@@LeBonkJordan since so much abuse in families, children are often unable to work on the task of becoming an adult, while they havent been able to master childhood. And, look at the junk they were fed mentally, and morally. Kids have a tough time. I hope all (adults and children) can develop and improve. Look what it has done to our country!
61yrs old with no children and very happy as a matter of fact ! I decided early in my life that having children was a no brainer for me, I looked around at what was going on in my life and in the world and thought it better that I shouldn't bring a child into the world for many reasons and at this point in time it looks like I made the correct decision !!
As a childfree woman, I thank you so much Bill. I never wanted to get pregnant and raise a kid. And I don't wanna adopt either. Motherhood is just not for me. But some people don't understand this choice. I feel that if a guy stays single and childfree he won't be asked too much about it. But if you're a woman "there must be something wrong with you" But I don't really care anymore.
Wyatt King im a 22 year old Christian in Utah and the pressure is real. not so much in your face as passive aggressive or hey would you like to go to so and so's wedding?
@@DarthObscurity Because people with kids act like they deserve special treatment because they chose to have them. Also because they more often than not want recognition for being a"good parent". I have a kid btw.
Great line from Addams Family Values movie - "Gomez : [to Fester] I hope that someday you'll know the indescribable joy of having children, and of paying someone else to raise them."
I am married with 2 kids (and that's enough) and I am overall a very happy person, but I completely agree with all of this. Raising decent children is hard when you do want to do it, I can't imagine how it would be for someone who absolutely didn't want to ever do it. Enjoy your money, nice furniture and uninterrupted sleep!
That's why you need holidays for mom and dad. Its really a thankless unpaid job that you can't really quit once you get started. So you need people to tell these suckers how great they are for taking one for humanity.
Wow @Josip , take it down a notch. Someone's kid will be wiping your old, gripping ass one day. This is about celebrating choices, not shaming the people that will help you survive the 2nd most vulnerable time of your obviously sad, hate filled life. Get a grip.
This "nobody there to take care of you" stuff is kinda funny. I still remember when we'd visit my great aunt in a dingy Long Island nursing home every few months. My mom's cousins put her there for the last ten or fifteen years of her life. Nobody wanted the burden. Some of the most bored, sad faces I can remember
Thank you Bill!!! I'm 26 woman and so tired of strangers AND my family telling me "why don't I have a husband or kids"? Hello! I don't need to give you an explanation. IF I wanna do that later in life it'll happen in time but quit asking me about it! It's my life not yours! I'm perfectly content on concentrating on me, myself, and I.
sapilif please don't try to give advice if you are this stupid. I know it's hard to grasp with your limited understanding, but there are people who are happier without kids, so stop pushing your breeder propaganda. you need some growing up, but maybe one day you'll realise that thankfully not everyone is like you and it's a good thing. the society needs all kind of people, including ones whose work is the most important. do you know if Newton had any kids? you can look it up, but you probably know the laws of nature he discovered without having to look it up. the future advances will be made by people who put work first. I know it's shocking to you, but there are people who are content with being an aunt or uncle, helping friends and family raising their kids without wanting one for themselves. btw some friendships do last a lifetime (though I can understand why yours don't), also fyi family doesn't end with the ones you push out of your body, there are quite a lot of other members as well, but maybe yours are avoiding you for a reason.
sapilif What are you talking about? That's insane. I will honor my ancestors by doing something worthwhile, not by just having unprotected sex. Anyone can reproduce. I am beyond that evolutionary urge. My legacy will be something else. Sure, If I get married and have children that will be alright, but if it happens I want it to happen by itself, not force it. If it does not I will be alright as fulfilling societal norms and rituals has never been my life's goal nor will.
sapilif Iggy is right, trying to sound intelligent by throwing around baseless assumptions and buzzwords just make you sound like a lunatic. have you ever heard of quality over quantity? a child is a human being, not just a tool to check an item off your todo list. for both the parent and the child it's better if the parent wants and prepared for the child's arrival. in the past people had many kids, because the survival rate was bad and without pensions and savings, they needed the kids to do labor for them. do you think that's a good reason to bring a new life to the planet? for free labor? do you think that's a selfless thing to do? do you think the pope is a selfish prick for not having kids? the human race is not in any danger of going extinct and we have better health care, social security, so we can do the right thing now: ease up on quantity and focus on quality. we can let people who actually want kids have them and we don't need to force to procreate those who don't. btw there has always been people who didn't have kids, it's not a "modern" thing like you trying to make it sound. it's true that in the past you needed to justify not having kids, but there always were career military people, scientists, nuns, priests, etc who didn't have kids.
L wow the very unique argument of "the woman only worth the mileage she gets out of her uterus" and my favorite "I know better than you what you want". try to have an original thought every few years. fyi I'm 39, still don't want kids and likely never will, still much saner than you.
You'll be dead before you get a tax break as a single person. However, being childfree is a lot more fun than being miserable with a kid or grandkid hanging around your neck 24/7.
+Stephanie Persin Bullshit. ANYONE can & should lobby any politician for anything in the USA. If not, if politicians won't give singles or atheists tax breaks, then it's their own fucking fault when we vote for third parties: Communist, Green, Marxist, Transhumanist, Libertarian.
Do you think if we added another schol day to the year Trump wouldn't be President? Honestly, at this point we might as well just convert the schools out there into chinese sweatshops since they aren't using them. At least then they would be too stupid to vote.
New Rule: make more holidays were adults get the day off and kids have to stay in school. Most times the kids are out of school and adults still have to work, and for those pricks that have kids and can't afford to miss work it's their own personal hell day...of their own making of course.
+screamingdizbusters Look, I hate being around kids even more than you do, but don't blame the kids' for their existence. Blame the breeders. Nobody "has" to breed. Cut the balls off men and vaginas out of women who plan to breed.
Yes, we do exist! Married for 10 years this month, still wildly in love, never had plans for kids from the beginning. Got the vasectomy scar to prove it. :)
I was at thanksgiving dinner and one of my cousins and her parents gave me that line since I am one of the last single ones in my family. I copied Bill Maher and gave them the divorce line in front of everyone. It was the last time it was brought up. I am a 37 year old single gay male and love every minute of it! I am happy as hell too.
I said this in another thread to a similar comment … So I'll leave this here for you as well. Enjoy! Where's the extra vote for married couples with kids? I mean, they have more of a vested interest in the future than a childless person does (speaking as a childless person myself). Sure, every adult should be able to vote, but those with a true genetic and familial stake in the future should have their vote count as two. Sure, Childfree people have a vested interest in the future beyond their own deaths; but not as much as a person with kids. And don't worry, there wouldn't be too many right wingers. While Western right wing nuts have more kids than Western leftist moon bats, all Westerners have fewer children than third world immigrants and their Western born children. And as we know, the far left welcomes them in and caters to them since they predominately vote left despite often being the most socially and culturally conservative people on Earth. So that extra vote for people with kids might actually work in the extreme left's favor. And how dare you with your white hetero male privilege. Tax cuts that benefit the childless and childfree... can't you see that disproportionately benefits Atheists, Christians and Jews over Muslims? That it benefits whites and Asians over black and 'brown' people? That it benefits native born over immigrants? Quite intolerant. Lol All in good fun.
@Rick Vis LOL, 🤣🤣🤣 Do we still have a divorce rate over 50%? How do those kids turn out? Listen, IDC if people get a tax break. Personally, I don't think it's enough. However, I pay taxes. And a lot of things cost me more in day to day life. Because I'm deemed "more if a risk" for being single. I just don't think that EVERYONE should have kids and maybe just maybe you shouldn't get a tax break because the condom broke🤣🤣🤣 Of course, it's just an opinion
People often say to me "You'll change your mind" about having kids. They say it almost like they're giving me the benefit of the doubt. The ones who don't say I'll change my mind simply call me "selfish." Damnit people, there are so many ways a person can live their life on this planet, stop getting threatened when someone wants something different from what you want.
People should have to pass a psychological test before they are allowed to have kids. That would help solve myriad of problems, over population, climate change, abused children and the list could go on and on and on
It's such an idiotic attitude so I understand your frustration. Watch some videos of homeless people, strung out on drugs and barely able to form sentences and without fail, they all have children. If people think it's so wonderful and responsible to reproduce, what's their rationalization for that?
Kind of throws the ‘having kids makes you a better person’ line spewed forth often, right out the window. If being a strung out homeless drug addict is the best version of themselves, then what kind of person were they before kids made them the best version of themselves? 😹😹
Yup. It's the perfect compromise, if you're lucky enough to find someone who has the same beliefs and desires. You get all the companionship and sex, and none of the burden. My partner and I don't want to have kids for environmental and professional ethics reasons (both being early-career scientists, there's a very high chance we'd have to move a lot and maybe even live apart for years to pursue each of our careers), and it is such a big stress out of our lives. My partner's ex really wanted her to have kids and settle down (read: become his housewife); it nearly drove her insane with his demands and background pressure. The innocent musing "Oh wouldn't it be nice", 'play'-speculating what colour hair or eyes the future baby would have. Me, I'm lamenting the fact I'd get a vasectomy if only it was covered by national healthcare and wasn't so expensive. We're perfectly happy and won't be changing our minds anytime soon; only issue is convincing the conservative parents.
Bill Maher said it's OK to have a small number of kids. No more than 2 or 3. Please. Occasionally you hear about a family with 10 kids. Every day must be a day at the zoo in that house!
@@diamond_lover2826 Well, Sara, thank YOU For the nobleness of not reproducing.. but, aside from one dog for companionship... those OTHER ELEVEN are generating natural resource consumption and CO2 also ! Let's say that is about 700 lb. of surplus dog, that eat, poop and need vet care probably... Not exactly conservation of resources. Of course if your on a ranch with 10 buildings and 1000 sheep in Australia, they MIGHT be needed, but really , here in America.... T W E L V E dogs??
Agree to an extent … Just be sure to encourage African and Muslims to reduce their fertility rate to Western and East Asian levels, then you'll all be true environmentalists and more truly green than the company TruGreen itself.
The whole "why aren't you married/don't have kids" type of questions is especially true in Asian cultures. I can list a few reasons why not to have kids. It's expensive, exhaustive, and inhumane to bring a new human being into a horrifyingly deadly world.
Adam Winer Screw that. If you weren't born, you wouldn't know what you were missing. If one extrapolates your logic outward, you realize where it goes, yeah? Every woman should be reproducing at every opportunity, because by failing to fertilize even one egg, you're denying that potential person their ability to make choices and have rights and whatnot. It's senseless. There is nothing immoral about choosing not to reproduce.
Tony Campbell I guess you are right. If I wasn’t born I would not know what I am missing. I probably would not know anything at all. But I was born, so I do know. So we will just have to agree to disagree. I am not sure what you mean by the second part, but I don’t even think what you are suggesting is possible. 🤔😐
Canadian-Cutie: how do you know what you'll want in 5-10 years from now? Most people can't even decide what tv channel they wanna watch in the PRESENT!
Also our western society romanticizes family, And make their children out to be sacred. I'm not saying children are not valuable to their parents. I'm sure if I had one I would have a lot of love and be very protective about the kid. But no one talks about the lack of sleep, the worry, The change of one's identity, the total change of lifestyle, The financial drain. I wish that when we talked about having children we talked about the whole reality, and not the romanticized view. Then when one decided on having a family, It would be based on the whole Reality.
That's an interesting take, honestly. So by identity change and lifestyle change do you mean one coming closer to the center when it comes to politics and religion? If so, then having kids sounds like a good thing.
Our economic system wants more people, more consumers/tax payers endlessly. A natural population decline would solve a LOT of the world's problems. 2 or 3 billion people in the world would still be a lot of people, do we really need 7, 8, 9?
YOUR idea and philosophy SHOULD be on the lips of EVERY politician, especially in rampantly overcrowded outa-control people in over producing backwaters that no way can support more hungry and destitute! This applies especially now, to parts of Africa and Asia... more people but headed to less and less food!
@@loftsatsympaticodotc I agree but no politician is going to stand in front of a camera and say that. Why? Because they would be crucified, that's why. Their careers would effectively be over. For every person that feels the way you do, there's millions who think having multiple children is God's will and an adult responsibility to reproduce. People like blood sausage. People are morons.
There's a lot of banter below between childless and with-child folks and who knows better than who about what. 44 and childless on purpose, never wanted kids because I never wanted kids. Made no sense to me. I've been called selfish, which is the hardest part for me to understand. I always intended to lead a life that had no room for children, or fatherhood. Seems to me having a child to fit status quo would be criminal. You don't have a kid because YOU want to. That's selfish. Make sure you have all the means and intention on properly caring for whatever being you create on this place. They sure as hell didn't want to be here.
Of all the comments from childless people on here that I've read thus far, I think your take is the fairest, most understandable, least smug and most honest. Not to mention your comment doesn't seem like a person spinning the hamster wheel in their head trying to rationalize their decision to not have kids, which goes into the smug category I guess lol. Good on you and I appreciate your honesty and agree with your reasoning for what it's worth. I don't have kids myself but plan to have them with my partner when we're both ready, financially and mentally. I understand accidents happen between spouses, partners or friends with benefits, but I agree with people who have no kids and don't want them 100% when they say having kids due to carelessness or being ill prepared is lazy and selfish. Whereas your reasoning for not having them makes you selfless rather than selfish. Thank you for making a thought out, reasoned, down to earth and non-self congratulatory comment in a thread lacking such comments.
I'm 35, single, childfree, happy, not in debt, healthy.....Its choice and society forgets that. I like kids, but I don't want them. Its just not for some people.
Well good for you. I honestly mean that. That's all a childfree person has to say in my opinion. I want a couple kids with me partner when she and I are better prepared. However, I certainly don't look down on anyone who simply says its not for them. I appreciate the honesty and respect the choice. To each their own I say. What I can't stand is people trying to smugly state how their decision is based upon their desire to save something. A lot of childfree people say they want to save the Earth and a lot of mass breeders say they want to save Western Civilization. Why cant some people say they want a few kids and some say they don't and be honest that it is about personal preference? It's this smugness of saving the planet or the West form both sides that irritate me. Sure, that is a bonus for not having or having kids, respectively, But its about preference 9 out of 10 times with the saving the whatever lecture usually being a justification from their internal hamster wheel spinning. I tell right wing mass breeders that having more than 2 or 3 kids will over burden this planet while telling left wing childfree people that calling for self extinction to save the earth while welcoming mass migration is self defeating. Saving the Earth, preserving Western civilization and limited legal immigration are all great things mind you; but I like people like you who are honest that its primarily personal preference just a my decision is. I wish you a happy and fulfilling life.
I’m all for not having kids, but imagine your own father saying he wish he never helped make you. It’s no surprise your kids never gave you breakfast in bed. If you were my father I sure as hell wouldn’t make food for you.
ShinRaPresident ahh, thank you. Seems to me if you don't have kids you wouldn't care what word others' call you to describe something that doesn't define who you are as an individual anyway. People butt hurt by the words others' use to describe them. My wife and I don't have kids, but there's no way we'd try to be the P.C word police about it. People are gonna say and think what they want about it. Save your energy for things you have control over.
Be An Individual I didn’t see it as being butt hurt about the words or terms others use to describe your state. It’s more about how you see it. I don’t consider myself childless, since that implies I’m missing out on something. But I do consider myself child free, because, well, I do feel a sense of freedom and trueness to myself that comes with it.
Whenever my family asks if I'm dating anyone it feels to me like obliged small talk, like "nice weather" or "how's work?" I can't tell if they really want to know or they can't think of anything else to ask me, which is what's really sad. My life is rich. There are so many things to ask me about. It's conversational laziness.
I completely agree with everything he said here. I'm a single, childless woman, and the looks of pity I get from people when they find that out are enough to make me want to see red. I'm not single and childless because I'm pathetic or can't get a date or too ugly for a guy to fuck, I'm single and childless because I want to be. I never say I'm going to remain that way because I don't know the future, but this is still a choice I've made, and it's a perfectly rational, sane choice. Not everyone is cut out for marriage and parenthood. If you are, great. If you're not, that's great too.
@@LucareonVee Amen! Before we even *think* about possibly increasing the birth rate just to sustain a steady number, we need a few decades of *negative* population growth, so that the Earth's human population can--via natural attrition--fall to a sane number. (When I was born, the world population was about 3 billion, and the U.S. population was below 200 million, both of which seemed like plenty to me when I was growing up.)
Josip If I’m not able to retire, that’s fine, since I like my job. And I’ll gladly work later in life if it means helping the population decrease and stabilize. We’re in this mess due to unbridled reproduction, and it’s going to need to be fixed if humanity is to survive. Otherwise, I probably will be killed by global warming by the time I reach 65 anyway. :p
I have NO stress, No debt and a crapton of disposable income. Oh did I mention I'm single? I'm spending this weekend with a large bottle of whiskey watching youtube and playing video games and I'm a happy motherfucker because of it.
I love my child free life that involves hanging out with friends at a bar, my weekly get together with co-workers at the bowling alley, going out hiking and camping with my brother in law and some of his friends when they come and visit, I can take my basketball and shoot hoops whenever I want, I can watch whatever I want on TV, TH-cam, I have decreasing debt (my car loan), I even have extra money every once in a while. Yeah, the child free life is pretty damn good. 😁👍
focus on every child being a wanted child. We have to look at all of our policies, both the left and right. I have found credible research that if every couple planning a family spaces each pregnancy 3 years or more it would be better for the environment and stabilize the population if not have it go down some. I feel the 19 kids and counting is sickening. We don't need families like that.
I went to the doc for a vasectomy at 20 years old and it was a GREAT decision for me. The environment was a fairly big part of that decision, and that was in '89. We should be more proactive in preventing accidental procreation!
My wife and are got married and agree we don't want kids. I was surprised when, soon after marriage... People started asking "when are you having kids?". We're not! Is it so absurd to want to marry someone but not have babies?
Finally someone speaks up about it. I hope this "joke" won't ever be forgotten since it's SO true. Just like mothers and fathers like to rub in your face how happy they are and promote the idea of children. We also should rub this in their face. Even at work these days what's actually a huge advantage for the employer, a worker with no children, is turned into a disadvantage and something negative. Neither bosses nor coworkers like people they can't share baby-pictures with or speak family with. The lack of social interaction and understanding about eachothers family situation on the coffebreaks they regard as something much more damaging to the company than the fact that a worker can be twice as productive since he never needs time to take care of sick children or pick kids up after work. Even at interviews when I state what I believe is a huge advantage, they only start to assume it's something wrong with me.
halfcolombian truth is employers want someone who will be trapped to that job. People with big families who have a mortgage who have car payments etc are just gonna work longer for the company, more overtime, more holidays, put up with more demeaning talk and work. Because they need that job to feed their kids pay for college, mortgage etc. They are their bosses btch. Single ppl keep all their money and are happier by default and will have more self respect to leave when they try to do mandatory overtime, if your bosses disrespect you, or deny your dr appt or vacation, if the environment gets hostile. They know they have more options (freedom)It’s nothing personal they’re just looking out for the company’s best interests. Lazy Managers and such dread the interview process hiring paperwork training etc.
I'm actually married, with two children but I get the side eye from people when I don't adhere to the other social norms that are expected. I don't own a car, I don't own a house, I don't watch football, or any sports, on Sundays and don't brow-beat my son about how to throw a ball or indoctrinate him into my love of a certain team. I commute by bicycle, weather permitting and I'm an atheist who teaches his kids to think critically and be wary of the bullshit. I've been lectured by other adults in my own age group (!) about all of that. If you get married and have kids, you'll have to run to some degree in those social circles and even though I'm perfectly happy using ZipCar once in a blue and not spending thousands a year on insurance and parking; or even though I'm free to move to the West Coast or Austin if a job opportunity opens up in my or my wife's company, without having to go through the months-long song-and-dance with realtors, lawyers and banks to sell a house; or even though my kids enjoy spending time with me on Sundays at the park, instead of having to watch me yell at the television because "my team" is losing/winning, I'm told were denying the kids something. Our Sundays are for Biking, the beach, or in winter, walking to one of the local diners and enjoying lunch together. Houses are nice but you're tethered to them. Owning a car in a big city can be convenient but it's more often a burden (think, paying $3-500/mo. for a garage and endlessly driving around a given city block anytime you do have to park on the street before a spot opens up. Even if you join this life, prepare to be judged!
No-one ever looks happier than when Maurie Povich says, "You are not the father"! That's gold. Watch the guy celebrate while the kid's mother runs off in disappointment because she knows she will have to get a job.
So true. I get sick of being asked "How come you didn't want kids?" Because apparently that's that's what normal women that only really want. If you don't, you're either selfish, infertile or not a very caring person
It's also rude to say - you guys should totally stop having babies... but I totally want to say it. Also when you're single you get to keep all your money if you break up.
no, its not! It has TRADITIONALLY been the case. But we now give a fuck about the environment so ask such people how they plan to offset the 9000 tons of CO2!
If you don't want to get screwed on taxes then just live together. My wife and I of 35 years are seriously considering divorce and living together because we are sick of getting the shaft every April 15th.
I'm a single mother; 34 and never married, with only one child and I had my fallopian tubes removed, and I completely agree with everything he just said. I love my daughter, but I don't feel that our life is incomplete because I don't have a husband to "fulfill" the family package. My daughter and I enjoy our freedom and get to move (soon)where we want to live. We get to go out and do things we enjoy together. I don't have some religious nut job (covert in the case of my most recent ex from two years ago) trying to enforce his beliefs upon us, or trying to turn me into his traditional little housewife. Making remarks that everything we try to enjoy as being stupid, lame, or "gay". For fuck's sake if you don't like Will and Grace or the BBC, go into another room and watch or do something else! Whoops, went off on a tangent. That was more about one ex in particular, but many others were some variation of this as well.
Max Lee Says the snowflake who uses technology created by the likes of Gates/Jobs, to freely express their opinion as granted by the likes of George Washington and MLK. Way to play the victim in this privileged world you live in.
As usual Bill Maher has a " way " to say things but I could NOT agreed more with his statement. Being a woman of 39 and having the "pressure" either from family or friends or coworkers to get MARRIED OR AT LEAST PREGNANT is so stupid!! Having a child is a life long commitment and for those who are single is a challenge in itself!! Those who have a partner "there is not an always and forever" Please STOP that BS! and live your OWN DAM LIFE.
As a little girl I always knew I won't get married and won't have children. I didn't understand even as a little girl why it's weird no to do those things.. I actually find it weird that people do it.. until this day to be honest. Everyone used to laugh when I said those things and I kept saying the same until today.. and now it's shoking for them.. and I am like "but I always said it" and they saying "you were a little girl.. now you are grown.. " *I am 27 now btw.. Yet, have not changed my mind..
I’m 35 and made the choice of NOT having kids. What world will they inherit? Furthermore, all my friends with kids have to spend every penny, bitterly, on kids. I get to have nice stuff and vacation, and be single at any time I want.
There's actually a Singles Day in China, held every November 11. All stores slash the prices of most of their stock. Kind of similar to Boxer Day in the UK.
I ABSOLUTEOY adore that well delivered: "You owe HER.............. NINE THOUSAND TONS of CARBON " LOL. As an almost married, almost with child, this male escaped to hire about 500 more people than otherwise, and become a mult-millionaire, all with NO KIDS and ALL the results will go to REALLY good causes, instead of fighting, selfish or spoiled, entitled brats! Bravo Bill...
THANK YOU THANK YOU BILL! Finally someone comes out and says where from principally comes our problems on planet Earth: OVERPOPULATION (and not giving a damn about our planet)!
I agree that human overpopulation is one of the greatest threats to life on Earth. I have posted this message to a couple other threads so I'll leave this here for you as well for anyone reading through the comments and looking for a common sense, moderate approach to having kids but worried about overpopulation... Seems to be a lot of cognitive dissonance among people who are pro-environmental and who also support childlessness. For one they're also typically in support of mass immigration. First off, I am childless right now as well. My partner and I plan to have a couple of kids, more than one but no more than 3, when we are both financially and mentally better prepared than we are right now, especially since its a huge toll on her body. Ya know, the responsible and centrist route to take as opposed to writing kids off entirely or having as many kids as one wants as soon as possible or through neglect and carelessness, with both camps using a mental hamster wheel to justify your decisions and act smug about it. Second, a small amount of controlled immigration has little impact on the environment and is usually more beneficial than it is detrimental. Third off, I agree completely that over population is a burden to the environment. However, I think its hilarious that people say what you do on the comment thread of a video from a well known leftist (and one of the few amiable leftists in mainstream media to be fair). One must have some serious cognitive dissonance to be unaware that this would mean punishing Africa, the Middle East and parts of Latin America more so than the native white Christians and Jews of the West that the extreme left typically despises as groups. Want the people of Earth to stop reproducing so much? Don't look at anomalies among the ethnically European and Judeo-Christian population, such as the annoyingly dogmatic and obnoxiously far-right Duggers, nor the people of China and other areas of the Far East. Rather, one should start looking at the Muslims, Africans and Latin Americans that the regressive left champions, protects from constructive criticism and invites in huge numbers to ease their own guilt and feed their own masochism, despite it conflicting with their usually accurate environmental narrative. Maybe I have jumped to conclusions about you, and if I have I am sorry. But people who are for their own extinction are, in my experience, almost always pro-environment and pro-mass immigration. Completely conflicting. What we need is not people who swear off having children entirely, who do not pass on their usually above-average intelligence, who call for mass immigration from high fertility third worlders while shaming Westerners who have more than one kid and who have condemned liberal politics for regressive leftist and quasi-Marxist ones. Neither do we need people who are irresponsible breeders who have as many kids as they want, neglect them, make others pay for them through their taxes dollars, who are often either far right religious fundamentalist hicks or quasi-Marxist social justice hood rats. If you are one of those people who call for not having kids and hold Muslims and third worlders to same standard you hold Western white Christians (especially), Jews and East Asians to and are just as ardent about condemning all of them, then good on you. I may disagree with your extreme approach but I appreciate consistency. In that case this reply is to those, who in my experience, are the vast majority of the pro-childless crowd who are against having kids but pro- mass migration and pro-environment.
Thanks Bill! I don't want to be a wife and mother and I'm sick and tired of society shoving this down my throat! I hate sharing my space with another human being. I don't do cuddling and I love sleeping alone, so yes when is over is time to go because I have a super early morning tomorrow! Yes, I'm super sure that I want that for the rest of my life and when I'm old and sick I'll make sure to die ASAP because I don't need a kid to ignore me and put me in a home! There, I've said it! I
I never wanted to breed. You've been suckered into this brainwashing. People who think freely see the benefits of not having any kids at all. I got to live a full life. Lived in 3 major metropolitan areas, enjoyed the arts, seen theatre, traveled to Europe. For a whole decade I went to about 3 dozen state parks to walk miles year around, read and learn from it as I hate non-fiction. I don't have a super ego, don't need to have people live in the same house than I. My azz hasn't grown wider. I've been commenting so much because I felt this way since I was a teenager. Society has been suckering the non-thinkers into breeding. You just can't stand to see people who are down your throat about it's not for everyone. I use "free" because it's not wanted in the first place.
As an Earth scientist with a PhD, I have long thought that (in the US) people without offspring should be able to draw full Social Security benefits at 55, people with one child at 60... people with 4 children at 75, and so on. This would not only be fair because the more children one person has, the more everyone else has to pay in taxes, but also good for the environment. Consider this: there are 5 billion more people in the world today than when Maher was born.
I worked with childcare with kids ages 6 weeks to 12 year-old for 5 hours a day. That was one of the reasons I decided to be childfree along with a list of others. My bf doesn’t want any kids either and my parents respect this decision. I’ll be the cool aunt and that’s fine with me. I’ve never had the desire anyway.
South Korea has April 14 as Black Day, where single people who were not given chocolates on Valentine's Day and White Day (March 14) wear black and eat jajangmyeon (black noodles). China has November 11 as Singles Day, and it's celebrated BIGLY.
You made me feel better about being single, Bill! Thank you!!! LOL Oh yes, I've had that pressure to marry, start a family, and buy a house. Wow, people have really made me feel like a freak for being single. NO MORE!!!!
I don't have kids. But am happy to pay taxes for good education and health care for others. They need this to help contribute to a functional society that I live in, and need to have a good life too. The same reason I give to charity.
Ya know, I posted this in another comment thread on here, but I think I should leave this under your comment as well for good measure. Seems to be a lot of cognitive dissonance among people who are pro-environmental and who also support childlessness. For one they're also typically in support of mass immigration. First off, I am childless right now as well. My partner and I plan to have a couple of kids, more than one but no more than 3, when we are both financially and mentally better prepared than we are right now, especially since its a huge toll on her body. Ya know, the responsible and centrist route to take as opposed to writing kids off entirely or having as many kids as one wants as soon as possible or through neglect and carelessness, with both camps using a mental hamster wheel to justify your decisions and act smug about it. Second, a small amount of controlled immigration has little impact on the environment and is usually more beneficial than it is detrimental. Third off, I agree completely that over population is a burden to the environment. However, I think its hilarious that people say what you do on the comment thread of a video from a well known leftist (and one of the few amiable leftists in mainstream media to be fair). One must have some serious cognitive dissonance to be unaware that this would mean punishing Africa, the Middle East and parts of Latin America more so than the native white Christians and Jews of the West that the extreme left typically despises as groups. Want the people of Earth to stop reproducing so much? Don't look at anomalies among the ethnically European and Judeo-Christian population, such as the annoyingly dogmatic and obnoxiously far-right Duggers, nor the people of China and other areas of the Far East. Rather, one should start looking at the Muslims, Africans and Latin Americans that the regressive left champions, protects from constructive criticism and invites in huge numbers to ease their own guilt and feed their own masochism, despite it conflicting with their usually accurate environmental narrative. Maybe I have jumped to conclusions about you, and if I have I am sorry. But people who are for their own extinction are, in my experience, almost always pro-environment and pro-mass immigration. Completely conflicting. What we need is not people who swear off having children entirely, who do not pass on their usually above-average intelligence, who call for mass immigration from high fertility third worlders while shaming Westerners who have more than one kid and who have condemned liberal politics for regressive leftist and quasi-Marxist ones. Neither do we need people who are irresponsible breeders who have as many kids as they want, neglect them, make others pay for them through their taxes dollars, who are often either far right religious fundamentalist hicks or quasi-Marxist social justice hood rats. If you are one of those people who call for not having kids and hold Muslims and third worlders to same standard you hold Western white Christians (especially), Jews and East Asians to and are just as ardent about condemning all of them, then good on you. I may disagree with your extreme approach but I appreciate consistency. In that case this reply is to those, who in my experience, are the vast majority of the pro-childless crowd who are against having kids but pro- mass migration and pro-environment.
I like kids, I'm great with kids, I work with them, and they love the hell out of me. But I don't have kids, and this confuses people terribly. They assume it's a sad thing that passed me by. It's actually a really simple matter: I didn't have kids because I didn't get married, and I didn't want children outside the context of a stable relationship and stable income. I didn't get married because I never met anyone that I really wanted to be married to; I had opportunities to be married if I felt I HAD to just be married in order to validate myself in the eyes of the world as a "real' grown up and a 'real' woman, but I would have been unhappy, and it would have ended in divorce rather quickly. In truth, not getting married or having children was smart and responsible. Now, at 40, I have uterine fibroids and an IUD to prevent the heavy bleeding they cause which had made me anemic, and I have no ambition of even trying to have children at any point, because the risk for me and for the hypothetical baby is rising and it would just be more stress in my life to manage; that too is a common sense decision. I think married people and parents who are really pushy and judgmental towards the single and/or child-free are acting on ambivalence towards their own choices and are invested in the notion that the alternative route is a sad and pitiable one, because the if they admit that it's not, it may cause for some uncomfortable, guilty reflections on their part.
'Maybe before having a third kid, people should have to go to Beijing and see what a city of 20 million in a country of a billion looks like. That's where we're headed.
Some complain about fewer births taking place today like it some sort of crisis. How can fewer kids being born be called a crisis when there are over 8 billion people on a planet that can barely support HALF that number?
As I mentioned in another post, if you somehow convinced each child-bearing adult female to abstain from sex for the next 10 years and not reproduce, the world's population would decrease by only 600 million. That's hardly putting a dent in the problem. It will take hundreds of years of humans acting responsibly to return the planet to the environmental and atmospheric condition it was in before runaway reproduction began. Is it possible? Probably not because people are just too GD stupid. They'll wait until they're down to their last drop of water before waking up. By then, it will be too late, and the planet will begin its own recovery after taking matters into its own hands.
Unfortunately...Most children are being raised by adults who have never escaped the throes of childhood themselves.
And that's one of the major major problems of our time right there!
Parents are just kids having kids.
@@LeBonkJordan since so much abuse in families, children are often unable to work on the task of becoming an adult, while they havent been able to master childhood. And, look at the junk they were fed mentally, and morally. Kids have a tough time. I hope all (adults and children) can develop and improve. Look what it has done to our country!
Absolute truth, I see this every single day around me.
@@DQ_Mine not gonna happen.
61yrs old with no children and very happy as a matter of fact ! I decided early in my life that having children was a no brainer for me, I looked around at what was going on in my life and in the world and thought it better that I shouldn't bring a child into the world for many reasons and at this point in time it looks like I made the correct decision !!
Ditto....59 in Aug.
I’m only 31 but someday I’ll be that old and still child free enjoying life and getting proper sleep!
I am 20 I'm following the same path focus on my aim not in this stupid things
Very selfish outlook on life. We're here to reproduce. Anything else is just a freakin' hobby. Get over yourself.
As a childfree woman, I thank you so much Bill. I never wanted to get pregnant and raise a kid. And I don't wanna adopt either. Motherhood is just not for me. But some people don't understand this choice. I feel that if a guy stays single and childfree he won't be asked too much about it. But if you're a woman "there must be something wrong with you" But I don't really care anymore.
I'm probably not bothered about it by society in general as much, but finding women to date who don't want my goo is the hard part.
For sure.
guys get asked about kids and marriage all the time.
Yes, but guys can play the "I don't want any compromises" card and people will leave them alone.
Grungie Lucy i never heard of that.
Bill has always been my #1 childfree role model. He killed it.
Thank you! I'm so sick of people asking if I have kids and when I say no, they ask why I don't.
@Orange Blossom or say 'the world is already extremely overpopulated with humans who are killing it'.
I'm a 34 yr old atheist, single man with no kids and never married, living in Utah. Imagine the shit I get on a daily basis.
Your name is Wyatt too. Fuck that. Rest was good
Wyatt King im a 22 year old Christian in Utah and the pressure is real. not so much in your face as passive aggressive or hey would you like to go to so and so's wedding?
Convert to Mormonism and don't get a temple recommend. That would solve that problem!
Wes TV haha ok....Wes...
haha yeah Wes isn't much better
Staying single was the smartest thing I ever did. I dont agree with a lot of Bill's politics, but i do agree with a lot of his cultural observations
I always held the theory that your friends/family want their childless friends to have kids so that they can experience misery as well.
Yeah. It’s jealousy a huge portion of the time
Misery loves company.
Better to ruin your carpets with pets, than ruin your life with children.
Let's call it childfree
Invite them for an I didn't reproduce party on June 24th :-)
If having kids is so great why are parents constantly looking for someone else to take care of their kids?
Yup, and why do they rejoice when it's "Back to school" time or they get a "night out" without the kids?
If being childless is so great, why do you feel the need to complain about people with kids?
@@DarthObscurity Because people with kids act like they deserve special treatment because they chose to have them. Also because they more often than not want recognition for being a"good parent". I have a kid btw.
@@DarthObscurity because people with kids try to push that lifestyle on people without like the world's pushiest Jehovah's witness
Great line from Addams Family Values movie - "Gomez : [to Fester] I hope that someday you'll know the indescribable joy of having children, and of paying someone else to raise them."
I am married with 2 kids (and that's enough) and I am overall a very happy person, but I completely agree with all of this. Raising decent children is hard when you do want to do it, I can't imagine how it would be for someone who absolutely didn't want to ever do it. Enjoy your money, nice furniture and uninterrupted sleep!
That's why you need holidays for mom and dad. Its really a thankless unpaid job that you can't really quit once you get started. So you need people to tell these suckers how great they are for taking one for humanity.
@@0001alibaba thankless unpaid job that you volunteered for. 🤷♀️
Wow @Josip , take it down a notch. Someone's kid will be wiping your old, gripping ass one day. This is about celebrating choices, not shaming the people that will help you survive the 2nd most vulnerable time of your obviously sad, hate filled life. Get a grip.
@Josip true
you have a clear view to the world :) thank you!
50 yrs old and never been married or had kids, and loving it.
I, too!
Until you’re old and no one is there to take care of you 😂
This "nobody there to take care of you" stuff is kinda funny. I still remember when we'd visit my great aunt in a dingy Long Island nursing home every few months. My mom's cousins put her there for the last ten or fifteen years of her life. Nobody wanted the burden. Some of the most bored, sad faces I can remember
@@JessyJ318 Many married people die alone anyway.
Never had kids, never changed a diaper in my life. No regrets.
I agree 100%
As a single, childless woman all I can say is THANK YOU!
Thank you Bill!!! I'm 26 woman and so tired of strangers AND my family telling me "why don't I have a husband or kids"? Hello! I don't need to give you an explanation. IF I wanna do that later in life it'll happen in time but quit asking me about it! It's my life not yours! I'm perfectly content on concentrating on me, myself, and I.
yes narcissism always choose yourself
sapilif please don't try to give advice if you are this stupid. I know it's hard to grasp with your limited understanding, but there are people who are happier without kids, so stop pushing your breeder propaganda. you need some growing up, but maybe one day you'll realise that thankfully not everyone is like you and it's a good thing. the society needs all kind of people, including ones whose work is the most important. do you know if Newton had any kids? you can look it up, but you probably know the laws of nature he discovered without having to look it up. the future advances will be made by people who put work first. I know it's shocking to you, but there are people who are content with being an aunt or uncle, helping friends and family raising their kids without wanting one for themselves. btw some friendships do last a lifetime (though I can understand why yours don't), also fyi family doesn't end with the ones you push out of your body, there are quite a lot of other members as well, but maybe yours are avoiding you for a reason.
sapilif What are you talking about? That's insane. I will honor my ancestors by doing something worthwhile, not by just having unprotected sex. Anyone can reproduce. I am beyond that evolutionary urge. My legacy will be something else. Sure, If I get married and have children that will be alright, but if it happens I want it to happen by itself, not force it. If it does not I will be alright as fulfilling societal norms and rituals has never been my life's goal nor will.
sapilif Iggy is right, trying to sound intelligent by throwing around baseless assumptions and buzzwords just make you sound like a lunatic. have you ever heard of quality over quantity? a child is a human being, not just a tool to check an item off your todo list. for both the parent and the child it's better if the parent wants and prepared for the child's arrival. in the past people had many kids, because the survival rate was bad and without pensions and savings, they needed the kids to do labor for them. do you think that's a good reason to bring a new life to the planet? for free labor? do you think that's a selfless thing to do? do you think the pope is a selfish prick for not having kids? the human race is not in any danger of going extinct and we have better health care, social security, so we can do the right thing now: ease up on quantity and focus on quality. we can let people who actually want kids have them and we don't need to force to procreate those who don't. btw there has always been people who didn't have kids, it's not a "modern" thing like you trying to make it sound. it's true that in the past you needed to justify not having kids, but there always were career military people, scientists, nuns, priests, etc who didn't have kids.
L wow the very unique argument of "the woman only worth the mileage she gets out of her uterus" and my favorite "I know better than you what you want". try to have an original thought every few years. fyi I'm 39, still don't want kids and likely never will, still much saner than you.
Where's the tax break for single people?
You'll be dead before you get a tax break as a single person. However, being childfree is a lot more fun than being miserable with a kid or grandkid hanging around your neck 24/7.
Exactly, Rand Huso.
Stephanie Persin speak for your self mate I would love to have kids and grandkids.
+Stephanie Persin Bullshit. ANYONE can & should lobby any politician for anything in the USA.
If not, if politicians won't give singles or atheists tax breaks, then it's their own fucking fault when we vote for third parties: Communist, Green, Marxist, Transhumanist, Libertarian.
+Stephanie Persin "being childfree is a lot more fun than being miserable with a kid or grandkid hanging around your neck 24/7."
Well said, to that!
New Rule: Don't make new holidays if they're not during the school year
Do you think if we added another schol day to the year Trump wouldn't be President? Honestly, at this point we might as well just convert the schools out there into chinese sweatshops since they aren't using them. At least then they would be too stupid to vote.
Dewayne Thomas+ I don't understand what the original comment has to do with Trump?
New Rule: make more holidays were adults get the day off and kids have to stay in school. Most times the kids are out of school and adults still have to work, and for those pricks that have kids and can't afford to miss work it's their own personal hell day...of their own making of course.
+screamingdizbusters Look, I hate being around kids even more than you do, but don't blame the kids' for their existence. Blame the breeders. Nobody "has" to breed. Cut the balls off men and vaginas out of women who plan to breed.
Childless doesn't mean single. You can be married without kids.
That would make you a DINK. Double income no kids. :)
Or a person can be single with kids
Captain obvious over here
Yes, we do exist! Married for 10 years this month, still wildly in love, never had plans for kids from the beginning. Got the vasectomy scar to prove it. :)
Liyah U true, people ask me why I got married if I don't want children. How insulting is that?? lol
China has a Singles' Day on 11/11 'cause the date looks like a group of individuals
if that's true... it's friggin awesome :D
and of course it also got massively commercialized.
Remembrance day/Veterans day doesn't hold that much significance in China as they were not a major player in the first world war.
Well, we can all be glad that 69/69 isn't a date then or the Chinese would be going _crazy_!
I was at thanksgiving dinner and one of my cousins and her parents gave me that line since I am one of the last single ones in my family. I copied Bill Maher and gave them the divorce line in front of everyone. It was the last time it was brought up. I am a 37 year old single gay male and love every minute of it! I am happy as hell too.
Well done. It's no one else's business but yours.
Where's the Tax break for NOT having kids?
I said this in another thread to a similar comment … So I'll leave this here for you as well. Enjoy!
Where's the extra vote for married couples with kids? I mean, they have more of a vested interest in the future than a childless person does (speaking as a childless person myself). Sure, every adult should be able to vote, but those with a true genetic and familial stake in the future should have their vote count as two. Sure, Childfree people have a vested interest in the future beyond their own deaths; but not as much as a person with kids.
And don't worry, there wouldn't be too many right wingers. While Western right wing nuts have more kids than Western leftist moon bats, all Westerners have fewer children than third world immigrants and their Western born children. And as we know, the far left welcomes them in and caters to them since they predominately vote left despite often being the most socially and culturally conservative people on Earth. So that extra vote for people with kids might actually work in the extreme left's favor.
And how dare you with your white hetero male privilege. Tax cuts that benefit the childless and childfree... can't you see that disproportionately benefits Atheists, Christians and Jews over Muslims? That it benefits whites and Asians over black and 'brown' people? That it benefits native born over immigrants? Quite intolerant. Lol All in good fun.
The break is the freedom to buy what you want instead of clothes, toys, diapers, baby food, etc.
@Rick Vis assuming that those kids turn out good. And MY taxes should cover MY healthcare and pensions. Isn't that kind of the point?
@Rick Vis LOL, 🤣🤣🤣
Do we still have a divorce rate over 50%?
How do those kids turn out?
Listen, IDC if people get a tax break. Personally, I don't think it's enough. However, I pay taxes. And a lot of things cost me more in day to day life. Because I'm deemed "more if a risk" for being single.
I just don't think that EVERYONE should have kids and maybe just maybe you shouldn't get a tax break because the condom broke🤣🤣🤣
Of course, it's just an opinion
People often say to me "You'll change your mind" about having kids. They say it almost like they're giving me the benefit of the doubt. The ones who don't say I'll change my mind simply call me "selfish." Damnit people, there are so many ways a person can live their life on this planet, stop getting threatened when someone wants something different from what you want.
People should have to pass a psychological test before they are allowed to have kids. That would help solve myriad of problems, over population, climate change, abused children and the list could go on and on and on
It's such an idiotic attitude so I understand your frustration. Watch some videos of homeless people, strung out on drugs and barely able to form sentences and without fail, they all have children. If people think it's so wonderful and responsible to reproduce, what's their rationalization for that?
Kind of throws the ‘having kids makes you a better person’ line spewed forth often, right out the window. If being a strung out homeless drug addict is the best version of themselves, then what kind of person were they before kids made them the best version of themselves? 😹😹
Not just singles, loads of couples choose to remain childless as well.
Yes, well said.
Yup. It's the perfect compromise, if you're lucky enough to find someone who has the same beliefs and desires. You get all the companionship and sex, and none of the burden. My partner and I don't want to have kids for environmental and professional ethics reasons (both being early-career scientists, there's a very high chance we'd have to move a lot and maybe even live apart for years to pursue each of our careers), and it is such a big stress out of our lives.
My partner's ex really wanted her to have kids and settle down (read: become his housewife); it nearly drove her insane with his demands and background pressure. The innocent musing "Oh wouldn't it be nice", 'play'-speculating what colour hair or eyes the future baby would have. Me, I'm lamenting the fact I'd get a vasectomy if only it was covered by national healthcare and wasn't so expensive. We're perfectly happy and won't be changing our minds anytime soon; only issue is convincing the conservative parents.
Bill Maher said it's OK to have a small number of kids.
No more than 2 or 3. Please. Occasionally you hear about a family with 10 kids. Every day must be a day at the zoo in that house!
@@diamond_lover2826 Well, Sara, thank YOU For the nobleness of not reproducing.. but, aside from one dog for companionship... those OTHER ELEVEN are generating natural resource consumption and CO2 also ! Let's say that is about 700 lb. of surplus dog, that eat, poop and need vet care probably... Not exactly conservation of resources. Of course if your on a ranch with 10 buildings and 1000 sheep in Australia, they MIGHT be needed, but really , here in America.... T W E L V E dogs??
@@diamond_lover2826 That's a lot of doggos
Bill Maher: "I Didn't Reproduce Day". For the truly Green among us.
Well said, John Robinson.
Agree to an extent … Just be sure to encourage African and Muslims to reduce their fertility rate to Western and East Asian levels, then you'll all be true environmentalists and more truly green than the company TruGreen itself.
@@Kaiser-gt4rr stop looking for cheap labor
This is so awesome. God I'm so happy after watching this as a single woman.
The whole "why aren't you married/don't have kids" type of questions is especially true in Asian cultures. I can list a few reasons why not to have kids. It's expensive, exhaustive, and inhumane to bring a new human being into a horrifyingly deadly world.
"None of your business" is a great response. It's your life.
true, but the reason I am child free is because of CLIMATE CHANGE!!!!!!!
I for one am happy I was brought into this horrifyingly deadly world. Things are not that great for me now, but at least I have a chance.
Adam Winer
Screw that. If you weren't born, you wouldn't know what you were missing.
If one extrapolates your logic outward, you realize where it goes, yeah? Every woman should be reproducing at every opportunity, because by failing to fertilize even one egg, you're denying that potential person their ability to make choices and have rights and whatnot. It's senseless.
There is nothing immoral about choosing not to reproduce.
Tony Campbell
I guess you are right. If I wasn’t born I would not know what I am missing. I probably would not know anything at all. But I was born, so I do know. So we will just have to agree to disagree.
I am not sure what you mean by the second part, but I don’t even think what you are suggesting is possible. 🤔😐
31 single and loving it.
I agree with this completly... I don't want kids now or ever...
Thanks Bill!
Remember, if you have an IQ above 100, don't reproduce. Let the stupid people reproduce. Its true, the stupid shall inherit the earth.
Well you're a weeb, so you were never going to procreate anyway.
Canadian-Cutie: how do you know what you'll want in 5-10 years from now? Most people can't even decide what tv channel they wanna watch in the PRESENT!
@@Aven-Sharma1991 How do you know parents won't regret having kids 10 years from now? Some of us have made the decision since we were kids.
OMG!! Play this skit EVERY SINGLE DAY!!! Many problems stem from unwanted children from unprepared parents!! Hurray Bill, THANK YOU!!!
I would like this a thousand times if I could.
Potnaz tm you do know this generation of women are less likely to want kids right ?
Also our western society romanticizes family,
And make their children out to be sacred.
I'm not saying children are not valuable to their parents.
I'm sure if I had one I would have a lot of love and be very protective about the kid. But no one talks about the lack of sleep, the worry,
The change of one's identity, the total change of lifestyle,
The financial drain.
I wish that when we talked about having children we talked about the whole reality, and not the romanticized view.
Then when one decided on having a family,
It would be based on the whole
That's an interesting take, honestly. So by identity change and lifestyle change do you mean one coming closer to the center when it comes to politics and religion? If so, then having kids sounds like a good thing.
America not fond of teaching TRUTHS....
Well said.
I just hate the stupid relative garbage. Why would you even mingle with someone you have NO common interest with. Its child abuse
Our economic system wants more people, more consumers/tax payers endlessly. A natural population decline would solve a LOT of the world's problems. 2 or 3 billion people in the world would still be a lot of people, do we really need 7, 8, 9?
YOUR idea and philosophy SHOULD be on the lips of EVERY politician, especially in rampantly overcrowded outa-control people in over producing backwaters that no way can support more hungry and destitute! This applies especially now, to parts of Africa and Asia... more people but headed to less and less food!
@@loftsatsympaticodotc I agree but no politician is going to stand in front of a camera and say that. Why? Because they would be crucified, that's why. Their careers would effectively be over. For every person that feels the way you do, there's millions who think having multiple children is God's will and an adult responsibility to reproduce. People like blood sausage. People are morons.
There's a lot of banter below between childless and with-child folks and who knows better than who about what. 44 and childless on purpose, never wanted kids because I never wanted kids. Made no sense to me. I've been called selfish, which is the hardest part for me to understand. I always intended to lead a life that had no room for children, or fatherhood. Seems to me having a child to fit status quo would be criminal. You don't have a kid because YOU want to. That's selfish. Make sure you have all the means and intention on properly caring for whatever being you create on this place. They sure as hell didn't want to be here.
I sure as HELL DON'T want to be here! I deliberately DON'T have kids. My POS parents fucked up my life! Thanks Mom and Dad😡👎
Of all the comments from childless people on here that I've read thus far, I think your take is the fairest, most understandable, least smug and most honest. Not to mention your comment doesn't seem like a person spinning the hamster wheel in their head trying to rationalize their decision to not have kids, which goes into the smug category I guess lol. Good on you and I appreciate your honesty and agree with your reasoning for what it's worth. I don't have kids myself but plan to have them with my partner when we're both ready, financially and mentally. I understand accidents happen between spouses, partners or friends with benefits, but I agree with people who have no kids and don't want them 100% when they say having kids due to carelessness or being ill prepared is lazy and selfish. Whereas your reasoning for not having them makes you selfless rather than selfish. Thank you for making a thought out, reasoned, down to earth and non-self congratulatory comment in a thread lacking such comments.
I'm 35, single, childfree, happy, not in debt, healthy.....Its choice and society forgets that. I like kids, but I don't want them. Its just not for some people.
Well good for you. I honestly mean that. That's all a childfree person has to say in my opinion. I want a couple kids with me partner when she and I are better prepared. However, I certainly don't look down on anyone who simply says its not for them. I appreciate the honesty and respect the choice. To each their own I say. What I can't stand is people trying to smugly state how their decision is based upon their desire to save something. A lot of childfree people say they want to save the Earth and a lot of mass breeders say they want to save Western Civilization. Why cant some people say they want a few kids and some say they don't and be honest that it is about personal preference? It's this smugness of saving the planet or the West form both sides that irritate me. Sure, that is a bonus for not having or having kids, respectively, But its about preference 9 out of 10 times with the saving the whatever lecture usually being a justification from their internal hamster wheel spinning. I tell right wing mass breeders that having more than 2 or 3 kids will over burden this planet while telling left wing childfree people that calling for self extinction to save the earth while welcoming mass migration is self defeating. Saving the Earth, preserving Western civilization and limited legal immigration are all great things mind you; but I like people like you who are honest that its primarily personal preference just a my decision is. I wish you a happy and fulfilling life.
FELT THIS WAY SINCE I WAS 10 and NEVER CHANGED!! Wooo Great Segment Bill!
Bill you completely changed my perspective thankyou
Had 2 boys. Never once did I have breakfast in bed. It's still a dream. Never should have either married or had kids!
I’m all for not having kids, but imagine your own father saying he wish he never helped make you. It’s no surprise your kids never gave you breakfast in bed. If you were my father I sure as hell wouldn’t make food for you.
Childfree, not childless...
We single folk should have t-shirts with the definition: "CHILDLESS, adj. Free of rugrats."
As a lover of all things semantic, I don't see the difference. Feel free to explain.
ShinRaPresident ahh, thank you. Seems to me if you don't have kids you wouldn't care what word others' call you to describe something that doesn't define who you are as an individual anyway. People butt hurt by the words others' use to describe them. My wife and I don't have kids, but there's no way we'd try to be the P.C word police about it. People are gonna say and think what they want about it. Save your energy for things you have control over.
Be An Individual I didn’t see it as being butt hurt about the words or terms others use to describe your state. It’s more about how you see it. I don’t consider myself childless, since that implies I’m missing out on something. But I do consider myself child free, because, well, I do feel a sense of freedom and trueness to myself that comes with it.
Only in an entitled, fat, overly successful and spoiled civilization like America and the West is such a concern even possible.
finally someone said it! well done bill
Whenever my family asks if I'm dating anyone it feels to me like obliged small talk, like "nice weather" or "how's work?" I can't tell if they really want to know or they can't think of anything else to ask me, which is what's really sad. My life is rich. There are so many things to ask me about. It's conversational laziness.
Sometimes "I'm Single" Means
I'm Drama Free,
Less Stressed
Refuse to Settle for Less.
I completely agree with everything he said here. I'm a single, childless woman, and the looks of pity I get from people when they find that out are enough to make me want to see red. I'm not single and childless because I'm pathetic or can't get a date or too ugly for a guy to fuck, I'm single and childless because I want to be. I never say I'm going to remain that way because I don't know the future, but this is still a choice I've made, and it's a perfectly rational, sane choice. Not everyone is cut out for marriage and parenthood. If you are, great. If you're not, that's great too.
It's child free. If you use "less" you want them.
And we wonder why the birth rate is below replacement level, because of people like you.
Kapteeni Finland
It’s good that the birth rate is below replacement level. The earth needs fewer people.
@@LucareonVee Amen! Before we even *think* about possibly increasing the birth rate just to sustain a steady number, we need a few decades of *negative* population growth, so that the Earth's human population can--via natural attrition--fall to a sane number. (When I was born, the world population was about 3 billion, and the U.S. population was below 200 million, both of which seemed like plenty to me when I was growing up.)
If I’m not able to retire, that’s fine, since I like my job. And I’ll gladly work later in life if it means helping the population decrease and stabilize. We’re in this mess due to unbridled reproduction, and it’s going to need to be fixed if humanity is to survive. Otherwise, I probably will be killed by global warming by the time I reach 65 anyway. :p
Just yes. I'm tired of people treating single people like they've done it wrong and need some support and guidance.
I have NO stress, No debt and a crapton of disposable income. Oh did I mention I'm single? I'm spending this weekend with a large bottle of whiskey watching youtube and playing video games and I'm a happy motherfucker because of it.
Actually you sound pretty lonely to me. But maybe you don't know that about yourself yet...
People who have to shit on other's happiness are always the most miserable!
You think he is pretty lonely, but he feels he is happy, yet you are somehow correct? WTF?
I love my child free life that involves hanging out with friends at a bar, my weekly get together with co-workers at the bowling alley, going out hiking and camping with my brother in law and some of his friends when they come and visit, I can take my basketball and shoot hoops whenever I want, I can watch whatever I want on TV, TH-cam, I have decreasing debt (my car loan), I even have extra money every once in a while. Yeah, the child free life is pretty damn good. 😁👍
Being single = If Life is a banquet, why bring a sandwich ?
It's like being an 18 y.o boy, where you pay rent and eat over the sink.
focus on every child being a wanted child. We have to look at all of our policies, both the left and right. I have found credible research that if every couple planning a family spaces each pregnancy 3 years or more it would be better for the environment and stabilize the population if not have it go down some. I feel the 19 kids and counting is sickening. We don't need families like that.
Thank you Bill Maher for giving us singles a voice
I went to the doc for a vasectomy at 20 years old and it was a GREAT decision for me. The environment was a fairly big part of that decision, and that was in '89. We should be more proactive in preventing accidental procreation!
children less people don't need a holiday. Every day is a holiday and every hour is happy hour when you don't have children.
Child free for me.
childfree - when you don't want any, it's childless when you wanted them but you reproductive system will not allow it
Amen! Hear hear!
What a load of crap. We need vacations away from work too. You chose to have kids so you're not entitled to more vacation time for it.
This is priceless! Three cheers for Bill Maher for having the courage to broadcast this message. It's so true!
Single+ no kids,+ no debt= e-x-t-r-e-m-e-l-y happy
That last line was priceless! Way to go Bill, I agree with you 1000%! I did my part too, no kids!
Had to share on my Facebook!! Finally!!! Thank you for saying what I have been saying for years!!! High five!!!
Isaac Newton never married. Leonardo da Vinci also didn't.
They were gay. Or at least moderately cheerful.
Only stupid people reproduce, which is why the world is getting stupider. In the end, liberals not reproducing will be the death of liberalism.
Then who will pay for all the Republicans on welfare, food stamps and Section 8 housing in the rural areas of our country?
Does it matter what their sexual orientations were? Chances are their contributions matter more to society than their hypothetical offspring anyway.
Nor Ludvig van Beethoven.
My wife and are got married and agree we don't want kids. I was surprised when, soon after marriage... People started asking "when are you having kids?".
We're not!
Is it so absurd to want to marry someone but not have babies?
OH!! HELL YAH!! ...tubes tied in 1987 - best day of my life!!
Finally someone speaks up about it. I hope this "joke" won't ever be forgotten since it's SO true. Just like mothers and fathers like to rub in your face how happy they are and promote the idea of children. We also should rub this in their face. Even at work these days what's actually a huge advantage for the employer, a worker with no children, is turned into a disadvantage and something negative. Neither bosses nor coworkers like people they can't share baby-pictures with or speak family with. The lack of social interaction and understanding about eachothers family situation on the coffebreaks they regard as something much more damaging to the company than the fact that a worker can be twice as productive since he never needs time to take care of sick children or pick kids up after work. Even at interviews when I state what I believe is a huge advantage, they only start to assume it's something wrong with me.
halfcolombian truth is employers want someone who will be trapped to that job. People with big families who have a mortgage who have car payments etc are just gonna work longer for the company, more overtime, more holidays, put up with more demeaning talk and work. Because they need that job to feed their kids pay for college, mortgage etc. They are their bosses btch. Single ppl keep all their money and are happier by default and will have more self respect to leave when they try to do mandatory overtime, if your bosses disrespect you, or deny your dr appt or vacation, if the environment gets hostile. They know they have more options (freedom)It’s nothing personal they’re just looking out for the company’s best interests. Lazy Managers and such dread the interview process hiring paperwork training etc.
Healthcare loves it....you are expected to pull doubles cause YOU GOT NO ONE,TO,GET HOME TO TAKE CARE OF..
Some people have kids, some people fly private. We all have our favorite carbon-producing hobbies.
Greatest New Rule Ever! 100% spot on
I'm actually married, with two children but I get the side eye from people when I don't adhere to the other social norms that are expected. I don't own a car, I don't own a house, I don't watch football, or any sports, on Sundays and don't brow-beat my son about how to throw a ball or indoctrinate him into my love of a certain team. I commute by bicycle, weather permitting and I'm an atheist who teaches his kids to think critically and be wary of the bullshit. I've been lectured by other adults in my own age group (!) about all of that. If you get married and have kids, you'll have to run to some degree in those social circles and even though I'm perfectly happy using ZipCar once in a blue and not spending thousands a year on insurance and parking; or even though I'm free to move to the West Coast or Austin if a job opportunity opens up in my or my wife's company, without having to go through the months-long song-and-dance with realtors, lawyers and banks to sell a house; or even though my kids enjoy spending time with me on Sundays at the park, instead of having to watch me yell at the television because "my team" is losing/winning, I'm told were denying the kids something. Our Sundays are for Biking, the beach, or in winter, walking to one of the local diners and enjoying lunch together. Houses are nice but you're tethered to them. Owning a car in a big city can be convenient but it's more often a burden (think, paying $3-500/mo. for a garage and endlessly driving around a given city block anytime you do have to park on the street before a spot opens up. Even if you join this life, prepare to be judged!
No-one ever looks happier than when Maurie Povich says, "You are not the father"! That's gold.
Watch the guy celebrate while the kid's mother runs off in disappointment because she knows she will have to get a job.
So true. I get sick of being asked "How come you didn't want kids?" Because apparently that's that's what normal women that only really want. If you don't, you're either selfish, infertile or not a very caring person
It's also rude to say - you guys should totally stop having babies... but I totally want to say it. Also when you're single you get to keep all your money if you break up.
no, its not! It has TRADITIONALLY been the case. But we now give a fuck about the environment so ask such people how they plan to offset the 9000 tons of CO2!
Vincent : when you get old and need nursing care...you become a burden to society unless you have a family who will care for you...
After the fourth child, children get way less nurturing and suffer.
30stmFantasy Humans are an out-of-control gray goo catastrophe devouring the environment existing only to create more to devour more.
Single people don't need a holiday -- every day is a holiday when you don't have an annoying family to support
If you don't want to get screwed on taxes then just live together. My wife and I of 35 years are seriously considering divorce and living together because we are sick of getting the shaft every April 15th.
I'm a single mother; 34 and never married, with only one child and I had my fallopian tubes removed, and I completely agree with everything he just said.
I love my daughter, but I don't feel that our life is incomplete because I don't have a husband to "fulfill" the family package. My daughter and I enjoy our freedom and get to move (soon)where we want to live. We get to go out and do things we enjoy together. I don't have some religious nut job (covert in the case of my most recent ex from two years ago) trying to enforce his beliefs upon us, or trying to turn me into his traditional little housewife. Making remarks that everything we try to enjoy as being stupid, lame, or "gay". For fuck's sake if you don't like Will and Grace or the BBC, go into another room and watch or do something else!
Whoops, went off on a tangent. That was more about one ex in particular, but many others were some variation of this as well.
Bill has been saying this for awhile.....and I've always agreed
Happy singles day!
Thanks for not making a potential Hitler, Cosby, Jared, or Trump.
Or a scientist to cure cancer. Just sayin man.
Max Lee Says the snowflake who uses technology created by the likes of Gates/Jobs, to freely express their opinion as granted by the likes of George Washington and MLK. Way to play the victim in this privileged world you live in.
Wow, two of those people are not like the other two.
Meanwhile the Jews are making plenty of Jared Fogles, Kushners, Epsteins and Weiners.
I see a couple diaper-sniffers, who probably already have kids so they've given in to confirmation bias, already attacking a good point.
As usual Bill Maher has a " way " to say things but I could NOT agreed more with his statement. Being a woman of 39 and having the "pressure" either from family or friends or coworkers to get MARRIED OR AT LEAST PREGNANT is so stupid!! Having a child is a life long commitment and for those who are single is a challenge in itself!! Those who have a partner "there is not an always and forever" Please STOP that BS! and live your OWN DAM LIFE.
As a little girl I always knew I won't get married and won't have children.
I didn't understand even as a little girl why it's weird no to do those things.. I actually find it weird that people do it.. until this day to be honest.
Everyone used to laugh when I said those things and I kept saying the same until today.. and now it's shoking for them.. and I am like "but I always said it"
and they saying "you were a little girl.. now you are grown.. "
*I am 27 now btw..
Yet, have not changed my mind..
This should be posted everywhere! 👍🏻 start educating people!
I’m 35 and made the choice of NOT having kids. What world will they inherit? Furthermore, all my friends with kids have to spend every penny, bitterly, on kids. I get to have nice stuff and vacation, and be single at any time I want.
I agree, but at the same time I'm anxious for the future because it's only smart people who choose not to have kids.
there is no gene for "smart", even uneducated people can have smart children
Well said, Toilet paper shortage!
Intelligence doesn't really matter, and who exactly are you even worried about? The people you scorn for being dumb?
sounds like you've watched Idiocracy
This aged well
There's actually a Singles Day in China, held every November 11. All stores slash the prices of most of their stock. Kind of similar to Boxer Day in the UK.
I ABSOLUTEOY adore that well delivered: "You owe HER.............. NINE THOUSAND TONS of CARBON " LOL. As an almost married, almost with child, this male escaped to hire about 500 more people than otherwise, and become a mult-millionaire, all with NO KIDS and ALL the results will go to REALLY good causes, instead of fighting, selfish or spoiled, entitled brats! Bravo Bill...
My wife and I are childless. If I want to deal with kids, we visit our great nephews and nieces get them wound up, then go home.
That is sad
THANK YOU THANK YOU BILL! Finally someone comes out and says where from principally comes our problems on planet Earth: OVERPOPULATION (and not giving a damn about our planet)!
I agree that human overpopulation is one of the greatest threats to life on Earth. I have posted this message to a couple other threads so I'll leave this here for you as well for anyone reading through the comments and looking for a common sense, moderate approach to having kids but worried about overpopulation...
Seems to be a lot of cognitive dissonance among people who are pro-environmental and who also support childlessness. For one they're also typically in support of mass immigration. First off, I am childless right now as well. My partner and I plan to have a couple of kids, more than one but no more than 3, when we are both financially and mentally better prepared than we are right now, especially since its a huge toll on her body. Ya know, the responsible and centrist route to take as opposed to writing kids off entirely or having as many kids as one wants as soon as possible or through neglect and carelessness, with both camps using a mental hamster wheel to justify your decisions and act smug about it. Second, a small amount of controlled immigration has little impact on the environment and is usually more beneficial than it is detrimental. Third off, I agree completely that over population is a burden to the environment.
However, I think its hilarious that people say what you do on the comment thread of a video from a well known leftist (and one of the few amiable leftists in mainstream media to be fair). One must have some serious cognitive dissonance to be unaware that this would mean punishing Africa, the Middle East and parts of Latin America more so than the native white Christians and Jews of the West that the extreme left typically despises as groups. Want the people of Earth to stop reproducing so much? Don't look at anomalies among the ethnically European and Judeo-Christian population, such as the annoyingly dogmatic and obnoxiously far-right Duggers, nor the people of China and other areas of the Far East. Rather, one should start looking at the Muslims, Africans and Latin Americans that the regressive left champions, protects from constructive criticism and invites in huge numbers to ease their own guilt and feed their own masochism, despite it conflicting with their usually accurate environmental narrative.
Maybe I have jumped to conclusions about you, and if I have I am sorry. But people who are for their own extinction are, in my experience, almost always pro-environment and pro-mass immigration. Completely conflicting. What we need is not people who swear off having children entirely, who do not pass on their usually above-average intelligence, who call for mass immigration from high fertility third worlders while shaming Westerners who have more than one kid and who have condemned liberal politics for regressive leftist and quasi-Marxist ones. Neither do we need people who are irresponsible breeders who have as many kids as they want, neglect them, make others pay for them through their taxes dollars, who are often either far right religious fundamentalist hicks or quasi-Marxist social justice hood rats. If you are one of those people who call for not having kids and hold Muslims and third worlders to same standard you hold Western white Christians (especially), Jews and East Asians to and are just as ardent about condemning all of them, then good on you. I may disagree with your extreme approach but I appreciate consistency. In that case this reply is to those, who in my experience, are the vast majority of the pro-childless crowd who are against having kids but pro- mass migration and pro-environment.
Thanks Bill! I don't want to be a wife and mother and I'm sick and tired of society shoving this down my throat! I hate sharing my space with another human being. I don't do cuddling and I love sleeping alone, so yes when is over is time to go because I have a super early morning tomorrow! Yes, I'm super sure that I want that for the rest of my life and when I'm old and sick I'll make sure to die ASAP because I don't need a kid to ignore me and put me in a home! There, I've said it! I
selfish bitch
The truth was told by Bill, thank you 🙏🏽
lets make singles great again
we are already great
We already have it great. I'd have to write a mini article on the positives.
I never wanted to breed. You've been suckered into this brainwashing. People who think freely see the benefits of not having any kids at all. I got to live a full life. Lived in 3 major metropolitan areas, enjoyed the arts, seen theatre, traveled to Europe. For a whole decade I went to about 3 dozen state parks to walk miles year around, read and learn from it as I hate non-fiction. I don't have a super ego, don't need to have people live in the same house than I. My azz hasn't grown wider. I've been commenting so much because I felt this way since I was a teenager. Society has been suckering the non-thinkers into breeding. You just can't stand to see people who are down your throat about it's not for everyone. I use "free" because it's not wanted in the first place.
+Electric Sheep You spout unprovable untestable unquantifiable psychological bullshit. Just because you are miserable doesn't mean anyone else is.
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As an Earth scientist with a PhD, I have long thought that (in the US) people without offspring should be able to draw full Social Security benefits at 55, people with one child at 60... people with 4 children at 75, and so on. This would not only be fair because the more children one person has, the more everyone else has to pay in taxes, but also good for the environment. Consider this: there are 5 billion more people in the world today than when Maher was born.
This is a very good idea!!
Exactly!!! Thank you BILL! :)
Mother’s Day and Father’s Day is for your kids to say “thank you for all the effort you put into raising me”. Feel free to thank yourself at any stage
Thanks Bill!! NAILED IT!!
I worked with childcare with kids ages 6 weeks to 12 year-old for 5 hours a day. That was one of the reasons I decided to be childfree along with a list of others. My bf doesn’t want any kids either and my parents respect this decision. I’ll be the cool aunt and that’s fine with me. I’ve never had the desire anyway.
Wow very weak argument and very poor decision making but thanks my kids will appreciate the space
@@Dhuxul9 That was not an argument.
Not having children was the single best decision I’ve ever made.
South Korea has April 14 as Black Day, where single people who were not given chocolates on Valentine's Day and White Day (March 14) wear black and eat jajangmyeon (black noodles).
China has November 11 as Singles Day, and it's celebrated BIGLY.
is bigly a word ?
@@caf3in323 Bigly is a word according to that stable genius Donald Trump.
You made me feel better about being single, Bill! Thank you!!! LOL Oh yes, I've had that pressure to marry, start a family, and buy a house. Wow, people have really made me feel like a freak for being single. NO MORE!!!!
China has singles day and it sound depressing but also kinda fun.
I've been married for 27 years and we never had kids. Totally happy.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for saying these things, Bill Maher!!!
Breeders should pay more taxes not less. And what’s more damaging to the environment the more humans?
I don't have kids. But am happy to pay taxes for good education and health care for others. They need this to help contribute to a functional society that I live in, and need to have a good life too. The same reason I give to charity.
Ya know, I posted this in another comment thread on here, but I think I should leave this under your comment as well for good measure. Seems to be a lot of cognitive dissonance among people who are pro-environmental and who also support childlessness. For one they're also typically in support of mass immigration. First off, I am childless right now as well. My partner and I plan to have a couple of kids, more than one but no more than 3, when we are both financially and mentally better prepared than we are right now, especially since its a huge toll on her body. Ya know, the responsible and centrist route to take as opposed to writing kids off entirely or having as many kids as one wants as soon as possible or through neglect and carelessness, with both camps using a mental hamster wheel to justify your decisions and act smug about it. Second, a small amount of controlled immigration has little impact on the environment and is usually more beneficial than it is detrimental. Third off, I agree completely that over population is a burden to the environment.
However, I think its hilarious that people say what you do on the comment thread of a video from a well known leftist (and one of the few amiable leftists in mainstream media to be fair). One must have some serious cognitive dissonance to be unaware that this would mean punishing Africa, the Middle East and parts of Latin America more so than the native white Christians and Jews of the West that the extreme left typically despises as groups. Want the people of Earth to stop reproducing so much? Don't look at anomalies among the ethnically European and Judeo-Christian population, such as the annoyingly dogmatic and obnoxiously far-right Duggers, nor the people of China and other areas of the Far East. Rather, one should start looking at the Muslims, Africans and Latin Americans that the regressive left champions, protects from constructive criticism and invites in huge numbers to ease their own guilt and feed their own masochism, despite it conflicting with their usually accurate environmental narrative.
Maybe I have jumped to conclusions about you, and if I have I am sorry. But people who are for their own extinction are, in my experience, almost always pro-environment and pro-mass immigration. Completely conflicting. What we need is not people who swear off having children entirely, who do not pass on their usually above-average intelligence, who call for mass immigration from high fertility third worlders while shaming Westerners who have more than one kid and who have condemned liberal politics for regressive leftist and quasi-Marxist ones. Neither do we need people who are irresponsible breeders who have as many kids as they want, neglect them, make others pay for them through their taxes dollars, who are often either far right religious fundamentalist hicks or quasi-Marxist social justice hood rats. If you are one of those people who call for not having kids and hold Muslims and third worlders to same standard you hold Western white Christians (especially), Jews and East Asians to and are just as ardent about condemning all of them, then good on you. I may disagree with your extreme approach but I appreciate consistency. In that case this reply is to those, who in my experience, are the vast majority of the pro-childless crowd who are against having kids but pro- mass migration and pro-environment.
@Brigid Pfenninger No thank you. Thats what autocratic regimes does. Unless you believe in a lame one child policy
Top 5 greatest comedies/documentaries of all time:
1) Idiocracy
2) Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story
3) Step Brothers
4) Zoolander 1
5) Zoolander 2
"Stop rutting. Let's figure out this food/air deal." Bill Hicks
More on this! Love Bill
Research proves that married men live longer than single men. Although some claim that it just feels longer
When you are single with no kids, EVERY day is your day! ;)
I like kids, I'm great with kids, I work with them, and they love the hell out of me. But I don't have kids, and this confuses people terribly. They assume it's a sad thing that passed me by. It's actually a really simple matter: I didn't have kids because I didn't get married, and I didn't want children outside the context of a stable relationship and stable income. I didn't get married because I never met anyone that I really wanted to be married to; I had opportunities to be married if I felt I HAD to just be married in order to validate myself in the eyes of the world as a "real' grown up and a 'real' woman, but I would have been unhappy, and it would have ended in divorce rather quickly. In truth, not getting married or having children was smart and responsible. Now, at 40, I have uterine fibroids and an IUD to prevent the heavy bleeding they cause which had made me anemic, and I have no ambition of even trying to have children at any point, because the risk for me and for the hypothetical baby is rising and it would just be more stress in my life to manage; that too is a common sense decision. I think married people and parents who are really pushy and judgmental towards the single and/or child-free are acting on ambivalence towards their own choices and are invested in the notion that the alternative route is a sad and pitiable one, because the if they admit that it's not, it may cause for some uncomfortable, guilty reflections on their part.
Thanks for this bill
'Maybe before having a third kid, people should have to go to Beijing and see what a city of 20 million in a country of a billion looks like. That's where we're headed.
Some complain about fewer births taking place today like it some sort of crisis. How can fewer kids being born be called a crisis when there are over 8 billion people on a planet that can barely support HALF that number?
these people are only worried about white people going extinct
As I mentioned in another post, if you somehow convinced each child-bearing adult female to abstain from sex for the next 10 years and not reproduce, the world's population would decrease by only 600 million. That's hardly putting a dent in the problem. It will take hundreds of years of humans acting responsibly to return the planet to the environmental and atmospheric condition it was in before runaway reproduction began. Is it possible? Probably not because people are just too GD stupid. They'll wait until they're down to their last drop of water before waking up. By then, it will be too late, and the planet will begin its own recovery after taking matters into its own hands.