These barbaric young men with all the bravado to stab a man to death and then crying like a baby when they go to jail, they should be locked away for life because they took a life, life sentence should mean life like in America.Too many families are being broken and ripped apart because of these evil wicked brutes
Bruh London is just one messed up place
yea but their short films make up for it🔥😂
Welldone Bruv film is absolutely sick 💯
Isnt that fanum at the end ?
great film
Anyone notice leons jacket error 😂😂
Filmed at my estate commerce woodgreen n22
These barbaric young men with all the bravado to stab a man to death and then crying like a baby when they go to jail, they should be locked away for life because they took a life, life sentence should mean life like in America.Too many families are being broken and ripped apart because of these evil wicked brutes
In where I am from we have the death penalty nobody dares to mess around.
This is uk dum
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Bro wtf is this