Aww my rabbit used to live with a really agressive cat. Now he lives with my two female cats who were very young when they met him and he's basically their brother. They give them kisses every dsy, they play together and when they are tired they just lay down and chill together. I love that he now has 2amazing little sisters!
My rabbit lost his brother bunny about almost 2 years ago and now I am more busy and feel like I can't give the one alive enough attention. So I was considering getting a kitten to keep him company. I'm really not sure since my bunny will be 7 years old and wonder if it's to late to introduce him to a friend. I just don't want him to be lonely. I was thinking should it be a male or female kitten. Will they get along ??
@@arubahmansoor8990 My rabbit was about to be 7yrs. next month when I adopted a 3yr. old cat in Feb. this year. So far they stare & sniff at each other, or my cat tries to groom my bunny. In a cat I was looking for mellow, friendly, low prey drive, submissive personality.
My dad literally just got a bunny today and my cat is so confused I hope they can live together without an issue Update: my cat is scared of the bunny ...
I have a 8 year old rabbit and a 7 year old cat. They known each other since the cat was a kitten. He’s chill with the rabbit. Just keep them separated when you’re gone. Sometimes cats have predatory instincts and they might attack your rabbit randomly so be careful. We keep our rabbit in a cage when we’re gone to keep her safe. Also we recently got a pug he’s not very good with the rabbit so we keep him separated from the rabbit.
any more updates? I'm thinking of getting a bunny, but i have a cat whose VERY attached to me. she's literally laying on me right now. so my goal is to make my soon to be bunny friends with my cat.
I have a 6 year old cat and about a month ago i brought a bunny home, i slowly introduced them with my bunny in the cage and my cat seeing my bunny in the cage. Now my bunny and cat get along and play together 😊 i am happy they get along well.
Hi I have a 7 year old bunny and was considering getting a kitten to keep him company since his brother passed away 2 years ago n I am more busy. Any suggestions? Should it be a boy or girl kitten?
My cat actually loves to be hunted by my rabbit. The cat runs towards the rabbit, miaus at him turns around and runs away. If the rabbit isn't running after him he stops and just stares at the rabbit and does the running at him again and again until the rabbit runs after him or he gets tired of it.
Hey.. I wanna ask a question if you don't mind!. I have 2 male cats. one is a siamese one has no race. they are both adults the siamese cat is an indoor cat. The other cat is an outdoor cat. so if i get a baby bunny.. Would it eat the bunny? Im just scared.. maybe it would bite and kill the baby bunny?
My Mom has a dwarf bunny that lived to be 12. One night when little Timmy was out for floor time I was playing with Kitty. Our favorite toy was a stuffed mouse with a rope tied to its tail. I would throw out the mouse and wiggle it while Kitty caught it. Timmy was watching and then decided he wanted to play too and came over and tentatively grabbed the rope. Kitty had already been friends with a guinea pig. So that night cat and rabbit became best of friends. They would lay down back to back. Only thing rabbit was never allowed to do was use the litter box. The other 2 cats had fits about that. Little bunny was paper trained. Other 2 cats tolerated bunny but were not friendly like Kitty was. Kitty was the cat at the top of the pecking order.
Yeah, that clip is from a viral video that isn't hers. It's an awful video and is definitely what you *shouldn't* do under any circumstances when introducing a cat and a rabbit--or ever.
@@Solomon0424 Don't worry, If a cat has enough, it will make it VERY clear. Cats are destroyer of worlds, if they want to. I feel like you shouldn't be scared for the cat.
Right now I'm introducing my six week old kitten to my full grown male rabbit. I was worried for the kittens safety but the other day I saw my rabbit licking the baby 😍
Yes. Yes they can. My cat and Netherland dwarf LOVE each other. They will lick each other and cuddle and it’s so cute. My cat will always keep and eye on my bun bun to make sure she doesn’t get in trouble.
Breeds play the most important role here. Cat breeds like the Ragdoll (which rarely hunt) will be more tolerant of a rabbit. Add a larger and calmer rabbit breed like the French Lop or the Flemish Giant (which in turn will likely tolerate a cat) and you should be fine if they are introduced gently. Get aggressive and less friendly breeds of either one and you will be calling for trouble.
my cat is so lazy and calm 😳 he ignores any roaches or mice that he might see, and the only reason he swipes anyone is because they might be pissing him off
My cats have never been introduced to other animals. Well now my mom wants to get my 5 year old sister a pet and we can't get another cat or dog we agreed to get a rabbit because I had my own once and agreed to help my sister take care of the rabbit. Now I just want to learn as much as I can.
My rabbit adores my cat, but so far the love is not mutual. hes definatly bigger than her, but a sweet gentle giant. My cat is also really sweet. she just moved in this week and Ive kept them in seperate areas of the house. Hopefully they will get along. Marshy would just love a friend to keep him company while im gone
i have a free roam bunny and im getting a kitten and im afraid they wont get along and i feel horrible having to put my bunny in a cage anyone have any tips
If it’s really impossible for those two to get along, I think you should just give the rabbit back to somebody who’ll take good care of it. It’s better for the bunny.
I was afraid of a kitten being too much for my rabbit to handle. I knew he doesn't like energetic critters or kids. My rabbit has free roam of my bedroom. I got a 3yr old mellow cat instead. It's been 3mos. and so far the cat respects my rabbit and he grooms him. When I'm not around to watch them I close my bedroom door to keep them separate.
Depends a lot on your rabbit's personality, my bunny friend (polo) is REALLY territorial with rabbits, highly energetic, and social, so having another rabbit wasn't an option, my mom had to give up her cat (armonia) so I adopted her, the cat is not territorial at all, more laid back and social so she was a perfect match for polito. Both they are great friends now 🥰
I had a baby cat and a baby bunny just let them run around together and they will get along if the vcat chases the bunny pick him up and tap the cat on the nose or a spray bottle when ur cat gets older it will chase the bunny but only to plwynplay it's not trying to hurt it when u think the bunny is don playing with the cat remove the cat use spray bottle or 2 tapes on the nose
My rabbit Vintage ik a weird name for my rabbit. She actually tries getting along with my cat angie! I saw them last night snuggle with each other it was adorable 🥺
It's been exactly two weeks since we adopted 2 baby dwarf rabbits. We have a 1,5 yo cat. Sometimes she approaches their cage to exchange kisses, but sometimes she tries to poke their eyes out. The rabbits run around the room just fine, but the cat is scared poopless every single time as if she has never seen them before. She tries to hit them multiple times whenever they approach her, she attempts to hunt them at times as well. I really hope she befriends them before deskinning.
Hi! Thank you so much for this video,?i just adopted a cat (around 3 months old) and introduced her to my 1-yo bunny. kitty tried to atact the bunny and bunny got scared and went away and then thump (of fear/danger) . I'll take your advice of keeping them close but separate at the same time so they can be around. If you have any other advice i'd appreciate it 😊 thank you!
I'm a Wild Rabbit owner for 35yrs having them hopping around the house aswell as outside even in the public area/field behind the house. I've had 3 red Cats and have one now. They all protected and still protect, my (THEIR) Rabbits against Cats,Pitbulls and Bulldogs in general when He sees 'em approaching, All 3 of my Red Cats would run at them and violently Attack these dogs. Sent many Pitbulls and 1 Longhaired German Sheppard even 18 times to the Vets. (Just protecting his Little Rabbit Brother & Sister) Hahaha To a point people started to call from a distance: "Vinnie!? Is Your Cat There With Your Rabbits In the Field?? After confirming this they said : "Ok! then i'll walk my dog the other way round!" Hahaha But all of my Red Cats did (& the current one still does) crawl into their cage and they sleep together ;)
I have a wild eastern cottontail that I adopted after one of my 5 cats brought home one night. They all get along and play. I stopped seperating them when I go to work. I half expected to come home to a dead rabbit, but she's too fast.
My cats were terrified of my bun. Sadly the bun died suddenly. It's been weeks and the cats still act as though the bunny is going to charge them from a hiding spot. I miss my bun, she was my funny girl.
Lol, when I first got my rabbit, my cat was terrified. The bunny was just chillen, and the cat acted like it was the end of the world. BTW they aren't best friends now, but they do get along.
Very interesting. Well we introduced a more than 3 times smaller dwarf rabbit cub to our cat succesfuly. The measures were mostly the same, rabbit in a cage for over a week. The cat didn;'t show signs of predatory instinct, but displayed distress and discontent about this stranger being in her home. after we let the rabbit out of the cage, for a few weeks the cat didn't allow him to get close, displayed her dislike, hissed, and generaly didn't like the long ear scary thing. I think our cat was also a bit afraid of the small rabbit. But eventually she accepted him, and they are good friends now. Free roam all day all night. There were times they played, in the past a few times they fought (not too seriously, but more like paw swipes and war rabbit charges) now they simply are great friends, the rabbit learned to use the cat litter from teh cat, drinks next to teh cat when she's eating, they play and sleep. Again. It's a much smaller dwarf rabbit, and teh cat accepted him. I think she believes the rabbit is some sort of smaller cat, not her natural prey.
Hilary Mills same. I have 3 cats. the older one agressive to other cats and to other people that he didnt know. but now im thinking want to get a rabbits as a pet too. thats why I came here..
A good tip with introducing animals is by introducing the smell of the rabbit on an object first and bring it to the cat so if the initial reaction. The best thing with introducing animals is by making each other apparent in the environment, but not in an alarming speed which can cause chaos.
I have a rabbit And my sister recently got a cat. He is very playful and chases my bunny and the thing is he uses his claws and he bites. Hes not meaning to be aggressive he just plays hard too hard for a bunny. She doesnt hate him but he scares her sometimes and we tried isolating them but he always escapes and goes into the room with the bunny
Wow this is a great video. My rabbit tries to annoy my cat and he runs around her in circles. My rabbit is also the size of a football so he doesn’t, like, look like a predator. I also introduced them about 9 months ago so idk if I can fix their relationship. Any ideas on how I could bond them? Thanks:)
Hello, my two bonded bunnies have a new kitten the kitten is kept away for now and the free roam rabbits in doors are put in a pen when the kitten is in the room. The boy bunny is freaking out the kitten just sits there does nothing and he thumps and runs. How can I calm him and show him the kitten is no threat?
Would a 8 lb rabbit be ok with a 15-20 lb cat? I’m avoiding letting the new cat around my 3lb even tho my small cat is best friends w her but my larger rabbit and I share a room and when I get the other girl I do want to share a room with both.
I wondered if this set up would work out, coz I had a rabbit for more than 7 years before she passed away. And now I have a cat, idk if my late rabbit and my cat would get along
I think my cats are gonna find it rough when their lil elderly bunny big brother passes ;-; He watched over them when they were kittens and now in his old days they protect him
I have 2 cats, one is very grumpy and antisocial and the other is playful and doesn't understand other cats/animals. I'm a little worried because I'm getting a rabbit and it'll probably be a netherland dwarf!
My family always had big aggresive dogs , recently a kitten jumped in my car at the bar i drink at an refused to leave i thought the cat would not last very long because days earlier i burried a mother cat for the owner thst ventured into to thier backyard , i took it home very friendly follows me around ,thought someone would be missing it guess i have a damn cat now .lol I have itin a big enclosure an only let her out when i am at home , i realised she was afraid an loonely so i put her in my rabbit enclosure all big rabbits an she is less lonely i don't think the rabbits even noticed she wasa cat ,she is way more relaxed.
They can get along just fine. In fact, if you have more than one cat, the rabbit will usually pick one cat over the other to be his buddy, and follow that cat all over the place. Rabbits will also display mounting behavior with cats at times. Mounting in rabbits shows dominance in this case, not mating. The cat may get frustrated with the rabbit at times, and could lash out. In most cases, though, the cat will find a hiding place to separate himself from the rabbit when he wants a breather.
my new bunny is aggressive toward the 3 cats in my house only when he is being territorial. I need to get my bunny neutered, and only have at least one cat in my room at a time supervised. My bunny is free roamed. I am scared for my cat's lol. I don't think I am going to leave my cat in my room while I sleep, to stressful when I can't supervise. Other than that I do see great potential. She's right you have to control the environment.
I'll probably have to introduce my cats with my bunny soon since my bunny has been trying to get out of his outdoor cage and its dangerous for him to leave (yes, we bring him inside for hours to let him run around and play, he just gets frustrated with his cage). I'd like him to be indoor free-range.
The size of my bunny make the cats very confused,a Spartan Dog tries to play with them but he is just too silly and rough and my rabbits don't want "bite games" extremely happy Dogs needs to be trained because they can hurt other animals without realizing it these behaviour tends to be destrutive,my rabbits never destroy anything but the Spartan Dog...he bites everything even his cords
I only have rabbits but i think it would also be smart to buy a relativly small cat when it is still young because even a 1 or 2 year old rabbit could defend himself a little bit against a baby bc my rabbits definetly have some fighting spirit when they dont like something
One of my cats keeps stealing my neighbour's rabbit babies. We have found two dead in our house already and saved two, another this evening. I am so worried about the rabbits. What do we do.
Oh no, that sounds awful! Thank you for caring about rabbits. It sounds like the rabbits are not secure. Perhaps you can discuss some options with your neighbors and keep a close watch on your cat until they are implemented. Best wishes to all, including furbabies 💚
The f-ing idea of getting, a: -baby puppy -baby rabbit -baby kitten Makes my heart throw up. I seriously would LOVE to make sure to have everyone introduced to each other! 💙 I'm fucking 38 and would LOVE TO DO THAT.🥲😑☺️
i’m about to socialize a new roommates cat to my bunny and i gotta say i’m more worried for the cat 😭 my bunny is a big girl (not spayed yet) so she is SUPER territorial. he’s a docile happy go lucky cat that don’t know no better poor thing 💀
We just brought in two kittens. We rescued a batch last year and unfortunately they all got Pan Lukopenia and died. It was devastating but I noticed our rabbit really enjoyed them for the short time we had them. Now we have two new kittens and our Bun is playing and putting his head down in submission to them. Only problem is….they think he’s a play toy. I am now wondering since he does so well with kittens maybe it’s time to replace his stuffed honey bunny rabbit away and get him a real mate? I’m just afraid that since he already believes he is king over my daughter and I that he may not take well to a new rabbit and he may stop being so loving with us. What would you do in my situation? Should we let his new kitten pals be his daily company or should we get him a really hunny bunny??
Did the cat meet the bunny as a kitten? My roommate has a dwarf bunny, and I really want to get a cat, but I'm scared that if the cat is larger it will terrorize the bunny/act predatory. Curious if you ever had an issue with the cat scratching the bunny.
I kinda put them close to each other within a few days of them sniffing each other between a cage . Also the bunny is a baby the bunny loves the cat . The cat likes the to watch the bunny a little .the bunny loves it invade the cats space . The cat just walks off . Also my cat don't like to hunt at all really . She like to only killed flies and thats about it . They so far are behaving together really really well . The bunny adores the cat so far .
a big bunny just would bite back..maybe depends onc harachter and situation also my uncles cat had no hunting instinkt at all even let wild mice just pass by even snifed them hello and theys walked off fine so maybe not a good example this cat really got along well with my fathers rabit
short answer.. yes cats are not stupid and generally dont pick fights with a coiled spring about the same size of them with a taste for buggery. mileage might vary
I have allowed my daughter to bring in two giant continental rabbits, they are still young the same size as a dwarf lop at two months, how do I introduce these two animals two cats 🐈 be older and one still young and quite a hunter without the risk of the rabbits being killed.
I’ve got a 5 years old rabbit (mini lop) in a couple of days I’m getting two 8 weeks old kittens. I’m really I’m sure how it’s going to go, if the bond or not. My neighbour has a cat and sometimes my rabbit get a long with my neighbour cat. I would like some advice :) thank you for the vid I’ll follow everything you said.
Nothing with animals is ever a “one size fits all” solution. "Can cats and rabbits get along?” The key answer is: “yes, in some cases, they can.” First, realize that your cat is a predatory animal, and your rabbit is a prey animal. Rabbits are going to be naturally scared; it’s their instinct. Cats hunt. Rabbits hide. This is a great TH-cam video, and the tips are spot on. But because all animals are so different, only you and your exotic vet know what will work in your home. Best of luck!💚 Small Pet Select Family
Nothing with animals is ever a “one size fits all” solution. "Can cats and rabbits get along?” The key answer is: “yes, in some cases, they can.” First, realize that your cat is a predatory animal, and your rabbit is a prey animal. Rabbits are going to be naturally scared; it’s their instinct. Cats hunt. Rabbits hide. This is a great TH-cam video, and the tips are spot on. But because all animals are so different, only you and your exotic vet know what will work in your home. Best of luck!💚 Small Pet Select Family
There's an outdoor cat we have from another neighbor who moved away and now tonight there's a baby rabbit outside that he keeps going after. The rabbit screeched like he was in pain when the cat attacked him and had him in his mouth. What are the odds of the cat killing the baby rabbit
I need so help I have 5 bunnies 2 bonded pairs 1 unfixed rabbit he will get a girl soon However I have this cat a female who has no owner I want to bring in my house I don’t want any of my babies ( bunnies ) getting hurt or dying How can I prevent the cat from attacking or hurting or possibly killing my bunnies I decided to keep bunnies in the basement and cat free to roam everywhere beside basement obviously
So I shouldnt introduce my rabbit until their older or should I supervise them when their in the same area? Bc I plan to let my bunny have a pen area and my cats roam the house until bedtime
This is a great TH-cam video, and the tips are spot on. But because all animals are so different, only you and your exotic vet know what will work in your home. (Nothing with animals is every a “one size fits all” solution.) We encourage you to talk with your veterinarian to choose the best option for your family. Best of luck! Small Pet Select Family
I'm watching this because I have the most adorable cat he has long nails but we dont cut them 😅 and I'm planning on getting a rabbit when we're finally done building our house I'm afraid that my cat will attack him/her all tho he's sofriendly .-.
Actually from my experience I think cats and rabbits can stay together because I've 3 cats and 1 rabbit they love each & they love to play together and they are so 😘 adorable cute 😍 I love them ❤️ lots ❤️❤️
I keep my 2 rabbits in my room. I swear I never ever let my 2 cats get in my room because of my rabbits. I only let them in when I'm supervising my cats otherwise every time my cats stay out of my room. This is how I keep my rabbits away from my cats
My sister has a rabbit and I'm looking to get a cat- this is probably what we'll end up doing. Keeping them separate with a door at all times if we're not there, and maybe do some safe introductions with them behind gates/cages and see how they react in case doors are accidentally left open
This isn't my problem... my problem is that my RABBITS attack my CAT. my kitty just wants to walk on the carpet but my female rabbit wants her blood. I just got a new rabbit that someone discarded like trash in my neighborhood and it came to us for help. I'm hoping to bond this rabbit to my cat. My other bunnies are already bonded, but my cat just has her humans. Let's see how it goes!
my sister's bunny has been attacked by a giant dog(who is my pet)and I'm worried that if I someday get a cat before I'm 18,then my cat will attack the bunny. cats hunt bunnies and other small things so I don't know if it's safe,I don't want to test it
Spyro Awesome just saperate them if they didnt get along. but what I trust is.. they will get along. for me.. animals just like human. no matter how many hatred u to someone but if u being force to be together.. it will.. that what Im thinking and I have a proof (my cats)
Aww my rabbit used to live with a really agressive cat. Now he lives with my two female cats who were very young when they met him and he's basically their brother. They give them kisses every dsy, they play together and when they are tired they just lay down and chill together. I love that he now has 2amazing little sisters!
My rabbit lost his brother bunny about almost 2 years ago and now I am more busy and feel like I can't give the one alive enough attention. So I was considering getting a kitten to keep him company. I'm really not sure since my bunny will be 7 years old and wonder if it's to late to introduce him to a friend. I just don't want him to be lonely. I was thinking should it be a male or female kitten. Will they get along ??
@@arubahmansoor8990 My rabbit was about to be 7yrs. next month when I adopted a 3yr. old cat in Feb. this year. So far they stare & sniff at each other, or my cat tries to groom my bunny. In a cat I was looking for mellow, friendly, low prey drive, submissive personality.
Really? I have a bunny 1.5 y/o and my kitten is like 3-5 months old. Should i let them see eachother but one in a cage?
My neighbors cat used to come over and snuggle with my Netherland dwarf bunny😊so I think they can definitely get along
I love when cats and rabbits get along this is very heartwarming thanks for sharing
My dad literally just got a bunny today and my cat is so confused I hope they can live together without an issue
Update: my cat is scared of the bunny ...
I have a 8 year old rabbit and a 7 year old cat. They known each other since the cat was a kitten. He’s chill with the rabbit. Just keep them separated when you’re gone. Sometimes cats have predatory instincts and they might attack your rabbit randomly so be careful. We keep our rabbit in a cage when we’re gone to keep her safe. Also we recently got a pug he’s not very good with the rabbit so we keep him separated from the rabbit.
@@happysloth3208 HAHA i have a pug and im very interested in seeing how he and all our cats react to when I get a bunny.
any more updates? I'm thinking of getting a bunny, but i have a cat whose VERY attached to me. she's literally laying on me right now. so my goal is to make my soon to be bunny friends with my cat.
@@happysloth3208 Watch the dog Whisper to train the dog to get along with him.
My cat is scared of it too but my cat is a hunter so I’m gonna stop that
I have a 6 year old cat and about a month ago i brought a bunny home, i slowly introduced them with my bunny in the cage and my cat seeing my bunny in the cage. Now my bunny and cat get along and play together 😊 i am happy they get along well.
Hi I have a 7 year old bunny and was considering getting a kitten to keep him company since his brother passed away 2 years ago n I am more busy. Any suggestions? Should it be a boy or girl kitten?
My cat actually loves to be hunted by my rabbit. The cat runs towards the rabbit, miaus at him turns around and runs away. If the rabbit isn't running after him he stops and just stares at the rabbit and does the running at him again and again until the rabbit runs after him or he gets tired of it.
Short answer: yes one of my cats loves my new bun bun
Hey.. I wanna ask a question if you don't mind!.
I have 2 male cats. one is a siamese one has no race. they are both adults the siamese cat is an indoor cat. The other cat is an outdoor cat. so if i get a baby bunny.. Would it eat the bunny? Im just scared.. maybe it would bite and kill the baby bunny?
Ngl the outdoor cat might try but the indoor cat it depends on the cat
@@smallpetselect how long will it take to get along with them also is it common for them to get a
@@GalaxyOpal56 mine is both hes a tuxedo cat most of my cats are what will they do?
My rabbit is friends with my 2 cats to the point that they groom each other daily and nap together. It’s so adorable!
My Mom has a dwarf bunny that lived to be 12. One night when little Timmy was out for floor time I was playing with Kitty. Our favorite toy was a stuffed mouse with a rope tied to its tail. I would throw out the mouse and wiggle it while Kitty caught it. Timmy was watching and then decided he wanted to play too and came over and tentatively grabbed the rope. Kitty had already been friends with a guinea pig. So that night cat and rabbit became best of friends. They would lay down back to back. Only thing rabbit was never allowed to do was use the litter box. The other 2 cats had fits about that. Little bunny was paper trained. Other 2 cats tolerated bunny but were not friendly like Kitty was. Kitty was the cat at the top of the pecking order.
She says "don't rush it" but I swear 3:04 someone's pushing that bunny towards the cat 😯
Yeah, that clip is from a viral video that isn't hers. It's an awful video and is definitely what you *shouldn't* do under any circumstances when introducing a cat and a rabbit--or ever.
It looks like many of the clips are showing what not to do. The one with the cat and the cage shows the cat swiping!
I've had a cat for over a year and two rabbits for just over three weeks. This video corresponds well with what I've already been doing. Thank you!
What if the bun is bigger than the cat?
Not a problem. The only concern is the bunny will hurt the cat.
I literally can’t deal I wouldn’t be too worried cause a cat can easily get away
What is bun: is that just for short for rabbit.
@@Solomon0424 Don't worry, If a cat has enough, it will make it VERY clear. Cats are destroyer of worlds, if they want to. I feel like you shouldn't be scared for the cat.
Right now I'm introducing my six week old kitten to my full grown male rabbit. I was worried for the kittens safety but the other day I saw my rabbit licking the baby 😍
I'm worried about the moment when I show my cats the new family members... Lets hope they end up understanding that they are under my protection
Wishing you much success🐰💕🐱
Yes. Yes they can. My cat and Netherland dwarf LOVE each other. They will lick each other and cuddle and it’s so cute. My cat will always keep and eye on my bun bun to make sure she doesn’t get in trouble.
Just got my first rabbit today! I have a whole office room just for him, so excited
Thank you so much for making this video! We have been stressing out with the cat + bunny meeting process and it was really helpful for us.
We have 2 indoor cats and we introduced a 10 pound full grown Domesticated Rabbit and have had no problems at all, they got along instantly...
Breeds play the most important role here. Cat breeds like the Ragdoll (which rarely hunt) will be more tolerant of a rabbit. Add a larger and calmer rabbit breed like the French Lop or the Flemish Giant (which in turn will likely tolerate a cat) and you should be fine if they are introduced gently.
Get aggressive and less friendly breeds of either one and you will be calling for trouble.
my cat is so lazy and calm 😳 he ignores any roaches or mice that he might see, and the only reason he swipes anyone is because they might be pissing him off
Oh my goodness is that a lionhead? Yours looks just like mine!! So precious!! I am hoping to bond him with my cat thank you for the advice!!
My cats have never been introduced to other animals. Well now my mom wants to get my 5 year old sister a pet and we can't get another cat or dog we agreed to get a rabbit because I had my own once and agreed to help my sister take care of the rabbit. Now I just want to learn as much as I can.
I had a cat and a rabbit around 1990. The rabbit ran free in the house and, of course, so did the cat. They got along just fine.
My rabbit adores my cat, but so far the love is not mutual. hes definatly bigger than her, but a sweet gentle giant. My cat is also really sweet. she just moved in this week and Ive kept them in seperate areas of the house. Hopefully they will get along. Marshy would just love a friend to keep him company while im gone
Your ideas are very interesting and made sense with your explanations. Thanks for the video!
Thanks for watching! Do you have cats and rabbits? We love videos too💚
i have a free roam bunny and im getting a kitten and im afraid they wont get along and i feel horrible having to put my bunny in a cage
anyone have any tips
If it’s really impossible for those two to get along, I think you should just give the rabbit back to somebody who’ll take good care of it. It’s better for the bunny.
I was afraid of a kitten being too much for my rabbit to handle. I knew he doesn't like energetic critters or kids. My rabbit has free roam of my bedroom. I got a 3yr old mellow cat instead. It's been 3mos. and so far the cat respects my rabbit and he grooms him. When I'm not around to watch them I close my bedroom door to keep them separate.
You have to find the right cat for the bunny. If the kitten doesn't get along, you need to try again.
Depends a lot on your rabbit's personality, my bunny friend (polo) is REALLY territorial with rabbits, highly energetic, and social, so having another rabbit wasn't an option, my mom had to give up her cat (armonia) so I adopted her, the cat is not territorial at all, more laid back and social so she was a perfect match for polito. Both they are great friends now 🥰
I had a baby cat and a baby bunny just let them run around together and they will get along if the vcat chases the bunny pick him up and tap the cat on the nose or a spray bottle when ur cat gets older it will chase the bunny but only to plwynplay it's not trying to hurt it when u think the bunny is don playing with the cat remove the cat use spray bottle or 2 tapes on the nose
My rabbit Vintage ik a weird name for my rabbit. She actually tries getting along with my cat angie! I saw them last night snuggle with each other it was adorable 🥺
This was a very Interesting video I love how the bunny and cat became buddies
0:50 Boom -Phrasing- ...Said Ripley to the android bunny
It's been exactly two weeks since we adopted 2 baby dwarf rabbits. We have a 1,5 yo cat. Sometimes she approaches their cage to exchange kisses, but sometimes she tries to poke their eyes out. The rabbits run around the room just fine, but the cat is scared poopless every single time as if she has never seen them before. She tries to hit them multiple times whenever they approach her, she attempts to hunt them at times as well. I really hope she befriends them before deskinning.
Hi! Thank you so much for this video,?i just adopted a cat (around 3 months old) and introduced her to my 1-yo bunny. kitty tried to atact the bunny and bunny got scared and went away and then thump (of fear/danger) . I'll take your advice of keeping them close but separate at the same time so they can be around. If you have any other advice i'd appreciate it 😊 thank you!
I’m having this exact problem rn
@@joanna.7575 Hiii, i have the same problem :(((.
Thank you for this useful video ❤
I'm a Wild Rabbit owner for 35yrs having them hopping around the house aswell as outside even in the public area/field behind the house. I've had 3 red Cats and have one now. They all protected and still protect, my (THEIR) Rabbits against Cats,Pitbulls and Bulldogs in general when He sees 'em approaching, All 3 of my Red Cats would run at them and violently Attack these dogs. Sent many Pitbulls and 1 Longhaired German Sheppard even 18 times to the Vets. (Just protecting his Little Rabbit Brother & Sister) Hahaha To a point people started to call from a distance: "Vinnie!? Is Your Cat There With Your Rabbits In the Field?? After confirming this they said : "Ok! then i'll walk my dog the other way round!" Hahaha But all of my Red Cats did (& the current one still does) crawl into their cage and they sleep together ;)
I have a wild eastern cottontail that I adopted after one of my 5 cats brought home one night. They all get along and play. I stopped seperating them when I go to work. I half expected to come home to a dead rabbit, but she's too fast.
My cats were terrified of my bun. Sadly the bun died suddenly. It's been weeks and the cats still act as though the bunny is going to charge them from a hiding spot. I miss my bun, she was my funny girl.
Lol, when I first got my rabbit, my cat was terrified. The bunny was just chillen, and the cat acted like it was the end of the world. BTW they aren't best friends now, but they do get along.
great advice and very cute!
Very interesting. Well we introduced a more than 3 times smaller dwarf rabbit cub to our cat succesfuly. The measures were mostly the same, rabbit in a cage for over a week. The cat didn;'t show signs of predatory instinct, but displayed distress and discontent about this stranger being in her home. after we let the rabbit out of the cage, for a few weeks the cat didn't allow him to get close, displayed her dislike, hissed, and generaly didn't like the long ear scary thing. I think our cat was also a bit afraid of the small rabbit. But eventually she accepted him, and they are good friends now. Free roam all day all night. There were times they played, in the past a few times they fought (not too seriously, but more like paw swipes and war rabbit charges) now they simply are great friends, the rabbit learned to use the cat litter from teh cat, drinks next to teh cat when she's eating, they play and sleep. Again. It's a much smaller dwarf rabbit, and teh cat accepted him. I think she believes the rabbit is some sort of smaller cat, not her natural prey.
My rabbit is aggressive to the new cat.
Hilary Mills same. I have 3 cats. the older one agressive to other cats and to other people that he didnt know. but now im thinking want to get a rabbits as a pet too. thats why I came here..
Richard and Nicole: are we jokes to you?
I was looking for this comment
A good tip with introducing animals is by introducing the smell of the rabbit on an object first and bring it to the cat so if the initial reaction.
The best thing with introducing animals is by making each other apparent in the environment, but not in an alarming speed which can cause chaos.
I have a rabbit And my sister recently got a cat. He is very playful and chases my bunny and the thing is he uses his claws and he bites. Hes not meaning to be aggressive he just plays hard too hard for a bunny. She doesnt hate him but he scares her sometimes and we tried isolating them but he always escapes and goes into the room with the bunny
Wow this is a great video. My rabbit tries to annoy my cat and he runs around her in circles. My rabbit is also the size of a football so he doesn’t, like, look like a predator. I also introduced them about 9 months ago so idk if I can fix their relationship. Any ideas on how I could bond them? Thanks:)
Hello, my two bonded bunnies have a new kitten the kitten is kept away for now and the free roam rabbits in doors are put in a pen when the kitten is in the room. The boy bunny is freaking out the kitten just sits there does nothing and he thumps and runs. How can I calm him and show him the kitten is no threat?
Would a 8 lb rabbit be ok with a 15-20 lb cat? I’m avoiding letting the new cat around my 3lb even tho my small cat is best friends w her but my larger rabbit and I share a room and when I get the other girl I do want to share a room with both.
I wondered if this set up would work out, coz I had a rabbit for more than 7 years before she passed away. And now I have a cat, idk if my late rabbit and my cat would get along
I'm getting a 8 week bunny tomorrow, my cat is 1 and a half, so you don't recommend that I introduce them? Until he gets bigger.
I need the answer to this too but it was two years ago 😭
I’m considering getting a cat but def as a kitten because I’ve already had a bunny for a year and a half and he owns the roost lol
My cats are indoor-outdoor and literally bring huge rabbits that they’ve killed to our porch every once in a while 😭 and my family wants a bunny
I have had a rabbit for 3 years, my family is thinking about getting a new cat. Hope everything goes well!
I think my cats are gonna find it rough when their lil elderly bunny big brother passes ;-; He watched over them when they were kittens and now in his old days they protect him
I have three cats and four bunnies of various sizes. I can safely say the cats want nothing to do with bunnies.
i got more scratches from just playing with my rabbits than giving my cat a bath
I have 2 cats, one is very grumpy and antisocial and the other is playful and doesn't understand other cats/animals. I'm a little worried because I'm getting a rabbit and it'll probably be a netherland dwarf!
Sven Stefansson that's a horrible thing to say
My family always had big aggresive dogs , recently a kitten jumped in my car at the bar i drink at an refused to leave i thought the cat would not last very long because days earlier i burried a mother cat for the owner thst ventured into to thier backyard , i took it home very friendly follows me around ,thought someone would be missing it guess i have a damn cat now .lol I have itin a big enclosure an only let her out when i am at home , i realised she was afraid an loonely so i put her in my rabbit enclosure all big rabbits an she is less lonely i don't think the rabbits even noticed she wasa cat ,she is way more relaxed.
I hope so
They can get along just fine. In fact, if you have more than one cat, the rabbit will usually pick one cat over the other to be his buddy, and follow that cat all over the place. Rabbits will also display mounting behavior with cats at times. Mounting in rabbits shows dominance in this case, not mating. The cat may get frustrated with the rabbit at times, and could lash out. In most cases, though, the cat will find a hiding place to separate himself from the rabbit when he wants a breather.
my new bunny is aggressive toward the 3 cats in my house only when he is being territorial. I need to get my bunny neutered, and only have at least one cat in my room at a time supervised. My bunny is free roamed. I am scared for my cat's lol. I don't think I am going to leave my cat in my room while I sleep, to stressful when I can't supervise. Other than that I do see great potential. She's right you have to control the environment.
I'll probably have to introduce my cats with my bunny soon since my bunny has been trying to get out of his outdoor cage and its dangerous for him to leave (yes, we bring him inside for hours to let him run around and play, he just gets frustrated with his cage). I'd like him to be indoor free-range.
The size of my bunny make the cats very confused,a Spartan Dog tries to play with them but he is just too silly and rough and my rabbits don't want "bite games" extremely happy Dogs needs to be trained because they can hurt other animals without realizing it these behaviour tends to be destrutive,my rabbits never destroy anything but the Spartan Dog...he bites everything even his cords
I only have rabbits but i think it would also be smart to buy a relativly small cat when it is still young because even a 1 or 2 year old rabbit could defend himself a little bit against a baby bc my rabbits definetly have some fighting spirit when they dont like something
One of my cats keeps stealing my neighbour's rabbit babies. We have found two dead in our house already and saved two, another this evening. I am so worried about the rabbits. What do we do.
Oh no, that sounds awful! Thank you for caring about rabbits. It sounds like the rabbits are not secure. Perhaps you can discuss some options with your neighbors and keep a close watch on your cat until they are implemented. Best wishes to all, including furbabies 💚
The f-ing idea of getting, a: -baby puppy -baby rabbit -baby kitten
Makes my heart throw up. I seriously would LOVE to make sure to have everyone introduced to each other! 💙 I'm fucking 38 and would LOVE TO DO THAT.🥲😑☺️
" *what is this sorcery human* ?"
i’m about to socialize a new roommates cat to my bunny and i gotta say i’m more worried for the cat 😭 my bunny is a big girl (not spayed yet) so she is SUPER territorial. he’s a docile happy go lucky cat that don’t know no better poor thing 💀
We just brought in two kittens. We rescued a batch last year and unfortunately they all got Pan Lukopenia and died. It was devastating but I noticed our rabbit really enjoyed them for the short time we had them. Now we have two new kittens and our Bun is playing and putting his head down in submission to them. Only problem is….they think he’s a play toy. I am now wondering since he does so well with kittens maybe it’s time to replace his stuffed honey bunny rabbit away and get him a real mate? I’m just afraid that since he already believes he is king over my daughter and I that he may not take well to a new rabbit and he may stop being so loving with us. What would you do in my situation? Should we let his new kitten pals be his daily company or should we get him a really hunny bunny??
My baby dawrf bunny and my cat are friends- they love eachother
Did the cat meet the bunny as a kitten? My roommate has a dwarf bunny, and I really want to get a cat, but I'm scared that if the cat is larger it will terrorize the bunny/act predatory. Curious if you ever had an issue with the cat scratching the bunny.
Anyone have experience with bonding a netherland dwarf (adult) and a kitten
I kinda put them close to each other within a few days of them sniffing each other between a cage . Also the bunny is a baby the bunny loves the cat . The cat likes the to watch the bunny a little .the bunny loves it invade the cats space . The cat just walks off . Also my cat don't like to hunt at all really . She like to only killed flies and thats about it . They so far are behaving together really really well . The bunny adores the cat so far .
a big bunny just would bite back..maybe depends onc harachter and situation
also my uncles cat had no hunting instinkt at all even let wild mice just pass by even snifed them hello and theys walked off fine so maybe not a good example
this cat really got along well with my fathers rabit
thank u .I love the video😍
Your so Welcome Tasha-So glad you enjoyed:)
short answer.. yes
cats are not stupid and generally dont pick fights with a coiled spring about the same size of them with a taste for buggery.
mileage might vary
Thanks for sharing! 🐰😸
I have allowed my daughter to bring in two giant continental rabbits, they are still young the same size as a dwarf lop at two months, how do I introduce these two animals two cats 🐈 be older and one still young and quite a hunter without the risk of the rabbits being killed.
I’ve got a 5 years old rabbit (mini lop) in a couple of days I’m getting two 8 weeks old kittens. I’m really I’m sure how it’s going to go, if the bond or not. My neighbour has a cat and sometimes my rabbit get a long with my neighbour cat. I would like some advice :) thank you for the vid I’ll follow everything you said.
Nothing with animals is ever a “one size fits all” solution. "Can cats and rabbits get along?” The key answer is: “yes, in some cases, they can.”
First, realize that your cat is a predatory animal, and your rabbit is a prey animal. Rabbits are going to be naturally scared; it’s their instinct. Cats hunt. Rabbits hide.
This is a great TH-cam video, and the tips are spot on. But because all animals are so different, only you and your exotic vet know what will work in your home.
Best of luck!💚
Small Pet Select Family
Nothing with animals is ever a “one size fits all” solution. "Can cats and rabbits get along?” The key answer is: “yes, in some cases, they can.”
First, realize that your cat is a predatory animal, and your rabbit is a prey animal. Rabbits are going to be naturally scared; it’s their instinct. Cats hunt. Rabbits hide.
This is a great TH-cam video, and the tips are spot on. But because all animals are so different, only you and your exotic vet know what will work in your home.
Best of luck!💚
Small Pet Select Family
There's an outdoor cat we have from another neighbor who moved away and now tonight there's a baby rabbit outside that he keeps going after. The rabbit screeched like he was in pain when the cat attacked him and had him in his mouth. What are the odds of the cat killing the baby rabbit
Pretty good odds, unfortunately 😓 what happened to the bunny?
Keep that cat away from that rabbit. Rabbits only scream like that when they think they are going to die.
Thank you so much this helps me a lot now I’m not gonna get my catch any toys like that
How do I help the alliance?
What about a baby kitten and baby rabbit
I need so help I have 5 bunnies
2 bonded pairs
1 unfixed rabbit he will get a girl soon
However I have this cat a female who has no owner I want to bring in my house
I don’t want any of my babies ( bunnies ) getting hurt or dying
How can I prevent the cat from attacking or hurting or possibly killing my bunnies
I decided to keep bunnies in the basement and cat free to roam everywhere beside basement obviously
What kind of bunny is the one you’re holding in the video?
Cats freak my rabbit out. He's been around them a couple of times - no indication he was anything but terrified.
Thanks for sharing, a great example of how each bun is unique. What may work for one, does not work for all. 💚
Does anyone have experience with introducing a Flemish giant to a kitten? The kitty is 3 months old and the bunny is 1 year (15 lbs). Same advice?
im curious about that too qwq i want to get a bunny but i have a 1 year old cat and some kittens..
my bun is very territorial and i really hope she gets along with my cat, he is. boy
So I shouldnt introduce my rabbit until their older or should I supervise them when their in the same area? Bc I plan to let my bunny have a pen area and my cats roam the house until bedtime
Its a 8 week old rabbit
Nice video❤️❤️❤️❤️💚💚💚💚
Can you introduce a baby cat to a bunny?
This is a great TH-cam video, and the tips are spot on. But because all animals are so different, only you and your exotic vet know what will work in your home. (Nothing with animals is every a “one size fits all” solution.) We encourage you to talk with your veterinarian to choose the best option for your family.
Best of luck!
Small Pet Select Family
@@smallpetselect thanks for the answear! And yes i will!
I have 3 cats... 2 love the bunnies 1 hates them I’m not sure what to do
I'm watching this because I have the most adorable cat he has long nails but we dont cut them 😅 and I'm planning on getting a rabbit when we're finally done building our house I'm afraid that my cat will attack him/her all tho he's sofriendly .-.
what if i'd bring home a baby rabbit and a kitten at the same time?
my cat attacked my computer bcs she seen the robbit
Robbit is mah fave animal
Actually from my experience I think cats and rabbits can stay together because I've 3 cats and 1 rabbit they love each & they love to play together and they are so 😘 adorable cute 😍 I love them ❤️ lots ❤️❤️
i didnt see it but when my sisters cats meet my moms rabits cats were scared of those rabbits and rabbits were curious about cats didnt see that tho
I keep my 2 rabbits in my room. I swear I never ever let my 2 cats get in my room because of my rabbits. I only let them in when I'm supervising my cats otherwise every time my cats stay out of my room. This is how I keep my rabbits away from my cats
But that is so much work tho 😭
My sister has a rabbit and I'm looking to get a cat- this is probably what we'll end up doing. Keeping them separate with a door at all times if we're not there, and maybe do some safe introductions with them behind gates/cages and see how they react in case doors are accidentally left open
This isn't my problem... my problem is that my RABBITS attack my CAT. my kitty just wants to walk on the carpet but my female rabbit wants her blood. I just got a new rabbit that someone discarded like trash in my neighborhood and it came to us for help. I'm hoping to bond this rabbit to my cat. My other bunnies are already bonded, but my cat just has her humans. Let's see how it goes!
My mom had a rabbit that was eaten by a cat
Idk why my username on yt is like this
My rabbit its bigger than the cat and the rabbit its curios to. So the cats gonna be a little bit scared
Mine cat and rabbit did....
Mine did
my sister's bunny has been attacked by a giant dog(who is my pet)and I'm worried that if I someday get a cat before I'm 18,then my cat will attack the bunny. cats hunt bunnies and other small things so I don't know if it's safe,I don't want to test it
Spyro Awesome just saperate them if they didnt get along. but what I trust is.. they will get along. for me.. animals just like human. no matter how many hatred u to someone but if u being force to be together.. it will.. that what Im thinking and I have a proof (my cats)
my cat doesn't even attack birds, she just sits near them
Don’t cats eat rabbits though
Some do, some don't. Outdoor cats would be more likely. I do have an indoor cat and house rabbit that are friends w/ each other.