I am still stumped as to the purpose behind the various devices made in the first three parts... I see them being coupled together near the end, but I am at a loss as to what they're for! I'm going to bookmark this video, if only to come back to emulate some of the amazing tools that it's obvious were made in the face of a need, rather than purchased (if such things were even available)! Brilliant work, I am in awe.
The long silver tube with the brass section and slotted section with spring is a PCP air gun pressure tank. Brass section is the valve section and the stainless rod sticking out the end is the Poppet, (Actual valve stem). The following steel section with slot is the striker housing and guide for striker, (Hammer), with adjustable hammer weight striker. Acts similar to a spring loaded slide hammer which strikes the valve poppett and releases a charge of high pressure air. the amount of air released regulated by the tension of the spring. Well Done! KnifeMaker
В русском языке для всего вот ЭТОГО используется точное определение "колхоз"из говна и палок" Очень рад за человека у которого столько свободного времени.
У каждого свое хобби. Одни носки вяжут, другие электроникой занимаются, кто то АнОнизмом занимается, как один из твоих комментаторов. А он любит токарные работы. И это лучше, чем быть бездарем с бутылкой пива а руках.
Wah Sampean bisa memaksimalkan mesin Beberapa macam fungsi mesin yang harusnya butuh banyak alat, tapi bisa dilakukan dengan hanya 1 mesin saja Boleh minta no WA nya kah mas Saya ada mau pesan adapter "pipa angin 4.5mm" biar bisa dilepas pasang dgn mudah .
The bolt handle is very clever. I can see how craftsmen become more understanding of the task and progress to doing very high quality spring loading actions. For a moment I wondered if you had any idea? Then you showed you have great skill. Well you are skilled as a machinist!
I saw it, and my mind is still solely understanding what I just saw. It’s amazing, I need to thing outside the box more, very useful. Thanks for sharing.
В 80-х нас в школе учили токарке, а в выпускных классах изучали трактора и автомобили. В школе была техника газон, беларусь50-й), ДТ-75. Сейчас уроки труда есть?
O torno é uma máquina incrível para fazer peças mas depende d certo conhecimento. E o mais vai na criatividade. Ninguém faz alguma peça em torno c não tiver uma certa esperiencia ou em qualquer outra máquina. Não c engane vc q acha q não precisa d conhecimento.
michaell397 17 minutes ago (edited)It was ask what the assembled tube was and I answered the question . I thought I would repeat it up here so it could be found more easily. The long silver tube with the brass section and slotted section with spring is a PCP air gun pressure tank. Brass section is the valve section and the stainless rod sticking out the end is the Poppet, (Actual valve stem). The following steel section with slot is the striker housing and guide for striker, (Hammer), with adjustable hammer weight striker. Acts similar to a spring loaded slide hammer which strikes the valve poppett and releases a charge of high pressure air. the amount of air released regulated by the tension of the spring. Well Done! KnifeMaker
Apreciez pe acest băiat din doua fiare vechi rezultă o pisă de valoare mare care nu cere nimic de măncare sănătate să vă binecuvânteze cel de sus pa la revedere bay
При ударе кулачком патрона об резец или или резцедержатель, зажатый в кулачки другого патрона патрон, благополучно вылетает в голову токарю. Так что если вы вдруг из России, то это видео именно для вас....
Mounting a good 3 jaw chuck in a 4 jaw mounted in an ancient worn out machine to get acceptable repeatability is by no means new... And producing a (near) sphere in that manner's by no means new, either. It used to be done (in the 60s) as an exercise on Bridgeports, using a universal dividing head. (not dissimilar to what this guy's doing) It's not efficient, but it's a good exercise in relatively simple trigonometry for an apprentice. Like turning tapers on a lathe, there were four basic methods... Form tool, offset compound slide, offset tailstock, copying attachment (and now... CNC) Same with spheres... Form tool, copy turning attachment, CNC. Lots of stuff is inefficient, but gives a young operator a feel for machining that loading, closing the door, and pressing a button doesn't (especially with flood coolant) Young guys may not get to feel or see what's happening, nowadays. They don't get to see, for instance, a boring bar deflect disturbingly when theyve been a bit "ambitious", or see a toolpost deflect more than it ought, obliging them to investigate... the half assed repair someone had done, in a hurry, some time previously... Or seen a compound slide get ripped off because it had been mounted to the cross slide using soft bolts... (I have to say, though... A mate once mounted a three jaw in an old Ward 7 turret lathe, and got a bit "ambitious" with his metal removal rate... The three jaw flew out of the four jaw, and bounced off his head. Glancing blow, caused concussion, but it could have been worse...
Tokmányt a tokmányba... Ezt (normális szak)iskolában valóban n e m tanítják. A szükség adott esetben rákényszerít(?) praktikus de veszélyes - technológiának nem mondanám - megoldásra egy-egy "jókezű" szakit. Amíg megvan a "jókeze".
one important thing forgot when cutting those flats at start. #1 yu have a back gear some refer to as bull gear yu can lock so the lathe spindle does not turn, #2 mots bull geears are designed in such a wat the will rotat and be able to lock as set degree positions. there are also better more accurate ways to put 2 - 4 - 6 and even 8 or 12 flats on eve in lathe if you know how to do machining, the spindle with a drill driving it is a cobjob. amateur machinist you can't even put facing / turning tool on centerline proper
Very interesting video using old school methods, but still very relevant to the true machinist. Thanks for sharing, I really enjoyed it.
Banyak ilmu yang tidak di ajarkan di sekolah,tapi di dapat dari pengalaman
Outstanding! you are one clever machinist. I thought I was taught old school. I'm 73. And I have to say you are very very good.
Pelajaran pembelajaran yang bagus gan 😁😁🤘🤘
Semangat mas youtube jalan bubut jalan berkah sampean tontonan yg sangat inspiratif 👍👍
Semakin banyak jam terbang maka makin banyak pula ilmu yang di dapat...tetap semangat kawan❤❤ 21:10
Terimakasih mas e ♥️
Mas request dong cara buat senter putar/life center
Semoga di buat kan vidio nya...
Sukses terus mas buat chanel nya 🤲 amin
I am still stumped as to the purpose behind the various devices made in the first three parts... I see them being coupled together near the end, but I am at a loss as to what they're for!
I'm going to bookmark this video, if only to come back to emulate some of the amazing tools that it's obvious were made in the face of a need, rather than purchased (if such things were even available)!
Brilliant work, I am in awe.
The long silver tube with the brass section and slotted section with spring is a PCP air gun pressure tank. Brass section is the valve section and the stainless rod sticking out the end is the Poppet, (Actual valve stem). The following steel section with slot is the striker housing and guide for striker, (Hammer), with adjustable hammer weight striker. Acts similar to a spring loaded slide hammer which strikes the valve poppett and releases a charge of high pressure air. the amount of air released regulated by the tension of the spring.
Well Done!
Watching to learn - Thank you, Yanto. 👍
Bravo! I'm learning a lot from these videos.
Nice sharing nya kak
Salam sukses selalu.mas coba dong bikin screw buat extruder
om tolong buatin video belajar bubut mulai dasar, dari bagian2 mesin sampai fungsi dan cara settingnya,🙏🙏🙏
good video mekanik mesin
В русском языке для всего вот ЭТОГО используется точное определение "колхоз"из говна и палок"
Очень рад за человека у которого столько свободного времени.
я бы назвал анонизмом .
У каждого свое хобби. Одни носки вяжут, другие электроникой занимаются, кто то АнОнизмом занимается, как один из твоих комментаторов. А он любит токарные работы. И это лучше, чем быть бездарем с бутылкой пива а руках.
@@alexdiver7 у меня тоже хобби токарные работы (,а на видео ярко выраженный случай рукоблудия.
@@СергейШ-ю2т У тебя гордость зашкаливает. Нос задрал. Смотри, небо поцарапаешь.
Very good job my San God bless you
Sampean bisa memaksimalkan mesin
Beberapa macam fungsi mesin yang harusnya butuh banyak alat, tapi bisa dilakukan dengan hanya 1 mesin saja
Boleh minta no WA nya kah mas
Saya ada mau pesan adapter "pipa angin 4.5mm" biar bisa dilepas pasang dgn mudah .
The bolt handle is very clever. I can see how craftsmen become more understanding of the task and progress to doing very high quality spring loading actions. For a moment I wondered if you had any idea? Then you showed you have great skill. Well you are skilled as a machinist!
What a load of bollocks! Approximate at best.
I saw it, and my mind is still solely understanding what I just saw. It’s amazing, I need to thing outside the box more, very useful. Thanks for sharing.
Pak, mohon buat video teknik membuat screw extruder untuk menginjeksi limbah plastik. Trmksh
Amazing work you do
Muy buenos videos hermano. Saludos desde MÉXICO
pengetahuan di sekolah cm pengetahuan dasar, setelah itu silahkan dikembangkan sendiri
utomo mawardi hadur ikut belajar bang
В русском языке есть поговорка отражающая уважение к мастеру: " И швец и жнец, и на дуде игрец!!!" Это о тебе и твоем мастерстве. Мое почтение.
Без труда не вытащишь и рыбку из пруда 😂
It IS very interesting 'i like it!
В 80-х нас в школе учили токарке, а в выпускных классах изучали трактора и автомобили. В школе была техника газон, беларусь50-й), ДТ-75. Сейчас уроки труда есть?
Iya saudaraku ♥️
Menyala abangku 🔥🔥🔥
O torno é uma máquina incrível para fazer peças
mas depende d certo conhecimento.
E o mais vai na criatividade.
Ninguém faz alguma peça em torno c não tiver uma certa esperiencia ou em qualquer outra máquina.
Não c engane vc q acha q não precisa d conhecimento.
عاشت ايدك يافنان
Yang Belajar cekam 4 nyenter benda kerja lebih lama daripada proses bubutnnya
Coba bikin molding slug empat koma lima dua,,bang
Thank you for posting this, I have learned
Сколько лет работал над этой технологией, это для тех у кого один токкарный станок и сварочный аппарат, тебе успехов в новых приставках.😅
Good work
Om bisa pesan ga pipa stanlis od 22 tpi diameter lobang dlamy 0d 8 pnjang 1 meter🙏
Increíble maestro....cómo maneja ese torno
@19:40, Perfect,Creative video, thanks :)
👍👍très bien @+++
Bro you are at pro level😂
you have skills!
17 minutes ago (edited)It was ask what the assembled tube was and I answered the question . I thought I would repeat it up here so it could be found more easily.
The long silver tube with the brass section and slotted section with spring is a PCP air gun pressure tank. Brass section is the valve section and the stainless rod sticking out the end is the Poppet, (Actual valve stem). The following steel section with slot is the striker housing and guide for striker, (Hammer), with adjustable hammer weight striker. Acts similar to a spring loaded slide hammer which strikes the valve poppett and releases a charge of high pressure air. the amount of air released regulated by the tension of the spring.
Well Done!
Można nauczyć się samemu tylko trzeba chcieć 😊
Buat part senapan angin mas 🙏🙏
Very nice
Amazing video
Bang jenis batu grenda yang bagus asah mata pahat apa bang
Absolutely brilliant 👏 👌
De dónde es usted
All I can say,
Man man man❤😮
Berap harga mesin bubut nya mas
Saya beli bekas 50 mas
Très super vraiment!
Apreciez pe acest băiat din doua fiare vechi rezultă o pisă de valoare mare care nu cere nimic de măncare sănătate să vă binecuvânteze cel de sus pa la revedere bay
Ada kontak yg bisa di hubungi bos?
الله ينور عليك
Сейчас спроси у учеников, что такое передняя и задняя бабка. Ничего не ответят.
Its lathe you need only. You can build anything.👍
При ударе кулачком патрона об резец или или резцедержатель, зажатый в кулачки другого патрона патрон, благополучно вылетает в голову токарю. Так что если вы вдруг из России, то это видео именно для вас....
Mounting a good 3 jaw chuck in a 4 jaw mounted in an ancient worn out machine to get acceptable repeatability is by no means new... And producing a (near) sphere in that manner's by no means new, either. It used to be done (in the 60s) as an exercise on Bridgeports, using a universal dividing head. (not dissimilar to what this guy's doing) It's not efficient, but it's a good exercise in relatively simple trigonometry for an apprentice.
Like turning tapers on a lathe, there were four basic methods... Form tool, offset compound slide, offset tailstock, copying attachment (and now... CNC) Same with spheres... Form tool, copy turning attachment, CNC.
Lots of stuff is inefficient, but gives a young operator a feel for machining that loading, closing the door, and pressing a button doesn't (especially with flood coolant) Young guys may not get to feel or see what's happening, nowadays. They don't get to see, for instance, a boring bar deflect disturbingly when theyve been a bit "ambitious", or see a toolpost deflect more than it ought, obliging them to investigate... the half assed repair someone had done, in a hurry, some time previously... Or seen a compound slide get ripped off because it had been mounted to the cross slide using soft bolts...
(I have to say, though... A mate once mounted a three jaw in an old Ward 7 turret lathe, and got a bit "ambitious" with his metal removal rate... The three jaw flew out of the four jaw, and bounced off his head. Glancing blow, caused concussion, but it could have been worse...
شكرا تحياتي
21 минута потраченого времени! Что для чего хуй знает....
Good Job
Masha Allah 💐💐🌺🌺🥀🥀🌱🌱🍂🍂🍄💝🍓🍓🍓🍂🍄🍄🪴🪴🪻☘️🎉 good job
Felicitaciones 😮😮😮😮
Diese Drehtechnik stammt aus den Jahren 1925 bis 1950. - Museumsreif!
أنا ابحث في اليوتيوب عن ميكانيكي ألة لاكن لا يعطيني أسم القناة
зажимать трехкулачковый патрон в четырехкулачковый уж точно не учат в школе)) это очень опасно,сам видел к чему может привести такая конструкция
Если не с похмелья, и руки оттуда растут, то нормально. Сам почти все эти манипуляции проделывал. И даже такие, которых в этом ролике нет.
Siz bunu yeni öğrenmişsiniz ama biz bunu yıllar önce yaptık.Daha neler yapabildiğimizi öğrenseniz,aklınız gider.
Як називається прилад поділу яким ви користуєтесь?
Tokmányt a tokmányba... Ezt (normális szak)iskolában valóban n e m tanítják. A szükség adott esetben rákényszerít(?) praktikus de veszélyes - technológiának nem mondanám - megoldásra egy-egy "jókezű" szakit. Amíg megvan a "jókeze".
Голь на выдумки хитра.
one important thing forgot when cutting those flats at start. #1 yu have a back gear some refer to as bull gear yu can lock so the lathe spindle does not turn, #2 mots bull geears are designed in such a wat the will rotat and be able to lock as set degree positions. there are also better more accurate ways to put 2 - 4 - 6 and even 8 or 12 flats on eve in lathe if you know how to do machining, the spindle with a drill driving it is a cobjob. amateur machinist you can't even put facing / turning tool on centerline proper
Co to za kierat .
muy bueno
А я ждал когда стрельните 😊
There is a reason why these techniques are not taught😀
Indeed, primitive.
3.14 здец нано технологии. За такую уйню на заводе уволи бы.
tukang bubut e hobi bedil, cek lokasi cpo eroh cidek omah...
Запчасти на коленке... А потом грузовики в пропасть летают и самолёты падают...
Ovvio che a scuola certe operazioni non vengono insegnate . Queste si eseguono sulla fresatrice .
기술이 무궁무진 하네요.귀한걸 잘 봤습니다.
У нас хватает станков,а у вас похоже один
Россия щас своих станков не выпускает. Всё импортное.
@@ЛукаМудищев-р6з лет на 30 ещё хватит и станков и запчастей и расходников.
It is very dangerous to put a chuck in a chuck you stand a chance of needing a new head.
Это не токарная обработка, а фрезерная.
Голь на выдумки хитра, был бы широкоуниверсальный фрезерный хотя бы б, у, Проще было бы, А так просто нищета
Primitive !
Молодец ! А что делать, если нет ЧПУ ?!
где здесь чпу