Thanks for the video! There's an oddity with mine. At first it seemed it's also within a second a month slow, but then either it has started fluctuating or there's somenthin wrong with the relative time on my digital devices. But now it seems 2 seconds a month slow, still a great result.
An excellent, beautifully shot, video.
Damn you number 4
Mesmerising. Marvellous.
First time watching your Video, LIKED, Commented and Subscribed... I LOVE what you're doing :)
@@kevinkelly9895 Thank you very much!
Nice video, but for the money, the ML05 is an amazing bargain
This watch is very simply finished and made, so using macro may seem redundant, but it only serves to remind you how much of a scam big brands are
Interesting to watch and the blue flick on number 4 wouldn’t otherwise been noticed!!!
Не заметить такой огромный синий волос????? )
Awesome video. Just discovered your chanel, already subsribed.
@@cui576 Thank you very much
Thanks for the video!
There's an oddity with mine. At first it seemed it's also within a second a month slow, but then either it has started fluctuating or there's somenthin wrong with the relative time on my digital devices. But now it seems 2 seconds a month slow, still a great result.
У меня есть часы за 200 рублей с Алиэкспресс. За год они не отстают и не спешат совсем. )
@@ruedalejo2562 Some cheap Aliexpress Perlon
How thick do you think the crystal is?