Something that has always perplexed me is when Indy and the guy are wrestling with the knife on the minecart and they knock the lantern over. There's a dedicated shot to the lantern falling and starting a small fire. It's never paid off, and in fact, the opposite problem happens - WATER floods the tunnel! It sure seems like this lantern is about to set the whole mine aflame!
Thank you for mentioning that Kate Capshaw did the best with what she had. This character sucks, and she hated her too, but she went 100% on the physical comedy and I respect the hell out of that.
Yes, the problem was the character, not the actress. She was covered in real bugs and throw away a real snake, that's dedication! And i need to say the character wasn't THAT bad.
@@alm2187 She really wasn't, she was playing the damsel compared to Marion Ravenwood and the one blonde chick from the third movie, who was a traitor. It can't even be compared because all three are different.
@Paul the shortbread Yes. Since my last post I learned about Marcia Lucas. If they hadn't divorced, maybe she could have made Willie Scott redeemable, or at least have something to do to advance the plot, and not have us wish she died in the fire pit.
“Willie Scott is one of the most annoying characters ever put on film“ I’m so glad I’m not alone in that sentiment. In the other two movies, the females both had significant roles and contributed to the plot. Willy literally did nothing except be annoying the whole movie. The entire movie could’ve happened without her
@@e.enriquez4589 hahaha I totally forgot about her. The only thing that annoyed me about her was she kept screaming her kid's name even when they repeatedly told her to stfu because DUH, there's dinosaurs around lady!!!
🥰❤️❤️ Todas muito lindas. Mas em primeiro lugar juntas as de números 10 e 1. Uma👉 .Zeimbut.Host morena e outra loira.Seria injusto se eu escolhece duas são as minhas preferidas no topo da son,..a
I think Kate Capshaw played the character perfectly. She was supposed to be totally out of her depth and at odds with the situation, she couldn't have been another Marion-esque character. But Willie did in fact save Indy & Shorty from the spike chamber, and she did prove herself more and more as they made their escape, I reckon. Chucking rocks and punching the thuggee guy...this lady who starts the film in a damn musical number, and ends up going through some serious shit. I love her :) Also, a lot of the reviews compare this film to Raiders, which I get...but it's also a bit unfair. I saw ToD first back as a kid, and loved every minute! I had no Raiders reference so was able to just enjoy it :D
You missed one of the biggest sins; the language spoken by the villages is Sinhalese, a language not spoken in India (where the film is set) but in Sri Lanka (where the film was shot). Edit: *villagers sorry
Also, the old guy didn’t speak English, so Steven Spielberg had to say the lines to him which he then repeated to make us believe he was saying them all along. - 1 sin for us not noticing this the first time around.
@@Geedtyjkbfssvbhhgfvbgdetyhfrg Yes, I know. It surprised me when I learned about it. It was some behind the scenes special when I was around nine that I saw it, and never forgot it.
Short Round was too precious for the world he was in, unfazed by a lot of what went on around him. He was one of my favorite aspects of this movie. Not madam screams at everything xD
I was pulling Spanish moss out of a tree in Florida for a fire we were going to have when I felt something soft and fuzzy in my hands. Yes it was a bat. I'm not sure which of us was more upset. Apparently ladies manhandling bats (on accident) is not as rare as you would think!! 🤣🤣🤣 I screamed the bat screamed and flew out of my hands and now I am MUCH more careful when gathering materials in the wild!
Fun fact: the evil cult, the thuggies, actually existed. From what we know about them, this movie portrayed them very accurately. Child slave labor, ritual sacrifice.... I don't think they had a mine cart ride though
I don't think the thuggees were known for child slave labor since they were also bandits but considering the time period I wouldn't doubt children working in there fraternity
They were bunch of highway bandits. And yes they did have ritual sacrifice. But the British exaggerated it way too much. Primarily the work of Colonel Sleeman who wanted to make his mark with his so called Thugee suppression. The time period of this movie is around 1920s-30s. By that time Thugees were gone. They were not there. Sure bandits were still there. Sleeman never mentioned about child slave labour in his accounts.
@@Shek1nah I wanted to say that he didn't mention that there were child slaves with the Thugees. Maybe he didn't care to mention it. But it is more likely that he didn't see it. Sorry for the mistype. One should never write at midnight.
@@rickstaism I know a lot of people don’t like that one. I just hope Indiana Jones 5 gives us an epic climax like Temple of Doom when it comes out next year.
"I love you! Wake up!" (apply fire to the afflicted) When Jeremy questioned why this works, I wondered (and for the first time ever) if this was the "shut your eyes, Marion" of Temple of Doom. Word is Indy learned in an unfinished scene that the trick is never to look at the exposed arc. Is it possible someone told Short Round the steps to wake someone up from Kali's Sleep and we missed it?
@@alm2187 Maybe we'll find out when Lucas remasters this in a few years' time to include all the cut scenes and to add in Thuggees riding around on CGI lizards.
"Why does this guy think think that Indiana can battle pure evil and take back a sacred stone stolen from his village?" Because the shaman literally tells him in that scene (which you apparently didn't listen to a single word of) that Indy's falling from the sky was a divine answer from Shiva to their prayers for help. Minus one sin.
Anam; good show on correct use of the word "literally" to distinguish from the figurative expression "falling from the sky." There's a ridiculous trend of misusing that adverb and insisting that misuse is somehow legit. 😉 The sage doesn't actually use that expression, though. He says of Indy's expertise "it is why Siva brought you here."
Difference between the raft and the nuke - there is actually a snowball's chance in hell of it actually working. A handful of people have survived free fall from way higher altitudes than what's seen here, with no parachute. One of those included landing in a snow drift. In that case I also believe they were relatively uninjured. So 3 people in a raft that would slow their decent landing on snow that could be inches or even feet deep - insane, highly unlikely, but not impossible. The nuke? Even if you want to say that that fridge had enough to protect him from the radiation - he got out of it when it would still likely be high. Oh wait, he's dead before that because there is no way in hell that the fridge manages to shield him from the heat which kills him in any number of horrific ways to say nothing of the amount of physical trauma that would occur from that landing to his head and neck that is most likely fatal. The number of ways it should basically result in his instant death, let alone a short, very unpleasant one, is pretty high. His survival chance there is 0 - unless that whole Ark of the Covenant thing or with the Grail gave him divine protection and immortality from all but aging.
Well the grail did provide eternal life, but seeing as how he no longer had it, maybe just slightly better constitution granted by the cup. After all, it DID manage to keep his father alive and completely heal the wound instantly just by pouring the water on the wound.
And the build on the plane sequence up the point of the raft (in terms of editing, scoring, and sound design) was so good that them jumping out of the plane was a delirious high point which (for me) overwhelmed any qualms about how unlikely their survival was.
the thing is the movie completely misunderstands the purpose of the nuke. they were purposfully put far enough away to test how a town would survive, not get atomized. the house would have been rubble but it wouldn't have been any worse than a tornado except for the fallout everywhere. He'd be fine stumbling out of the fridge if Spielberg and Lucas hadn't decided to toss it a hundred miles away where that would have crumpled like a can. also they had people everywhere on the survivability tests, including painfully close to the blast zone so they could immediately enter and collect specimines, and more importantly they had people working in and around those towns up to nearly the last minutes setting up cameras, recorders, and putting out live animals because its the 1950s, so they wouldn't have even set off the bomb because they'd have canceled the detonation
The movie attempted to make the nuke scene to be theoretically plausible....Alpha waves by a lead line frigerator. The problem, is it's always going to be 0.00%...Indy would have died immediately from whiplash symptoms. It's impossible for that reason alone.
Whenever I watch this movie, I cannot focus on the action in the foreground of the nightclub scene because of all the extras running around in the background. Are they trying to escape? Because you'd think a dozen or so panicked people would find the exit after running from one side of the club to the other and back again for two minutes straight.
Having worked as a background extra on a bunch of movies, I remember a few times in crowd scenes where they would just tell us to randomly run around… No one was supposed to notice us not doing anything logical!
This seems to be a common visual trick in Hollywood. There's an old B movie called The Creeping Terror in which the titular monster attacks a dance party. While the monsta is "eating" people in the foreground, you can see people in the background gathering at the venue's side entrance... and just kinda standing there, like a bunch of kids lining up to go out for recess. And another B movie called Outlaw (Of Gor), where the hero travels to another planet and stumbles across a slave caravan (or something) in the desert, the prisoners/slaves have escaped and are being chased by guards on horseback... but the slaves are all running around literally in circles. And it's not being covered up with fast tricky editing either: we get a hilltop shot where you can see the entire thing from afar, and the "escapees" are very carefully, very obviously confining themselves to a specified radius as they gad about.
Mola Ram is the only real villain in the franchise. The others like Belloch and Elsa and even Irina weren't evil per se(Belloch was simply a sell out while Elsa and Irina were using their positions to get the treasure for themselves) but Mola Ram was pure evil hence he being a priest of Kali who, if you didn't know, is the Hindu version of satan.
When I was a kid, I watched this movie so many times I had it memorized. I couldn't read in a car without getting carsick, so I'd recite this movie in my head on road trips.
Of course, if we go by the entire "Indiana" mythology, the Jones family are already esteemed scholars. They went big-game hunting with the Roosevelt family in Kenya, for example, and met the Hapsburgs in Vienna. Indy himself had been a captain in the Belgian army, although it was only in the Congo. But I agree that he went on to become more of a "mythological" hero than a celebrity.
As a kid, I had no idea this movie was the least liked out of all of them (and by all, I mean 3). I thought Short Round was the coolest person and I wanted to be his friend go on adventures with him, lol. Nevermind the fact that he saved the day twice over. First when he snapped Indy out of the spell and then with the voodoo doll. If ANYONE deserved being in the sequels after that, it's him.
16:24 My impression always was that the mine tunnels had mostly been dug in the old days. Now, the bad guys think the stones are in them, and so they have to search the entire, already existing mine.
11:55 I feel like there should have been a sin off in here for Ford's reading of "We ... are GOING... to DIE! 😡" while talking Willie into grabbing the handle. That cracks me up every time.
My oldest brother has a master's in physics, and we've been saying "We. Are Going. To DIE ☹️" to interrupt family holidays since we were kids. Favorite movie moment for sure.
@@alexrizzo7874 Kleenex was originally developed as an insert for gas masks and unless I'm missing something, the fact that your brother has an MS in physics had nothing to do with the rest of your comment.
@@reshpeck I assumed it’s because of some fun things he’s researched/done at work (or just read about since he’s interested in the field) that comes up in discussions at family gatherings.
As far as the Willie sacrifice scene goes, I think there is an explanation of why they don't remove her heart. Mola Ram wanted to show Willie how Indy was now fully committed to the Thuggees, so he asks Indy to come and finish it. Plus, it makes it much more cruel towards her as this was someone she was in love with, willingly sacrificing her just because he was told to do so. Indy's not the shaman though, so I don't think he could remove the heart, only Mola Ram could. All that said, they couldn't remove it for they needed her to survive to the end.
@8:30 Sure Willie's screaming gets old, but her doing it in the background, while Indy and Short Round argue, is still one of the funniest scenes in any of the Indiana Jones films.
My favorite one. Dark yet humorous, with plenty of action and memorable scenes. I never thought it was really the oddball of the first three. Just as fun. "Kali maaaaa!"
okay, two sins worth mentioning. 1 kali, while I openly admit I'm not versed on Hinduism to my knowledge Kali is not seen as some evil god, especially given that one of her roles is apparently a protector of the innocent. 2 what is with that Voodoo doll? Voodoo comes from Haiti, so what is it doing in India? I know it's rather pointless to bring up cultural inaccuracies in this movie but I am surprised they weren't brought up here
@@MrFlamoose Really? Did they specifically say it was the demon or Kali (I am taking that's why it is called Kali Ma) although tbh, I doubt the people that made this really knew the difference. They just probably saw blue woman with a crazy face. Evil. And that's what I said Kyle! I thought voodoo was in Haiti.
At least archeology is real and some archeologist have been quite famous. Symbologist the study of symbols is not a valid section of study because it either to broad a subject, just the different uses between cultures for the colour red is massive for example, or it a very narrow subdisicple of sociology, antropology or archeology or even possibly linguistics. It is/was a hack writers excuse of a disicipline to cover his shitty treasure hunt/ conspiracy books
Willie has the strongest character arc in the movie. She starts out a prima donna, escalates to banshee-levels of annoyance, breaks down and cries, then faces the gates of hell and returns to help pull our hero through. She really steps up in the final act and works well with Short-round.
Agreed. She is a great character. She also has all the pluck of an early Hollywood heroine when it comes to standing up to the machismo of the male. Would people have preferred it if she just melted in Indy's presence instead of being a strong foil to him?
I find Shortround is the best character in this Indiana Jones franchise due to his continuous resourcefulness, intelligence, bravery and of course Shortround’s kicks and punches.
Yeah at the beginning there’s a subtitle that says ‘Shanghai 1935’ but it’s only onscreen for a short time and shot against a busy background, so it’s easily missed.
You missed 3 of the biggest sins. 1) Right before Indy get’s Willy back to the surface (before she gets burned) he apparently kills Chattar Lal, by pinching him to the wheel which brings Willy up. In a next shot you see him crawling, and in another shot, he’s gone. 2) in the cart chasing scene, you see them going through small tunnels, but also through vast open area’s with deep abysses. How could the water have reach the end? Like it should all have gone in to the first huge abyss with the lava. 3) the bridge scene at the end, when they zoom you only see a very small portion of water, like a small creek. When they all fall, it’s like this huge river from end to end with gators.
I'm glad you removed a sin for the mine cart chase, since that's without a doubt one of the best action scenes in the entire franchise. Also, I can't wait for you to do The Last Crusade!
I am amazed that the opening dance sequence was not sinned more, for no one cannot go from the splits to a standing position, and how the individual pieces of fabric become one whole one.
I personally think that Kate Capshaw was absolutely wonderful as the haughty-taughty, narcissistic 'star in her own mind', with a penchant for wild adventure, but no STOMACH nor toughness for it. YES, the character is PURPOSELY annoying, but that's why I think Capshaw was so brilliant at the role. I actually loved some of her line deliveries, moments, and her screams were actually extremely believable. Whatever the case, you also CANNOT rule out the villain. Wow. I don't even know the actor's name, but 'Mola Ram' was terrifying in more than the simple, 1-dimensional way. Sure, the entire film is a 'cartoon hero vs. a super villain', but... well... the entire film was EXACTLY like the mine cart: a fun ride. Raiders felt more realistic and grounded, but Temple was an insane roller-coaster ride.
I liked Kate Capshaw with Dudley Moore and Eddie Murphy in _Best Defense._ That was a flop, so either not enough people saw it, or I liked a bad movie. I can't think of its sins, but take one off for "Iraq just invaded Kuwait, and you're in a Kuwaiti tank!" in 1984.
Spielberg: Hey Willie, I want to leave my wife to be with you. Wille: Give me more screen time and I'll think about it Spielberg: This will already cost me a fortune and make me kind of a jerk for leaving my family. Plus I only planned on you being in the movie for 10 minutes anyway Willie: How do I look playing with the elephant's trunk Spielberg: Let's get you star billing, my next wife.
For as much crap this movie has gotten when it released & over the years, it's still a fun watch. Sure, Temple of Doom is universally considered the weakest of the trilogy, but it's still a great film in its own right and definitely one of the most important films of the 80s.
This is the very first Indiana Jones movie I ever saw, I was about 4-5 and thought it was the coolest movie ever. Therefore this film in particular will always be special to me. Indiana Jones is still one of my favorite fictional characters.
I was 12 when this came out; had already seen Raiders and was, at that point, Indy nuts. I thought Temple of Doom was one of the greatest films ever made and the intervening years have done nothing to diminish that opinion. Can't understand the stick it gets, personally.
@@danbitgood429 truth, I see temple of Doom did alot of good for the trilogy, kids that were never into archeology, or Nazis, got into Indy with temple, temple was the doorway to the more adult 1st and third movie
It has always bothered me that one, this small village has like 300 kids, despite everyone looking so old, and how green it all got so quickly. Like in an hour.
Yes "Temple of the doom" isn't as good as "Raiders of the lost Ark" & "The Last crusade". But it's still a good movie, which is well written, directed and acted.
I’m in the minority, but I really enjoy Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. Let me explain why: It was actually the first Indiana Jones movie I ever saw before realizing there were 3 others. I saw a commercial for it when I was a kid and thought it was badass and begged my parents to let me see it. Now, my parents didn’t want me to see PG-13 movies before I was 13, (I was 9 when it came out) so I got a friend’s parents to rent it for us and I loved it. Then a couple years late found out there were more
🥰❤️❤️ Todas muito lindas. Mas em primeiro lugar juntas as de números 10 e 1. Uma👉 .Zeimbut.Host morena e outra loira.Seria injusto se eu escolhece duas são as minhas preferidas no topo da son,..a
Wow!!!! That's a cool story. I was born a few days before Temple of Doom. Kingdom of the Crystal Skull came out on my 24th bday so it was actually my first time getting a chance to see an Indy movie on the big screen.
Surprised there was no mention of the fact that, as this is a prequel to Raiders, the reaching-for-the-gun-that-isn't-there gag wouldn't technically work, as Indy shooting the swordsman in Raiders comes AFTER he finds his holster empty in Temple of Doom. Chronologically speaking.
I've seen this movie several times, and I never knew it was supposed to be a prequel. But that raises the question, why is it a prequel? It doesn't seem to set up anything or expand on Indy's past, so why not just have it be a normal sequel?
"Can they not see Indy, Willie and ShortRound tying themselves to the bridge? Wouldn't that be a dead giveaway to what's about to happen?" Even as a kid i always thought this. However, I do think that this bridge scene is intense, even as a grown adult in his forties. I still get chills as the whole situation unfolds and Harrison Ford gives an amazing performance. I think a sin should've been removed.
Re: the old man's faith in Indy: he was there waiting for his arrival by the river! Remember he said he prayed to Shiva to send help? (the old man had faith ... and he was right!)
I think it's more like if we saw someone who spoke no English hesitating to board a bus. Why does she keep stepping on, then backing off? Does she doubt the safety? The appropriateness? The bus's destination? Her ability to step over the gutter from the curb? If it's never occurred to us that not everyone's deft at bus-riding, we might gawk and scratch our heads. If it has, we couldn't be of as much help as we wanted to be because we can't ask what exactly the problem is.
I have loved Cinemasins since the channel was new... but _so many_ of their sins are becoming less jokes and more whining. The sins of: "That's Racist." "That's Sexist." "That's Chineseist." Etc We're 100% spot on, true (other than when it was an obvious joke about something not racist being racist), and yet still played with some humor. Now these have expanded into attempted commentaries about how movies were (occasionally are), and proceeds as a scold of the movie for a moment. Won't lie, I'm going to keep watching, but this channel is one I like for the fun. Not the political and societal complaints - especially when it concerns a different time period... AND quite obviously not malicious on behalf of the movie. Merely a different time when different things were considered the norm. The more we fault the past for what people thought, and how they thought? The less we are likely to better our OWN thinking as we reinforce this idea that we now think proper.
I think it's important to acknowledge these sorts of differences in older media. A lot of George Lucas's work has racism in it, both in Star Wars and Indiana Jones, mostly focused on east and southeast Asian cultures/ideas. The comments made in this video didn't come across as "whining" to me, but instead as addressing that the portrayal of Indian culture in the movie was and is harmful to that community. Notice that the white protagonist is presented very differently from the POC villagers and cult members. Even Short Round is played as a jokey sidekick, there for comic relief more than plot. White Americans get to see themselves as the dashing hero, while everyone else gets relegated to the poor foreign community that needs to be saved or the horrible villains that must be killed. What isn't being said here is that you can't like these movies. It's that while you like them, you need to also keep in mind that they aren't perfect, and are, like you said, products of their time. That being said, the time period and its social standards shouldn't be an excuse, but an explanation, so we understand why the creators were able to get away with reinforcing stereotypes and a cultural "other" in the mind of an American audience. Those things may have been "the norm" in the 80's, but there's a reason that's not the case anymore. Part of learning and growing is recognizing mistakes and making the effort to correct them. That may look like taking the concept of what makes Indiana Jones movies good, and applying that concept elsewhere without damaging the way people perceive a culture. Additionally, it's not just media from the 80's. Some of Lucas's work has harmful representation of eastern hemisphere cultures as recent as the Clone Wars Animated Series (think Hondo Onaka and the pirate hideout). All of the lyrics for Duel of the Fates are in Sanskrit, chosen specifically to sound foreign and ominous. Even the sequels hang onto the ideas of the Force borrowing directly from Daoism. It's an unfortunately common and long-running practice. I think this channel is still fun, and I personally like that it takes the time to say "okay, yeah, this bit is bad or aged poorly." And even so, there are still moments in this film that the CS guys really like and point out as key pieces of film history. No piece of media was, is, or will be perfect. In 40 more years people will be picking at what we make today. And honestly, if CS pointing out racist stereotypes makes you uncomfortable to the point of considering dropping the channel, maybe you should reevaluate why. Something that doesn't seem malicious to you may seem that way because it doesn't directly and negatively impact you. To another person, it could feel horrible to see themselves presented that way. Maybe try seeing it from outside the bubble??
@@capslock4604 I'm 100% Sioux (Well. My great grandmother was Hopi, but hey.) I actually have some form of life experience with racism _(Real racism. Not some high-school cheerleaders wearing feathers in their hair yelling 'scalp'em', or a football team named 'redskins.' That is not racism to any but the most shallow of individuals. It's merely quaint.)_ - though my life was far better than my father's or grandfather's. The 'bubble' I am seeing this within is the bubble of 'this channel is a satirical comedy channel.' That, I might add, says countless offensive things _themselves._ As such these soap box styled comments are both unwarranted, and blatantly hypocritical. It is merely an effort to assuage the old complaints, in the comment sections of older videos, concerning the fact that Cinemasins did not address certain things more seriously. _(I.E. sexism, racism, etc.)_ Complaints made by extremely few, I might add, and were often roundly, rightfully, thrashed by the rest of the viewers as the purpose of the channel was comedy. Not making political or societal commentary. This fairly new, trendy idea that every single person(s) with a platform capable of reaching more than a dozen people are somehow bound by an unsaid oath to openly condemn that which, by and large, near all of society condemns already - or be lumped in with the worst dregs of society? Is becoming quite tiring. It accomplishes nothing. You do not change either hearts, nor minds, by incessantly reminding people about their failings. Punishing them merely solidifies their ideas and hatred as well as it shows them, in their already twisted logic, that there truly ARE people that are treated better than they, defended by society more than they, and are given more from society than they. These are the fundaments of most racism already. Endless crusades to punish the 'racists' merely ensure their hatred will never waiver, and seeing how their parents are treated will ensure that hatred moves on to their children. When these condemnations are made out of a feeling of obligation, merely to avoid a select few launch a scale of vitriol and hatred towards you that, despite being few in number, they can create such a sensation concerning your 'evil' that society punishes you? Merely because they felt that you _have_ to say something in support of their ideals, or you quite obviously support the opposing view? _(I.E. if you do not make an obvious, and public, attempt call out a racist remark then you, yourself, are just as racist as the person who uttered it in the first place.)_ Is an entirely new form of oppression, coercion, and subjection that is not, in _any way,_ different than the forms of ideological persecution perpetuated by those carrying out Stalin's Purge of the Intelligencia, nor Hitler's Sturmabteilung in their search for possible Communists. No... this is not hyperbole. It is a precise, and frightening, similarity that is only debated by those who either do not know the history of how those things began, or by those who misguidedly believe such activity justified. _"You do not say the things that we feel you should say in order to be a 'good' person, and as such you should be excised from society, life destroyed, at best - blatantly exterminated at the worst."_ To say this is not the attitude of the growing number of individuals supporting those who push these ideas is to be willfully blind to the things they say to those who refuse to signal their glorious virtue to their ideals. So. Cinemasins is a satirical comedy channel. They should, as they once did - to the point that they had, at one time, made an open statement concerning this - stay out of the societal commentary, and continue with the comedy. Why? Because it is _not real._ They, themselves, stated that they do not feel that older movies should, or could _(logically),_ be held to the current cultural climate. The reason they have begun to do so, at a level that could barely be deemed 'token support,' is merely due to the incessant whining, reporting of their videos with unfounded claims, and other nonsense that was happening until they kowtowed to the Social Justice Police. Therefore it is hollow virtue signaling. The members of Cinemasins long ago proved they were not only more than intelligent enough to see beyond this nonsense, but they also understood why it was nonsense. Don't bother replying again. I will not bother to read it. This is a fairly hollow topic, and really has no depth or argument for either side of this than has already been stated by the two of us. Furthering it is merely wasting time. Also - if you will note - I did not accuse _you_ of anything at all.
@@thalastianjorus “I’m a POC and actually all this identifying and calling out racism is stupid, despite what other POC say about the same things being harmful to them. Also I’m going to use lots of buzzwords and dismissive language. Don’t bother replying again.” I don’t think any part of pointing out any kind of racism is shallow, hollow, or pointless. All racism is harmful. My points about Lucas’s work, which you did not address, come from my Pakistani roommate, who is directly negatively impacted by things like this in media. “Shallow” or “hollow” racism is still racism. And that’s a lot of words to say we shouldn’t make the racists upset…
@@capslock4604 The fact that we are now incapable of distinguishing between humour made at the expense of poking light-hearted fun at foreign habits and anything actually deserving of the name "racism", or to understand that the hero in an American movie is American, or that all fiction deals with stereotypes, does mean that things have changed since the 80s and they did change for a reason. It just doesn't mean that we have gotten any brighter.
The complaint about nuking the fridge is the same as the complaint that the aliens at the end was so ridiculously unbelievable. But yeah...the Ark of the Covenant and all its powers, and the Holy Grail being able to immediately sew up Sean Connery's bullet wound and keep you young for thousands of years. THAT'S believable.
Everything has to be considered against the context of the universe presented within the movies and other Indy media. The Ark and Grail powers (and Mola Ram's powers too) are believable within the Indy universe, because it had been shown multiple times that supernatural things can occur within the Indy universe. In other words, they are internally consistent within the realm of possibilities within the Indy universe. However, the nuking the fridge is not believable because it would require Indy to essentially have superhuman strength and resilience (akin to Superman) and it had never been established that Indy had that level of strength and resilience in any of the other movies or media, either before or after this event. Yes, he's stronger (and luckier) than the average human, but not that strong. That's why it sticks out like a sore thumb. If Indy were that strong, it means he feigned weakness at dozens or hundreds of other times when there was no reason to.
its the difference between fantasy and science fiction. indiana jones did things well when you spend the entire movie watching him do normal if absurd action, only to also be confronted by something completely magical, and how he correctly handles the situation. Nothing about how the ark, grail, or the stones work or what made them is ever important to the story, and you only ever get a glimpse of the unknowable, while aliens just kind of overexplains everything
Exactly what Paul said - The Grail and Ark work because they're *explicitly* stated to have mythical properties. Willing suspension of disbelief generally reasonable applications of magic and other supernatural events that make sense *in the context of that work's world.* Yeah, it can't happen in *our* world, but it's completely believable that a holy artifact that grants eternal life would heal a bullet wound, because, if that holy artifact existed in our world, it's pretty obvious it'd be able to do that. The fridge breaks it because we have fridges and we have nukes, and we know fully well that no fridge, no matter how much lead it has in it, will let you survive a nuke going off - even if you accept that it had enough lead to stop the radiation, even if you assume he got lucky enough to not smash his head, the heat from the blast would have cooked him in 100% of scenarios.
@@dusklunistheumbreon I clearly said nothing about the fridge other than it was the SAME as the people who complained about the ending of the 4th one with the aliens. And you can't suspend disbelief over aliens? Aliens are FAR more real than the bullshit religious crap of the first three movies. so to say you can suspend the disbelief of that because the movie says it is real but CAN'T do it for the 4th movie even though the movie says it is real as well is absurd.
"What the hell draws people to this religion? Do people get laid in this cult?" Cinemasins is asking the right questions given to like, every religion ever
maybe disney will make a crappy tv show to fill in the gaps no one asked for and call the fans toxic if they don't love everything about it and when the fans call them out on their BS they get called toxic
The only reason anyone likes Temple of Doom more than Crystal Skull is because they watched Temple of Doom as a kid with childhood's ease of suspended disbelief and then watched Crystal Skull as an adult while expecting the *film* to do the work of restoring your childhood.
The Crystal Skull us full of too much CGI BS (much like most action movies these days) to be worth the bother. At least this one has proper stunts to make it somewhat believable.
The filmmaking in this movie is off the charts. Spielberg's blocking, mise en scene, and action choreography are insanely good. Anyone who says this isn't a good movie is an idiot.
@@rishisaaptacha It’s only racist to sensitive snowflakes. Plus, being “racist” has nothing to do with quality. Usually the best movies offend someone.
Agreed, all I could think watching this video was how good the movie looked. None of the so-called "sins" bother me at all. It felt like the guy had to read them off through gritted teeth while ignoring how awesome all the clips look.
14:46 - Remember that Mola Ram mimed taking out Willie's heart and holding it up. The heart removal was a supernatural illusion, and the audience has shown that the second time. Later on, Indiana's reaction to Mola Ram reaching for his chest was too late; Mola Ram's hand already would have gone through the skin if he could actually remove an organ.Mola Ram was faking again for a mental advantage.
i thought you guys would have done this movie years ago. I remember looking for it and wondering why it wasn't in your repertoire. Thanks for uploading it!
Kate Capshaw was pitch perfect “movie obnoxious”. She still makes me laugh as Willie. I get not liking the character or performance because it is intended to be funny via being obnoxious. That is very hard to pull off and will always vary in taste. Usually obnoxious characters are only that. 😜
All that said, Willie was actually sympathetic to some extent. Let's face it - while most of us identify with and imagine ourselves as Indiana, we would be just as self-conscious in these settings as Willie would be. And that would be doubly true if we were American Midwesterners from the 1930s. (The kids in the audience, meanwhile, are Short Round's counterparts, no matter how much they'd like to deny it.) I hear a lot about the anti-Indian bigotry in this film, but there also seems to be a lot of reverse class prejudice and mild sexism, with the assumption that if you're a beautiful Anglo (or at least culturally Anglo) woman tagging along with a bunch of "real" people, you deserve whatever you get. Yes, women like that often ARE annoying, but that's usually due to their being ignorant - not to their being stuck up. This movie goes out of its way to torment and humiliate Willie at every turn.
Kate Capshaw has my undying respect filming with that many bugs around her. True, she took sedatives to get through it, but I would have too. (I like bugs and I'm the first to introduce myself to any bug I see, but that many at once would still be uncomfortable.)
She is "annoying" but she's not really consistently annoying. For one, a good portion is "culture shock" humor and her fainting with the eyeball in the soup is classic comedy. Still the weakest love interest, Elsa in 3/last crusade may not have been the most interesting person but her existence and visuals used to tell us what it did made it work. Wish given Indiana met Karen Gillian b4 Raiders she'd have just been met in this one, OR they'd have kept short-round for 3/last crusade. They just kinda rushed and then ignored it even though I do find it the weakest of the trilogy (there is no 4).
@@LadyOnikara Also when she has a big snake crawling around her neck and she unchalantly grabs it and tosses it without changing expression. The character didn't know that was a snake, but the actress surely did!
I'm officially convinced the creators of the movie six Days seven nights was completely infatuated with Indiana Jones and Willie's relationship in this movie they said fuck it make a 90-minute movie out of it but worse 😳
It took this video for me to realize short round was sleeping on the couch in Indy's room, and Indy was casually inviting Willy over for sex while Shortround slept on the couch lol.
The problem is not that Willie isn’t an action girl. The problem is that every piece of “comedic dialogue” is just SCREAMING. It’s like an anime where they think volume equals funny.
CinemaSins: How did Willie not get her heart ripped out?! Me: Because she covered her heart with her hand. But the evil priest was messing with her and decided to sacrifice her whole as punishment. Also, I had the book back in 1984, and Willie was a lot more tolerable than the movie version.
Also there's so much more that you could have sinned in this movie. For example Willie seems to have lava proof skin. Or the British/India soldier in blue who doesn't know how to operate a rifle. Or how the cage can be handled with bare hands after being dunked in lava. Or why send 2 mine carts after Indy & company, if you're just going to flood the mine. Also the whole mine chase scene going that far over rivers of lava & the large tank of endless amounts of water that covers the distance long after the chase had ended. ETC....
One you missed. the Ford Tri Motor owned by Lao Che they boarded in Shanghai has a range of roughly 500 miles. Even taking into account that according to the Wiki that they refueled in Chungking which is 1053 miles from Shanghai (so they would have had to refuel at least once most likely twice before that anyway) the eastern Siwalik range where they jumped (assuming the most easterly point which is in Bhutan not India) is 1879 miles from Shanghai so they would have had to refuel at least three times, more likely four, but assuming three the plane wouldn't have had to dump fuel because they'd be running on fumes anyway. Also in none of those 3 or 4 refueling stops did they A. notice the plane was owned by Lao Che or B. decide to ditch the dodgy cargo plane and find a better mode of transport......It in no way makes sense that they're both still on that plane, especially Willy Who Was Basically Kidnapped.......
Dude. You just literally became Comic Book Guy. I can't read your post without saying "Toodle.....Oooo" at the end. Matt Groening and Hank Azaria would be proud.
Here are all the audio outtake clips at the end: 1 (19:08): Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy (DreamWorks Pictures, 2004) 2 (19:13): Knight and Day (20th Century Studios, 2010) 3 (19:15): Clue (Paramount Pictures, 1985) 4 (19:24): Troll 2 (Epic Productions, 1990) 5 (19:29): The Lion King (Walt Disney Pictures, 1994)'s "Hakuna Matata" performed by Nathan Lane and Ernie Sabella 6 (19:33): The Shining (Warner Bros., 1980) 7 (19:43): Annie Hall (United Artists, 1977) 8 (19:51): The Empire Strikes Back (20th Century Studios, 1980) 9 (19:53): The Empire Strikes Back (20th Century Studios, 1980)
I'll always remember watching this when I was 6 and kinda shook at how over the top violent it was for a PG. Apparently Spielberg and Lucas were going through divorces at the time and were generally just pissed off hence the super dark tone this film had. Still though, the monkey brains actually didn't look that bad!
Yep, this is the kind of movie filmmakers make when they're going through a divorce. I think they filmed the dinner scene then went back for reshoots with grosser stuff. If that's the choices, maybe that's why many Indians are vegetarians.
I've only watched this movie twice, and have no desire to ever watch it again. There are only three Indiana Jones movies: "Raiders", "Last Crusade", and "Crystal Skull".
You just blew my mind 🤯 I've seen this movies a million times and never realized this was a prequel! I just checked the dates at the beginning of both movies to confirm it.
The mine cart chase is the best part of this movie and was apparently originally supposed to be in Raiders but was cut for time and budget. It’s kinda like when a band has a fantastic album and the follow up has one good song. Come to find out that song was a hold over from the previous album’s studio sessions. 😂
13:02-13:12 those blades are called katars. They're a real-life weapon that was actually used in India. I believe they were normally used in pairs but I'll give the filmmakers credit for getting at least one thing historically accurate. 13:23-13:27 To be fair some people do use humour as a coping mechanism when in the middle of a crisis. 15:51-15:54 To be fair they may have limited ammo so they wanted to try and conserve it. 16:21-6:33 In the novel Mola Ram explains that while the Sankara stones were the cult's primary goal, they also mined for gems to finance their operations. Also one extra sin. At one point while they're riding the elephant Indy says "those aren't birds. They're giant vampire bats." Vampire bats are SMALL, plus they're only found in Central and South America. Fruit bats are the giant ones. True, Indy presumably just said that to troll Willie but still...
Sin 3: Um, the fact that Indy's been doing this thing for over twenty years by that point? Even if you haven't watched The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles, The Last Crusade established Indy's been going on archeological adventures since he was a boy scout.
@@thebandit0256 Did he really do anything on his own at that age, though? All of the episodes taking place before Indy entered puberty simply had him meet famous people, not go around treasure hunting.
Knock off a sin. The reason why three tickets on the plane were ordered was because they were for Indy, Short Round and Indy’s ill fated waiter friend guy.
10:31 This guy basically screws over his entire cult. If he hadn't attacked Indy, they would have never found the temple and probably moved on. I mean I know he was trying to kill Indy, but doing absolutely nothing would've accomplished a lot more.
Oh good, you reminded me about Willie. There's a scotch bottle around here somewhere I can pour into my liver and then bash myself over the head with the empty in hopes of forgetting again.
I love this movie. I was a teen at the time and I identified with Short-round, it was like a kid getting to go on an adventure with Indy. Too many of those action scenes are all time great, the raft scene, the heart-pulling scene, and the minecart scene which you know is the basis of so many Disney rides.
Ive always loved how Indiana Jones speaks all these nearly local dead languages or were never widely spoken but somehow never learned German, a major world language and one spoken by the main villain in 3 movies.
I will defend this movie. I know a lot of people hate it, but the brutality of Mola-Ram pulling the guys heart out. And short round is straight up the best companion character in the series.
So a big cauldron of water is spilled down a very long mine shaft, one with large chasms and lava pits, but catches up Indiana Jones then blasts out like a fire hose? AND YOU DON'T SIN THAT?
I was expecting at least 3 sins off for "WE ARE GOING TO DIE." One of my favorite line deliveries in movie history. God I love Harrison Ford.
Way to enunciate that
Same. It’s like he literally has to spell out the gravity of the situation to Willie because she’s ditzy. WE ARE GOING TO DIE! 🤣
I love the DO IT NOW!, and shaking his fist through yhe hole too. 🤣
The face he makes after saying it really hammers it home.
@@madamejenkins86 way to enunciate that
Something that has always perplexed me is when Indy and the guy are wrestling with the knife on the minecart and they knock the lantern over. There's a dedicated shot to the lantern falling and starting a small fire. It's never paid off, and in fact, the opposite problem happens - WATER floods the tunnel! It sure seems like this lantern is about to set the whole mine aflame!
yeah kinda missed out on the whole chekovs gun there
Probably has to do with a deleted scene or maybe they were doing it and then were like nah
What if... fire burned the support beam causing a cave in? Idk, I haven't watched the movie in ages.
@@Real_Moon-Moon I believe that's precisely what happened
Agreed, but it wouldn’t be the same without her
I love the voice change when Willie goes "I HATE WATER...I HATE BEING WET...I HATE **low demonic voice** YOOUU!!! 🤣
Yeah that was a surprising drop in her tone!
I always thought it was Indy saying 'You' for some reason.
She gets too much crap for the role but she nailed it imo.
Always thought that was funny
Thank you for mentioning that Kate Capshaw did the best with what she had. This character sucks, and she hated her too, but she went 100% on the physical comedy and I respect the hell out of that.
Willie's not that bad.
Yes, the problem was the character, not the actress. She was covered in real bugs and throw away a real snake, that's dedication! And i need to say the character wasn't THAT bad.
My question is, If Kathleen Kennedy was Spielberg's great assistant, why couldn't she do something to make Willie Scott likeable?
@@alm2187 She really wasn't, she was playing the damsel compared to Marion Ravenwood and the one blonde chick from the third movie, who was a traitor. It can't even be compared because all three are different.
@Paul the shortbread Yes. Since my last post I learned about Marcia Lucas. If they hadn't divorced, maybe she could have made Willie Scott redeemable, or at least have something to do to advance the plot, and not have us wish she died in the fire pit.
“Is this guy everything, everywhere all at once?” Very clever reference for Ke Huy Quan’s arrival.
“Willie Scott is one of the most annoying characters ever put on film“ I’m so glad I’m not alone in that sentiment. In the other two movies, the females both had significant roles and contributed to the plot. Willy literally did nothing except be annoying the whole movie. The entire movie could’ve happened without her
I still say Jar-Jar tops that!!!
@@danielleking262 At least with JarJar, you *expect* the "bumbling oaf sidekick" trope. 😀
@@danielleking262 Tea leoni from JP3 comes third
wish I could upvote this sentiment by 100!
@@e.enriquez4589 hahaha I totally forgot about her. The only thing that annoyed me about her was she kept screaming her kid's name even when they repeatedly told her to stfu because DUH, there's dinosaurs around lady!!!
Indy and Short Round being stuck in the spiked room and Willie being there only hope will Never get old. Its hilarious.
🥰❤️❤️ Todas muito lindas. Mas em primeiro lugar juntas as de números 10 e 1. Uma👉 .Zeimbut.Host morena e outra loira.Seria injusto se eu escolhece duas são as minhas preferidas no topo da son,..a
Sounds like walking on fortune cookies
We. Are going. To DIE.
Especially When he said We Are Going to…..
The look on his face tho
Willie: There are two dead people down here!
Indy: There are going to be two dead people IN HERE!
I think Kate Capshaw played the character perfectly. She was supposed to be totally out of her depth and at odds with the situation, she couldn't have been another Marion-esque character. But Willie did in fact save Indy & Shorty from the spike chamber, and she did prove herself more and more as they made their escape, I reckon. Chucking rocks and punching the thuggee guy...this lady who starts the film in a damn musical number, and ends up going through some serious shit. I love her :)
Also, a lot of the reviews compare this film to Raiders, which I get...but it's also a bit unfair. I saw ToD first back as a kid, and loved every minute! I had no Raiders reference so was able to just enjoy it :D
You missed one of the biggest sins; the language spoken by the villages is Sinhalese, a language not spoken in India (where the film is set) but in Sri Lanka (where the film was shot).
Edit: *villagers sorry
This is like sinception
Also, the old guy didn’t speak English, so Steven Spielberg had to say the lines to him which he then repeated to make us believe he was saying them all along. - 1 sin for us not noticing this the first time around.
@@Harmthuria This is actually very true. He spoke like a lot of Sri Lankans speak English; it was seamless and believable.
@@Geedtyjkbfssvbhhgfvbgdetyhfrg Yes, I know. It surprised me when I learned about it. It was some behind the scenes special when I was around nine that I saw it, and never forgot it.
Short Round was too precious for the world he was in, unfazed by a lot of what went on around him. He was one of my favorite aspects of this movie. Not madam screams at everything xD
seriously, Short Round is a treasure! best comic relief character ever written.
Yeesh; Willie is not that bad.
That would be "_Mademoiselle_ Screams at Everything", actually.
@@alm2187 She really is though. She's one of the most annoying characters in any movie ever made.
Short Round is the absolute cutest. He reminds me of a childhood friend. He's my favorite part of this movie.
I was pulling Spanish moss out of a tree in Florida for a fire we were going to have when I felt something soft and fuzzy in my hands. Yes it was a bat. I'm not sure which of us was more upset. Apparently ladies manhandling bats (on accident) is not as rare as you would think!! 🤣🤣🤣 I screamed the bat screamed and flew out of my hands and now I am MUCH more careful when gathering materials in the wild!
Maybe get urself checked out. Idrk how rabies works but if that is u should probably see a doctor
@@randomdude6719 seconded bat bites are so light/small they can go unnoticed! They need a doctor
sounds like it was quite the....bat-tle
Fun fact: the evil cult, the thuggies, actually existed. From what we know about them, this movie portrayed them very accurately. Child slave labor, ritual sacrifice.... I don't think they had a mine cart ride though
I don't think the thuggees were known for child slave labor since they were also bandits but considering the time period I wouldn't doubt children working in there fraternity
They were bunch of highway bandits. And yes they did have ritual sacrifice. But the British exaggerated it way too much. Primarily the work of Colonel Sleeman who wanted to make his mark with his so called Thugee suppression. The time period of this movie is around 1920s-30s. By that time Thugees were gone. They were not there. Sure bandits were still there.
Sleeman never mentioned about child slave labour in his accounts.
@@sena3941 british and child labor... never heard that one before
@@Shek1nah I wanted to say that he didn't mention that there were child slaves with the Thugees. Maybe he didn't care to mention it. But it is more likely that he didn't see it.
Sorry for the mistype. One should never write at midnight.
@@pyrojunkyz510 their
This is also the *ONLY* Indiana Jones movie to have an actual final battle at the end, so I'm gonna let this one slide.
The Crystal Skull had to battle some pretty strong criticism as it ended.
@@rickstaism I know a lot of people don’t like that one. I just hope Indiana Jones 5 gives us an epic climax like Temple of Doom when it comes out next year.
"I love you! Wake up!" (apply fire to the afflicted)
When Jeremy questioned why this works, I wondered (and for the first time ever) if this was the "shut your eyes, Marion" of Temple of Doom.
Word is Indy learned in an unfinished scene that the trick is never to look at the exposed arc. Is it possible someone told Short Round the steps to wake someone up from Kali's Sleep and we missed it?
@@alm2187 I'm not sure...
@@alm2187 Maybe we'll find out when Lucas remasters this in a few years' time to include all the cut scenes and to add in Thuggees riding around on CGI lizards.
"Why does this guy think think that Indiana can battle pure evil and take back a sacred stone stolen from his village?" Because the shaman literally tells him in that scene (which you apparently didn't listen to a single word of) that Indy's falling from the sky was a divine answer from Shiva to their prayers for help. Minus one sin.
AND the shaman was waiting for Indy's arrival by the river! He knew he was coming (and that his prayer would be answered)
These videos are more for humor than anything else.
Right-oh, @@Zyk0th. Let's keep our brains on, but let's also remember that analyzing story logic is all in fun. 🙂
Anam; good show on correct use of the word "literally" to distinguish from the figurative expression "falling from the sky." There's a ridiculous trend of misusing that adverb and insisting that misuse is somehow legit. 😉
The sage doesn't actually use that expression, though. He says of Indy's expertise "it is why Siva brought you here."
Do you question Shiva
Difference between the raft and the nuke - there is actually a snowball's chance in hell of it actually working. A handful of people have survived free fall from way higher altitudes than what's seen here, with no parachute. One of those included landing in a snow drift. In that case I also believe they were relatively uninjured. So 3 people in a raft that would slow their decent landing on snow that could be inches or even feet deep - insane, highly unlikely, but not impossible. The nuke? Even if you want to say that that fridge had enough to protect him from the radiation - he got out of it when it would still likely be high. Oh wait, he's dead before that because there is no way in hell that the fridge manages to shield him from the heat which kills him in any number of horrific ways to say nothing of the amount of physical trauma that would occur from that landing to his head and neck that is most likely fatal. The number of ways it should basically result in his instant death, let alone a short, very unpleasant one, is pretty high. His survival chance there is 0 - unless that whole Ark of the Covenant thing or with the Grail gave him divine protection and immortality from all but aging.
Shut up
Well the grail did provide eternal life, but seeing as how he no longer had it, maybe just slightly better constitution granted by the cup. After all, it DID manage to keep his father alive and completely heal the wound instantly just by pouring the water on the wound.
And the build on the plane sequence up the point of the raft (in terms of editing, scoring, and sound design) was so good that them jumping out of the plane was a delirious high point which (for me) overwhelmed any qualms about how unlikely their survival was.
the thing is the movie completely misunderstands the purpose of the nuke. they were purposfully put far enough away to test how a town would survive, not get atomized. the house would have been rubble but it wouldn't have been any worse than a tornado except for the fallout everywhere. He'd be fine stumbling out of the fridge if Spielberg and Lucas hadn't decided to toss it a hundred miles away where that would have crumpled like a can.
also they had people everywhere on the survivability tests, including painfully close to the blast zone so they could immediately enter and collect specimines, and more importantly they had people working in and around those towns up to nearly the last minutes setting up cameras, recorders, and putting out live animals because its the 1950s, so they wouldn't have even set off the bomb because they'd have canceled the detonation
The movie attempted to make the nuke scene to be theoretically plausible....Alpha waves by a lead line frigerator. The problem, is it's always going to be 0.00%...Indy would have died immediately from whiplash symptoms. It's impossible for that reason alone.
Whenever I watch this movie, I cannot focus on the action in the foreground of the nightclub scene because of all the extras running around in the background. Are they trying to escape? Because you'd think a dozen or so panicked people would find the exit after running from one side of the club to the other and back again for two minutes straight.
Having worked as a background extra on a bunch of movies, I remember a few times in crowd scenes where they would just tell us to randomly run around… No one was supposed to notice us not doing anything logical!
This seems to be a common visual trick in Hollywood.
There's an old B movie called The Creeping Terror in which the titular monster attacks a dance party. While the monsta is "eating" people in the foreground, you can see people in the background gathering at the venue's side entrance... and just kinda standing there, like a bunch of kids lining up to go out for recess.
And another B movie called Outlaw (Of Gor), where the hero travels to another planet and stumbles across a slave caravan (or something) in the desert, the prisoners/slaves have escaped and are being chased by guards on horseback... but the slaves are all running around literally in circles. And it's not being covered up with fast tricky editing either: we get a hilltop shot where you can see the entire thing from afar, and the "escapees" are very carefully, very obviously confining themselves to a specified radius as they gad about.
I want to know where's the stage where they performed the musical number? It doesn't look like it's in that room.
"You can take Han Solo out of the Star Wars, but you can't take the Star Wars out of Han Solo"
For once, I agree with CinemaSins
The “i don’t know if you guys know this, but this guy is evil” sin made my day. I am still laughing.
“Read the room Mola Ram”!!!
Say what you want, but Mola Ram is one of the best villains in this series, or any other for that matter.
Mola Ram is the only real villain in the franchise. The others like Belloch and Elsa and even Irina weren't evil per se(Belloch was simply a sell out while Elsa and Irina were using their positions to get the treasure for themselves) but Mola Ram was pure evil hence he being a priest of Kali who, if you didn't know, is the Hindu version of satan.
When I was a kid, I watched this movie so many times I had it memorized. I couldn't read in a car without getting carsick, so I'd recite this movie in my head on road trips.
You're like that Shrek post.
Thats is..thats concerning.. and a whole new rank of obsession
bet you, vote democrat...
@@rogertrent9842 You'd lose that bet.
@@Comqr I was 10 years old.
Of course, if we go by the entire "Indiana" mythology, the Jones family are already esteemed scholars. They went big-game hunting with the Roosevelt family in Kenya, for example, and met the Hapsburgs in Vienna. Indy himself had been a captain in the Belgian army, although it was only in the Congo. But I agree that he went on to become more of a "mythological" hero than a celebrity.
As a kid, I had no idea this movie was the least liked out of all of them (and by all, I mean 3). I thought Short Round was the coolest person and I wanted to be his friend go on adventures with him, lol.
Nevermind the fact that he saved the day twice over. First when he snapped Indy out of the spell and then with the voodoo doll. If ANYONE deserved being in the sequels after that, it's him.
He had a great tune too
16:24 My impression always was that the mine tunnels had mostly been dug in the old days. Now, the bad guys think the stones are in them, and so they have to search the entire, already existing mine.
But they have kids doing actual mining and carting out all the rocks they break out.
11:55 I feel like there should have been a sin off in here for Ford's reading of "We ... are GOING... to DIE! 😡" while talking Willie into grabbing the handle. That cracks me up every time.
It's that sudden frowny face he makes at the end that makes me laugh so hard. I love that you included it in your quote
Yes me too! 😂
My oldest brother has a master's in physics, and we've been saying "We. Are Going. To DIE ☹️" to interrupt family holidays since we were kids. Favorite movie moment for sure.
@@alexrizzo7874 Kleenex was originally developed as an insert for gas masks and unless I'm missing something, the fact that your brother has an MS in physics had nothing to do with the rest of your comment.
@@reshpeck I assumed it’s because of some fun things he’s researched/done at work (or just read about since he’s interested in the field) that comes up in discussions at family gatherings.
As far as the Willie sacrifice scene goes, I think there is an explanation of why they don't remove her heart. Mola Ram wanted to show Willie how Indy was now fully committed to the Thuggees, so he asks Indy to come and finish it. Plus, it makes it much more cruel towards her as this was someone she was in love with, willingly sacrificing her just because he was told to do so. Indy's not the shaman though, so I don't think he could remove the heart, only Mola Ram could. All that said, they couldn't remove it for they needed her to survive to the end.
@8:30 Sure Willie's screaming gets old, but her doing it in the background, while Indy and Short Round argue, is still one of the funniest scenes in any of the Indiana Jones films.
My favorite one. Dark yet humorous, with plenty of action and memorable scenes. I never thought it was really the oddball of the first three. Just as fun. "Kali maaaaa!"
It's also a nice breath of fresh air from all the Judeo-Christianity versus Nazism.
okay, two sins worth mentioning. 1 kali, while I openly admit I'm not versed on Hinduism to my knowledge Kali is not seen as some evil god, especially given that one of her roles is apparently a protector of the innocent. 2 what is with that Voodoo doll? Voodoo comes from Haiti, so what is it doing in India? I know it's rather pointless to bring up cultural inaccuracies in this movie but I am surprised they weren't brought up here
There's a demon called kali as well in hinduism
Also, I wouldn't take Thuggee religion seriously. They're meant to pervert Hindu beliefs the same way jihadists pervert Islam.
@@MrFlamoose Really? Did they specifically say it was the demon or Kali (I am taking that's why it is called Kali Ma) although tbh, I doubt the people that made this really knew the difference. They just probably saw blue woman with a crazy face. Evil.
And that's what I said Kyle! I thought voodoo was in Haiti.
@@MrFlamoose yeah but the demon isn't called Kaali ma. Ma as in mother
Maybe they had a Haitian/Hindu intercultural exchange program.
"Dr Jones the eminent archeologist" is the old ways of "Robert Langdon the famous symbologist".
Dan Brown totally copied it, replacing the supernatural stuff with conspiracy theories.
At least archeology is real and some archeologist have been quite famous. Symbologist the study of symbols is not a valid section of study because it either to broad a subject, just the different uses between cultures for the colour red is massive for example, or it a very narrow subdisicple of sociology, antropology or archeology or even possibly linguistics. It is/was a hack writers excuse of a disicipline to cover his shitty treasure hunt/ conspiracy books
I feel like I’m one of the few who love this film. It was the first Indiana Jones film I saw as a kid and gave me nightmares for weeks.
Same here….as a kid I actually saw this film before Raiders. Which would actually be the correct order.
Yep, it's the second movie I remember seeing in a theater and I was blown away! I mean, come many great moments. I still love it.
Willie has the strongest character arc in the movie. She starts out a prima donna, escalates to banshee-levels of annoyance, breaks down and cries, then faces the gates of hell and returns to help pull our hero through. She really steps up in the final act and works well with Short-round.
Agreed. She is a great character. She also has all the pluck of an early Hollywood heroine when it comes to standing up to the machismo of the male. Would people have preferred it if she just melted in Indy's presence instead of being a strong foil to him?
"is this guy everything everywhere all at once" might actually be the best cinema sins joke of all time
I find Shortround is the best character in this Indiana Jones franchise due to his continuous resourcefulness, intelligence, bravery and of course Shortround’s kicks and punches.
After all these years I never knew this movie was a prequel.
Yeah at the beginning there’s a subtitle that says ‘Shanghai 1935’ but it’s only onscreen for a short time and shot against a busy background, so it’s easily missed.
You missed 3 of the biggest sins.
1) Right before Indy get’s Willy back to the surface (before she gets burned) he apparently kills Chattar Lal, by pinching him to the wheel which brings Willy up. In a next shot you see him crawling, and in another shot, he’s gone.
2) in the cart chasing scene, you see them going through small tunnels, but also through vast open area’s with deep abysses. How could the water have reach the end? Like it should all have gone in to the first huge abyss with the lava.
3) the bridge scene at the end, when they zoom you only see a very small portion of water, like a small creek. When they all fall, it’s like this huge river from end to end with gators.
The sin about the candles:
If a fire burn is needed to snap victims out of the black sleep then why did the temple of doom have a lot candles there?
I'm glad you removed a sin for the mine cart chase, since that's without a doubt one of the best action scenes in the entire franchise. Also, I can't wait for you to do The Last Crusade!
I always thought it was ridiculous. It took me completely out of the movie, so I was sitting in the theater thinking "wtf am I watching?"
Kingdom of Skulls
Seriously the Last Crusade video could go on for 8 straight hours.
I am amazed that the opening dance sequence was not sinned more, for no one cannot go from the splits to a standing position, and how the individual pieces of fabric become one whole one.
I personally think that Kate Capshaw was absolutely wonderful as the haughty-taughty, narcissistic 'star in her own mind', with a penchant for wild adventure, but no STOMACH nor toughness for it. YES, the character is PURPOSELY annoying, but that's why I think Capshaw was so brilliant at the role. I actually loved some of her line deliveries, moments, and her screams were actually extremely believable. Whatever the case, you also CANNOT rule out the villain. Wow. I don't even know the actor's name, but 'Mola Ram' was terrifying in more than the simple, 1-dimensional way.
Sure, the entire film is a 'cartoon hero vs. a super villain', but... well... the entire film was EXACTLY like the mine cart: a fun ride. Raiders felt more realistic and grounded, but Temple was an insane roller-coaster ride.
I liked Kate Capshaw with Dudley Moore and Eddie Murphy in _Best Defense._ That was a flop, so either not enough people saw it, or I liked a bad movie. I can't think of its sins, but take one off for "Iraq just invaded Kuwait, and you're in a Kuwaiti tank!" in 1984.
I recently watched the movie again and I agree. I actually think the transformation she makes throughout the film is cool too.
Spielberg: Hey Willie, I want to leave my wife to be with you.
Wille: Give me more screen time and I'll think about it
Spielberg: This will already cost me a fortune and make me kind of a jerk for leaving my family. Plus I only planned on you being in the movie for 10 minutes anyway
Willie: How do I look playing with the elephant's trunk
Spielberg: Let's get you star billing, my next wife.
I love the Family Guy cutaway of Short Round saying: Lady only in movie cause she fucking Director.
For as much crap this movie has gotten when it released & over the years, it's still a fun watch. Sure, Temple of Doom is universally considered the weakest of the trilogy, but it's still a great film in its own right and definitely one of the most important films of the 80s.
This is the very first Indiana Jones movie I ever saw, I was about 4-5 and thought it was the coolest movie ever. Therefore this film in particular will always be special to me. Indiana Jones is still one of my favorite fictional characters.
I was 12 when this came out; had already seen Raiders and was, at that point, Indy nuts. I thought Temple of Doom was one of the greatest films ever made and the intervening years have done nothing to diminish that opinion. Can't understand the stick it gets, personally.
I like Temple of Doom because they tried something different. Last Crusade seemed like a retread of Raiders.
@@danbitgood429 truth, I see temple of Doom did alot of good for the trilogy, kids that were never into archeology, or Nazis, got into Indy with temple, temple was the doorway to the more adult 1st and third movie
Less than 200 sins? Must be a good '80s movie.
Someone on the sound mixing team definitely had a fight with a screenwriter over the matter of "enough Willie Scott screaming"
We ALL lost that fight.
It has always bothered me that one, this small village has like 300 kids, despite everyone looking so old, and how green it all got so quickly. Like in an hour.
Yes "Temple of the doom" isn't as good as "Raiders of the lost Ark" & "The Last crusade". But it's still a good movie, which is well written, directed and acted.
"Why the f*** is there a rope dangling from this red hole", I spat my Jack and coke out at that. Class!!!!!
I’m in the minority, but I really enjoy Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. Let me explain why: It was actually the first Indiana Jones movie I ever saw before realizing there were 3 others. I saw a commercial for it when I was a kid and thought it was badass and begged my parents to let me see it. Now, my parents didn’t want me to see PG-13 movies before I was 13, (I was 9 when it came out) so I got a friend’s parents to rent it for us and I loved it. Then a couple years late found out there were more
But compared to the others, it's not good
Valid if not my preference.
🥰❤️❤️ Todas muito lindas. Mas em primeiro lugar juntas as de números 10 e 1. Uma👉 .Zeimbut.Host morena e outra loira.Seria injusto se eu escolhece duas são as minhas preferidas no topo da son,..a
Wow!!!! That's a cool story. I was born a few days before Temple of Doom. Kingdom of the Crystal Skull came out on my 24th bday so it was actually my first time getting a chance to see an Indy movie on the big screen.
I didn’t even know the order of the trilogy.
Surprised there was no mention of the fact that, as this is a prequel to Raiders, the reaching-for-the-gun-that-isn't-there gag wouldn't technically work, as Indy shooting the swordsman in Raiders comes AFTER he finds his holster empty in Temple of Doom. Chronologically speaking.
Arguably, Indie punching the lady delivering cigarettes could actually be considered a good thing.
I thought he was gonna add more sins for the monkey brains tbh. I DON'T NEED TO SEE PEOPLE EATING MONKEY BRAINS EVER!
I've seen this movie several times, and I never knew it was supposed to be a prequel. But that raises the question, why is it a prequel? It doesn't seem to set up anything or expand on Indy's past, so why not just have it be a normal sequel?
YES! This always bothered me. I didn't even know this was a prequel when I watched the trilogy first.
According to Lucas et al it's because in Raiders he's a good guy but here he's still mercenary about "fortune and glory"
I didn't clue in it was a prequel either. I guess I never paid attention to the dates it was set.
I have heard it was because George Lucas didn't want every movie to be Indy fighting the Nazis.
George Lucas has stated that the he made it a prequel so people would not wonder what happened to Marion Ravenwood from the first movie.
"Can they not see Indy, Willie and ShortRound tying themselves to the bridge? Wouldn't that be a dead giveaway to what's about to happen?" Even as a kid i always thought this. However, I do think that this bridge scene is intense, even as a grown adult in his forties. I still get chills as the whole situation unfolds and Harrison Ford gives an amazing performance. I think a sin should've been removed.
To me, the bridge scene is as good as the raiders truck chase. I wish it would go on for longer
This is absolutely the BEST Indiana Jones movie. Way more action and originality than the other films
Re: the old man's faith in Indy: he was there waiting for his arrival by the river! Remember he said he prayed to Shiva to send help? (the old man had faith ... and he was right!)
They weren't being dicks by not helping her on the elephant, they were respecting her space. They were ahead of their time.
I think it's more like if we saw someone who spoke no English hesitating to board a bus. Why does she keep stepping on, then backing off? Does she doubt the safety? The appropriateness? The bus's destination? Her ability to step over the gutter from the curb?
If it's never occurred to us that not everyone's deft at bus-riding, we might gawk and scratch our heads. If it has, we couldn't be of as much help as we wanted to be because we can't ask what exactly the problem is.
I have loved Cinemasins since the channel was new... but _so many_ of their sins are becoming less jokes and more whining. The sins of:
"That's Racist."
"That's Sexist."
"That's Chineseist."
We're 100% spot on, true (other than when it was an obvious joke about something not racist being racist), and yet still played with some humor. Now these have expanded into attempted commentaries about how movies were (occasionally are), and proceeds as a scold of the movie for a moment. Won't lie, I'm going to keep watching, but this channel is one I like for the fun. Not the political and societal complaints - especially when it concerns a different time period... AND quite obviously not malicious on behalf of the movie. Merely a different time when different things were considered the norm.
The more we fault the past for what people thought, and how they thought? The less we are likely to better our OWN thinking as we reinforce this idea that we now think proper.
I think it's important to acknowledge these sorts of differences in older media. A lot of George Lucas's work has racism in it, both in Star Wars and Indiana Jones, mostly focused on east and southeast Asian cultures/ideas. The comments made in this video didn't come across as "whining" to me, but instead as addressing that the portrayal of Indian culture in the movie was and is harmful to that community. Notice that the white protagonist is presented very differently from the POC villagers and cult members. Even Short Round is played as a jokey sidekick, there for comic relief more than plot. White Americans get to see themselves as the dashing hero, while everyone else gets relegated to the poor foreign community that needs to be saved or the horrible villains that must be killed.
What isn't being said here is that you can't like these movies. It's that while you like them, you need to also keep in mind that they aren't perfect, and are, like you said, products of their time. That being said, the time period and its social standards shouldn't be an excuse, but an explanation, so we understand why the creators were able to get away with reinforcing stereotypes and a cultural "other" in the mind of an American audience. Those things may have been "the norm" in the 80's, but there's a reason that's not the case anymore. Part of learning and growing is recognizing mistakes and making the effort to correct them. That may look like taking the concept of what makes Indiana Jones movies good, and applying that concept elsewhere without damaging the way people perceive a culture.
Additionally, it's not just media from the 80's. Some of Lucas's work has harmful representation of eastern hemisphere cultures as recent as the Clone Wars Animated Series (think Hondo Onaka and the pirate hideout). All of the lyrics for Duel of the Fates are in Sanskrit, chosen specifically to sound foreign and ominous. Even the sequels hang onto the ideas of the Force borrowing directly from Daoism. It's an unfortunately common and long-running practice.
I think this channel is still fun, and I personally like that it takes the time to say "okay, yeah, this bit is bad or aged poorly." And even so, there are still moments in this film that the CS guys really like and point out as key pieces of film history. No piece of media was, is, or will be perfect. In 40 more years people will be picking at what we make today. And honestly, if CS pointing out racist stereotypes makes you uncomfortable to the point of considering dropping the channel, maybe you should reevaluate why. Something that doesn't seem malicious to you may seem that way because it doesn't directly and negatively impact you. To another person, it could feel horrible to see themselves presented that way. Maybe try seeing it from outside the bubble??
@@capslock4604 I'm 100% Sioux (Well. My great grandmother was Hopi, but hey.) I actually have some form of life experience with racism _(Real racism. Not some high-school cheerleaders wearing feathers in their hair yelling 'scalp'em', or a football team named 'redskins.' That is not racism to any but the most shallow of individuals. It's merely quaint.)_ - though my life was far better than my father's or grandfather's. The 'bubble' I am seeing this within is the bubble of 'this channel is a satirical comedy channel.' That, I might add, says countless offensive things _themselves._ As such these soap box styled comments are both unwarranted, and blatantly hypocritical. It is merely an effort to assuage the old complaints, in the comment sections of older videos, concerning the fact that Cinemasins did not address certain things more seriously. _(I.E. sexism, racism, etc.)_ Complaints made by extremely few, I might add, and were often roundly, rightfully, thrashed by the rest of the viewers as the purpose of the channel was comedy. Not making political or societal commentary.
This fairly new, trendy idea that every single person(s) with a platform capable of reaching more than a dozen people are somehow bound by an unsaid oath to openly condemn that which, by and large, near all of society condemns already - or be lumped in with the worst dregs of society? Is becoming quite tiring. It accomplishes nothing. You do not change either hearts, nor minds, by incessantly reminding people about their failings. Punishing them merely solidifies their ideas and hatred as well as it shows them, in their already twisted logic, that there truly ARE people that are treated better than they, defended by society more than they, and are given more from society than they. These are the fundaments of most racism already. Endless crusades to punish the 'racists' merely ensure their hatred will never waiver, and seeing how their parents are treated will ensure that hatred moves on to their children.
When these condemnations are made out of a feeling of obligation, merely to avoid a select few launch a scale of vitriol and hatred towards you that, despite being few in number, they can create such a sensation concerning your 'evil' that society punishes you? Merely because they felt that you _have_ to say something in support of their ideals, or you quite obviously support the opposing view? _(I.E. if you do not make an obvious, and public, attempt call out a racist remark then you, yourself, are just as racist as the person who uttered it in the first place.)_ Is an entirely new form of oppression, coercion, and subjection that is not, in _any way,_ different than the forms of ideological persecution perpetuated by those carrying out Stalin's Purge of the Intelligencia, nor Hitler's Sturmabteilung in their search for possible Communists. No... this is not hyperbole. It is a precise, and frightening, similarity that is only debated by those who either do not know the history of how those things began, or by those who misguidedly believe such activity justified. _"You do not say the things that we feel you should say in order to be a 'good' person, and as such you should be excised from society, life destroyed, at best - blatantly exterminated at the worst."_ To say this is not the attitude of the growing number of individuals supporting those who push these ideas is to be willfully blind to the things they say to those who refuse to signal their glorious virtue to their ideals.
So. Cinemasins is a satirical comedy channel. They should, as they once did - to the point that they had, at one time, made an open statement concerning this - stay out of the societal commentary, and continue with the comedy. Why? Because it is _not real._ They, themselves, stated that they do not feel that older movies should, or could _(logically),_ be held to the current cultural climate. The reason they have begun to do so, at a level that could barely be deemed 'token support,' is merely due to the incessant whining, reporting of their videos with unfounded claims, and other nonsense that was happening until they kowtowed to the Social Justice Police. Therefore it is hollow virtue signaling. The members of Cinemasins long ago proved they were not only more than intelligent enough to see beyond this nonsense, but they also understood why it was nonsense.
Don't bother replying again. I will not bother to read it. This is a fairly hollow topic, and really has no depth or argument for either side of this than has already been stated by the two of us. Furthering it is merely wasting time. Also - if you will note - I did not accuse _you_ of anything at all.
“I’m a POC and actually all this identifying and calling out racism is stupid, despite what other POC say about the same things being harmful to them. Also I’m going to use lots of buzzwords and dismissive language. Don’t bother replying again.”
I don’t think any part of pointing out any kind of racism is shallow, hollow, or pointless. All racism is harmful. My points about Lucas’s work, which you did not address, come from my Pakistani roommate, who is directly negatively impacted by things like this in media.
“Shallow” or “hollow” racism is still racism.
And that’s a lot of words to say we shouldn’t make the racists upset…
@@capslock4604 The fact that we are now incapable of distinguishing between humour made at the expense of poking light-hearted fun at foreign habits and anything actually deserving of the name "racism", or to understand that the hero in an American movie is American, or that all fiction deals with stereotypes, does mean that things have changed since the 80s and they did change for a reason. It just doesn't mean that we have gotten any brighter.
1:18 - Can we sin that a club in 1935 somehow looks identical to what a Miami Vice set designer would cook up in 1984? Ding.
The complaint about nuking the fridge is the same as the complaint that the aliens at the end was so ridiculously unbelievable. But yeah...the Ark of the Covenant and all its powers, and the Holy Grail being able to immediately sew up Sean Connery's bullet wound and keep you young for thousands of years. THAT'S believable.
Everything has to be considered against the context of the universe presented within the movies and other Indy media. The Ark and Grail powers (and Mola Ram's powers too) are believable within the Indy universe, because it had been shown multiple times that supernatural things can occur within the Indy universe. In other words, they are internally consistent within the realm of possibilities within the Indy universe. However, the nuking the fridge is not believable because it would require Indy to essentially have superhuman strength and resilience (akin to Superman) and it had never been established that Indy had that level of strength and resilience in any of the other movies or media, either before or after this event. Yes, he's stronger (and luckier) than the average human, but not that strong. That's why it sticks out like a sore thumb. If Indy were that strong, it means he feigned weakness at dozens or hundreds of other times when there was no reason to.
its the difference between fantasy and science fiction. indiana jones did things well when you spend the entire movie watching him do normal if absurd action, only to also be confronted by something completely magical, and how he correctly handles the situation. Nothing about how the ark, grail, or the stones work or what made them is ever important to the story, and you only ever get a glimpse of the unknowable, while aliens just kind of overexplains everything
To me, aliens in an Indiana Jones movie is like aliens in a Lord of the Rings movie. They just don't belong.
Exactly what Paul said - The Grail and Ark work because they're *explicitly* stated to have mythical properties.
Willing suspension of disbelief generally reasonable applications of magic and other supernatural events that make sense *in the context of that work's world.* Yeah, it can't happen in *our* world, but it's completely believable that a holy artifact that grants eternal life would heal a bullet wound, because, if that holy artifact existed in our world, it's pretty obvious it'd be able to do that.
The fridge breaks it because we have fridges and we have nukes, and we know fully well that no fridge, no matter how much lead it has in it, will let you survive a nuke going off - even if you accept that it had enough lead to stop the radiation, even if you assume he got lucky enough to not smash his head, the heat from the blast would have cooked him in 100% of scenarios.
@@dusklunistheumbreon I clearly said nothing about the fridge other than it was the SAME as the people who complained about the ending of the 4th one with the aliens. And you can't suspend disbelief over aliens? Aliens are FAR more real than the bullshit religious crap of the first three movies. so to say you can suspend the disbelief of that because the movie says it is real but CAN'T do it for the 4th movie even though the movie says it is real as well is absurd.
"What the hell draws people to this religion? Do people get laid in this cult?"
Cinemasins is asking the right questions given to like, every religion ever
You beat me to it! 👍
well if my choices were join or be burned alive I'd definitely consider it :D
@@sandrasnow-balvert7766 lol consider it for now until the third choice of escape, that is
@@Kentrc11 oh absolutely the first chance I get I'm out but I'll play along until then :D
Yes, Christians get laid. There you go - question answered.
80's PG had balls, Spielberg had balls to "square up" to Jack Valenti Gustopo tactics on violence with the MPAA ratings system. It was glorious.
Did you mean "Gestapo tactics"? Because that's in the OTHER film, Jack Valenti was just an American hypocrite.
how does he have balls for that when he agreed to the new rating
maybe disney will make a crappy tv show to fill in the gaps no one asked for and call the fans toxic if they don't love everything about it and when the fans call them out on their BS they get called toxic
The only reason anyone likes Temple of Doom more than Crystal Skull is because they watched Temple of Doom as a kid with childhood's ease of suspended disbelief and then watched Crystal Skull as an adult while expecting the *film* to do the work of restoring your childhood.
The Crystal Skull us full of too much CGI BS (much like most action movies these days) to be worth the bother. At least this one has proper stunts to make it somewhat believable.
I'm always in the minority, because I like Crystal Skull, and I like Shia Labeouf. I didn't watch any of them until I was already an adult.
Weird how you emphasized that there are only three movies in this series. Everyone knows that there are only three.
I guess you won't be seeing the fifth one soon.
@@sandal_thong8631 If they make another one it will be the FOURTH ONE!
Don't forget about the Young Indy Adventures
The filmmaking in this movie is off the charts. Spielberg's blocking, mise en scene, and action choreography are insanely good. Anyone who says this isn't a good movie is an idiot.
@@rishisaaptacha It’s only racist to sensitive snowflakes. Plus, being “racist” has nothing to do with quality. Usually the best movies offend someone.
Agreed, all I could think watching this video was how good the movie looked. None of the so-called "sins" bother me at all. It felt like the guy had to read them off through gritted teeth while ignoring how awesome all the clips look.
@@jedijones you are 100% right
A lot of us probably noticed this as a kid and are happy that CinemaSins casually brought it up.
14:46 - Remember that Mola Ram mimed taking out Willie's heart and holding it up. The heart removal was a supernatural illusion, and the audience has shown that the second time. Later on, Indiana's reaction to Mola Ram reaching for his chest was too late; Mola Ram's hand already would have gone through the skin if he could actually remove an organ.Mola Ram was faking again for a mental advantage.
i thought you guys would have done this movie years ago. I remember looking for it and wondering why it wasn't in your repertoire. Thanks for uploading it!
I'm sorry but that part where Willie grabs the bat and starting screaming in terror is one of the funniest things I've ever seen lmao.
This is my favorite Indiana Jones movie cause I love the interactions between Indy and Short Round. I know it’s objectively bad but I love it
"Bad" is basically subjective, so how can we hope to make sense of that sentence?
What? This is the second best film in the franchise (Behind Raiders), and I ranked it 47th of all time.
100% of the time I make a fast turn driving I say "hold on to your potatoes".
To even think about sinning this Masterpiece is blasphemy!
This is a comedy channel, don't take it seriously.
@@szabok1999 Yet. YOU took my comment as anything but satire. 🤔
@@i.TH-camr1 To my defense, a lot of people hate on CinemaSins for such db reasons amd I got used to it, sorry.
Kate Capshaw was pitch perfect “movie obnoxious”. She still makes me laugh as Willie.
I get not liking the character or performance because it is intended to be funny via being obnoxious.
That is very hard to pull off and will always vary in taste.
Usually obnoxious characters are only that. 😜
All that said, Willie was actually sympathetic to some extent. Let's face it - while most of us identify with and imagine ourselves as Indiana, we would be just as self-conscious in these settings as Willie would be. And that would be doubly true if we were American Midwesterners from the 1930s. (The kids in the audience, meanwhile, are Short Round's counterparts, no matter how much they'd like to deny it.) I hear a lot about the anti-Indian bigotry in this film, but there also seems to be a lot of reverse class prejudice and mild sexism, with the assumption that if you're a beautiful Anglo (or at least culturally Anglo) woman tagging along with a bunch of "real" people, you deserve whatever you get. Yes, women like that often ARE annoying, but that's usually due to their being ignorant - not to their being stuck up. This movie goes out of its way to torment and humiliate Willie at every turn.
I always loved Willie Scott.
Kate Capshaw has my undying respect filming with that many bugs around her. True, she took sedatives to get through it, but I would have too. (I like bugs and I'm the first to introduce myself to any bug I see, but that many at once would still be uncomfortable.)
She is "annoying" but she's not really consistently annoying. For one, a good portion is "culture shock" humor and her fainting with the eyeball in the soup is classic comedy. Still the weakest love interest, Elsa in 3/last crusade may not have been the most interesting person but her existence and visuals used to tell us what it did made it work. Wish given Indiana met Karen Gillian b4 Raiders she'd have just been met in this one, OR they'd have kept short-round for 3/last crusade. They just kinda rushed and then ignored it even though I do find it the weakest of the trilogy (there is no 4).
@@LadyOnikara Also when she has a big snake crawling around her neck and she unchalantly grabs it and tosses it without changing expression. The character didn't know that was a snake, but the actress surely did!
Saw this when I was like 8 (I'm now 40!!) And the thing that stuck with me more than anything was that dinner scene
Willie’s scream after she walks off the bridge and sees Mola Ram always fucking kills me 😂😂😭
I'm officially convinced the creators of the movie six Days seven nights was completely infatuated with Indiana Jones and Willie's relationship in this movie they said fuck it make a 90-minute movie out of it but worse 😳
Six Days Seven Nights is a great movie!
It took this video for me to realize short round was sleeping on the couch in Indy's room, and Indy was casually inviting Willy over for sex while Shortround slept on the couch lol.
How else is short round going to learn about the birds and the bees? Indy isn’t a deep conversation guy
The problem is not that Willie isn’t an action girl. The problem is that every piece of “comedic dialogue” is just SCREAMING. It’s like an anime where they think volume equals funny.
"Let's give two sins and move on while a bit of my sanity is still intact." 😂🤣
CinemaSins: How did Willie not get her heart ripped out?!
Me: Because she covered her heart with her hand. But the evil priest was messing with her and decided to sacrifice her whole as punishment.
Also, I had the book back in 1984, and Willie was a lot more tolerable than the movie version.
My father has the _Temple of Doom_ storybook somewhere.
Also there's so much more that you could have sinned in this movie. For example Willie seems to have lava proof skin. Or the British/India soldier in blue who doesn't know how to operate a rifle. Or how the cage can be handled with bare hands after being dunked in lava. Or why send 2 mine carts after Indy & company, if you're just going to flood the mine. Also the whole mine chase scene going that far over rivers of lava & the large tank of endless amounts of water that covers the distance long after the chase had ended. ETC....
One you missed. the Ford Tri Motor owned by Lao Che they boarded in Shanghai has a range of roughly 500 miles. Even taking into account that according to the Wiki that they refueled in Chungking which is 1053 miles from Shanghai (so they would have had to refuel at least once most likely twice before that anyway) the eastern Siwalik range where they jumped (assuming the most easterly point which is in Bhutan not India) is 1879 miles from Shanghai so they would have had to refuel at least three times, more likely four, but assuming three the plane wouldn't have had to dump fuel because they'd be running on fumes anyway. Also in none of those 3 or 4 refueling stops did they A. notice the plane was owned by Lao Che or B. decide to ditch the dodgy cargo plane and find a better mode of transport......It in no way makes sense that they're both still on that plane, especially Willy Who Was Basically Kidnapped.......
Dude. You just literally became Comic Book Guy. I can't read your post without saying "Toodle.....Oooo" at the end. Matt Groening and Hank Azaria would be proud.
@@jeffbaer5851 I should have prefix it wit "well actually" and ended it with "worst movie ever"! 🤣
This is actually a much better sin than most of the dumb things they came up with.
Here are all the audio outtake clips at the end:
1 (19:08): Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy (DreamWorks Pictures, 2004)
2 (19:13): Knight and Day (20th Century Studios, 2010)
3 (19:15): Clue (Paramount Pictures, 1985)
4 (19:24): Troll 2 (Epic Productions, 1990)
5 (19:29): The Lion King (Walt Disney Pictures, 1994)'s "Hakuna Matata" performed by Nathan Lane and Ernie Sabella
6 (19:33): The Shining (Warner Bros., 1980)
7 (19:43): Annie Hall (United Artists, 1977)
8 (19:51): The Empire Strikes Back (20th Century Studios, 1980)
9 (19:53): The Empire Strikes Back (20th Century Studios, 1980)
I'll always remember watching this when I was 6 and kinda shook at how over the top violent it was for a PG. Apparently Spielberg and Lucas were going through divorces at the time and were generally just pissed off hence the super dark tone this film had. Still though, the monkey brains actually didn't look that bad!
Yep, this is the kind of movie filmmakers make when they're going through a divorce. I think they filmed the dinner scene then went back for reshoots with grosser stuff. If that's the choices, maybe that's why many Indians are vegetarians.
The face melting at the end of Raiders of the Lost Ark messed me up much more.
I've only watched this movie twice, and have no desire to ever watch it again. There are only three Indiana Jones movies: "Raiders", "Last Crusade", and "Crystal Skull".
I forgot how many traumatizing things are in this movie: the dinner scene, the gratuitous bugs scene, the heart ripping scene...Damn
I clicked on the video, I heard the other guys voice and I prayed like actually prayed that he wasn’t narrating the whole video 😭
You just blew my mind 🤯 I've seen this movies a million times and never realized this was a prequel! I just checked the dates at the beginning of both movies to confirm it.
16:03 "Because there are only THREE films in the Indiana Jones franchise."
There are 4
@@NoobTube4Life You didn't get his joke, right?
The mine cart chase is the best part of this movie and was apparently originally supposed to be in Raiders but was cut for time and budget.
It’s kinda like when a band has a fantastic album and the follow up has one good song. Come to find out that song was a hold over from the previous album’s studio sessions. 😂
That, the jumping from a plane on a raft, and Indy shielding himself with a gong were all in early Raiders drafts.
13:02-13:12 those blades are called katars. They're a real-life weapon that was actually used in India. I believe they were normally used in pairs but I'll give the filmmakers credit for getting at least one thing historically accurate.
13:23-13:27 To be fair some people do use humour as a coping mechanism when in the middle of a crisis.
15:51-15:54 To be fair they may have limited ammo so they wanted to try and conserve it.
16:21-6:33 In the novel Mola Ram explains that while the Sankara stones were the cult's primary goal, they also mined for gems to finance their operations.
Also one extra sin. At one point while they're riding the elephant Indy says "those aren't birds. They're giant vampire bats." Vampire bats are SMALL, plus they're only found in Central and South America. Fruit bats are the giant ones. True, Indy presumably just said that to troll Willie but still...
“They dig for the gems to support our cause. They also search for the last Sankara stones.”
It’s in the movie.
@@rkwatchauralnautsjediparty7303 Thanks. I wasn't sure if it was in the film or not.
Sin 3: Um, the fact that Indy's been doing this thing for over twenty years by that point? Even if you haven't watched The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles, The Last Crusade established Indy's been going on archeological adventures since he was a boy scout.
Uh he was nine if you count Young Indy first episode
@@thebandit0256 Did he really do anything on his own at that age, though? All of the episodes taking place before Indy entered puberty simply had him meet famous people, not go around treasure hunting.
Knock off a sin. The reason why three tickets on the plane were ordered was because they were for Indy, Short Round and Indy’s ill fated waiter friend guy.
10:31 This guy basically screws over his entire cult. If he hadn't attacked Indy, they would have never found the temple and probably moved on. I mean I know he was trying to kill Indy, but doing absolutely nothing would've accomplished a lot more.
Oh good, you reminded me about Willie. There's a scotch bottle around here somewhere I can pour into my liver and then bash myself over the head with the empty in hopes of forgetting again.
And to think Jonathon Ke Quan played in this film only 1 years before he played as Data in The Goonies.
He actually goes by his real name now: Ke Huy Quan. Regardless, he is an incredible actor.
When the bridge falls, two minions can be seen holding on, but in the next shot, there are three.
I love this movie. I was a teen at the time and I identified with Short-round, it was like a kid getting to go on an adventure with Indy. Too many of those action scenes are all time great, the raft scene, the heart-pulling scene, and the minecart scene which you know is the basis of so many Disney rides.
Ive always loved how Indiana Jones speaks all these nearly local dead languages or were never widely spoken but somehow never learned German, a major world language and one spoken by the main villain in 3 movies.
When even Cinemasins doesn't know what's happening in the movie, you KNOW something is up.
14:51 misspelling the word "sacrifice" *DING*
I will defend this movie. I know a lot of people hate it, but the brutality of Mola-Ram pulling the guys heart out. And short round is straight up the best companion character in the series.
So a big cauldron of water is spilled down a very long mine shaft, one with large chasms and lava pits, but catches up Indiana Jones then blasts out like a fire hose? AND YOU DON'T SIN THAT?