And, if you're interested in more candy videos: 🤗💜 ► Check out "American Girlfriend Tries German Snacks & Candy (Part 1)": ► Check out "American Girlfriend Tries German Snacks & Candy (Part 2)": ► Check out "Time for German Snacks and Candy (Christmas Edition)": ► Check out "Trying Fancy Candy Popular in Germany!":
Also Kinder Bueno and so on... have these packaging you keep it in and eat it, so the chocolate doesnt melt in your hands and get messy. But she pulls out the whole thing and puts it in her mouth ;)
TheGogeta222 Ja, aber die Unsitte muss man ja nicht unbedingt “vorstellen”. 😂 Ich habe schon gehört, Lebkuchen ist im Edeka für in 2 Wochen bestellt. WAH 😝
Notice how Phil wraps the paper of his Yoghurette around the chocolate and Deana doesn't? Is this another german thing too? Because i do this too and i get freaked out be the feeling of chockolate melting between my fingers.
Ja, denke schon...irgendwie. Mache es selber auch und hasse es, wenn Schokolade schmilzt, sowie Eis, das auf die Hand tropft, sofern man eine Waffel hat.
It is, we do the same thing with packed ice, usually opening it from the upper half and eventually holding it threw the paper. Same thing with any other sweets and just general things that might get you dirty
ich liebe es wenn phil den effizienten deutschen aufreiss-ingenieur gibt und ab und an in diesen liebevoll-germanischen befehlston verfällt (z.b. 16:42) ;=)
It has pop-rocks on it, so Deanna will love it! My newest favorite is a German creamsicle "Cuja Mara Split." The Germans made a creamsicle even sweeter. The orange part is over-the-top sweet, but then you hit the vanilla cream and it soothes your mouth. Oh, then there's Konfekt, which you should eat an entire box of, cuz the boxes are quasi single serving size. They're tiny dark chocolate squares filled with vanilla Eis, exactly what I had as a kid in movie theaters under the name "bon bons." Aldi has these.
OMG you guys I know exactly how Phil is feeling getting all excited about these snacks. I left Germany when I was about 12 so every time I go back I raid the candy and snack section for childhood memories ^.^ and my poor boyfriend has to eat them too xD
"It tastes like it wants to be healthy." this seriously made my day. Actually, I can understand why she didn't like the Balisto, it was the wrong kind - the purple Balisto (yoberry) is way better.
@@st1ng2k70 wir haben immer diese großen Packungen auf Zeit gegessen und was das saure betrifft wer als erstes kaut war bei uns der Verlierer weil wenn man kaut kommt die Füllung und es ist nicht mehr sauer
Es ist so schön, nen englisches Video zu schauen und dann deutsche Sätze oder Wörter rein geschmissen zu bekommen, wodurch man erst merkt, wie Krass unsere Sprache einfach für Ausländer klingen muss.
As a Dutch person who lives close to the German border and with a German mom I know a lot of these Candy's/snacks and it is nice to see that other people like them as well
I also love Pommbären, especially the ketchup ones!!! Oh and idk if these count, but I used to snack on Rote Grütze, Rotwein/Weisswein mousse von Dr. Ötker, und Sanostol 😂😂 yes Sanostol is a multivitamin syrup but I still looked forward everyday to my big spoon of it lol
You could try "Saure Pommes" from Haribo; also German cakes/tarts, Schwarzwälder Kirsch, Bienenstich, Donauwelle or something savory like "Pfefferbeißer".
@@ColJack100 Yeah they are delicious. I usually eat the whole pack directly. But theyre more britsh than german i think? Dunno. I think he should show her our cake-culture :D I mean, if he did not already do that.
@@RoxxSerm probably, i actually dont know where they are from but since they are normally called "jaffa" cookies, i would assume that they aint german.. probably african? xD (or even brittish)
@@AnjiMichelle I won't mention how we used to call these in the Netherlands (or Germany for that matter) but these days they are called Choco Zoenen (Chocolate Kisses)
Also Leberwurst mit Kartoffelbrei und Sauerkraut ist auch super, aber selbst angesetzter Rotkohl ist sooo lecker, manche mixen auch kleine Stücke Äpfel rein, das schmeckt dann etwas frischer... Aber erst beim Zubereiten den Apfel rein schneiden...
Milchschnitte ist dezenter und mehr was für Feinschmecker. Wenn mans mehr schokoladig will dann ist Maxi King die bessere Wahl. *ABER NICHTS GEHT ÜBER KINDER PINGUI !!!*
Philipp Eck The Kinder Milchschnitte ( The Kinder Milk Slices ) is actually from Germany 🇩🇪, but The Kinder Milchschnitte ( The Kinder Milk Slices ) is actually and original from Italy 🇮🇹 my friend 🙂😎✌️
OMG!!! I love love LOVE! Choco crossies!!! I brought like 11 boxes back from Germany when I got to visit. So glad to see they are still there!! Need to find how or where I can get more delivered to America for me again!!! So awesome! Love your videos guys! Thank you.
You two are really fun to watch, good editing too! My suggestions for candy to try out in Germany would be: Storck Schokoladenriesen and Chocolait Chips White. An alternative to Maoam is Mamba; easier on the jaw. Also Katzenpfötchen from Katjes (Sallos would be more Original but European liquorice is generally 'hard to swallow' for Americans) .When it comes to liquorice I've had the best results with Lakritztoffee from VanMelle.
wintertrine The Kinder Milchschnitte,/ ( The Kinder Milk Slices ) is actually not from Germany 🇩🇪, but The Kinder Milchschnitte,/ ( The Kinder Milk Slices ) is actually and original from Italy 🇮🇹, by the way my friend 🙂😎✌️
I live in the Netherlands and in dutch we call those yogurt thingies Danoontjes and when it was summer we put them in the freezer and you had a little ice cream popsicles
Das Brötchen mit dem Schokoschaumkuss drin zerdrückt war meine Kindheit 😍 Und werters original sind so super gewesen XD Aber probiert bitte mal Tender, ich habe die früher geliebt
@@frankwitt9120 ja das stimmt, ich kannte es auch so aber es verstehen viele Leute einfach nicht, dass das nicht böse gemeint ist, sondern einfach nur so hieß. Viele kannten die ja auch als Mohnkopf oder Mohrenkopf ich weiß nicht mehr ganz wie das richtig hieß... Namen und Bezeichnungen kommen und gehen da kann man nichts dran ändern und wenn sich dauernd jemand auf den Schlips getreten fühlt beugt sich der Otto natürlich...
ich feiere euch so für die dickmann brötchen. die hatte ich mir immer aufm weg zur schule beim bäcker geholt, weil die 50 ct nur gekostet haben. du willst aber definitiv das ding aufm milchbrötchen haben! nicely done video too! so much kindheit 😄 and sharing is caring!
Axeman Racing The Kinder/ The Kinder brand is actually not from Germany 🇩🇪, but The Kinder/ The Kinder brand is actually and original from Italy 🇮🇹, by the way my friend 🙂😎✌️
Ich habe alles davon geliebt! Bzw liebe es immer noch. Auch Balisto und die Soft Cakes! Wir hatten damals auch oft Fruchtzwerge und im Sommer wurden die immer eingefroren. Das waren gute Zeiten! xD
SnowWhite 2805 The Kinder Maxi King is actually not from Germany 🇩🇪 at all, but The Kinder Maxi King is actually and original from Italy 🇮🇹, by the way my friend 🙂😎✌️
In Denmark in the seventies, it was a thing to hollow out a loaf of white bread and fill the cavity with "negerküsse" if you wanted to take it to the next level, you put a small handful of English vine gums in between each schoko küsse.
Nicole Both geb. Hugo The Yogurette from Ferrero is actually not from Germany 🇩🇪, but The Yogurette from Ferrero is actually and original from Italy 🇮🇹, by the way my friend 🙂😎✌️
Great Video, keep up the good work. So you had Bueno, which is delicious, but if there will be a Part 4 you have to get Bueno White... I think it's sooooo much better than the normal one. Also im Sure Deana would love it too ❤
You should do another episode with GDR sweets, like Knusperflocken and Halorenkugeln. The latter are especially awesome, and they come in many different flavors.
@@vwventoschwarz9694 , der Hammer. Das wurde auch in den Westen exportiert, als ich noch klein war. Wann immer ich es heute irgendwo sehe kaufe ich mir eine Tafel.
3:21-3:42: konnte mir das lachen nicht verkneifen. "It was a really nice relationship" 22:10: "what is wrong with you today" Richtig lustig.... Sehr humorvoll. Liebe Grüße aus Hamburg/Deutschland
mal kurz offtopic: was bedeutet eigentlich dieses avatarbild welches du drin hast? ich hab in den letzten monaten so viele leute mit genau diesem avatar gesehen. ich scheine was verpasst zu haben. kannst du mich kurz aufklären? :D
ich hab euch durch Zufall vor paar Tagen hier gefunden weil ich gegoogelt habe...“ dating German women” 😁 mein Freund ist Amerikaner und ich bin deutsch und er ist manchmal sehr confused about my personality 😂 ich hab ihn auch meine deutschen Süßigkeiten probieren lassen vielleicht muss ich auch nächste Mal ein Video davon machen 😜😋 Macht weiter so!!!! Viele Grüße aus North Carolina 🙋♀️
Please made a part 4 no matter when you upload its the only matter is that part 4 is coming and you try Knoppers Nussriegel.They are to good to not try it out!!
We have the soft cakes in the UK :D They are called "Jaffa Cakes" :) Sometimes the come in strawberry too, but most common is orange :) I was bought the Super Dickmanns many years ago and did the bread roll challenge too :D Also my big sister and i will try this challenge next time i am visiting her in Germany :D Great video as always both! So fun watching you try German snacks :) Now Phil needs to try some American candy too :D
Angry Welsh Gamer No they are not original British and have never been my friend, The Jaffa cakes or Prims from Lu,/ Lu biscuis/ Lu Company and Lu Factory 🏭 is actually and original from France 🇫🇷 my friend 🙂😎✌️
@@jonathanthomsen6440 Never said they were originally from Britain, just that we had them here ;) Didn't know they originated from France though, interesting :)
@@angrywelshgamer They don't. Jaffa Cakes came first. But they weren't trademarked, so other companies made copies under different names. Just ignore that stupid spammer. People like him are the reason YT needs an ignore function
Travels Addict The Kinder Bueno is actually not from Germany 🇩🇪 at all, but The Kinder Bueno is actually and original from Italy 🇮🇹, by the way my friend 🙂😎✌️
Deana has an occasion for the candy she likes "for a car ride" or "for the movies"... It appears in Germany we simply eat candy all the time without any special moment to be accompanied 😂
Gänsehaut bekommen als du das Eis abgebissen hast 😂 ahhh dieses Geräusch 🙉 Was sie noch probieren könnte kinder Chocofresh + Pinguin, GuyLian Meeresfrüchte und Amicelli 😍
Tobias Wehlt The Yogurette from Ferrero is actually not from Germany 🇩🇪, but The Yogurette from Ferrero is actually and original from Italy 🇮🇹, by the way my friend 🙂😎✌️
Wurden früher bei uns am Kiosk für 15 Pfennige das Stück einzeln verkauft. Ging immer mein halbes Taschengeld für drauf. Kauf ich heute noch, wenn auch im Supermarkt für 99 Cent die 20er-Packung. Perfekt im Sommer aus dem Kühlschrank.
she should try the white chocklate mango yogurette ;D haha but this one works 2 und balisto, da gibts auch soo viele sorten soooo much left to try ;D :P
Sewitscher HD The Yogurette from Ferrero is actually not from Germany 🇩🇪 at all, but The Yogurette from Ferrero is actually and original from Italy 🇮🇹, by the way my friend 🙂😎✌️
Hey ihr beiden, ich amüsiere mich köstlich, wenn ich eure Videos schaue...ihr seit klasse! Freue mich auf weitere Videos von euch und bedanke mich für den witzigen You Tube Abend mit euch. Ich freue mich schon, euch bei der Weihnachtsbäckerei zuzusehen....hahahahahaaaaa das wird bestimmt herrlich :-) Lasst es euch gut ergehen. Greets Mannes
When I was in elementary school they selled those Dickmanns on bread rolls, but three of them on one bread roll. It was such a mess!!! It got everywhere and eventually our teacher forbid us to buy them 😂😂 I've eaten them home often enough to not buy them at school luckily.
Dorian Anne The Kinder Happy Hippo is actually not from Germany 🇩🇪, but The Kinder Happy Hippo is actually and original from Italy 🇮🇹, by the way my friend 🙂😎✌️
Dorian Anne and PS The Kinder,/ The brand is actually not German at all, but The Kinder,/ The Kinder brand is actually original Italian and The Kinder,/ The Kinder brand is actually original made in Italy 🇮🇹 too, by the way my friend 🙂😎✌️
Loved this and I totally would would of reacted the way Deanna did! 🤣 I also love anything kinder and German Chocolate 🍫 🤩😍 I do think you should do a drinks challenge and I don't just mean alcohol variety, but one of the drinks I tried over there that I felt was so unique was not just Mezzo Mix, but a drink that was full of REAL cherry juice with whole cherry pieces on the bottom! It was soooo goood and I can't remember the name, but we found it next to were the actimel prebiotic drinks are in the refrigerator section of the supermarkets! 😁 I also think you should try the green kiwi juice!
I am living practically right next to the factory where Werther's Original ist made. I ate them so often as a kid that I really can't eat them anymore.
Kermit The Milka Chocolate 🍫 and The Mikado is actually not from Germany 🇩🇪, but The Milka Chocolate 🍫 and The Mikado is actually and original from Switzerland 🇨🇭, by the way my friend 🙂😎✌️
Fritt is 1970s, or at least there was very similar stuff when I was a small kid before you youngsters were even born. I am slightly shocked when I discover that some things still exist after >40 years. Maoam as well. I hardly ever eat them but the last time I did I was positively surprised. Not as artifical as I thought. And I love love love Orange/Jaffa Cake! It's among my favorite all season cookies.
And, if you're interested in more candy videos: 🤗💜
► Check out "American Girlfriend Tries German Snacks & Candy (Part 1)":
► Check out "American Girlfriend Tries German Snacks & Candy (Part 2)":
► Check out "Time for German Snacks and Candy (Christmas Edition)":
► Check out "Trying Fancy Candy Popular in Germany!":
Ich fühle mich als Deutscher super vertreten von Phil was die deutschen Gewohnheiten angeht 😂👌🏻
ich auch, obwohl ich von der Abstammung her Marokkanerin bin, wir sind halt mit euch erzogen, nimmt es him 😙😀
Höher wertiger what 😂
Vorallem das Dickmann Brötchen fühle ich total 😂😂
Wie Deana einfach alles „falsch“ aufreißt und Phils innerer Monk jedes Mal eskaliert. 😂😍
True 😂
Ok aber so würde fast jeder Deutsche reagieren xD
Also Kinder Bueno and so on... have these packaging you keep it in and eat it, so the chocolate doesnt melt in your hands and get messy. But she pulls out the whole thing and puts it in her mouth ;)
Bei der Werthers Tüte war ich getriggert 😂
Du musstest es ja sagen, jetzt bekome ich immer einen Herzstillstand...
Macht mal Ende des Jahres eine Winter-Ausgabe mit Lebkuchenherzen, Dominosteine, Marzipanbrot und diversem Kram den es nur an Weihnachten gibt :)
Ohh ja, Spekulatius!
JA, das ist perfekt.
Nur an Weihnachten? Warst du schon Mal ab Mitte September in nem Edeka?
TheGogeta222 Ja, aber die Unsitte muss man ja nicht unbedingt “vorstellen”. 😂 Ich habe schon gehört, Lebkuchen ist im Edeka für in 2 Wochen bestellt. WAH 😝
Notice how Phil wraps the paper of his Yoghurette around the chocolate and Deana doesn't? Is this another german thing too? Because i do this too and i get freaked out be the feeling of chockolate melting between my fingers.
Ja, denke schon...irgendwie. Mache es selber auch und hasse es, wenn Schokolade schmilzt, sowie Eis, das auf die Hand tropft, sofern man eine Waffel hat.
I freaked out as she pulled the maxiking completely out
😂😂😂 Great observation!
It is, we do the same thing with packed ice, usually opening it from the upper half and eventually holding it threw the paper. Same thing with any other sweets and just general things that might get you dirty
lets say it this way.
when the paper is gone i can eat it faster. so its not a german thing, depends how greedy you are.
Back in the days: buying center shocks at your school for 5 ct each
Meine Grundschulzeit XD
Erwachsene haben am kleinen Kiosk an der Ecke Lotto Lose gekauft und wir Schüler Centershoks 😖
Ich fühle es immernoch immer für paar Cent Süßigkeiten gekauft
„Pfenning“ 😃🙋🏼♂️
5ct alter bei mir gabs die immer für 20ct i got ripped
The Coelho 10 Cent waren es bei uns bzw sind es bei uns😂😂
ich sitze davor und mein mund zieht sich schon zusammen, wo ich die centershocks nur sehe... geile zeit!
Ist einfach so wahr 😅
Ich find die nicht schlimm😅 ich ess die auch einfach so 😂
Die würden aber auch gewaltig abgeschwächt
Früher waren die so sauer
wusste ich finde gleich gesinnte :D
ich liebe es wenn phil den effizienten deutschen aufreiss-ingenieur gibt und ab und an in diesen liebevoll-germanischen befehlston verfällt (z.b. 16:42) ;=)
you should totally try Kaktus-Eis
With "Knisterköppla"
Jaa xD
It has pop-rocks on it, so Deanna will love it! My newest favorite is a German creamsicle "Cuja Mara Split." The Germans made a creamsicle even sweeter. The orange part is over-the-top sweet, but then you hit the vanilla cream and it soothes your mouth. Oh, then there's Konfekt, which you should eat an entire box of, cuz the boxes are quasi single serving size. They're tiny dark chocolate squares filled with vanilla Eis, exactly what I had as a kid in movie theaters under the name "bon bons." Aldi has these.
Deana: "Look at this long stick!"
Phils Blick, zu geil xDDD
Wer kennt das auch das wenn man Center Shock nur sieht das einem sofort das Wasser im Mund zusammen läuft?
Ich hab 3 groß Packungen daheim😂😂 mich stört das saure nicht
Boa ich hab grad so bock auf Center Schock...
OMG you guys I know exactly how Phil is feeling getting all excited about these snacks. I left Germany when I was about 12 so every time I go back I raid the candy and snack section for childhood memories ^.^ and my poor boyfriend has to eat them too xD
Where do you live now? No good snacks around? =)
Sie sagt sie mag bananen fruchtzwerge nicht 😳😳
Furchtbar nicht 😣😣
Banane und Erdbeere ist am geilsten
Bananen fruchtzwerg Eis war immer das beste eh
Kannst meine haben 🤢
Horst Schlemmer Sie mag gefühlt garnichts iwie unsympathisch
Amerikanisches Brot besser finden ...
Natürlich ... (hust)
Amerikanisches brot? Ach du meinst die Laibe konzentrieren Diabetes! XD
We have only 4000 different breads 😂
"It tastes like it wants to be healthy." this seriously made my day.
Actually, I can understand why she didn't like the Balisto, it was the wrong kind - the purple Balisto (yoberry) is way better.
"Have a Werther's Original, but you're going to repeat 7th grade." 😂
Yeah. The candy will soften the blow.
Center Shocks waren früher heftiger.
Mittlerweile sind einige Sorten in Deutschland verboten und andere entschärft worden.
Danke, Vater Staat...
@Basti A früher war 1 so stark wie 5 heute
Wann war das so ca?
Vor 15 Jahren oder so aber das war echt geil
Ich hab noch ein trauma von nem Geburtstag vor ~10 Jahren wo ich 7 von den Dingern gefuttert hab und meine zunge ungefähr drei Tage wehgetan hat
@@st1ng2k70 wir haben immer diese großen Packungen auf Zeit gegessen und was das saure betrifft wer als erstes kaut war bei uns der Verlierer weil wenn man kaut kommt die Füllung und es ist nicht mehr sauer
Die CentreShock Challange geht doch eigentlich ohne Kauen, einfach weil der Kern das saure Äußere kontert.
Ich hab allein vom lesen des Kommentares schon gefühlt 2 Liter Speichel im Mund hahaha
Center Shocks kaut man auch nicht . Erst wenns nicht mehr sauer ist. Tjo gefailt.
Ja, ich bekenne mich offen dazu, ich kaufe heute noch Softcakes und ja ich liebe sie genau so wie früher. 🙈😄
dito =) geht mir genauso :)
Wow.. Geschmäcker sind so verschieden. Ich halte soft cakes für ein Verbrechen an der Menschheit 😂
Ich aaauuch ich habe diesen Kommentar gesucht 😂
Früher habe ich sie gehasst :( mittlerweile mag ich sie
Soft Kacke wenn man es so ausspricht wie man es liest. Das sagt schon alles. Früher habe ich sie gerne gegessen, jetzt nicht mehr. Soft KACKE
I love the orange soft cakes. The original ones are British.
You know what contains a similar layer of fruity gelatin? Dominosteine. I love those too
That's true! Haven't seen them in a while now that you say it!!
They are mostly a Christmas thing. I think they are available year around these days but they may not be as common before Christmas
jaffa cake iirc
Yes, the british version is by Lu and it's called pims.
You guys are funny. Awesome to see these typical German candy rated by an Amercan/German couple...
Fruchtzwerge-Eis! 😍
Es ist so schön, nen englisches Video zu schauen und dann deutsche Sätze oder Wörter rein geschmissen zu bekommen, wodurch man erst merkt, wie Krass unsere Sprache einfach für Ausländer klingen muss.
I loved the last video of this challenge. I so happy that you did another part! It's crazy how many unique snacks every country has.
Dickmanns on Brotchen was one of my favorite snacks when I went to German Grundschule during our "Pause Zeit"
You could buy it at our lokal pool too! We called it "Datsch", and i really want one now!
Everytime I watch you guys eat snacks I want some to 😝 thank you for sharing
😂 Same! Especially when editing these videos!
As a Dutch person who lives close to the German border and with a German mom I know a lot of these Candy's/snacks and it is nice to see that other people like them as well
I also love Pommbären, especially the ketchup ones!!! Oh and idk if these count, but I used to snack on Rote Grütze, Rotwein/Weisswein mousse von Dr. Ötker, und Sanostol 😂😂 yes Sanostol is a multivitamin syrup but I still looked forward everyday to my big spoon of it lol
Sanostol ist Nahrungsergänzung aber es schmeckt in halbflaschiger Portion am besten
You could try "Saure Pommes" from Haribo; also German cakes/tarts, Schwarzwälder Kirsch, Bienenstich, Donauwelle or something savory like "Pfefferbeißer".
I absolutely love those soft cake cookies with the orange stuff inside! They are delicious!
Jaffa cookies
They are sooo First. Eat one roll and you cant stop eating them 🤪
You can put them in the Freezer, too. Refreshing at summer
@@ColJack100 Yeah they are delicious. I usually eat the whole pack directly. But theyre more britsh than german i think? Dunno. I think he should show her our cake-culture :D I mean, if he did not already do that.
@@RoxxSerm probably, i actually dont know where they are from but since they are normally called "jaffa" cookies, i would assume that they aint german.. probably african? xD (or even brittish)
Ich glaub ich muss nachher erstmal einkaufen gehen man hab ich jetzt Bock auf was süßes
Wenn ich nicht mindestens drei Tafeln Lindt-Schokolade im Schrank liegen, habe bekomme ich schon Entzugserscheinungen.
Super Dickmann, those would market awesomely in the US. xD
You know that "dick" just means "fat" in German. :-)
@@AnjiMichelle I won't mention how we used to call these in the Netherlands (or Germany for that matter) but these days they are called Choco Zoenen (Chocolate Kisses)
@@a.f.331 "Mohr" is not disgraceful. It's just an older term that is not used anymore.
The term "Mohr(en)" was used in the Struwwelpeter-book (Die Geschichte von den schwarzen Buben).But that book is crazy in general :D
Your videos are so funny! Love‘em! 😂👌🏻
Thanks a lot =)
Deana - the first state-certified candy opener in the whole wide world!
Were you playing innuendo bingo? "Sprinkle my hair with nut", "look at those little balls", "mine is still stuck in my box"... I'm in stitches
"Germans know what I did to the other three" oh damn yes I do I love these *-*
Super Video, Deana probier mal "Sauerbraten mit Klöße und Rotkohl" ......mmmmhh lecker! 👍😍😋😊👌
Bestes Deutsche Essen Bis auf der Rotkohl
@@oreoswithmilk1 Sebstgemachter Rotkohl......göttlich 👍😊
Also Leberwurst mit Kartoffelbrei und Sauerkraut ist auch super, aber selbst angesetzter Rotkohl ist sooo lecker, manche mixen auch kleine Stücke Äpfel rein, das schmeckt dann etwas frischer... Aber erst beim Zubereiten den Apfel rein schneiden...
@@StarStream4U Ja genau Apfelrotkohl!
@@StarStream4U das macht meine Pflegemutter(mit den Äpfeln)
I love y’alls videos! My fiancé & I watch y’all all the time! He’s from Austria & I’m from Alabama! I’ll be moving there with him in February 2020!
I just think of Center Shock and my mouth is watering xD
Maxi King ist definitiv besser als Milchschnitte ☝️
Ja is halt echt so
Ja !
Kinder pinguin trumpft alles! 😆😉
Milchschnitte ist dezenter und mehr was für Feinschmecker. Wenn mans mehr schokoladig will dann ist Maxi King die bessere Wahl. *ABER NICHTS GEHT ÜBER KINDER PINGUI !!!*
Philipp Eck The Kinder Milchschnitte ( The Kinder Milk Slices ) is actually from Germany 🇩🇪, but The Kinder Milchschnitte ( The Kinder Milk Slices ) is actually and original from Italy 🇮🇹 my friend 🙂😎✌️
OMG!!! I love love LOVE! Choco crossies!!! I brought like 11 boxes back from Germany when I got to visit. So glad to see they are still there!! Need to find how or where I can get more delivered to America for me again!!! So awesome! Love your videos guys! Thank you.
23:55 just imagine he would press to hard and push the entire callipo out of the box and it would fly through the room haha😅🤣
21:04 „it’s edible“ ... dazu fällt mir Esspapier ein und Wassereis.
you need to try waldmeister wackelpudding
You two are really fun to watch, good editing too!
My suggestions for candy to try out in Germany would be: Storck Schokoladenriesen and Chocolait Chips White. An alternative to Maoam is Mamba; easier on the jaw. Also Katzenpfötchen from Katjes (Sallos would be more Original but European liquorice is generally 'hard to swallow' for Americans) .When it comes to liquorice I've had the best results with Lakritztoffee from VanMelle.
I have one more: Geleebananen mit Schokoüberzug.
Thanks for the recommendations! I've tried so much candy, but it seems like there's a lot more to try! 😍
ich bin Team Milchschnitte 4 Life :D
wintertrine The Kinder Milchschnitte,/ ( The Kinder Milk Slices ) is actually not from Germany 🇩🇪, but The Kinder Milchschnitte,/ ( The Kinder Milk Slices ) is actually and original from Italy 🇮🇹, by the way my friend 🙂😎✌️
Okay you guys are so underrated , officially my fav couple
Wo bleibt das Wasser und kratz eis
We have "Soft Cake" in the UK but they're called Jaffa Cakes. They are delicious. 😍
Try: Othello Kekse, Russisch Brot, Halorenkugeln, Stork_Schokoriesen.
und Brockensplitter, Knusperflocken, Wikana Kekse, Bambina Schokolade, Puffreistafel, Schokolinsen (die rosa/weißen)), Eiskonfekt, Mokka Bohnen, Nougat-Tütchen... Ganz viel OssiZeug :)
I live in the Netherlands and in dutch we call those yogurt thingies Danoontjes and when it was summer we put them in the freezer and you had a little ice cream popsicles
I discovered that fact that you can put Dickmanns into a bun pretty late actually, but I loved it!
You should try butter & bread with potato chips or french fries
Das Brötchen mit dem Schokoschaumkuss drin zerdrückt war meine Kindheit 😍
Und werters original sind so super gewesen XD
Aber probiert bitte mal Tender, ich habe die früher geliebt
@@frankwitt9120 ja das stimmt, ich kannte es auch so aber es verstehen viele Leute einfach nicht, dass das nicht böse gemeint ist, sondern einfach nur so hieß. Viele kannten die ja auch als Mohnkopf oder Mohrenkopf ich weiß nicht mehr ganz wie das richtig hieß...
Namen und Bezeichnungen kommen und gehen da kann man nichts dran ändern und wenn sich dauernd jemand auf den Schlips getreten fühlt beugt sich der Otto natürlich...
Wir haben schockoladen brödchen in der schuhle kaufen könen fur 50 pfenig sorry my German not that perfect anymore after 26 years in the usa 😀
Wurden zu meiner Kindheit "Matschbrötchen" genannt. Mochte (und mag) sie aber nicht.
Werthers are actually German. It’s produced by the German company Storck
Also I love Soft Cake 😍
Soft Cake ist geil.
Storck storck storck storck!!!!!!!
Why doesn't Storck produce a sugar-free variety in Germany? Same with Haribo. I'd buy these things if they had alternative sweeteners.
ich feiere euch so für die dickmann brötchen. die hatte ich mir immer aufm weg zur schule beim bäcker geholt, weil die 50 ct nur gekostet haben. du willst aber definitiv das ding aufm milchbrötchen haben! nicely done video too! so much kindheit 😄 and sharing is caring!
I still absolutely love the soft cakes. They are one of my favorite snacks to this day
So witzig. Direkt mal abonniert! Vor allem der cringe part, Süßigkeiten an Kinder verschenken und wie Phil mal zwischendurch Schluß macht ^^
Axeman Racing The Kinder/ The Kinder brand is actually not from Germany 🇩🇪, but The Kinder/ The Kinder brand is actually and original from Italy 🇮🇹, by the way my friend 🙂😎✌️
Axeman Racing
Ich habe alles davon geliebt! Bzw liebe es immer noch. Auch Balisto und die Soft Cakes! Wir hatten damals auch oft Fruchtzwerge und im Sommer wurden die immer eingefroren. Das waren gute Zeiten! xD
Ihr beide harmoniert echt gut miteinander finde ich echt nice 🤪
Macht weiter so 😉
Wow, your german is REALLY Good! And i love Kinder Maxi King. I always sind "Mamm" to it when i was little. 😂❤
SnowWhite 2805 The Kinder Maxi King is actually not from Germany 🇩🇪 at all, but The Kinder Maxi King is actually and original from Italy 🇮🇹, by the way my friend 🙂😎✌️
SnowWhite 2805
In Denmark in the seventies, it was a thing to hollow out a loaf of white bread and fill the cavity with "negerküsse" if you wanted to take it to the next level, you put a small handful of English vine gums in between each schoko küsse.
Yoghurette unbedingt aus dem Kühlschrank 😍
Nicole Both geb. Hugo The Yogurette from Ferrero is actually not from Germany 🇩🇪, but The Yogurette from Ferrero is actually and original from Italy 🇮🇹, by the way my friend 🙂😎✌️
Nicole Both geb. Hugo
Great Video, keep up the good work. So you had Bueno, which is delicious, but if there will be a Part 4 you have to get Bueno White... I think it's sooooo much better than the normal one. Also im Sure Deana would love it too ❤
You should do another episode with GDR sweets, like Knusperflocken and Halorenkugeln. The latter are especially awesome, and they come in many different flavors.
Bambina Schokolade was my favorite!
@@vwventoschwarz9694 , der Hammer. Das wurde auch in den Westen exportiert, als ich noch klein war. Wann immer ich es heute irgendwo sehe kaufe ich mir eine Tafel.
In England we have choco crossies but they are called chocolate clusters :). We also have the soft cakes but they are called Jaffa cakes
Aldi also sells the Jaffa cakes here in Germany :D
When I was a kid in the 70s and 80s, we did not call them soft cakes. We called them jaffa cakes. Always hated these things!
hahaha :D ... sie überlebte "center shocks" ... Impressive! :D .... Ich habe aber das gefühl das früher die dinger mehr killer waren :D
"It tastes like it wants to be healthy." Funniest description ever! 🔥👏
Dickmann auf Brötchen war das Schulbrot der 90's
Haben wir in den 70ern auch schon gegessen.
3:21-3:42: konnte mir das lachen nicht verkneifen.
"It was a really nice relationship"
22:10: "what is wrong with you today"
Richtig lustig.... Sehr humorvoll.
Liebe Grüße aus Hamburg/Deutschland
Macht mal eine viedo wo Phil amerikanische sachen probiert
mal kurz offtopic: was bedeutet eigentlich dieses avatarbild welches du drin hast? ich hab in den letzten monaten so viele leute mit genau diesem avatar gesehen. ich scheine was verpasst zu haben. kannst du mich kurz aufklären? :D
@@BOSSMOPS. es bedeutet oh yeah nahui
Mois der keller baron
ich hab euch durch Zufall vor paar Tagen hier gefunden weil ich gegoogelt habe...“ dating German women” 😁 mein Freund ist Amerikaner und ich bin deutsch und er ist manchmal sehr confused about my personality 😂 ich hab ihn auch meine deutschen Süßigkeiten probieren lassen vielleicht muss ich auch nächste Mal ein Video davon machen 😜😋
Macht weiter so!!!! Viele Grüße aus North Carolina 🙋♀️
Please made a part 4 no matter when you upload its the only matter is that part 4 is coming and you try Knoppers Nussriegel.They are to good to not try it out!!
There are so many to try! 😍 We have to pace ourselves! I can't eat candy every day!
We have the soft cakes in the UK :D They are called "Jaffa Cakes" :) Sometimes the come in strawberry too, but most common is orange :) I was bought the Super Dickmanns many years ago and did the bread roll challenge too :D Also my big sister and i will try this challenge next time i am visiting her in Germany :D
Great video as always both! So fun watching you try German snacks :) Now Phil needs to try some American candy too :D
Angry Welsh Gamer No they are not original British and have never been my friend, The Jaffa cakes or Prims from Lu,/ Lu biscuis/ Lu Company and Lu Factory 🏭 is actually and original from France 🇫🇷 my friend 🙂😎✌️
@@jonathanthomsen6440 Never said they were originally from Britain, just that we had them here ;) Didn't know they originated from France though, interesting :)
They don't. Jaffa Cakes came first. But they weren't trademarked, so other companies made copies under different names. Just ignore that stupid spammer. People like him are the reason YT needs an ignore function
S Black just shut up my friend 🙂😎✌️
We also have a lot of Kinder in France. My favorite one is the kinder bueno.
Travels Addict The Kinder Bueno is actually not from Germany 🇩🇪 at all, but The Kinder Bueno is actually and original from Italy 🇮🇹, by the way my friend 🙂😎✌️
Travels Addict
Deana has an occasion for the candy she likes "for a car ride" or "for the movies"... It appears in Germany we simply eat candy all the time without any special moment to be accompanied 😂
Is American and says she doesn’t like fake strwbarry taste, logic?
Just cuz your German doesn't mean you need to like kinder chocolate
Nils Meinighaus their point is that almost everything in America is artificial, flavoured in factories and not authentic.
The Yogurette doesn't taste very artificial, at least not in a bad way. It has a nice strong strawberry flavor.
Gänsehaut bekommen als du das Eis abgebissen hast 😂 ahhh dieses Geräusch 🙉
Was sie noch probieren könnte kinder Chocofresh + Pinguin, GuyLian Meeresfrüchte und Amicelli 😍
Es fehlt definitiv gesalzene Lakritze. Es ist immer ein herrlicher Anblick, wenn Leute die zum ersten mal essen.
Ich würde noch Nimm2, Pick Up, yougourt mit der Ecke, Diese Dose mit Nüssen die mit Schokolade umzogen sind ausprobieren.
Love your videos
Tobias Wehlt The Yogurette from Ferrero is actually not from Germany 🇩🇪, but The Yogurette from Ferrero is actually and original from Italy 🇮🇹, by the way my friend 🙂😎✌️
Die Orange Soft Dinger schmecken besser wenn sie frisch aus dem Kühlschrank kommen.
Bin heute auf eure Videos gestoßen und find euch super :D
Weiter so!
Ihr zwei seid spitze! Macht weiter so!
I had the same reaction as Phil when Deana said she didn't like die Yoghurette. 🤣🤣🤣 dare you?! 🤣🤣
Kennt ihr noch diese Gelee-Bananen? 😝
Wurden früher bei uns am Kiosk für 15 Pfennige das Stück einzeln verkauft. Ging immer mein halbes Taschengeld für drauf. Kauf ich heute noch, wenn auch im Supermarkt für 99 Cent die 20er-Packung. Perfekt im Sommer aus dem Kühlschrank.
I buy soft cakes so often. I loved them as a kid and I still love them!
"It's in a stick that you suck" Phil's face says it all !
she should try the white chocklate mango yogurette ;D haha but this one works 2 und balisto, da gibts auch soo viele sorten soooo much left to try ;D :P
Sewitscher HD The Yogurette from Ferrero is actually not from Germany 🇩🇪 at all, but The Yogurette from Ferrero is actually and original from Italy 🇮🇹, by the way my friend 🙂😎✌️
Sewitscher HD
Hey ihr beiden, ich amüsiere mich köstlich, wenn ich eure Videos schaue...ihr seit klasse! Freue mich auf weitere Videos von euch und bedanke mich für den witzigen You Tube Abend mit euch. Ich freue mich schon, euch bei der Weihnachtsbäckerei zuzusehen....hahahahahaaaaa das wird bestimmt herrlich :-)
Lasst es euch gut ergehen.
Greets Mannes
My Family buys every time soft cakes because thy love them... Me on the other side.. I hate them🤣
When I was in elementary school they selled those Dickmanns on bread rolls, but three of them on one bread roll. It was such a mess!!! It got everywhere and eventually our teacher forbid us to buy them 😂😂 I've eaten them home often enough to not buy them at school luckily.
Happy hippos!!!!
They're my favourite German candy.
Dorian Anne The Kinder Happy Hippo is actually not from Germany 🇩🇪, but The Kinder Happy Hippo is actually and original from Italy 🇮🇹, by the way my friend 🙂😎✌️
Dorian Anne and PS The Kinder,/ The brand is actually not German at all, but The Kinder,/ The Kinder brand is actually original Italian and The Kinder,/ The Kinder brand is actually original made in Italy 🇮🇹 too, by the way my friend 🙂😎✌️
Dorian Anne
Major props to Deana for keeping a straight face during the Super Dickmann's segment!
The original is Jaffacakes == soft cakes. They have fight in Uk to not pay biscuit tax by being a cake. Love them.
Loved this and I totally would would of reacted the way Deanna did! 🤣 I also love anything kinder and German Chocolate 🍫 🤩😍
I do think you should do a drinks challenge and I don't just mean alcohol variety, but one of the drinks I tried over there that I felt was so unique was not just Mezzo Mix, but a drink that was full of REAL cherry juice with whole cherry pieces on the bottom! It was soooo goood and I can't remember the name, but we found it next to were the actimel prebiotic drinks are in the refrigerator section of the supermarkets! 😁
I also think you should try the green kiwi juice!
Ehrenmann „ab in den Kühlschrank mit den Fruchtzwergen“ 🥴😂
Heutzutage ist man bei jedem Scheiß gleich ein Ehrenmann... Er stellt Fruchtzwerge in den Kühlschrank wow da müssen sie auch hin
@@nutzerkonto1995 he means the freezer not the fridge 🤦♂️
I am living practically right next to the factory where Werther's Original ist made. I ate them so often as a kid that I really can't eat them anymore.
You forgot Mikado, Amicelli, Riesen and Koalas :O
Kermit The Milka Chocolate 🍫 and The Mikado is actually not from Germany 🇩🇪, but The Milka Chocolate 🍫 and The Mikado is actually and original from Switzerland 🇨🇭, by the way my friend 🙂😎✌️
Enjoyed the show :) On the 4th part with cooling before eating I hope, hehe. Almost all sweets with chocolate taste so much better cold/solid =)
Damn, you can send me All the candy you don't want, I really like candy while studying for my exams at university 😍😂
Fritt is 1970s, or at least there was very similar stuff when I was a small kid before you youngsters were even born. I am slightly shocked when I discover that some things still exist after >40 years. Maoam as well. I hardly ever eat them but the last time I did I was positively surprised. Not as artifical as I thought. And I love love love Orange/Jaffa Cake! It's among my favorite all season cookies.