MSF Cosmic Crucible Season 8 First Week Testing

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 5 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 17

  • @SeggsyJexy
    @SeggsyJexy  3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Read description first before commenting dumb shit. I will insult you
    Link to spreadsheet if youre not already coming from it
    Trial 1
    1- NW/Liz(-Dag) vs SpS 0:00
    Starting off is this counter originally from last season. Room doesnt matter, but this fight generally is still an rng fest because of the cleansing of debuffs and vuln not to mention debuff and buff clear rng. Use at own risk, not too great punching up considering the new stats and kits of SpS
    2- TW/Kes/Hela/Neg vs TW/QS/Hela/Emma 1:17
    Used Emma elsewhere so add another minion to die and reduce tm, but I went ahead and ab'ed SW cause I dont think thats enough after I 2099 ult and give her tm. Random team and counter whatever, dont think youll see this often, if at all
    3- MoE/Apoc(-Ultron) vs XtX/OML(-Cyc) 2:39
    I will not highlight how I play this normally here (you can watch). Using full MoE, there is a specific order and targeting. As with OML, he will take his turn regardless before Apoc, but Apoc will ult to permakill him. Cant let that guy take turn 2. No Rogue does make this easier, but thats when you Kang basic her np
    4- HM/Mys(-Venom) vs IW 4:03
    Havent read Mys passive in a while, and it turns out you need 2 Su6 alongside him to prevent immunity which is basically useless. Be that as it may, the heavy pd allowed HM to make decent work of IW with virtually no danger
    5- SuS/Vahl/Nova/RH/Brawn vs S6/Vul(-Slay) 5:32
    Random flex toons. No Doom on offense, but that is changed now for next week and the future. Vahl for expose synergy, possible early AB. Nova charge resistance and tm when cleared. RH for possible revive removal and rewind alongside Brawn to potentially keep him alive and give tm/dp for a possible ult. That being said, Doc passive is a BITCH. Shit can go south real quick, but this guy was dumb enough to put Vul and GGC close enough to be rewound by SuS which helped me get more abilties out
    6= Cabal/Vul/Emma vs Horseman/SuS 7:29
    No problem here, absolutely get wiped. Vul is going on def tho so looks like I will be using Zemo from now on
    1= MoE/Apoc(-Ultron) vs XtX/Rog(-Cyc) 7:56
    Dont need Apoc against XMen. If you do, you need to get your MoE up and learn how to play this fight correctly. Having to use Apoc is a massive crutch when other defenses may require it. Yea, im talking about you, dude
    2+ Cabal/Vul/Emma vs M4M 8:52
    If possible which probably isnt the case, Cabal wipes M4M alongside a quick villain crit or at least Emma so enemies take less turns before Namor can ult and rewind them. Simple stuff
    3- NW/Liz(-Dag) vs SpS 9:29
    Different but also irrelevant room. Room 1 actually can heal SpS on turn if vuln wasnt already cleared. I also switch up ability order, Liz spec instead of ult. Because Pav passive removes both NW evades on spawn (bug but who knows when itll be fixed), Noir can seriously fuck you up, Gwenpool for example that made me cancel my first attack. Ideally Gwen and Noir are last to kill, but they do do a lot of damage that make you regret a little by doing so
    4- TW/ET/BTS vs IW 11:08
    Weak ass BTS. Hate this dude. I actually upped him to g14 this past week to against BK, more of him later. He did not remove revive on Gamora which was dissapointing but still got decent vp I guess
    5++ HM vs UD/Doom/Ultimus 12:51
    Dont put Hela on def or do cause I took way too damn long. At least you wont get stuck like how Symbiotes did against a stealthed Hela
    6- SuS/Vahl/Nova/Kes/OR vs DH/QS(-SW) 14:54
    Random mismatch of whatever, just uploading full trials. Shouldve rewound them first tho lol
    1+ Apoc/ET/Kes/Vul vs OoT/Dorm(-SB) 15:49
    Used BTS first attack like a dummy, but Vulture was almost not was helpful here. At least he got to ult after a useless first turn. Eternals not that great unless BK gets possibly stunned by a Nova but news flash, I have tried it this week to no avail
    2- NW/Liz(-Dag) vs SpS 17:08
    This was the good rng fight. Wish all these fights were like this
    3+ HM/RH(-Venom) vs BF 18:36
    Useless defense team. Top notch counter
    4++ Cabal/SuS/Nova vs XtX/OML/Rog(-Cyc,SS) 19:22
    No crit so Rogue got to go first. Probably shouldve basic'd from her side so at least she wouldnt have been taunting. Random Nova, shouldve used Emma instead, but at least he took Rogue and OML like a champ
    5= MoE vs HM 20:35
    I got hella distracted the first fight so ignore that cancel lol permakill RG in this room otherwise you can just kill him once elsewhere. Dont let VK ult since youll have bots up, and they can feed on you. Whatevs
    6= TW/Vahl/OR/Abom vs Gamma/Doom(-Abom) 21:34
    TW+3 will beat these guys np. Even with Doom, not even a medicore defense team
    1- Peg vs IW 22:23
    I guess WD are out of cc now with everyones IW so big. Also, 4/6 arent too great for WD. This was rm1 yea, but IW will take their turns and heal from their vuln so its not ideal. Peg is the safer counter for sure since as a raid team, ppl will typically have them up
    2+ TW/Liz/Nova/Emma vs SD/MLF/Noir(-DrS,Pho) 23:56
    RNG as hell lol I just did a hail mary with this one. I forgot that 2099 cant get speedup against BC, but once again Nova takes the rng like a champ. If Robbie targeted SW, it wouldve been a wrap
    3= MoE/Apoc(-Ultron) vs XtX/OML/Rog(-Cyc,SS) 25:13
    Heres supposedly the harder fight with Rogue. She did get to spec, but everything else was pretty much the same as without her
    4= HM/RH(-Venom) vs Peg/Dorm(-DH) 26:49
    HM will be strong for a while until their stats get power crept and arent able to get ppl down to red as quick. Dorm is np. RH ensures no funny business from Rescue, and thats all it was
    5+ Cabal/SuS/Vul vs S6/BK/Rhino(-Slay,Liz) 27:42
    If this BK was g19, this may not have went as smoothly. Then again, I did mention Doc passive is a bitch which can make this fight rng hell. I was able to kill him twice before he got to give anyone more tm than I wanted
    6- NW vs SpS/QS(-Noir) 28:54
    SpS is pretty rough in this room since Pav goes quicker than NW and spread some funny business. I did misplay here with Dagger as I shouldve targeted QS and possibly killed him. This shit got rough in the middle and then super annoying towards the end against a sole PbP
    Results 31:18
    Winner winner chicken dinner. I will try to remain humble so gg ez pz git gud, closet boi

    • @SeggsyJexy
      @SeggsyJexy  3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Trial 2
      1- Apoc/ET/Nova/BTS vs OoT 31:46
      If BTS is large like how it is on this acc and flips D up and Nova wins the coin flip and goes first against Ikaris, its possible Apoc is not needed. If rng doesnt go your way tho, you may regret not bringing him in the first place
      2- SuS/UD/VK vs M4M/Rob(-DtP) 32:39
      I was just testing shit out. I fucked up Godfathers trial 1 then switched up to this acc trial 2. SuS is not good against M4M. With the revives, he just isnt an ideal enemy for them since SuS ult is one and done should be over. Fight took forever since I didnt bother figuring something decent out. Just look, big Zuggs so lets use him. Dies... lol
      3+ MoE vs XtX/Rog(-SS) 34:43
      As mentioned before, I play 2 cc's simultaneously so that first one attack I decided to go against how I usually play this. Rm 4/6 may prove to be detrimental for MoE, but this is how I usually play it
      Depending on the size of Forge if you are confident in killing him before he takes a turn, you can either Tit ult or Kang basic him then target Rogue with the other ability. You can Kang spec if no Rogue, bonus pts if Gambit is adj. Always rewind Gambit so he doesnt take his turn before MS and apply evade to NC. If Gambit was slowed via Kang, he does not need to be rewound before MS can ult. Ultron bot spawn rng. Dont necessarily need to speedup, you can rewind someone of your choosing instead, say the one you disrupted with Kang. Tit spec Forge. AM spec is ideal if Gambit doesnt land AB on him or if green bot lives. If O up bot was able to live, Kang ult, else spec. MS spec NC then cleanup
      4- NW/Liz(-Dag) vs SpS 36:40
      This shit got fucking scary as hell. I really dont like this counter. My targeting bounces around based off enemy positioning, and there is no clear writeup without really analyzing what happens turn by turn - and I still dont even know SpS kits like that. Taking them up and just being able to sim skill nodes and not play them is not playing the game at all
      5= SW/RH/Kes/Emma/Cable vs BC/HL/RH/MLF/Emma 38:23
      Originally tried NW Emma. I knew it wasnt going to work because of how late HL was going to taunt but decided to try it anyway. Used 2099 like a dummy again and had the bad rng. Tried this hail mary like in trial 1, and SW didnt get rewound whew so yea dont replicate this lol decent def tbh but everything is dependent off of each other
      6= Cabal/Vul/AA vs SuS/Dorm/UD 39:34
      Easy Cabal bait. Vul/Liz/Zemo are your 3 prime villain crits if youre not going to overkill with SuS. AA against Hela or simply Emma to ensure enemies take less turns before you. How many times will I say this? Who knows... How many times will I see slow ass characters alongside Cabal and then comments saying how weak they are? Always.
      1++ NW vs SD/Dorm(-DrS) 41:22
      Yawn, get shit on. Filler battles eh
      2- Cabal/Apoc/Emma vs M4M/BK/QS(-Dak,DtP) 42:28
      If no BK, dont need Apoc. This one was pretty weak, too so I he wasnt sure he was even needed regardless but oh well, now you know and see for yourself before prompting an attack
      3= HM/RH(-Venom) vs IW 43:04
      tbh this aint ideal, Peg still better. Just wanted to try it out. Enemy is only 2m and couldnt get them down quickly enough so that RG can take his turn before he got AB'ed by AW. Sooo just for fun, do or do not
      4= SuS/Vul/Liz/ET vs SpS 44:57
      Random hybrid. Still took a decent while to take these annoying ass mfs down. The positoning and stealth did not help at all
      5- TW/Kes/Nova/OR vs DH 46:10
      Old stuff, TW+3 of course. Didnt get to AB before she reset everyones tm tho so thats on me
      6++ MoE vs XtX/Rog(-Cyc) 47:34
      This is me NOT doing what I originally said to do. In a moment of weakness, I said why not ult with Kang cause its rm 6? WRONG. Stick to the proper strategy and dont rely on rng for a win. Shit was too close for comfort
      1++ TW/Kes/BTS/Emma vs OoT/Nova/Cosmo(-SB,CGR) 49:40
      I had to figure out a way to do this without Apoc. Good thing 2099 was able to remove D up as BTS did not. Will probably take the latter up to improve that chance as this went long but decent. Kes was able to kill BK, but between her and SW and then Cap and Carter immunities, I got nothing but slowly finding the right time to finally kill them
      2+ Cabal/Vul/AA vs M4M/Rob/Noir(-Dak,DtP) 51:29
      Easy peasy like it was nothing. Im sure when payouts for OMl go out, it will not be any different considering how strong Cabal is
      3+ NW vs Asgard/Dorm/ThorIW 52:19
      I got the good rng with no triggering. Thought I was going to get punished with my shit targeting lol still the right counter. No funny business
      4++ MoE vs XtX 53:26
      AB Forge. No Rogue so Kang spec Forge. Rewind Gambit, stun NC. Confident in Kang ult to kill Forge. Now this is where the discrepancy lies. Not sure how NC cleansed his stun and got to spec. Doing Kang basic, spec, then third turn ult ensures he doesnt go low enough for his passive to kick in. Works for me pretty much always, and I dont even look at enemy team powers
      5+ Apoc/Liz/UD vs SD/SuS(-Rob) 55:01
      First attack I misplayed and then got into a 1v1 with Apoc vs SuS. Decided to cancel and show how I shouldve done it. Still some rng of course but if you were to watch the first fight, you wouldve seen the difference in how clean it was. Biggest thing was targeting HL with Apoc ult so iso attack can kill her then getting to permakill SuS
      6- SuS/Vahl/RH/Nova/VK vs S6/Vul(-Slayer) 56:51
      Doc passive is a BIIIITCH. I hate this annoying mf, dude. I used VK instead of Brawn this time - stupid but ultimately a moot point since Doc got to ult. Any slight differences in power or chance of crit to change damage output into S6 can drastically change how this fight goes to the point where it doesnt matter how you plan, just be ready to adapt to what happens. In other words, use Doom
      -Kory trial 2
      1= NW vs TW/Rog/Gam/QS
      19/19 8363. Easy as fuck, no notes. You should know how to do it
      2= Cabal/Apoc/Zemo vs OoT/OML/Noir(-SB,CGR)
      15/26 7566. Daken adj to OML so cant spread bleed to him. I did DP ult instead, and he barely lived. Maybe I shouldve just used spec instead. I was trying to save Cabal for HM SuS. Dont need the video for you to figure out this counter
      3= MoE vs XtX/Dorm(-Gam)
      20/17 8362. Normal stuff if youre not bad like most ppl. Either kill Forge twice or know how much damage you got so you can perma with Ultron or Kang
      4- TW/Kes/Liz/Nova vs SpS/Sam(-Noir)
      11/8 8344. Long ass fight, random hybrid anyway
      5- SuS/Vul/RH/VK/Emma vs HM/SuS(-Venom)
      17/20 7962. Instead of trying to do M4M without Cabal, I shouldve thought about this first and earlier. I have done this counter before, but I just didnt remember it oh well
      6- WD vs IW
      19/13 8357. WD still works! Sucks I dont have the vid smh

    • @SeggsyJexy
      @SeggsyJexy  3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Trial 3
      Apologies for this trial of fights. I was driving with a hot phone which lends to the lagginess of this gameplay. Was not going to record again at home since it was late and had trials to do
      1+ ET/OR/BTS/Hela vs OoT/Dorm(-BK) 59:11
      Similar to previous trial above, I tried one shotting IW without TW instead of realizing I did not need TW for this room. The turn order for this was quite heavenly. Only regret was not focusing Carter because I AB'ed her so she did not ult. Me thinking she already did tho lol
      2- NW/Echo(-Dag) vs M4M/Noir(-DtP) 1:01:14
      EASY CLAP. M4M get wrecked. He aint the one doing the bleeding today. As mentioned earlier, its possible not to bleed him out if Daken is adj to him as you cannot spread more bleed to him with DtP spec, but it is still ideal to use that ability as the room provides a bleed on turn, and she still does % damage. Just make sure your FS is thicc. When ppl get their OML payouts and are able to buy more reds on him, the viability of this counter will reduce
      3++ MoE vs XtX/Rog(-SS) 1:02:55
      ez clap ez clap. Stop losing this fucking fight, you plebs
      4= Cabal/Apoc/Liz vs SpS/BK(-Noir) 1:05:42
      ngl to you, this defense slaps. This is an ideal counter despite the amount of rng this fight is already riddled with. Apoc ensures the win, but perhaps against a smaller BK not quite as necessary
      5+ SuS/Vul/RH/VK/Emma vs HM/SuS(-Venom) 1:07:25
      This is the way. Preferably Vul (to a lesser extent Zemo because of health and after turn 1 usefulness) to quickly remove deflects off of enemy VK so your own can AB him. AB/rewind SuS. Positioning dictates extra rewind and slows. Remove RG or SuS revive. If the latter, quickly kill RG twice before he can revive then cleanup
      6- TW/Vahl/Kes/Nova vs IW/QS(-MD) 1:08:58
      Shouldve went with TW to begin with. Neb and Gamora are not to be messed with in this room going quick to spread their buffs. TW+3 like usual haha
      4++ Cabal/Apoc/Liz vs SpS/BK(-Noir) 1:11:19
      Another iteration of this fight against a larger team power. First fight I had Liz skirm for some reason, and he didnt crit so that was an automatic loss. All SpS got to take their turn before Apoc and even PbP after Namor rewind so that just means I really gotta read their stupid ass kits to understand what happened so differently. Hate this stupid ass team
      5- SuS/Vahl/RH/Nova/BTS vs S6/Rhino(-Liz) 1:12:39
      Got stupid lucky here, but it looks like this will probably be my go-to team for S6 if I were to choose to keep Doom on def. I will be using him instead of Vahl or RH, I have not decided that yet
      2= NW/Liz(-Dag) vs SD/Noir(-DrS) 1:14:07
      My positioning was wrong at first. Certainly dont want Gwen next to Liz, I overlooked that tidbit. Despite not being able to kill Robbie before he ult, still relatively safe assuming your cc teams are up and running
      3+ MoE vs XtX/Rog(-SS) 1:15:29
      Massive thicc Tit for the win being able to survive on a sliver to reach her second ult to AB Rogue. I might g19 her. Thats what I am currently planning as I am going cheap as fuck for DD7. Its a separate game mode with its own characters to upgrade for. Hint: Ravagers
      4= Cabal/SuS/VK vs SpS/Sam(-Noir) 1:17:44
      Overpower this dumbass team cause why not, totally not because I got the worst rng and failed to clear rm 5, thats not why
      6= Apoc/TW/Vul/BTS vs BK/Dorm/Doom/QS/Cap 1:18:34
      I had a plan in mind. I just didnt think it hard enough. Shouldve just tried to remove the revive. If BTS ult didnt work, yea like his spec would lol I need to read his kit same as SpS. I have no idea how Apoc clutched this, but I will assume its cause he is g19 so I dont feel too bad for rushing the gun on him. If youre going to choose between Apoc and OML to g19 first, I would take the latter imo
      1- NW/Echo(-Dag) vs M4M/Noir(-DtP) 1:20:32
      Another win for NW to give life to them as they are slowly coming down in value although DtP being a M4M does not automatically devalue them imo NW still pretty fast, and shes required to make them work so it doesnt make sense to break them up for cc
      2- SuS/Vul/Vahl/RH/Mys vs SpS/Dorm(-Noir) 1:21:34
      Mysterio useful or nah? Took longer than I wanted rewatching this
      3+ MoE vs XtX/Vahl(-Gam) 1:22:53
      Vahl? No Gam? gtfoutta here mah boi
      4= Apoc/ET/Nova/NF vs BK/Rog/Gam/Cap/X23 1:24:18
      Nova will never land stun on BK bruh I guess ppl do it with BTS after BK gets D down, but Nova also has to go first because you might force Cap to taunt if Ikaris goes first then what are ya gonna do huh NF or Emma, hell Cable will do just fine
      5++ Cabal/Liz/Emma vs SD/MLF/Emma(-DrS,Pho) 1:25:10
      Emma to match, go first and cleanup
      6- TW/Kes/OR/VK vs IW 1:26:13
      After suffering on Backlash's acc, I had to do it better against this team and safe to say it was done
      Nearly 18k characters in this comment, yall better read every single one

  • @cottonmouth6369
    @cottonmouth6369 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Is this how I get gud?
    Why is he called old man Logan when he should be called OP Logan? Or Prime Logie?
    Did you really beat Duarktik?

  • @zmaint
    @zmaint 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Cabal, Liz, Emma, did not work for me... they got to go first, by the time it was my turn all I had left was Leader and I quit match.

    • @stephanryan8271
      @stephanryan8271 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      What were the power levels? I PU 1.3m with it, same placement and isos except emma as healer. Maybe T4's?

  • @a3883m
    @a3883m 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Jeggs, what’s making Firestar go before Gwenpool in those M4M match at 1:21:11?

    • @SeggsyJexy
      @SeggsyJexy  2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      She didn’t?

    • @a3883m
      @a3883m 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Oh you did a basic with Gwen. I missed it because I thought it was a retaliate.

  • @boiiiiiii5741
    @boiiiiiii5741 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    32:09 my ikaris goes before nova here

    • @SeggsyJexy
      @SeggsyJexy  2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      They have the same speed

  • @kekipark77
    @kekipark77 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    m4m counter is nice

  • @kaancancinar
    @kaancancinar 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    A bit long innit?

    • @SeggsyJexy
      @SeggsyJexy  3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Bet you’ve never heard that before

    • @kaancancinar
      @kaancancinar 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@SeggsyJexy a bit rude innit?

    • @SeggsyJexy
      @SeggsyJexy  3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @kaancancinar you can be a sensitive sally elsewhere if you can’t have fun and return the same energy

  • @bradg3976
    @bradg3976 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    WhErEs ThE cOmMeNtArY?!? 🤡🤡