Surah Ala indexed with number 87, number of verses 19 1 Praise your Lord, the Most High, above all faults! 2 Who created and perfected, 3 And he who determined and directed, 4 And which enabled the sprouting of the pasture. 5 And then he made it black waste. 6 We will recite it to you and you will not forget (the Qur'an). 7 Except what Allah wills. He knows the open and the secret. 8 And We will guide you to the easiest. 9 And counsel where counsel is helpful. 10 He that feareth shall be advised; 11 And he who is very wicked will avoid it, 12 Who will enter into the great fire. 13 And there he shall neither die nor live. 14 He that is cleansed is saved. 15 Who remembers the greatness of his Lord and prays. 16 But you give priority to the life of this world, 17 It is known that the life of the Hereafter is more useful and eternal. 18 Indeed, this (advice) was found in the first booklets: 19 In the pamphlets of Ibrahim and Musa..
Surah Ala indexed with number 87, number of verses 19
1 Praise your Lord, the Most High, above all faults!
2 Who created and perfected,
3 And he who determined and directed,
4 And which enabled the sprouting of the pasture.
5 And then he made it black waste.
6 We will recite it to you and you will not forget (the Qur'an).
7 Except what Allah wills. He knows the open and the secret.
8 And We will guide you to the easiest.
9 And counsel where counsel is helpful.
10 He that feareth shall be advised;
11 And he who is very wicked will avoid it,
12 Who will enter into the great fire.
13 And there he shall neither die nor live.
14 He that is cleansed is saved.
15 Who remembers the greatness of his Lord and prays.
16 But you give priority to the life of this world,
17 It is known that the life of the Hereafter is more useful and eternal.
18 Indeed, this (advice) was found in the first booklets:
19 In the pamphlets of Ibrahim and Musa..
Barking in a wrong place man?
Can you see the rope i can't