jesus_Knows_You 5 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    By the way you are a beautiful woman of God. Thank you for sharing your heart. Your video made me cry. 🥹😢❤️🙏

    • @liaslovelylife
      @liaslovelylife  4 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

      Awe didn’t intend to make others cry with this. I appreciate your comment and watching it. Hoping to maybe help someone else by sharing my testimony and what the Lord has brought me through ❤

  • @John_Lete
    @John_Lete 2 วันที่ผ่านมา

    17. And overall my Heavenly Daddy brought me back to the reality of His truth, that what He has waiting for His children in Paradise is an infinity times an infinity way better than what I could ever imagine, there is no end to the beauty and joy that our God Jesus Christ has for us His children.

  • @TexasJosh47
    @TexasJosh47 3 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Im 48 no kids, never married still trying to find the right woman. I think sometimes we are all on different paths in life. One day it will either happen or it wont. Never chase or seem desperate

  • @ninjaraph
    @ninjaraph 2 วันที่ผ่านมา

    When we really want to be in a relationship is often a bad time to be in one. Youre doing great, focus on yourself and growth. Youre blessed to be in a period of transition, since he's preparing you for that moment when you're best for yourself and the significant other. Hang in there.

  • @nuhuhh7412
    @nuhuhh7412 4 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Thanks for posting this video. It's extremely courageous be able to speak about the hurt and grief you're going through. I endured a break up more than 8 months ago now and its been one of those days where it feels as though it happened only a week ago. I miss being able to spend time with my best friend, one of the only people I feel as though I could be 100% myself around. It's funny how you mention obsessing over your partner as being an issue in your relationship, my ex and I used to discuss her trying not to pedestalize me, but rather see me as equal.
    I so greatly dislike being a man in my early 20s and being told to attempt to have relations with as many women as possible. It's such a disappointing culture to be apart of. It's becoming more and more apparent how social media is making people vain and heartless.

    • @liaslovelylife
      @liaslovelylife  3 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Omgsh! Spot on. I love that you felt comfortable to share this. Thank you. Yes, for me I was “obsessing” in an unhealthy way because he was not a good person to me. I obsessed over trying to get him to treat me how I knew I needed and also “deserved” (for lack of a better word) to be treated. I completely understand the hurt you are feeling. Also, her putting you on a pedal stool can be very common in young relationships. It’s not healthy as it can lead to a bigger let down later in the relationship when maybe you do something that to your partner seems earth shattering because they held you so highly. Don’t listen to what social media is telling you about relationships. Keep remaining steadfast and do not give in to the ways of the world. It will leave you feeling more empty. The Lord will bless you with an amazing partner. Neither of you will be perfect, but it’s about wanting to work together to make it better each day. ❤ Sending you love!

    • @liaslovelylife
      @liaslovelylife  3 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Shall I correct myself, the Lord will bless you with an amazing partner if you abide in Him and ask Him to remove any desires that do not match His desires for your life. If the desire for a partner does not go away then I truly believe He will bless you with one. But the only way to get this is to work on yourself and your relationship with the Lord. ❤

  • @John_Lete
    @John_Lete 2 วันที่ผ่านมา

    1. Greetings my sister in Christ. Your Psalms video came in my feeds and was browsing your videos and this one stood out. Listening to your story, I can relate so much to your story...even though I don't know the depths of what you have been through yet can relate to what has been said thus far, the emotions even being a couple years later and still feeling the heartbreak. It sure can be one of the toughest things to go through, a breakup of relationship, especially marriage which is supposed to last a lifetime of being one soul.

  • @John_Lete
    @John_Lete 2 วันที่ผ่านมา

    16. Anyhow, did not really want to mention anything about myself or my past but wrote a little just to makes sense of what will be mentioning now...even though for years it was the toughest rollercoaster ride after the divorce took place and the emotions nearly caused me to call it quits on life on several occasions yet all glory belongs to Jesus my Saviour for only by His grace through His Holy Spirit am I here today...

  • @amari_20000
    @amari_20000 3 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Love the Title

    • @liaslovelylife
      @liaslovelylife  3 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Thank you, I realized I said this in the video as I edited it and was like ok that’s the title. ❤ Prayed over it to reach the right people. Thank you for being here.

  • @John_Lete
    @John_Lete 2 วันที่ผ่านมา

    33. Being able to enjoy eternal life doing all the wonderful things people enjoy, while having an eternal companion whom will be the eternal soulmate and God being in the center of each companionship, being three in one forevermore and Jesus our God being the God head of all companionships.

  • @John_Lete
    @John_Lete 2 วันที่ผ่านมา

    2. Foremost before all else may Jesus be the way maker and being for His glory. Overall what matters most in this life is the saving grace gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and thus far it seems to be that you are my sister in Christ and that is such a joy.

  • @John_Lete
    @John_Lete 2 วันที่ผ่านมา

    30. Though to have a glimpse of the heart of Jesus our God and what He is feeling, God must be so saddened by what His creation has become...evenso it is never to late to be forgiven no matter the sin, though once past from this realm without His grace being upon the soul, at that point it is too late for being forgiven.

  • @John_Lete
    @John_Lete 2 วันที่ผ่านมา

    35. Not saying this to judge anyone but am stating boldly, what God gives to understand, all it takes is faith in Jesus the size of a mustard seed, to know what is in the Father' heart....our Heavenly Daddy; The Alpha and Omega, He is beyond amazing and there truly are not enough words to describe His beauty which is beyond measure and also what He creates is beyond beautiful and beyond measure....for now in my carnal body, all I know to say with words is that our God Jesus Christ is PURELY AMAZING FOREVERMORE.

  • @John_Lete
    @John_Lete 2 วันที่ผ่านมา

    34. So, there is so much to look forward to...what was written is only an tiny dot, even smaller than a speck of dust compared to the overall grand beauty and everlasting setting that God has for us His children. Sadly majority of christians have a dumbed down dull version of what Heaven and Paradise will be like...

  • @John_Lete
    @John_Lete 2 วันที่ผ่านมา

    6. This is why Holy Spirit leads the way for His truth being professed that souls would be saved by His grace and not have to be left behind for the seven years of tribulation to find out the hard way that works never saved anyone and only by His grace is the assurance for salvation and all glory being His alone; the Saviour Jesus Christ.

  • @John_Lete
    @John_Lete 2 วันที่ผ่านมา

    28. Just imagine if youngsters and people in general understand that by the consommation of two people, it is what binds two souls to be one, then people would be less likely to jump around from one person to the next, thus knowing the truth of God, they would be having second thoughts to what it means and does to the soul when the person sleeps around with many, going outside of what God made to be between two people as they consommate.

  • @John_Lete
    @John_Lete 2 วันที่ผ่านมา

    19. Three is a perfect number for God, it sets the triune standard of whom He is and He also He made us in His image of being three parts yet are one person. As there are three in a marriage or supposed to be according to God the way He had set it up from the beginning, yet one with companionship; where there is man and woman in union of being one and yet with God in the center of the union, the three making one union in God.

  • @John_Lete
    @John_Lete 2 วันที่ผ่านมา

    15. In my youth, I looked forward to getting married and had my mind set on waiting for consommation with the woman that God had for me and when my ex-wife showed up in my life, I felt like God was saying yes, this is the one for you, but after the fact of divorce taking place, it broke me to pieces and thinking how could I have been wrong about the yes answer I thought to receive from God, yet in truth it most likely was my hormon wanting to not wait any longer and wanting to be married like my parents whom were lifelong in marriage until d3ath do them part.

  • @imtiazahmadwattanyar3736
    @imtiazahmadwattanyar3736 2 วันที่ผ่านมา

    ❤" YOU " ❤
    Look so lovely , may be my nature to love ladies as simple as you are ! . . I dont know but its a Solid Truth .🌹🙏🏼💖

  • @John_Lete
    @John_Lete 2 วันที่ผ่านมา

    39. Well, may this be a blessing and meet you well and foremost be for His glory, our God Jesus Christ. Blessings, comfort and strength continually embrace you our sister in Christ and your loved ones, in Jesus name, Amen. Blessings in Jesus name upon anyone else whom may come across this and read thus far. Amen.
    🤍 🕊️ 🤍

  • @John_Lete
    @John_Lete 2 วันที่ผ่านมา

    7. In the world we live in people with or without God, they can see that things are just not moving in the right direction and only becoming unstable in every way imaginable and yet us whom are in Christ, our Heavenly Daddy says and shows us that He is at the door, about ready to take up His bride, especially in our times where so many Bible prophecies line up to God' Word The Bible.

  • @John_Lete
    @John_Lete 2 วันที่ผ่านมา

    37. Foremost what matters while still on this earth is having His saving grace gospel in the belt that is around the waist, which is the spiritual belt that Jesus gives for free to all His children from young to age and all it takes to receive His gift is to believe Jesus and whom He says He is and has fulfilled, which comes by having a change of mind from unbelief to believing the truth that Christ our God is the Saviour and...

  • @John_Lete
    @John_Lete 2 วันที่ผ่านมา

    36. The point of all this is to say not to worry if on this earth a soul mate is not given...the rapture taking place will bring so much joy and what is to come for His sons and daughters in Paradise is truly amazing like our God is and will our eternal Home will truly be only joy and living eternal lives as it was meant to be before the fall tool place in the Garden of Eden.

  • @John_Lete
    @John_Lete 2 วันที่ผ่านมา

    11. The hard part about telling the younger generation about Jesus taking up His bride is that they say they are not ready to leave this earth yet and I get it to a point, but the sad part is that the reason has much to do with the fact that somewhere along the way in life religion has caused so much untruth to be set in the hearts of people, not only about salvation but also about Heaven and the thousand year millennial reign and the new Heaven and new earth...

  • @John_Lete
    @John_Lete 2 วันที่ผ่านมา

    8. The point here is that time is cutting short and now is the time for the most important truth being professed and being steady in the hearts of His sons and daughters, and that ones whom are yet lost that they would believe now that none would have to remain for the seven years of tribulation. Sadly we know that the Bible tells us many will be left behind, evenso, while there is still His grace period, may more hearts be willing to accept His grace gift while there is time and havng the assurance for being raptured when that winkle of an eye moment is upon the face of the earth.

  • @John_Lete
    @John_Lete 2 วันที่ผ่านมา

    21. The one and only verse that gives a glimpse of what seems to be saying that we will only be angels in Heaven and yet throughout the Bible God speaks about His heavenly things and by His Holy Spirit He reveals a much greater picture of what Heaven will really be like, and yet what man-made doctrines and religions have painted over the decades in churches across the earth is a false reality of Heaven where it is filled with dullness and a very morbit scenery, which is not the truth of God.

  • @John_Lete
    @John_Lete 2 วันที่ผ่านมา

    23. They were a companion for one another, which the same should be in our time. Even in the old times of the Bible it was such in the Jewish weddings, that when a man and a women would enter into the house that was on the father's land, the son's father whom would build a house for the consommation to take place, that the man and woman whom wanted to be "married", to become one in the sight of God, they would have a house built on the father's land...

  • @John_Lete
    @John_Lete 2 วันที่ผ่านมา

    13. If only people could grasp and believe the truth of what Heaven will be like, that Heaven and the wedding feast for the seven years in itself will be so amazing and surely it is not going to be what majority of churches say it will be. Then there is the thousand years of the millennial reign and finally the new Heaven and new earth that will be Paradise for eternity.

  • @John_Lete
    @John_Lete 2 วันที่ผ่านมา

    24. Just for that purpose of the two entering the house and staying inside for seven days and when they came out of the house, it was made known to all their loved ones that the man and woman had now became one soul in the sight of God. Which was supposed to be for our time but Satan crept in with his whispering lies and mest up another beautiful thing that God created...

  • @John_Lete
    @John_Lete 2 วันที่ผ่านมา

    20. Hope this is making sense. Many christians have turned what God created into something very dull and it is not the truth of what God created to be. Many christians use the one and only verse in Matthew where God gives a parable about marriage in Heaven and is us being like angels...

  • @michaelsanchez8457
    @michaelsanchez8457 3 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Average modern girls think they are too good for an average guy. They reject the guys that would have committed to them. Chad only. Chad will hit it and move on. Alison Armstrong talks about seeking love, and dating. The toxic guys give the tingles.

  • @John_Lete
    @John_Lete 2 วันที่ผ่านมา

    38. Jesus gives eternal life to all whom believe Him and His amazing saving grace gospel being the truth and His amazing gift no one should pass up on, especially since our Saviour Jesus hands out salvation for free; His free gift by simply believing.

  • @John_Lete
    @John_Lete 2 วันที่ผ่านมา

    10. Well there are many words that can be said or written but it is not something I really want to get into right now and there is a grander point for all this...if we are still here and not raptured in years ahead, I will give my testimony but the Holy Spirit is giving signs that the time on earth is about to come to a close and what really matters is that people know about Jesus and His amazing saving grace gospel...that is what Holy Spirit has set on my heart to be doing in these last of times that are zipping by like a flash of light.

  • @John_Lete
    @John_Lete 2 วันที่ผ่านมา

    31. Whomever may come across this and is not yet in God' grace, may today be the day to have a change of mind and believe Jesus, that He is the Saviour and by His saving grace accept His free gift which is to be forgiven of all sin and at the same time have the assurance for eternal life in Paradise and all because Jesus loves you so much.

  • @John_Lete
    @John_Lete 2 วันที่ผ่านมา

    12. So to a point I do understand why so many are not ready to leave this realm to enter the eternal realm, because they have been given a twisted version of what God has waiting for His children and majority believe eternity will be people being angles and singing with harps all day long for eternity. How sad it is that majority of christians have a false view of what eternal life will be.

  • @John_Lete
    @John_Lete 2 วันที่ผ่านมา

    4. Not here to judge anyone. First off simply don't know your profession of what you stand on for salvation, though am hopefull that you are grounded on His grace foundation and not on a unsteady foundation which is based on man-made religion and doctrines. Again, am not here to judge anyone or any religion, christian or in general anyone, that surely is not my place to judge for our God is the rightul Judge and rightfully so He is just and perfect in everything He judges.

  • @John_Lete
    @John_Lete 2 วันที่ผ่านมา

    32. So back to what Adam and Eve had in the Garden of Eden, God is not finished with what He created for them to have for eternity and surely our Lord will continue His perfect plan in the new Heaven and new earth which will be the eternal Paradise; everlasting Home like the Garden of Eden was meant to be and there will be beyond imagination beauty and enjoyment for His sons and daughters...

  • @PoncePappas-zo1ot
    @PoncePappas-zo1ot วันที่ผ่านมา

    Comeer 🤗

  • @John_Lete
    @John_Lete 2 วันที่ผ่านมา

    22. Yea, to a small point they have it correct because there will not be marriages in Heaven, and even Adam and Eve also did not have "a marriage" between them, because what binded/bonded Adem and Eve from two souls to become one in the sight of God, it was their consommation with each other, that made them be bonded and the two became one in the sight of God and God called it good.

  • @John_Lete
    @John_Lete 2 วันที่ผ่านมา

    18. God surely did not do away or give up on what He created for Adam and Eve to have in the Garden of Eden, where they had everything they ever needed and the companionship with each other and God being in the center of them and the three being as one, like we have a body, soul and spirit and yet are one being and as God is the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and yet is One God...

  • @John_Lete
    @John_Lete 2 วันที่ผ่านมา

    14. What Adam and Eve had, it will be once more again but this time it will be perfect and with no more serpent in the garden to mess things up as satan did for Adam and Eve the first time they were in the Garden that God made for them to be plentiful and their eternal Paradise...even though God already knew what was to happen and He allowed it for His whole love story being told and this far His love story is by far the most beautiful true love story ever known to His creation.

  • @John_Lete
    @John_Lete 2 วันที่ผ่านมา

    29. Many people whom sleep around and move on to the next, they leave the half of their soul with the previous person that they consommated with and having more than one in a lifetime, O' my, what a mess that is and really is a mest up setting to have oneself in ...not to say that Jesus does not forgive because surely by His grace Jesus forgives unconditionally...

  • @John_Lete
    @John_Lete 2 วันที่ผ่านมา

    3. Evenso, with hearing that you are a daughter in Christ, am hoping that your salvation is grounded on the correct solid foundation of Christ...well the truth is that there is only one solid foundation that Christ sets His children on and that is His grace foundation which is His gift to all whom would believe His finished work on the cross is the truth.

  • @PoncePappas-zo1ot
    @PoncePappas-zo1ot วันที่ผ่านมา

    Yeah, but how do you feel about cuddling?

  • @John_Lete
    @John_Lete 2 วันที่ผ่านมา

    25. Well the truth is that God did and does allow for such things to take place that are done through mankind listening to the whisperings from satan for the fact that God always has His victorious outcome to all of satan's sananagens and at the end of time God surely will receive all the glory for His perfect victorious plans whichstomped and demolishedall the whisperings that satan ever had and all that the devil caused by his minions listening to him will be burnt up with him at the end of time and never again will satan and his minions be in the Paradise that awaits for God' children.

  • @fredyyfredfreddy
    @fredyyfredfreddy 4 วันที่ผ่านมา +1


    • @liaslovelylife
      @liaslovelylife  4 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      What’s interesting freddyyfredfreddy? ☺️

    • @fredyyfredfreddy
      @fredyyfredfreddy 4 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@liaslovelylife I love listening to pretty girls

  • @PoncePappas-zo1ot
    @PoncePappas-zo1ot วันที่ผ่านมา

    Did you ever consider that maybe God wants us to cuddle?

  • @PoncePappas-zo1ot
    @PoncePappas-zo1ot วันที่ผ่านมา


  • @John_Lete
    @John_Lete 2 วันที่ผ่านมา

    5. Am assuming you already know that there are many religions in the world and yet there being only one way into Heaven; which is by Jesus' grace alone and not of works or self-righteousness. Sadly there are many christians whom profess to be a believer in Christ, "a christian" yet their salvation in Christ is based on what they do and their self-righteous ways...

  • @mfallen2023
    @mfallen2023 2 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Once you hit 40 you'll be mourning the "future that never was" as well. My advice, as someone a dozen years older: don't waste your 30's. Last decade you still get called "young", your body is still in good shape (ideally... no joint problems, bad back, etc) and pretty much the last hurrah for just dropping everything and joining the circus (Dead tour, in my case)
    And stop living in the future! I wasted a decade doing just that, so I get it, but it stops us from living in the present.

  • @John_Lete
    @John_Lete 2 วันที่ผ่านมา

    9. Hearing your story, it brought back memories of my marriage, which ended nearly at the seven year mark of being married. It was an experience that I will not forget for the remainder of my life on earth...there was joy in the years but the brokenness that took place the last two years before the divorce stamp, it is beyond words...

  • @John_Lete
    @John_Lete 2 วันที่ผ่านมา

    27. When in fact it is a flat out joke in the sight of God. If christians understood the original meaning of marriage which God gave for His creation to go by, they would see how far they veered away from from what God established to be between man and woman.

  • @PoncePappas-zo1ot
    @PoncePappas-zo1ot วันที่ผ่านมา

    Did you ever consider that maybe God wants us to cuddle?