I think there was a study at one point trying to prove that one's whole character changes depending on the language they speak. Which I can somewhat see, I tend to be more sarcastic in English. ^^'
She has a normal American girl voice when speaking in English, but suddenly Kizuna Ai level cuteness when speaking Japanese. I guess anime is not trying to trick me all this time
My favorite french tongue twister is from Reflets d'Acide : 'Est-ce "seize chaises sèchent" ou "sèchent seize chaises" ?' But the famous ones are probably 'Les chaussettes de l'archiduchesse sont-elles sèches ou archi-sèches ?' and 'Un chasseur sachant chasser doit savoir chasser sans son chien'.
Hey mate! So I'm french 🇫🇷 and here are the best tongue twisters (Virelangues) in my language: *TIER I - A taste of it!* 1. Tonton, ton thé t'a-t-il ôté ta toux ? _Uncle, did your tea take away your cough?_ 2. Si mon tonton tond ton tonton, ton tonton sera tondu. _If my uncle shaves your uncle, your uncle will be shaved._ *TIER II - You're a masochist?* 3. Dinon dîna, dît-on, du dos d'un dodu dindon. _Dinon ate, it is said, from the back of a fat turkey._ 4. Un chasseur sachant chasser sans son chien est un bon chasseur. _A hunter who can hunt without his dog is a good hunter._ *TIER III - Even the frogs are not crazy enough to try those!* 5. Les chaussettes de l'archiduchesse sont-elles sèches ou archi-sèches ? _Are the archduchess’ socks dry or really dry?_ 6. Les vers verts levèrent leurs verres verts vers le ver vert sans verre. _The green worms raised their glasses to the green worm with no glass._ *TIER IV - The really end of you...* 7. Si six scies scient six cyprès, six cents scies scient six cents cyprès. _If six saws saw six cypresses, six hundred saws saw six hundred cypresses._ 8. Je veux et j'exige d'exquises excuses du juge. Du juge, j'exige et je veux d'exquises excuses. _I want and demand excquisite excuses from the judge. From the judge, I demand and want excquisite excuses._ By the way, I really like this kind of videos! Good chance and luck!
Cool spanish one: "El volcan de parangaricutirimicuaro se quiere desparangaricutirimicuarizar y quien lo desparangaricutirimicuarise sera un gran desparangaricutirimicuarizador". Even spanish people argue saying that
Naname nanajyuunana-do no narabi de nakunaku inanaku nanahan nanadai nannaku narabete naganagame. I have been watching these seven 750cc motorcycles which are noisy like horses, and are placed beautifully at an angle of 77°. If you can actually say this as good as Joey did, you are a true Monogatari fan.
I went to this site with some tongue twisters and this one was SO HARD HOLY COW: Betty Botter bought some butter But she said the butter’s bitter If I put it in my batter, it will make my batter bitter But a bit of better butter will make my batter better So ‘twas better Betty Botter bought a bit of better butter
It wasn't that hard for me, even having English as my third language. But I find this one really hard, tell me what you think about it: "If two witches were watching two watches, which witch would watch which watch?"
Italian (my favorite): Se l'arcivescovo di Costantinopoli si disarcivescoviscocostantinopolizzasse, vi disarcivescoviscocostantinopolizzereste voi se si disarcivescoviscocostantinopolizzasse lui? :D
Don't forget the evergreen "trentatré trentini entrarono a Trento tutti e trentatré trotterellando", and the shorter (but quite hated) "tigre contro tigre"
This exists in Spanish too "El arzobispo de Constantinopla se quiere desarsobizpocontantimonopolizar aquel que lo desarsobizpocontantimonopolice gran desarsobizpocontantimonopolizador sera" It keeps going
My favorite German one so far IS Der Holzfäller holzt das Holz was er holzt nur wenn das Holz was er holzt nicht zu holzig ist Wich rughly translates to The Wood chopper choppes the Wood that He choppes only If the Wood that He choppes isnt to Woody
spanish tongue twister: Cuando cuentes cuentos, cuenta cuantos cuentos cuentascuando cuentes cuentos. When you tell stories, say how many stories you tell when you tell stories.
CK 1029 the odds that a tongue twister would also be a tongue twister in a different language is crazy low. They almost certainly just used that English tongue twister that’s totally irrelevant
I expected that Jugemu-jugemu Gokōnosurikire Kaijarisuigyo-no Suigyōmatsu Unraimatsu Fūraimatsu Kūnerutokoroni-sumutokoro Yaburakōjino-burakōji Paipopaipo-paiponoshūringan Shūringanno-gūrindai Gūrindaino-ponpokopīno-ponpokonāno Chōkyūmeino-chōsuke at the end tho
What a coincidence My name is also Jugemu Jugemu Go-Kō-no-Surikire Kaijari-suigyo no Suigyō-matsu Unrai-matsu Fūrai-matsu Kū-Neru Tokoro ni Sumu Tokoro Yaburakōji no Burakōji Paipo Paipo Paipo no Shūringan Shūringan no Gūrindai Gūrindai no Ponpokopii no Ponpokonaa no Chōkyūmei no Chōsuke
My husband is from Jordan and I'm half Arabic. He tests me on my Arabic tongue twisters all the time. I would have put them here in the description box but I'm terrible at remembering them. I'll have my husband post them below later. They're funny to say. Great Job you guys! I played along but failed with the really long ones. 😆
Pablito clavó un clavito en la calva de un calvito ¿Qué clavito clavo Pablito en la calva de un calvito? (ouch, that baldie is probably dead by now. Now that I think about it maybe someone is asking for the killing tool)
I'm a native German speaker so here are some German tongue twisters off the top of my head :D 1. Fischer's Fritz fischt frische Fische, frische Fische fischt Fischer's Fritz 2. Wenn Fliegen hinter Fliegen fliegen, fliegen Fliegen hinter Fliegen her 3. Am Zehnten um Zehn zogen zehn zickige Ziegen zehn Zentner Zucker zum Zoo 4. Brautkleid bleibt Brautkleid und Blaukraut bleibt Blaukraut
I said this already but this i also thought of this when i read the title i only know the english version off by heart Can you imagine an imaginary menagerie manager imagining an imaginary menagerie
In Polish there's a little story about a beetle that's a tounge twister :D "Chrząszcz brzmi w trzcinie w Szczebrzeszynie, W szczękach chrząszcza trzeszczy miąższ, Czcza szczypawka czka w Szczecinie, Chrząszcza szczudłem przechrzcił wąż, Strząsa skrzydła z dżdżu, A trzmiel w puszczy, tuż przy Pszczynie, Straszny wszczyna szum…" Tip: Make Google translate read it to know how to read it lol
And raw english translation if anyone is interested what the heck does it mean: Beetle make sounds in canes in Szczebrzeszyn city, In it's jaw pulp is cracking, Hungry earwig have hiccup in Szczecin city, Snake beat the beetle with a stilts, He (the beetle) shakes rain drops* of his wings, And bumblebee in woods, near Pszczyn city, Starts a big dispute * I'm not sure how to translate ''dżdżu" but I kept the general idea of this sentence
I'm from Czechia. And because we have a letter (Ř) that none of the other countries have and it's hard for foreigners to just say some basic words with it like Řeřicha - which is watercress. But if you master the basics of Ř it gets even harder because we have some tongue twisters. (You can hear them in Google translater) -Třista třicet tři stříbrných stříkaček stříkalo přes třista třicet tři stříbrných střech. (this tongue twister is usually used between kids to help them master that Ř) And it means something like: 333 silver fire engines squirt above 333 silver roofs. Also we have some tongue twisters without Ř so you can try say them : 1)Bylo-li by bylo ryby? 2)Nejnekulaťoulinkatější z nejnekulaťoulinkatějších 3)Od poklopu ku poklopu kyklop koulí koulí 4)Naolejuje-li Julie či nenaolejuje-li Julie There's a tons of them so feel free to ask for more if you are interested. Also good luck with trying to get it even close. (some are problems to even try to say for native Czech speaker lol)
Yeah, these are good czech ones :-) I would like to add: Strč prst skrz krk. :-D And the 'č' has the same pronunciation as japanese chi (or almost the same without the i sound).
I may be really late for this, but I know two tongue twisters in swedish: Sju skönsjungande sjuksköterskor skötte sjuttiosju sjösjuka sjömän på skeppet "Shanghai". (Seven beautifully singing nurses took care of seventy seven sea-sick seamen on the ship "Shanghai".) and Farfar, får får får? Nej, får får inte får, får får lamm. (Grandfather, do sheep have sheep? No sheep don't have sheep, sheep have lambs)
German tongue twister: Der dicke Dachdecker deckte das dicke Dach, denn der dicke Dachdecker dachte das der dicke Dachdecker das dicke Dach nicht deckte.
Here's a fun Finnish one: "Kas vain!", sanoi kasvain ja kasvoi vain. Vain kasvain voi kasvaa noin vain. Translation: "Oh well!", said the tumor and kept growing. Only a tumor can grow like that.
French Tongue Twister : Combien sont ces six saucissons-ci? Ces six saucissons-ci sont six sous. Si ces six saucissons-ci sont six sous, ces six saucissons-ci sont trop chers. Thank you for your videos ! Continue like this
Je connaissais une version plus courte : "Si six saucissons sont si sous chacuns, combien coûteront six cent saucissons." Mais il y a moins de ssssss...
Here is one in Korean : 경찰청 철창살은 외철창살이고 검찰청 철창살은 쌍철창살이다. Romanization : "gyeong-chal-cheong cheol-chang-sa-reun noe-cheol-chang-sa-ri-go geom-chal-cheong cheol-chang-sa-reun ssang-cheol-chang-sa-ri-da."
Try this Italian ones: •Se l'arcivescovo di Costantinopoli si disarcivescoviscostantinopolizzasse, vi disarcivescoviscostantinopolizzereste voi come si è disarcivescoviscostantinopolizzato l'Arcivescovo di Costantinopoli? •Chi ama chiama chi ama, chiamami, tu che chi ami chiami. Chi amo chiamo se tu non chiami.
Non li conoscevo! E il primo ha reso il mio cervello una frittata Che è 'disarcivescoviscostantinopolizzasse' ?! è talmente tanto lungo che il mio cervello si rifiuta di leggerlo per intero! XD
This one is in Arabic روحي وروحك ياروحي روحين بروح , مترح متروح روحك روحى بتروح Rou7i we rou7ik ya rou7i rou7ain be rou7 matra7 ma trou7 rou7ik rou7i bet rou7! Rough translation: My soul and your soul are one soul. Wherever your soul goes, my soul also goes!
The Hebrew one is a little bit similar actually :o (I'll use 7 for the Hebrew equivalent) רוחי ורוחך רוח אחת. לאן שרוחך תלך, רוחי תלך rou7i ve rou7e7a roua7 a7at. lean sherou7e7a tele7, rou7i tele7
Just to throw it out there I could not do any of them... BUT... Did anyone else visualize a plane a plane sputtering out of gas as it slowly came to a crash o- some of them? lol so funny!
Is this why Joey's Japanese is so good? He can just say everything so fast. When I ask for some water it sounds like I have been thinking about this question for centuries.
So the first one means: fisherman's Fritz is fishing fresh fish. (and then just in a different order) the second one means: Red cabbage stays red cabbage and wedding dress stays wedding dress. ^^
One tongue twister from my native language(ukrainian) - Вовк-вовцюг вівцю волік. Вова вовку - вила в бік. Як завив же вовк-вовцюг, миттю випустив вівцю. (Wowk wowtsyuh wiwtsyu wolik. Wowa wowku wyla w bik. Yak zawyw zhe wowk wowtsyuh , myttyu wypustyw wiwtsyu.)("h" here is something between enlish "g" and "h" and "yu" is like german "ü" (u can check it with google translator))
Here's a good one! "The sixth sick Sheikh’s sixth sheep is sick." I am trying to get my mother to do these. I don't think she will, but she's half Japanese and she spoke Japanese regularly for good portion of her life. Crossing my fingers here, but I doubt she will actually do it...
Recently saw you in a vid cos my housemate was watching, and then came across here thanks to your collab with Reina showing up on her channel. You've earned a sub without hesitation!
Another Spanish one: Cuando cuentes cuentos cuenta cuantos cuentos cuentas porque si no sabes cuantos cuentos cuentas nunca sabras cuantos cuentos contaste
I'm way too late but in French, we got "Un chasseur sachant chasser sans son chien est un bon chasseur" (translates to "A hunter who knows how to hunt without his dog is a good hunter" I think). It isn't that hard but I like it
:| idk they all were made for sound, the meaning are literally incomprehensible. But i can translate one for you: 七生麦 七生米 七生卵 (seven raw wheat, seven raw rice, seven raw egg)
I’m not 100% on my translations, but I tried. Asterisks are things I’m not 100% sure on: 肩たたき機 shoulder massage machine シャア少佐 Lieutenant Sha お綾や 八百屋にお謝り Oi Oaya! Apologise to the grocer* 栃乃洋 Tochinonada (name) 右耳にミニニキビ A mini pimple on my right ear この寿司が少し酢が効きすぎた This sushi used a bit too much vinegar 除雪車除雪作業中 A snow plow in the middle of plowing snow 手術室手術中 A surgery room in the middle of surgery 四角い新感覚新幹線 A square shaped bullet train with a new feel 第一著者 第二著者 第三著者 1st author, 2nd author, 3rd author カビるカルビにかぶりつく Biting into mouldy Korean beef ブスバスガイド バスガス爆発 An ugly bus guide, a bus gas explosion 空虚な九州の究極高級航空機 an empty, expensive plane going to Kyushu 赤カピバラ 青カピバラ 黄カピバラ Red capybara, blue capybara, yellow capybara 今日の奏者は 書写じゃぞ 書写じゃぞ Today’s player (e.g. instrument, voice actor) is transcribing * 今来たキムタクは帰宅部、帰宅部のキムタク? Is the Kimutaku that came now and who hasn’t joined any clubs the Kimutaku who hasn’t joined any clubs?* シチュー死守しつつ 試食し視聴中 in the process of defending a stew whole in the middle of watching/listening people sample food (on TV) * この子なかなかカタカナ書けなかったな、泣かなかったかな This child couldn’t really write Katakana, I wonder if they didn’t cry 伝染病予防病院病予防病室 伝染病予防法 a sick room that prevents illness in a hospital that prevents infections, safety precautions for infections 七生麦 七生米 七生卵 7 raw wheat, 7 raw rice, 7 raw eggs 東京特許許可局局長今日急遽許可却下 The bureau director of Tokyo’s patent approval board today quickly rejected approval バナナの謎のなぞなぞなど謎なのけれでも、バナナの謎はまだ謎なのだぞ The puzzle of the banana puzzle is a puzzling/mysterious thing but the banana puzzle is still puzzling/mysterious *
@@meowbium1785 that's actually pretty easy lmao. I can't remember any hard Indonesian tongue twisters other than that and "1 biru 2 biru 3 biru 4 biru and so on"
Imagine an imaginary menagerie manager imagining an imaginary menagerie. That's the nyan one, which translates really well apparently. I really like "There once was a fisher named Fisher Who was fishing for fish in a fissure 'Til a fish, with a grin, pulled the fisherman in Now they're fishing the fissure for Fisher!" And also, "You know New York, you need New York, you know you need unique New York." Or "Red Buick, Blue Buick". Try that 3 times. :P
I'm taking Japanese classes in Uni for 3 years now so listening and saying these was super fun for me i loved this video! in Mexico we have a few cool tongue twisters, "Pepe Pecas pica papas con un pico, con un pico pica papas Pepe Pecas", "Hoy ya es ayer y ayer ya es hoy. Ya llegó el día, y hoy es hoy" "Si la sierva que te sirve no te sirve como sierva, ¿de qué sirve que te sirvas de una sierva que no sirve?" "Juan tuvo un tubo, y el tubo que tuvo se le rompió, y para recuperar el tubo que tuvo, tuvo que comprar un tubo igual al tubo que tuvo" but to really impress even native speakers you have to say "El volcán de Parangaricutirimícuaro se quiere desparangaricutiriguarízar, y él que lo desparangaricutiricuarízare será un buen desparangaricutirimízador" I would be more than happy to also post there translations!
German tongue twister: Denke nie du denkst, denn wenn du denkst, du denkst, dann denkst du nicht. Dann denkst du nur du denkst, denn das Denken an Gedanken ist gedankenloses Denken. Ma fav :) Edit: Translation Don't think that you think. Cuz if you think that you think, you don't think. You're just thinking that you think, cuz thinking 'bout thoughts is thinking without thoughts (?) Gawd.. ... ..
Here is an Italian tongue twister, a "scioglilingua": Se l'arcivescovo di Costantinopoli si disarcivescoviscostantinopolizzasse, vi disarcivescoviscostantinopolizzereste voi?
Se l'arcivescovo di Costantinopoli si disarcivescoviscostantinopolizzasse, vi disarcivescoviscostantinopolizzereste voi per disarcivescoviscostantinopolizzare l'arciversovo di Costantinopoli?
Found out that the Portuguese have their version of this tongue twister: " O bispo de Constantinopla, é um bom desconstantinopolitanizador. Quem o desconstantinopolitanizar, um bom desconstantinopolitanizador será.".
If you think that's hard to say, have you ever said, Jugemu Jugemu Unko Nage Ki Ototoi no Shin-chan no Pantsu Shinpachi no Jinsei Balmunk Fezarion Isaac Schneider San Bun no Ichi Junjyou na Kanjyou no Nokotta San Bun no Ni wa Sakamuke ga Kininaru Kanjyou Uragiri wa Boku no Namae wo Shitteiruyou de Shinranai no wo Boku wa Shitteiru Rusu Surume Medaka Kazuno Kokoedame Medaka….Kono Medaka wa saki no to wa Chigau Yatsu Dakara Ikeno Medaka no Hou Dakara Raa-yuu yuuteimiouki Mukou Pepepepepepepepepepepepe Bichiguso Maru's name?
finnish tongue twisters: "Ärrän kierrän ympäri orren, mustan kissan pistän pappilan apupapin papupataan ja sieltä poskeeni." ''Ratsastajapatsaan ratsastaja katsastaja ratsasti katsastamaan ratsastajapatsasta.'' ''Epäjärjestelmällisyydellistyttämättömyydellänsäkään'' (this is just an one word!) ''Pappilan apupapin papupata pankolla kiehuu ja kuohuu.'' ''Kun rakas rakastaa rakasta, niin rakkaan rakas ei tiedä, kuinka rakkaan rakas on rakkaalle rakas.''
Nää on aika hyviä. The only Finnish tongue twister I remembered was ''Vesihiisi sihisi hississä'' But I've also heard '' Hurskastelevaisehkollaismaisellisuuksissaankohankin hän toimi?''
I just loved this video, I ’m from Sweden and I’d love to hear you attempt at saying this one: “sju sjösjuka sjömän sköttes av sjuttiosju sköna sjuksköterskor på det sjunkande skeppet Shanghai” it’s one of Swedes most common tongue twisters
I am learning Japanese BUT KANJI!!! Oh I am Dutch. I know a few tongue twisters. Which I learned to say as a Child 1. De knappe kapper kapt knap maar de knecht van de knappe kapper knapt knapper dan de knappe kapper kappen kan. 2. De postkoetspoetsier poetst zijn koets met postkoetsenpoets. 3. Liesje leerde lotje lopen langs de lange lindelaan maar toen lotje zelf kon lopen liet liesje lotje gaan. 4. Spaanse-prins-spreekt-prima-Spaans (very fast. So most people say things like Spaanse-sprins......., Spaanse-Prins-spreekt-Sprima....., Spaanse-prins-spreekt-prima-spraans..... AHH GODVERDOMME DIT GAAT NOOIT LUKKEN! WAT EEN KUT ZIN (AHH GOD DAMNIT THIS IS NEVER GOING TO WORK. WHAT A VAGINA (would probably be translated with something like "bullshit") SENTENCE!)
the best tongue twister: red lorry, yellow lorry - red lorry, yellow lorry - red lorry, yellow lorry - red lorry, yellow lorry - red lorry, yellow lorry - red lorry, yellow lorry. I break down everytime lol.
I speak English and I'm learning Spanish, Japanese and Korean. So here is a Spanish tounge twister- Pepe Pecas pica papas con unpico, con un pico pica papasPepe Pecas.
Hah! Try icelandic. A nice one is: þetta fer nú að verða verra ferða veðrið. Notes: þ = the first sound you make when saying Thanks. ð = the first sound you make when saying the or that. In icelandic we have strong r sounds like in Japanese. When there are doubble letters side by side you hold the sound twice as long.
French is my first language and I often find this one hard : "Les chaussettes de l’archiduchesse sont-elles sèches? ou archi-sèches ?" its similar to the japanese ones with lots of "sh, ch, and s" sounds :)
This one can go very wrong if you say it wrong: I’m not a pheasant plucker, I’m a pheasant plucker’s mate. I’m only plucking pheasants because the pheasant plucker’s late.
@@Comet1617 I just said it in my head, still messed up, and died inside because of the way it sounded (it included some vulgar words if u know what I mean)
Spanish tongue twister: Me han dicho que has dicho un dicho, un dicho que he dicho yo. Ese dicho que te han dicho que yo he dicho no lo he dicho. Mas si yo lo hubiera dicho, estaría muy bien dicho por haberlo dicho yo.
Whoa..... That really twisted my tongue ×D but honestly I love when you can easily switch from english to japanese...... I'm from Czech I can speak fluently with 3 language but to tell you truth I can't switch so easily... when someone speak with me in German and after somebody shows and speak with me in my native language I can't focus again on German...so I really admire that.. And about czech tongue twister the hardest are with our specific "ř" .. and even worse with "tř" like "Tři tisíce tři sta třiatřicet stříbrných křepelek přeletělo přes tři tisíce tři sta třiatřicet stříbrných střech" or "Třistatřicettři stříbrných stříkaček stříkalo přes třistatřicettři stříbrných střech" please use Google to learn how to pronounce "ř" The others I find dificults are theese "Nenaolejuje-li tě Julie, naolejuji Julii já." or "Já rád játra, ty rád játra, ty rád játra, já rád játra, co nám brání dát si játra?"
I bet no not Polish person could say these: Stół z połamywanymi nogami. W Szczebrzeszynie chrząszcz brzmi w trzcinie. Szedł sasza suchą szosą. Król Karol kupił królowej Karolinie korale koloru koralowego.
Here are some Spanish Tonguetwisters: "Tres tristes tigres tragan trigo en un trigal" "¿Como quieres que te quiera? Sí el que quiero que me quiera no me quiere como quiero que me quiera" "El ornitorrinco y el otorrinolaringólogo no son parientes, el otorrinolaringólogo trabaja en la otorrinolaringología y el ornitorrinco es un animal." By the way love your videos, man, keep up the good work!
some german ones are: Brautkleid bleibt Brautkleid und Blaukraut bleibt Blaukraut. Wenn Griechen hinter Griechen kriechen, kriechen Griechen Griechen nach.
theres another one like the Griechen one: Wenn Fliegen hinter Fliegen fliegen, fliegen Fliegen Fliegen nach. Wenn Robben hinter Robben robben, robben Robben Robben nach. Weder Bremer noch Berner oder Essener Esel essen Brennnesseln.
Always so fun making videos with youuuuu! 楽しかった〜 また作ろうね! それまでにはもっと早口言葉練習しときまーす🙆♀️🔥
Reina, you did an amazing job!
God bless your Beautyy .. 😇😚😚
It was fun ~ let's make it again! By the time I practice more tongue twister.
blame google XP
5:58 Nyan de?!
I must have mOAR.
I love how Joey voice goes deeper when speaking Japanese and Reinas voice goes two octives higher
Personally my voice goes higher, honestly kinda resembles an anime character when I speak Japanese, idk, its just a tendency........
I know.
It’s great.
That does happen when you try to speak in Japanese
Something about speaking in other languages changes my voice drastically.
I think there was a study at one point trying to prove that one's whole character changes depending on the language they speak. Which I can somewhat see, I tend to be more sarcastic in English. ^^'
Joey : *YOSHA!!*
Reina : *NYANDEE?*
I nearly lost my drink at that.....and rewatched it a few more times..... XD
She has a normal American girl voice when speaking in English, but suddenly Kizuna Ai level cuteness when speaking Japanese. I guess anime is not trying to trick me all this time
Never understood why a girl's pitch rises the moment they start speaking Japanese.
I noticed that too, and its super cute😊
So true
maybe every women sound high pitch when speaking Japanese?
@@yanndylan2239 Try speaking in another language. I speak 4 different languages and all of them sound drastically different which scares me..
Ha tongue twisters?
I can't even pronounce them properly.
Trust me in Chinese & Japanese tongue twisting is hard.
@Kang Ren its cuz you literally have to twist your toung XD
666th like
@クリスティアンスニガ what does that mean?
Joey: I love Monogatari (Claims himself as the no.1 fan)
Also Joey: This tongue twister is from Nekomonogatari Kuro
nyanyame nyanyajuu nyanyado no nyarabi de nyakunyaku nyanyaku nyanyahan nyanyadai nyanyaku nyarabete nyaganyagame
As we all know, if it was nekomonogatari, as opposed to the final arc in bakemonogatari, she would only be wearing underwear
That's from Bakemonogatari lol, Tsubasa Cat Part 4
Le Me:
*N Y A N D E ? ? ?*
マシロIzyk u *;*-*; *i* *d* *k*
マシロIzyk NYASE
I'll gie you time 5:57
Reina became a catgirl. XD
*N Y A N D E*
My favorite french tongue twister is from Reflets d'Acide : 'Est-ce "seize chaises sèchent" ou "sèchent seize chaises" ?'
But the famous ones are probably 'Les chaussettes de l'archiduchesse sont-elles sèches ou archi-sèches ?' and 'Un chasseur sachant chasser doit savoir chasser sans son chien'.
Fukanal, quelle surprise
Si six scies scient six cyprès, six cent six scies scient six cent six cyprès
Allez les bleus ALLEZ!!
Je connaissais pas celui des chaises, il est violent. XD
C'est "Est-ce seize chaises sèches ou seize sèches chaises?" pas "Est-ce seize chaises sèches ou sèchent seize chaises?" dans Reflets d'acide :p
If you can say it slowly, you can say it quickly.
TwoSetViolin fan? 🤔🤔
@@WeaselPwnage yes
@@qryu Yes x)
Ling ling can do better
Yeah 😀
Wait...is this the ultimate collab I've been waiting for since the beginning of time?!!
Most likely
I'm sitting here at 2;49 in the morning watching Joey and his friend do impressions of an AK47 for 11 minutes and 41 seconds straight xD
SmoogyDoo lmao same
Comment of the year! XD
“Can you imagine an imaginary menagerie manager imagining managing an imaginary menagerie?”
the best one from best girl
What a coicidence l just started yesterday and finished today bakemonogatari...abd this was top 3 moment
@@olsialla5275 Now go watch Nisemonogatari
@@vezavezaaa l watched 3 movies kizumono
I left 2 season for any week which l can really enjoy it without doing any homeworks
@@olsialla5275 ohh.. ok.
Hey mate! So I'm french 🇫🇷 and here are the best tongue twisters (Virelangues) in my language:
*TIER I - A taste of it!*
1. Tonton, ton thé t'a-t-il ôté ta toux ?
_Uncle, did your tea take away your cough?_
2. Si mon tonton tond ton tonton, ton tonton sera tondu.
_If my uncle shaves your uncle, your uncle will be shaved._
*TIER II - You're a masochist?*
3. Dinon dîna, dît-on, du dos d'un dodu dindon.
_Dinon ate, it is said, from the back of a fat turkey._
4. Un chasseur sachant chasser sans son chien est un bon chasseur.
_A hunter who can hunt without his dog is a good hunter._
*TIER III - Even the frogs are not crazy enough to try those!*
5. Les chaussettes de l'archiduchesse sont-elles sèches ou archi-sèches ?
_Are the archduchess’ socks dry or really dry?_
6. Les vers verts levèrent leurs verres verts vers le ver vert sans verre.
_The green worms raised their glasses to the green worm with no glass._
*TIER IV - The really end of you...*
7. Si six scies scient six cyprès, six cents scies scient six cents cyprès.
_If six saws saw six cypresses, six hundred saws saw six hundred cypresses._
8. Je veux et j'exige d'exquises excuses du juge. Du juge, j'exige et je veux d'exquises excuses.
_I want and demand excquisite excuses from the judge. From the judge, I demand and want excquisite excuses._
By the way, I really like this kind of videos! Good chance and luck!
Hi french mate! ^^
I know another one that is:
Six couteaux aztèques astiquent un steak instable.
(Six aztec knives polish an unstable steak.)
@@AnaRivi Hey~ Never of this one, but it's nice! :3
i can't speck pain au chocolat
fyi, the 4th one is how French sounds to non-speakers :)
@@RimuKora Don't say 'baguette-croissant' say 'pain au chocolat'
How about non-native speakers try this. Lol.
Hello, I hope you are having a nice day and live a successful and hapy life ❤
That sounds like such a horrible idea....
Even without knowing the language I'm confident in my pronunciation of the Japanese language and this was fucking hell to even attempt.
I know french,german,serbian(if you don't know which language it is it's simular to Croatian ),english(obviously) and i kinda managed to do some:)
I love how they switch between English and Japanese so easily
Everything Reina said sounded so cute.
Tru I wish I could speak Japanese like that.
She should have done the cat one that would have been amazingly cute.
Cool spanish one: "El volcan de parangaricutirimicuaro se quiere desparangaricutirimicuarizar y quien lo desparangaricutirimicuarise sera un gran desparangaricutirimicuarizador".
Even spanish people argue saying that
Thats fucked up man, i cant say parangaricutrimicuaro fast😅(im spanish)
I wish I could send you a voice message to show you that I can say it.
(Took me some tries)
It's such a relief to see an spanish comment in this channel.
Yo no puedo ni con pablito y su clavito.
God. I always have trouble with that one.
#1Monogatari fan said the tounge twister is from Nekomonogatari: Kuro
*It's Treason Then*
he made me doubt about what i knew of monogatari :(
I was like "Uh...No?"
Is it from Bakemonogatari?
@@qryu Yes
@@qryu It is, it's from Tsubasa Cat, the final arc of Bake
The monogatari one from Hanekawa was my favourite.
Can you imagine an imaginary menagerie?
Naname nanajyuunana-do no narabi de nakunaku inanaku nanahan nanadai nannaku narabete naganagame.
I have been watching these seven 750cc motorcycles which are noisy like horses, and are placed beautifully at an angle of 77°.
If you can actually say this as good as Joey did, you are a true Monogatari fan.
literally came here for this and was not disappointed
Bakemonogatari is the one of best Monogatari Arc
He needs to have more Japanese speaking guests
pdr san and joeyXD
Like a neighbor or close friend.
I went to this site with some tongue twisters and this one was SO HARD HOLY COW:
Betty Botter bought some butter
But she said the butter’s bitter
If I put it in my batter, it will make my batter bitter
But a bit of better butter will make my batter better
So ‘twas better Betty Botter bought a bit of better butter
It wasn't that hard for me, even having English as my third language. But I find this one really hard, tell me what you think about it:
"If two witches were watching two watches, which witch would watch which watch?"
These were both easy for me but English is my main language
Raymond Stare English is my first language too lol. 😛 Everyone’s different I guess.
Yea this was Extremely easy even though english was my FIFTH language i learned in middle school
Boobinizer what’s with you people learning all these languages 😮
As a person who can't understand Japanese even a little: You guys did great everytime! Great job
5:58 Scully = Real Life cat girl confirmed
Italian (my favorite):
Se l'arcivescovo di Costantinopoli si disarcivescoviscocostantinopolizzasse, vi disarcivescoviscocostantinopolizzereste voi se si disarcivescoviscocostantinopolizzasse lui?
Don't forget the evergreen "trentatré trentini entrarono a Trento tutti e trentatré trotterellando", and the shorter (but quite hated) "tigre contro tigre"
What the fuck
Adoro lol
This exists in Spanish too
"El arzobispo de Constantinopla se quiere desarsobizpocontantimonopolizar aquel que lo desarsobizpocontantimonopolice gran desarsobizpocontantimonopolizador sera"
It keeps going
My favorite German one so far IS
Der Holzfäller holzt das Holz was er holzt nur wenn das Holz was er holzt nicht zu holzig ist
Wich rughly translates to
The Wood chopper choppes the Wood that He choppes only If the Wood that He choppes isnt to Woody
spanish tongue twister: Cuando cuentes cuentos, cuenta cuantos cuentos cuentascuando cuentes cuentos.
When you tell stories, say how many stories you tell when you tell stories.
Está todo mal traducido lol
sería: When you tell tales, count how many tales you tell when you tell tales.
Nunca había encontrado un comentario en español por aquí
Si Pancha plancha con cuatro planchas con cuantas planchas plancha Pancha
Oof, q facil...
Me sorprende ver alguien que hable español por aqui ;- ;
9:59 in English:
Can you imagine an imaginary menagerie manager imagining managing an imaginary menagerie
Oml really
That's actually not the real translation.. the actual translation has to do with a lot of 7 things...
Well no it isn't actually is it
CK 1029 the odds that a tongue twister would also be a tongue twister in a different language is crazy low. They almost certainly just used that English tongue twister that’s totally irrelevant
monogatari series used it.
I am from Germany and my favorite childhood tongue twister was: "Am Zehnten Zehnten zehn Uhr zehn zogen zehn zahme Ziegen zehn Zentner Zucker zum Zoo"
I'm learning German right now (I'm Hungarian) and I feel hella proud, that I could prounanc this xd
I am not German but suprisingly I recognized that one
I'd say that's more just an alliteration than a tongue twister, I don't think it's difficult to say fast... (I'm a native German speaker)
Not a tongue twister tbh
Ein gutes gefunden
I love the monogatari one. The one from Clannad is in here too at 8:51
Zadoskey 😊
where is the monogatari one?
@@Yogorette 10:08
@@minji1 oh thank you!
10:05 is my favorite part of this vid
I was screaming
Neko, repeat after me
Naname nanajyuunana-do no narabi de nakunaku inanaku nanahan nanadai nannaku narabete naganagame
Sapta Rizqi nyanyame nyanyajyuunyanya do no nyarabi de nyakunyaku inyanyaku nyanyahan nyanyakai nyanyadu nyaramete nyaganyagame
Hey give me back my time i was comment 'bla bla bla' before
I'll give you time 5:57
I expected that Jugemu-jugemu
Kaijarisuigyo-no Suigyōmatsu
Unraimatsu Fūraimatsu
Chōkyūmeino-chōsuke at the end tho
Yesss XD
That one is a bit easier than some on the list but I would have loved it.
@@ThatWeirdCellist easy you say huh.... Well there we have it, our Tongue-Twister Expert is in the town
@@iameartchan never said it was easy, just easier
What a coincidence
My name is also
Jugemu Jugemu Go-Kō-no-Surikire Kaijari-suigyo no Suigyō-matsu Unrai-matsu Fūrai-matsu Kū-Neru Tokoro ni Sumu Tokoro Yaburakōji no Burakōji Paipo Paipo Paipo no Shūringan Shūringan no Gūrindai Gūrindai no Ponpokopii no Ponpokonaa no Chōkyūmei no Chōsuke
My husband is from Jordan and I'm half Arabic. He tests me on my Arabic tongue twisters all the time. I would have put them here in the description box but I'm terrible at remembering them. I'll have my husband post them below later. They're funny to say. Great Job you guys! I played along but failed with the really long ones. 😆
The best Japanese tongue twisters has to be one of the Stand Cries:
dorarara and ariariari are by far the hardest
This was a blessing. Thank you Joey for collabing with the amazing Reina Scully
I laughed so hard when he said “See for me it’s easier reading the Kanji” and she looked at him like “Wtf is wrong with you.”
*Gasu basu bakuhatsu*
See? Japanese tongue twisters are EZ... Don't discredit me for typing it out instead of actually saying it :(
Isn't it "Basu gasu bakuhatsu"?
You again
it’s basu gasu bakuhatsu
Some easy ones in spanish: Tres tristes tigres tragaban trigo en un trigal.
Pablito calvó un clavito, qué clavito clavó pablito?
You miss the second part in the one of the tigers
Tres tristes tigres trataban trigo en un trigal, en un trigal trataban tres tristes tigres.
another classic: Pancha plancha con cuatro planchas. Con cuantas planchas Pancha plancha? answer: con 4😂 very stupid question if u think about it.
Pablito clavó un clavito en la calva de un calvito ¿Qué clavito clavo Pablito en la calva de un calvito?
(ouch, that baldie is probably dead by now. Now that I think about it maybe someone is asking for the killing tool)
Juas juas 3 años después te veo aqui
Axl?! Subarashii! Wonderful to find you here! 🐱
I'm a native German speaker so here are some German tongue twisters off the top of my head :D
1. Fischer's Fritz fischt frische Fische, frische Fische fischt Fischer's Fritz
2. Wenn Fliegen hinter Fliegen fliegen, fliegen Fliegen hinter Fliegen her
3. Am Zehnten um Zehn zogen zehn zickige Ziegen zehn Zentner Zucker zum Zoo
4. Brautkleid bleibt Brautkleid und Blaukraut bleibt Blaukraut
Bis auf Nummer 4 bekomme ich alle hin.
@@butterfly-yh8zn ja bei nummer 4 brech ich auch ab xD
I love the sound of Japanese birds, don’t you?
I love the sound of Japanese hentai
@@hishooo16 😂😂
@@hishooo16 lmao
@@hishooo16 I love democracy.
First thing that comes to mind is that neko hanekawa scene from bakemonogatari
the end
I said this already but this i also thought of this when i read the title i only know the english version off by heart
Can you imagine an imaginary menagerie manager imagining an imaginary menagerie
I love how Reina turned into a cat when frustrated 😂 “NYANDE”
Joey: I like the one in the monogatari series
Reina: can you say it?
Joey: *hold my sake* 🍶
In Polish there's a little story about a beetle that's a tounge twister :D
"Chrząszcz brzmi w trzcinie w Szczebrzeszynie,
W szczękach chrząszcza trzeszczy miąższ,
Czcza szczypawka czka w Szczecinie,
Chrząszcza szczudłem przechrzcił wąż,
Strząsa skrzydła z dżdżu,
A trzmiel w puszczy, tuż przy Pszczynie,
Straszny wszczyna szum…"
Tip: Make Google translate read it to know how to read it lol
And raw english translation if anyone is interested what the heck does it mean:
Beetle make sounds in canes in Szczebrzeszyn city,
In it's jaw pulp is cracking,
Hungry earwig have hiccup in Szczecin city,
Snake beat the beetle with a stilts,
He (the beetle) shakes rain drops* of his wings,
And bumblebee in woods, near Pszczyn city,
Starts a big dispute
* I'm not sure how to translate ''dżdżu" but I kept the general idea of this sentence
I have some Polish friends and they made me do it so many times (sober and drunk) I know it by now :)
where the fuck are the vowels ?!
not enough kurwa
Dude i can't even repeat a word, all i understand is shhshjshshshjjhshjjjshshshhjjjjshhjjshhhjjjshhshjjshh xDD
I'm from Czechia. And because we have a letter (Ř) that none of the other countries have and it's hard for foreigners to just say some basic words with it like Řeřicha - which is watercress. But if you master the basics of Ř it gets even harder because we have some tongue twisters. (You can hear them in Google translater) -Třista třicet tři stříbrných stříkaček stříkalo přes třista třicet tři stříbrných střech. (this tongue twister is usually used between kids to help them master that Ř)
And it means something like: 333 silver fire engines squirt above 333 silver roofs.
Also we have some tongue twisters without Ř so you can try say them :
1)Bylo-li by bylo ryby?
2)Nejnekulaťoulinkatější z nejnekulaťoulinkatějších
3)Od poklopu ku poklopu kyklop koulí koulí
4)Naolejuje-li Julie či nenaolejuje-li Julie
There's a tons of them so feel free to ask for more if you are interested. Also good luck with trying to get it even close. (some are problems to even try to say for native Czech speaker lol)
Yeah, these are good czech ones :-) I would like to add: Strč prst skrz krk. :-D And the 'č' has the same pronunciation as japanese chi (or almost the same without the i sound).
Exaaactlyy. I'd like to add 'Znejneobhospodářovávatelějšími' :D try saying it 3 times. It's also the longest Czech word.
Try to say "weak wrists" five times fast.
Ez lel.. maybe cuz english is not the language of my country..
WTF is "wheat-cryst"?
After the time I say "request"
I tried it and my mom asked me if I was trying to imitate a frog
Weak wrists weak wrists weak wrists weak wrist week west dammit🤬😜
Joey: Reina is actually japaneese
Reina: Hai desu.
I may be really late for this, but I know two tongue twisters in swedish:
Sju skönsjungande sjuksköterskor skötte sjuttiosju sjösjuka sjömän på skeppet "Shanghai".
(Seven beautifully singing nurses took care of seventy seven sea-sick seamen on the ship "Shanghai".)
Farfar, får får får?
Nej, får får inte får, får får lamm.
(Grandfather, do sheep have sheep? No sheep don't have sheep, sheep have lambs)
Reina x Joey
*_Top 10 Anime Crossovers_*
Best comment
@@welcometomyasmrchannel5345 she doesnt mean as a ship, A CROSSOVER
German tongue twister:
Der dicke Dachdecker deckte das dicke Dach, denn der dicke Dachdecker dachte das der dicke Dachdecker das dicke Dach nicht deckte.
bist du deutscher?? ich spreche ein bissechen deautch
First try. :D
even translated in to dutch is still a difficult one. (same words other grammar) the D and hard R is just a bitch together.
Too many dicks for me no thank you
I just see so many dicks
Here's a fun Finnish one:
"Kas vain!", sanoi kasvain ja kasvoi vain. Vain kasvain voi kasvaa noin vain.
Translation: "Oh well!", said the tumor and kept growing. Only a tumor can grow like that.
French Tongue Twister : Combien sont ces six saucissons-ci? Ces six saucissons-ci sont six sous. Si ces six saucissons-ci sont six sous, ces six saucissons-ci sont trop chers.
Thank you for your videos ! Continue like this
Pretty good one. I got a one word for you.
Je connaissais une version plus courte : "Si six saucissons sont si sous chacuns, combien coûteront six cent saucissons." Mais il y a moins de ssssss...
@@monstery8372 I call your "anticonstitutionnellement" and raise you our Portuguese "anticonstitucionalíssimamente"
@@LucianCanad Sick burn haha
I like this one, but I think it's only difficult without knowing the phrase. Once I internalized what the phrase was it became pretty easy.
10:15 was even better than the anime..
This is how I feel trying to pronounce anything in Japanese that's more than a few words long... especially negative past tense adjectives.
Negative what to the who now?
@@KateCantDraw atatakai>atataka-kuna-katta-desu:暖かくなかったです
Here is one in Korean : 경찰청 철창살은 외철창살이고 검찰청 철창살은 쌍철창살이다.
Romanization : "gyeong-chal-cheong cheol-chang-sa-reun noe-cheol-chang-sa-ri-go geom-chal-cheong cheol-chang-sa-reun ssang-cheol-chang-sa-ri-da."
sounds just like average korean to me
I took 5 hours and I'm supposed to be a native speaker...
I tried and now I can't feel my tongue
*Korean Grunting intensifies*
I want to hear a native say because like I'm learning korean but I don't think I pronounced all them right
How many duwangs can be possibly chewed if a duwang can be chewed?
Omg your here again wtf 😂
How many justins can be possibly be found on youtube
Why are you here?! WHY DO I ALWAYS RUN INTO YOU?!?!!?
Approximately 177013 times
accept it guys he will never leave
Slowly learning Japanese from subbed anime.. I probably understood about 10% of the conversational Japanese in this vid.. none of the tongue twisters
@@arcradire1559 u mean single?
Oops yeah, thanks
@@arcradire1559 oh no why did u delete your comment ;-;
I didn't delete it, I edited it. Don't worry 😅
@@arcradire1559 no you didnt, its gone
Try this Italian ones:
•Se l'arcivescovo di Costantinopoli si disarcivescoviscostantinopolizzasse, vi disarcivescoviscostantinopolizzereste voi come si è disarcivescoviscostantinopolizzato l'Arcivescovo di Costantinopoli?
•Chi ama chiama chi ama, chiamami, tu che chi ami chiami. Chi amo chiamo se tu non chiami.
the fack
Excuse-e moi?!?!
Trentatré trentini scesero a Trento tutti è trentatré trotterellando
Non li conoscevo!
E il primo ha reso il mio cervello una frittata
Che è 'disarcivescoviscostantinopolizzasse' ?! è talmente tanto lungo che il mio cervello si rifiuta di leggerlo per intero! XD
This one is in Arabic
روحي وروحك ياروحي روحين بروح , مترح متروح روحك روحى بتروح
Rou7i we rou7ik ya rou7i rou7ain be rou7 matra7 ma trou7 rou7ik rou7i bet rou7!
Rough translation:
My soul and your soul are one soul. Wherever your soul goes, my soul also goes!
It’s a letter that doesn’t exist in English the closest letter to it is H
Its pronounced as a breathing noise "haaa"
The Hebrew one is a little bit similar actually :o
(I'll use 7 for the Hebrew equivalent)
רוחי ורוחך רוח אחת. לאן שרוחך תלך, רוחי תלך
rou7i ve rou7e7a roua7 a7at. lean sherou7e7a tele7, rou7i tele7
Omri Levin I heard Hebrew is the closest to Arabic in Pronunciation and grammar, so not too much of a surprise!
@@TripleYagh it is quite close, not mutually intelligible, but close :D
literally all i was waiting for was for joey to start reciting the monogatari series tongue twister the entire video.
Just to throw it out there I could not do any of them... BUT... Did anyone else visualize a plane a plane sputtering out of gas as it slowly came to a crash o- some of them? lol so funny!
I'm about to start my Japanese 102 class in college in a few days. And this high key is so inspiring for someone who is trying to learn the language.
Kanji is still literal hell no matter how inspired you are tho
Is this why Joey's Japanese is so good? He can just say everything so fast. When I ask for some water it sounds like I have been thinking about this question for centuries.
Fischers Fritz fischt frische Fische. Frische Fische fischt Fischers Fritz.
Blaukraut bleibt Blaukraut und Brautkleid bleibt Brautkleid.
Maybe translate it for them so they know what they say.
And: Der kleine poppige Kaplan klebt kleine poppige Pappplakate an die klappernde Kapellwand.
Der Leutnant von Leuten befahl seinen Leuten nicht eher zu leuten, bis der Leutnant von Leuten seinen Leuten das Leuten befahl.
The one with Blaukraut really is the hardest >.
So the first one means: fisherman's Fritz is fishing fresh fish. (and then just in a different order)
the second one means: Red cabbage stays red cabbage and wedding dress stays wedding dress. ^^
As if english tongue twisters weren’t hard enough already.
One tongue twister from my native language(ukrainian) - Вовк-вовцюг вівцю волік. Вова вовку - вила в бік. Як завив же вовк-вовцюг, миттю випустив вівцю.
(Wowk wowtsyuh wiwtsyu wolik. Wowa wowku wyla w bik. Yak zawyw zhe wowk wowtsyuh
, myttyu wypustyw wiwtsyu.)("h" here is something between enlish "g" and "h" and "yu" is like german "ü" (u can check it with google translator))
Maybe it's just me but it's so amazing how they switch languages so effortlessly, Jesus Christ I wish I could be this fluent in Japanese
Here's a good one! "The sixth sick Sheikh’s sixth sheep is sick."
I am trying to get my mother to do these. I don't think she will, but she's half Japanese and she spoke Japanese regularly for good portion of her life. Crossing my fingers here, but I doubt she will actually do it...
Recently saw you in a vid cos my housemate was watching, and then came across here thanks to your collab with Reina showing up on her channel. You've earned a sub without hesitation!
Here is a tongue twister in spanish:
"Tres tristes tigres tragaban trigo en tres tristes trastos sentados en un trigal"
I like this version!
Another Spanish one:
Cuando cuentes cuentos cuenta cuantos cuentos cuentas porque si no sabes cuantos cuentos cuentas nunca sabras cuantos cuentos contaste
Ai Mama porque
That one isnt that hard
El cielo está encancaranublado,
¿Quién lo encancaranublaría?
El que lo encancaranubló,
buen encacaranublador sería.
Ez clap boi
@@zessh.9669 I agree
I'm way too late but in French, we got "Un chasseur sachant chasser sans son chien est un bon chasseur" (translates to "A hunter who knows how to hunt without his dog is a good hunter" I think). It isn't that hard but I like it
could you add the english translation also please?
:| idk they all were made for sound, the meaning are literally incomprehensible. But i can translate one for you: 七生麦 七生米 七生卵 (seven raw wheat, seven raw rice, seven raw egg)
Yeah, like none of them will in any way make sense in English or even be tongue twisters
I’m not 100% on my translations, but I tried. Asterisks are things I’m not 100% sure on:
肩たたき機 shoulder massage machine
シャア少佐 Lieutenant Sha
お綾や 八百屋にお謝り Oi Oaya! Apologise to the grocer*
栃乃洋 Tochinonada (name)
右耳にミニニキビ A mini pimple on my right ear
この寿司が少し酢が効きすぎた This sushi used a bit too much vinegar
除雪車除雪作業中 A snow plow in the middle of plowing snow
手術室手術中 A surgery room in the middle of surgery
四角い新感覚新幹線 A square shaped bullet train with a new feel
第一著者 第二著者 第三著者 1st author, 2nd author, 3rd author
カビるカルビにかぶりつく Biting into mouldy Korean beef
ブスバスガイド バスガス爆発 An ugly bus guide, a bus gas explosion
空虚な九州の究極高級航空機 an empty, expensive plane going to Kyushu
赤カピバラ 青カピバラ 黄カピバラ Red capybara, blue capybara, yellow capybara
今日の奏者は 書写じゃぞ 書写じゃぞ Today’s player (e.g. instrument, voice actor) is transcribing *
今来たキムタクは帰宅部、帰宅部のキムタク? Is the Kimutaku that came now and who hasn’t joined any clubs the Kimutaku who hasn’t joined any clubs?*
シチュー死守しつつ 試食し視聴中 in the process of defending a stew whole in the middle of watching/listening people sample food (on TV) *
この子なかなかカタカナ書けなかったな、泣かなかったかな This child couldn’t really write Katakana, I wonder if they didn’t cry
伝染病予防病院病予防病室 伝染病予防法 a sick room that prevents illness in a hospital that prevents infections, safety precautions for infections
七生麦 七生米 七生卵 7 raw wheat, 7 raw rice, 7 raw eggs
東京特許許可局局長今日急遽許可却下 The bureau director of Tokyo’s patent approval board today quickly rejected approval
バナナの謎のなぞなぞなど謎なのけれでも、バナナの謎はまだ謎なのだぞ The puzzle of the banana puzzle is a puzzling/mysterious thing but the banana puzzle is still puzzling/mysterious *
Kek, kok kuku kaki kakakku kaku,kek?
English translation:
Grandpa, why are my brother's toenails stiff?
Longer one:
Kuku kakak-kakakku kaku kayak kuku kakek-kakekku
(My older siblings’ toe nails are stiff like my grandfathers’ toe nails)
@@meowbium1785 lol damn
Why is this a thing
@@meowbium1785 that's actually pretty easy lmao. I can't remember any hard Indonesian tongue twisters other than that and "1 biru 2 biru 3 biru 4 biru and so on"
made the kkk proud *sheds a white supremacist tear*
Imagine an imaginary menagerie manager imagining an imaginary menagerie. That's the nyan one, which translates really well apparently.
I really like "There once was a fisher named Fisher
Who was fishing for fish in a fissure
'Til a fish, with a grin, pulled the fisherman in
Now they're fishing the fissure for Fisher!"
And also, "You know New York, you need New York, you know you need unique New York."
Or "Red Buick, Blue Buick". Try that 3 times. :P
Apparently it doesn't translate to that in the slightest the subbers just had some fun.
Hey! she's the girl who taught me how to swear
I need to watch her more then, jfc
(brazilian) portuguese tongue-twister:
"três tigres tristes comendo três pratos de trigo"
"three sad tigers eating three plates of wheat"
O correto seria "Três pratos de trigo para três tigres tristes"
There's a similar one in spanish:
"Tres tristes tigres comen trigo en tres tristes platos"
It means pretty much the same...
The Spanish one's is : "Tres tristes tigres comen trigo en un trigal"
well is not a surprise see a brazilian here, we are every where
@@andreaferreiro7818 no! That's bit how it goes, it's "tres tristes tigres trigan en un trigal"
I'm taking Japanese classes in Uni for 3 years now so listening and saying these was super fun for me i loved this video! in Mexico we have a few cool tongue twisters, "Pepe Pecas pica papas con un pico, con un pico pica papas Pepe Pecas", "Hoy ya es ayer y ayer ya es hoy. Ya llegó el día, y hoy es hoy" "Si la sierva que te sirve no te sirve como sierva, ¿de qué sirve que te sirvas de una sierva que no sirve?" "Juan tuvo un tubo, y el tubo que tuvo se le rompió, y para recuperar el tubo que tuvo, tuvo que comprar un tubo igual al tubo que tuvo" but to really impress even native speakers you have to say "El volcán de Parangaricutirimícuaro se quiere desparangaricutiriguarízar, y él que lo desparangaricutiricuarízare será un buen desparangaricutirimízador"
I would be more than happy to also post there translations!
German tongue twister:
Denke nie du denkst, denn wenn du denkst, du denkst, dann denkst du nicht. Dann denkst du nur du denkst, denn das Denken an Gedanken ist gedankenloses Denken.
Ma fav :)
Edit: Translation
Don't think that you think. Cuz if you think that you think, you don't think. You're just thinking that you think, cuz thinking 'bout thoughts is thinking without thoughts (?)
Omg, i am so happy I was able to translate it correctly 😍 (i am from czech and learning german)
German with a kinder chocolate pfp 👌🏻
Here is an Italian tongue twister, a "scioglilingua":
Se l'arcivescovo di Costantinopoli si disarcivescoviscostantinopolizzasse, vi disarcivescoviscostantinopolizzereste voi?
Se l'arcivescovo di Costantinopoli si disarcivescoviscostantinopolizzasse, vi disarcivescoviscostantinopolizzereste voi per disarcivescoviscostantinopolizzare l'arciversovo di Costantinopoli?
Found out that the Portuguese have their version of this tongue twister: " O bispo de Constantinopla, é um bom desconstantinopolitanizador. Quem o desconstantinopolitanizar, um bom desconstantinopolitanizador será.".
Quello è molto difficile. Riescì a fare cosi?
I actually remember my Italian tutors in Italy saying this. Still can't do it.
I need to rewatch this over and over to get some of these.
If you think that's hard to say, have you ever said, Jugemu Jugemu Unko Nage Ki Ototoi no Shin-chan no Pantsu Shinpachi no Jinsei Balmunk Fezarion Isaac Schneider San Bun no Ichi Junjyou na Kanjyou no Nokotta San Bun no Ni wa Sakamuke ga Kininaru Kanjyou Uragiri wa Boku no Namae wo Shitteiruyou de Shinranai no wo Boku wa Shitteiru Rusu Surume Medaka Kazuno Kokoedame Medaka….Kono Medaka wa saki no to wa Chigau Yatsu Dakara Ikeno Medaka no Hou Dakara Raa-yuu yuuteimiouki Mukou Pepepepepepepepepepepepe Bichiguso Maru's name?
That paragraph isn't difficult to say. There's not even much repeating consonant sounds that characterize tongue twisters.
@@友-16 true, just very long
Is this from the video called ´´what your parents understand when you are watching anime´´ or something like that from Full metal alchemist?
alex silva de melo Nope this one starts the same as that video but it’s actually from an episode of Gintama XD
@@tyronew5464 that does make sense now, i only watched gintama ultil epi 115 (monster hunter parody) what episode of gintama is the original twist?
finnish tongue twisters:
"Ärrän kierrän ympäri orren, mustan kissan pistän pappilan apupapin papupataan ja sieltä poskeeni."
''Ratsastajapatsaan ratsastaja katsastaja ratsasti katsastamaan ratsastajapatsasta.''
''Epäjärjestelmällisyydellistyttämättömyydellänsäkään'' (this is just an one word!)
''Pappilan apupapin papupata pankolla kiehuu ja kuohuu.''
''Kun rakas rakastaa rakasta, niin rakkaan rakas ei tiedä,
kuinka rakkaan rakas on rakkaalle rakas.''
ekaa en edes pysty lausumaan kun omistan ärrä vian
Huomaa, että eri paikoissa kulkee vähän eri versioita näistä.
I can notice that there are slight differences from how I have learned them 🤔
Nää on aika hyviä. The only Finnish tongue twister I remembered was ''Vesihiisi sihisi hississä'' But I've also heard '' Hurskastelevaisehkollaismaisellisuuksissaankohankin hän toimi?''
I just loved this video, I ’m from Sweden and I’d love to hear you attempt at saying this one: “sju sjösjuka sjömän sköttes av sjuttiosju sköna sjuksköterskor på det sjunkande skeppet Shanghai” it’s one of Swedes most common tongue twisters
I am learning Japanese BUT KANJI!!!
Oh I am Dutch. I know a few tongue twisters. Which I learned to say as a Child
1. De knappe kapper kapt knap maar de knecht van de knappe kapper knapt knapper dan de knappe kapper kappen kan.
2. De postkoetspoetsier poetst zijn koets met postkoetsenpoets.
3. Liesje leerde lotje lopen langs de lange lindelaan maar toen lotje zelf kon lopen liet liesje lotje gaan.
4. Spaanse-prins-spreekt-prima-Spaans (very fast. So most people say things like Spaanse-sprins......., Spaanse-Prins-spreekt-Sprima....., Spaanse-prins-spreekt-prima-spraans..... AHH GODVERDOMME DIT GAAT NOOIT LUKKEN! WAT EEN KUT ZIN (AHH GOD DAMNIT THIS IS NEVER GOING TO WORK. WHAT A VAGINA (would probably be translated with something like "bullshit") SENTENCE!)
the best tongue twister:
red lorry, yellow lorry - red lorry, yellow lorry - red lorry, yellow lorry - red lorry, yellow lorry - red lorry, yellow lorry - red lorry, yellow lorry.
I break down everytime lol.
I always said led lolly lellow lolly idk why. Theres not even an L in there XD
or: Unique New York, etc and Irish wristwatch etc.
I love Reina, I'm so glad this video happened
How in the actual hell did you guys say those tongue twisters it's so hard 😫
Well they're being Japanese, dealing with Japanese tongue twisters probably helped.
Just like you do in your language. Just fine.
Damn your editor needs a pay rise Joey 👏
I'm so glad the you included the Monogatari one. Absolute boss execution.
Also, just try and sing Maware! Setsuhetsuka in the original BPM.
I speak English and I'm learning Spanish, Japanese and Korean. So here is a Spanish tounge twister- Pepe Pecas pica papas con unpico, con un pico pica papasPepe Pecas.
Zombling someone who is studying the same languages as me!!!! 😆
Hah! Try icelandic. A nice one is: þetta fer nú að verða verra ferða veðrið.
þ = the first sound you make when saying Thanks.
ð = the first sound you make when saying the or that.
In icelandic we have strong r sounds like in Japanese.
When there are doubble letters side by side you hold the sound twice as long.
but japanese r is flap, unless you mean kansai trilled r?
French is my first language and I often find this one hard :
"Les chaussettes de l’archiduchesse sont-elles sèches? ou archi-sèches ?"
its similar to the japanese ones with lots of "sh, ch, and s" sounds :)
This one can go very wrong if you say it wrong:
I’m not a pheasant plucker, I’m a pheasant plucker’s mate. I’m only plucking pheasants because the pheasant plucker’s late.
Good luck to anyone who tries it😂
@@Comet1617 I just said it in my head, still messed up, and died inside because of the way it sounded (it included some vulgar words if u know what I mean)
I said it it didn’t sound wrong with wrong with it?
What is my life Haha, yep! You have successfully failed👏👏👏😂
Billyawn Xu Most ppl say it a certain way when they mess up, you have officially failed at failing, so good job I guess😂
Spanish tongue twister:
Me han dicho que has dicho un dicho, un dicho que he dicho yo. Ese dicho que te han dicho que yo he dicho no lo he dicho. Mas si yo lo hubiera dicho, estaría muy bien dicho por haberlo dicho yo.
why i rewatching this after rewatching clannad
Whoa..... That really twisted my tongue ×D but honestly I love when you can easily switch from english to japanese......
I'm from Czech I can speak fluently with 3 language but to tell you truth I can't switch so easily... when someone speak with me in German and after somebody shows and speak with me in my native language I can't focus again on German...so I really admire that..
And about czech tongue twister the hardest are with our specific "ř" .. and even worse with "tř" like "Tři tisíce tři sta třiatřicet stříbrných křepelek přeletělo přes tři tisíce tři sta třiatřicet stříbrných střech" or "Třistatřicettři stříbrných stříkaček stříkalo přes třistatřicettři stříbrných střech" please use Google to learn how to pronounce "ř"
The others I find dificults are theese "Nenaolejuje-li tě Julie, naolejuji Julii já." or "Já rád játra, ty rád játra, ty rád játra, já rád játra, co nám brání dát si játra?"
I bet no not Polish person could say these:
Stół z połamywanymi nogami.
W Szczebrzeszynie chrząszcz brzmi w trzcinie.
Szedł sasza suchą szosą.
Król Karol kupił królowej Karolinie korale koloru koralowego.
boi you just whipped out the easy polish tongue twisters, get something harder next time
I bet 90% cant read it to begin with
well most cant say it most likely because we dont know some of the letters or how they should be spoken
that are not even letters to me.
Boi i can say that with my eyes closed,get something harder
Here are some Spanish Tonguetwisters:
"Tres tristes tigres tragan trigo en un trigal"
"¿Como quieres que te quiera? Sí el que quiero que me quiera no me quiere como quiero que me quiera"
"El ornitorrinco y el otorrinolaringólogo no son parientes, el otorrinolaringólogo trabaja en la otorrinolaringología y el ornitorrinco es un animal."
By the way love your videos, man, keep up the good work!
some german ones are:
Brautkleid bleibt Brautkleid und Blaukraut bleibt Blaukraut.
Wenn Griechen hinter Griechen kriechen, kriechen Griechen Griechen nach.
The second one is so much easier to me, can't even get to the 2nd Brautkleid at a normal reading pace without fucking it up xD
theres another one like the Griechen one: Wenn Fliegen hinter Fliegen fliegen, fliegen Fliegen Fliegen nach. Wenn Robben hinter Robben robben, robben Robben Robben nach. Weder Bremer noch Berner oder Essener Esel essen Brennnesseln.
Does the German language even need tongue twisters? The language it self is basically one.