Hi evryone. I'm going to make a video about Turkic languages, but my color palette doesn't have enough colors to show the diversity of this language family. So I want to ask you: What is the best way to do it? Should I release a video about each branch (for example, Kipchak, Oghur, Karluk, etc.) or make one video but the classification will not be branched? Write in the comments. Enjoy the video!
What software are you using to make these videos? If it is something like MS Paint, you can make custom colors. If you have a limited amount of colors, focus on showing the different branches, and possibly label individual regions with just text to show the language.
why not put small little number tags over areas and have the legend on the side say which language it is. as a deuteronopic colorblind person, it can help.
Due to climate change, the forests where Hungarians lived became steppes. Hungarians adopted a nomadic lifestyle and migrated to the west, like other nomads
@@motetey I think it wasn't just that but animal husbandry they learned from their nomadic neighbours. Raising livestock is much easier and profitable at the open & semi-open steppes than at the forest belt between Taiga and grasslands and was and still is absolutely more profitable than hunter-gathering or sedentary farming at those latitudes. Why they moved to Europe was for the same reason every other steppe-group had moved towards west in history -military pressure from the more numerous and advanced eastern tribes from Mongolia, China and Kazakhstan who in turn were pushed west by the early Turks who were pushed west by Mongols and Mongols were being pressured by the expanding Chinese empire and Tribes in Kazakstan & Caspian steppes were pushed towards north by the Persian empire. When pressure builds, something must give and at the Eurasian steppe it has always been towards Ukraine at European side of Volga.
The origins of Ugric languages is more likely to be wedged precisely in-between Finnic and Samoyedic rather than being closer to Finnic. Also Sámi languages show some similarities exclusively with Samoyedic languages making a northern migration pattern separate from Finnic general plausible.
Я -- коми. Хорошо говорю на своём языке. Сравнивала свой язык с другими финно-угорскими языками (по, имеющимся в интернетном пространстве, словарям). Коми по бо́льшей части похож на удмуртский (само собой, и на коми-пермяцкий, практически -- это тот же коми, только диалект другой). Так вот... сравнивала коми с другими языками всей уральской языковой семьи. И что я обнаружила? -- По количеству схожих по звучанию и написанию слов коми ближе к саамскому. Их много, скажее вы, -- саамских языков. Не знаю -- какой именно из языков саами был представлен в этом словаре, но, наверное, один из основных, имеющихся на территории России. А их -- несколько. Я пришла к такому выводу: саами -- скорее всего, выходцы из наших краёв, а, может, и -- с более восточных территорий, но шло переселение и через нашу территорию. Это моё только предположение. Переселение шло веками и, возможно, шли эти люди по северу, со стадами оленей, в поисках более обильной пищи для оленьих стад...Поэтому и имеется большое количество похожих слов. (?) Но наши языки, наши народы давным-давно друг от друга отделились и отдалились... Даже немного грустно от этого... времена делают своё дело. С историей не поспоришь. Претензии не к чему и не к кому предъявлять. ТАК сложилось... Данность бытия. Оттого и странная наша судьба. Люблю всех!
Сравнивала свой коми с разными финно-угорскими языками. С саами -- много сходства. С удмуртским, само собой. Ну, и с другими... А легче всего понимаю, конечно же, коми-пермяков. Практически, это -- один язык, просто другой диалект.
Many of them are severely endangered but Finnish and Estonian are still safe and will carry the flag and future of Uralic peoples. Much love from Turkiye ❤
@@saturahman7510 tässähän on kyse meidän sukukielistä jotka ryssät ja ruotsalaiset on ajanut lähes sukupuuttoon. Tietenkin aito suomalainen veljeskansaa rakastaa, ja Venäjää vihaa
And Hungarian wasn't modern Hungarian before they came to Europe around 800AD and started to adopt ginormous amount of loanwords from Turkish and Indo-European languages. it's still under debate when exactly Hungarian split off from early Khanty & Mansi but likely it started when they migrated south from Ob-valley and adopted the steppe lifestyle of Bolgars, Kazars and Gök-Turks. The area of Finland today was almost completely Finnish speaking by the end of 1600s-excepting upper Kemi river valley north from Rovaniemi. which was Sami-speaking just like kola peninsula. Western Karelians migrated away en-mass because of religious issues between Karelians in western Karelia and Swedish crown. Northern Norway and Sweden were also almost completely Finnish & Sami speaking until the 1920s or so when huge iron deposits were found and forced Swedicisation and Norwegisation were conducted on Sami and Finns living there. Finns living at the border areas between Sweden & Norway -the forest Finns lost their language & cultural traits somewhere around the mid-1700s mostly due to economic & political reasons and were assimilated to Swedes. Karelians were Russian-orthodox and thus migrated to Valdai & Tver, as shown in your map, to escape forced conversion to Lutheranism by the Swedish kingdom after the peace of Täyssinä and Stolbova which ceded Ingria (today ST.Petersburg metropolitan area) and western Karelia in it's entirety to Sweden for about a 100 years. Finnish speakers then resettled most of western Karelia and Finnic-speakers were again forced to abandon their homes when Soviet union conquered them in WW-II. today Karelia is mostly Russian thanks to Soviet unions active policy to ensure this because Stalin believed that if a speaker of same language was living near other speakers of same language across the border they might think of joining that other group. Hence all the mass-deportations and russification projects of minorities in SU.
Great, but I feel like the original extent of Volga Finnic (extending to Komi and Nenets), the southern half of the original Sami extent (extending though most of Northern Finland) and the extent of Karelian in the middle ages are kinda inaccurate. Also, Sayan Samoyedic wasn't a single language, it was Mator (divergent) and Kamassian (closely related to Selkup, their common ancestor is named Kamas-Selkup)
Hm, I am not sure where did you get info but i think Sámi languages weren’t spread to the South this much, also in the dissapearing area of Balto-Finnic there was Vepsian spoken already, but not sure
The area you are talking about to was inhabited by Chud Zavolochskaya, which is mentioned in Russian chronicles. This tribe may have spoken some kind of Balto-Finnish language, but which one is unknown.
Amazing work as usual, and the music is just the best) i am very interested about the hungarians that stayed in siberia until the 1300. How much do we know about this? was it still properly hungarian? or did it diverge perhaps?
Look up frair Julian he was an Hungarian monk who in the 1200s found the Magyars who stayed behind and was able to communicate with them, he later returned only to find them wiped out by the mongols
I'm not sure, but most likely the Moksha and Erzya languages are not shown correctly. Historically, the Erzya lived in the northwest of Moksha (Nizhny Novgorod - it used to be the capital of Erzya Obran Osh).
Hungarian according your map is 3500 years old which is astonishingly old. Indeed it is old but more likely around 3000 years like ancient Latin or something.
The ancestral home of the Uralic languages is a very complex question. Some say that they originated from the Kama River basin, others say that from Southern Siberia, but I think that these are the Ural Mountains, the border between Europe and Asia.
Успокаивает, что это именно языковая карта. Потому что народы никуда не делись, генетику не перепишешь) Я проводил исследование не так давно, да и до сих пор занимаюсь вопросами генофонда финно-угорских народов, могу сказать, что все, что Севернее и Восточнее Москвы - территория финно-угорских народов, русских вы там почти не найдете, кроме как в Санкт Петербурге. В остальном, 75-90% жителей этих регионов - финно-угры, даже если они считают по другому. А возникла такая проблема "вымирания" из-за насильственной русификации, когда государство тысячелетиями создавало более выгодные условия для владения русским языком и вообще вела официальную политику "быть русским это круто". У меня есть детальная карта генетических финно-угров, основанная на большом количестве источников, надеюсь, мое стремление хоть как-то поможет ребятам восстановить свою культурную идентичность, не забывайте свои корни, пожалуйста. Спасибо за видео!
On which facts the rapid change of western border from 950 to 1200 is based? You possibly made an assumption that since those lands became part of Rus' they quickly switched to Slavic in couple of centuries. But this is simply not true. Slavs lived only in cities on those territories by 1200, while entire rural area spoke Finno-Ugric languages and continued speaking for centuries ahead. Even in XVII century there were enough Finno-Ugric speakers to the west of Volga (and I talk not about Mordva) and you just removed them all by 1200 pretending that Muscovy emerged on already Slavicised lands and this is not true.
Thank you for your comment! I took the information for the video from Wikipedia, where the following is written about the tribes of Murom and Merara: "This is in stark contrast to the related tribes of Merya and Murom, which were apparently assimilated by the Eastern Slavs by the 10th and 11th centuries." "The Muromites paid tribute to the Russian princes and, like the neighboring Merya tribe, were assimilated by the Eastern Slavs in the 11th-12th centuries, when their territory was incorporated into Russia." en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volga_Finns
Venäläisten pyrkimys päästä Pohjoiselle jäämerelle johti tuohon suomalaisten kielten häviämiseen pohjoisilla alueilla. Venäjä on luonteeltaan sisämaavaltio ja heillä on aina tarve valloittaa alueita, joilta on pääsy merelle.
@@Omar24737 both some are more asian looking others more white looking one near west look european and ones more into east look asian probably proto urals looked asian
Hi evryone.
I'm going to make a video about Turkic languages, but my color palette doesn't have enough colors to show the diversity of this language family. So I want to ask you: What is the best way to do it? Should I release a video about each branch (for example, Kipchak, Oghur, Karluk, etc.) or make one video but the classification will not be branched?
Write in the comments.
Enjoy the video!
What software are you using to make these videos? If it is something like MS Paint, you can make custom colors. If you have a limited amount of colors, focus on showing the different branches, and possibly label individual regions with just text to show the language.
Türkler çok büyük topraklarda dağınık olarak yaşamışlar kimi ağızları bir birini iyi anlarken kimi ağızları artık ayrı bir dil haline gelmiştir.
why not put small little number tags over areas and have the legend on the side say which language it is. as a deuteronopic colorblind person, it can help.
Brilliant stuff, love yer videos mate 🧡
Thank you!
Makes me want to wonder why the Hungarians decide to migrate away….
Due to climate change, the forests where Hungarians lived became steppes. Hungarians adopted a nomadic lifestyle and migrated to the west, like other nomads
@@motetey I think it wasn't just that but animal husbandry they learned from their nomadic neighbours. Raising livestock is much easier and profitable at the open & semi-open steppes than at the forest belt between Taiga and grasslands and was and still is absolutely more profitable than hunter-gathering or sedentary farming at those latitudes.
Why they moved to Europe was for the same reason every other steppe-group had moved towards west in history -military pressure from the more numerous and advanced eastern tribes from Mongolia, China and Kazakhstan who in turn were pushed west by the early Turks who were pushed west by Mongols and Mongols were being pressured by the expanding Chinese empire and Tribes in Kazakstan & Caspian steppes were pushed towards north by the Persian empire.
When pressure builds, something must give and at the Eurasian steppe it has always been towards Ukraine at European side of Volga.
The origins of Ugric languages is more likely to be wedged precisely in-between Finnic and Samoyedic rather than being closer to Finnic. Also Sámi languages show some similarities exclusively with Samoyedic languages making a northern migration pattern separate from Finnic general plausible.
Thank you for your comment!
some may have sailed across the barents sea
Я -- коми. Хорошо говорю на своём языке. Сравнивала свой язык с другими финно-угорскими языками (по, имеющимся в интернетном пространстве, словарям). Коми по бо́льшей части похож на удмуртский (само собой, и на коми-пермяцкий, практически -- это тот же коми, только диалект другой).
Так вот... сравнивала коми с другими языками всей уральской языковой семьи. И что я обнаружила? -- По количеству схожих по звучанию и написанию слов коми ближе к саамскому. Их много, скажее вы, -- саамских языков. Не знаю -- какой именно из языков саами был представлен в этом словаре, но, наверное, один из основных, имеющихся на территории России. А их -- несколько.
Я пришла к такому выводу: саами -- скорее всего, выходцы из наших краёв, а, может, и -- с более восточных территорий, но шло переселение и через нашу территорию. Это моё только предположение. Переселение шло веками и, возможно, шли эти люди по северу, со стадами оленей, в поисках более обильной пищи для оленьих стад...Поэтому и имеется большое количество похожих слов. (?)
Но наши языки, наши народы давным-давно друг от друга отделились и отдалились... Даже немного грустно от этого... времена делают своё дело.
С историей не поспоришь. Претензии не к чему и не к кому предъявлять. ТАК сложилось... Данность бытия. Оттого и странная наша судьба.
Люблю всех!
Сравнивала свой коми с разными финно-угорскими языками. С саами -- много сходства. С удмуртским, само собой. Ну, и с другими... А легче всего понимаю, конечно же, коми-пермяков. Практически, это -- один язык, просто другой диалект.
It's so sad these languages are dying
Respect . We must respect them. Greetings from Finland ❤
Many of them are severely endangered but Finnish and Estonian are still safe and will carry the flag and future of Uralic peoples. Much love from Turkiye ❤
I have good news Livonian is not extinct
@@saturahman7510 tässähän on kyse meidän sukukielistä jotka ryssät ja ruotsalaiset on ajanut lähes sukupuuttoon. Tietenkin aito suomalainen veljeskansaa rakastaa, ja Venäjää vihaa
Finnish and Estonian still have plenty of speakers left
Greetings from Estonia 🇪🇪. 👋
Tervitused Venemaalt! 🇷🇺
Absolute bangers in the background? Ultra-informative? cool looking? 3 thumbs up!
Thank you!
Needs to be updated to current research. Proto-uralic came to Europe via Seima-Turbino culture from altai/baikal area from 2200bc
And Hungarian wasn't modern Hungarian before they came to Europe around 800AD and started to adopt ginormous amount of loanwords from Turkish and Indo-European languages. it's still under debate when exactly Hungarian split off from early Khanty & Mansi but likely it started when they migrated south from Ob-valley and adopted the steppe lifestyle of Bolgars, Kazars and Gök-Turks.
The area of Finland today was almost completely Finnish speaking by the end of 1600s-excepting upper Kemi river valley north from Rovaniemi. which was Sami-speaking just like kola peninsula.
Western Karelians migrated away en-mass because of religious issues between Karelians in western Karelia and Swedish crown. Northern Norway and Sweden were also almost completely Finnish & Sami speaking until the 1920s or so when huge iron deposits were found and forced Swedicisation and Norwegisation were conducted on Sami and Finns living there. Finns living at the border areas between Sweden & Norway -the forest Finns lost their language & cultural traits somewhere around the mid-1700s mostly due to economic & political reasons and were assimilated to Swedes.
Karelians were Russian-orthodox and thus migrated to Valdai & Tver, as shown in your map, to escape forced conversion to Lutheranism by the Swedish kingdom after the peace of Täyssinä and Stolbova which ceded Ingria (today ST.Petersburg metropolitan area) and western Karelia in it's entirety to Sweden for about a 100 years. Finnish speakers then resettled most of western Karelia and Finnic-speakers were again forced to abandon their homes when Soviet union conquered them in WW-II. today Karelia is mostly Russian thanks to Soviet unions active policy to ensure this because Stalin believed that if a speaker of same language was living near other speakers of same language across the border they might think of joining that other group. Hence all the mass-deportations and russification projects of minorities in SU.
As a person with karelian and vepsian roots I really like it.
Thank you!
North of Sweden was finnish speaking, today its called Meänkieli.
Great, but I feel like the original extent of Volga Finnic (extending to Komi and Nenets), the southern half of the original Sami extent (extending though most of Northern Finland) and the extent of Karelian in the middle ages are kinda inaccurate.
Also, Sayan Samoyedic wasn't a single language, it was Mator (divergent) and Kamassian (closely related to Selkup, their common ancestor is named Kamas-Selkup)
Can't wait for the video about Turkic Languages❤
Hope you won't forget about the tatars and Turks in dobruja
Thanks ! ❤ I live in Mikkeli, eastern-Finland.
Hm, I am not sure where did you get info but i think Sámi languages weren’t spread to the South this much, also in the dissapearing area of Balto-Finnic there was Vepsian spoken already, but not sure
The area you are talking about to was inhabited by Chud Zavolochskaya, which is mentioned in Russian chronicles. This tribe may have spoken some kind of Balto-Finnish language, but which one is unknown.
cool video!
Thank you!
Amazing work as usual, and the music is just the best) i am very interested about the hungarians that stayed in siberia until the 1300. How much do we know about this? was it still properly hungarian? or did it diverge perhaps?
Thank you!
Look up frair Julian he was an Hungarian monk who in the 1200s found the Magyars who stayed behind and was able to communicate with them, he later returned only to find them wiped out by the mongols
There are Turkic borrowings in Proto-Samoyed, indicates Turkic languages are much older than you showed in your video.
I'm not sure, but most likely the Moksha and Erzya languages are not shown correctly. Historically, the Erzya lived in the northwest of Moksha (Nizhny Novgorod - it used to be the capital of Erzya Obran Osh).
Thank you for the information! I still think that before the Slavs, the Murom tribe lived in the territory of Nizhny Novgorod.
After you do the Turkic video, please do Sino-Tibetan!
Hungarian according your map is 3500 years old which is astonishingly old. Indeed it is old but more likely around 3000 years like ancient Latin or something.
If you split finish and voitc than you definetly need to split northern estonian and southern estonian.
Can you do a video on celtic langauges?
I already did it.
@@iroquoianmapper yes, sorry lol that was a bit obvious on my behalf
Спасибо! Очень интересно! Я -- коми.
Привет из Нижневартовска!
@@iroquoianmapper стоп, ты из Нижневартовска?
@@iroquoianmapperА я думал ты неиронично ирокез...
I'm a Nenets
Hi, and I'm a Russian from the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous region.
@@iroquoianmapper а ты в каком городе живешь?
@@fennec4 Нижневартовск.А ты в каком городе? А ты разговариваешь на ненецком?
@@iroquoianmapper Ого, Я тоже Русский из Буджака! Привет земляк!
@@The_Geographer_Maps Привет! Русские везде.
I have a question please where is the origin of the proto uralic prople in europe or in asia?
The ancestral home of the Uralic languages is a very complex question. Some say that they originated from the Kama River basin, others say that from Southern Siberia, but I think that these are the Ural Mountains, the border between Europe and Asia.
@@iroquoianmapper but what is the sure answer
I have a question please what was the first culture of the ural people?
Unfortunately, I don't know yet.
Успокаивает, что это именно языковая карта. Потому что народы никуда не делись, генетику не перепишешь) Я проводил исследование не так давно, да и до сих пор занимаюсь вопросами генофонда финно-угорских народов, могу сказать, что все, что Севернее и Восточнее Москвы - территория финно-угорских народов, русских вы там почти не найдете, кроме как в Санкт Петербурге. В остальном, 75-90% жителей этих регионов - финно-угры, даже если они считают по другому. А возникла такая проблема "вымирания" из-за насильственной русификации, когда государство тысячелетиями создавало более выгодные условия для владения русским языком и вообще вела официальную политику "быть русским это круто". У меня есть детальная карта генетических финно-угров, основанная на большом количестве источников, надеюсь, мое стремление хоть как-то поможет ребятам восстановить свою культурную идентичность, не забывайте свои корни, пожалуйста. Спасибо за видео!
Is this the homeland of the proto uralic people? 0:18
@@iroquoianmapper so they originated in europe not in asia right?
@@Omar24737 most likely the Proto-Urals lived beyond the Urals.
Crumbles me mentally to see this 😢
I have a question please is this the origin of the proto uralic peoples?
It is not known for sure, but it is probably true.
Thank you!
On which facts the rapid change of western border from 950 to 1200 is based?
You possibly made an assumption that since those lands became part of Rus' they quickly switched to Slavic in couple of centuries.
But this is simply not true. Slavs lived only in cities on those territories by 1200, while entire rural area spoke Finno-Ugric languages and continued speaking for centuries ahead. Even in XVII century there were enough Finno-Ugric speakers to the west of Volga (and I talk not about Mordva) and you just removed them all by 1200 pretending that Muscovy emerged on already Slavicised lands and this is not true.
Thank you for your comment! I took the information for the video from Wikipedia, where the following is written about the tribes of Murom and Merara: "This is in stark contrast to the related tribes of Merya and Murom, which were apparently assimilated by the Eastern Slavs by the 10th and 11th centuries."
"The Muromites paid tribute to the Russian princes and, like the neighboring Merya tribe, were assimilated by the Eastern Slavs in the 11th-12th centuries, when their territory was incorporated into Russia."
Venäläisten pyrkimys päästä Pohjoiselle jäämerelle johti tuohon suomalaisten kielten häviämiseen pohjoisilla alueilla. Venäjä on luonteeltaan sisämaavaltio ja heillä on aina tarve valloittaa alueita, joilta on pääsy merelle.
I have a question please are the uralic people from mongolic or caucasian race?
Can you answer
@@Omar24737 both some are more asian looking others more white looking one near west look european and ones more into east look asian probably proto urals looked asian
Minä en ainakaan näytä yhtään aasialaiselta.
Too bad, I'm hungarian and don't understand these languages. They changed too nuch
Конец грустный😭
uralic w
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