The Edge: Bruce Anderson - Natural Humanship™ with The Art of Storytelling

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 27 มิ.ย. 2016
  • I was going to help horses (laughs)
    survive in the world that we have created.
    Very soon into it, I realized that horses didn't have problems.
    I was the problem.
    We are the problem.
    So at the farm I ride at, they tell me this guy named Bruce is gonna come
    and I just thought that he was gonna help me with this problem horse that I had.
    But of course after one session in the round pen I realized, "Alright, this is completely about me."
    So this round pen is not a round pen, but its a moment in time.
    And to me this is not a horse, but infinite possibilities.
    This is a metaphor of your
    significant other, your co-workers, nature, life and death.
    I love traditional therapy.
    It's wonderful. But we can talk all we want.
    When you get in the round pen, you get to
    see what you're doing.
    If you have anger, the horse stays away from you. Unconscious material come up.
    You can do more with a session with the horses in the round pen with Bruce
    than you can do in a month worth of traditional therapy.
    Our lives are too busy and we just
    start living outside ourselves.
    We gotta do this, we gotta do that.
    All those failures keep adding up and pretty soon you're just a mess.
    You have to listen to the horse tell
    you how to make it move
    because you're small and he's big and you can't make him do it.
    You know, in Bruce's model, there are no mistakes. Its all opportunities.
    Each thing you accomplish
    builds your self-esteem and your confidence.
    Its incredible stuff.
    My background has been
    mostly working in the nuclear industry.
    I have spent most of my life taking highly complex issues and making them simple.
    Probably the most complex issue that I never faced was me.
    (Alrighty, come on son.)
    What this work does is now helps you to get in touch with the unseen and in so doing finding the person that you were meant to be.
    I wasn't really aware of listening to my own inner signals, I was ignoring them so I was numb to how bad the situation that I was in really was.
    You can look at that on a much larger scale
    and say that we are all somewhat numb.
    We see it on the news, we see the ice caps melting,
    we see the bees are dying, the pollution.
    I feel like there's a numbness to what we're really doing to our planet.
    So its interesting with the colony collapse disorder. You work with the bees and you see them as something
    that's worth taking care of, that's important for the environment
    and then you realize that they are like the canary in the coal mine. They're telling you a lot about whats going on in the environment and we should listen.
    Its like being in the round pen with the horse.
    The horse tells you stuff and you have to
    listen to it, otherwise its not gonna work out very well.
    There is global warming. You
    know, people don't recycle, its a throwaway society.
    If we teach others the importance
    of nature and how to live with that and the peace that you gain from that and the things
    that you learn in working with the horse,
    maybe they can learn to be true to themselves.
    The people at the top are the ones that don't seem to understand cause they don't have to live in the pollution.
    Ten million people have to wear face masks in a single city and thats pretty sad.
    You lose the environment and you're gonna lose everything.
    Its finding the balance between the two worlds;
    people's world, the world we have created, and nature's world, the world we were created for.
    Because people are so drawn to horses because of the role that horses have played in our evolution, I show how the horses are actually more important now, more so that ever before for our well-being, if not our survival.

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