@DarkPyroZero the only meaning and purpose destiny has these days is being on the fast track to obscurity. Most overrated game of all time will soon never be talked about ever again.
Eh I don’t think so. Dungeons aren’t as hard as raids, at least normally. And even then, I can’t see them reusing the same Vow symbols all over again. Maybe some of the same, but not all like 29 or however many there are. And even if there are symbols, that doesn’t necessarily mean they need to be called out or read. Remember, this is meant to be solo-able.
@@Samurai_J5not necessarily he didn’t expect us to reach him and was arrogant. After we solved his puzzles and defeated the caretaker he was forced to finish us off himself or atleast that’s what he believed the outcome would be. His arrogance is how we won. Final stand shows he could have just wiped us out from the beginning. He just gave us a chance.
ehh a lot of his best stuff was in haunted, he has a lot of cool lore but we interacted with him like twice in the whole campaign so even with regular weapon systems i still think he would've been underwhelming, especially since he's one of the villains to get closest to straight up killing all of us. honestly cross' idea about letting us get rezzed just so he can beat us again would be a metal way of showing his past as a talented gladiator.
30:35-30:50 is freakin mint @Aztecross you had me rolling fam watching this video but that little segment about Rhulk using Oryx as a condom to plow Nezarec I had me in tears and your reaction was spot on. Thanks for using My Name is Byf work also he’s my go to for all things lore.
32:29 THIS! This right here!! I moved to a time zone 14 hours different than my raid group and haven’t been able to find people to raid with since. LFGs will either not approve you if you don’t have multiple clears or quit after the first wipe. There are like 5 people total in game who are willing to teach. Where are the specialty LFGs like there used to be? There was a whole clan who specialized in taking three people from the clan and three people who had never cleared a raid before into the raid, and they would teach it. That’s how I got my Spire of Stars clear. There are pockets of beauty in this community; but since moving, my experiences have been predominantly toxic. It’s kind of sad.
I'm always down for a teach I almost prefer having a 3-3 split like you described. Playing with 5 other folks who think they can solo every encounter can be far worse than 5 noobs.
This is something me and my clan used to do big time, and we loved doing it- WHEN THE GAME WAS FUN. Not only was it fun playing with players who had no idea what the raid/ dungeon entailed, but it was funny seeing reactions and it felt amazing helping someone get a first. Bungie really messed up, and even though theyre keeping up and listening to feedback, the game widdled itself off with the spacing and story. There was nothing to do, no reason to keep playing, even if you dont have everything. D2 is experiencing an extreme burn out, thats all.
I love Byf's content. For as long as I can remember, I have always loved a great story. And Destiny's lore is just so captivating. He just brings Destiny and other worlds to life with his silky voice and dramatic narration. Glad he's branched out, but it makes sense he keeps coming back to the universe that made his channel. Even Bungie mentioned him in a past livestream.
Gjorf is my guiding light in dark, my breath of life to keep my mind living. Gjorf takes me to places i would have never known or dreamt without guidance. For these infinitely valuable teachings, which are deemed the edicts of existance, I follow, not in supplication, but out of necessity to preserve the dimensional integrity which allows others to perseive, interpret and manipulate reality, limited by their own knowledge and obstinance to the approval, or disscontent of Gjorf. - Signed to Gjorf. from the Belly boy 643.
13:45 yes, the Witness's civilization built the Pyramid Ships (we see them building them in the Origins cutscene). The ships werent also just ships, they were literally extensions/part of the Witness itself. & Its likely if they were to be relevant again, they wouldn't nearly be as strong as they were with the Witness
Bungie did the witness dirty, the fact that he stopped the ship with one hand and didn't crash it + he could've easily cut the vanguard to pieces infront of him like he did to the ships back in lightfall dlc, who ever made that cutscene didn't think of what the witness can do.
Correct me if I’m wrong cuz it’s been a while. But didn’t they say that the witness in that cutscene wasn’t at full strength due to being connected to the pale heart and trying to make the final shape?
Destiny cutscenes suffer from that a lot. Happens to our guardian all the time. The excuse i used was the witness was caught off guard by being injured at all and wasn't thinking straight. First time in a long time anything managed to stand against it, on top of the classic "I dont have time for you" villan trope
That's just the nature of stories. The villain can't be too powerful otherwise you wouldn't be able to defeat it but the villain still needs to be overpowered in lore to make them a threat.
@@600gx4 kinda? I believe when the Witness would try to cut us, the Traveler was preventing it 1 shotting us. The Witness was trying to insert itself into the Traveler the whole time but idk how much that limited the Witness
Part of me wishes they had concealed Rhulk’s name, like making it simply “Unknown Voice” or something like that until we fought him. Same with Fynch in the WQ campaign. Although granted, on Day 1, I suspected that Rhulk was just another Scorn (since his name isn’t too far off from traditional Scorn naming) that had gained sentience, a terrifying amount of it, to be fair.
@@twelved4983would have been cool if they kept his name hidden till we reach him and done what they did for nezarec in lightfall. In certain areas of Neptune you’d hear randomly nezarec talk to you and we knew it was him but we weren’t 100% sure. It really just felt ominous and sad when Ron ended up being fairly easy
Ya know despite the state of the game. You gotta hand it to people like Byf keeping us informed on what's going on with the story. I've been so detached from D2 and it's nice to have someone catch me up without spending an hour fluffing it for content.
To say Rhulk was stronger than the Witness is a fair point in a way as Rhulk is constantly trying to prove himself where as Witness came into it thinking he had already won, He fulfilled his destiny then thought he had it won until we got in there
For me the realization that for 8 years I thought I was seeing the full picture and I thought I knew who the big bad was and then have my eyes suddenly opened to you didn't know who the big bad was and now everything makes sense. This was the single coolest moment I've had with a game or anything other form of entertainment and I don't think anything will top it. Like I remember playing through the campaign and when I saw that video clip of everything I literally just sat there trying to comprehend what I just heard it was such impressive story telling.
Honestly same, haven’t opened the game since August 24th but aztecross frequently pops up in my recommend. Of course I enjoy when he plays anything other than d2 since I’m so sick of the game but I’ll honestly watch it regardless since he’s a fun dude.
32:30 Agreed, 100% There needs to be something to encourage people to keep replaying raids. Maybe you increase the chance of the exotic dropping for others. Or there are unique emblems or titles or other type things. Because as you said once you have the weapons and the initial triumphs that you want you are done.
Man it’s great to see content creators doing destiny on the regular again! I honestly don’t have beef with the game at all but now that our down time is nearing its end I’m excited!
Oryx was never a hypocrite for bringing his sisters back. Unlike Nokris, who just resurrects the dead for the sake of resurrecting dead much like how our Ghosts do, Oryx had to embody the tenets of what his sisters stood for in order bring them back, proving that their ways were viable means of survival. His sisters had wllingly sacrificed themselves and were not bested through combat, but rather it was the strength he wielded by harnessing their energy that allowed him to prove that their power was proven right only in committing acts that followed their strengths, Unlike us, Oryx had to prove that his sisters' powers were worthy. The Ghosts let you die... and just bring you back. Nokris brings back losers and is an eternal loser himself. Throne worlds are footholds of proving you have carved a place in the universe specifically through your sheer strength of will, and they still afford you the opportunity of death if you are bested inside them.
A case for Ghaul being a serious threat is how often the Red War is brought up in wild lines and random bits of lore. So many guardians died their final death during the Red War, and it was an example of guardians being forced to fight without their light for the first time since being risen. The only other time a comparable amount of guardians died is probably during the Great Disaster on the moon.
29:50 Rhulk would 100% win against Nezarec in combat, but Nezarec’s true strength isn’t his combat proficiency. Nezarec is capable of torturing and tormenting entire worlds, his psionic abilities and skill with the darkness is only overshadowed by the Witness. Not to mention that he’s less of a person and more of a presence, there is currently 0 way of permanently killing him. He only dies during the collapse because Savathun backstabbed him, and he dies in RoN because he admits that he’s nowhere near full strength. Not to mention that he has the light after the events of Ron, but it’s unclear if he kept the light after he died.
The thing that makes it hard to really scale Nezerec in raw strength is he has no sense of self preservation, as you said he literally can't die. So he just goes into any combat scenario with a "Fuck it we ball" mindset, doesn't matter if his body is destroyed. Fairly sure he wanted to die in Root, he was basically trapped in a body that left him significantly weaker than he should have been. He was curious of what he could do with the Light but that's the extent of his abilities by the time we find him in Root.
There’s a few reasons for his weakness in Ron. He has just been reborn into a new body he’s never used. He’s also been granted the light which he tries to wield during the final encounter that eventually ends up being the reason we are able to kill him. If he stuck to what he knew rather than trying to use the light he’d have been a more formidable opponent. His immortality is also a factor here as why care if he dies if he can eventually be reborn.
I like how what Cross described as his "dream scenario" with Ghaul is pretty much how Anet did the first fight with the god of war in that game, but this was in 2017 (incidentally just a few weeks after D2 vanilla launched).
I still remember watching that long lore video where Byf was narrating with cool BGM talking about how Rhulk was falling down off a crevice/cliff and as he was descending into darkness he saw his family and people be relieved he was going to die. So he understood everyone was betraying and exploiting him. When he arose from the darkness with his new power he slaughtered everyone with a cold blood and a desire of vengeance (iirc, from the Lubrae's Ruin raid glaive lore)
His theories and guessing base of lore is really good. He uses every resource Bungie has set up in destiny. Bungie usually misses a little when it drops
Destiny as a whole is a story that has many rewrites and retcons between expansions. I will give Bungie credit for carrying a Saga this long with that kind of handicap but there's been so many changes to the story and cadence, it's unbelievable. But, Shadowkeep and Beyond Light needed some big reveals to tie into The Witness and its forces. Like if Shadowkeep's final boss was a single Tormentor that was asleep on the Lunar Pyramid, its mere presence ties Nezarec and Savathun together before its revealed she cursed him in Witch Queen. If Rhulk was revealed to be teaching Eramis into turning into a Disciple (like he did with Savathun and other species), that would've given Rhulk a proper amount of lead-up to his Raid. Shadowkeep and Beyond Light do a lot of setup in lore tabs but not a lot in game. I think thats where those expansions suffer a lot. Story-wise, they'd jump up a letter grade if they got WQ campaign style
I think that’s the problem. It’s not that the story itself is terrible as a whole, but that they haven’t settled on a whole story in advance. To a degree, I get it, but yeah, imagine the final boss of Shadowkeep wasn’t Nightmares, but instead our first Tormentor. We see it once, never find out what the heck it is, and then all of a sudden, when the Witness finally attacks, we suddenly see so many more of them. Of course, the chance of Tormentors even being conceived of in Shadowkeep is a huge stretch, but that’s what we’re talking about here. The biggest set-ups are usually told and not shown for one reason or another, but I think the biggest reason is simply because they’re not thought up that far in advance. Heck, maybe it’s a by-product of Destiny 1’s unfortunate storyline, with the entire original story suddenly being UPENDED a short time before it was set to be done or something like that.
Looking at bungies history they don't plan anything, until the last minute and then they get serious, because they have to. I wish they would get serious, but they've never liked sticking with a series. That's also why destiny and bungie are in their current state they want to do other games.
TL;DR - Let old raid and dungeons be able to be run at their original power levels, so that eventually everyone can experience them, or do them during content droughts, breaks, etc. Is pretty simple solution to the Solo/LFG/Fire Team Finder issue, and its already in game. Selectable power level of the instance/dungeon/raid. Raids and dungeons should have a viable "shelf life" where after a period of time they are solo-able due to the power difference like for instance old wow raids and dungeons that are (or were) filled with old power level mobs so you can solo with your current level characters. Old raids and dungeons should be able to be played at the lowest power level tier that they originally shipped in. By the time the raids are solo-able it would be way behind current content and the gear is just mainly for transmog or completionism. If you can buy an exotic from the tower, then there should be no reason not to be able to get it from RNG in an old dungeon at its original power levels. And if you need to keep some drops elite for the hardcore day-1 players then limit any adept or at level drops to higher power level tiers. When wow got stale i spent a year just farming old content ... this is a critically wasted resource for player return/engagement that Bungie is absolutely missing.
I mean it would also allow players to learn mechanics that want to actually complete the content at higher levels for those achievements which really SHOULD be behind current level completion. its a multitiered win win for players and the game to allow lower level clears.
This just proves we must find a way not only to route the Witness’ remnant forces out of Sol, but also find a way to destroy any and all Pyramids. They’re too dangerous to leave alone.
28:00 Stan Lee answered the question quote "Who would win the fight?" - "It depends on who i want to win, if im writing the script". It is that simple =P
i.e (what he means is: Anyone who has the base version of Final Shape will be LOCKED OUT OF SUNDERED DOCTRINE if you do not own the deluxe edition of FS.) The key is ONLY available for players who own the the Deluxe package for those of you who skipped through the TWAB.
25:27 I know he has some out there ideas but I would love to see Cross give writing team the bullet points and the final review, we would probably have the craziest story in a good way, as long as anticross gets to come out every now and then
Bungie is synonymous with squandered opportunity. Rhulk is such a good villain and character in general hopefully they bring him back and do him justice. Still my fav boss fight
24:40 problem with that is that there is no universe in which us, with full canonical power, could ever get so much as a scratch from anyone cabal. It would be cool, but it would have to be done perfectly or we as the community would just feel like we were nerfed down to make the villain more threatening
Rhulk was the best boss I’ve ever fought. It was the perfect amount of creepy, eldritch, inter dimensional, horror for me. I was so into the raid that I began getting the shakes cause I got nervous. I miss that Destiny, if frontiers bombs I’m done for good and covering up my tattoos. The disappointment will be too much for me
I would love for them revamp the loot pools for all weapons with the updated perks. Like once a year update all raid weapons loot pools with the new perks to incourage replayability
Rulk was just a master piece of a raid and boss loved the vibe it gave off just wish is was replicated with other disciples sadly it wasn't but i did go get the raid title for that raid
Saint pretty much gave Savathun the “Bane treatment” in the lore. And yet still, I hope we see her get beat by Eris and others, and really see her composure falter. From confident and powerful. To terrified and angry while whomever she’s angry at, just end her. However the writers kill her off and end her story, it’s gotta be a legendary send off. Bungie knows she’s one of the best characters. I’m just curious what her REAL master plan is. She’s bound to be around a good while longer. But may get replaced by a new big bad of the Hive.
I'm hoping post frontiers when we are self sufficient away from the Sol system we end up getting pulled into a black hole or something and we go way back to post collapse outside the Sol System and we have encounters with Ghaul and Rhulk again and we might be on the sidelines seeing story points like Ghauls ascension. Perhaps we mess up and are the reason Ghaul sets his sights on the Traveller. Either that or all these stories can be done in the Anthology animated show
Re cope, one of the concept art pieces is a strange alien world with a purple-red sky, weird rocks, balloons and a *bloody boat*. It’s gonna be the upside down for sure.
What we need is more 6 man pve activities that function like onslaught, heck even 12 man player activities would be awesome. As far as I know, dates of eternity is one of the only 6 man pve activities in the game and we need more, ones that have extreme enemy density
26:50 my theater on opening night was going crazy then all of a sudden just straight up silence. I was surprised but to me the just oh shut moment was when he first used the reality stone to beat the guardians. I was like dude what the hell do you do now?? The guy can literally control reality liek how do you beat this?? I’ll b honest we haven’t a moment like that ind eating in so long and to this day is till don’t truly know how tf ghaul died or why the traveller did take his powers away? I think we do need a villain like that to just kick the living shut out of us and truly make us like ok we need to lick tf in again. The witness was great but it took ten years of build up to get to that so bungie will need to find a way to reignite that fire in everyone.
Watching Aztecross say the SAME THINGS I've been saying, like I have never NEVER beaten Salvation's Edge but I want to! Just wish it was just a liiiittle easier (and iunno maybe had some ppl willing to teach it) but approachable content is always a good thing.
Raids are supposed to be the pinnacle content for the game. Making them easier will end up with a Ron situation where so many people clear day 1 that it’s meaningless. There should be approachable content but not raids.
@@LivingZombie there’s an in game lfg many discord lfgs the phone app has an lfg and tons of clans recruiting people. There’s really no excuse for the “I don’t have a team” argument because neither did I till I met people on lfg that I now own a clan with.
The story of Rhulk alone he deserves to be more than a raid boss but a taken king level of fight, like when Oryx hust pulled up and took out a whole faction and terrorized us through the whole campaign then after we defeated him we faced another True witnees discipline not a wannabe like Calius
if its gonna mess with the hive pantheon its not gonna be rhulk but a hive.
11 วันที่ผ่านมา
Nokris is in a out of bounds area in game atm with a small area set up for dunking power orbs in some type of mechanic that's not in game currently. Not sure if it's old content they never used but pretty sure JB3 did a video on it and how to get to him
Hey Aztecross, would you be willing to make a video talking about how badly they’re nerfing the class exotic glaives? I don’t know if you noticed when you were making your video about all the changes in Heresy, but they’re basically nerfing them by 50%, doubling the number of hits required to charge the special shots from 3 to 6. Even with the situational ability to charge them with melee hits, risking death for a slightly faster charge time compared to 6 shots, it’s still a pretty massive nerf that will cut the power of these glaives almost in half. The tiny compensation buffs they’re giving the glaives alongside these nerfs don’t even come close to making up for what they’re losing. Since Bungie only listens to TH-camrs and streamers, it would mean a lot to the people who actually like these glaives if you could help draw attention to how badly they’re about to be gutted.
4:19 the Hive Gods are kinda hypocritical, which i think helps show the flaws in their religion. Oryx's love and devotion to his family is not in line with Hive doctrine (1 example being Crota. After Crota let the Vex into Oryx's Throne World, Oryx should've killed him. But instead Oryx banished him and gave him a shot at redemption), and Savathun pointed out Xivu's hypocrisy with her grief over Oryx's death. Savathun, well we all know Savathun doesn't give 2 shits. She's a heretic through and through. 21:50 this. Calus' whole character is being a fraud. I don't know why people thought Calus was gonna be this big threat. He's literally just a dripped out fat dude who talks smack.
He was just empowered by the most powerful being in the Universe. Calus himself could reshape things by touching them, he just had a very shallow imagination and never truly knew what he wanted. Big bro just wanted to be powerful enough to fight his idols to the death.
a "sherpa reward" would be awesome, imagine there being a system in the game where you could get together with friends and help inexperienced players through raids and get cool emblem rewards for your effort. :) too bad it was removed in favor of fireteam finder with no replacement for it. also ad gilding to raid emblems where it requires like 50 sherpas and a flawless normal/master completion.
Bringing Rhulk back in this dungeon would be cinema, I hope he has a hero arc and joins are side or something idk I don’t want him dead forever man Nezarec can stay dead even though he won’t, nobody cares bout that joke
it’s hard to explain but i just simply don’t enjoy playing with randoms in an LFG sense. idk why really to me it’s so different but it is. i have thousands of hours in the game and have barely done really any raids bc i only have a couple of friends and don’t want to have to go through the hassle of LFGing. i guess that’s what it must be. it really is a hassle lowkey even to use the in game LFG system. i just think that if it had matchmaking as long as “queue times” weren’t long i would do more. bc i got “Godslayer” done and fully completed the pantheon but it was exhausting having to do all of that LFG. if i just loaded into stuff with people it would be easier
Fighting Rhulk is the BEST Boss fight I ever had in the entire game! the entire raid is absolute perfection! keep in mind I love Symbols raids so there might be some biased here! Last Wish is second for sure.
I would 1000% love to raids I have never done, my guild no one ever runs them and people don't want to ever want to run with some one who never ran the raid. Makes me sad 😢
it's so nice seeing warframe creators like Cross getting into destiny via watching Byf :)
after seeing Destiny when playing Warframe, everything looks so slow.
@StradaleF430 yeah almost like it actually has meaning and purpose
@@StradaleF430 slow? you mean like warframes main story releases
@nulsis-9 you mean the same story Cadence that Destiny plans on copying in Codename Frontiers?
@DarkPyroZero the only meaning and purpose destiny has these days is being on the fast track to obscurity. Most overrated game of all time will soon never be talked about ever again.
if we gonna have to read out symbols again, LFG is looking cooked
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 after vow and dual destiny no one better not..... struggle
It’s gonna be hexagons, octagon and oval callouts
@@Grassdia and that my friend would be a whole natural lfg disaster
Oh god I didn’t even think about that 😂😂
Eh I don’t think so. Dungeons aren’t as hard as raids, at least normally. And even then, I can’t see them reusing the same Vow symbols all over again. Maybe some of the same, but not all like 29 or however many there are.
And even if there are symbols, that doesn’t necessarily mean they need to be called out or read. Remember, this is meant to be solo-able.
Rhulk, the first disciple, subjugator of worlds, my favourite raid villan. cant wait for more loree
Most likely the only boss that literally take matters into his own hands ( feet if you know, you know ).
Vow in general is an awesome raid
@@Samurai_J5not necessarily he didn’t expect us to reach him and was arrogant. After we solved his puzzles and defeated the caretaker he was forced to finish us off himself or atleast that’s what he believed the outcome would be. His arrogance is how we won. Final stand shows he could have just wiped us out from the beginning. He just gave us a chance.
Lore is gay, change my mind
I feel like we all would've appreciated Ghaul more if we weren't all busy being pissed off that snipers and shotguns were Heavys😂
Yea... Ghaul!! Ever since he kicked me off that ledge, it was love at first sight 🥰💀😍
ehh a lot of his best stuff was in haunted, he has a lot of cool lore but we interacted with him like twice in the whole campaign so even with regular weapon systems i still think he would've been underwhelming, especially since he's one of the villains to get closest to straight up killing all of us. honestly cross' idea about letting us get rezzed just so he can beat us again would be a metal way of showing his past as a talented gladiator.
30:35-30:50 is freakin mint @Aztecross you had me rolling fam watching this video but that little segment about Rhulk using Oryx as a condom to plow Nezarec I had me in tears and your reaction was spot on. Thanks for using My Name is Byf work also he’s my go to for all things lore.
32:29 THIS! This right here!! I moved to a time zone 14 hours different than my raid group and haven’t been able to find people to raid with since. LFGs will either not approve you if you don’t have multiple clears or quit after the first wipe. There are like 5 people total in game who are willing to teach. Where are the specialty LFGs like there used to be? There was a whole clan who specialized in taking three people from the clan and three people who had never cleared a raid before into the raid, and they would teach it. That’s how I got my Spire of Stars clear. There are pockets of beauty in this community; but since moving, my experiences have been predominantly toxic. It’s kind of sad.
I'm always down for a teach I almost prefer having a 3-3 split like you described. Playing with 5 other folks who think they can solo every encounter can be far worse than 5 noobs.
This is something me and my clan used to do big time, and we loved doing it- WHEN THE GAME WAS FUN. Not only was it fun playing with players who had no idea what the raid/ dungeon entailed, but it was funny seeing reactions and it felt amazing helping someone get a first. Bungie really messed up, and even though theyre keeping up and listening to feedback, the game widdled itself off with the spacing and story. There was nothing to do, no reason to keep playing, even if you dont have everything. D2 is experiencing an extreme burn out, thats all.
you could just say you're 10 hours off, and it would still make sense
Jokes apart, I know what you mean.
Yeah Raids are really hard to do via LFG. No mics, not friendly, not patient. It sucks
@ you’re right. I meant 14 hours ahead. Someone had to keep me honest. 🤪
I love Byf's content. For as long as I can remember, I have always loved a great story. And Destiny's lore is just so captivating. He just brings Destiny and other worlds to life with his silky voice and dramatic narration. Glad he's branched out, but it makes sense he keeps coming back to the universe that made his channel. Even Bungie mentioned him in a past livestream.
Gjorf approves of this content
Thank you Gjorf
Gjorf has spoken
Gjorf is my guiding light in dark, my breath of life to keep my mind living. Gjorf takes me to places i would have never known or dreamt without guidance. For these infinitely valuable teachings, which are deemed the edicts of existance, I follow, not in supplication, but out of necessity to preserve the dimensional integrity which allows others to perseive, interpret and manipulate reality, limited by their own knowledge and obstinance to the approval, or disscontent of Gjorf.
- Signed to Gjorf. from the Belly boy 643.
Gjorf seal of approval
What would we do without you
13:45 yes, the Witness's civilization built the Pyramid Ships (we see them building them in the Origins cutscene). The ships werent also just ships, they were literally extensions/part of the Witness itself. & Its likely if they were to be relevant again, they wouldn't nearly be as strong as they were with the Witness
Dreadnought vs Pyramid Ship is such a great video lore premise - get Byf on it now Cross!
Bungie did the witness dirty, the fact that he stopped the ship with one hand and didn't crash it + he could've easily cut the vanguard to pieces infront of him like he did to the ships back in lightfall dlc, who ever made that cutscene didn't think of what the witness can do.
Correct me if I’m wrong cuz it’s been a while. But didn’t they say that the witness in that cutscene wasn’t at full strength due to being connected to the pale heart and trying to make the final shape?
Destiny cutscenes suffer from that a lot. Happens to our guardian all the time. The excuse i used was the witness was caught off guard by being injured at all and wasn't thinking straight. First time in a long time anything managed to stand against it, on top of the classic "I dont have time for you" villan trope
Mara could stop the witness for some time guys.
That's just the nature of stories. The villain can't be too powerful otherwise you wouldn't be able to defeat it but the villain still needs to be overpowered in lore to make them a threat.
@@600gx4 kinda? I believe when the Witness would try to cut us, the Traveler was preventing it 1 shotting us. The Witness was trying to insert itself into the Traveler the whole time but idk how much that limited the Witness
Great video man. Cool to see little glimmers of hope and excitement for Destiny 2.
i remember that day 1 loading in and you hear "Welcome Children Of Light" i was instantly like who is that while being terrified
Part of me wishes they had concealed Rhulk’s name, like making it simply “Unknown Voice” or something like that until we fought him. Same with Fynch in the WQ campaign.
Although granted, on Day 1, I suspected that Rhulk was just another Scorn (since his name isn’t too far off from traditional Scorn naming) that had gained sentience, a terrifying amount of it, to be fair.
@@twelved4983would have been cool if they kept his name hidden till we reach him and done what they did for nezarec in lightfall. In certain areas of Neptune you’d hear randomly nezarec talk to you and we knew it was him but we weren’t 100% sure. It really just felt ominous and sad when Ron ended up being fairly easy
Byf has one of the best outros outta many youtubers, i love it.
Ya know despite the state of the game. You gotta hand it to people like Byf keeping us informed on what's going on with the story. I've been so detached from D2 and it's nice to have someone catch me up without spending an hour fluffing it for content.
This has potential to be the best dungeon ever
Whyd you have to say it lol
Jinxed us lmao
Our old frenemy. "Potential"
Bungie will most likely flop with armor and weapons. They tend to do that
Cross just explained sword logic to me in two sentences and ive been wondering what it meant for a while now lol
i mean not that hard to find a definition on ishtar/destinylore subreddit/byf's channel
To say Rhulk was stronger than the Witness is a fair point in a way as Rhulk is constantly trying to prove himself where as Witness came into it thinking he had already won, He fulfilled his destiny then thought he had it won until we got in there
It’s great to have Byf back again making content after a well deserved break
I hope they cook here. There is so much potential that if it isn't good, I will be severely disappointed
For me the realization that for 8 years I thought I was seeing the full picture and I thought I knew who the big bad was and then have my eyes suddenly opened to you didn't know who the big bad was and now everything makes sense. This was the single coolest moment I've had with a game or anything other form of entertainment and I don't think anything will top it. Like I remember playing through the campaign and when I saw that video clip of everything I literally just sat there trying to comprehend what I just heard it was such impressive story telling.
34:50 bro sounds exhausted from d2 shenanigans ngl
is it weird that i havent played destiny since the beginning of august, but still watch cross?
Nope! Alot of us just love the man's content. He's such a great guy to watch
As long as you don't attack people who still enjoy and play them game like 90% of commenters then it's ok
I’ll try to jump on the game here and there, but I totally know what you mean haha been doing it for so long
I mean it’s weird but there are worst things you can spent time so don’t worry
Honestly same, haven’t opened the game since August 24th but aztecross frequently pops up in my recommend. Of course I enjoy when he plays anything other than d2 since I’m so sick of the game but I’ll honestly watch it regardless since he’s a fun dude.
32:30 Agreed, 100% There needs to be something to encourage people to keep replaying raids. Maybe you increase the chance of the exotic dropping for others. Or there are unique emblems or titles or other type things. Because as you said once you have the weapons and the initial triumphs that you want you are done.
Man it’s great to see content creators doing destiny on the regular again! I honestly don’t have beef with the game at all but now that our down time is nearing its end I’m excited!
Oryx was never a hypocrite for bringing his sisters back. Unlike Nokris, who just resurrects the dead for the sake of resurrecting dead much like how our Ghosts do, Oryx had to embody the tenets of what his sisters stood for in order bring them back, proving that their ways were viable means of survival. His sisters had wllingly sacrificed themselves and were not bested through combat, but rather it was the strength he wielded by harnessing their energy that allowed him to prove that their power was proven right only in committing acts that followed their strengths, Unlike us, Oryx had to prove that his sisters' powers were worthy. The Ghosts let you die... and just bring you back. Nokris brings back losers and is an eternal loser himself. Throne worlds are footholds of proving you have carved a place in the universe specifically through your sheer strength of will, and they still afford you the opportunity of death if you are bested inside them.
A case for Ghaul being a serious threat is how often the Red War is brought up in wild lines and random bits of lore. So many guardians died their final death during the Red War, and it was an example of guardians being forced to fight without their light for the first time since being risen. The only other time a comparable amount of guardians died is probably during the Great Disaster on the moon.
29:50 Rhulk would 100% win against Nezarec in combat, but Nezarec’s true strength isn’t his combat proficiency. Nezarec is capable of torturing and tormenting entire worlds, his psionic abilities and skill with the darkness is only overshadowed by the Witness. Not to mention that he’s less of a person and more of a presence, there is currently 0 way of permanently killing him. He only dies during the collapse because Savathun backstabbed him, and he dies in RoN because he admits that he’s nowhere near full strength. Not to mention that he has the light after the events of Ron, but it’s unclear if he kept the light after he died.
The thing that makes it hard to really scale Nezerec in raw strength is he has no sense of self preservation, as you said he literally can't die. So he just goes into any combat scenario with a "Fuck it we ball" mindset, doesn't matter if his body is destroyed. Fairly sure he wanted to die in Root, he was basically trapped in a body that left him significantly weaker than he should have been. He was curious of what he could do with the Light but that's the extent of his abilities by the time we find him in Root.
There’s a few reasons for his weakness in Ron. He has just been reborn into a new body he’s never used. He’s also been granted the light which he tries to wield during the final encounter that eventually ends up being the reason we are able to kill him. If he stuck to what he knew rather than trying to use the light he’d have been a more formidable opponent. His immortality is also a factor here as why care if he dies if he can eventually be reborn.
I like how what Cross described as his "dream scenario" with Ghaul is pretty much how Anet did the first fight with the god of war in that game, but this was in 2017 (incidentally just a few weeks after D2 vanilla launched).
I still remember watching that long lore video where Byf was narrating with cool BGM talking about how Rhulk was falling down off a crevice/cliff and as he was descending into darkness he saw his family and people be relieved he was going to die. So he understood everyone was betraying and exploiting him. When he arose from the darkness with his new power he slaughtered everyone with a cold blood and a desire of vengeance (iirc, from the Lubrae's Ruin raid glaive lore)
His theories and guessing base of lore is really good. He uses every resource Bungie has set up in destiny. Bungie usually misses a little when it drops
Destiny as a whole is a story that has many rewrites and retcons between expansions. I will give Bungie credit for carrying a Saga this long with that kind of handicap but there's been so many changes to the story and cadence, it's unbelievable. But, Shadowkeep and Beyond Light needed some big reveals to tie into The Witness and its forces. Like if Shadowkeep's final boss was a single Tormentor that was asleep on the Lunar Pyramid, its mere presence ties Nezarec and Savathun together before its revealed she cursed him in Witch Queen. If Rhulk was revealed to be teaching Eramis into turning into a Disciple (like he did with Savathun and other species), that would've given Rhulk a proper amount of lead-up to his Raid. Shadowkeep and Beyond Light do a lot of setup in lore tabs but not a lot in game. I think thats where those expansions suffer a lot. Story-wise, they'd jump up a letter grade if they got WQ campaign style
I think that’s the problem. It’s not that the story itself is terrible as a whole, but that they haven’t settled on a whole story in advance. To a degree, I get it, but yeah, imagine the final boss of Shadowkeep wasn’t Nightmares, but instead our first Tormentor. We see it once, never find out what the heck it is, and then all of a sudden, when the Witness finally attacks, we suddenly see so many more of them.
Of course, the chance of Tormentors even being conceived of in Shadowkeep is a huge stretch, but that’s what we’re talking about here. The biggest set-ups are usually told and not shown for one reason or another, but I think the biggest reason is simply because they’re not thought up that far in advance.
Heck, maybe it’s a by-product of Destiny 1’s unfortunate storyline, with the entire original story suddenly being UPENDED a short time before it was set to be done or something like that.
Looking at bungies history they don't plan anything, until the last minute and then they get serious, because they have to. I wish they would get serious, but they've never liked sticking with a series. That's also why destiny and bungie are in their current state they want to do other games.
Warframe also retcons to
TL;DR - Let old raid and dungeons be able to be run at their original power levels, so that eventually everyone can experience them, or do them during content droughts, breaks, etc.
Is pretty simple solution to the Solo/LFG/Fire Team Finder issue, and its already in game. Selectable power level of the instance/dungeon/raid. Raids and dungeons should have a viable "shelf life" where after a period of time they are solo-able due to the power difference like for instance old wow raids and dungeons that are (or were) filled with old power level mobs so you can solo with your current level characters. Old raids and dungeons should be able to be played at the lowest power level tier that they originally shipped in. By the time the raids are solo-able it would be way behind current content and the gear is just mainly for transmog or completionism. If you can buy an exotic from the tower, then there should be no reason not to be able to get it from RNG in an old dungeon at its original power levels. And if you need to keep some drops elite for the hardcore day-1 players then limit any adept or at level drops to higher power level tiers. When wow got stale i spent a year just farming old content ... this is a critically wasted resource for player return/engagement that Bungie is absolutely missing.
I mean it would also allow players to learn mechanics that want to actually complete the content at higher levels for those achievements which really SHOULD be behind current level completion. its a multitiered win win for players and the game to allow lower level clears.
This just proves we must find a way not only to route the Witness’ remnant forces out of Sol, but also find a way to destroy any and all Pyramids. They’re too dangerous to leave alone.
28:00 Stan Lee answered the question quote "Who would win the fight?" - "It depends on who i want to win, if im writing the script". It is that simple =P
i.e (what he means is: Anyone who has the base version of Final Shape will be LOCKED OUT OF SUNDERED DOCTRINE if you do not own the deluxe edition of FS.) The key is ONLY available for players who own the the Deluxe package for those of you who skipped through the TWAB.
Well I guess I'm out. Lol. I refuse to give Bungie anymore money just to do a dungeon
Not true? This Dungeon is tied to the same key that was sold when Vesper's Host came out.
The keys cover 2 dungeons.
Looking forward to seeing y'all battle light risen Rhulk...and defeating pyramids with exotic matter tech.
25:27 I know he has some out there ideas but I would love to see Cross give writing team the bullet points and the final review, we would probably have the craziest story in a good way, as long as anticross gets to come out every now and then
You took my throne, now I’m gonna take his.
22:33 this is why we need a “star war the clone wars” version for destiny story and lore
I had forgotten Aztecross was a D2 youtuber for a second and thought, "Cool, he's covering Destiny now."
Salty I see
16:22 that would be so SICK!
Bungie is synonymous with squandered opportunity. Rhulk is such a good villain and character in general hopefully they bring him back and do him justice. Still my fav boss fight
24:40 problem with that is that there is no universe in which us, with full canonical power, could ever get so much as a scratch from anyone cabal. It would be cool, but it would have to be done perfectly or we as the community would just feel like we were nerfed down to make the villain more threatening
Dude, the condom comment killed me 😂😂😂
Rhulk was the best boss I’ve ever fought. It was the perfect amount of creepy, eldritch, inter dimensional, horror for me. I was so into the raid that I began getting the shakes cause I got nervous. I miss that Destiny, if frontiers bombs I’m done for good and covering up my tattoos. The disappointment will be too much for me
if we get a Xol type boss fight with more mechanics i will be very happy
(Non voice chat based mechanics)
I would love for them revamp the loot pools for all weapons with the updated perks. Like once a year update all raid weapons loot pools with the new perks to incourage replayability
Bungie should make a deal with those guys who made Secret level and turn all these cool lore pages into 30 minutes episode each.
Rulk was just a master piece of a raid and boss loved the vibe it gave off just wish is was replicated with other disciples sadly it wasn't but i did go get the raid title for that raid
It took mans a good minute to argue that cope 😂😂
I was waiting for it
I want to see the guardian throw hands bro with their fist, i want to see an extra combat system.
A cube? A cube?! CROSS! IT’S A CUBE!
Final boss should be a comically large Caretaker
Saint pretty much gave Savathun the “Bane treatment” in the lore. And yet still, I hope we see her get beat by Eris and others, and really see her composure falter. From confident and powerful. To terrified and angry while whomever she’s angry at, just end her. However the writers kill her off and end her story, it’s gotta be a legendary send off. Bungie knows she’s one of the best characters. I’m just curious what her REAL master plan is. She’s bound to be around a good while longer. But may get replaced by a new big bad of the Hive.
Just when I thought I was out.... They pull me back in
I'm hoping post frontiers when we are self sufficient away from the Sol system we end up getting pulled into a black hole or something and we go way back to post collapse outside the Sol System and we have encounters with Ghaul and Rhulk again and we might be on the sidelines seeing story points like Ghauls ascension. Perhaps we mess up and are the reason Ghaul sets his sights on the Traveller.
Either that or all these stories can be done in the Anthology animated show
Re cope, one of the concept art pieces is a strange alien world with a purple-red sky, weird rocks, balloons and a *bloody boat*. It’s gonna be the upside down for sure.
What we need is more 6 man pve activities that function like onslaught, heck even 12 man player activities would be awesome. As far as I know, dates of eternity is one of the only 6 man pve activities in the game and we need more, ones that have extreme enemy density
If we didn’t get the light back so quickly would’ve made red war more memorable
i’ve taken a huge break from d2 during halfway of episode 1 and all of 2 i’m hoping this last episode hits in the story department an content wise
im curious to know if new dungeon and heresy will have anything to do with ghost of the deep and oryx
13:23 the dreadnought. The dreadnought is a living paradox in the universe, it is not possible for it to exist yet it does
If I had a crew to play this game with I would pick it up again.
26:50 my theater on opening night was going crazy then all of a sudden just straight up silence. I was surprised but to me the just oh shut moment was when he first used the reality stone to beat the guardians. I was like dude what the hell do you do now?? The guy can literally control reality liek how do you beat this?? I’ll b honest we haven’t a moment like that ind eating in so long and to this day is till don’t truly know how tf ghaul died or why the traveller did take his powers away? I think we do need a villain like that to just kick the living shut out of us and truly make us like ok we need to lick tf in again. The witness was great but it took ten years of build up to get to that so bungie will need to find a way to reignite that fire in everyone.
Byfe grand wizard of lore lmao
Been destiny clean for 4 months. 👋🏼🤠 stay strong guys hahaha
All my worst raid experiences were in VoD. I really hope I can drop that feeling to enjoy thr dungeon more, 3 less variables anyway.
Rhulkamania about to run wild
Watching Aztecross say the SAME THINGS I've been saying, like I have never NEVER beaten Salvation's Edge but I want to! Just wish it was just a liiiittle easier (and iunno maybe had some ppl willing to teach it) but approachable content is always a good thing.
Raids are supposed to be the pinnacle content for the game. Making them easier will end up with a Ron situation where so many people clear day 1 that it’s meaningless. There should be approachable content but not raids.
@@adamboy0559 Okay well maybe just having people to raid with then
@@LivingZombie there’s an in game lfg many discord lfgs the phone app has an lfg and tons of clans recruiting people. There’s really no excuse for the “I don’t have a team” argument because neither did I till I met people on lfg that I now own a clan with.
Rhulk remains to be one of my favorite destiny villains, right up there with Savathun.
The story of Rhulk alone he deserves to be more than a raid boss but a taken king level of fight, like when Oryx hust pulled up and took out a whole faction and terrorized us through the whole campaign then after we defeated him we faced another True witnees discipline not a wannabe like Calius
So yall remember when rhulk tried to get the light grom a ghost and was denied.
The traveler said "this one is not for you" so im just saying...
GTA 6 will come out and D2 addicts will still be dreaming of nostalgic hypothetical scenarios at a D2 Glow Up!💀
if its gonna mess with the hive pantheon its not gonna be rhulk but a hive.
Nokris is in a out of bounds area in game atm with a small area set up for dunking power orbs in some type of mechanic that's not in game currently. Not sure if it's old content they never used but pretty sure JB3 did a video on it and how to get to him
I'm interested in watching if you could link the vid
@toucherofgrassadept sorry I quoted the wrong content creator. Look up
JB3 Destiny 2 | I Found Nokris
That should take you to the out of bounds clip.
Hey Aztecross, would you be willing to make a video talking about how badly they’re nerfing the class exotic glaives? I don’t know if you noticed when you were making your video about all the changes in Heresy, but they’re basically nerfing them by 50%, doubling the number of hits required to charge the special shots from 3 to 6. Even with the situational ability to charge them with melee hits, risking death for a slightly faster charge time compared to 6 shots, it’s still a pretty massive nerf that will cut the power of these glaives almost in half. The tiny compensation buffs they’re giving the glaives alongside these nerfs don’t even come close to making up for what they’re losing.
Since Bungie only listens to TH-camrs and streamers, it would mean a lot to the people who actually like these glaives if you could help draw attention to how badly they’re about to be gutted.
Please let us become the captains of our own pyramid ship
24:20 Its because he took the light...right? Therefore weaking us and kicking our ass lol
4:19 the Hive Gods are kinda hypocritical, which i think helps show the flaws in their religion.
Oryx's love and devotion to his family is not in line with Hive doctrine (1 example being Crota. After Crota let the Vex into Oryx's Throne World, Oryx should've killed him. But instead Oryx banished him and gave him a shot at redemption), and Savathun pointed out Xivu's hypocrisy with her grief over Oryx's death. Savathun, well we all know Savathun doesn't give 2 shits. She's a heretic through and through.
21:50 this. Calus' whole character is being a fraud. I don't know why people thought Calus was gonna be this big threat. He's literally just a dripped out fat dude who talks smack.
He was just empowered by the most powerful being in the Universe.
Calus himself could reshape things by touching them, he just had a very shallow imagination and never truly knew what he wanted. Big bro just wanted to be powerful enough to fight his idols to the death.
a "sherpa reward" would be awesome, imagine there being a system in the game where you could get together with friends and help inexperienced players through raids and get cool emblem rewards for your effort. :) too bad it was removed in favor of fireteam finder with no replacement for it. also ad gilding to raid emblems where it requires like 50 sherpas and a flawless normal/master completion.
Happy your still making content. You brighten my day
I want a flood type enemy faction added so badly
I haven’t even gone into salvations edge I don’t have time to do that raid
Bringing Rhulk back in this dungeon would be cinema, I hope he has a hero arc and joins are side or something idk I don’t want him dead forever man
Nezarec can stay dead even though he won’t, nobody cares bout that joke
I think the Matchmaking should also pull you into a FTF lobby just to make it work better and faster.
I got into a crucible match with MyNameIsByf and his friends back in D2 vanila
Dude byf is so cool
Bro thinks Rhulk stronger than the witness bro forget the witness can chop chop u with a flick of a finger
it’s hard to explain but i just simply don’t enjoy playing with randoms in an LFG sense. idk why really to me it’s so different but it is. i have thousands of hours in the game and have barely done really any raids bc i only have a couple of friends and don’t want to have to go through the hassle of LFGing. i guess that’s what it must be. it really is a hassle lowkey even to use the in game LFG system. i just think that if it had matchmaking as long as “queue times” weren’t long i would do more. bc i got “Godslayer” done and fully completed the pantheon but it was exhausting having to do all of that LFG. if i just loaded into stuff with people it would be easier
He said, "Nocris," and I got took back to The Warmind DLC.
Fighting Rhulk is the BEST Boss fight I ever had in the entire game! the entire raid is absolute perfection! keep in mind I love Symbols raids so there might be some biased here! Last Wish is second for sure.
Guys....it's time to RHULK UP!!
I would 1000% love to raids I have never done, my guild no one ever runs them and people don't want to ever want to run with some one who never ran the raid. Makes me sad 😢
Scary part is, rhulk didn't take us seriously.
She’s stronger now than how she used to be (queen)
Back to the pyramid to get the fucking exotic weapon from vow
A really stupid thing is that in the ghost lore, it said that this ghost is not for you. The traveler didn’t say that he will not get a ghost.
Not the biggest byf fan but watching for Cross
24:38 like saint-14 to savathun?