I so appreciate and commend the quality of your graphic support of subject matter. The value of having an audience say, "I see what you mean." through the design and use of exceptional, complementary graphics can't be overlooked when well deserved praise is given to this channel. Working in video I know animation costs both to create and use so thank you for going the extra mile and dollar to show us when possible.
Fun fact. The reason subs love operating around Greenland and Iceland is because of the Gulf Stream. It literally creates a background noise that you can hide in not to mention thermal variations distort sounds.
Great channel. I lived until recently on the west coast of Ireland. Between 2001 and the present day (2020) I noticed a significant shift in the prevailing winds from South Westerly to North Westerly. This change is I feel consistent and as such worthy of research.
I remember the story of benjamin Franklin discovering the ocean currents through basic observation while on a trip oversears. Your observations may be equally important.
I've watched now several of your video presentations, and I can say without reservation or hesitation that they are among the most insightful and informative videos I know of, and I am very grateful to have discovered you!
Speaking as a physics graduate with a good understanding of fluid dynamics and thermodynamics, and a climate activist with a lot of knowledge about the effects of CO2 on the atmosphere. I'd just like to share one point regarding the future climate of the planet. We're all screwed.
According your estimations, what could be the effects of a complete shutdown of the AMOC in the Earth’s climate? More heat waves, cold waves, droughts? It could be interesting to know that.
@@tulukdek8898 I would suggest that if AMOC completely shut down then climatic changes, however disastrous, may not be the worst of our worries. AMOC not only redistributes heat around the Earth, but also sends oxygen from the atmosphere and ocean surface layers deep into the oceans. Without that oxygen, complex life in the depths will die, and the oceans will become anoxic and euxinic, as sulphur eating bacteria generate highly toxic hydrogen sulphide. The H2S would spread throughout the oceans and eventually escape to the atmosphere, destroying the ozone layer and poisoning complex terrestrial life as well. We cannot live on a planet with a dead ocean.
@@tulukdek8898 It's just one of a number of processes so accurate predictions are nerly impossible, but taken together with all the other climatic effects, reduced albedo from lower sea ice, increased ocean temperatures, methane release from melting permafrosts in arctic regions, to name a few, my fear is eponentially worsening warming.
@@tulukdek8898 Think of Earth's oceans as our planetary heatsink, like a drink with ice in it. While there is still ice present in the water, the temp of the liquid remains stable. Once the ice has melted, every joule of heat energy then causes rapid temperature rise. We have nearly completely lost the northern ice. Not long now. Add to this all of the methane being released at the North Pole currently which is 22x more heat retaining than CO2 and it is looking like even if we had a will to stop it, we'd be shit outta luck.
The planet earth is spinning at around 1600 kilometers per hour. How does this factor in all of this? It seems logical that this motion must have some effect.This creates the westerly winds.
If you look at a graph of our climate over the last few million years you will see that nothing is out of the ordinary. The global warming promoters only look at the part that is rising in temperatures and ignore the fact that it will start to decline eventually just like it has throughout earths history.
@@conifergreen2 "see that nothing is out of the ordinary"?? Well here is a graph of the last 22,000 thousand years, and unless you are wilfully blind you cannot help but see that there IS "something out of the ordinary" recently. And we are its cause: static.skepticalscience.com/pics/Shakun-Marcott_Wheelchair_2016.jpg
It always amuses me that these pseudo scientists always pick 1860 as the start date for their pseudo science computer model comparisons. 1860 was the end of the 500 year 'little ice age', where temperatures had fallen by at least 2C after the 'medieval warm period', when nobody could blame 4x4's. The climate change pseudo scientists know this & always seek to make even more spurious reasons as to why the current fraud is different from previous warming periods - and it is different, nobody made appalling and fraudulent policies which tore down rainforests on previous occasions - nor did they decide that burning trees was a good way to reduce CO2...
@@Tengooda skepticalscience is nothing of the sort, it's a well-funded pseudoscience support system. Their name is a misnomer which is designed to support the other inaccuracies by deceit. I note that they aren't even remotely sceptical about the policies to burn trees to reduce CO2, even though, for example, it would need all the trees in America for just one year's worth of electricity & then at least 20 years for the regrowth of 50% of them. This is without the destruction of virgin rainforests and habitats to grow palm oil, or the fact that making ethanol from corn uses 6 times more energy than the ethanol will provide. You've fallen for it, which is sad, or maybe you're just another shill
Here in central Europ...Vienna/Austria every yaer the weather becomes worst, especially in spring. There is nearly no rain anymore in spring. I think soon the sahara will turn green.
I read in Irish times newspaper, over 2 years ago now, that cork university students were measuring the Gulf Stream flow around Ireland, it has slowed 10% since records began in 1987...so this is interesting .
kudos to production values. remarkable ability to present complex concepts quickly, clearly, and engagingly. This channel needs to be seen by students of all ages. (so they can influence policy)
Yes, if your agenda is to promote the appearance of warming temperatures, one would start at the coldest point (1860 conclusion of the little ice age) and proceed from there. If this was meant to be a HONEST report on changing temperatures, one would start in the middle of the medieval warm period. But if they started there, contemporary temperatures would appear COOL by comparison! Can't really promote a global warming scam admitting current temps are really not that warm.
I can still remember people asking me how accurate the movie was back in 2004. I had to tread the fine line between its wild inaccuracies to its surprisingly well depicted accuracies in my quick explanation. Basically, the film had to hugely condense in time many triggers that could well occur. It did depict enormous heat energy being introduced into the climate system which triggered vast storms. And it did depict the ocean circularly systems being shut down. You certainly got a lot of HICC effects in 2 hours. 😀 BTW, excellent graphical animations and video, Dave.
Air drawn down from the stratosphere causes cryogenic cooling? Never mind that as air descends it heats up (see the universal gas law, a subset of which is the adiabatic lapse rate). This isn't a plot hole, it's a rewriting of the laws of physics. As far as science goes, the story is not even up to cartoon level. It's the same level as "What if you could walk through walls!" and then pretending to make real world comparisons. Don't get me wrong; I had fun with the movie! But if there were fire breathing dragons and magicians, would you seriously compare it to weather or ocean patterns on our earth?
It's a scary movie whose inaccuracies are so profound that it "innoculates" viewers against other scary stories, one of which might someday have a few accurate things to say.
Very well presented and a good argument. Now that over a year has gone by it would be good to see a catchup for comparison. Near the end you mention the fact we need to reforest large swathes and stop the clearing of forested areas. All very good advice. But here's the rub. I'm in Australia and some would say we have a greater footprint per capita than many countries which may well be true. Those educated among us will say they are all doing their bit to undo the damage done by the farmers of this country who cleared the land for food crops, grazing, etc as has happened in every country of the world. But in my little street (dirt road because it is a rural area) the blocks were owned by rural people who had a few cows or horses or did nothing except watch the birds in the trees. Then those people got old and sold their blocks to city people with a heap of money who wanted a tree change. But as soon as they got out here they didn't want the trees anymore because they blocked their view or a tree might fall down or a fire might come through. So they cleared all the trees which left the land denuded, full of weeds and the wildlife had nowhere to live anymore. I have watched each block get cleared over the last 5yrs until mine is the only bush block left along this road servicing around 3000acres of what used to be natural bush that never burnt and which was full of wildlife and rare flowers. Same story basically everywhere. These are the same people who whinge about climate change, demand every country pull its weight, insist on recycling even when it just goes to landfill anyway, buy every conceivable piece of Chinese made plastic junk, drive their kids all over the place in their new 4x4 and stick their heads in the sand saying they aren't the ones causing global warming. Then they get together and demand I deal with the fire hazards on my property (the trees and bushes) and tidy up my land in keeping with the rest of the street! But I'm not the one causing the problems! They are! They are the ones causing global warming, not me. I don't buy all that junk, I recycle within my property, grow organic food to sell, don't fiddle with the environment, don't drive all over the country whizzing kids left right and centre. So just because a person is apparently gentrified and educated, doesn't mean they don't also think the sun doesn't shine out their backside. I am educated in climate sciences. I mind my own business and get on with life and I do treat the earth respectfully and my footprint is very small, something those new city people should "Just Have A Think About" !!
Well said. A person's environmental footprint tends to be in direct proportion to income. Those with the most houses and air and road miles often do the most climate lecturing and look ridiculous when they stand for parliament on this issue. They rarely support even a tentative look at nuclear power as a possibility to avoid land grabbing solar and wind expansion or a small population agenda to reduce pressure on Australia's environment. I hope you hold out for the sake of the animals, insects and birds on your bush block.
CO2 at 0.04% is a 2,500th of the atmosphere. That means to warm the climate by just 1"C carbon dioxide molecules must capture 2500"C of heat energy. That is bonkers. It also breaks all the laws of thermodynamics. Methane at 0.00017% is a 600,000th of the atmosphere so it's even more bonkers. However, the climate is changing. This is because of deliberate geoengineering programmes, in particular ozone thinning away from the poles. Though largely unreported ozone thinning effect is directly observable, this summer you can see a unnaturally bright sun just as we did last year. Under these conditions the pain felt when looking at the sun is not only from the increase in visible light but the much larger increase in infrared. (Look up at the sky and you will see a range of geoengineering operations in progress, these include chemtrail induced cloud or hazing, ripple patterns caused by HAARP installations, bizarre and unnatural cloud formations). Climate change is a programme to force change in accordance with the implementation of Agenda 21 /2030. Current events demonstrate this transition is well underway and will involve massive population cull through injected nanotech (re transhumanist programme). Agenda 21 also sees the permanent loss of all property rights with the introduction of universal basic income (ref NESARA/GESARA) and has/is being promoted by The World Economic Forum. 'You will own nothing and you will be happy' WEF In a depopulated world the surviving brainwashed and controlled population will be confined to mega cities. Carbon limits will be used to restrict consumption and liberty. Meanwhile the re-greened wilderness will be the exclusive playground of the ultra rich elite posing as conservationists. The CO2 hoax amounts to the theft of the world and the enslavement of humanity by a parasitic few. Welcome to the future! _________ I have included a debunking of 'accumulated heat' as it is so often used to explain how trace elements, so called 'greenhouse gasses', can warm the planet. Accumulated heat whilst sounding a reasonable explanation of how heat can build up is rather nothing more than gobbledygook. In fact it shows those using such arguments do not even understand what heat is. When we measure temperature we are measuring the heat energy a thing is losing. In short heat is a measurement of flow, the transfer of heat energy and this will always be in the direction towards the colder. For this reason a thing can never 'accumulate heat' in the way those advocating CO2 climate change describe. The temperature of a body is the measure of heat output, it can never be greater than the measure of heat input. Output = input. When a thing is warmed it is heated to an equivalent of the heat input. If this input is not maintained it will cool. Those that propose that heat can build up to be hotter than the total measure of heat input at a given time either do not understand what heat is or are being deliberately misleading. To illustrate, an object being heated by a flame can never become hotter than that flame, it's temperature cannot rise inexorably to the temperature of the sun for instance. Heat cannot be accumulated. When we think about it common sense tells us this must be the case. NASA and even Nobel Prize winning physicists have expounded 'accumulated heat' as the explanation how CO2 is able to warm the atmosphere. They claim that over hundreds of years CO2 has captured heat energy and this heat has 'accumulated' to produce a serious warming effect. As I have just explained, this is totally impossible and fundamentally violates all the laws of thermodynamics. That respected scientists should support such uneducated, unthinking nonsense is disturbing and only reflects that in terms of being able to think clearly about a subject they have no facility or inclination. These are the Dark Ages of science. Belief has outweighed logic or any critical thought. It tells us that we should not unquestioningly accept anything we are told, that experts can be fools. (NB: be aware of attempts to discard thermodynamics by talking about biology. Eg. 'It only takes a drop of arsenic to kill a person.' This would be somewhat desperate, muddled thinking. Clearly biological processes based on the reaction of a cell are not the same as the laws of physics/thermodynamics).
@@doobidoo095 Your explanation of the science of heat gain and radiation is sketchy at best and your playing of the UN card is as ridiculous as blaming Qanon or George Sotos for global warming. Even if you are a climate scientist, your explanation is contrary to the informed opinions of 97% of your peers.
@@bobyoung1698 A doubling of Co2 from 400ppm to 800ppm means almost nothing! So, do not worry. And the ocean currents wont stop until the earth stop spinning! And the sun is dark.
I'm curious about the dynamic between global warming pulling temps up and the Milankovich cycle which should be pulling temps down into a cooling period. Who is studying that?
As a little disclaimer: I do not have the answer. However, I do think that Just have a think presents the closest we get to the answer in form of what the IPCC released in 2018 (7:25). So correct me if I am wrong but I believe that the warming effect of global warming is expected to overwhelm the cooling effect. In my personal believe, Just have a think proceeded to talk about other expected outcomes like disasters, as the actual impact of these counteracting forces are still widely unknown and unpredictable.
Incredibly unlikely. For all the hype of the ocean level rise, it's only going up about an inch a decade. That's gonna take a long LONG time to swallow an entire beach. I'm calling BS.
Well go further inland and you might find people have been experiencing more cold snaps than usual. First frost date for me is end December / start January (gardeners pay attention to stuff like that), been having frosty nights since start of November. Played havoc with my broad beans this year.
I live directly on the Gulf of Mexico ....and have noticed the temperature, algae growth increase, Manatee deaths, massive fish die offs, rancid air emanating from the water and on and on...yet the general public is oblivious.
I lived there 20 years ago and all that stuff was normal back then. Remember walking on the beach as a kid having to avoid the disgusting piles of rotting fish, wondering why the hell people wanted to go to the beach.
@@thinkabout602 No, they aren't. Went to Galveston on vacation 5 years ago and everything was about the same way I remembered it. It only looks bad when you are primed for it to look bad. Humans are easy to manipulate. You can make people see whatever you want them to see, like two different movies on the same screen. Mrs Doubtfire, the psychological horror movie.
This was an excellent explanation of a complex topic. The speaker was a skilled communicator. The "visuals: were most helpful. Keep spreading this lecture and the urgency. Thanks.
I think the way we're acting around the world (almost) should inspire people as to the results on nature, air quality and wildlife. Stunning. We can't go back to "business as usual"...
Yes we can have economic devastation,mass unemployment,no foreign travel,shorter life expectancy and unreliable food supply as energy is unreliable thanks to high time, cloudy days and no wind. It's going to be fantastic!!.....not.
@@martinbrandom2654 there are dozens of typed of batteries that would allow for storage of energy, from literally pumping air into cavernous storage areas, holding it under high pressure, then the high pressure, when released, runs turbines that produce energy when needed. That's a very old kind of battery that can be used now, as well. Look into other typed of old batteries! Note: battery, in this usage, is not a heavy, black plastic clad box of acid you stick in your vehicle, but literally ANY method of storage of energy to be used later. Like pushing/pulling a weight up an incline when energy is available, holding potential kinetic energy in it for any sort of indefinite period of time, and it waiting there to be accessed at any future point in time. This is a description of another ancient kind of battery, in fact. There are also newer kinds of batteries being tested and created all the time. They will, eventually, be able to greatly enhance our energy storage, as well. Stop trying to pour out all of the fossil fuel industry's favorite talking points, as in how our whole world would collapse without its existence. That is pure propaganda, nothing more.
Finally..!! Yes. Someone who sees now that the "Air is Clear" Straight up dude. Nature's coming back. People are learning to live as families again. We're thinking, & coping, riding bikes, & loving it. Without drive thru's. Without truckloads of disposable plastic shite. Without traffic jams. Without going to work. Without only being valued as a consumer. Without Distraction. We are indeed, "seeing clearly now" 🎶 the rain has gone..
@@davidbeaulieu4815 You gotta source for that ? I've been waiting for that to pop up in discussion again after it went away very quickly a year after 9/11 when global stats were combed over, & this first got into my mind. I still think its good, we have to get back on the right side of this or cook ourselves.
@@dianac2498 I agree, it's quite concerning and let's get a current update on this destabilization that's happening 6 x faster or more than predicted.. (based on current observations)!! Plus the author of the study, Niklas Boers from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research in Germany.. states that the Atlantic Meridional Overturning really is one of our planet's key circulation systems"...
This is not Science. It begins with a movie and uses that to focus on the AMOC. The AMOC is a miniscule part of the global climate system. .. Real Science - Heat moves from a hot place to a cold place. The system moves heat from the equator to the poles. ~66% of that heat is carried by the atmosphere, not by the ocean. Duuuuuuuhhhhhhh. .. Go back to high school.
@@bimmjim no need to be an asshole about it. And if the damned AMOC did shut down it would certainly precipitate further consequences. All systems are currently undergoing collapse. Name one that isn't.
@@dreich1000 I have multiple degrees in engineering and I've been studying Climate Science at an advanced level for 5 year. I am simply applying the scientific method to the information being presented. .. I give lectures like the one in this video. My subjects are methodology, Climate Science and Philosophy. ..
bimmjim Was he not just using a popular movie image to engage the viewer ? An unprecedented amount of fossil fuel (ie. millions of years in formulation) have been mined and burned in the last 150 yrs (most in the last 40yrs). A cursory consideration of these numbers should get anybody’s attention. It doesn’t take a great mind to understand that combined with the accelerating destruction of forests we’ve all (us lowly non degree holders and your brilliant self ) have a real life/real extinction problem.
@@DonaldWesselsJr Well, let's see... The two years of commie cough compliance have seen ZERO impact on cases, as well as new variants being reported almost every 3 months. Meanwhile, deaths from the flu have disappeared. Supposedly. And governments across the globe have been increasingly restricting even the freedom of SPEECH under the premise of 'fighting a pandemic.' A new solar minimum is approaching, which should last for around 15 years. One took place from the mid 60s to the mid 80s, and the usual suspects said we needed to stop using cheap (i.e. 'fossil' based) energy, lose freedoms, and cost the countryside with solar panels and paint our roofs black. This would forestall the coming 'global COOLING' disaster. A lot of big talk, all of it centered around destroying western civilization and propping up an egalitarian feudal state. But these people are as virtuous and honest as the wind-driven snow, right?
We can't wait for politicians to make the necessary changes. We have to do it. I don't mean private interests developing world saving technology. I mean replacing capitalism through the grass roots adoption of an alternative.
To make a difference in our life time we must overcome overpopulation , wastefulness , war , corporate greed , apathy , political corruption , caste hierarchy, prejudice , lack of education ...... and on so many levels we have a government totally intent on exacerbating all the contributing factors for our own demise for the benefit of the less than one percent . Very little can be done until those in charge cannot keep it from coming under their own door . Then well be told "why haven't you've done something sooner " !!!!!!!
overpopulation will be solved through the expansion of the electrical grid. getting poor areas cheap electricity brings them out of poverty which reduces the population growth. China and India have already seen a lowering of their fertility rate due to the increase of access to cheap electricity. Insisting they build wind and solar right out of the gate is not only unfeasible but destructive to local wildlife and impossible for any 3rd world country to adhere to.
Lifetime is one word, Michael and over population is a farce. One could also make the argument that the education system, is nothing more than social conditioning. *The Secret History of Western Education* th-cam.com/video/ldkAuUgSjdQ/w-d-xo.html
Yep and that doesn't even start on the limits to growth such as the fact we're running out of chromium and you can't recycle at that effectively. Also manganese and several other metals. Acromion is important because when you have no chromium you have no stainless steel. This was forecast back in the 1970s. And as they've checked up on it periodically the projections are on track. The good thing is. I'll be dead by the time it matters. My sympathies to the people who will be at the start of their lives. The only way we could remotely have a chance with Phoebe get their population rapidly below 2 billion and that is just basically impossible.
if the atmosphere shows that sort of thing shit your pants cause I think there's a gravitational issue going on with the planet something like a black hole forming in the planet
It's astounding to me how much liberals cry for "the Earth," yet they won't shed a tear for the million babies who are slaughtered by their mothers in the womb every year in America by abortion. 43 million babies murdered in the womb around the world every year. But hey, let's all cry for the Earth!
Edmond Pippins Wipe yourselves out with a flood of your own salty tears. Stop being led by the nose by these fake scientist like Bill Neigh, Bill Gates and Gretta.
Edmond Pippins - clearly a “glass is half empty” kind of guy... obviously an attempt at humor to one’s own detriment. Have you heard of 8 Billion Trees? th-cam.com/video/AAlyuWYiGgY/w-d-xo.html
It's nice to know what's happening to the planet. Unfortunately we've handed power to a bunch of greedy Yahoo's who are more concerned with accumulating wealth than the health and wellbeing of the planet and it's other residents. I think we've had ample demonstrations that our elected or otherwise"leaders" couldn't organise the proverbial piss up in a brewery. I fear for future generations unless there's major socio-political-economic revolution. As we're all too busy with our phones I wouldn't hold your breath, sadly. Great video, thanks.
Hello from a year in the future! I'm catching up on some of this channel's older videos, and it's interesting to see how the format has changed just over the last year. As for the AMOC and the Gulf Stream... The situation is still just as terrifying, but there have been some more studies that added complexity to the problem. Apparently oceanic winds also effect the AMOC, but scientists aren't quite sure what that effect has been yet.
The effects we are seeing may not be fully understood but our impact is known and sure as hell if we don't do anything about it then we are heading towards an E.L.E.
I'm not convinced reducing our carbon commissions at this point is going to change the likelihood of a rapid reduction in the AMOC. IN fact, since I first studied this at Colorado School of Mines, I've become convinced that the slowdown is greater than we are measuring or modeling. The problem being the newness of the theory and insufficient datum from historical sources including the oceanic winds. Many of us engineering types know there is no way to model this complex of a chaotic open system in the first place and as soon as enough constraints are incorporated into the models all we have left is a graduate student exercise. Then there is the microbial load of the oceans and how much the make up of emissions of gases are changing with the chemistry of the oceans. Solar variances as well are hard to model. In summery I think the entire system has and is slowing more that modeled and the shutdown event is more on the order of decades than centuries. We are overdue by many estimates for the end of the inter-glacial period.
@Kevin Street Have you seen my sister Mary? She left and is currently ahead also. I stayed behind to correct what she could find but have no way of communicating. How are you doing it?
The severity of storms is that they are moving slower, dumping precipitation in a smaller area. Question is if the oceans current shifts are contributing to these slow storms.
Thanks for this presentation. I’ve viewed and read a great deal about how these interconnected climate systems work, and yours is, by far, the best I have seen. I have a much clearer understanding, now. I wish every thinking layman on Earth could and would carefully view this, listen and hear. I think it would have an important impact on human behavior and, maybe, result in aggressive, immediate actions to mitigate the threats. Thank you 🙏🏻
The only problem would be the mind set of anyone living in a land locked area of North America or Central Asia. I know that areas of Alberta, or areas of the Midwestern States of the USA, wouldn't care what's happening out in the Atlantic Ocean and therefore wouldn't be pressuring their governmental people to do anything. That is until they start suffering massive droughts and crop loss from lack of rain. But when it all reaches that level, it will be too late. As always, it isn't anyones business until it affects them directly. Personally I have more faith in the alternative energy solutions this page offers and the small or large storage of energy to push the hydrocarbon industry to a slow but gradual standstill and start the planet healing again....mind you with a lot less of us to pickup what's left.
I live on the west coast of Scotland (close to the 'isle of Mull') and for the last 48yrs the weather has definitely changed.fir better or worse it has changed.
The climate has always changed. A thousand years ago the climate of Scotland got much colder and wetter causing the destruction of the Caledonian pine forest, it should be noted this was before James Watt and Greta Thunberg.
@@iancampbell6925 I agree. However change that is so rapid it can be witnessed by a single individual is unlike previous changes. In fact you can't make any deductions about world climate from you own observations but what is again different is that worldwide people have noticed changes to their own weather patterns within their own lifetime. If you view these observations in the light of scientific study of climate patterns they can be seen as symptoms of the monumental changes that we might be going to endure if we don't control our co2 emissions.
@@treescape7 here you, what is more likely to cause global warming... a smattering of humans or the sun which is 1 million times the mass of the earth Humans still fucked it though
@@BAMHEIDSPINKWORKS CO2 is an insulating material. We keep pumping it out and we are fucked sooner. We stop pumping it out we are fucked later. And get fucked less.
Fascinating. I knew of the hazard to AMOC but surprised to learn surface temps still likely to rise. Cooler Atlantic will mean less rain for the UK. That's a mixed bag, but you'll get better use out of solar.
JHAT, as always, fascinating. I do think you have so much information packed in one video that it would be nice to have more pictorial information and even more graphs, as well as bullet points for the main concepts you are addressing in your voice-over. Also, please consider a sequel video where you articulate all you said with the decrease in white-sunlight-reflecting-snow-blanket over the North Pole and particularly Greenland that will be sure to come with global warming and in turn increase the average ocean water level (thus flood many coastal cities!), and accelerate the global warming trend. There must be an algorithm for this and surely a reasearch project focused on Greenland??
As far as I know the position of low&high pressure areas are also strongly influenced by the Jetstream but zero mention is made of that and how it controls the planets climate. So if it takes a thousand years to cycle the deep ocean water how can readings taken from late 1800s be taken seriously in the bigger scale of things as an indicator if no true data exists of what was happening in the Southern Hemisphere oceans before 1900s. And also why are the Sahel on North Africa having its wettest summer in 200 years. Antarctic pack ice amount this year 2020 was the best in decades.
@@haydenjardine9178 does it matter? Carbon and CO2 are the smallest contributers to heat trapping arousals. Water vapour being the biggest makes them look miniscule in comparison so cloud cover and how it changes is the only thing that matters. CO2 and carbon cannot trap heat very well on its own.
@@Io-vz2jq If the Globe warms ie: Average Mean Temperatures rise....The Climate Changes. If the Globe Cools Down ie: Average mean temperatures lower....The Climate Changes. See how its referring to two DIFFERENT things.
@@keithwilson1554 You just explained the racket. There while always be a crisis because of "climate change." It will always be either too hot or too cold. We need to stop climate change. That is how the racket works. Climate change is a constant but there are groups that tell us what it is supposed to be.
@grindupBaker thanks. A few years back the BBC weather report showed the sea depth with colour. Why didn't they show sea temperatures. Sea depth is meaningless whereas temperature isn't.
@grindupBaker a few years back during a cold snap a lake in England froze over and three people walked on it. They walked towards the middle where the lake was deepest and therefore less frozen as the water underneath has more heat. The ice broke and two of them died.
Could anyone answer the following Q? Does CO2 dissolved in water trap heat just the same as in the atmosphere? Or is H20 more efficient in absorbing heat? If the latter holds true, then H20 absorbs atmospheric heat rather then capturing sunlight directly, doesn’t it?
Thank you for your important insights. I agree with you on the solution of renewable s and rewilding the planet. Thank you for helping us all think globally and act locally. Be well
Question: What caused the AMOK to slow 1600 years ago if indeed it was slowed or perhaps speeded up after 400 AD? What is the sun's output data? That data can't be for much more than a century. What are the impacts of a century of Radio transmissions and widescale high voltage power distribution? Are these mitigating factors or complementary? Is C02 the only measurable parameter considered?
Actually it is less than a century old. Virtually all of the actual measurable data (that bit that is measurable, which does not mean the same as reliable) dates from the last forty years (now, I remember when it was only the last 25 years). That starting point (~1980) was picked with care because if we go a bit over five years earlier, then the Arctic ice cap in the summer resembles the modern "global warming caused" one today. Heck they cannot even keep their story straight in less than a year's time. Record breaking snowfall on Greenland increases the weight of the icepack, which then, to alleviate the stress, has a summer with faster moving glaciers (get jello, put it on a plate, press lightly, then press heavily, same mechanism) and more runoff melt. All we get to hear about is that the Greenland icepack had a record runoff, not the cause of the record snowfall and freezing. One fits AGCC the other fits actual observable and repeatable science.
@@kamaeq Thanks that's good, however, I have real data on glacier melting in the Canadian Rockies dating from 1950. What is the significance of that data in terms of Global warming? That's a good question. When the surveys were done the assumption was Solar activity was the only real cause. Why? Energy calculations of the amount of energy required versus the solar variation and the correlation seemed to fit. Now the argument of ecological degradation due to human activity has some validity. Again is it a sole cause or a contributor to the natural variation. That's the real point that ecological studies focus on. Are our overall activities skewing the natural variations? The answer seems to be in the global sense as being: maybe. Local effects can actually be readily observed. Heat domes over major urban areas is one. It is the politicisation that's skewing the science and ruining any debate.
@@malcolmwatt4866 Not much on a global scale and yes, given the "Green New Deal" and the various treaties it appears that it is all politically driven pseudoscience. Why are your actual records not relevant? Too local an area (since micro climate activity can occur even on a partial continental scale) and too short a time frame when dealing with patterns over ~1000 year scale, 70 or even 100 years aren't much, especially in a local environment. Even NASA has admitted that there has been a warming "pause" for over a decade in some documents. For me, looking at the dismissal of the best data on the planet (USA) for an extended period, when you have a massive cooling like is showing now, to get the "(one of the top) hottest EVAH!!!", I can look at the global map and see huge warming trends to make the math work... in places in the third world where they have ZERO thermometers and ZERO history of temperature records; equals marking your data to fit your curve.
@@kamaeq I couldn't agree more except the real data contained in tree rings and glacier profiles are ignored or given interruptions. From a historical view of a desire for a Biblical resolution, it makes even more sense to fudge or be creative in the science hence the political agenda of a century of technological refinements driven in the secrecy wars allow for the, hey, anything goes attitude. No doubt oil has it's problem, we know that but climate change isn't one of them.
Dr Jerry McNanus proposed a theory on cycles of the AMOC. One point he made was the time periods in studying the AMOC are just too short for temperature studies. He used CaCO3 and I think plutonium isotopes to show cycles over more useable time frame.
Malcolm Bolderson As a mariner for more than 50 years we noticed particularly, in the last 10 before retirement in 2012. The sea temperatures had risen on average 1 degree C, this was more noticeable in tropical waters around New Guinea and the Pacific. This rise caused us to run the ship's engines slower, due to less engine cooling & higher exhaust gas temps. The storms became more frequent and much stronger. I'm pleased to be retired.
If the sea temperature had risen by a full degree, the polar ice caps would have melted... WTF are you even talking about? It is of course impossible for the gulf stream to "collapse". It is also impossible that human beings, who produce less CO2 than the ants, are the cause of any change in temperature... And no, Skippy, ants are not "carbon neutral", ants are animals just like all the others and they fix oxygen, liberate CO2 and there is absolutely nothing that ants do that fixes any CO2...at all whatsoever. Water vapor is the culprit, the main greenhouse gas and human beings produce absolutely zero % of atmospheric water vapor. Furthermore global CO2 levels are 40% below what is optimal for plant growth, we should by trying to produce more CO2, not less. A blue water even is inevitable because the true causes of temperature variation are cyclical in nature and cannot be stopped, particularly the passage of the solar system through galactic dust lanes which block so much sunlight that, were it not for the giants, mainly Jupiter, life on the Earth would never have occurred. Blue water in the arctic means tropical weather up to about the 35th parallel...the planet will turn into a garden paradise and remain so for tens of thousands of years. We need to stop all the fear mongering global warming lies and get on about the real business of all relatively conscious sentient beings throughout the universe... Planetary Management, mainly Desert Reclamation. This is very simple: if their lips are moving, they're lying. Do you honestly think that this clown believes the shit that he posts on this propaganda machine? The money...that's why they lie. Have a reasonable day.
Love the sprinkling of modal verbs:Might, could, may, would. Relying on falsehoods: more and stronger hurricanes, more cc-caused forest fires. One standard remains the same: garbage in, garbage out. Yet The Maldives survive. The condescension is just a bonus.
@@billferner6741 so ...soros? Lol. Jk. But seriously is that what you are insinuating ? The commentator would be associated with some villain or group of villains?
Excellent content! Could you at some point do a video about what the effects of a 1m rise in sea levels actually looks like in the real world. To the average person a 1m rise sounds inconsequential. Science communicators have failed to convey just how much land would get swallowed up and how many cities would be wrecked. Thank-you for all the videos. Much respect
I think one meter rise would swallow most of Florida. The Seychelle islands are already going under water. It's not just the flat water level it is the storm surges that will make coastal living impossible in a lot of places.
Thank you, you give an indication of impacts in the Atlantic if the AMOC slows further, do you have information on the impacts in the Indian, Southern and Pacific Ocean?
@@bissetttom1738 - what do you know about this? Are you aware that calving of antarctic glaciers is normal? So are you trying to impress everyone that you know something?
@@tomkunich9401 I acknowledge the ice calved, it just how much, if the salt currents desalinate to much they slow down and eventually would stop. so what was your point?
Just found your channel. A good quality video, well presented and informative. Thanks. I hope those up to now, not having a think, start to do so about this most pressing of issues.
I enjoy your presentations although a fair bit scary at times good stuff very informative. I would like to just ask if you could include Australia a bit more on information. We people in the southern hemisphere seem to get overlooked a fair bit. Cheers love ya work.
Video ideas: A close up series on the _most likely_ effects of climate change on each individual continent/region in detail. In this video you showed some detail on a few key regions in the Northern hemisphere (I'm in the Southern hemisphere) of just this phenomena, and it made me curious as to what the exact effects would be in each region, and with parochial self interest waiting to see if my area got mentioned. And that's where such a series could get attention, people would click on what's going to happen in their neck of the woods. I suggest the most likely scenerio, and a spread across the better and worse case scenarios. Perhaps broken down by the contributing factors such as the ocean currents, sea level rise, atmospheric heating ect. And look at the rough timescales - that could be part of the best/worse case scenarios.
There are a ton of comments basically trashing climate change theory or offering natural patterns...which is great but the fact that they don't attempt to show it in correlation with human history and whether it shows trends coincident with human population bottlenecks is disturbing as if we the suffering of hundreds of millions is OK!
There is an idea which has always nagged at me ever since I first heard about how the layer of fresh, cold water from melting ice caps would submerge the Gulf Stream, since fresh water is lighter than salt water, resulting in a new Ice Age: How long would it take for the levels of water to intermix, once the ice is no longer melting? Wouldn't the Gulf Stream start up again, once this happens? Would this not happen long before the ice cap is replenished? Would this create a feedback loop of freezing and thawing cycles until there is no longer enough ice built up to continue the cycle?
@Siebert McCormick there are brine pools at the bottom of the Atlantic and Pacific that are tens of thousands of years old. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brine_pool is about right.
1 thing often missed when talking about these things: the impact on biological diversity. Because the mass extinction on animal, fish, insect and plant spieces is just as seriousas global warming.
the extinction of biological diversity is the real cause of the increased co2, 10x more carbon is released from soils than is released from fossil fuels and those soil's would be a carbon sink were they farmed correctly. plant's exist to create sugars to pump those sugars deep into the soils to support the soil life, this takes many species of plants and some with very deep roots. when we grow single crops over vast areas not enough sugar goes into the soil to sustain the life below and so the lies dies and the co2 that was in that biomass released.
I'm not a scientist but has anyone ever taken account the amount of salt humans put into the Ocean's? Every year tons of salt are spread across our roads which in turn runs into our Ocean's. I've listened about how our Ocean's are warming and melting our ice. But what about us increasing the salinity? What affect is our salt run off doing to our Ocean's?
I would guess at it being a net neutral effect as the cheapest method for salt production is the from evaporated sea water. I might be wrong in this though as they do extract huge quantities of minerals globally
Yes, this always come up during ecological classes and presentations, and the effects of salt pollution are profound, both at the local level and at global oceanic levels. Salt by itself isn't necessarily ecologically dangerous by itself, but since salt is heavily used during industrial mining then the resulting sludge can be quite deadly. Places like W Virginia don't increase oceanic salinity because they are far from the ocean, but places like Montana do. However, salt is usually deposited in oceans simply by water running over mineral deposits, such as you would see in rivers as they cut through the ground. Indeed, our oceans used to be fresh water and they gradually became saltier. Eventually, they will be become too salty to support life. Since most of the Earth's surface was once under water at one time or another, it follows that human irrigation forces that salt to the surface. While in some places like Iowa, excess salt can be dispersed, in other places like most of Australia irrigated land starts an irreversible process of salt contamination, upon which no crops will grow.
I don't think you understand the size of the oceans. The salt that runs off our roads... you really don't get just how big these oceans are if you think we're making them saltier. One glacier breaks off in the Antarctic and probably undoes all salt we've ever added to the oceans by an exponent.
@@Salsuero Well, maybe he's asking about salt pollution. Civilizations have risen and fallen from salt pollution. And it's really really easy to do by mistake, and it's irreversible, and it's always caused by irrigation. You put a little bit of water on soil, and the salt rises to the surface via capillary action. Every ecologist knows this, which is why you find them constantly yelling at farmers not to irrigate this and that. Places that heavily rely on irrigation flooding such as the Nile and the Mekong don't get salt pollution because the vast quantities of water wash away the salt on a regular basis, but dammed places such as Northern Mississippi do occasionally until they break their levies in which case they have bigger problems. Places like New Orleans which depend on levies to keep salt water ocean out get one chance...and then their flood contaminates utterly their fresh water.
@@langhamp8912 That's a fine theory...... but it's not at all what it sounds like he's talking about. So, if he is... perhaps he could've been clear like you.
Consideration should be taken to the effects of in particular the 3 Gorges dam in China. This particular dam has actually slowed down the earth rotation, although not by much, but like interrest in the financial world then the compound effect is quite a force to reckon with.
Agreed the weight of the collected water must be tremendous .. and foolish of the Chynese because manmade mechanics can not control nature .. Nature will always win .. the breaking of the dam is inevitable and all of Korea peninsular will be destroyed and well as its entire path to the sea through Chyna .. let’s hope all the people are out of harms way .!
Interesting presentation and got me thinking about the gulf stream. Well produced. But you could have said the exact opposite with all the wonderful swirling graphics and classy, calm presentation.
Just a semi-random question... I live in Florida where it is a warm climate. If you put your hand on the roof of a house, a car or the road for any period of time, your hand will blister from the heat unless the above areas are painted white. If you walk from a wooded area into a average populated neighborhood the temperature is at least 10 degrees higher. These effects are worldwide, but less noticeable. It would be interesting to see what the numbers would add up to if these "radiators" were eliminated.
planting trees on houses and in stead of only having loads of concrete growing plants DEFINITELY helps reduce this heat. Now we see cities like NY being at least a couple degrees hotter than places a couple miles away from them. This is definitely a thing.
I believe you have partially answered your own question without knowing it. White paint does reflect light and other radiation, but it actually does so much better than forests. If all the concrete, asphalt, and roofs were white, we would actually cool the planet down, and we wouldn't even have to completely end fossil fuel usage. Doing this would also offset the production of thermal radiation caused by evaporative and air-air cooling systems (a/c units) which also contribute to the heat island effect. We could literally turn heat islands into cooling islands making cities much more sustainable than they are today!
@@yokotaashi Correct, you just have to look to the Mediterranean, specifically Greece. Most, if not all, houses/ buildings are white. They’ve known that white exteriors can have a cooling effect for generations!
there are recent studies on painting streets white in california. turns out pedestrians are experiencing the reflected heat. maybe we should indeed paint roofs white but not every mineralized surface
During the Jurassic period the co2 levels where 5x higher and o2 where much higher methane levels where much higher but not as high as some politicians pump out The world was tropical with moderate poles
"moderate poles"?? The poles were free of permanent ice in the Jurassic, which, if we were foolish enough to allow that to happen in the future would mean sea levels 70 meters higher than at present, along with anoxic and euxinic oceans and a mass extinction, having caused the most rapid change in atmospheric and ocean chemistry and temperature in global history.
@Charles Young You can shout expletives all you like, Charles, but you merely demonstrate thereby your ignorance and your unwillingness to learn. It is a fact that, as a result of human activities, atmospheric CO2 levels over the last century or so have increased faster than any known time in Earth's history, including previous mass extinctions. Previous mass extinctions, the worst of which was the end-Permian 252 million years ago, were caused by rapid increases in atmospheric CO2 (itself caused by a massive increase in volcanic activity) resulting in global warming. That global warming resulted in warming of the surface layers of the ocean, which reduced ocean currents (the subject of the above video), reducing the amount of oxygen in the oceans and leading to anoxia and euxinia (toxic hydrogen sulphide production). The end result was the extinction of over 90% of marine species and around 70% of terrestrial species. Joe started off by stating that previous times have seen higher levels of CO2 and thus temperature, (which is true), as if we could move to such times without difficulty. But that conclusion is completely false. As well as the destruction of all coastal cities and ports and much of the world's best agricultural land by sea level rise, such a move would undoubtedly precipitate a catastrophic mass extinction event. To contemplate such horrors simply because we can't be bothered to change to clean energy systems is complete madness, and to resist such change because you can't be bothered to learn the truth about global warming is irresponsible and foolish.
@@benlewis7686 Because the different emissions from volcanoes effect the Earth's heat balance in different ways that last differing amounts of time. Those emissions are as follows: 1. Carbon dioxide, CO2, which is a greenhouse gas and is only slightly soluble in water. Thus, much of the emissions of CO2 (whether from volcanoes or humans burning fossil fuels, or whatever source) remain in the atmosphere for a very long time - centuries or millennia. CO2 is slowly removed by oceans and terrestrial vegetation and by weathering of silicate rocks. So, if you have a situation of increased volcanic activity lasting centuries and longer, CO2 in the atmosphere will gradually increase and with it global warming. 2. Sulphur dioxide, SO2, is very soluble in water and reacts with it to form sulphurous acid, H2SO3: SO2 + H2O => H2SO3 Sulphurous acid then rapidly reacts with oxygen in the air to form sulphuric acid, H2SO4: 2H2SO3 + O2 => 2H2SO4 The H2SO4 also has a strong affinity for water and produces tiny spherical droplets of sulphuric acid solution that will not evaporate even in situations where water itself would do so. These spherical droplets act like cats' eyes - they reflect incoming sunlight back out into space, thus reducing the amount reaching the Earth, thus causing cooling. However, they are denser than air and will continue to attract water molecules so, even if the volcano blasts the SO2 into the stratosphere, they will fall back to Earth within a year or so at most as rain. 3. Volcanic ash also blocks sunlight from reaching the Earth's surface, causing cooling, and likewise settles out of the atmosphere after a year or so. So, in summary, the CO2 causes warming and lasts for a long time. However, the amount of CO2 a single volcano emits produces very little warming - it requires a massive increase in vulcanism lasting thousands of years to cause a global warming spike. SO2 and ash cause much more intense cooling, and a single volcano can cause significant global cooling - but that only lasts for a year or so.
@grindupBaker just hope it doesn't get changed, just because its newer should have absolutely no reason or weight for change, I absolutely detest the idea of change because its new, the only reason to change anything should be, a change or correction of data, and as for ,easyer to say why not call them Bobs or Mandy's , if it offends the American ability to pronounce then tuff, learn the pronunciation don't just lazily expect to change things because you cannot be bothered.
@@CrusaderSports250 Ah, the irony in this one... "if it offends the American ability to pronounce then tuff" Umm, Roger... "Tuff" is a type of geological mineral composite. I think you meant "tough", mate. As well, "easyer" is not a word. It is spelled "easier". I won't get into the myriad other grammatical errors you presented in your comment (of which I mostly agree!), but the Queen's English this is not. I know, who cares, right? Just this lazy, offended American who can't be bothered to pronounce words correctly, I guess. ;-) Keep calm and carry on.
3:53,, on the map, you left out the Gulf of Mexico ,the current makes a loop up and around the bordering states and countries, counter clockwise ,, I remember when they had that big oil spill,it was mentioned that loop current was almost cut off, I live in Key West on a boat and we feel the Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico and the currents are amazing, we were pushing a barge from Fort Jefferson, Dry Tortuga back up to Garrison Bight Key West,, I had to keep adjusting the plotter because of my sideways drift,, the screen showed a foot a second,, we were only pushing 3 to 4 knots if we were lucky, The currents from the Atlantic to the Gulf in Key West Bight run about 3 to 4 knots, in New Hampshire,growing up, the eddies that broke away from the Gulf Stream,because of some storm brought in tuna
OK. Obviously you slept through elementary school science. Hence, the WARMER the weather in winter, the MORE SNOW FALLS. Warmer atmosphere holds MORE MOISTURE than COLDER atmosphere and henceforth LESS SNOW IN COLDER WEATHER. Having grown up outside of Philadelphia in the '60's and 70's, our BIGGEST SNOWSTORMS hit when the temp was between 28 to 32 degrees. Snowfalls when the temps were 20 degrees or lower, we had snow, but it was not NEARLY AS HEAVY. So the warmer the air temp, the MORE MOISTURE IT HOLDS.
Humankind are such curious creatures: capable of extrapolating with such precision, yet lacking the ability to execute plans that extend past a single lifetime. We are such short-term thinkers that it's amazing we've managed to survive this long!
It's only been a couple hundred years or so since man had the ability to drastically change his environment. That amount of time doesn't even register in the grand scale of time. Hopefully future generations will learn from the terrible mistakes of past generations.
Actually that is probably the best thing we have in our favor. We won't be in trouble until we can create and destroy matter. Till then all we really do is turn ice into water, then into steam, then back into water, then back into ice. On this topic, how cold is England getting? It's at the same latitude as Siberia.... Timbuktu was once tropical rain forest, where people navigated the land in canoes. This in their recorded history.
This channel spews pseudo science all the time.. Question 1: What caused the last ice age? Question 2: What caused the last ice age to end around 12,000 years ago? Question 3: What causes the Earths magnetic field to flip? I will wait for the pseudo science answer.. The true answer is, we have no idea...
@GazB Ok, I admit, because I am honest, that I don't know, so please answer what caused the past epochs of climate change I questioned then? There is a historic pattern of cyclical ice ages and inter-glacial warming periods.. What causes these? My point being, if we can't answer what caused enomous past climate changes, then we by default, cannot say we understand any CURRENT climate change..
I can't help but notice, not ONE brave super smart person, has answered my simple climate change questions.. This is historic fact.. What caused these historic catastrophic climate changes? I'm waiting.............
@GazB Ok, around 12,000 years ago Canada, and large parts of North America, were covered under a mile thick sheet of glacial ice, what caused that glacial ice age to occur? Again, around 12,000, that ice age ended abruptly and that glacial ice retreated, why?
@@CreepsCompilation It is theorised that each termination of a quaternary ice age such as the one you referenced having created the Laurentide ice sheet starts at or near the greatest area and volume of the sheet. At their weight, they induced isostatic depression beneath themselves, sinking the continental crust beneath them. As crust sinks, more of the sheet will be below sea level. Sheets resting on the seabed are more vulnerable to warming. When the Laurentide sheet started to melt it would of released vast quantities of freshwater into the North Atlantic; freshwater reducing the density of the surface layer. This lesser density stopped surface water from sinking and thus shutting down the AMOC which would of carried warmer water to the north. If less heat is carried north the southern oceans become more warm, CO2 being less soluble in warm water means more CO2 released atmospherically. As long as the effect of CO2 and other external factors such as localised sunshine outweighs the regional cooling of a shut down AMOC the ice sheets will melt more and release more CO2. Originally thst theory was not supported because of the rise in CO2 being thought to precede sea level rise, but that has since been disproven in cave and coral. Other hypothesis include the oxidation of methane from storage in either wetlands or clathrate hydrate reservoirs. Of course we still don't have a complete understanding as you would suggest, but this seems to be a step in the right direction.
as Always an excellent - examination - analysis & presentation - of factual data - leading to - logical rational reasonable - determinations & conclusions -
Is it not interesting there is no more scaremongering about antarctic ice melting ? Al Gore, of course, predicted the end of all antarctic ice by 2000 and now it's growing.
@@cfs8118 can you support me by having a go at that warming cult member danisil at the top of comments please. Let's show them that the many people that do not support man's tiny amount of carbon causes temperatures to warm. Thank you. Good comment on your to.
The gulfstream is still running an average of 6 mph. I scuba dive Florida. The gulfstream is so fast I cover over 1-2 miles in a 20 minute dive. Even holding on to the reef you are pulled north. You pass so fast it's very hard to hold on or focus on the smaller creatures within the reef.
This is my my science teacher told us there is a lot of warmth in the Atlantic ocean and everyone looked at him like he was nuts. In context of course he was right.
THERE is a mandatory missing ingredient for survival: you replace money with conscious people who care about each other AUTOMATICALLY --as if they ALL learned their bloody lesson. Ask anyone, what was the lesson? They don't seem to know. THE lesson was, you're worth is what you give AND the worst crime of all is having nothing they want.
Someday I hope they want what I have; see, it's not me - just arrived before my time. And the info came too late. Now I wont have time enough to give something. The 2nd and most profound domain of unconscious presence (the beauties), is true great work that makes a better world - nobody could be worth more.
@@emeraldfox7175 there are 9 "unconscious Beauties." Isn't anyone going to ask for the other 8 Beauties in life? Timeless Curiosity? See, it's not me ... heh. Why would I tell if nobody asks. Can't hold it in anymore :-( could they even understand .... the gods must have given up long ago ... waiting for eons, perhaps in tears. It's not making *me* laugh.
I got news for you cupcake there ain't a damn thing that you or anybody else can do to cause mitigate or change in any dramatic way whatsoever or any teensy-weensy way this planet is self-governing semiotic self cleansing and will take care of itself whether we like it or not human beings are not causing any significant global changing nor can we repair what is a natural global phenomenon
@@ljs5757 then do nothing. To have consciousness is to be able to try things that may not work. But you don’t have to. That negativity will get you though. Even if it has no effect, a little positivity makes life better. For most of us at least.
@@HonorinTreason So, let’s all sing koombaya ? Things are what they are. Humans think they can change things. Pfft! This stuff is WAY beyond our technical know how. Liberals don’t know what the SUN is and use scientific confirmation bias to stay in there little bubble of “Humans are causing it”. Pfft.
Big money and big buisness make all the real decisions on this planet. Humans for the most part are self serving, self interested and reality is (to everyone)only what they are willing to accept. Nothing more. Everything else is rejected. Only when a fact threatens their way of life or life itself do people become open minded. Sometimes not even then. Usually the invisible man theory kicks in when facts become overwhelming, denying reality to the last.
Why do you use the word "just"? Though climate, as we know, has shifted up and down when there were no people slashing and burning our forests and dumping greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere, does NOT preclude our causing it now! The fact climate change happened before people is the favorite excuse of the fossil fuel industry for ignoring it now. Of course, we also qnow know that in the '70s at least Exxon's scientists addressed the question of climate change caused by their actions, concluded it WOULD, but rather than coming up with alternatives to mitigate it, decided the ice melt in the Arctic would work in their favor by extending their drilling period by two months! Greed wins!
Look at a graph of co2 vs temperature, notice the spike around the beginning of industrialisation, if you can't draw a conclusion from that you're a moron.
I so appreciate and commend the quality of your graphic support of subject matter. The value of having an audience say, "I see what you mean." through the design and use of exceptional, complementary graphics can't be overlooked when well deserved praise is given to this channel. Working in video I know animation costs both to create and use so thank you for going the extra mile and dollar to show us when possible.
T in high9ī ink a
Fun fact. The reason subs love operating around Greenland and Iceland is because of the Gulf Stream. It literally creates a background noise that you can hide in not to mention thermal variations distort sounds.
That's a cool tidbit I didn't know.
Great channel.
I lived until recently on the west coast of Ireland. Between 2001 and the present day (2020) I noticed a significant shift in the prevailing winds from South Westerly to North Westerly.
This change is I feel consistent and as such worthy of research.
I remember the story of benjamin Franklin discovering the ocean currents through basic observation while on a trip oversears. Your observations may be equally important.
Very informative. Thanks.
Thanks for your support. Much appreciated 😀
I've watched now several of your video presentations, and I can say without reservation or hesitation that they are among the most insightful and informative videos I know of, and I am very grateful to have discovered you!
Hey Dave! Could you please do a follow up in the coming months?
Very happy to have found this channel. Your ability to make incredibly complex ideas easily understandable is very refreshing. Thank you!
Speaking as a physics graduate with a good understanding of fluid dynamics and thermodynamics, and a climate activist with a lot of knowledge about the effects of CO2 on the atmosphere. I'd just like to share one point regarding the future climate of the planet. We're all screwed.
According your estimations, what could be the effects of a complete shutdown of the AMOC in the Earth’s climate? More heat waves, cold waves, droughts? It could be interesting to know that.
@@tulukdek8898 I would suggest that if AMOC completely shut down then climatic changes, however disastrous, may not be the worst of our worries. AMOC not only redistributes heat around the Earth, but also sends oxygen from the atmosphere and ocean surface layers deep into the oceans. Without that oxygen, complex life in the depths will die, and the oceans will become anoxic and euxinic, as sulphur eating bacteria generate highly toxic hydrogen sulphide. The H2S would spread throughout the oceans and eventually escape to the atmosphere, destroying the ozone layer and poisoning complex terrestrial life as well. We cannot live on a planet with a dead ocean.
@@tulukdek8898 It's just one of a number of processes so accurate predictions are nerly impossible, but taken together with all the other climatic effects, reduced albedo from lower sea ice, increased ocean temperatures, methane release from melting permafrosts in arctic regions, to name a few, my fear is eponentially worsening warming.
@@tulukdek8898 Think of Earth's oceans as our planetary heatsink, like a drink with ice in it. While there is still ice present in the water, the temp of the liquid remains stable. Once the ice has melted, every joule of heat energy then causes rapid temperature rise. We have nearly completely lost the northern ice. Not long now.
Add to this all of the methane being released at the North Pole currently which is 22x more heat retaining than CO2 and it is looking like even if we had a will to stop it, we'd be shit outta luck.
Yes. WASF. Get ready for hell on earth.
For a medium sized channel like yours, your production quality is insane - love your content. Keep up the good work 🙂
Greetings from Germany
I smell gore funding in this CIA sanctioned infomercial
George Soros siphoning tax payer money into these channels!
@@marutanray The lizard people want to brainwash the population.
@@brainretardant "I smell gore funding in this CIA sanctioned infomercial"
Username checks out.
There's money for sci fi comedy and religious indoctrination.
Very good presentation. Clear and detailed. Love it.
What a great video Sir! Well done. I appreciate your knowledge. Definitely tuning in. Thanks.
The planet earth is spinning at around 1600 kilometers per hour. How does this factor in all of this? It seems logical that this motion must have some effect.This creates the westerly winds.
If you look at a graph of our climate over the last few million years you will see that nothing is out of the ordinary. The global warming promoters only look at the part that is rising in temperatures and ignore the fact that it will start to decline eventually just like it has throughout earths history.
"see that nothing is out of the ordinary"?? Well here is a graph of the last 22,000 thousand years, and unless you are wilfully blind you cannot help but see that there IS "something out of the ordinary" recently. And we are its cause:
It always amuses me that these pseudo scientists always pick 1860 as the start date for their pseudo science computer model comparisons. 1860 was the end of the 500 year 'little ice age', where temperatures had fallen by at least 2C after the 'medieval warm period', when nobody could blame 4x4's. The climate change pseudo scientists know this & always seek to make even more spurious reasons as to why the current fraud is different from previous warming periods - and it is different, nobody made appalling and fraudulent policies which tore down rainforests on previous occasions - nor did they decide that burning trees was a good way to reduce CO2...
@@Tengooda skepticalscience is nothing of the sort, it's a well-funded pseudoscience support system. Their name is a misnomer which is designed to support the other inaccuracies by deceit. I note that they aren't even remotely sceptical about the policies to burn trees to reduce CO2, even though, for example, it would need all the trees in America for just one year's worth of electricity & then at least 20 years for the regrowth of 50% of them. This is without the destruction of virgin rainforests and habitats to grow palm oil, or the fact that making ethanol from corn uses 6 times more energy than the ethanol will provide. You've fallen for it, which is sad, or maybe you're just another shill
Here in central Europ...Vienna/Austria every yaer the weather becomes worst, especially in spring. There is nearly no rain anymore in spring. I think soon the sahara will turn green.
I read in Irish times newspaper, over 2 years ago now, that cork university students were measuring the Gulf Stream flow around Ireland, it has slowed 10% since records began in 1987...so this is interesting .
@@rickalarie6215 you can't tax the planet for doing it's natural thing,you can tax the gullible inhabitants that have more money than sense though 👍
@@hoping67 👍 taxation is theft.
@@psyclepath1964 Then how do you expect govt. To function? Charity?
And scary.
@@chitsi2008 BAHAHAHAH Government DOESN'T function. It's the unnecessary middleman that steals our money.
kudos to production values. remarkable ability to present complex concepts quickly, clearly, and engagingly. This channel needs to be seen by students of all ages. (so they can influence policy)
What he said ^^^^
Oh yeah influencers🙄
Todd Jones
More likely 'be influenced by!"
Yes, if your agenda is to promote the appearance of warming temperatures, one would start at the coldest point (1860 conclusion of the little ice age) and proceed from there. If this was meant to be a HONEST report on changing temperatures, one would start in the middle of the medieval warm period. But if they started there, contemporary temperatures would appear COOL by comparison! Can't really promote a global warming scam admitting current temps are really not that warm.
I can still remember people asking me how accurate the movie was back in 2004. I had to tread the fine line between its wild inaccuracies to its surprisingly well depicted accuracies in my quick explanation.
Basically, the film had to hugely condense in time many triggers that could well occur. It did depict enormous heat energy being introduced into the climate system which triggered vast storms. And it did depict the ocean circularly systems being shut down.
You certainly got a lot of HICC effects in 2 hours. 😀
BTW, excellent graphical animations and video, Dave.
@@erdelegy 👍
Air drawn down from the stratosphere causes cryogenic cooling? Never mind that as air descends it heats up (see the universal gas law, a subset of which is the adiabatic lapse rate). This isn't a plot hole, it's a rewriting of the laws of physics. As far as science goes, the story is not even up to cartoon level. It's the same level as "What if you could walk through walls!" and then pretending to make real world comparisons.
Don't get me wrong; I had fun with the movie! But if there were fire breathing dragons and magicians, would you seriously compare it to weather or ocean patterns on our earth?
It's a scary movie whose inaccuracies are so profound that it "innoculates" viewers against other scary stories, one of which might someday have a few accurate things to say.
Very well presented and a good argument. Now that over a year has gone by it would be good to see a catchup for comparison.
Near the end you mention the fact we need to reforest large swathes and stop the clearing of forested areas. All very good advice.
But here's the rub. I'm in Australia and some would say we have a greater footprint per capita than many countries which may well be true. Those educated among us will say they are all doing their bit to undo the damage done by the farmers of this country who cleared the land for food crops, grazing, etc as has happened in every country of the world.
But in my little street (dirt road because it is a rural area) the blocks were owned by rural people who had a few cows or horses or did nothing except watch the birds in the trees.
Then those people got old and sold their blocks to city people with a heap of money who wanted a tree change. But as soon as they got out here they didn't want the trees anymore because they blocked their view or a tree might fall down or a fire might come through. So they cleared all the trees which left the land denuded, full of weeds and the wildlife had nowhere to live anymore.
I have watched each block get cleared over the last 5yrs until mine is the only bush block left along this road servicing around 3000acres of what used to be natural bush that never burnt and which was full of wildlife and rare flowers. Same story basically everywhere.
These are the same people who whinge about climate change, demand every country pull its weight, insist on recycling even when it just goes to landfill anyway, buy every conceivable piece of Chinese made plastic junk, drive their kids all over the place in their new 4x4 and stick their heads in the sand saying they aren't the ones causing global warming.
Then they get together and demand I deal with the fire hazards on my property (the trees and bushes) and tidy up my land in keeping with the rest of the street! But I'm not the one causing the problems! They are! They are the ones causing global warming, not me. I don't buy all that junk, I recycle within my property, grow organic food to sell, don't fiddle with the environment, don't drive all over the country whizzing kids left right and centre.
So just because a person is apparently gentrified and educated, doesn't mean they don't also think the sun doesn't shine out their backside.
I am educated in climate sciences. I mind my own business and get on with life and I do treat the earth respectfully and my footprint is very small, something those new city people should "Just Have A Think About" !!
Well said. A person's environmental footprint tends to be in direct proportion to income.
Those with the most houses and air and road miles often do the most climate lecturing and look ridiculous when they stand for parliament on this issue.
They rarely support even a tentative look at nuclear power as a possibility to avoid land grabbing solar and wind expansion or a small population agenda to reduce pressure on Australia's environment.
I hope you hold out for the sake of the animals, insects and birds on your bush block.
The U.S. has more forested lands than a century ago. Spin that.
This is a most enjoyable and digestible demonstration and explanation of the AMOC and global thermohaline circulation. Well done sir!
you by far have the best way to explain things thanks.
Thanks so much for the effort you are making. You really deserve a much larger audience.
Maybe if he didn't claim The Day After Tomorrow was a "great action film"
ok I just stumbled across this channel and I'm really glad that I did - even though most of your prognoses don't exactly instil confidence
I thought I knew how this worked but your deeper dive into the intricacies of ocean currents has heightened my concern about Earth's future climate.
CO2 at 0.04% is a 2,500th of the atmosphere. That means to warm the climate by just 1"C carbon dioxide molecules must capture 2500"C of heat energy. That is bonkers. It also breaks all the laws of thermodynamics.
Methane at 0.00017% is a 600,000th of the atmosphere so it's even more bonkers.
However, the climate is changing. This is because of deliberate geoengineering programmes, in particular ozone thinning away from the poles. Though largely unreported ozone thinning effect is directly observable, this summer you can see a unnaturally bright sun just as we did last year. Under these conditions the pain felt when looking at the sun is not only from the increase in visible light but the much larger increase in infrared. (Look up at the sky and you will see a range of geoengineering operations in progress, these include chemtrail induced cloud or hazing, ripple patterns caused by HAARP installations, bizarre and unnatural cloud formations).
Climate change is a programme to force change in accordance with the implementation of Agenda 21 /2030. Current events demonstrate this transition is well underway and will involve massive population cull through injected nanotech (re transhumanist programme). Agenda 21 also sees the permanent loss of all property rights with the introduction of universal basic income (ref NESARA/GESARA) and has/is being promoted by The World Economic Forum.
'You will own nothing and you will be happy' WEF
In a depopulated world the surviving brainwashed and controlled population will be confined to mega cities. Carbon limits will be used to restrict consumption and liberty. Meanwhile the re-greened wilderness will be the exclusive playground of the ultra rich elite posing as conservationists.
The CO2 hoax amounts to the theft of the world and the enslavement of humanity by a parasitic few.
Welcome to the future!
I have included a debunking of 'accumulated heat' as it is so often used to explain how trace elements, so called 'greenhouse gasses', can warm the planet.
Accumulated heat whilst sounding a reasonable explanation of how heat can build up is rather nothing more than gobbledygook. In fact it shows those using such arguments do not even understand what heat is.
When we measure temperature we are measuring the heat energy a thing is losing. In short heat is a measurement of flow, the transfer of heat energy and this will always be in the direction towards the colder. For this reason a thing can never 'accumulate heat' in the way those advocating CO2 climate change describe. The temperature of a body is the measure of heat output, it can never be greater than the measure of heat input. Output = input. When a thing is warmed it is heated to an equivalent of the heat input. If this input is not maintained it will cool. Those that propose that heat can build up to be hotter than the total measure of heat input at a given time either do not understand what heat is or are being deliberately misleading. To illustrate, an object being heated by a flame can never become hotter than that flame, it's temperature cannot rise inexorably to the temperature of the sun for instance. Heat cannot be accumulated. When we think about it common sense tells us this must be the case.
NASA and even Nobel Prize winning physicists have expounded 'accumulated heat' as the explanation how CO2 is able to warm the atmosphere. They claim that over hundreds of years CO2 has captured heat energy and this heat has 'accumulated' to produce a serious warming effect. As I have just explained, this is totally impossible and fundamentally violates all the laws of thermodynamics. That respected scientists should support such uneducated, unthinking nonsense is disturbing and only reflects that in terms of being able to think clearly about a subject they have no facility or inclination. These are the Dark Ages of science. Belief has outweighed logic or any critical thought. It tells us that we should not unquestioningly accept anything we are told, that experts can be fools.
(NB: be aware of attempts to discard thermodynamics by talking about biology.
Eg. 'It only takes a drop of arsenic to kill a person.'
This would be somewhat desperate, muddled thinking. Clearly biological processes based on the reaction of a cell are not the same as the laws of physics/thermodynamics).
@@doobidoo095 Your explanation of the science of heat gain and radiation is sketchy at best and your playing of the UN card is as ridiculous as blaming Qanon or George Sotos for global warming. Even if you are a climate scientist, your explanation is contrary to the informed opinions of 97% of your peers.
@@bobyoung1698 A doubling of Co2 from 400ppm to 800ppm means almost nothing! So, do not worry. And the ocean currents wont stop until the earth stop spinning! And the sun is dark.
I'm curious about the dynamic between global warming pulling temps up and the Milankovich cycle which should be pulling temps down into a cooling period. Who is studying that?
As a little disclaimer: I do not have the answer.
However, I do think that Just have a think presents the closest we get to the answer in form of what the IPCC released in 2018 (7:25). So correct me if I am wrong but I believe that the warming effect of global warming is expected to overwhelm the cooling effect. In my personal believe, Just have a think proceeded to talk about other expected outcomes like disasters, as the actual impact of these counteracting forces are still widely unknown and unpredictable.
My beach on my town on north Puerto Rico is gone the water has grown so much 😩.
Incredibly unlikely. For all the hype of the ocean level rise, it's only going up about an inch a decade. That's gonna take a long LONG time to swallow an entire beach. I'm calling BS.
Most likely was washed away it happens everywhere
Gonna get bad real soon
@grindupBaker thanks for this
Laughing in Indonesian
Fantastic video.
I found this channel by pure chance and have subscribed immediately.
Greetings from Cumbria in the U.K.
stay safe and well.
i live in cornwall england and can report that the gulf stream kept us toasty this winter.
Luck bugger.
I live in the American Rockies and our weather is characteristically schizophrenic.
Well go further inland and you might find people have been experiencing more cold snaps than usual. First frost date for me is end December / start January (gardeners pay attention to stuff like that), been having frosty nights since start of November. Played havoc with my broad beans this year.
I live directly on the Gulf of Mexico ....and have noticed the temperature, algae growth increase, Manatee deaths, massive fish die offs, rancid air emanating from the water and on and on...yet the general public is oblivious.
I'm in southwest Fl. and biospheres is SPOT ON !
I lived there 20 years ago and all that stuff was normal back then. Remember walking on the beach as a kid having to avoid the disgusting piles of rotting fish, wondering why the hell people wanted to go to the beach.
@@grugnotice7746 The intensity and duration of these negative impacts are much greater now.
@@thinkabout602 No, they aren't. Went to Galveston on vacation 5 years ago and everything was about the same way I remembered it. It only looks bad when you are primed for it to look bad. Humans are easy to manipulate. You can make people see whatever you want them to see, like two different movies on the same screen. Mrs Doubtfire, the psychological horror movie.
@Jacob Zondag All life is an existential crisis. The alternatives are death or godhead.
super important stuff here, thank you for breaking it down
This was an excellent explanation of a complex topic. The speaker was a skilled communicator. The "visuals: were most helpful. Keep spreading this lecture and the urgency. Thanks.
Very informative, articulate, engaging. Appropriately cautionary. I loved the Bill Nye clip. He continues to inform us all.
I think the way we're acting around the world (almost) should inspire people as to the results on nature, air quality and wildlife. Stunning. We can't go back to "business as usual"...
You know ocean temps have gone up 2.5 degrees in the gulf since we have lost global dimming right? Short period of time for that and it's not good.
Yes we can have economic devastation,mass unemployment,no foreign travel,shorter life expectancy and unreliable food supply as energy is unreliable thanks to high time, cloudy days and no wind.
It's going to be fantastic!!.....not.
@@martinbrandom2654 there are dozens of typed of batteries that would allow for storage of energy, from literally pumping air into cavernous storage areas, holding it under high pressure, then the high pressure, when released, runs turbines that produce energy when needed. That's a very old kind of battery that can be used now, as well. Look into other typed of old batteries!
Note: battery, in this usage, is not a heavy, black plastic clad box of acid you stick in your vehicle, but literally ANY method of storage of energy to be used later. Like pushing/pulling a weight up an incline when energy is available, holding potential kinetic energy in it for any sort of indefinite period of time, and it waiting there to be accessed at any future point in time. This is a description of another ancient kind of battery, in fact.
There are also newer kinds of batteries being tested and created all the time. They will, eventually, be able to greatly enhance our energy storage, as well.
Stop trying to pour out all of the fossil fuel industry's favorite talking points, as in how our whole world would collapse without its existence. That is pure propaganda, nothing more.
Finally..!! Yes.
Someone who sees now that the "Air is Clear"
Straight up dude.
Nature's coming back.
People are learning to live as families again.
We're thinking, & coping, riding bikes, & loving it.
Without drive thru's.
Without truckloads of disposable plastic shite.
Without traffic jams.
Without going to work.
Without only being valued as a consumer.
Without Distraction.
We are indeed, "seeing clearly now" 🎶 the rain has gone..
You gotta source for that ?
I've been waiting for that to pop up in discussion again after it went away very quickly a year after 9/11 when global stats were combed over, & this first got into my mind.
I still think its good, we have to get back on the right side of this or cook ourselves.
Even so, a very articulate and well reasoned presentation, impressive.
Only problem is that such videos are "preaching to the choir" as reality denyers simply refuse to tune in to the science.
@@jimvenizelos4649 They commented above with their own reality.
What a brilliant channel
Love this channel. Well researched. No nonsense. Thank you.
AWESOME video - very well explained ... much appreciated !!!
alas ! I don't speak English enough...
@@christopherobrien5005 Sorry but I have NO idea what you're trying to explain ... speak you English ?
It would be great to see this updated given the most recent news of the confirmed destabilization of the Atlantic, which could lead to a collapse.
The is no confirmed collapse 😂
Yes I mis-worded that and apologize. Impending collapse. I’ll edit it. Or better yet - destabilization.
"new paper only confirms and strengthens conclusions and findings of previous research papers"
thank you for coming to my ted talk. lol.
@@dianac2498 I agree, it's quite concerning and let's get a current update on this destabilization that's happening 6 x faster or more than predicted.. (based on current observations)!! Plus the author of the study, Niklas Boers from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research in Germany.. states that the Atlantic Meridional Overturning really is one of our planet's key circulation systems"...
you've been watching too many movies homie
Brilliant channel and work, congratulations on finding this goodness, you human reading this 🤙
Skilled presentation - a succinct, nicely presented distillation of the science -- feels like a few university courses. Thank you.
This is not Science. It begins with a movie and uses that to focus on the AMOC. The AMOC is a miniscule part of the global climate system. ..
Real Science - Heat moves from a hot place to a cold place. The system moves heat from the equator to the poles. ~66% of that heat is carried by the atmosphere, not by the ocean. Duuuuuuuhhhhhhh. .. Go back to high school.
@@bimmjim no need to be an asshole about it. And if the damned AMOC did shut down it would certainly precipitate further consequences. All systems are currently undergoing collapse. Name one that isn't.
@@dreich1000 I have multiple degrees in engineering and I've been studying Climate Science at an advanced level for 5 year. I am simply applying the scientific method to the information being presented. .. I give lectures like the one in this video. My subjects are methodology, Climate Science and Philosophy. ..
bimmjim Was he not just using a popular movie image to engage the viewer ? An unprecedented amount of fossil fuel (ie. millions of years in formulation) have been mined and burned in the last 150 yrs (most in the last 40yrs). A cursory consideration of these numbers should get anybody’s attention.
It doesn’t take a great mind to understand that combined with the accelerating destruction of forests we’ve all (us lowly non degree holders and your brilliant self ) have a real life/real extinction problem.
@@martinnolan4800 Do these 36 lectures. Then we can talk: th-cam.com/video/4Su5pDR2cTs/w-d-xo.html
I'm thinking that we are likely to respond as well to this as we have to Covid.
Crying wolf, when there is none works once. No one is going to believe anything from government or corporate now.
@@jacksnyder7318 Are you saying COVID and the Global Climate Crisis is not happening?
@@DonaldWesselsJr The opposite.
@@DonaldWesselsJr Well, let's see...
The two years of commie cough compliance have seen ZERO impact on cases, as well as new variants being reported almost every 3 months. Meanwhile, deaths from the flu have disappeared. Supposedly. And governments across the globe have been increasingly restricting even the freedom of SPEECH under the premise of 'fighting a pandemic.'
A new solar minimum is approaching, which should last for around 15 years. One took place from the mid 60s to the mid 80s, and the usual suspects said we needed to stop using cheap (i.e. 'fossil' based) energy, lose freedoms, and cost the countryside with solar panels and paint our roofs black. This would forestall the coming 'global COOLING' disaster.
A lot of big talk, all of it centered around destroying western civilization and propping up an egalitarian feudal state. But these people are as virtuous and honest as the wind-driven snow, right?
We can't wait for politicians to make the necessary changes. We have to do it. I don't mean private interests developing world saving technology. I mean replacing capitalism through the grass roots adoption of an alternative.
Fantasticly disactic! Visuals are amazing!
THANK YOU for sharing this MOST crucial information!!!
To make a difference in our life time we must overcome overpopulation , wastefulness , war , corporate greed , apathy , political corruption , caste hierarchy, prejudice , lack of education ...... and on so many levels we have a government totally intent on exacerbating all the contributing factors for our own demise for the benefit of the less than one percent . Very little can be done until those in charge cannot keep it from coming under their own door . Then well be told "why haven't you've done something sooner " !!!!!!!
overpopulation will be solved through the expansion of the electrical grid. getting poor areas cheap electricity brings them out of poverty which reduces the population growth. China and India have already seen a lowering of their fertility rate due to the increase of access to cheap electricity. Insisting they build wind and solar right out of the gate is not only unfeasible but destructive to local wildlife and impossible for any 3rd world country to adhere to.
Lifetime is one word, Michael and over population is a farce. One could also make the argument that the education system, is nothing more than social conditioning.
*The Secret History of Western Education*
So, basicly get rid of capitalism?
Should be easy enough.
Yep and that doesn't even start on the limits to growth such as the fact we're running out of chromium and you can't recycle at that effectively. Also manganese and several other metals. Acromion is important because when you have no chromium you have no stainless steel.
This was forecast back in the 1970s. And as they've checked up on it periodically the projections are on track.
The good thing is. I'll be dead by the time it matters. My sympathies to the people who will be at the start of their lives.
The only way we could remotely have a chance with Phoebe get their population rapidly below 2 billion and that is just basically impossible.
We really need a follow-up to this.
if the atmosphere shows that sort of thing shit your pants cause I think there's a gravitational issue going on with the planet something like a black hole forming in the planet
Don't worry, the Earth will heal itself after we wipe ourselves out with stupidity.
@Chris Zealotes some junkie tree huggers lit those fires.
I'm not sure we even belong here anyway. The Earth hates us. Rightly so!
It's astounding to me how much liberals cry for "the Earth," yet they won't shed a tear for the million babies who are slaughtered by their mothers in the womb every year in America by abortion. 43 million babies murdered in the womb around the world every year. But hey, let's all cry for the Earth!
Edmond Pippins
Wipe yourselves out with a flood of your own salty tears. Stop being led by the nose by these fake scientist like Bill Neigh, Bill Gates and Gretta.
Edmond Pippins - clearly a “glass is half empty” kind of guy... obviously an attempt at humor to one’s own detriment.
Have you heard of 8 Billion Trees? th-cam.com/video/AAlyuWYiGgY/w-d-xo.html
It's nice to know what's happening to the planet. Unfortunately we've handed power to a bunch of greedy Yahoo's who are more concerned with accumulating wealth than the health and wellbeing of the planet and it's other residents. I think we've had ample demonstrations that our elected or otherwise"leaders" couldn't organise the proverbial piss up in a brewery. I fear for future generations unless there's major socio-political-economic revolution. As we're all too busy with our phones I wouldn't hold your breath, sadly. Great video, thanks.
there were always corrupt greedy people in charge, id argue now in the west its the best ever since we have free speech to criticize them.
In 10 years China made more pollution than the entire history of the United States...
Damn phones causing climate change...
Hello from a year in the future! I'm catching up on some of this channel's older videos, and it's interesting to see how the format has changed just over the last year.
As for the AMOC and the Gulf Stream... The situation is still just as terrifying, but there have been some more studies that added complexity to the problem. Apparently oceanic winds also effect the AMOC, but scientists aren't quite sure what that effect has been yet.
The effects we are seeing may not be fully understood but our impact is known and sure as hell if we don't do anything about it then we are heading towards an E.L.E.
I'm not convinced reducing our carbon commissions at this point is going to change the likelihood of a rapid reduction in the AMOC. IN fact, since I first studied this at Colorado School of Mines, I've become convinced that the slowdown is greater than we are measuring or modeling. The problem being the newness of the theory and insufficient datum from historical sources including the oceanic winds. Many of us engineering types know there is no way to model this complex of a chaotic open system in the first place and as soon as enough constraints are incorporated into the models all we have left is a graduate student exercise. Then there is the microbial load of the oceans and how much the make up of emissions of gases are changing with the chemistry of the oceans. Solar variances as well are hard to model. In summery I think the entire system has and is slowing more that modeled and the shutdown event is more on the order of decades than centuries. We are overdue by many estimates for the end of the inter-glacial period.
@Kevin Street
Have you seen my sister Mary? She left and is currently ahead also. I stayed behind to correct what she could find but have no way of communicating. How are you doing it?
The severity of storms is that they are moving slower, dumping
precipitation in a smaller area. Question is if the oceans current shifts are contributing to these slow storms.
Thanks for this presentation. I’ve viewed and read a great deal about how these interconnected climate systems work, and yours is, by far, the best I have seen. I have a much clearer understanding, now. I wish every thinking layman on Earth could and would carefully view this, listen and hear. I think it would have an important impact on human behavior and, maybe, result in aggressive, immediate actions to mitigate the threats. Thank you 🙏🏻
The only problem would be the mind set of anyone living in a land locked area of North America or Central Asia. I know that areas of Alberta, or areas of the Midwestern States of the USA, wouldn't care what's happening out in the Atlantic Ocean and therefore wouldn't be pressuring their governmental people to do anything. That is until they start suffering massive droughts and crop loss from lack of rain. But when it all reaches that level, it will be too late. As always, it isn't anyones business until it affects them directly. Personally I have more faith in the alternative energy solutions this page offers and the small or large storage of energy to push the hydrocarbon industry to a slow but gradual standstill and start the planet healing again....mind you with a lot less of us to pickup what's left.
An excellent introduction into a complex issue. Thanks
Just discovered this channel. I'm glad I did!
I live on the west coast of Scotland (close to the 'isle of Mull') and for the last 48yrs the weather has definitely changed.fir better or worse it has changed.
The climate has always changed. A thousand years ago the climate of Scotland got much colder and wetter causing the destruction of the Caledonian pine forest, it should be noted this was before James Watt and Greta Thunberg.
@@iancampbell6925 I agree. However change that is so rapid it can be witnessed by a single individual is unlike previous changes. In fact you can't make any deductions about world climate from you own observations but what is again different is that worldwide people have noticed changes to their own weather patterns within their own lifetime. If you view these observations in the light of scientific study of climate patterns they can be seen as symptoms of the monumental changes that we might be going to endure if we don't control our co2 emissions.
Charles Stewart - I really enjoyed camping around the West Coast of Scotland, although the mosquitoes are rather brutal.
@@treescape7 here you, what is more likely to cause global warming... a smattering of humans or the sun which is 1 million times the mass of the earth
Humans still fucked it though
@@BAMHEIDSPINKWORKS CO2 is an insulating material. We keep pumping it out and we are fucked sooner. We stop pumping it out we are fucked later. And get fucked less.
Fascinating. I knew of the hazard to AMOC but surprised to learn surface temps still likely to rise. Cooler Atlantic will mean less rain for the UK. That's a mixed bag, but you'll get better use out of solar.
Brilliantly presented, thank you! Absolutely brilliant, greetings!!
Nice video, great info. 👍🌎
JHAT, as always, fascinating. I do think you have so much information packed in one video that it would be nice to have more pictorial information and even more graphs, as well as bullet points for the main concepts you are addressing in your voice-over.
Also, please consider a sequel video where you articulate all you said with the decrease in white-sunlight-reflecting-snow-blanket over the North Pole and particularly Greenland that will be sure to come with global warming and in turn increase the average ocean water level (thus flood many coastal cities!), and accelerate the global warming trend. There must be an algorithm for this and surely a reasearch project focused on Greenland??
As far as I know the position of low&high pressure areas are also strongly influenced by the Jetstream but zero mention is made of that and how it controls the planets climate.
So if it takes a thousand years to cycle the deep ocean water how can readings taken from late 1800s be taken seriously in the bigger scale of things as an indicator if no true data exists of what was happening in the Southern Hemisphere oceans before 1900s. And also why are the Sahel on North Africa having its wettest summer in 200 years. Antarctic pack ice amount this year 2020 was the best in decades.
What is the CO2 emissions from humans compared to natural emissions?
@@haydenjardine9178 does it matter? Carbon and CO2 are the smallest contributers to heat trapping arousals. Water vapour being the biggest makes them look miniscule in comparison so cloud cover and how it changes is the only thing that matters. CO2 and carbon cannot trap heat very well on its own.
@@Io-vz2jq If the Globe warms ie: Average Mean Temperatures rise....The Climate Changes. If the Globe Cools Down ie: Average mean temperatures lower....The Climate Changes. See how its referring to two DIFFERENT things.
@@keithwilson1554 You just explained the racket. There while always be a crisis because of "climate change." It will always be either too hot or too cold. We need to stop climate change. That is how the racket works. Climate change is a constant but there are groups that tell us what it is supposed to be.
Trank you very much for uploading this video.
There’s more thermal energy in the top 3 metres of the sea than in the atmosphere above it.
@grindupBaker thanks. A few years back the BBC weather report showed the sea depth with colour. Why didn't they show sea temperatures. Sea depth is meaningless whereas temperature isn't.
@grindupBaker a few years back during a cold snap a lake in England froze over and three people walked on it. They walked towards the middle where the lake was deepest and therefore less frozen as the water underneath has more heat. The ice broke and two of them died.
@@alexbowman7582 figures
Could anyone answer the following Q?
Does CO2 dissolved in water trap heat just the same as in the atmosphere? Or is H20 more efficient in absorbing heat? If the latter holds true, then H20 absorbs atmospheric heat rather then capturing sunlight directly, doesn’t it?
Mickey de W it doesn’t trap heat in the ocean in the sky it absorbs sunlight. H2O is very effective at holding heat that’s why it’s in radiators.
Thank you for your important insights. I agree with you on the solution of renewable s and rewilding the planet. Thank you for helping us all think globally and act locally. Be well
Question: What caused the AMOK to slow 1600 years ago if indeed it was slowed or perhaps speeded up after 400 AD? What is the sun's output data? That data can't be for much more than a century. What are the impacts of a century of Radio transmissions and widescale high voltage power distribution? Are these mitigating factors or complementary? Is C02 the only measurable parameter considered?
Actually it is less than a century old. Virtually all of the actual measurable data (that bit that is measurable, which does not mean the same as reliable) dates from the last forty years (now, I remember when it was only the last 25 years). That starting point (~1980) was picked with care because if we go a bit over five years earlier, then the Arctic ice cap in the summer resembles the modern "global warming caused" one today.
Heck they cannot even keep their story straight in less than a year's time. Record breaking snowfall on Greenland increases the weight of the icepack, which then, to alleviate the stress, has a summer with faster moving glaciers (get jello, put it on a plate, press lightly, then press heavily, same mechanism) and more runoff melt.
All we get to hear about is that the Greenland icepack had a record runoff, not the cause of the record snowfall and freezing. One fits AGCC the other fits actual observable and repeatable science.
@@kamaeq Thanks that's good, however, I have real data on glacier melting in the Canadian Rockies dating from 1950. What is the significance of that data in terms of Global warming? That's a good question. When the surveys were done the assumption was Solar activity was the only real cause. Why? Energy calculations of the amount of energy required versus the solar variation and the correlation seemed to fit. Now the argument of ecological degradation due to human activity has some validity. Again is it a sole cause or a contributor to the natural variation. That's the real point that ecological studies focus on. Are our overall activities skewing the natural variations? The answer seems to be in the global sense as being: maybe. Local effects can actually be readily observed. Heat domes over major urban areas is one.
It is the politicisation that's skewing the science and ruining any debate.
@@malcolmwatt4866 Not much on a global scale and yes, given the "Green New Deal" and the various treaties it appears that it is all politically driven pseudoscience.
Why are your actual records not relevant? Too local an area (since micro climate activity can occur even on a partial continental scale) and too short a time frame when dealing with patterns over ~1000 year scale, 70 or even 100 years aren't much, especially in a local environment.
Even NASA has admitted that there has been a warming "pause" for over a decade in some documents.
For me, looking at the dismissal of the best data on the planet (USA) for an extended period, when you have a massive cooling like is showing now, to get the "(one of the top) hottest EVAH!!!", I can look at the global map and see huge warming trends to make the math work... in places in the third world where they have ZERO thermometers and ZERO history of temperature records; equals marking your data to fit your curve.
@@kamaeq I couldn't agree more except the real data contained in tree rings and glacier profiles are ignored or given interruptions. From a historical view of a desire for a Biblical resolution, it makes even more sense to fudge or be creative in the science hence the political agenda of a century of technological refinements driven in the secrecy wars allow for the, hey, anything goes attitude. No doubt oil has it's problem, we know that but climate change isn't one of them.
@@kamaeq Where did you get your climatology degree? Uh huh. Pseudoscience indeed.
Excellent summary in a very clear and understandable manner without digging into the math!
Dr Jerry McNanus proposed a theory on cycles of the AMOC. One point he made was the time periods in studying the AMOC are just too short for temperature studies. He used CaCO3 and I think plutonium isotopes to show cycles over more useable time frame.
Malcolm Bolderson
As a mariner for more than 50 years we noticed particularly, in the last 10 before retirement in 2012. The sea temperatures had risen on average 1 degree C, this was more noticeable in tropical waters around New Guinea and the Pacific. This rise caused us to run the ship's engines slower, due to less engine cooling & higher exhaust gas temps. The storms became more frequent and much stronger. I'm pleased to be retired.
This post is bull!
If the sea temperature had risen by a full degree, the polar ice caps would have melted...
WTF are you even talking about?
It is of course impossible for the gulf stream to "collapse".
It is also impossible that human beings, who produce less CO2 than the ants, are the cause of any change in temperature...
And no, Skippy, ants are not "carbon neutral", ants are animals just like all the others and they fix oxygen, liberate CO2 and there is absolutely nothing that ants do that fixes any CO2...at all whatsoever.
Water vapor is the culprit, the main greenhouse gas and human beings produce absolutely zero % of atmospheric water vapor.
Furthermore global CO2 levels are 40% below what is optimal for plant growth, we should by trying to produce more CO2, not less.
A blue water even is inevitable because the true causes of temperature variation are cyclical in nature and cannot be stopped, particularly the passage of the solar system through galactic dust lanes which block so much sunlight that, were it not for the giants, mainly Jupiter, life on the Earth would never have occurred.
Blue water in the arctic means tropical weather up to about the 35th parallel...the planet will turn into a garden paradise and remain so for tens of thousands of years.
We need to stop all the fear mongering global warming lies and get on about the real business of all relatively conscious sentient beings throughout the universe... Planetary Management, mainly Desert Reclamation.
This is very simple: if their lips are moving, they're lying.
Do you honestly think that this clown believes the shit that he posts on this propaganda machine?
The money...that's why they lie.
Have a reasonable day.
@@pooltuna you use a lot of words not necessarily in the right order.
@@pooltuna excellent post ,if only this kind of logic ,the proper kind ,could penetrate the bullshit pumped out by these clowns , here’s to hoping
Yeah. When summer comes around internal combustion engines start overheating. Sounds legit.
Love the sprinkling of modal verbs:Might, could, may, would. Relying on falsehoods: more and stronger hurricanes, more cc-caused forest fires. One standard remains the same: garbage in, garbage out. Yet The Maldives survive.
The condescension is just a bonus.
Ok Boomer
@@J_Stronsky I take offense to your "boomer" remark...."idiot" is preferred
(I'm a boomer and I'm concerned)
Excellent presentation of the facts. Great to listen to and watch. Thanks.
As a scientist I dislike the alarming accuracy and objective presentation of your videos. But thank you anyway for putting the truth out.
Thank you Don ( I think?) :-)
As a scientist, I have to ask: Could you clarify?
@@incognitotorpedo42 Nuclear chemistry 1989
I support your statement. All the predictions depend on the interests of the creator. If he wants to produce panic, well you get a video like this.
@@billferner6741 so ...soros? Lol. Jk. But seriously is that what you are insinuating ? The commentator would be associated with some villain or group of villains?
Excellent content! Could you at some point do a video about what the effects of a 1m rise in sea levels actually looks like in the real world. To the average person a 1m rise sounds inconsequential. Science communicators have failed to convey just how much land would get swallowed up and how many cities would be wrecked. Thank-you for all the videos. Much respect
I think one meter rise would swallow most of Florida. The Seychelle islands are already going under water. It's not just the flat water level it is the storm surges that will make coastal living impossible in a lot of places.
Take all the boats out the water will lower the sea by a few mm
@@Soulvex Nonsense, we've taken most of the fish out and has that made a difference?
@@Martin-se3ij yes.
What 1 metre sea level rise is that?
Thank you, you give an indication of impacts in the Atlantic if the AMOC slows further, do you have information on the impacts in the Indian, Southern and Pacific Ocean?
great chunks of ice are breaking away from the antarctic effecting the pacific the same way.
@@bissetttom1738 - what do you know about this? Are you aware that calving of antarctic glaciers is normal? So are you trying to impress everyone that you know something?
@@tomkunich9401 I acknowledge the ice calved, it just how much, if the salt currents desalinate to much they slow down and eventually would stop. so what was your point?
Just found your channel. A good quality video, well presented and informative. Thanks. I hope those up to now, not having a think, start to do so about this most pressing of issues.
I enjoy your presentations although a fair bit scary at times good stuff very informative. I would like to just ask if you could include Australia a bit more on information. We people in the southern hemisphere seem to get overlooked a fair bit. Cheers love ya work.
Video ideas: A close up series on the _most likely_ effects of climate change on each individual continent/region in detail.
In this video you showed some detail on a few key regions in the Northern hemisphere (I'm in the Southern hemisphere) of just this phenomena, and it made me curious as to what the exact effects would be in each region, and with parochial self interest waiting to see if my area got mentioned.
And that's where such a series could get attention, people would click on what's going to happen in their neck of the woods.
I suggest the most likely scenerio, and a spread across the better and worse case scenarios.
Perhaps broken down by the contributing factors such as the ocean currents, sea level rise, atmospheric heating ect.
And look at the rough timescales - that could be part of the best/worse case scenarios.
That is so much in line with what I have seen and heard over the past twenty years, I fear it is coming true
There are a ton of comments basically trashing climate change theory or offering natural patterns...which is great but the fact that they don't attempt to show it in correlation with human history and whether it shows trends coincident with human population bottlenecks is disturbing as if we the suffering of hundreds of millions is OK!
@@jammcguire1276 idiots trying to feel better about something they don’t understand but frightens them nonetheless.
Thank you for educating me on this topic.
There is an idea which has always nagged at me ever since I first heard about how the layer of fresh, cold water from melting ice caps would submerge the Gulf Stream, since fresh water is lighter than salt water, resulting in a new Ice Age: How long would it take for the levels of water to intermix, once the ice is no longer melting? Wouldn't the Gulf Stream start up again, once this happens? Would this not happen long before the ice cap is replenished? Would this create a feedback loop of freezing and thawing cycles until there is no longer enough ice built up to continue the cycle?
Fresh water is heavier than salt water.
@@richardhines8622 Dont be stupid. The relative density of normal saltwater in the Atlantic for example is 1.023.
@Siebert McCormick there are brine pools at the bottom of the Atlantic and Pacific that are tens of thousands of years old. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brine_pool is about right.
You might research the Medieval Warming Period and the Medieval Cooling Period and at least get a clue.
1 thing often missed when talking about these things: the impact on biological diversity. Because the mass extinction on animal, fish, insect and plant spieces is just as seriousas global warming.
The main thing that is missed is how the bible says its all going to be.
the extinction of biological diversity is the real cause of the increased co2, 10x more carbon is released from soils than is released from fossil fuels and those soil's would be a carbon sink were they farmed correctly. plant's exist to create sugars to pump those sugars deep into the soils to support the soil life, this takes many species of plants and some with very deep roots. when we grow single crops over vast areas not enough sugar goes into the soil to sustain the life below and so the lies dies and the co2 that was in that biomass released.
@@bengardener8928 you might be right. I do not have the knowledge to say either way.
@@tonysmith5812 that is an interesting thought. Are you having something particular in mind?
I'm not a scientist but has anyone ever taken account the amount of salt humans put into the Ocean's? Every year tons of salt are spread across our roads which in turn runs into our Ocean's. I've listened about how our Ocean's are warming and melting our ice. But what about us increasing the salinity? What affect is our salt run off doing to our Ocean's?
I would guess at it being a net neutral effect as the cheapest method for salt production is the from evaporated sea water. I might be wrong in this though as they do extract huge quantities of minerals globally
Yes, this always come up during ecological classes and presentations, and the effects of salt pollution are profound, both at the local level and at global oceanic levels. Salt by itself isn't necessarily ecologically dangerous by itself, but since salt is heavily used during industrial mining then the resulting sludge can be quite deadly. Places like W Virginia don't increase oceanic salinity because they are far from the ocean, but places like Montana do.
However, salt is usually deposited in oceans simply by water running over mineral deposits, such as you would see in rivers as they cut through the ground. Indeed, our oceans used to be fresh water and they gradually became saltier. Eventually, they will be become too salty to support life.
Since most of the Earth's surface was once under water at one time or another, it follows that human irrigation forces that salt to the surface. While in some places like Iowa, excess salt can be dispersed, in other places like most of Australia irrigated land starts an irreversible process of salt contamination, upon which no crops will grow.
I don't think you understand the size of the oceans. The salt that runs off our roads... you really don't get just how big these oceans are if you think we're making them saltier. One glacier breaks off in the Antarctic and probably undoes all salt we've ever added to the oceans by an exponent.
@@Salsuero Well, maybe he's asking about salt pollution. Civilizations have risen and fallen from salt pollution. And it's really really easy to do by mistake, and it's irreversible, and it's always caused by irrigation. You put a little bit of water on soil, and the salt rises to the surface via capillary action. Every ecologist knows this, which is why you find them constantly yelling at farmers not to irrigate this and that.
Places that heavily rely on irrigation flooding such as the Nile and the Mekong don't get salt pollution because the vast quantities of water wash away the salt on a regular basis, but dammed places such as Northern Mississippi do occasionally until they break their levies in which case they have bigger problems. Places like New Orleans which depend on levies to keep salt water ocean out get one chance...and then their flood contaminates utterly their fresh water.
@@langhamp8912 That's a fine theory...... but it's not at all what it sounds like he's talking about. So, if he is... perhaps he could've been clear like you.
Excellent video. Well presented. One of the best climate related videos I have seen.
As tomorrow never comes, the day after tomorrow might be late arriving.
@Mr Cabot as there is only now we better make the most of it.
@Mr Cabot just proves that now is the only time to store nuts. 😉
@Mr Cabot if you are Australian yes.
But can I get tomorrow and be back again today????
@@joshclove you already are.
Consideration should be taken to the effects of in particular the 3 Gorges dam in China. This particular dam has actually slowed down the earth rotation, although not by much, but like interrest in the financial world then the compound effect is quite a force to reckon with.
Agreed the weight of the collected water must be tremendous .. and foolish of the Chynese because manmade mechanics can not control nature .. Nature will always win .. the breaking of the dam is inevitable and all of Korea peninsular will be destroyed and well as its entire path to the sea through Chyna .. let’s hope all the people are out of harms way .!
Ok then let's build some dams on rivers that are flowing the other way...counter balance...that should fix everything...LOL...
Interesting presentation and got me thinking about the gulf stream. Well produced. But you could have said the exact opposite with all the wonderful swirling graphics and classy, calm presentation.
Mix Of science with propaganda and agenda
So in other words you just don't understand what a simulation is.
Excellent presentation..kudos. Stay safe and healthy.
Just a semi-random question... I live in Florida where it is a warm climate. If you put your hand on the roof of a house, a car or the road for any period of time, your hand will blister from the heat unless the above areas are painted white. If you walk from a wooded area into a average populated neighborhood the temperature is at least 10 degrees higher. These effects are worldwide, but less noticeable. It would be interesting to see what the numbers would add up to if these "radiators" were eliminated.
Your question?
planting trees on houses and in stead of only having loads of concrete growing plants DEFINITELY helps reduce this heat. Now we see cities like NY being at least a couple degrees hotter than places a couple miles away from them. This is definitely a thing.
I believe you have partially answered your own question without knowing it. White paint does reflect light and other radiation, but it actually does so much better than forests. If all the concrete, asphalt, and roofs were white, we would actually cool the planet down, and we wouldn't even have to completely end fossil fuel usage.
Doing this would also offset the production of thermal radiation caused by evaporative and air-air cooling systems (a/c units) which also contribute to the heat island effect. We could literally turn heat islands into cooling islands making cities much more sustainable than they are today!
@@yokotaashi Correct, you just have to look to the Mediterranean, specifically Greece. Most, if not all, houses/ buildings are white. They’ve known that white exteriors can have a cooling effect for generations!
there are recent studies on painting streets white in california. turns out pedestrians are experiencing the reflected heat. maybe we should indeed paint roofs white but not every mineralized surface
During the Jurassic period the co2 levels where 5x higher and o2 where much higher methane levels where much higher but not as high as some politicians pump out
The world was tropical with moderate poles
"moderate poles"?? The poles were free of permanent ice in the Jurassic, which, if we were foolish enough to allow that to happen in the future would mean sea levels 70 meters higher than at present, along with anoxic and euxinic oceans and a mass extinction, having caused the most rapid change in atmospheric and ocean chemistry and temperature in global history.
@Charles Young You can shout expletives all you like, Charles, but you merely demonstrate thereby your ignorance and your unwillingness to learn.
It is a fact that, as a result of human activities, atmospheric CO2 levels over the last century or so have increased faster than any known time in Earth's history, including previous mass extinctions. Previous mass extinctions, the worst of which was the end-Permian 252 million years ago, were caused by rapid increases in atmospheric CO2 (itself caused by a massive increase in volcanic activity) resulting in global warming. That global warming resulted in warming of the surface layers of the ocean, which reduced ocean currents (the subject of the above video), reducing the amount of oxygen in the oceans and leading to anoxia and euxinia (toxic hydrogen sulphide production). The end result was the extinction of over 90% of marine species and around 70% of terrestrial species.
Joe started off by stating that previous times have seen higher levels of CO2 and thus temperature, (which is true), as if we could move to such times without difficulty. But that conclusion is completely false.
As well as the destruction of all coastal cities and ports and much of the world's best agricultural land by sea level rise, such a move would undoubtedly precipitate a catastrophic mass extinction event. To contemplate such horrors simply because we can't be bothered to change to clean energy systems is complete madness, and to resist such change because you can't be bothered to learn the truth about global warming is irresponsible and foolish.
@@Tengooda so if volcanoes heated the earth all those year ago...why did a volcano cool the earth....the year without a summer....hmmmm
@Charles Young You think that half the major cities on Earth can just "move inland" - that is waaaaayyyyy beyond stupid fella
@@benlewis7686 Because the different emissions from volcanoes effect the Earth's heat balance in different ways that last differing amounts of time.
Those emissions are as follows:
1. Carbon dioxide, CO2, which is a greenhouse gas and is only slightly soluble in water. Thus, much of the emissions of CO2 (whether from volcanoes or humans burning fossil fuels, or whatever source) remain in the atmosphere for a very long time - centuries or millennia. CO2 is slowly removed by oceans and terrestrial vegetation and by weathering of silicate rocks. So, if you have a situation of increased volcanic activity lasting centuries and longer, CO2 in the atmosphere will gradually increase and with it global warming.
2. Sulphur dioxide, SO2, is very soluble in water and reacts with it to form sulphurous acid, H2SO3:
SO2 + H2O => H2SO3
Sulphurous acid then rapidly reacts with oxygen in the air to form sulphuric acid, H2SO4:
2H2SO3 + O2 => 2H2SO4
The H2SO4 also has a strong affinity for water and produces tiny spherical droplets of sulphuric acid solution that will not evaporate even in situations where water itself would do so. These spherical droplets act like cats' eyes - they reflect incoming sunlight back out into space, thus reducing the amount reaching the Earth, thus causing cooling. However, they are denser than air and will continue to attract water molecules so, even if the volcano blasts the SO2 into the stratosphere, they will fall back to Earth within a year or so at most as rain.
3. Volcanic ash also blocks sunlight from reaching the Earth's surface, causing cooling, and likewise settles out of the atmosphere after a year or so.
So, in summary, the CO2 causes warming and lasts for a long time. However, the amount of CO2 a single volcano emits produces very little warming - it requires a massive increase in vulcanism lasting thousands of years to cause a global warming spike.
SO2 and ash cause much more intense cooling, and a single volcano can cause significant global cooling - but that only lasts for a year or so.
The Sverdrup (Sv) is named after the norwegian scientist Harald Sverdrup: nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harald_Sverdrup
@grindupBaker just hope it doesn't get changed, just because its newer should have absolutely no reason or weight for change, I absolutely detest the idea of change because its new, the only reason to change anything should be, a change or correction of data, and as for ,easyer to say why not call them Bobs or Mandy's , if it offends the American ability to pronounce then tuff, learn the pronunciation don't just lazily expect to change things because you cannot be bothered.
@@CrusaderSports250 Ah, the irony in this one... "if it offends the American ability to pronounce then tuff"
Umm, Roger... "Tuff" is a type of geological mineral composite. I think you meant "tough", mate. As well, "easyer" is not a word. It is spelled "easier". I won't get into the myriad other grammatical errors you presented in your comment (of which I mostly agree!), but the Queen's English this is not. I know, who cares, right? Just this lazy, offended American who can't be bothered to pronounce words correctly, I guess. ;-) Keep calm and carry on.
Your ability to convey complex physics is outstanding - THANK YOU !!
3:53,, on the map, you left out the Gulf of Mexico ,the current makes a loop up and around the bordering states and countries, counter clockwise ,, I remember when they had that big oil spill,it was mentioned that loop current was almost cut off, I live in Key West on a boat and we feel the Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico and the currents are amazing, we were pushing a barge from Fort Jefferson, Dry Tortuga back up to Garrison Bight Key West,, I had to keep adjusting the plotter because of my sideways drift,, the screen showed a foot a second,, we were only pushing 3 to 4 knots if we were lucky, The currents from the Atlantic to the Gulf in Key West Bight run about 3 to 4 knots, in New Hampshire,growing up, the eddies that broke away from the Gulf Stream,because of some storm brought in tuna
You forgot to add that the 2019-2020 northern hemisphere total snow mass broken the records for average 1981 - 2012 totals by a massive margin .
OK. Obviously you slept through elementary school science. Hence, the WARMER the weather in winter, the MORE SNOW FALLS. Warmer atmosphere holds MORE MOISTURE than COLDER atmosphere and henceforth LESS SNOW IN COLDER WEATHER. Having grown up outside of Philadelphia in the '60's and 70's, our BIGGEST SNOWSTORMS hit when the temp was between 28 to 32 degrees. Snowfalls when the temps were 20 degrees or lower, we had snow, but it was not NEARLY AS HEAVY.
So the warmer the air temp, the MORE MOISTURE IT HOLDS.
yes!! more proof of global warming
I know, I work in the ski resort, was sick of shoveling snow!
Definition of a Fool....Someone who makes Big assumptions based on Little knowledge.....
We in the UK haven't seen a snowflake for years, or even ice, we're was the record snowfall.
Humankind are such curious creatures: capable of extrapolating with such precision, yet lacking the ability to execute plans that extend past a single lifetime. We are such short-term thinkers that it's amazing we've managed to survive this long!
It's only been a couple hundred years or so since man had the ability to drastically change his environment. That amount of time doesn't even register in the grand scale of time. Hopefully future generations will learn from the terrible mistakes of past generations.
@barb rarick air not breathable? From what?
You are slightly mistaking yourself. Humanity gets periodically exterminated by natural disasters, every 20 + thousand years.
AI is the only thing that can save Humanity from Extinction. Change my mind.
Actually that is probably the best thing we have in our favor. We won't be in trouble until we can create and destroy matter. Till then all we really do is turn ice into water, then into steam, then back into water, then back into ice.
On this topic, how cold is England getting? It's at the same latitude as Siberia....
Timbuktu was once tropical rain forest, where people navigated the land in canoes. This in their recorded history.
Scary. Great graphics. Thank you.
Much of this was predicted in the popular 60's book, "The Cooling."
This channel spews pseudo science all the time..
Question 1:
What caused the last ice age?
Question 2:
What caused the last ice age to end around 12,000 years ago?
Question 3:
What causes the Earths magnetic field to flip?
I will wait for the pseudo science answer..
The true answer is, we have no idea...
Ok, I admit, because I am honest, that I don't know, so please answer what caused the past epochs of climate change I questioned then?
There is a historic pattern of cyclical ice ages and inter-glacial warming periods..
What causes these?
My point being, if we can't answer what caused enomous past climate changes, then we by default, cannot say we understand any CURRENT climate change..
I can't help but notice, not ONE brave super smart person, has answered my simple climate change questions..
This is historic fact..
What caused these historic catastrophic climate changes?
I'm waiting.............
Ok, around 12,000 years ago Canada, and large parts of North America, were covered under a mile thick sheet of glacial ice, what caused that glacial ice age to occur?
Again, around 12,000, that ice age ended abruptly and that glacial ice retreated, why?
@@CreepsCompilation It is theorised that each termination of a quaternary ice age such as the one you referenced having created the Laurentide ice sheet starts at or near the greatest area and volume of the sheet.
At their weight, they induced isostatic depression beneath themselves, sinking the continental crust beneath them. As crust sinks, more of the sheet will be below sea level. Sheets resting on the seabed are more vulnerable to warming.
When the Laurentide sheet started to melt it would of released vast quantities of freshwater into the North Atlantic; freshwater reducing the density of the surface layer. This lesser density stopped surface water from sinking and thus shutting down the AMOC which would of carried warmer water to the north.
If less heat is carried north the southern oceans become more warm, CO2 being less soluble in warm water means more CO2 released atmospherically. As long as the effect of CO2 and other external factors such as localised sunshine outweighs the regional cooling of a shut down AMOC the ice sheets will melt more and release more CO2.
Originally thst theory was not supported because of the rise in CO2 being thought to precede sea level rise, but that has since been disproven in cave and coral.
Other hypothesis include the oxidation of methane from storage in either wetlands or clathrate hydrate reservoirs.
Of course we still don't have a complete understanding as you would suggest, but this seems to be a step in the right direction.
as Always an excellent - examination - analysis & presentation - of factual data -
leading to - logical rational reasonable - determinations & conclusions -
Is it not interesting there is no more scaremongering about antarctic ice melting ?
Al Gore, of course, predicted the end of all antarctic ice by 2000 and now it's growing.
Yes case closed super fantastic lol
@@cfs8118 can you support me by having a go at that warming cult member danisil at the top of comments please. Let's show them that the many people that do not support man's tiny amount of carbon causes temperatures to warm. Thank you. Good comment on your to.
Why don't you ever hear or anyone take radiation readings of the ocean.? Wasn't that done annually at one time?
Chuck Schenck Since the Japan incident they don’t want us to know.
@@SC-cb2pg They think we can't handle the truth. For some people mabey their right.
The gulfstream is still running an average of 6 mph. I scuba dive Florida. The gulfstream is so fast I cover over 1-2 miles in a 20 minute dive. Even holding on to the reef you are pulled north. You pass so fast it's very hard to hold on or focus on the smaller creatures within the reef.
Dave Borlace has to be one of the very best presenters on TH-cam!!! Authoritative but gentile. Very clear script.
This is my my science teacher told us there is a lot of warmth in the Atlantic ocean and everyone looked at him like he was nuts. In context of course he was right.
THERE is a mandatory missing ingredient for survival: you replace money with conscious people who care about each other AUTOMATICALLY --as if they ALL learned their bloody lesson. Ask anyone, what was the lesson? They don't seem to know. THE lesson was, you're worth is what you give AND the worst crime of all is having nothing they want.
Someday I hope they want what I have; see, it's not me - just arrived before my time. And the info came too late. Now I wont have time enough to give something. The 2nd and most profound domain of unconscious presence (the beauties), is true great work that makes a better world - nobody could be worth more.
Bravo,you're exactly right!
@@emeraldfox7175 there are 9 "unconscious Beauties." Isn't anyone going to ask for the other 8 Beauties in life? Timeless Curiosity? See, it's not me ... heh. Why would I tell if nobody asks. Can't hold it in anymore :-( could they even understand .... the gods must have given up long ago ... waiting for eons, perhaps in tears. It's not making *me* laugh.
Conscious people who care about each other ? They’re both in North Dakota taking care of each other
You would really think we would do all we can to help slow the process down.
I got news for you cupcake there ain't a damn thing that you or anybody else can do to cause mitigate or change in any dramatic way whatsoever or any teensy-weensy way this planet is self-governing semiotic self cleansing and will take care of itself whether we like it or not human beings are not causing any significant global changing nor can we repair what is a natural global phenomenon
@@ljs5757 then do nothing. To have consciousness is to be able to try things that may not work. But you don’t have to. That negativity will get you though. Even if it has no effect, a little positivity makes life better. For most of us at least.
@@ljs5757 Exactly. They can tax everyone into the Stone Age and mother nature’s gonna do what she’s gonna do. I totally agree.
@@HonorinTreason So, let’s all sing koombaya ? Things are what they are. Humans think they can change things. Pfft! This stuff is WAY beyond our technical know how. Liberals don’t know what the SUN is and use scientific confirmation bias to stay in there little bubble of “Humans are causing it”. Pfft.
Big money and big buisness make all the real decisions on this planet.
Humans for the most part are self serving, self interested and reality is (to everyone)only what they are willing to accept. Nothing more.
Everything else is rejected.
Only when a fact threatens their way of life or life itself do people become open minded.
Sometimes not even then.
Usually the invisible man theory kicks in when facts become overwhelming, denying reality to the last.
Brilliant presentation - thank you so much
Love it....thank you so much for all you do.
My God bless us with the wisdom to unravel our idiocy; for the sake of all humanity .
Thanks for your video. It's refreshing to get factual non-sensationalist information.
In other words people are just accelerating something that has happened naturally over longer periods of time in the past.
Why do you use the word "just"? Though climate, as we know, has shifted up and down when there were no people slashing and burning our forests and dumping greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere, does NOT preclude our causing it now! The fact climate change happened before people is the favorite excuse of the fossil fuel industry for ignoring it now. Of course, we also qnow know that in the '70s at least Exxon's scientists addressed the question of climate change caused by their actions, concluded it WOULD, but rather than coming up with alternatives to mitigate it, decided the ice melt in the Arctic would work in their favor by extending their drilling period by two months! Greed wins!
Yep, just like someoene shooting you dead is just accelerating something that will happen naturally.
Look at a graph of co2 vs temperature, notice the spike around the beginning of industrialisation, if you can't draw a conclusion from that you're a moron.
Excellent video glad I found this Chanel , TH-cam was getting stale