Hello Sir! Hope you're doing well. Question in Ethos Suite they have Pre-Release 1.5.0 RCO. I've always been told don't down load any pre-release firmware, Because not safe and is this true.
I recommend Release Candidates (RCx releases) be used only for testing. There may be bugs present (and in fact there's at least one serious bug in RC0, which has already been found and corrected).
Adam very nice but complicated for me. could you revisit and setup a 4 servo wing with flaps and ailerons Thanks Steve
Can certainly do on in the future.
Hello Sir! Hope you're doing well. Question in Ethos Suite they have Pre-Release 1.5.0 RCO. I've always been told don't down load any pre-release firmware, Because not safe and is this true.
I recommend Release Candidates (RCx releases) be used only for testing. There may be bugs present (and in fact there's at least one serious bug in RC0, which has already been found and corrected).