I just got a $1 comic from my lcs with the first team-up between Hal Jordan and Alan Scott. This came out in '06, and the way they wrote Alan Scott I got so irritated where's he's at now. He's a family man who is in love with his wife, loves his children, and is OVERTLY not homosexual. It pisses me off, tbh, lol.
I don't know, I like the Alan Scott revelations because it was representative of the culture of the past. It wasn't preachy. It wasn't for an agenda. It wasn't virtue signalling identity politics. It was a story for the audience to see an alternative perspective and learn to empathize with. I see Alan Scott as the actor ROCK HUDSON. Robert Redford mixed with Rock Hudson. I don't think we have a problem with authentic representation when it organically fits into the lore of the story. But our issue in response to Disney, Time-Warner or Amazon's business culture is that they want EVERY character. They want to Sexually, gender, faith and race swap 80% of the characters, while openly stating they have no respect for canon or tradition, as if these factors were arbitary and irrelevant components enabling the success of these IP's & formulas. I don't think anyone had a problem with Northstar coming out as gay, or would be surprised that Raven is Bixesual. But turning Iceman gay with that preachy story, despite him being the quintessential "Kyle"... that was blatant agenda. But these people were power hungery with what learned behaviour, so once they face no real consequences, they kept going and going and going. These people obviously don't want to help with cultural progress, but are in fact resenful and hateful towards anything that came before them. I think people draw the line at making Spiderman a Cucked-Simp who sold his soul to devil, or having Cyclops sharing Jean with Wolverine. Especially when they have characters like Ironman, Emma Frost, Psylocke, Gambit, and so on, to fill such roles and dynamics. We all know WHY Marvel went after Scott and Jean, while making Logan a stalking simping creep. I personally couldn't watch X-Men '97 in full based on how they psychologically twisted so many characters. I think the real test of a character authenticity will be the TIMELINE; Characters before and after Disney's take over. Or in the case of DC the Discovery-Time Warner merger. - Gamorrah and Moondragon = Acceptable - Jean making Scott watch Logan smash her = Unacceptable - Human Torch smashing a Demon-ET Centiepede as a "Human centiepede" easter egg = Unacceptable - Scarlet Witch falling in love with a Synthetic Humanoid = Acceptable
I quit mainstream comics circa 2010 because I was just sick of how nothing ever seemed to really advance. I tried to get back in during All-New-All-Different because my wife was interested and wanted to get into comics. I knew back then it was over. Indie comics have always been great though.
Superior Spider-Man proved how stupid Otto Octavius is. While in Peter's body he was able to build a billion-dollar company, relying on his own scientific and engineering knowledge. But once he's back to his own body, damn, he's a two-bit criminal again. There is absolutely nothing preventing Doctor Octopus from going legit and making a real fortune without any legal problems (except taxes) except that the writers want him to be a loser.
Loved the video!💕 Just started my comic book collection and found Toon Haven. They offer a huge variety of digital comics for every genre, and lifetime updates too!😍
That amount is basically an instruction to the artist to not spend more than 2-3 hours on a page - so expect a lot of tracing, copy/paste panels, rushed first draft layouts, and basic digital backgrounds.
I've posted this a few times, but Marvel Comics never recovered from the Marvel NOW initiative. DC New 52 continuity sucked, and thankfully they did Rebirth. Marvel is just drowning in obnoxiousness. Iron Man is an X-title? There's 10 Spider characters? Villains are good now, heroes go on a villain journey? Peter Parker is a loser. Matt Murdock still doesn't know who he is. F's sake..
@@MrkraZzz Very true. I think my main issue with it is, looking back, there were only a few good runs, nothing that makes me say I loved 2011-2016 DC as a whole.
I completely understand and agree with everything you said. However, if anyone is still reading anything Marvel/DC put out after everything that's happened in the last 9 years then that's on them. How many times can a company show you that they don't care before you stop giving them your money?
I think its more than just taking your money, they're trying to groom you as they do it. Not guide but groom. They're now subversive, not provocative. As weird as it is to say, they're proving a lot of McCarthy's paranoia true and why the Comicbook Code existed.
I collected the entire Marvel line for decades and I was in denial for a long time. But I finally cut my ties with them completely a few years back. The reality is they hired too many people who didn't understand or even care about the continuity which is irreparably destroyed. I consider 2015 Secret Wars the final chapter of the entire Marvel story. I don't get upset about their relentless continuity and characterisation errors. I don't care if they want to legacy swap everyone. I don't get annoyed if they want to make female characters as unattractive as possible out of spite. Because none of post 2015 Marvel is real to me. I have enough great Marvel stories from 1961-2015 to last me to tge end of time. Nobody needs to torture themselves with legacy destroying unconnected gibberish.
“They want to make female characters unattractive out of spite…” just one of the clear-as-glass signs that the current Marvel staff have nothing but contempt for their core audience.
You want to know what frustrated me. Bad writing from both DC and Marvel, In the fact that Smallville writers did not know what to do with Pete besides for making him into a Simp for Chloe.
I've decided to cancel my pull list. After 20 years, I'm just over it. Why should I spend the money I work for all day, on comics I hate and just irritate me? I do decent but I struggle every week and I need to pay my rent and I can use this money towards that and buy more food instead. I'm alone so living isn't exactly the easiest thing to pay for. I literally sacrifice real life things that would make my life better just to read comic books and I think I'm done. What I'll do is occasionally buy back issues I need there's a lot of them I'll get more enjoyment out of that rather than wasting $100 a week on s*** I hate.
I so feel your pain. I have been thinking the same thing. I keep saying "I will just wait for this book to be canceled" which is funny when you think about it. I USED to say "I will just wait for this storyline to end"...now its the same thing. I should be brave like you, cancel the whole shebang and put the money towards important things. Sadly I've been doing this closer to 50 years. So it makes pulling the plug that much more painful.
@@comicsrcool5483 I admit it's a habit, like a drug. But I don't even enjoy going to the shop anymore because I have to talk for 30 minutes about shitt I don't give a f*** about to people like honestly don't care about. I don't want to sound mean but sometimes I just want to buy my s*** and leave but I can't because people want to talk for 30 minutes. I would tolerate that if the books were great cuz we could talk about it. But in the comic shop we never talked about books and when I do people get irritated at me because I questioned them about why they like fire and ice number one, if they don't like that I don't like it. So why hang around? I have this weird guilt that I'm doing harm to my local shop for not buying comics anymore. But I'm over it. There's about a hundred issues of classic flash that I need to buy, I get way more enjoyment every week out of buying an issue or two then this s*** that I f****** hate.
The artwork in modern books are too slick, and yet often is the only interesting aspect of modern books. As an old silver age guy, yes those stories were often quite silly, but yet they were fun to read, and the characters were likeable. These modern characters are not likeable and unrelatable. Stan Lee is rolling over in his grave.
WTF do you mean they didn’t capitalize on the Marvel Cinematic Universe?! They had the “All New, All Different” thing with every superhero from the movie having their mantle being worn by other characters! Okay I can’t keep doing that with a straight face. Not only has Marvel sucked for years but their decision making has just continued to make things worse and worse.
Marvel could have taken advantage of the cinematic universe by having stand alone stories between the movies, made in such a way where you don't have to watch the movies to understand and movie watches don't have to read the comics to understand what is going on in the same universe. Win-win situation and they threw it away
So... I hear minimum wage is what? $10-12/hour in a lot of places? That literally means I can make more money flipping burgers in the time it takes to complete the art for a page. No wonder the books look like shit. Why would an artist give a damn?
@@Stevie_tha_tooth --- Yeah, I checked when I edited. There's 20 states that are at the federal minimum level of $7.25 --- everywhere ELSE is $10 and up, believe it or not.
Some people believe that the current downturn in the.comic book industry is just like every other downturn the comic book industry has ever had. It's not. Some people believe that MARVEL and DC comics will be able to return to the greatness it achieved in the past. They can't. A lot of people believe that the comic book industry CANNOT survive without MARVEL and DC comics. It must.
My local comic store orders so few new comics I never see 1st issues anymore. They have so little faith in Marvel and DC that they order nothing extra. If it's not on your pull list you'll probably not see it on the shelf because they've ordered only a handful of copies. In the 80's and 90's I remember them bringing out entire boxes of popular issues. Now if they order 5 copies it's amazing.
Exactly! If you don't sub to a book now, forget about checking out a new issue or series and giving it a shot. I end up picking up so many issues off of Ebay to acquire books that I couldn't get in my LCBS. Shipping is expensive but it's still cheaper than me driving all over the city to different shops hoping to find new releases which are sold out immediately due to low order volume.
@@24kabuki I completely missed out on Ultimate Spider-Man. They didn't even order extra copies of that. I'm not paying scalper prices on eBay either. Back in the day hype alone would sell a comic and they'd order a ton of extra copies. Now nobody seems to care but die-hard collectors and scalpers...and the store can't afford to jump on the hype train because they may lose their shirt in unsold copies.
@@oldmanonyoutubePerhaps waiting for trade is better than buying back issues at E-bay. Ultimate Spider-Man is great! The story itself is moving rather slow, but it's important for character building.
You are absolutely correct. The physical comic book is a dying breed. A day will come when something shows up that is way better, but that day is not today. If they want physical books to survive, they need to take the art seriously.
Marvel hasn’t been worth a damn since the mouse got it. And I WAS a hardcore Marvel Zombie. But now,it’s a Girl,Queer,or watching my favorite hero get “ deconstructed”.
There was a time when Wednesdays were new comic day. Now Wednesdays are new back issue days. Scored X-Factor #6 the first Apocalypse appearance last week.It’s gold compared to adamantium armor and Spiderboy.
Meanwhile I have a pull list of about 300 manga, and I'm just glad they barely print those every 4th month, spreading out my purchases to less than 100 a month.
Reed Richards: JOHNNY STORM! Why did you torch my entire MARVEL collection? Johnny: Uh, oh. Ben tricked me. I bet you wanted me to torch your DC collection.
Word. There are a few random comics that happen to good here and there, but as a universe, the Marvel Universe and my personal investment in it as a universe concluded with Secret Wars 2015 (and with 2018/2019's Doomsday Clock over at DC).
Just Reading Thor Epic Collections, Classic Stories and fun too I feel your pain it’s very sad that this has happened how can a company lose all its customers. The end is near
That's...not at all what happened in USM. the Ultimate Shocker we saw in 2 explained he found the gauntlets in some guy's apartment he was robbing and took them because the guy apparently was dead of a heart attack the shock of what he saw was too much. Harry takes the guantlets but leaves Shocker behind. The Bullseye stuff is unrelated, we see him capture Bullseye at the end of 3. Now, it's a fair question to ask why Tony was giving the Shocker his guantlets or if it was someone else with similar weapons that was supposed to be a hero, but we're five issues into the universe, he might not know everything. But your overall point is still good.
I don't agree with his takedown of USM. I almost feel like we are primed to find things wrong, and focus on them (even if they're little). I don't blame anyone who does that, because I do that with any little thing I see that might suggest "woke". Bit, I still think it's a good book.
@@cancelme4200 That's definitely an easy thing to fall into and yeah I don't really blame people because it's everywhere. And he's not wrong that outside of Ultimate there's just not much worthwhile Marvel is putting out. It's just a little annoying to me when you get real obvious plot points wrong like that, makes it easy for your critics to dismiss you as well. Like if you want to complain it's slow I get it, or if you don't like that Spider-Man has only been in 2 out of 5 issues, again, I get it. Personally I'm loving every issue, but at least be accurate in your complaints.
@@valiantparagonvideos2383Yep. Agree with you. I don't understand why Wes criticize USM that hard, because we know the story was barely started couple months ago. IMO even the story pace move rather slow, it's still at the right direction. Aside from Ultimate line, I agree with Wes, that Marvel books is not good.
After looking at Marvel’s August catalogue, I’m kind of grateful I’m saving so much money. However, Boom and Image will be getting the money I saved from Marvel!
You are partially mistaken, Marvel comics is not a comic book editor, it is a average pub agency under a ongoing contract from disney to promote upcoming, potential, likely to one day be green lighted, disney plus exclusif, show and movie that are gonna revolutionized the 1925 comic industry.
Years ago I would never believe I would say this, but, aighiamisou, Marvel. I’ll be scouring Webtoon’s catalog for more creative ideas while waiting for Vol.12 of Adam Warren’s Empowered
I don't buy comics these days. I haven't since around 2010 I guess. Recently I went to a store to replace some of my comic book boxes. While there, I browsed over what was on the shelf. I picked up Transformers, Void Rivals, G.I. Joe, Duke, and Cobra Commander. I used to be the biggest Marvel fan, but looking at what was on the shelf, I just didn't care about what I saw.
The speculator boom of the 90's led to the bankruptcy that sold Marvel movie rights to Sony. It was so predictable I predicted it 3 years before it happened and I'm seeing they are right back at it when they need to be lean and smart, and all about quality. They are predatory on their consumer. That ALWAYS kills readership.
That's not true. Sales were still strong after the bubble popped. They went bankrupt trying to become an umbrella corporation buying trading card companies, distributors and a bunch of other bad investments.
@@jbbrolic well - here's the thing - it was the boom they were riding at the time, like land and oil speculation - it USUALLY happens strongest during a boom, but contributes to the bust; in particular the depression that follows. It kills consumer interest so THAT dries up, it encourages shoddy writing to push those speculations, which kills quality and consumer interest further.. it even kills the speculation that drives it as people catch on to the ever increasing crap nature of it, so that goes bust, and ultimately instead of companies, artists, investors just failing and getting back up, as it encourages reckless and ultimately empty spending, it drains the coffers, and the fall becomes a hellish pit when it happens, taking everybody connected on a ride including comic shops. Every major bust is usually preceded by a boom that, while it ultimately by itself cannot last forever, causes frenetic activity as people try to get in on it.. which actually hastens it, making the severity worse, and instead if it being a somewhat brief, but nonetheless growth driven golden era, and a wave we ride for longer after and remember fondly, it is remembered as brief foolish & regrettable tragedy that nobody wishes to repeat. The damage usually outweighs the good results. Speculation is usually poison save for a few lucky winners.
@@jbbrolic Incidentally, I think merchandizing is overall a smart move - done selectively it can be a gold mine and a good revenue stream using existing IP. The mistake would he 50 different gimmick Batmans for instance, or trying to capitalize on unpopular heroes, taking time, effort and wasting money to prop them them up. Chase the money people want to give you.
I feel like the soap opera aspect of superhero comics has been largely killed off and now the writing is just catered to mcu watchers. Its death of the soap opera and birth of the mind numbing action hero with pop culture references galore.
Bingo! Most comic writers these days write more like screen writers than super-hero comic book writers. And the fans of the MCU don’t even read comics. Ironic.
Picked up the newest Marvel free catalog of up coming books. Not one did I find interesting in the least. Why are there SO MANY Spider Man comics!?! There are like 20 different ones. It's ridiculous. And more than half of them are NOT Peter Parker. It's all awful.
I'm convinced this wedding special is the only reason why they sidetracked Fall of X since last year as much as they did, retconned Nightcrawler's origins into mess and made the whole Mystique and Destiny plot the only developed and focused plotline in the final chapter of Krakoa while disregarding everything else which got readers interested in the first place. It's probably it because Gillen was behind all of those things including the Wedding special issue.
@@EvandroACruz I feel the same. I am as done with the two of them as I am with Nightcrawler, who's been used as a sock puppet to make readers forget, turn a complete blind eye and forgive every terrible thing they ever canonically selfishly did in their 40 years of publishing history.
I notice more excitement about reprints of Golden, Silver and Bronze Age reprints than the crappy monthlies that DC and Marvel is publishing. There are You Tube channels and FB pages dedicated to the Omnibus, Absolute and Deluxe Editions.
I agree with everything except saying DC waits for Marvel to do anything first when actually, it’s the other way around. DC puts out better quality over Marvel all the time. Covers, stories, art, etc. Marvel is always looking over DC shoulder to see what DC is doing. The thing is that whenever DC does anything it’s viewed with eye rolls and failure before many people actually read it. Most people speak before even knowing what they are talking about. Oh, but they’ll say Moon Knight or Black Cat are great though. Mainly because they hear people say it.
The American Comic dies in the late 90's. the 2000's up to now have simply been a sad fit of denial and false hope. Sure, there has been the rare (very very rare) decent comic. But they were only "good" when compared to the steaming turds that surrounded them. Go to your nearest sewage plant, papermill or any facility that has a horrendous stench. Just stand there and breath. After an hour you will no longer smell anything bad. That is the American Comic industry. You have allowed the stench to fall into the background and you no longer notice it. Recently I started reading my Marvel Epic Collection from the 70's and 80's. Even stories that I didn't consider great seem like masterpieces of the art. I do have to say though, you are a dedicated and mentally tough fan to continue covering this.
Dan Slott burying his own better book in favor of god awful Superior Spider-Man is even funny when you remember he also had Morlun kill the old Spider-Boy
This IS sad because Stan Lee was one of my inspirations and idols growing up. He is most definitely crying from above us while watching what became of everything he left behind. I would think professionals would show the same love to Marvel as the fans do. My only words of comfort are is that it always gets worse before it gets better. Perhaps it need to fall for the slate to become clean again.
I spent about 300 on mafex xmen figures and zero on actual xmen comics. Cant bring myself to read these books. Marvel is so bad right now. I was a collector since giant size Xmen. And no more.
I just own comics that the woke haven't touched like old back issues of Indy books from the 1980's They ain't worth much but at least their core material has never been corrupted. Same goes for old cartoons and TV shows. Screw modern society.
I actually had a shock on Thursday gone I have completed my batman collection of all titles I wanted And I've completed my cap run with the last gleaming epic collection I only have six other books from other collections then I'm actually done. I don't buy anything current stopped buying around 2014 It feels strange though but I'm a good way Now I've just got to put the shelves up to store it on
"I'm not giving up, but they really want me to" -Wes This sentiment from Wes is also part of the problem, the "full-run"/comic fan boy mentality. Marvel was and still is in search of this "new" audience that doesn't give a single shit about comics, and we all know that. But in the meantime there's the full-run/fan boy types that like say they don't read the books, they just buy then bag-and- board that are the ones keeping Marvel afloat. These guys LOVE to bitch and moan but don't realize they're the ones keeping all the elements they don't like within these books going...BY CONTINUING TO BUY THEM. MC and DC don't care about comment sections, TH-camrs, Bounding Into Comics....only dollars. GIVE UP. STOP. BUYING. THAT. TRASH. They don't have that "new" customer they're desperately in search of, never will. Imagine if they lost all the full-run guys. Then, just maybe then, you all would get these changes you all clamor for in these videos, articles, and comment sections.
Marvel is TOTALLY pandering to the comic “collector” and “speculators”. Just read the solicitation on the next Wolverine #1. It says “1st appearance” of character to sell the story written by Saladin Ahmed.
The best Marvel stories I'm reading right now, are literally FAN FICTION- crossovers with manga and anime, featuring characters I can identify with, no matter their gender, race, or sexual orientation, because the manga, anime, and FAN FICTION writers refrain from making the characters Mary Sue self-inserts who are "Just like [the writer], but absolutely perfect in every way!" How the mighty have fallen. (Sadly glances at Marvel Comics graphic novels I bought AT LEAST ten years ago.)
I personally love ultimate Spiderman series its really awesome and ten times better then the terrible awful jackpot book and the awful asm book in my opinion.
Wes I come back read manga in the last week and this relieve many of the stress that ASM and Fall Of X bring to my mind in the latest months. Marvel become toxic and unheath to us older readers. The end of Krakoa Era made me give up from the X titles forever and I'm so done with 616 universe at this point. Mangas and indies comics are the only hope now. Marvel are destroying anything what we loved since our teenager days. These modern writers are true vandals that poison anything what is good, noble and heroic about these fictional characters and the editors think that fill the market with low quality books will improve the sales are delusional. Marvel are killing himself at this point.
FIRE! FIRE! FIRE! 00:00:00 - The Lack Of Quality In The Comic Book Industry 00:00:53 - Greenlighting Comic Book Series Without A Plan 00:01:45 - Overshadowed By Superior Spider-Man 00:02:34 - The Failure Of Spider Boy And Marvel's Bait And Switch Tactics 00:03:30 - Marvel Comics' Misguided Business Strategies 00:04:27 - The Epic Battle With Sabretooth 00:05:23 - Criticism Of Marvel Comics 00:06:17 - The Mystery Of Bullseye's Iron Man Gloves 00:07:21 - Publishers Doing Cool Stuff 00:08:10 - The Destruction Of The American Comic Book Industry 00:09:08 - The Cancellation Of Invincible Iron Man Series 00:10:05 - Critique Of X-Men Storylines 00:11:02 - Criticizing The X-Men Comics 00:11:58 - The Lack Of Consistency In Comic Book Art 00:12:50 - Marvel Comics And The Death Of The Comic Book Industry 00:13:41 - Marvel's Mistakes And Distracting Trends 00:14:36 - Is Doctor Strange's Comic Series Ending? 00:15:25 - Bleeding The Audience With A Thousand Paper Cuts 00:16:16 - The State Of Indie Comic Books 00:17:05 - Comic Book Industry Woes 00:17:59 - The Patreon Link In The Video Description
If dc and marvel don't go back to basics and give people what they want there both on there way out of business I'm so bored of gender swaps and reboots I'm with doc and will just put my money into back issues I'm 55 and have been reading and collecting since the age of 11 with the exception of conan and the spawn line I'm moving away from modern comics
Color me not surprised. We 100% deserve to be upset. You mentioned some publishers that are actually doing good work. Apologies if you've already done this, but would you be interested in doing a dedicated video about the publishers that are actually putting out consistent quality work and what books to look out for?
@Wes_From_TC I'll have to check them out. Been a little while since I've checked out comic book news and content (I can only take so much disappointment), but yours is easily one of the best. Thanks for the heads up!
Have you tried not buying Marvel comics? It'll work wonders on your mental health. And there is a slew of great books at Image, Boom!, and Vault. I recommend Barbaric.
If only valiant was like it was when it first came back. We would at least have 3 superhero universes. This is like wrestling after wcw went out of business. Wwe was the only company and could put whatever crap put they wanted. DC has been running on fumes for a while, valiant was doing 1 comic a month. Marvel was the only "successful" comic universe and there's only like 2 or 3 good comics released a month.
Had to mute during Wolverine breakdown as I am reading 49 and 50 tomorrow lol. . .Marvel seems to flame out quite often with the conclusions of story arcs the last few years, so I didn't exactly have high expectations once I heard about the armor. . .
Good question. Why was Wolverine in adamantium armor? If it’s so heavy as to weigh him down as he really has no superhuman strength to maneuver in it, in fact he would be faster without the metal skeleton. The armor Shaul be to heavy for him to move in.
Yeah. If we know anything about adamantium it's that it's heavy as hell. Sometimes the writers even remembers that Logan has a hard time with water because of it. That adamantium armor should have weighed a fair deal.
Logan got his healing turned off and it turns out that the armor was jumpstarting his mutation up (armor was made by forge) which we find out in this week's Wolverine #50. As for how can he walk around in that I'm guessing foge did some light weight armor or something.
@@dcamaag709 They would have had to have actually read the comic for that piece of information. They either didn't read it or skimmed through it, which is what I find they do with most comics these days. The amount of things Wes and Dok miss is staggering. Even in this video he got a whole bunch of characters mixed up and facts wrong. There are already comments in here pointing out everything he's missed or messed up. This channel is a shell of its former self. The only reason they are still doing this is for the money.
@@kalkella8822 I like the X-men but this krakoa era was crap. If Hickman was allowed to see it to the end I have no doubt that it would have been revered. I'm optimistic for the next run. Most vids like these don't keep up. You don't necessarily have to pay to keep up as there are more less than moral avenues to pursue (it does save you from buying a sucky book tho). Most of these guys checked out years ago and are mad that they don't know what's happening since they've been out.
I think you got your facts messed up Wes. Tony gave the gauntlets to someone who was meant to be a hero but they were too old at that point and had a heart attack. The guy who is Shcoker was breaking into their house and found them. Tony gave nothing to Bullseye.
I think Valiant has some good ones this year but has mostly lackluster stuff. The good ones are, my opinion are Bloodshot Unleashed Reloaded #3, Xo Manowar Invictus #1 and Brittania the great fire of rome. The rest are lackluster or bad so far.
We have all had enough like 12 years ago. :)
Yep. 50 years a fan, and I can't buy a new comic from Marvel.
I buy back issues, bound volumes of past series, and finding old books I didn't finish.
@@tarrsik Yep
54 yrs a fan here...I'm buying and loving conan from titan...I'm buying nothing from marvel...I won't even read them pirated
@@terryquinlan499if you don't pay attention you could believe it was part of the Thomas Buscema run.
I cut it in 2015. Until today Marvel still cant prove me Im wrong.
I stopped Marvel with the Iceman retcon and what DC did to Alan Scott was worse.
I just got a $1 comic from my lcs with the first team-up between Hal Jordan and Alan Scott. This came out in '06, and the way they wrote Alan Scott I got so irritated where's he's at now. He's a family man who is in love with his wife, loves his children, and is OVERTLY not homosexual. It pisses me off, tbh, lol.
Iceman was the nail in the coffin and I knew it was over.
The Jon Kent groom was it for me
Comic books are for children, grow up. Also, gays exist, lol. Cry about it. 😭😭
I don't know, I like the Alan Scott revelations because it was representative of the culture of the past. It wasn't preachy. It wasn't for an agenda. It wasn't virtue signalling identity politics.
It was a story for the audience to see an alternative perspective and learn to empathize with.
I see Alan Scott as the actor ROCK HUDSON.
Robert Redford mixed with Rock Hudson.
I don't think we have a problem with authentic representation when it organically fits into the lore of the story.
But our issue in response to Disney, Time-Warner or Amazon's business culture is that they want EVERY character. They want to Sexually, gender, faith and race swap 80% of the characters, while openly stating they have no respect for canon or tradition, as if these factors were arbitary and irrelevant components enabling the success of these IP's & formulas.
I don't think anyone had a problem with Northstar coming out as gay, or would be surprised that Raven is Bixesual.
But turning Iceman gay with that preachy story, despite him being the quintessential "Kyle"... that was blatant agenda.
But these people were power hungery with what learned behaviour, so once they face no real consequences, they kept going and going and going.
These people obviously don't want to help with cultural progress, but are in fact resenful and hateful towards anything that came before them.
I think people draw the line at making Spiderman a Cucked-Simp who sold his soul to devil, or having Cyclops sharing Jean with Wolverine. Especially when they have characters like Ironman, Emma Frost, Psylocke, Gambit, and so on, to fill such roles and dynamics. We all know WHY Marvel went after Scott and Jean, while making Logan a stalking simping creep.
I personally couldn't watch X-Men '97 in full based on how they psychologically twisted so many characters.
I think the real test of a character authenticity will be the TIMELINE; Characters before and after Disney's take over. Or in the case of DC the Discovery-Time Warner merger.
- Gamorrah and Moondragon = Acceptable
- Jean making Scott watch Logan smash her = Unacceptable
- Human Torch smashing a Demon-ET Centiepede as a "Human centiepede" easter egg = Unacceptable
- Scarlet Witch falling in love with a Synthetic Humanoid = Acceptable
Marvel and DC comics used to create millionaires. I’ve met one of them.
Now? Their Editors can’t make rent without roommates
I quit mainstream comics circa 2010 because I was just sick of how nothing ever seemed to really advance. I tried to get back in during All-New-All-Different because my wife was interested and wanted to get into comics. I knew back then it was over. Indie comics have always been great though.
Superior Spider-Man proved how stupid Otto Octavius is.
While in Peter's body he was able to build a billion-dollar company, relying on his own scientific and engineering knowledge.
But once he's back to his own body, damn, he's a two-bit criminal again.
There is absolutely nothing preventing Doctor Octopus from going legit and making a real fortune without any legal problems (except taxes) except that the writers want him to be a loser.
The writers are blackpilled incelmaxxing!!!🤣
Loved the video!💕 Just started my comic book collection and found Toon Haven. They offer a huge variety of digital comics for every genre, and lifetime updates too!😍
This is a reminder that in 6 and a half years the first ever American Comic books will become public Domain.
Why do I bring this up? Oh...no reason...
“Comics will break your heart” - Jack Kirby
not jack kirby, stan lee funny books
$80 a page
The average NSFW artist (lower tier) does work for more than that. That's a terrible pay rate.
That amount is basically an instruction to the artist to not spend more than 2-3 hours on a page - so expect a lot of tracing, copy/paste panels, rushed first draft layouts, and basic digital backgrounds.
It cant be 80 a page. It cant be. How does somebody confirm this information? It was 150 to 300 in the 1990s. 30 years ago.
I've posted this a few times, but Marvel Comics never recovered from the Marvel NOW initiative. DC New 52 continuity sucked, and thankfully they did Rebirth. Marvel is just drowning in obnoxiousness. Iron Man is an X-title? There's 10 Spider characters? Villains are good now, heroes go on a villain journey? Peter Parker is a loser. Matt Murdock still doesn't know who he is. F's sake..
New 52 actually had some decent runs. Batman, Aquaman, Green lantern, Red lanterns etc.
@@MrkraZzz Very true. I think my main issue with it is, looking back, there were only a few good runs, nothing that makes me say I loved 2011-2016 DC as a whole.
Yes all the X-Men are killers now. This make me sick.
Immortal Hulk and Cates Venom got some good momentum. Other than those though, yeah Marvel's been suffering
I completely understand and agree with everything you said. However, if anyone is still reading anything Marvel/DC put out after everything that's happened in the last 9 years then that's on them. How many times can a company show you that they don't care before you stop giving them your money?
I think its more than just taking your money, they're trying to groom you as they do it.
Not guide but groom.
They're now subversive, not provocative.
As weird as it is to say, they're proving a lot of McCarthy's paranoia true and why the Comicbook Code existed.
I collected the entire Marvel line for decades and I was in denial for a long time. But I finally cut my ties with them completely a few years back. The reality is they hired too many people who didn't understand or even care about the continuity which is irreparably destroyed. I consider 2015 Secret Wars the final chapter of the entire Marvel story. I don't get upset about their relentless continuity and characterisation errors. I don't care if they want to legacy swap everyone. I don't get annoyed if they want to make female characters as unattractive as possible out of spite. Because none of post 2015 Marvel is real to me. I have enough great Marvel stories from 1961-2015 to last me to tge end of time. Nobody needs to torture themselves with legacy destroying unconnected gibberish.
“They want to make female characters unattractive out of spite…” just one of the clear-as-glass signs that the current Marvel staff have nothing but contempt for their core audience.
Good work, Disney. Way to strip mine a company.
walt is rolling over in his grave,....
$80 a page was my rate for my first job at Marvel back in 1990!
Buy back issues from early 2000s back. Comics still live!
I'm now looking for Avengers Volume 3, which started in 1998 I think. Great art by George Perez and story is pretty good from what I've read so far
@@waltercahill1942wait til you read when Nefaria comes up. Masterpiece!
I just re-read X-Factor 70 - 109. So, so good compared to current junk.
That's exactly what I did this week.
@@waltercahill1942The Heroes Return Era?
You want to know what frustrated me. Bad writing from both DC and Marvel, In the fact that Smallville writers did not know what to do with Pete besides for making him into a Simp for Chloe.
I've decided to cancel my pull list. After 20 years, I'm just over it. Why should I spend the money I work for all day, on comics I hate and just irritate me? I do decent but I struggle every week and I need to pay my rent and I can use this money towards that and buy more food instead. I'm alone so living isn't exactly the easiest thing to pay for. I literally sacrifice real life things that would make my life better just to read comic books and I think I'm done. What I'll do is occasionally buy back issues I need there's a lot of them I'll get more enjoyment out of that rather than wasting $100 a week on s*** I hate.
I so feel your pain. I have been thinking the same thing. I keep saying "I will just wait for this book to be canceled" which is funny when you think about it. I USED to say "I will just wait for this storyline to end"...now its the same thing. I should be brave like you, cancel the whole shebang and put the money towards important things. Sadly I've been doing this closer to 50 years. So it makes pulling the plug that much more painful.
@@comicsrcool5483 I admit it's a habit, like a drug. But I don't even enjoy going to the shop anymore because I have to talk for 30 minutes about shitt I don't give a f*** about to people like honestly don't care about. I don't want to sound mean but sometimes I just want to buy my s*** and leave but I can't because people want to talk for 30 minutes. I would tolerate that if the books were great cuz we could talk about it. But in the comic shop we never talked about books and when I do people get irritated at me because I questioned them about why they like fire and ice number one, if they don't like that I don't like it. So why hang around? I have this weird guilt that I'm doing harm to my local shop for not buying comics anymore. But I'm over it. There's about a hundred issues of classic flash that I need to buy, I get way more enjoyment every week out of buying an issue or two then this s*** that I f****** hate.
smart move
Yeah one of my shop I would go to as a kid closed down after 30 years of being open
The artwork in modern books are too slick, and yet often is the only interesting aspect of modern books. As an old silver age guy, yes those stories were often quite silly, but yet they were fun to read, and the characters were likeable. These modern characters are not likeable and unrelatable. Stan Lee is rolling over in his grave.
Jack Kirby and Steve Ditko and Bill Evertett too.
WTF do you mean they didn’t capitalize on the Marvel Cinematic Universe?! They had the “All New, All Different” thing with every superhero from the movie having their mantle being worn by other characters!
Okay I can’t keep doing that with a straight face. Not only has Marvel sucked for years but their decision making has just continued to make things worse and worse.
Marvel could have taken advantage of the cinematic universe by having stand alone stories between the movies, made in such a way where you don't have to watch the movies to understand and movie watches don't have to read the comics to understand what is going on in the same universe.
Win-win situation and they threw it away
So... I hear minimum wage is what? $10-12/hour in a lot of places? That literally means I can make more money flipping burgers in the time it takes to complete the art for a page.
No wonder the books look like shit. Why would an artist give a damn?
To build up an audience and eventually move to dark horse and image
McDonalds is paying people like $17 per hour out here in Tucson, AZ. It's crazy
Minimum wage is $7.75
@@GuyR-c7u -- If they actually PROMOTED and pushed their artists worth a shit, I might see the value in that -- but they don't do THAT either!
@@Stevie_tha_tooth --- Yeah, I checked when I edited. There's 20 states that are at the federal minimum level of $7.25 --- everywhere ELSE is $10 and up, believe it or not.
Some people believe that the current downturn in the.comic book industry is just like every other downturn the comic book industry has ever had.
It's not.
Some people believe that MARVEL and DC comics will be able to return to the greatness it achieved in the past.
They can't.
A lot of people believe that the comic book industry CANNOT survive without MARVEL and DC comics.
It must.
But it won’t!
Marvel is really bad right now.
I buy about 35 comics per month.. about 20 of them are DC, and 3 are Marvel.
It's terrible.
My local comic store orders so few new comics I never see 1st issues anymore. They have so little faith in Marvel and DC that they order nothing extra. If it's not on your pull list you'll probably not see it on the shelf because they've ordered only a handful of copies.
In the 80's and 90's I remember them bringing out entire boxes of popular issues. Now if they order 5 copies it's amazing.
Exactly! If you don't sub to a book now, forget about checking out a new issue or series and giving it a shot. I end up picking up so many issues off of Ebay to acquire books that I couldn't get in my LCBS. Shipping is expensive but it's still cheaper than me driving all over the city to different shops hoping to find new releases which are sold out immediately due to low order volume.
@@24kabuki I completely missed out on Ultimate Spider-Man. They didn't even order extra copies of that. I'm not paying scalper prices on eBay either. Back in the day hype alone would sell a comic and they'd order a ton of extra copies. Now nobody seems to care but die-hard collectors and scalpers...and the store can't afford to jump on the hype train because they may lose their shirt in unsold copies.
@@oldmanonyoutubePerhaps waiting for trade is better than buying back issues at E-bay.
Ultimate Spider-Man is great! The story itself is moving rather slow, but it's important for character building.
You are absolutely correct. The physical comic book is a dying breed. A day will come when something shows up that is way better, but that day is not today. If they want physical books to survive, they need to take the art seriously.
Marvel hasn’t been worth a damn since the mouse got it. And I WAS a hardcore Marvel Zombie. But now,it’s a Girl,Queer,or watching my favorite hero get “ deconstructed”.
Unfortunately this is what happens when comics become part of a corporate conglomerate.
Marvel and DC are too busy passing gigs to their grifter NPC buddies.
They won't fix what they don't see is broken.
There was a time when Wednesdays were new comic day. Now Wednesdays are new back issue days. Scored X-Factor #6 the first Apocalypse appearance last week.It’s gold compared to adamantium armor and Spiderboy.
Hate to say it, but things won't improve until/unless the current "staff" is replaced with competent and motivated individuals.
I've checked out of the mainstream comic. If there's 1 title a month that interests me, it's a shock.
Meanwhile I have a pull list of about 300 manga, and I'm just glad they barely print those every 4th month, spreading out my purchases to less than 100 a month.
if Marvel keeps going like this they won't even be able to pay Alex Ross to do covers anymore, much less a full story project.
Thanks John!
the industry is essentially in its death spiral at this point. which is really sad.
What happened to the house of ideas?
They fell off hard. Disney killed it
They gayed themselves out of talent.
They got the idea that they'd do comics for a few months, then go on to Hollywood.
Poor royalties and creator rights
It's become the House of DEI.
Reed Richards: JOHNNY STORM! Why did you torch my entire MARVEL collection?
Johnny: Uh, oh. Ben tricked me. I bet you wanted me to torch your DC collection.
Reed : No Johnny, I just wanted to get those hyper valuable variants and first appearances out of the stacks before you torched them!! >:)
Old continuity is better than today’s hot garbage in Marvel
Word. There are a few random comics that happen to good here and there, but as a universe, the Marvel Universe and my personal investment in it as a universe concluded with Secret Wars 2015 (and with 2018/2019's Doomsday Clock over at DC).
@@Tyler_W just keep reading at what you enjoy even the classic continuity.
Boom rarely paid $80 a page, and a few years ago, was paying as low as $25 a page on some of their kids titles, I’m told.
Marvel and DC both messed up and lost their creativity when they both left NYC at the same time.
They lost the way when they invited in mentally ill leftists to use their comics as propaganda.
Just Reading Thor Epic Collections, Classic Stories and fun too
I feel your pain it’s very sad that this has happened how can a company lose all its customers. The end is near
That's...not at all what happened in USM. the Ultimate Shocker we saw in 2 explained he found the gauntlets in some guy's apartment he was robbing and took them because the guy apparently was dead of a heart attack the shock of what he saw was too much. Harry takes the guantlets but leaves Shocker behind. The Bullseye stuff is unrelated, we see him capture Bullseye at the end of 3. Now, it's a fair question to ask why Tony was giving the Shocker his guantlets or if it was someone else with similar weapons that was supposed to be a hero, but we're five issues into the universe, he might not know everything.
But your overall point is still good.
I don't agree with his takedown of USM. I almost feel like we are primed to find things wrong, and focus on them (even if they're little). I don't blame anyone who does that, because I do that with any little thing I see that might suggest "woke". Bit, I still think it's a good book.
@@cancelme4200 That's definitely an easy thing to fall into and yeah I don't really blame people because it's everywhere. And he's not wrong that outside of Ultimate there's just not much worthwhile Marvel is putting out. It's just a little annoying to me when you get real obvious plot points wrong like that, makes it easy for your critics to dismiss you as well. Like if you want to complain it's slow I get it, or if you don't like that Spider-Man has only been in 2 out of 5 issues, again, I get it. Personally I'm loving every issue, but at least be accurate in your complaints.
@@valiantparagonvideos2383Yep. Agree with you. I don't understand why Wes criticize USM that hard, because we know the story was barely started couple months ago.
IMO even the story pace move rather slow, it's still at the right direction.
Aside from Ultimate line, I agree with Wes, that Marvel books is not good.
Wolverine #50 was the dumbest read. Wolverine didn’t do anything in the armor. I wasted my money
They have killed movies, comics, card games, video games, and ttrpg. There's nothing left, so hopefully, they are done.
After looking at Marvel’s August catalogue, I’m kind of grateful I’m saving so much money. However, Boom and Image will be getting the money I saved from Marvel!
The House of Ideas has been foreclosed.
The Gerry Duggan and CB Cebulski voices!! 😂
You are partially mistaken, Marvel comics is not a comic book editor, it is a average pub agency under a ongoing contract from disney to promote upcoming, potential, likely to one day be green lighted, disney plus exclusif, show and movie that are gonna revolutionized the 1925 comic industry.
Thanks for the video Wes! We all are feeling the same way! More people need to speak up!
More people should stop buying this crap.
Years ago I would never believe I would say this, but, aighiamisou, Marvel.
I’ll be scouring Webtoon’s catalog for more creative ideas while waiting for Vol.12 of Adam Warren’s Empowered
Cant wait until they cancel and reboot every series after every issue so EVERY new issue is a number 1 and a milestone all the time. Idiots.
I don't buy comics these days. I haven't since around 2010 I guess. Recently I went to a store to replace some of my comic book boxes. While there, I browsed over what was on the shelf. I picked up Transformers, Void Rivals, G.I. Joe, Duke, and Cobra Commander. I used to be the biggest Marvel fan, but looking at what was on the shelf, I just didn't care about what I saw.
If you want to spend money on comics, try collecting the Marvel magazines from the 70s and 80s. Stuff like Rampaging Hulk is awesome fun!
That's what I do. I just collect the classics and read the new bullshit online
Next thing you know, Punisher will be newly armed with a supersoaker mixed with itch powder. Better watch out. He bad.
Maybe the goal is to close the physical stores...
It is
The speculator boom of the 90's led to the bankruptcy that sold Marvel movie rights to Sony. It was so predictable I predicted it 3 years before it happened and I'm seeing they are right back at it when they need to be lean and smart, and all about quality. They are predatory on their consumer. That ALWAYS kills readership.
That's not true. Sales were still strong after the bubble popped. They went bankrupt trying to become an umbrella corporation buying trading card companies, distributors and a bunch of other bad investments.
@@jbbrolic well - here's the thing - it was the boom they were riding at the time, like land and oil speculation - it USUALLY happens strongest during a boom, but contributes to the bust; in particular the depression that follows.
It kills consumer interest so THAT dries up, it encourages shoddy writing to push those speculations, which kills quality and consumer interest further.. it even kills the speculation that drives it as people catch on to the ever increasing crap nature of it, so that goes bust, and ultimately instead of companies, artists, investors just failing and getting back up, as it encourages reckless and ultimately empty spending, it drains the coffers, and the fall becomes a hellish pit when it happens, taking everybody connected on a ride including comic shops.
Every major bust is usually preceded by a boom that, while it ultimately by itself cannot last forever, causes frenetic activity as people try to get in on it.. which actually hastens it, making the severity worse, and instead if it being a somewhat brief, but nonetheless growth driven golden era, and a wave we ride for longer after and remember fondly, it is remembered as brief foolish & regrettable tragedy that nobody wishes to repeat. The damage usually outweighs the good results. Speculation is usually poison save for a few lucky winners.
@@jbbrolic Incidentally, I think merchandizing is overall a smart move - done selectively it can be a gold mine and a good revenue stream using existing IP. The mistake would he 50 different gimmick Batmans for instance, or trying to capitalize on unpopular heroes, taking time, effort and wasting money to prop them them up.
Chase the money people want to give you.
I feel like the soap opera aspect of superhero comics has been largely killed off and now the writing is just catered to mcu watchers. Its death of the soap opera and birth of the mind numbing action hero with pop culture references galore.
Bingo! Most comic writers these days write more like screen writers than super-hero comic book writers. And the fans of the MCU don’t even read comics. Ironic.
Picked up the newest Marvel free catalog of up coming books. Not one did I find interesting in the least.
Why are there SO MANY Spider Man comics!?! There are like 20 different ones. It's ridiculous. And more than half of them are NOT Peter Parker.
It's all awful.
Yet, they’re paying Alex Ross to do the covers for Strange, Thor and FF to lure readers in.
I dropped my saver, I'm picking up a couple minis to end and then just going to back issues. Nothing is aa good as early 2000's
The solution is simple, if you hate what the big two are doing, stop reading the big two. Buy independent
Bu bu but Wes! What about the X-Men Wedding Special!!! 😂😂😂
I'm convinced this wedding special is the only reason why they sidetracked Fall of X since last year as much as they did, retconned Nightcrawler's origins into mess and made the whole Mystique and Destiny plot the only developed and focused plotline in the final chapter of Krakoa while disregarding everything else which got readers interested in the first place.
It's probably it because Gillen was behind all of those things including the Wedding special issue.
We don't talk about that.
Peter is forbidden to get married, but we are looking at two terrorists and villains.
@@spinningtornado4543 I don't even read this shit. I'm so done with Mystique and Destiny.
@@EvandroACruz I feel the same.
I am as done with the two of them as I am with Nightcrawler, who's been used as a sock puppet to make readers forget, turn a complete blind eye and forgive every terrible thing they ever canonically selfishly did in their 40 years of publishing history.
i do agree with you..o find myself getting way more indies now a days
I notice more excitement about reprints of Golden, Silver and Bronze Age reprints than the crappy monthlies that DC and Marvel is publishing. There are You Tube channels and FB pages dedicated to the Omnibus, Absolute and Deluxe Editions.
I agree with everything except saying DC waits for Marvel to do anything first when actually, it’s the other way around. DC puts out better quality over Marvel all the time. Covers, stories, art, etc. Marvel is always looking over DC shoulder to see what DC is doing. The thing is that whenever DC does anything it’s viewed with eye rolls and failure before many people actually read it. Most people speak before even knowing what they are talking about. Oh, but they’ll say Moon Knight or Black Cat are great though. Mainly because they hear people say it.
$80 a page is $10 a hour. I made more moving furniture around.
I've always wondered why Marvel chose Earth 616 as it's main earth. 616 is linked to 666. That Number Of The Beast thing. Not exactly heroic.
I barelly can recognize Marvel 616 universe now. No more heroism.
The American Comic dies in the late 90's. the 2000's up to now have simply been a sad fit of denial and false hope. Sure, there has been the rare (very very rare) decent comic. But they were only "good" when compared to the steaming turds that surrounded them. Go to your nearest sewage plant, papermill or any facility that has a horrendous stench. Just stand there and breath. After an hour you will no longer smell anything bad. That is the American Comic industry. You have allowed the stench to fall into the background and you no longer notice it. Recently I started reading my Marvel Epic Collection from the 70's and 80's. Even stories that I didn't consider great seem like masterpieces of the art. I do have to say though, you are a dedicated and mentally tough fan to continue covering this.
The legion of doofuses LOL! I LOVE IT! Wes truer words have never been said
Dan Slott burying his own better book in favor of god awful Superior Spider-Man is even funny when you remember he also had Morlun kill the old Spider-Boy
This IS sad because Stan Lee was one of my inspirations and idols growing up. He is most definitely crying from above us while watching what became of everything he left behind. I would think professionals would show the same love to Marvel as the fans do. My only words of comfort are is that it always gets worse before it gets better. Perhaps it need to fall for the slate to become clean again.
6:42 Also, it was Shocker, not Bullseye
Yeah Tony didn't send Bullseye the gauntlets lmao
I spent about 300 on mafex xmen figures and zero on actual xmen comics. Cant bring myself to read these books. Marvel is so bad right now. I was a collector since giant size Xmen. And no more.
6:22 It’s not the Prowler @ThinkingCritical: it’s Harry Osborn, the Green Goblin.
Just a gentle piece of advice to check your facts first
I just own comics that the woke haven't touched like old back issues of Indy books from the 1980's They ain't worth much but at least their core material has never been corrupted. Same goes for old cartoons and TV shows. Screw modern society.
I actually had a shock on Thursday gone I have completed my batman collection of all titles I wanted
And I've completed my cap run with the last gleaming epic collection
I only have six other books from other collections then I'm actually done.
I don't buy anything current stopped buying around 2014
It feels strange though but I'm a good way
Now I've just got to put the shelves up to store it on
"I'm not giving up, but they really want me to"
This sentiment from Wes is also part of the problem, the "full-run"/comic fan boy mentality. Marvel was and still is in search of this "new" audience that doesn't give a single shit about comics, and we all know that. But in the meantime there's the full-run/fan boy types that like say they don't read the books, they just buy then bag-and- board that are the ones keeping Marvel afloat.
These guys LOVE to bitch and moan but don't realize they're the ones keeping all the elements they don't like within these books going...BY CONTINUING TO BUY THEM. MC and DC don't care about comment sections, TH-camrs, Bounding Into Comics....only dollars. GIVE UP. STOP. BUYING. THAT. TRASH.
They don't have that "new" customer they're desperately in search of, never will. Imagine if they lost all the full-run guys. Then, just maybe then, you all would get these changes you all clamor for in these videos, articles, and comment sections.
When He left the planet in body he took Marvel's future with him , despite his lack of involvement.
I hope Duggan’s off Iron Man. Maybe we can finally get an author on the book who LIKES Iron Man and wants to write a book about him. One can hope…
Marvel is TOTALLY pandering to the comic “collector” and “speculators”. Just read the solicitation on the next Wolverine #1. It says “1st appearance” of character to sell the story written by Saladin Ahmed.
As a bald man, I implore you, don’t rip your hair out.
I feel your pain, my friend, and understand your anger.
The only Spider-man line I’m buying is the Ultimate line when Peter and Mary Jane get back together on ASM I’ll see start buying that as well 😮
The best Marvel stories I'm reading right now, are literally FAN FICTION- crossovers with manga and anime, featuring characters I can identify with, no matter their gender, race, or sexual orientation, because the manga, anime, and FAN FICTION writers refrain from making the characters Mary Sue self-inserts who are "Just like [the writer], but absolutely perfect in every way!"
How the mighty have fallen. (Sadly glances at Marvel Comics graphic novels I bought AT LEAST ten years ago.)
I personally love ultimate Spiderman series its really awesome and ten times better then the terrible awful jackpot book and the awful asm book in my opinion.
Same. It's the only book of marvel I'm reading right now. I'm definitely going to check out Ultimates next week.
@@blackthunder4406 indeed same here as well
it croaked when disney bought, end of story. its too bad lee went out knowing how they fucked up his lifes work
Wes I come back read manga in the last week and this relieve many of the stress that ASM and Fall Of X bring to my mind in the latest months. Marvel become toxic and unheath to us older readers. The end of Krakoa Era made me give up from the X titles forever and I'm so done with 616 universe at this point. Mangas and indies comics are the only hope now. Marvel are destroying anything what we loved since our teenager days. These modern writers are true vandals that poison anything what is good, noble and heroic about these fictional characters and the editors think that fill the market with low quality books will improve the sales are delusional. Marvel are killing himself at this point.
00:00:00 - The Lack Of Quality In The Comic Book Industry
00:00:53 - Greenlighting Comic Book Series Without A Plan
00:01:45 - Overshadowed By Superior Spider-Man
00:02:34 - The Failure Of Spider Boy And Marvel's Bait And Switch Tactics
00:03:30 - Marvel Comics' Misguided Business Strategies
00:04:27 - The Epic Battle With Sabretooth
00:05:23 - Criticism Of Marvel Comics
00:06:17 - The Mystery Of Bullseye's Iron Man Gloves
00:07:21 - Publishers Doing Cool Stuff
00:08:10 - The Destruction Of The American Comic Book Industry
00:09:08 - The Cancellation Of Invincible Iron Man Series
00:10:05 - Critique Of X-Men Storylines
00:11:02 - Criticizing The X-Men Comics
00:11:58 - The Lack Of Consistency In Comic Book Art
00:12:50 - Marvel Comics And The Death Of The Comic Book Industry
00:13:41 - Marvel's Mistakes And Distracting Trends
00:14:36 - Is Doctor Strange's Comic Series Ending?
00:15:25 - Bleeding The Audience With A Thousand Paper Cuts
00:16:16 - The State Of Indie Comic Books
00:17:05 - Comic Book Industry Woes
00:17:59 - The Patreon Link In The Video Description
The only Marvel comic that’s got my interest right now is Get Fury. Unless they manage to destroy that story as well
If dc and marvel don't go back to basics and give people what they want there both on there way out of business I'm so bored of gender swaps and reboots I'm with doc and will just put my money into back issues I'm 55 and have been reading and collecting since the age of 11 with the exception of conan and the spawn line I'm moving away from modern comics
Color me not surprised. We 100% deserve to be upset.
You mentioned some publishers that are actually doing good work. Apologies if you've already done this, but would you be interested in doing a dedicated video about the publishers that are actually putting out consistent quality work and what books to look out for?
I did an entire video about Rook Exodus. Multiple videos lauding the work of Skybound.
@Wes_From_TC I'll have to check them out. Been a little while since I've checked out comic book news and content (I can only take so much disappointment), but yours is easily one of the best. Thanks for the heads up!
Have you tried not buying Marvel comics? It'll work wonders on your mental health. And there is a slew of great books at Image, Boom!, and Vault. I recommend Barbaric.
Nobody cares about new comics.
If only valiant was like it was when it first came back. We would at least have 3 superhero universes. This is like wrestling after wcw went out of business. Wwe was the only company and could put whatever crap put they wanted. DC has been running on fumes for a while, valiant was doing 1 comic a month. Marvel was the only "successful" comic universe and there's only like 2 or 3 good comics released a month.
Marvel has been daed for several years. They are only good for back issues from the 60s to the late 90s
Had to mute during Wolverine breakdown as I am reading 49 and 50 tomorrow lol. . .Marvel seems to flame out quite often with the conclusions of story arcs the last few years, so I didn't exactly have high expectations once I heard about the armor. . .
Good question. Why was Wolverine in adamantium armor? If it’s so heavy as to weigh him down as he really has no superhuman strength to maneuver in it, in fact he would be faster without the metal skeleton. The armor Shaul be to heavy for him to move in.
Yeah. If we know anything about adamantium it's that it's heavy as hell. Sometimes the writers even remembers that Logan has a hard time with water because of it.
That adamantium armor should have weighed a fair deal.
I don't even know at this point.
Logan got his healing turned off and it turns out that the armor was jumpstarting his mutation up (armor was made by forge) which we find out in this week's Wolverine #50. As for how can he walk around in that I'm guessing foge did some light weight armor or something.
@@dcamaag709 They would have had to have actually read the comic for that piece of information. They either didn't read it or skimmed through it, which is what I find they do with most comics these days. The amount of things Wes and Dok miss is staggering. Even in this video he got a whole bunch of characters mixed up and facts wrong. There are already comments in here pointing out everything he's missed or messed up. This channel is a shell of its former self. The only reason they are still doing this is for the money.
@@kalkella8822 I like the X-men but this krakoa era was crap. If Hickman was allowed to see it to the end I have no doubt that it would have been revered. I'm optimistic for the next run.
Most vids like these don't keep up. You don't necessarily have to pay to keep up as there are more less than moral avenues to pursue (it does save you from buying a sucky book tho). Most of these guys checked out years ago and are mad that they don't know what's happening since they've been out.
I think you got your facts messed up Wes. Tony gave the gauntlets to someone who was meant to be a hero but they were too old at that point and had a heart attack. The guy who is Shcoker was breaking into their house and found them. Tony gave nothing to Bullseye.
I think Valiant has some good ones this year but has mostly lackluster stuff. The good ones are, my opinion are Bloodshot Unleashed Reloaded #3, Xo Manowar Invictus #1 and Brittania the great fire of rome. The rest are lackluster or bad so far.
Is there something wrong with the writers at Marvel?
The more I hear about Wolverine the more I could careless about the character
Me too. I loved that X-Men 97 leave him aside in the most part of the time .