This is what happens when we let "Religion" become more important than God. We all need to be aware of our sin but we also need to be aware that the only way we can be released from it is to move into the spiritual realm. Holy Spirit heals and changes our hearts and minds. We can't do it ourselves. And as long as we refuse to accept Christ's finished work on the cross as "enough" and make other rules for ourselves and others we will be blocking more than helping God's will in our lives and in the world around us. I have been un-learning so very many things I learned in a fundamental church. The Bible knowledge was good, I think, but I was taught in such a legalistic way that tradition/religion and not God/Jesus/Holy Spirit became the driving force. I have been working for years now, praying in the Spirit, reading the Bible completely ...for myself...with only Holy Spirit and not a preacher telling me what to think and how to think. Once I had been through it a couple of times I felt OK with opening up to some of the teaching on the Holy Spirit that had been totally left out of my upbringing. That is where the power really is, of course.
Beth Moore is terrific. But, I highly doubt that she "habitually sinned," given how severely shame-based and extremely hard on herself she is. It sounds like another story of how the extremism of certain Baptist sects can seriously "injure" a child - to the point where she was convinced AT AGE 8! that she was "bad," wanting to "be good like they are." How terribly saddening. Heartbreaking what religion can do to innocent children, forced within its rigid confines. It's like "you're damned if you do... and damned if you don't."
If you knew anything about her........ she was abused terribly as a child by a male relative I think......she went thru terrible times as a lot of children who are abused do and sinned as we all too.... Beth doesn't have a relationship with a religion.....she has a relationship with the one true God. The Bible says that the church is the body of Christ......quit grouping the body of Christ with all the religions of the world that are fake. The Holy Spirit lays on our hearts when we do wrong as none or perfect. I would rather feel a bit of guilt and repent and ask for forgiveness and turn away from my sin than to live in a pit. What you say is sad...condemning the Body of Christ and grouping them together with so called religions who do not believe in Christ...the way, the truth and the life! There may be those who judge and condemn but that is not Christ...that is mankind. Don't judge the Church based on the actions of mankind for surely they will sin....we all do.
Thank you, Beth Moore. God is good to use you to teach women and children.
I love Beth Moore's teaching and messages. God has anointed her and she is so awesome and right on!!! Thank you God for Beth Moore.
Camille B x
I should not end up with anything worse. Amen.
Father free the country
Wow this was for me.
wow. this is where I'm at right now
This is what happens when we let "Religion" become more important than God. We all need to be aware of our sin but we also need to be aware that the only way we can be released from it is to move into the spiritual realm. Holy Spirit heals and changes our hearts and minds. We can't do it ourselves. And as long as we refuse to accept Christ's finished work on the cross as "enough" and make other rules for ourselves and others we will be blocking more than helping God's will in our lives and in the world around us. I have been un-learning so very many things I learned in a fundamental church. The Bible knowledge was good, I think, but I was taught in such a legalistic way that tradition/religion and not God/Jesus/Holy Spirit became the driving force. I have been working for years now, praying in the Spirit, reading the Bible completely ...for myself...with only Holy Spirit and not a preacher telling me what to think and how to think. Once I had been through it a couple of times I felt OK with opening up to some of the teaching on the Holy Spirit that had been totally left out of my upbringing. That is where the power really is, of course.
Sandra Stealey amen I'm ready for the next level
What teaching is this from I want to hear the full traching
Beth Moore. From her Bible study called “Beloved Disciple” session 1.
Beth Moore is terrific. But, I highly doubt that she "habitually sinned," given how severely shame-based and extremely hard on herself she is. It sounds like another story of how the extremism of certain Baptist sects can seriously "injure" a child - to the point where she was convinced AT AGE 8! that she was "bad," wanting to "be good like they are." How terribly saddening. Heartbreaking what religion can do to innocent children, forced within its rigid confines. It's like "you're damned if you do... and damned if you don't."
If you knew anything about her........ she was abused terribly as a child by a male relative I think......she went thru terrible times as a lot of children who are abused do and sinned as we all too.... Beth doesn't have a relationship with a religion.....she has a relationship with the one true God. The Bible says that the church is the body of Christ......quit grouping the body of Christ with all the religions of the world that are fake. The Holy Spirit lays on our hearts when we do wrong as none or perfect. I would rather feel a bit of guilt and repent and ask for forgiveness and turn away from my sin than to live in a pit. What you say is sad...condemning the Body of Christ and grouping them together with so called religions who do not believe in Christ...the way, the truth and the life! There may be those who judge and condemn but that is not Christ...that is mankind. Don't judge the Church based on the actions of mankind for surely they will sin....we all do.
wow. this is where I'm at right now