These were dark, dark times for DDR. The game was trying so desperately hard to seem new & futuristic & artsy & glittery after the X-series, but had no idea how to brand itself at all, both visually and soundtrack-wise. Replicant D-action was way better themed, conceived, and executed than Ignition. Ignition just feels like a bunch of instrumental electronic synth songs + a recycled Extreme console boss song thrown together without a coherent structure, rhyme or reason. 2014 was a jumbled fucking mess that had no idea how to carry on the DDR name.
I like how the "FAILED" message disappeared before the "HERE WE GO" message XD
lol ikr
In the end "HERE WE GO" is still on the screen so cruel lol
•From: DDR 2014
•Originally from: DDR Extreme (CS Japan)
That song jacket looks like it's from Silent Hill's otherworld.
That "you" In the background at the end is so creepy tho
Ddr A3 Plus
Ddr World
Wow When it said "Here we go!" It Said Failed at the same time he did not even finished the song yet
These were dark, dark times for DDR. The game was trying so desperately hard to seem new & futuristic & artsy & glittery after the X-series, but had no idea how to brand itself at all, both visually and soundtrack-wise. Replicant D-action was way better themed, conceived, and executed than Ignition. Ignition just feels like a bunch of instrumental electronic synth songs + a recycled Extreme console boss song thrown together without a coherent structure, rhyme or reason. 2014 was a jumbled fucking mess that had no idea how to carry on the DDR name.
Kinda sounds like SuperNOVA2 all over again...but at least SuperNOVA2 got a USA release.
saw an glitch