@@BENJAMINJAMESSMITH2000baptism doesnot save you, but as a saved by the blood sinner, we obey the Word of God to be baptised. I would not delay this uf I were you. Its identifying with the death, burial and resurrection if Christ. Who would not want to be baptised.
@@cs77smith67 Rev 5:3: "And no man in heaven, nor in earth, neither under the earth, was able to open the book, neither to look thereon" Rev 5:5: "And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof" the one who opened the book, the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David was Jesus. Please correct me if im wrong
Ephesians 2:8-9 "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-and this is NOT from yourselves, it is the gift of God, NOT by works, so that no one can boast." We can't work for Salvation, but by our fruit we are known.... God rewards those who are faithful to HIS reason for making us. Each one to his own purpose. I may be washing feet in Heaven, but I'll be there!
Sure, but too many people take this fact to mean Christians don't need to produce good works. We are _saved_ by grace (actually, I think it's the Jews who are saved by grace, and we through grace) but after we are assured of our salvation, we still need to walk the walk of the righteous. We need to do and to produce, to show the dark world the light that is within us, and that means fruits and works.
@@joshuakarr-BibleMan What do you mean you think the Jews are saved by grace ? Are you talking about the Jews who waited for the messiah in the Old Testament ? Or the Jews now ? The Jews who believed in coming of the messiah and follow the commandments the best they could I believed were saved because Jesus hadn’t come and there was no way to reject someone who hasn’t come . But the Jews who reject Jesus now will not be saved .. along with everyone else who rejects Jesus . He who has the son has life and he who doesn’t have the son doesn’t have life .
@@Tonyanevangelist I agree that Moses ,Abraham and all those people who truly believed in God we’re saved . But that is because they believed in the coming messiah and follow the commandments and law at that time ,there was no messiah so atonement through the temple was the system they have . However now that Jesus has come there is no more temple ,and the Jews of the today have no way to atone for their sins ,the ones that reject the messiah that is . What you said is absolutely unbiblical in terms of the Jews who reject Jesus still go to heaven . That’s not true and you would have to provide scripture ,evidence to support that claim . I however can show you scripture that says if you do NOT believe in the messiah ,God in the flesh you not enter the kingdom of God . The old covenant no longer exists ,if that were the case Jesus dying on the cross wouldn’t have changed a thing and it wouldn’t be needed . Jews do not have a special get out of jail free card ,what you’re essentially saying is that they do not need to accept Jesus as Lord and yet they are still saved through the law ,when the Bible clearly says the law condemns it doesn’t save
@@Tonyanevangelist You said Jews today who still follow the old covenant can still be saved by grace but without accepting Jesus as Lord there is no heaven for them . That’s what I am saying
Our heavenly father wants to bless us, always, and there’s so many people I know they have walked a really hard life on earth and I feel they deserve much more than I do. My reward is just being there forever we are heavenly father, our savior, and her family and friends ❤🙏🙏
@@BENJAMINJAMESSMITH2000no..... You are saved and then baptised. Otherwise it would be works salvation. We are saved by grace, not works. So that WE do not boast. Baptism is identifying with the death, burial and resurrection of Christ.
From what I understand rewards are given for doing God's will and leading others to Christ 1 Cor 3:11-15 basically rewards given for glorifying God that will be given back to God.
My reward is simply being in heaven with our triune Lord. Any ‘s’ on reward, as in plural, are big bonus’ that I think of as the ability to ‘cast crowns.’ I’ve not many, if any, to cast. (..and no, I do not listen to that band at all), so any extras are an opportunity to have ‘something’ to cast. Except that He says so, I have no idea why he loves me at all.
Agreed. What is easily the most important thing in all of eternity is to receive the Love, Grace, and Forgiveness of God for our wickedness. "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness". I do hope to have crowns to cast before The LORD as well, but all because He is worthy of them, not me.
@NaturalPaths God loves you just because he loves you. Just the same way we mothers adore our own children. We Love our children just cause we do it's that simple Praise God
Then you'd better refocus and get excited because if it's good enough and important enough for the Lord to give them to those who have earned them then they are indeed something to get excited about and to look forward too. I absolutely am. You should too.
@@fendisaintlaurent4257 I am delighted for you and your confidence in your earning. He will give me as He sees fit. Again, basic entry is exciting. ‘You’ can’t have the perks absent His entry fee, for which I am truly grateful. Whatever extra He deems me to have earned will indeed be exciting.
@benjaminsmith2000 nope. The thief on the cross next to Jesus did not even get the chance to be baptised. But yet Jesus said "Today you will be with me in paradise." Luke 23:43 And Jesus said to him, “Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise.”
Truly the one thing I always thought was if I hugged by Christ as a greeting I wouldn’t leave his side. I also asked for my new body if I could have anything it would just be wings and a long tail. Even then I don’t see myself flying far at all I’m just happy being in the bosom of god 🤷♂️
Indeed! However heaven is also here and now! Those rewards will be in heaven in the afterlife but also here in the present!!!! Praise the lord our god there is no end to his glory!
*Revelation 3:20* Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. HEY THERE 🤗 JESUS IS CALLING YOU TODAY. Turn away from your sins, confess, forsake them and live the victorious life. God bless. *Revelation 22:12-14* And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.
Is everyone saved and some just get fewer rewards in Heaven? I realize that on the Day Of Judgement Jesus is probably trying to determine which rewards he will give us and a quick explanation of his rational as to why we did or did not receive those rewards.
Although I’m being persecuted by the industrial military complex/ authoritarian state/deep state.. I take refuge in Christ.. a baptist .. I do not assume any rewards.. I always assume I will get nothing.. in fact, you can lose rewards.. either way.. I do my best to do good deeds.. for out of a pureness of heart and mind.. true kindness
I wouldn't be surprised if I get absolutely zero rewards. Thats just my reality. Sure it would be nice to have the full powers of one of my favorite video game characters but I wouldn't be surprised if I get nothing at all.
I'm still so confused - this to me wa a bit of a non-answer with a whole lot of Christianeze jargon. Are there rewards in Heaven? How does one achieve these rewards? Does this not contridict the idea that works cannot earn you rewards? I'm not a troll or anti-Christian, but I am trying so hard to understand.
The specific rewards are unknown and not mentioned in scripture. It’s clear that when we enter heaven, some people will be rewarded more so than others. This doesn’t refer to salvation by works or by grace, just a heaven topic. Not clear either way!
Just getting there is a reward because Hell is the punishment. And everyone that has a NDE of heaven don't want to come back. BUT the Hell ones a different story place you need to avoid.
I DO need Rewards. God at the center and all my needs met, without which I'd always have a gnawing want or need unmet. For now I'm trying to find out who God is.
There are more than 100 verses in the Bible containing the noun “reward”, or the verb “to reward”, and there are many more verses that speak about rewards without actually using the word “reward” in them. So what does that mean? God thinks rewards are important or God would not be speaking so much about them. How about the rewards-the 5 crowns? It is logical and loving for God to give out rewards. Should the deplorable life long sinner who gets saved/born again on his deathbed have the same status in eternal life as the person who gave their life to the gospel of Jesus Christ the Son of God? How to get saved/born again eternal life-Romans 10:9 9 If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
Please answer this question if we all go to heaven why do the scripture say the meek shall inherit the earth and reside forever upon it reside forever opponent.
Matt. 5:5 says that “the meek shall inherit the earth,” but where in the Bible does it say that they will “reside forever upon it?” The book of Jude says that Jesus will be coming BACK with “ten thousands of his saints.” (Jude 1:14) Those are Christians who had died and gone to heaven, but are coming BACK to judge the world during the millennium, which is the thousand year reign of Christ. After that, Ephesians 1:10 seems to say that heaven and earth will be as one.
Revelation 21 clearly says there will be a new heaven and a new earth with the New Jerusalem and the throne of God set on earth. The implication is there will be no barriers between heaven and earth as currently exist. In another place it is written we are co-heirs with Christ, who inherits all things. Co-heirs in the sense of sharing the inheritance, not dividing it.
@@deanfry879 Is there a verse specifically in Revelation 21 that states categorically that people will dwell on the earth for all eternity? Remember, the earth is going to be burned up at some point. (2 Peter 3:10)
Is it rewards? The word is used and contextually and cognitively makes sense, but...2+2=4. This is true but you are not rewarded... wouldn't you call it a consequence of living in perfection? After all. The problem isn't correct because of the integer: "4". It's correct because of the "metaproblem: 2+2 ; this is the meta truth all truths are built upon. Over the long run truth protects and error harms.
Remember it’s not just that Christ is the foundation, but also that Paul laid the foundation, so make sure you build on the foundation that Paul laid not the 12 apostles.
@@BENJAMINJAMESSMITH2000 yes I’m order to be saved the Holy Ghost must baptize you into the body of Christ and that is the one baptism we need today. However the nation of Israel needed to be water baptized by faith in order to be saved see Acts 2 and all throughout the gospels
The entire rewards thing seems very "human". It might be a later addition to the bible made by men to entice more people to the flock. If not, i wonder why Jesus/God would satisfy base human desires.
It does make sense. If you have one child who obeys you his whole life and does good he should go to heaven. If you have another child who disobeys you and does bad but repents at the last minutes (truly in his heart) he should go to heaven. But is that still fair to the first child? Why should the first child even obey then if he can just repent at the last minute like the other did and have the same exact rewards? Sacrifice needs to mean something. If there was alternate timeline where Hitler got shot by the allies and repented his deeds and gave himself to Christ before his death (last minute conversion) should his rewards in heaven be the same as others? No.
Maybe it is not in my place to say, but I will say it for the sake of letting my thoughts out. As a Christian who loves the Father, I find it very annoying that most people in the comment section "just wants to be with our Father." Like, have you never cared about a loved one who does not live in this earth any longer? Have you never wanted to find love, happiness and acceptence? Have you never wanted to see your national heroes who had sacrificed so much for your future? If you tell me that you have never cared about one of those things at the very least, I tell you that you do not have 'love' in you. A person who really loves would want to be with their loved ones, their spouses and such. If you tell me that nothing else is important other than God, then you haven't understood what God had tried to teach in the first place; and that is to love one another. In my personal opinion, our very real reason to be here is to love and help each other as brothers, sharing the love that God had created and wanted to see so much about from us. If you do not 'love', if you do not care, and you are only there just for "being in heaven", then you get things wrong. That is my opinion.
The greatest reward is not going to heaven. We get to be in heaven when we have acquired the greatest reward whereby we have become partakers of the same divine nature that the Father and Jesus Christ have; 2 Peter 1:4. That is the ultimate reward and blessing, and the eternal life we aspire to; John 17:3. If we don’t have that same perfect divine nature we will never know the Father and the Son.
Why are there so many comments simply saying, "I don't care what God's Word says, just give me Heaven.." Please do not be so arrogant and ignorant. James shows that We Are Saved Unto Good Works... Faith without works IS dead. Yes, we are NOT saved by our works. Salvation is to be justified in Christ. It is the first step in the rest of your life in Christ. Ephesians 2:10 "For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them." James 2:18 "Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works." So get to work.
Where is the evidence that your thoughts exist inside your mind - or your mind exist outside or inside your brain? You cannot measure your thoughts or locate your mind. You just know that they exist.
Many "philosophers" back during the time of Jesus, before as well as after Jesus wrote about Him. They wrote all about Jesus life, death, and Resurrection, and all about his disciples. {Some believed some didn't, but they knew him} You can read what they say about Jesus and his disciples from those who lived during HIS lifetime. Think about this: WHY would these Disciples sacrifice everything to preach about Jesus and Heaven if it wasn't true? All but 1 were killed for Preaching about Him. In fact the Early Church was very persecuted. Yet it kept growing. About 100 years after his death, the Bible was {New Testament} combined. Since it took so long to copy what the disciples had written, and all of Paul's letters, if one person in a town owned a Bible, EVERYONE would meet with that person to study it. Sometimes they would all chip in and buy one. We were also made with the knowledge of God the Creator written on our hearts. We instinctively know of HIS existence, yet because of the influence of Satan, many people try to push that knowledge down. Spending their lives trying to prove God doesn't exist. However, God loves us so much, HE won't force himself on you. He made you In his image, with free Choice. In Ephesians 2:8-9 Paul {who was highly educated, and a VERY wealthy Christian Killer, until he came to see Christ} wrote this: "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-and this is NOT from yourselves, it is the gift of God, NOT by works, so that no one can boast". What it means is God gave us a choice. Sin is in everyone, and God is Holy. He can't abide sin, and it separated us from God. So he sent redemption for sin, and all we need to do is accept this Gift. We can't do enough good works, or BE good enough. Only God is perfect. God became flesh in Jesus, and because Jesus never sinned, God took out his wrath on Jesus, for all of us. The old testament gave us the moral law in the 10 commandments, and the prophecy of a coming Savior. But we couldn't obey the moral law. Sacrificed animals were needed, but even those weren't enough for our sin. Hence, Jesus. All we need to do is accept this gift from God. When you really put your Faith in Jesus, the Holy Spirit lives inside you. You are sealed by God. You notice how you begin to have different wants, and You want to read the Bible, and find out more about God. You change. For Some people it's immediate, and some like me, it takes time. But you will KNOW for a fact, that Heaven exists, Hell exists, and you are going to Heaven when you die. You lose all fear.
The greatest reward is just getting to Heaven and hearing “well done my good and faithful servant”
That’s the ONLY reward I’m awaiting
No it not 😂 the greatest reward is ruling with him
Revelation 5:10
@@BENJAMINJAMESSMITH2000baptism doesnot save you, but as a saved by the blood sinner, we obey the Word of God to be baptised. I would not delay this uf I were you. Its identifying with the death, burial and resurrection if Christ. Who would not want to be baptised.
Totally agreed!
@@cs77smith67 Rev 5:3:
"And no man in heaven, nor in earth, neither under the earth, was able to open the book, neither to look thereon"
Rev 5:5:
"And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof"
the one who opened the book, the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David was Jesus. Please correct me if im wrong
I don’t need rewards, I just want to live the life God wants me to
You gonna care when you get there
I am so thankful for this ministry, it has helped me understand so much biblical context, which has helped me grow in my walk with the Lord!
Ephesians 2:8-9
"For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-and this is NOT from yourselves, it is the gift of God, NOT by works, so that no one can boast."
We can't work for Salvation, but by our fruit we are known.... God rewards those who are faithful to HIS reason for making us. Each one to his own purpose. I may be washing feet in Heaven, but I'll be there!
Sure, but too many people take this fact to mean Christians don't need to produce good works.
We are _saved_ by grace (actually, I think it's the Jews who are saved by grace, and we through grace) but after we are assured of our salvation, we still need to walk the walk of the righteous.
We need to do and to produce, to show the dark world the light that is within us, and that means fruits and works.
What do you mean you think the Jews are saved by grace ?
Are you talking about the Jews who waited for the messiah in the Old Testament ?
Or the Jews now ?
The Jews who believed in coming of the messiah and follow the commandments the best they could I believed were saved because Jesus hadn’t come and there was no way to reject someone who hasn’t come .
But the Jews who reject Jesus now will not be saved .. along with everyone else who rejects Jesus .
He who has the son has life and he who doesn’t have the son doesn’t have life .
I agree that Moses ,Abraham and all those people who truly believed in God we’re saved .
But that is because they believed in the coming messiah and follow the commandments and law at that time ,there was no messiah so atonement through the temple was the system they have .
However now that Jesus has come there is no more temple ,and the Jews of the today have no way to atone for their sins ,the ones that reject the messiah that is .
What you said is absolutely unbiblical in terms of the Jews who reject Jesus still go to heaven .
That’s not true and you would have to provide scripture ,evidence to support that claim .
I however can show you scripture that says if you do NOT believe in the messiah ,God in the flesh you not enter the kingdom of God .
The old covenant no longer exists ,if that were the case Jesus dying on the cross wouldn’t have changed a thing and it wouldn’t be needed .
Jews do not have a special get out of jail free card ,what you’re essentially saying is that they do not need to accept Jesus as Lord and yet they are still saved through the law ,when the Bible clearly says the law condemns it doesn’t save
You said Jews today who still follow the old covenant can still be saved by grace but without accepting Jesus as Lord there is no heaven for them .
That’s what I am saying
Our heavenly father wants to bless us, always, and there’s so many people I know they have walked a really hard life on earth and I feel they deserve much more than I do. My reward is just being there forever we are heavenly father, our savior, and her family and friends ❤🙏🙏
I don’t care about rewards, I just care about getting to heaven!
Amen and Amen 🙏🏼
You gonna care when u get there
@@BENJAMINJAMESSMITH2000 not according to this verse (Roman 10:9-10)
@@BENJAMINJAMESSMITH2000 so why would you ask that question ❓ if in your mind you knew the answer?
@@BENJAMINJAMESSMITH2000no..... You are saved and then baptised. Otherwise it would be works salvation. We are saved by grace, not works. So that WE do not boast. Baptism is identifying with the death, burial and resurrection of Christ.
From what I understand rewards are given for doing God's will and leading others to Christ 1 Cor 3:11-15 basically rewards given for glorifying God that will be given back to God.
My reward is simply being in heaven with our triune Lord. Any ‘s’ on reward, as in plural, are big bonus’ that I think of as the ability to ‘cast crowns.’ I’ve not many, if any, to cast. (..and no, I do not listen to that band at all), so any extras are an opportunity to have ‘something’ to cast. Except that He says so, I have no idea why he loves me at all.
Agreed. What is easily the most important thing in all of eternity is to receive the Love, Grace, and Forgiveness of God for our wickedness.
"Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness".
I do hope to have crowns to cast before The LORD as well, but all because He is worthy of them, not me.
@NaturalPaths God loves you just because he loves you. Just the same way we mothers adore our own children. We Love our children just cause we do it's that simple Praise God
Then you'd better refocus and get excited because if it's good enough and important enough for the Lord to give them to those who have earned them then they are indeed something to get excited about and to look forward too. I absolutely am. You should too.
@@fendisaintlaurent4257 I am delighted for you and your confidence in your earning. He will give me as He sees fit. Again, basic entry is exciting. ‘You’ can’t have the perks absent His entry fee, for which I am truly grateful. Whatever extra He deems me to have earned will indeed be exciting.
The rewards in heaven is eternal. On earth you can be rich but just temporary, you cannot take anything with you after death.
I hope I have clothes, not a pretty sight.
@benjaminsmith2000 nope. The thief on the cross next to Jesus did not even get the chance to be baptised. But yet Jesus said "Today you will be with me in paradise."
Luke 23:43 And Jesus said to him, “Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise.”
Thank you just found this
Thank you for this video. God bless.
Amen GQ 🙂🙏✝️
Truly the one thing I always thought was if I hugged by Christ as a greeting I wouldn’t leave his side. I also asked for my new body if I could have anything it would just be wings and a long tail. Even then I don’t see myself flying far at all I’m just happy being in the bosom of god 🤷♂️
I’m after that bro hug too!
Always had this question
Indeed! However heaven is also here and now! Those rewards will be in heaven in the afterlife but also here in the present!!!! Praise the lord our god there is no end to his glory!
The Judgement Seat of Christ by Samuel Hoyt is one of the best books on this!
Chase the rewards it's not to honor you but to honor the Lord himself.
*Revelation 3:20*
Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.
HEY THERE 🤗 JESUS IS CALLING YOU TODAY. Turn away from your sins, confess, forsake them and live the victorious life. God bless.
*Revelation 22:12-14*
And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.
I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.
Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.
Is everyone saved and some just get fewer rewards in Heaven? I realize that on the Day Of Judgement Jesus is probably trying to determine which rewards he will give us and a quick explanation of his rational as to why we did or did not receive those rewards.
Being in heaven is a reward enough .
Jesus says store your riches up in heaven
heaven are for the Lords and he has given the earth to mankind to live in
On earth everything is finite, insecure and temporary so not to put trust in earthly things
Faithfulness for him...😅 well said I could not do it clearer
Although I’m being persecuted by the industrial military complex/ authoritarian state/deep state.. I take refuge in Christ.. a baptist .. I do not assume any rewards.. I always assume I will get nothing.. in fact, you can lose rewards..
either way.. I do my best to do good deeds.. for out of a pureness of heart and mind.. true kindness
I wouldn't be surprised if I get absolutely zero rewards. Thats just my reality. Sure it would be nice to have the full powers of one of my favorite video game characters but I wouldn't be surprised if I get nothing at all.
those who can go to Heaven are those chosen few. they shall be priest and kings and rule with Christ in heavely Kingdom in a thousand years
I'm still so confused - this to me wa a bit of a non-answer with a whole lot of Christianeze jargon.
Are there rewards in Heaven?
How does one achieve these rewards?
Does this not contridict the idea that works cannot earn you rewards?
I'm not a troll or anti-Christian, but I am trying so hard to understand.
The specific rewards are unknown and not mentioned in scripture. It’s clear that when we enter heaven, some people will be rewarded more so than others. This doesn’t refer to salvation by works or by grace, just a heaven topic. Not clear either way!
Just getting there is a reward because Hell is the punishment. And everyone that has a NDE of heaven don't want to come back. BUT the Hell ones a different story place you need to avoid.
I DO need Rewards. God at the center and all my needs met, without which I'd always have a gnawing want or need unmet.
For now I'm trying to find out who God is.
JESUS is the WAY❤
There are more than 100 verses in the Bible containing the noun “reward”, or the verb “to reward”, and there are many more verses that speak about rewards without actually using the word “reward” in them. So what does that mean? God thinks rewards are important or God would not be speaking so much about them. How about the rewards-the 5 crowns? It is logical and loving for God to give out rewards. Should the deplorable life long sinner who gets saved/born again on his deathbed have the same status in eternal life as the person who gave their life to the gospel of Jesus Christ the Son of God? How to get saved/born again eternal life-Romans 10:9
9 If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
Jesus loves you. Repent and turn away from your sins today 🤗
Please answer this question if we all go to heaven why do the scripture say the meek shall inherit the earth and reside forever upon it reside forever opponent.
Matt. 5:5 says that “the meek shall inherit the earth,” but where in the Bible does it say that they will “reside forever upon it?”
The book of Jude says that Jesus will be coming BACK with “ten thousands of his saints.” (Jude 1:14) Those are Christians who had died and gone to heaven, but are coming BACK to judge the world during the millennium, which is the thousand year reign of Christ. After that, Ephesians 1:10 seems to say that heaven and earth will be as one.
Look up Kingdom of heaven vs. Kingdom of God
Revelation 21 clearly says there will be a new heaven and a new earth with the New Jerusalem and the throne of God set on earth. The implication is there will be no barriers between heaven and earth as currently exist. In another place it is written we are co-heirs with Christ, who inherits all things. Co-heirs in the sense of sharing the inheritance, not dividing it.
@@jeffreypaulross9767 I have always read Revelation 21 as saying people would always live on earth.
@@deanfry879 Is there a verse specifically in Revelation 21 that states categorically that people will dwell on the earth for all eternity?
Remember, the earth is going to be burned up at some point. (2 Peter 3:10)
Is it rewards? The word is used and contextually and cognitively makes sense, but...2+2=4. This is true but you are not rewarded... wouldn't you call it a consequence of living in perfection? After all. The problem isn't correct because of the integer: "4". It's correct because of the "metaproblem: 2+2 ; this is the meta truth all truths are built upon.
Over the long run truth protects and error harms.
Remember it’s not just that Christ is the foundation, but also that Paul laid the foundation, so make sure you build on the foundation that Paul laid not the 12 apostles.
@@BENJAMINJAMESSMITH2000 yes I’m order to be saved the Holy Ghost must baptize you into the body of Christ and that is the one baptism we need today. However the nation of Israel needed to be water baptized by faith in order to be saved see Acts 2 and all throughout the gospels
Pastor Nelson, please take a close look at that crown in the photo (introduction page of your video). That's the devil's crown.
nice! lol
The entire rewards thing seems very "human". It might be a later addition to the bible made by men to entice more people to the flock. If not, i wonder why Jesus/God would satisfy base human desires.
It does make sense. If you have one child who obeys you his whole life and does good he should go to heaven.
If you have another child who disobeys you and does bad but repents at the last minutes (truly in his heart) he should go to heaven.
But is that still fair to the first child? Why should the first child even obey then if he can just repent at the last minute like the other did and have the same exact rewards? Sacrifice needs to mean something.
If there was alternate timeline where Hitler got shot by the allies and repented his deeds and gave himself to Christ before his death (last minute conversion) should his rewards in heaven be the same as others? No.
Maybe it is not in my place to say, but I will say it for the sake of letting my thoughts out.
As a Christian who loves the Father, I find it very annoying that most people in the comment section "just wants to be with our Father." Like, have you never cared about a loved one who does not live in this earth any longer? Have you never wanted to find love, happiness and acceptence? Have you never wanted to see your national heroes who had sacrificed so much for your future?
If you tell me that you have never cared about one of those things at the very least, I tell you that you do not have 'love' in you. A person who really loves would want to be with their loved ones, their spouses and such. If you tell me that nothing else is important other than God, then you haven't understood what God had tried to teach in the first place; and that is to love one another. In my personal opinion, our very real reason to be here is to love and help each other as brothers, sharing the love that God had created and wanted to see so much about from us. If you do not 'love', if you do not care, and you are only there just for "being in heaven", then you get things wrong. That is my opinion.
The greatest reward is not going to heaven. We get to be in heaven when we have acquired the greatest reward whereby we have become partakers of the same divine nature that the Father and Jesus Christ have; 2 Peter 1:4. That is the ultimate reward and blessing, and the eternal life we aspire to; John 17:3. If we don’t have that same perfect divine nature we will never know the Father and the Son.
Why are there so many comments simply saying, "I don't care what God's Word says, just give me Heaven.."
Please do not be so arrogant and ignorant. James shows that We Are Saved Unto Good Works... Faith without works IS dead. Yes, we are NOT saved by our works. Salvation is to be justified in Christ. It is the first step in the rest of your life in Christ.
Ephesians 2:10
"For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them."
James 2:18
"Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works."
So get to work.
Where is the evidence that heaven even exists outside of the bible?
That is why we have the Bible.
Where is the evidence that your thoughts exist inside your mind - or your mind exist outside or inside your brain? You cannot measure your thoughts or locate your mind. You just know that they exist.
@@koosvanzyl2605 lol
@lightglory7560 and when you die, there are no thoughts, just like there is no heaven
Many "philosophers" back during the time of Jesus, before as well as after Jesus wrote about Him. They wrote all about Jesus life, death, and Resurrection, and all about his disciples. {Some believed some didn't, but they knew him} You can read what they say about Jesus and his disciples from those who lived during HIS lifetime.
Think about this: WHY would these Disciples sacrifice everything to preach about Jesus and Heaven if it wasn't true? All but 1 were killed for Preaching about Him. In fact the Early Church was very persecuted. Yet it kept growing. About 100 years after his death, the Bible was {New Testament} combined. Since it took so long to copy what the disciples had written, and all of Paul's letters, if one person in a town owned a Bible, EVERYONE would meet with that person to study it. Sometimes they would all chip in and buy one.
We were also made with the knowledge of God the Creator written on our hearts. We instinctively know of HIS existence, yet because of the influence of Satan, many people try to push that knowledge down. Spending their lives trying to prove God doesn't exist. However, God loves us so much, HE won't force himself on you. He made you In his image, with free Choice. In Ephesians 2:8-9 Paul {who was highly educated, and a VERY wealthy Christian Killer, until he came to see Christ} wrote this:
"For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-and this is NOT from yourselves, it is the gift of God, NOT by works, so that no one can boast".
What it means is God gave us a choice. Sin is in everyone, and God is Holy. He can't abide sin, and it separated us from God. So he sent redemption for sin, and all we need to do is accept this Gift. We can't do enough good works, or BE good enough. Only God is perfect. God became flesh in Jesus, and because Jesus never sinned, God took out his wrath on Jesus, for all of us. The old testament gave us the moral law in the 10 commandments, and the prophecy of a coming Savior. But we couldn't obey the moral law. Sacrificed animals were needed, but even those weren't enough for our sin. Hence, Jesus.
All we need to do is accept this gift from God. When you really put your Faith in Jesus, the Holy Spirit lives inside you. You are sealed by God. You notice how you begin to have different wants, and You want to read the Bible, and find out more about God. You change. For Some people it's immediate, and some like me, it takes time. But you will KNOW for a fact, that Heaven exists, Hell exists, and you are going to Heaven when you die. You lose all fear.
He was either on vacation or went to the tannery.