Ive honestly thought this too shall pass’ be the best tattoo, cause it also reminds to cherish the good moments as well as getting thru the rough spots
Much of it is unconscious. Prof James Hollis, also on u-tube, , explains we are all hardwired with anxiety. He believes our anxiety has meaning and he teaches how to find that meaning. Its essential in order to live an enhanced and fullfilled life. Telling it to go away or to distract ourselves from it, does not work. It will come back since the unconscious layer in our mind needs to be addtessed. It's empowering.
We used to call this nerves. It all stems from the fear of failure, everybody now a days thinks they have to always be successful and don’t understand that you can learn from failure too.
Ehhhh thats not exactly what anxiety and where it comes from. Most people, have had a trauma or several. Changes the way you view things. We are all human. Once we consume enough stress and trauma the overflow produces irrational reactions by us.
45 years panic attacks then MDepession. The Help was far and few between if that. Had I had this forward thinking therapeutic care, life coaches who know what they are doing, and yes, well doc meds, I could’ve ROCKED MY WORLD & Been a great Servant to others!
I take deep breaths, tap, haven, shake. I also start my day with time outside doing some qigong and earthing and walk. It's like serenity fuel for the day. ❤
I have 3 things that I find work really well most of the time. 1. Holding your hand over your chest on the side of your heart calms the vagus nerve. 2. Movement preferably outside. SO much happens to your brain if you´re inactive. Humans weren't meant to sit too much 3. Reducing time on scrolling. I know when I can't watch say too many "shorts" on YT because they fire so much stimuli at you one after the other. My number one is definitely movement the more I don´t feel going for a walk the more I need it :-)
@@yarytwinyarytwin5192 “The Serenity Prayer God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference. Living one day at a time, enjoying one moment at a time. Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace. Taking, as he did, the sinful world as it is, not as I would have it. Trusting that he will make all things right if I surrender to His will; that I may be reasonably happy in this life, and supremely happy with Him forever. -Reinhold Niebuhr, 1892-1971” This is the entire prayer. Most people just use the first section.
GOD, grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change. The Courage to change the things I can, and the Wisdom to know the difference. @yarytwinyarytwin5192
My grandfather always used to tell me, "now Paige, there's no need to worry twice." At first I had no clue what he was talking about, but now I know he was referring to worry and anxiety. Some of the best advice I've ever gotten and I remind myself of this every time I begin to get anxious. 🙏🏼 Thanks grandpa, I love you! ❤ RIP 💞
Much of it is unconscious. Prof James Hollis, also on u-tube, , explains we are all hardwired with anxiety. He believes our anxiety has meaning and he teaches how to find that meaning. Its essential in order to live an enhanced and fullfilled life. Telling it to go away or to distract ourselves from it, does not work. It will come back since the unconscious layer in our mind needs to be addtessed. It's empowering.
Yes eliminate the sugar ! At times, yes, go do something proactive for yourself, however it can be harmful forcing being busy all the time, which only creates more anxiety and burn out. Other times, just go outside and breathe deeply, slowly and rhythmically, focusing on the breath. Be Still and Meditate, say "I AM Loving Charity" x3. It calms and clears your mind. ❤🙏🏼😇 (P.S. This is one of St.Germain's I AM Affirmation Discourses. I AM finding them extremely helpful as they return you to your own Divine full power and connection to source within. I encourage checking it out further. It's' helping me immensely after much trauma).
That’s such a powerful shift in perspective! Asking, What if it all works out? opens up so much hope and possibility. I’m glad it’s been helping with your anxiety - it’s amazing what a difference a simple question can make! Keep embracing that positive mindset!
This is a powerful “short” ! Saving it to remind myself everything will work out for me! I love the quick method of counting backwards and saying out loud “what if it all works out?” ❤️
Yes im one of those overthinkers i can drive myself mad, by worrying 99% about work its just hell to be so insecure. So now im following to hopefully get over this and remind myself to keep breathing.
So true. I worried myself so badly that I lost my sleep completely and fell into a clinical depression over the divorce settlement and working hard at the same time. Yet it all worked out. I lost me but got me back. Never again will I worry.
It sounds like you’ve been through a powerful journey. Finding peace after such a challenging time is no small feat. Losing yourself only to rediscover a stronger, wiser version is something truly transformative. I’m glad you reached a place where worry no longer holds you. It’s inspiring and a great reminder that even in our toughest moments, there’s light at the end.
Your perspective really resonates with me. You seem like someone with such a positive outlook, and I’d love to connect and learn from each other’s experiences. Hope we can be friends!”
@@daisyh8481I understand you. I will share this and if you repeat these words I believe it will resonate with your highest self and soon you will notice a beautiful reveal. Any time you remember something about these interactions say these words: My heart has always functioned well independently of that person. I BREATHE independently of that person. I Am alive because I Am enough. Whatever wrong that person has done ., It has no power over the rest of my being. I Am Peace. When you have triggers repeat all these things and just keep doing it and I promise something will rise up inside you that will heal you from the past. 🙏
This is great. I saw a podcast that you did on this. I just saw. “Inside Out 2.” great movie. And it’s interesting to see that anxiety pushed Joy out of the “command center.” When you think about it, anxiety just does push joy away.🎉
So many here have obviously not battled true anxiety as I have. No it is not about worrying about the future nor is it about lack of exercise or from not being busy enough. It is a feeling of not having any control. The specific circumstances or situation is different but having true anxiety doesn’t going away from exercising or eating healthier or listening to this video! This is not a true representation of real anxiety. I know because I had it myself for two years and it was debilitating. I was then and still am a very active person who ate organic food very healthy food. I have a home gym I was working out in 3-4 times a week. I was not worrying about anything in my future I have an extremely happy and balanced life. Anxiety hits everyone at sometime of their life and I can assure it isn’t about worrying. My mother in law worries everyday about everything she doesn’t have anxiety. Know what you are talking about when you are trying to educate people please.
I think she's just trying to prevent the neurological rut that repetitive thoughts can cause, where we prime our brains to have anxiety by focussing on incessant thoughts. This is the anxiety I developed over a decade and only therapy and medication helped, but I know dwelling made it much worse
POV for a frame of reference, this is from a 57 y.o. child of a violent alcoholic who has had panic disorder since I was 25, with many years of different types of counselling and reading books on the subject. Wanting control over our lives is living in the future. We want the control for right now and forever more because we feel out of control. I used this thought interruption technique 30 years ago to stop smoking. It stops your brain from ruminating on wanting to smoke, on wanting sugar, on wanting control, etc. Unmanageable anxiety is very complex but the first step toward lessening its control in you is to interrupt the thoughts making you anxious. Think of redirecting your brain like re-directing a child. This is not always easy to do but with practice it makes a difference. Please just try it for three weeks. It’s not a cure but it will give you some degree of relief over anxiety that can be crippling. ❤
what she is saying is CBT in a nutshell. It works for some, but if your anxiety stems from trauma, in my experience it's best to address this ghost from the past and a good amount of anxiety will float away.
Life is beautiful when you have the right family, people, and friends around you. I know you don't know me, but I hope you are aware that every good friend you have today was once a stranger? Sometimes we meet someone new and feel like we have them all our lives. I must admit that I love every post you have on your blog and you seem like a nice woman who would be a good friend. Can we please be friends?
In the coast guard, I was a Search and Rescue Coordinator. I was trained to prepare for the worst and hope for the best. Trying to unlearn this mindset is super tuff but thank you for the advice it's appreciated!
YES!!! Interrupt your negative thoughts…: 5,4,3,2,1… “what if it all works out?”!!! And, everything ALWAYS works out for the BEST, in the end, for ALL concerned. Thanks, Mel…!❤😊❤
Life is beautiful when you have the right family, people, and friends around you. I know you don't know me, but I hope you are aware that every good friend you have today was once a stranger? Sometimes we meet someone new and feel like we have them all our lives. I must admit that I love every post you have on your blog and you seem like a nice woman who would be a good friend. Can we please be friends?
Mel, I love your 5,4,3,2,1, method! Specifically when getting out of bed! I get up at 5:30 am for work everyday, my husband is still 😴 asleep till 7:30 am. Instead of getting frustrated that he doesn't understand the difference in our choice of profession, I use this mantra as my super power for my extra jump on the day!
I think you are the one who doesn’t understand. Why are you criticising your husband for sleeping till 7.30am? You seem to have a problem with that. Just get up when you want, and let go of being a control freak and resenting the fact he is sleeping longer., and having to deal with your anxiety around it. You make your own choice to wake that early, or to have a job that requires you to. I think it’s ironic you came here to have a go at your husband.
Life is beautiful when you have the right family, people, and friends around you. I know you don't know me, but I hope you are aware that every good friend you have today was once a stranger? Sometimes we meet someone new and feel like we have them all our lives. I must admit that I love every post you have on your blog and you seem like a nice woman who would be a good friend. Can we please be friends?
Yesss! And then follow it up with... this is going to work out better than i even expect. And then start thinking of all the times that things have ACTUALLY worked out. All the times the plane did land(lol) ands i will start thinking about how things have worked out for so many people, how people travel around the world living amazing jet-set lives, or how relationships do work out, or all the people with successful careers and i think, if they do it, then it's possible. It's actually more possible/plausible than not ❤😄👍
When you realize they're most threatened of the unconditional love you have for yourself they will block and disconnect you from being you. Losing yourself trying to please another is too high a price to pay as you're Priceless ❣️
I definitely prefer that phrase over "Everything's going to be okay." Whenever people say that to me, I feel like they're patronizing me or that they're lying to me or that they're unduly optimistic about a situation.
Life is beautiful when you have the right family, people, and friends around you. I know you don't know me, but I hope you are aware that every good friend you have today was once a stranger? Sometimes we meet someone new and feel like we have them all our lives. I must admit that I love every post you have on your blog and you seem like a nice woman who would be a good friend. Can we please be friends?
Yes, changing one's self talk to more positive thoughts works wonders! ✨️ A high fat and protein breakfast to start your day and a coffee on a full stomach , maybe with a small handful of almonds (magnesium) as a snack prevents anxiety, so that it just becomes 'working stress', which is normal and good. 'Working stress', I coined that term, means you are alert and orientated and in the flow. ❤🙋♀️
Life is beautiful when you have the right family, people, and friends around you. I know you don't know me, but I hope you are aware that every good friend you have today was once a stranger? Sometimes we meet someone new and feel like we have them all our lives. I must admit that I love every post you have on your blog and you seem like a nice woman who would be a good friend. Can we please be friends?😊
Life is beautiful when you have the right family, people, and friends around you. I know you don't know me, but I hope you are aware that every good friend you have today was once a stranger? Sometimes we meet someone new and feel like we have them all our lives. I must admit that I love every post you have on your blog and you seem like a nice woman who would be a good friend. Can we please be friends?🌹🥀🌹
Life is beautiful when you have the right family, people, and friends around you. I know you don't know me, but I hope you are aware that every good friend you have today was once a stranger? Sometimes we meet someone new and feel like we have them all our lives. I must admit that I love every post you have on your blog and you seem like a nice woman who would be a good friend. Can we please be friends?
She seriously nailed this for me. This is exactly my anxiety. It also causes me physical pain. Eventually I can work through it, but it’s tough. I feel for anyone who experiences anxiety. She has some good techniques I’ll try. Thanks. 💕
Life is beautiful when you have the right family, people, and friends around you. I know you don't know me, but I hope you are aware that every good friend you have today was once a stranger? Sometimes we meet someone new and feel like we have them all our lives. I must admit that I love every post you have on your blog and you seem like a nice woman who would be a good friend. Can we please be friends?🌹🥀🌹
Life is beautiful when you have the right family, people, and friends around you. I know you don't know me, but I hope you are aware that every good friend you have today was once a stranger? Sometimes we meet someone new and feel like we have them all our lives. I must admit that I love every post you have on your blog and you seem like a nice woman who would be a good friend. Can we please be friends?
Don't know who originally said this, but it's SO TRUE: "POSITIVE ACTIONS, FOLLOW POSITIVE THOUGHTS. NEGATIVE ACTIONS FOLLOW NEGATIVE THOUGHTS"! Maybe that's where the phrase THINK POSITIVE came from (?). It's not always easy to do, but in most instances, it really does work!
I have had a very difficult week . One day I actually spun out of control yelling crying you name it. Then I started saying God's still in control I screwed up yes but I let go of the anger and frustration and I just started thinking how positive this could be and when I did I was relaxed
True. I overcome my anxiety that hit me at the moment I didn’t realize it was getting at me. Never i thought it would hit me. Ever. That anxiety, what it felt like. It was painful and hard. To beat your own self. To interrupt the thought. But, true, i interrupted the thought and slowly, it became more tolerable and much easier to be controlled. It’s a learning process but in the long run, it will help me to overcome and stop any stressors that may come my way. Anxiety is real, but it’s not a reality for us to allow ourself to suffer from.
Life is beautiful when you have the right family, people, and friends around you. I know you don't know me, but I hope you are aware that every good friend you have today was once a stranger? Sometimes we meet someone new and feel like we have them all our lives. I must admit that I love every post you have on your blog and you seem like a nice woman who would be a good friend. Can we please be friends?
Yup. Plus what she says about turning it into excitement. My boyfriend used to always see me excited, and life has been throwing lemons at me all damn year. I've been working on my attitude.
What works for me is the way I talk to myself when I am having anxiety. I had to learn to be my own motivator and best friend. Most importantly having a set daily schedule of mediation/self-reflect/Positive Self Talk, connecting with people who get me (12 Step Programs), self-care, and taking care of priorities. I had to heal from my past to learn how to manage my anxiety. Recovery is A Choice. ❤🧘🏻✌🏻
I am a very creative, artistic person. In certain ways everyone is, since thought is. Fear, possibilities and worry are all imagined. Each projecting and building a sort of anticipation. For this reason, you can absolutely choose. What we tell ourselves matters. The great imagination is a tool of possibility or fear and worry. I remind myself that “worry is the MISUSE of imagination.” It is fantastic that you address and clarify these self imposed rabbit holes in one’s thought life. Thank you for what you do.
It’s not always your thoughts. Sleep deprivation used as a form of torture can affect your mental state. Malnutrition, brain eating amoeba, thyroid disease, high mercury, etc. can override whatever you want to think/feel.
Autism as well. Overstimulation. For me my anxiety has absolutely nothing to do with negative thoughts or fear. When I’m overstimulated I have to get away as positive thinking will never bring me out of it when the brain is overloaded.
Life is beautiful when you have the right family, people, and friends around you. I know you don't know me, but I hope you are aware that every good friend you have today was once a stranger? Sometimes we meet someone new and feel like we have them all our lives. I must admit that I love every post you have on your blog and you seem like a nice woman who would be a good friend. Can we please be friends?🌹🥀🌹
Life is beautiful when you have the right family, people, and friends around you. I know you don't know me, but I hope you are aware that every good friend you have today was once a stranger? Sometimes we meet someone new and feel like we have them all our lives. I must admit that I love every post you have on your blog and you seem like a nice woman who would be a good friend. Can we please be friends?🌹🥀🌹
‘This too shall pass!’ is a great mantra! 🙏🏼
Ive honestly thought this too shall pass’ be the best tattoo, cause it also reminds to cherish the good moments as well as getting thru the rough spots
What I say to myself to get through the tough times.
Absolutely ❤
I awake at night with anxiety attacks looming so my daughter just taught me to say “no” out loud. My goodness it works for me every time thankfully
Much of it is unconscious.
Prof James Hollis, also on u-tube, , explains we are all hardwired with anxiety.
He believes our anxiety has meaning and he teaches how to find that meaning.
Its essential in order to live an enhanced and fullfilled life.
Telling it to go away or to distract ourselves from it, does not work. It will come back since the unconscious layer in our mind needs to be addtessed. It's empowering.
"This moment will pass" - it's true! Every panic attack does actually pass ❤
Except the ones that go all day..
Mine used to end me up in hospital
@@Sinouxdwhich also will pass.
We used to call this nerves. It all stems from the fear of failure, everybody now a days thinks they have to always be successful and don’t understand that you can learn from failure too.
I just heard today uncertainty its actually awesome bc its an opportunity to do anything u want✨ within reason 🙏
Ehhhh thats not exactly what anxiety and where it comes from. Most people, have had a trauma or several. Changes the way you view things. We are all human. Once we consume enough stress and trauma the overflow produces irrational reactions by us.
Nerves is nothing. Anxiety, in the real sense of the word, is much stronger.
"What you focus on grows"
Pain in the where it counts.
Hello Susan
True words, and good message❤
@@susantodish1597 hmm.
Feeling this way for over 15 years, just barely learning how to fight my negative thoughts… keep fighting people ❤
Me too!
45 years panic attacks then MDepession. The Help was far and few between if that. Had I had this forward thinking therapeutic care, life coaches who know what they are doing, and yes, well doc meds, I could’ve ROCKED MY WORLD & Been a great Servant to others!
no need to fight. integrate
I take deep breaths, tap, haven, shake. I also start my day with time outside doing some qigong and earthing and walk. It's like serenity fuel for the day. ❤
I have 3 things that I find work really well most of the time. 1. Holding your hand over your chest on the side of your heart calms the vagus nerve. 2. Movement preferably outside. SO much happens to your brain if you´re inactive. Humans weren't meant to sit too much 3. Reducing time on scrolling. I know when I can't watch say too many "shorts" on YT because they fire so much stimuli at you one after the other. My number one is definitely movement the more I don´t feel going for a walk the more I need it :-)
The Serenity prayer works for me☮️💖💯
What is the serenity prayer?
“The Serenity Prayer
God, grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change
the courage to change the things I can
and the wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time,
enjoying one moment at a time.
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace.
Taking, as he did, the sinful world as it is,
not as I would have it.
Trusting that he will make all things right
if I surrender to His will;
that I may be reasonably happy in this life,
and supremely happy with Him forever.
-Reinhold Niebuhr, 1892-1971”
This is the entire prayer. Most people just use the first section.
I pray it every night before the rest of my prayers of gratitude, prayers for my leaders and family etc.
@@yarytwinyarytwin5192 google it: God, grant me the serenity to accept...
GOD, grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change.
The Courage to change the things I can,
and the Wisdom to know the difference. @yarytwinyarytwin5192
My grandfather always used to tell me, "now Paige, there's no need to worry twice." At first I had no clue what he was talking about, but now I know he was referring to worry and anxiety. Some of the best advice I've ever gotten and I remind myself of this every time I begin to get anxious. 🙏🏼 Thanks grandpa, I love you! ❤ RIP 💞
Much of it is unconscious.
Prof James Hollis, also on u-tube, , explains we are all hardwired with anxiety.
He believes our anxiety has meaning and he teaches how to find that meaning.
Its essential in order to live an enhanced and fullfilled life.
Telling it to go away or to distract ourselves from it, does not work. It will come back since the unconscious layer in our mind needs to be addtessed. It's empowering.
Sugar and sitting around is the fuel for anxiety. Exercise and keeping busy puts out the fire.
Exercise really helps though
@@ainelawlor5755 not for everyone. POTS creates anxiety and we literally cannot exercise at times, or sometimes at all.
I agree! Until you have body problems that you can't now. 😢
Yes eliminate the sugar ! At times, yes, go do something proactive for yourself, however it can be harmful forcing being busy all the time, which only creates more anxiety and burn out. Other times, just go outside and breathe deeply, slowly and rhythmically, focusing on the breath. Be Still and Meditate, say "I AM Loving Charity" x3. It calms and clears your mind. ❤🙏🏼😇
(P.S. This is one of St.Germain's
I AM Affirmation Discourses.
I AM finding them extremely helpful as they return you to your own Divine full power and connection to source within. I encourage checking it out further. It's' helping me immensely after much trauma).
I miss this woman’s talk show. Everything was so positive!!❤❤❤
I just came across her& instantly felt better,I love people who do things like this for people.She's a treasure ❤
Her podcasts are great.❤
So true Mel! I’ve started to say to myself “what if it all works out?” And it’s helped a lot with my anxiety 😊
That’s such a powerful shift in perspective! Asking, What if it all works out? opens up so much hope and possibility. I’m glad it’s been helping with your anxiety - it’s amazing what a difference a simple question can make! Keep embracing that positive mindset!
I say that to myself too, but then I jump straight back to the original ‘what if it doesn’t’ thoughts… Such a viscous cycle!! 😣
Gratitude fixes those moments real fast. Oh and "been there done that survived that" works for me ❤
I like that.
“Been there,
done that,
lived to tell about it”
Gratitude is the right attitude!
This is a powerful “short” ! Saving it to remind myself everything will work out for me! I love the quick method of counting backwards and saying out loud “what if it all works out?” ❤️
It'll maybe work out until you get to old age
Yes im one of those overthinkers i can drive myself mad, by worrying 99% about work its just hell to be so insecure. So now im following to hopefully get over this and remind myself to keep breathing.
So true. I worried myself so badly that I lost my sleep completely and fell into a clinical depression over the divorce settlement and working hard at the same time. Yet it all worked out. I lost me but got me back. Never again will I worry.
It sounds like you’ve been through a powerful journey. Finding peace after such a challenging time is no small feat. Losing yourself only to rediscover a stronger, wiser version is something truly transformative. I’m glad you reached a place where worry no longer holds you. It’s inspiring and a great reminder that even in our toughest moments, there’s light at the end.
Your perspective really resonates with me. You seem like someone with such a positive outlook, and I’d love to connect and learn from each other’s experiences. Hope we can be friends!”
Try recovering from narcissistic abuse
And you deserve to be ok and happy.
@@daisyh8481I understand you.
I will share this and if you repeat these words I believe it will resonate with your highest self and soon you will notice a beautiful reveal.
Any time you remember something about these interactions say these words:
My heart has always functioned well independently of that person.
I BREATHE independently of that person.
I Am alive because I Am enough.
Whatever wrong that person has done ., It has no power over the rest of my being.
I Am Peace.
When you have triggers repeat all these things and just keep doing it and I promise something will rise up inside you that will heal you from the past.
This is great. I saw a podcast that you did on this.
I just saw. “Inside Out 2.” great movie. And it’s interesting to see that anxiety pushed Joy out of the “command center.”
When you think about it, anxiety just does push joy away.🎉
How can I repost your amazing thought ?
Mel, I’ve used this phrase countless times in the last few months since I first heard it. Love you big time because it has changed my life. 🙏
That’s amazing! I’m so glad it’s made such a difference for you. It’s incredible how a simple phrase can have such a big impact on our mindset.
So many here have obviously not battled true anxiety as I have. No it is not about worrying about the future nor is it about lack of exercise or from not being busy enough. It is a feeling of not having any control. The specific circumstances or situation is different but having true anxiety doesn’t going away from exercising or eating healthier or listening to this video! This is not a true representation of real anxiety. I know because I had it myself for two years and it was debilitating. I was then and still am a very active person who ate organic food very healthy food. I have a home gym I was working out in 3-4 times a week. I was not worrying about anything in my future I have an extremely happy and balanced life. Anxiety hits everyone at sometime of their life and I can assure it isn’t about worrying. My mother in law worries everyday about everything she doesn’t have anxiety. Know what you are talking about when you are trying to educate people please.
I so agree. True anxiety has physiological roots.
This. What she is saying is true and works - for WORRYING. Being nervous isn't anxiety.
I think she's just trying to prevent the neurological rut that repetitive thoughts can cause, where we prime our brains to have anxiety by focussing on incessant thoughts. This is the anxiety I developed over a decade and only therapy and medication helped, but I know dwelling made it much worse
POV for a frame of reference, this is from a 57 y.o. child of a violent alcoholic who has had panic disorder since I was 25, with many years of different types of counselling and reading books on the subject. Wanting control over our lives is living in the future. We want the control for right now and forever more because we feel out of control. I used this thought interruption technique 30 years ago to stop smoking. It stops your brain from ruminating on wanting to smoke, on wanting sugar, on wanting control, etc. Unmanageable anxiety is very complex but the first step toward lessening its control in you is to interrupt the thoughts making you anxious. Think of redirecting your brain like re-directing a child. This is not always easy to do but with practice it makes a difference. Please just try it for three weeks. It’s not a cure but it will give you some degree of relief over anxiety that can be crippling. ❤
what she is saying is CBT in a nutshell. It works for some, but if your anxiety stems from trauma, in my experience it's best to address this ghost from the past and a good amount of anxiety will float away.
I frequently feel it without knowing the thoughts. When I awake, it’s there.
Yes. This is me too!
I need to hear this numerous times a day!!
Me too!
Same 💙
Life is beautiful when you have the right family, people, and friends around you. I know you don't know me, but I hope you are aware that every good friend you have today was once a stranger? Sometimes we meet someone new and feel like we have them all our lives. I must admit that I love every post you have on your blog and you seem like a nice woman who would be a good friend. Can we please be friends?
@@DonaldGreg-n6x again with the trolling.
In the coast guard, I was a Search and Rescue Coordinator. I was trained to prepare for the worst and hope for the best. Trying to unlearn this mindset is super tuff but thank you for the advice it's appreciated!
😮 Thank You So Much for the short but useful & applicable therapy , we all needed that! 😊🙏🌷🌿🌍✌💜🕊
Fundamental misunderstanding of anxiety. But I'm glad you're helping people
Praise and worship is good for anxiety 🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤🎉🎉
YES!!! Interrupt your negative thoughts…: 5,4,3,2,1… “what if it all works out?”!!! And, everything ALWAYS works out for the BEST, in the end, for ALL concerned.
Thanks, Mel…!❤😊❤
Life is beautiful when you have the right family, people, and friends around you. I know you don't know me, but I hope you are aware that every good friend you have today was once a stranger? Sometimes we meet someone new and feel like we have them all our lives. I must admit that I love every post you have on your blog and you seem like a nice woman who would be a good friend. Can we please be friends?
I beg to differ…Not always … because this is life.
But when we have strategies we can work through problems or grief.
I’m so glad I found you. I’ve pre ordered your new book and look forward to more of your videos! Thank you so much!
Mel, I love your 5,4,3,2,1, method! Specifically when getting out of bed! I get up at 5:30 am for work everyday, my husband is still 😴 asleep till 7:30 am. Instead of getting frustrated that he doesn't understand the difference in our choice of profession, I use this mantra as my super power for my extra jump on the day!
I think you are the one who doesn’t understand. Why are you criticising your husband for sleeping till 7.30am? You seem to have a problem with that. Just get up when you want, and let go of being a control freak and resenting the fact he is sleeping longer., and having to deal with your anxiety around it. You make your own choice to wake that early, or to have a job that requires you to. I think it’s ironic you came here to have a go at your husband.
Thank you Mel! Let’s rest our minded minds!☺️
You're so right!! Thank you!!
Good advice to calm down
Oh my, this is me... anxiety & I'm nearly sick...I need this today.
Life is beautiful when you have the right family, people, and friends around you. I know you don't know me, but I hope you are aware that every good friend you have today was once a stranger? Sometimes we meet someone new and feel like we have them all our lives. I must admit that I love every post you have on your blog and you seem like a nice woman who would be a good friend. Can we please be friends?
Yesss! And then follow it up with... this is going to work out better than i even expect. And then start thinking of all the times that things have ACTUALLY worked out. All the times the plane did land(lol) ands i will start thinking about how things have worked out for so many people, how people travel around the world living amazing jet-set lives, or how relationships do work out, or all the people with successful careers and i think, if they do it, then it's possible. It's actually more possible/plausible than not ❤😄👍
When you realize they're most threatened of the unconditional love you have for yourself they will block and disconnect you from being you. Losing yourself trying to please another is too high a price to pay as you're Priceless ❣️
I needed to hear this tonight. Thank you so much.
I absolutely love it when I get exactly what I need on here when I need it. Blessings to you all.
I definitely prefer that phrase over "Everything's going to be okay." Whenever people say that to me, I feel like they're patronizing me or that they're lying to me or that they're unduly optimistic about a situation.
Thank you Mel!
Life is beautiful when you have the right family, people, and friends around you. I know you don't know me, but I hope you are aware that every good friend you have today was once a stranger? Sometimes we meet someone new and feel like we have them all our lives. I must admit that I love every post you have on your blog and you seem like a nice woman who would be a good friend. Can we please be friends?
Mel, the greatest mentor ❤
Yes, changing one's self talk to more positive thoughts works wonders! ✨️ A high fat and protein breakfast to start your day and a coffee on a full stomach , maybe with a small handful of almonds (magnesium) as a snack prevents anxiety, so that it just becomes 'working stress', which is normal and good. 'Working stress', I coined that term, means you are alert and orientated and in the flow. ❤🙋♀️
I love it.
That's exactly what I do sometimes.
Living in the future with the thoughts as if is real.
Thank you for reminding me 🫶🏼
Thank you 🪷🙂😌🙂🪷
It sounds so simple, and powerful, and the single most effective advice I have received so far on anxiety, thanks a bunch!
Life is beautiful when you have the right family, people, and friends around you. I know you don't know me, but I hope you are aware that every good friend you have today was once a stranger? Sometimes we meet someone new and feel like we have them all our lives. I must admit that I love every post you have on your blog and you seem like a nice woman who would be a good friend. Can we please be friends?😊
Mel Robbins. You are amazing.
You are a wonderful person and I'm glad we have individuals like you in the world.
Exercise, take a walk, listen to music, get out of your head, into your heart.
Do something for others.
Life is beautiful when you have the right family, people, and friends around you. I know you don't know me, but I hope you are aware that every good friend you have today was once a stranger? Sometimes we meet someone new and feel like we have them all our lives. I must admit that I love every post you have on your blog and you seem like a nice woman who would be a good friend. Can we please be friends?🌹🥀🌹
@@DonaldGreg-n6x trolling again!
It's making the shift from fear to FAITH!
Life is beautiful when you have the right family, people, and friends around you. I know you don't know me, but I hope you are aware that every good friend you have today was once a stranger? Sometimes we meet someone new and feel like we have them all our lives. I must admit that I love every post you have on your blog and you seem like a nice woman who would be a good friend. Can we please be friends?
Thanks Lord for everything ❣️❣️❣️
She seriously nailed this for me. This is exactly my anxiety. It also causes me physical pain. Eventually I can work through it, but it’s tough. I feel for anyone who experiences anxiety. She has some good techniques I’ll try. Thanks. 💕
These powerful 6 words have changed my perspective quite a bit. I repeat them throughout the day. Thank you!
What words?
@@JGH2015Sara "What if it all works out"
Mel is simply magic
Excellent advice. Thank you.
I listen to Mel every day and learn something new to enhance my life. She is amazing.
Your so right thanks
Life is beautiful when you have the right family, people, and friends around you. I know you don't know me, but I hope you are aware that every good friend you have today was once a stranger? Sometimes we meet someone new and feel like we have them all our lives. I must admit that I love every post you have on your blog and you seem like a nice woman who would be a good friend. Can we please be friends?🌹🥀🌹
❤ How you explained this. Worrying is perverted imagination. Thinking ahead is imagining..so let’s us think on Good things. 😊
Absolutely my husband told me ,"Do not be afraid of what hasn't yet come" that helped me master livx in the moment and I began to doubt my doubt .
Thank you ❤
Perfect timing!
Life is beautiful when you have the right family, people, and friends around you. I know you don't know me, but I hope you are aware that every good friend you have today was once a stranger? Sometimes we meet someone new and feel like we have them all our lives. I must admit that I love every post you have on your blog and you seem like a nice woman who would be a good friend. Can we please be friends?
Thanks a lot for your advice. God bless and protect you. 👍🙂❤️🙏🍀💗
OMG!!! How does this magical woman know about me AND why have I never seen this? Thank you 🙏
I am fine, right now, in this moment. All things must pass , to be just as they are meant to be.
Yes physical training is very important to a healthy mind and puts anxiety on a back burner 😊
Absolutely amazing!! You've helped me so much! Can't thank you enough. ❤U😘👌
Really enjoy Mel Robbin’s podcasts, her information and advice!!! It works for us!
Don't know who originally said this, but it's SO TRUE:
Maybe that's where the phrase THINK POSITIVE came from (?). It's not always easy to do, but in most instances, it really does work!
I agree with this entirely and it has changed my life for the best
I am speechless because you are so correct the first sentence that you said is so correct thank you
Thank you for this reminder, Mel! ❤
I have had a very difficult week . One day I actually spun out of control yelling crying you name it. Then I started saying God's still in control I screwed up yes but I let go of the anger and frustration and I just started thinking how positive this could be and when I did I was relaxed
Sounds to me you have mastered it ❤
@Jess-m8y it took a total melt down and 2 days before I got it...2 days of driving myself and others a bit crazy
Straight forward, practical, useful advice that I can use right away….without spending $197 for a “How To Defeat Anxiety” course.
True. I overcome my anxiety that hit me at the moment I didn’t realize it was getting at me. Never i thought it would hit me. Ever. That anxiety, what it felt like. It was painful and hard. To beat your own self. To interrupt the thought. But, true, i interrupted the thought and slowly, it became more tolerable and much easier to be controlled. It’s a learning process but in the long run, it will help me to overcome and stop any stressors that may come my way. Anxiety is real, but it’s not a reality for us to allow ourself to suffer from.
For sure I control my negative thoughts these days & I get fewer bouts of anxiety,it took me a long time to realise this 🙏🏻☝️
Stop & take a breath.. when anxiety or any negative emotion comes to visit
So true! Smart woman!❤
Life is beautiful when you have the right family, people, and friends around you. I know you don't know me, but I hope you are aware that every good friend you have today was once a stranger? Sometimes we meet someone new and feel like we have them all our lives. I must admit that I love every post you have on your blog and you seem like a nice woman who would be a good friend. Can we please be friends?
I love you Mel Robbins! What if it all works out✨️🙌🏻✨️
Yup. Plus what she says about turning it into excitement. My boyfriend used to always see me excited, and life has been throwing lemons at me all damn year. I've been working on my attitude.
What works for me is the way I talk to myself when I am having anxiety. I had to learn to be my own motivator and best friend. Most importantly having a set daily schedule of mediation/self-reflect/Positive Self Talk, connecting with people who get me (12 Step Programs), self-care, and taking care of priorities. I had to heal from my past to learn how to manage my anxiety.
Recovery is A Choice.
So true 👍 anxiety is not good. God bless you 🙏 ❤
Say "this battle is the Lord's." Helps me. God bless you ❤🙏✝️
Or I say
In this moment God is with me :)
So nice reminds me in this moment but also the future God will be with me and I don't have to fear
Or if you’re not religious you can say, “This battle is the Universe’s.”
Thank you. Great idea! ❤
I am a very creative, artistic person. In certain ways everyone is, since thought is. Fear, possibilities and worry are all imagined. Each projecting and building a sort of anticipation. For this reason, you can absolutely choose. What we tell ourselves matters. The great imagination is a tool of possibility or fear and worry. I remind myself that “worry is the MISUSE of imagination.” It is fantastic that you address and clarify these self imposed rabbit holes in one’s thought life. Thank you for what you do.
I enjoy breaking the mold and lying in bed at night having anxiety over a time I did something wrong. There’s no changing that 😅
Prayer is the best way to get out of anxiety🙏🙏🙏
Not all the time. And sometimes hardly ever.
Ok Mel!! Bravo!!
Teach me!!!❤
Depends what you're anxious about!!
Wot a breath of fresh air....
It’s not always your thoughts. Sleep deprivation used as a form of torture can affect your mental state. Malnutrition, brain eating amoeba, thyroid disease, high mercury, etc. can override whatever you want to think/feel.
My mental health is affected. Helppp
It can definitely contribute more than we knew previously. And I’m a mental health professional. Thx for making & sharing a helpful comment.
Autism as well. Overstimulation.
For me my anxiety has absolutely nothing to do with negative thoughts or fear.
When I’m overstimulated I have to get away as positive thinking will never bring me out of it when the brain is overloaded.
Thank you for sharing ‘Everything always works out for me’
I suffer from anxiety and ptsd for 30 years now and it took me a long time to be able to think like that.
Thank you Mel making it so simple what pastor cannot do
Those last two comments are the most important of the whole video. The anxiety is temporary, and I can handle this.
LOVE this! What if IT ALL works out? YES!!❤❤❤❤
Thank you and God bless you..
Usually happens at 2:00 am. Great advice.
Thank you Mel ❤
On the other hand, a degree of fear keeps us prepared, especially for those of us dealing with already dangerous people and/or situations
Life is beautiful when you have the right family, people, and friends around you. I know you don't know me, but I hope you are aware that every good friend you have today was once a stranger? Sometimes we meet someone new and feel like we have them all our lives. I must admit that I love every post you have on your blog and you seem like a nice woman who would be a good friend. Can we please be friends?🌹🥀🌹
I simply love you, Mel...ty, dear
I need to re read that book again. Thanks for the reminder ❤
Life is beautiful when you have the right family, people, and friends around you. I know you don't know me, but I hope you are aware that every good friend you have today was once a stranger? Sometimes we meet someone new and feel like we have them all our lives. I must admit that I love every post you have on your blog and you seem like a nice woman who would be a good friend. Can we please be friends?🌹🥀🌹
Thank you very much 🤗 🤗 🤗