Both of them should have been arrested immediately. The driver was reckless, driving with doors ajar, she is a crackhead drunk, and the police were wasting time.
After watching this video, now I know why LA is in the shape that it’s in. You mean to tell me those first arriving officers have to wait for their captain to decide whether or not someone needs to be arrested? LA PD is a joke. It looks like in the beginning of the video that woman was taking a piss in a lane of traffic. From the video evidence, I did not see anything that constitutes a 273.5 DV. Unless the driver was driving under the influence. This is a slam dunk case. She should be arrested for public intoxication, and not following orders. She is a threat to herself. All of this, and they let them go. This will happen again, a mile or two down the street. She is way too drunk, and not able to keep her 💩together. Again, I have never seen such incompetence in my life. LAPD is a joke..!! Hell, what am I saying. California is a joke. Why would I expect anything more.
WOW!! So it’s legal to be intoxicated in public act stupid and not get put in handcuffs Sorry state we live in 😡😡 Waste of tax money we the taxpayers pay for law enforcement and military
I was few blocks from there. And what a shit show....military doing nothing. People intoxicated and lost. Police arresting the guy based on a phone call. America is lost!!!
The US government is actually using the name of the continent. We are US citizens and citizens of the United States. Everyone in North America, Central America, South America, the Americas and the American continent is an American like Asia are Asians, Africa are Africans and Europe are Europeans. What happened first? The United States of America or the American continent? The United States of America became a nation on the date of July 4th of 1776 and the whole entire continent was already named America after Amerigo Vespucci in the year 1507 that was 269 years difference way before the United States of America became a nation. The United States OF America is the only country in North America, Central America, South America, the Americas the American continent is it ❓🤔. Of course not because there are 35 countries in total on the American continent. Europe has 50 countries, Asia has 51 countries, Africa has 54 countries, Oceania has 14 countries and America is not a country America is a continent of 35 countries in total. Why are people not educated about America? ........Truman and its geographers added the North the Central and the South to the American continent after WW2 in the year 1950. Theodore Roosevelt and its Engineers divided the American continent between the years of 1903 and 1914 at the Panama canal project. ....The reason why people come here to the United States from all over the world is because the US government goes to their countries and controls and manipulates their governments. The US government and its allies aka puppets invade small countries 10 or more against 1 small country not even bigger than Texas. Both the Democrats and the Republicans are the same snake with two evil heads. The US government is a two face and the number 1 terrorist in the world. The US government invades, kills, destroys, divides, controls, manipulates and steals resources from small countries. .............Homelessness is a choice of life. Life is beautiful but no one said life is easy. Many people have too many excuses in life, more excuses than the exits of freeway 101 located in California. Many people are looking for work praying to God not to find a job. People just want handouts. The more money you give them the more they want. Whoever wants an easy life in life will always have issues, struggle and drama in life but whoever makes a sacrifice in a good way in life will make a benefit in life....People have been taking advantage of the system for years. SELLING THEIR FOOD STAMPS FOR DRUGS ETC ..People need to go to work. Too many excuses in life more excuses than the exits of the freeway 101 located in California. The more you give them the more they want it's a never ending story.... Who are the Native Americans ❓ The ones that US government conquered or all the Natives from the American continent ❓ Remember before the Europeans came to the new world everyone was a Native. Remember Aztec, Yaquis, Incas, Mayan's, Eskimos etc are also Native Americans.. Because America is not a country America is a continent of 35 countries in total..Mexico 🇲🇽 won against France, Spain and England all at the same time and the United States took advantage of the situation and stole our land sad but true. .They don't teach the real history. They teach what they want. You know why schools exist ❓ Because is only to the benefit of the government to control and manipulate at an early age. Sad but true.California, New Mexico, Arizona, Texas, Colorado, Nevada, Utah, part of WYOMING, Oklahoma used to be long to MEXICO 🇲🇽. VIVA MEXICO 🇲🇽 CABRONES VIVA TODO LATINO AMERICA VIVA. 🇲🇽💚🤍❤️🦅..The white folks call themselves Americans when the real Americans are the indigenous 🤦🤦. Plus the US citizens think they are the only Americans on the American continent. The people from the United States OF America are US citizens and citizens of the United. 🤦🤦. America is not a country America is a continent of 35 countries in total. Everyone in North America, Central America, South America, the Americas, the American continent is an American like Asia are Asians Africa are Africans and Europe are Europeans. Why people are not educated about America ❓... America no es un pais America es un continente de 35 paises en total. La gente de Estados Unidos son Estadounidenses todos somos Americanos porque somos del continente Americano igual como ASIA SON ASIATICOS EUROPA SON EUROPEOS Y AFRICA SON AFRICANOS ....Quien son los Nativo Americanos ❓ Los que El gobierno Estadounidense conquisto o todos los Nativos del continente Americano ❓ Porque tambien los AZTECAS, MAYAS, INCAS, OLMECS, YAQUIS, ESKIMALES, ETC tambien son Nativos del continente Americano. Cual quiera puede construir un TEE PEE pero como explicas los PYRAMIDES ❓....Who are the native Americans ❓ The ones the US government conquered or all the Natives from the American continent ❓ Remember the Aztecas Olmec Incas Yaquis Mayas Eskimos etc are also Native Americans not only the Natives of the United States. Because everyone can build a TEE PEE but how you can explain how those pyramids were build❓...
This is our National Guard. They look nervous and uncomfortable didn’t even stop the guy from hitting the girl making him feel like he could do it more. The girls is crazy too. They both need to go to jail.
I see they never let their schooling get in there way of their education. He just never learned simple math in school like inches. So he had no idea what size pants to buy in store. She give the impression not much upstairs in morals.
What circus . The officers are trying to not to find reason to have to cuff her . Bless them. They restrained in handling them. He explained the process to the gentleman. Plus they needed to be separated for a time. Trying to get home will be a challenge unless falls asleep. Never easy dealing with drunks whether friends, family, businesses, and law enforcement. Just more challenges in an area that has so much more to deal with.
To the youngins watching this video,,, back in the 80s lapd would have not let this happen 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 lapd was the original “ain’t got time for that” phrase
I do have 1 major question as a non american, wtf is the National Guard doing there? Are they not supposed to help LEO in this case or smth? They Just stood there watching. What is their exact task atm there on the streets? And what does that black car do exactly as a job? Is it like militairy police in plain clothes?
The black car is an LAPD captain. She said she was off duty so my guess is she heard the call over the radio and was nearby. They usually get to take the cars home so she may have been heading home after working overtime. Hope this helps.
They are essentially what we call "warm bodies." Their role is mainly to hold static positions and be a presence, freeing up police officers to be out and about. In times of civil unrest or national disasters, the National Guard are mainly force multipliers. They will always work in some type of conjunction with local law enforcement.
Guardsman are there under very narrow authority, and these dudes are not members of Military Police. The extent to which this was a "domestic incident" or a case of two drunks stumbling around was the kind if determination an officer of the law can easily make. A guy who serves in the military on a part-time basis and is only there to run a checkpoint is wise to use caution, move slow, and call for assistance from local police. HIS HUGE MISTAKE, was the one HE in particular should not have made. The first black car was a detective riding solo who happened to be first on-scene. The Guardsman should absolutely have known better than to stand directly across from her while she issued instructions to the subjects between them, especially when that instruction involves keeping hands in sight of the detective. That was crazy bad tactics. Rotating out of that position should be an automatic reflex if you are competent in maneuvers, no less running a checkpoint. BTW, most LAPD patrol units are fit for duty, and, while it is no longer required, they tend to comfortably wear their plate carriers tucked. My guess is that some desk surfers have been called in to meet the unusual demands of the situation.
It’s so funny how the first impression of this video was that she was being domestically abused but once you saw how ridiculous she was acting, you realize the man was just trying to get her ridiculous self back in the car
I kinda understand the Pacific Palisades residents I been going to those beaches for 25yrs! from Point Dume to Santa Monica an i see SOME PEOPLE! 😳 that even i wouldn't want around my house! lol.. I'm 💯 not talking about these 2! but that lady was fck'd up an her man over there maybe was kinda rough but he almost went to jail, they really should have taken both of them! lol.. I'm sure good ol' LAPD don't wanna deal w That paper work. 😆👍
The whole idea of the military being involved, post-disaster, is awkward for everyone. Soldiers aren't trained for this type of shenanigans and the police are likely unsure of their role when the military is right there. We're probably going to see lots of martial law the next few years, warranted or not, so I guess we might as well get used to the idea of the military just hanging out in civilian areas.
Are u slow? Don't you even realize that the national guard guards the borders, AND Inside our country? I mean wtf. They usually don't get involved in civil law enforcement, but if the governor gives them authority or the Washington dc to protect domestically and to ensure public safety, you're arse will get wrapped up quick. You seriously think they are carrying pistols, and AR-15's for nothing? Lol. Break through their road blocks and watch what happens. What are they doing here? Lol...seriously? Don't you realize they were deployed to LA to help secure areas?
Dude, TY for that! That had a little bit of everything!!! The Police Captain was falling in love! Hopefully he was ok to drive! It was a nice change up from typical videos! It is sad though to see how messed up one can be from drugs! Keep up the good the good work!
Why did they cuff the man ? It looks like he was just trying to get her drunk dumb behind home but as usual before they even know the facts they just assumed the man did something wrong she parading back and forth flashing passing motorist and cursing but she gets a pass unbelievable he better get rid of that simpleton soon as he gets back home before she really gets him in trouble
Poor guardsman may not know his authority in the circumstances, but he damn sure ought to know better than to stand directly across from the first officer shouting instructions to the driver.
Judging by the way she s behaving i would say,she's either drunk or on drugs or a comonation of both..I feel. sorry for what the cops have to put up with today
This might be the first time I’ve ever see the US army be involved in a civilian domestic dispute. The Military Guy must have been looking at this like wtf and the couple being pulled over must have crapped themselves.
No, they deal with high numbers on base, atleast military police, do. Then if it's bad enough the local cops and prosecution get them if they live off post.
The govt been using national guard a little too much lately i dont get why they have armored Humvees its not a warzone. It makes me feel uncomfortable seeing armed soldiers patrolling american streets now i hope people dont get used to that. The founding fathers warned about a standing army and rbe millitary industrial complex forming.
Their job is access control to a disaster zone, everything else is handled by law enforcement. All of the surviving but uninhabitable homes are an attractive target for looters.
Well, after watching the video, it’s obvious the boyfriend was just trying to keep her drunk drugged up self back in the car. The question I have is what is she on and did the boyfriend give it to her?
the police departments, all of them, need to start a standard for fitness and implement a program to get the cops physically fit. some of these cops couldn't chase down a perp much less a leaf blowing on the ground. shameful. too much time behind the desks and in donut shops instead of 'walking a beat' and the gym.
I’m going to guess as per usual that the Legal Drug Alcohol was the catalyst/antagonist for this horrific/DV situation. It’s absolutely disgusting how many horrific/fatal situations happened due to the liquid drug! It’s beyond sick how it’s gotten such a pass. The Gov. is evil.💰 But I digress.
Tell me if I'm wrong. I think these two are actors. Sent over from Central Casting to create a scene 🎬. or, let's see how the NG and LAPD respond to a domestic incident. Huh? Ya now !😂😂
She should be in handcuffs already.
If they can walk a 6ft guy that cut off a homeless man head to the cop mobile with no cuffs, she ok.
Dumping her trash, cussing, and spitting... she is quite the lady.
Even as full grown adults these people can't keep their pants up. Just reinforcing the stereotype.
you're under arrest for flagrant violation of how to wear pants
@@renardfranse LOL!
Fat cop's pants were at half-mast too.
ahhh ... lewd and lascivious conduct (& I learned how to spell lascivious!)
LOL! The new fashion, of showing your underwear. Seen it several times.
Both of them should have been arrested immediately. The driver was reckless, driving with doors ajar, she is a crackhead drunk, and the police were wasting time.
She should have been arrested. She got her minute of fame on you tube . Disgusting behavior from her
Sad to see. Kudos to the officers professionalism and restraint. They were impressive with how cool and calm they were deescalating the situation.
wow this is better than a reality TV show by far!!!!!!
Watch dash camera footage from police cars. The rubbish they have to put up with is outrageous; especially in Arkansas.
can you imagine going to a party with this couple?????????
After watching this video, now I know why LA is in the shape that it’s in. You mean to tell me those first arriving officers have to wait for their captain to decide whether or not someone needs to be arrested? LA PD is a joke. It looks like in the beginning of the video that woman was taking a piss in a lane of traffic. From the video evidence, I did not see anything that constitutes a 273.5 DV. Unless the driver was driving under the influence. This is a slam dunk case. She should be arrested for public intoxication, and not following orders. She is a threat to herself. All of this, and they let them go. This will happen again, a mile or two down the street. She is way too drunk, and not able to keep her 💩together. Again, I have never seen such incompetence in my life. LAPD is a joke..!! Hell, what am I saying. California is a joke. Why would I expect anything more.
Why didn’t they just give her a kiss and send her on our way! That’s ridiculous
Why didn’t they just give her a kiss and send her on our way! That’s ridiculous
can you imagine if these were your neighbors???????
So glad they arent.
The woman seemed a bit tipsy. I wonder if the driver was just trying to get her home safely.
Nope just a little tired and emotional!!
She was definitely faded
You obviously do not know shit@@thecynicalaussie
WOW!! So it’s legal to be intoxicated in public act stupid and not get put in handcuffs
Sorry state we live in 😡😡
Waste of tax money we the taxpayers pay for law enforcement and military
I was few blocks from there. And what a shit show....military doing nothing. People intoxicated and lost. Police arresting the guy based on a phone call. America is lost!!!
The US government is actually using the name of the continent. We are US citizens and citizens of the United States. Everyone in North America, Central America, South America, the Americas and the American continent is an American like Asia are Asians, Africa are Africans and Europe are Europeans. What happened first? The United States of America or the American continent? The United States of America became a nation on the date of July 4th of 1776 and the whole entire continent was already named America after Amerigo Vespucci in the year 1507 that was 269 years difference way before the United States of America became a nation. The United States OF America is the only country in North America, Central America, South America, the Americas the American continent is it ❓🤔. Of course not because there are 35 countries in total on the American continent. Europe has 50 countries, Asia has 51 countries, Africa has 54 countries, Oceania has 14 countries and America is not a country America is a continent of 35 countries in total. Why are people not educated about America? ........Truman and its geographers added the North the Central and the South to the American continent after WW2 in the year 1950. Theodore Roosevelt and its Engineers divided the American continent between the years of 1903 and 1914 at the Panama canal project. ....The reason why people come here to the United States from all over the world is because the US government goes to their countries and controls and manipulates their governments. The US government and its allies aka puppets invade small countries 10 or more against 1 small country not even bigger than Texas. Both the Democrats and the Republicans are the same snake with two evil heads. The US government is a two face and the number 1 terrorist in the world. The US government invades, kills, destroys, divides, controls, manipulates and steals resources from small countries. .............Homelessness is a choice of life. Life is beautiful but no one said life is easy. Many people have too many excuses in life, more excuses than the exits of freeway 101 located in California. Many people are looking for work praying to God not to find a job. People just want handouts. The more money you give them the more they want. Whoever wants an easy life in life will always have issues, struggle and drama in life but whoever makes a sacrifice in a good way in life will make a benefit in life....People have been taking advantage of the system for years. SELLING THEIR FOOD STAMPS FOR DRUGS ETC ..People need to go to work. Too many excuses in life more excuses than the exits of the freeway 101 located in California. The more you give them the more they want it's a never ending story.... Who are the Native Americans ❓ The ones that US government conquered or all the Natives from the American continent ❓ Remember before the Europeans came to the new world everyone was a Native. Remember Aztec, Yaquis, Incas, Mayan's, Eskimos etc are also Native Americans.. Because America is not a country America is a continent of 35 countries in total..Mexico 🇲🇽 won against France, Spain and England all at the same time and the United States took advantage of the situation and stole our land sad but true. .They don't teach the real history. They teach what they want. You know why schools exist ❓ Because is only to the benefit of the government to control and manipulate at an early age. Sad but true.California, New Mexico, Arizona, Texas, Colorado, Nevada, Utah, part of WYOMING, Oklahoma used to be long to MEXICO 🇲🇽. VIVA MEXICO 🇲🇽 CABRONES VIVA TODO LATINO AMERICA VIVA. 🇲🇽💚🤍❤️🦅..The white folks call themselves Americans when the real Americans are the indigenous 🤦🤦. Plus the US citizens think they are the only Americans on the American continent. The people from the United States OF America are US citizens and citizens of the United. 🤦🤦. America is not a country America is a continent of 35 countries in total. Everyone in North America, Central America, South America, the Americas, the American continent is an American like Asia are Asians Africa are Africans and Europe are Europeans. Why people are not educated about America ❓... America no es un pais America es un continente de 35 paises en total. La gente de Estados Unidos son Estadounidenses todos somos Americanos porque somos del continente Americano igual como ASIA SON ASIATICOS EUROPA SON EUROPEOS Y AFRICA SON AFRICANOS ....Quien son los Nativo Americanos ❓ Los que El gobierno Estadounidense conquisto o todos los Nativos del continente Americano ❓ Porque tambien los AZTECAS, MAYAS, INCAS, OLMECS, YAQUIS, ESKIMALES, ETC tambien son Nativos del continente Americano. Cual quiera puede construir un TEE PEE pero como explicas los PYRAMIDES ❓....Who are the native Americans ❓ The ones the US government conquered or all the Natives from the American continent ❓ Remember the Aztecas Olmec Incas Yaquis Mayas Eskimos etc are also Native Americans not only the Natives of the United States. Because everyone can build a TEE PEE but how you can explain how those pyramids were build❓...
good thing that cop did not have to outrun anyone LOL
National Guard, he probably was working before he was called to duty.
This is like just another day in South Africa 😂
Is this not public where I live I would have been in jail already!!!!
Just another reason why the residents want to keep PCH closed. Can you blame them?
YES!! California taxpayers money is being spent on all of this cleanup, and the beach belongs to all of us taxpayers. lol
This is our National Guard. They look nervous and uncomfortable didn’t even stop the guy from hitting the girl making him feel like he could do it more. The girls is crazy too. They both need to go to jail.
Twerking on a cop is crazy work. That lady is drunk as a skunk. I can’t believe the cop hugged her back. 😂
I see they never let their schooling get in there way of their education. He just never learned simple math in school like inches. So he had no idea what size pants to buy in store. She give the impression not much upstairs in morals.
improper use of a belt buckle?
you just can’t stop commenting huh?
Fabian, you gave me a great night of entertainment, better than ANY tv show. BUT I think I killed thousands of brain cells gettin thru this LOL
Expired registration!! Usual suspects!! Wrong neighborhood!! What am I missing?
I suspect these two were after a compensation payout, and the officers and soldiers thrown into jail.
Your arrested for her actions. This is America
Nobody got arrested though. He was detained.
THIS is why NOBODY wants to be a cop today
Are you kidding, did you see all of those cops just standing around ?
@@sbss924 can you say, one big circle jerk?
What circus . The officers are trying to not to find reason to have to cuff her . Bless them. They restrained in handling them. He explained the process to the gentleman. Plus they needed to be separated for a time. Trying to get home will be a challenge unless falls asleep. Never easy dealing with drunks whether friends, family, businesses, and law enforcement. Just more challenges in an area that has so much more to deal with.
This has to be the sloppiest looking LAPD officer I've ever seen. Those new outer vests aren't doing bigger cops any favors, looks wise.
To the youngins watching this video,,, back in the 80s lapd would have not let this happen 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 lapd was the original “ain’t got time for that” phrase
Good to see things are getting back to normal. SMH
I do have 1 major question as a non american, wtf is the National Guard doing there? Are they not supposed to help LEO in this case or smth? They Just stood there watching. What is their exact task atm there on the streets?
And what does that black car do exactly as a job? Is it like militairy police in plain clothes?
lol, they are definitely not trained to handle domestic situations
The black car is an LAPD captain. She said she was off duty so my guess is she heard the call over the radio and was nearby. They usually get to take the cars home so she may have been heading home after working overtime. Hope this helps.
They are essentially what we call "warm bodies." Their role is mainly to hold static positions and be a presence, freeing up police officers to be out and about. In times of civil unrest or national disasters, the National Guard are mainly force multipliers. They will always work in some type of conjunction with local law enforcement.
Classy 8L4X!
Guardsman are there under very narrow authority, and these dudes are not members of Military Police. The extent to which this was a "domestic incident" or a case of two drunks stumbling around was the kind if determination an officer of the law can easily make. A guy who serves in the military on a part-time basis and is only there to run a checkpoint is wise to use caution, move slow, and call for assistance from local police. HIS HUGE MISTAKE, was the one HE in particular should not have made. The first black car was a detective riding solo who happened to be first on-scene. The Guardsman should absolutely have known better than to stand directly across from her while she issued instructions to the subjects between them, especially when that instruction involves keeping hands in sight of the detective. That was crazy bad tactics. Rotating out of that position should be an automatic reflex if you are competent in maneuvers, no less running a checkpoint. BTW, most LAPD patrol units are fit for duty, and, while it is no longer required, they tend to comfortably wear their plate carriers tucked. My guess is that some desk surfers have been called in to meet the unusual demands of the situation.
Just people acting out under stress. Just needs a Taser attitude adjustment.
Idk she sounded drunk
No they just don't want to write no paperwork
It’s so funny how the first impression of this video was that she was being domestically abused but once you saw how ridiculous she was acting, you realize the man was just trying to get her ridiculous self back in the car
Dude, that thing peeed up right there on the PCH
What kind of kindergarden police do you have ?
In Arkansas she would be handcuffed from the start.
This whole thing is a joke
They need to call the medics to see what’s in her blood and send her to the hospital
The Wrong person was arrested, she is unsteady on her feet, and ignoring the Police requests.
I kinda understand the Pacific Palisades residents I been going to those beaches for 25yrs! from Point Dume to Santa Monica an i see SOME PEOPLE! 😳 that even i wouldn't want around my house! lol.. I'm 💯 not talking about these 2! but that lady was fck'd up an her man over there maybe was kinda rough but he almost went to jail, they really should have taken both of them! lol.. I'm sure good ol' LAPD don't wanna deal w That paper work. 😆👍
wasn't she in the original Jackson 5?
Isn't alcohol great?
I hope somebody showed her this video after she got sober but nowadays, she probably would be proud instead of ashamed😂😂😂
another one brought to justice by the pants police LOL
Cant go no place
😂 Those first cops couldn't chase a turtle. 😢😂
What a disgusting display of behaviour from both. Also what a waste of military resources
what is the military even doing there.
Suppose to be monitoring who goes in and who comes out, looters
The whole idea of the military being involved, post-disaster, is awkward for everyone. Soldiers aren't trained for this type of shenanigans and the police are likely unsure of their role when the military is right there. We're probably going to see lots of martial law the next few years, warranted or not, so I guess we might as well get used to the idea of the military just hanging out in civilian areas.
Are u slow? Don't you even realize that the national guard guards the borders, AND Inside our country? I mean wtf. They usually don't get involved in civil law enforcement, but if the governor gives them authority or the Washington dc to protect domestically and to ensure public safety, you're arse will get wrapped up quick. You seriously think they are carrying pistols, and AR-15's for nothing? Lol. Break through their road blocks and watch what happens. What are they doing here? Lol...seriously? Don't you realize they were deployed to LA to help secure areas?
That fat cop needs to be re-educated on the correct use of sirens. He has a couple of stripes too, so should have the experience to know better.
I think they were going home after being at the Grammy's. Is that Lizzo?
Those 2 cops need to lay off the donuts and soda.
I'm glad we have police and the army to help when needed.
No one’s going hungry in this group!
They came across good police officers. Being a police officer is a tough job. May God give them patience.
Take opra toooo! NNNNasty HHHHHheffa
Now I know I feel bad for the man
first the fire then the drama. ya cant make this shit up LOL
She's an absolute disgrace .She needs arresting.
I guess CA dose not have a Public Intoxication Law.
Why is the National Guard wasting their time & the taxpayers' money on that?! That's the coppers' job.
Poor guy , he was trying to avoid this and she cause a buncha drama , she’s lit!🔥
No way she just had alcohol. That’s some drugs involved in that situation.. And clearly somebody told her she was fine and that’s just not the case.
Hahaha watching this feels like some comedy skit.All the characters look like they came back from retirement
guess whos sleepin on the sofa tonight? LOL
They should’ve left him alone to handle her, now they have their hands full 😂
What a colossal waste of time and resources
TRAIN WRECK times TWO, 😂😂, I knew she had the keys the whole time🤣🤣🤣
Dude, TY for that! That had a little bit of everything!!!
The Police Captain was falling in love!
Hopefully he was ok to drive!
It was a nice change up from typical videos!
It is sad though to see how messed up one can be from drugs!
Keep up the good the good work!
Ever wonder what a 'NPC' looks like?
Du Québec Incroyable toute la patience que les Policiers ont, J'aurais utilisé le poivre de cayenne . Excellent vidéo Bravo !!! 👍
Mental health
tyryouts for "America's got talent"
What an absolute disgusting foul mouth the woman has f'ing all over the place.I hope she was arrested.
So the LAPD puts a guy in cuffs and Mirandized a guy without even determining whether a crime has been committed?
23:35 ROFL
Why did they cuff the man ? It looks like he was just trying to get her drunk dumb behind home but as usual before they even know the facts they just assumed the man did something wrong she parading back and forth flashing passing motorist and cursing but she gets a pass unbelievable he better get rid of that simpleton soon as he gets back home before she really gets him in trouble
Poor guardsman may not know his authority in the circumstances, but he damn sure ought to know better than to stand directly across from the first officer shouting instructions to the driver.
So Drunk she has to hold on to the Rail and the man know it and bet he's drunk too.
Judging by the way she s behaving i would say,she's either drunk or on drugs or a comonation of both..I feel. sorry for what the cops have to put up with today
Ain't nobody writing no paperwork today.
YAZZZZZ the captain swooped in!!❤LAPD
They're more entertaining than Daisy!!!
This might be the first time I’ve ever see the US army be involved in a civilian domestic dispute. The Military Guy must have been looking at this like wtf and the couple being pulled over must have crapped themselves.
No, they deal with high numbers on base, atleast military police, do. Then if it's bad enough the local cops and prosecution get them if they live off post.
Way to go National Guard. What a horrific job you did!!! you should be a disgrace!
I feel bad for the police. So much they have to deal with. Praying 🙏 for them 🙏
The govt been using national guard a little too much lately i dont get why they have armored Humvees its not a warzone. It makes me feel uncomfortable seeing armed soldiers patrolling american streets now i hope people dont get used to that. The founding fathers warned about a standing army and rbe millitary industrial complex forming.
Their job is access control to a disaster zone, everything else is handled by law enforcement. All of the surviving but uninhabitable homes are an attractive target for looters.
Obviously, the police arrive and escalate everything smh. Carbs are their true enemy, not the people
Well, after watching the video, it’s obvious the boyfriend was just trying to keep her drunk drugged up self back in the car. The question I have is what is she on and did the boyfriend give it to her?
the police departments, all of them, need to start a standard for fitness and implement a program to get the cops physically fit. some of these cops couldn't chase down a perp much less a leaf blowing on the ground. shameful. too much time behind the desks and in donut shops instead of 'walking a beat' and the gym.
So nothing? Everybody was released? 😂
What's with your San Monica clown cops arrest and .move on pretty sad really
I miss the old show COPS
I’m going to guess as per usual that the Legal Drug Alcohol was the catalyst/antagonist for this horrific/DV situation. It’s absolutely disgusting how many horrific/fatal situations happened due to the liquid drug! It’s beyond sick how it’s gotten such a pass. The Gov. is evil.💰 But I digress.
Wow, that took forever! There's an abundance of police in the area??? Keystone cops...
Frage mich, welche Funktion hatte der Gürtel an der Hose?
Isn't spitting a public order offence in the US and don't Police have to undergo a physical
😂😂😂😂😂 I know they wanted to laugh when she started trying to twerk on them 😅😅😅😅😂😂😂😂😂😂
Tell me if I'm wrong. I think these two are actors. Sent over from Central Casting to create a scene 🎬. or, let's see how the NG and LAPD respond to a domestic incident. Huh? Ya now !😂😂
Poor officers, they gotta deal with this foolish. It’s all the time.😂😂😂😂😂