Poor Alder is so over looked. He's usually with the kids either playing with them or tending to needs. He was always staring at the pictures of the old house and HE's the one that was inviting Krista over. He should have the family trait and move into the old house to start his own family.
BUTLER HINTS: (They work great for me if I remember these 3 things) 1) Take away one of their jobs if you don't need them to really do it. Like gardening. They'll spend more time on things you do need. 2) Periodically give "praise"... they will do more work for a period of time after that. If you never praise they seem to get worse and worse later. 3) Don't forget to lock their door so they have a private room.
Also they have an action queue just like other sims so if they say they can’t do whatever you told them to do because they’re busy, just wait, they’ll get to it eventually.
As going to university as a separate household isn’t possible, I vote that all kids do uni from home. Imagine the chaos of four degrees, three adults and three children! 😂😂😂😂
You technically Can go to university as a separate household you just have to keep going back to that household every 7-14 or however many (i dont remember) days and saying "join next term" to have them get their degree
I feel like Alder and Aspen would take a gap year between high school and university, considering school was never their thing. Maybe we could move them out and let them "explore" the world while Ash and Willow go through university
I feel like they sort of have beach bum vibes so maybe Sulani and the laid back aspiration. Then James could take them to a different world after the laid back aspiration was finished.
For University, check the elective courses, especially if you want the sim to be something like a vet. You get a randomized list of available classes/skills, which can be any skill, so you can usually get the veterinary skill (or whatever) that way.
@@Silverfur01 That's a good point! Actually, I think you can take more electives, right? If you take fewer necessary courses? Either way, elective is the way to go for vet next time.
Oooooh! I love that idea! Even if James doesn't play him, giving him that career before he goes could be fun. I think he was also the one who kept looking at the old house so maybe he could move back in with Felix there later lol.
"Alder and, Im gonna say... Maple." 😂🤣😂 This made me flash back to the countless times my mom called me by my sister's name (Im youngest of 8). James is unintentionally adding to the authenticity of life as a younger child in a big family.
Only a couple minutes in, but I've never really had an issue with butlers. Cute story actually, I had a butler working for one of my main families and he was never buggy and was great with the kids! One day another guy was on the lot as the butler and I realised because the bed was assigned to the first butler, and obviously the second one didn't have anywhere to sleep. I reassigned the bed to this new butler and just accepted the Sim was bugged or something, couple Sims days go by and the original butler shows up on the lot I come to find the two Sims are married and alternate whose butlering at this families house?! I guess it's a bug, but it was lowkey super wholesome to discover.
I had a butler who was just the best. I figured out she was married and had the big happy family aspiration so I let her go once my kids moved out and aged her down so she could start the family she wanted. She named her first kid after my sim who died while she worked for me 😭 I know the names are random but that got me so hard
I had a butler quit after being terrorized by vampire triplet teenagers. I felt so bad lol. They would drink plasma from the butler and hiss constantly.
Please do a Return to Bigwallet Manor with the older kids. You could age it up a bit and clutter it with junk and have the kids restore it. It's a family theme generation, please take us back to the family's beginnings!
My Sim married Jeb Harris and none of their kids inherited his eye color. His son had triplets, and two of them were born with Jeb's eye color. Things like this make me think that The Sims does take into account the lineage beyond just parents...
I have thought for a long time that even applies in CAS. The algorhithms just "invent" a lineage for sims, and when a red-headed kid pops out of two brunette sims it comes from the invented lineage. If they did not do this, you would end up with the same sims (that is, they would all look like the parents, until you hit a few generations on, when a few people that don't look like the first two brunette sims have contributed to the family. Even in real life, there is no guarantee that your kids will look like you. I look like my 2nd great granny, my brother looks like her father in-law, our third great grandad. My dad does look like his dad, and my grandad looks like his grandad (my fathers 2nd great grandad), my mom looks like her maternal granny, but her mom (my granny) looks like her father.
I think this is probably true and people just take it for granted that everything coded into the Sims was shallow because of well-known and criticized mistakes or strange bugs, plus the way the townie randomize function loves to give potentially POC Sims blonde or red hair (which could be dyed or random but real, it's not impossible for anyone of any ethnicity to have these genetics because they're simply recessive genes and also random mutations in human DNA to begin with. After seeing the tenth one though it feels less unique or trendy and more like carelessness.) Also, while James doesn't use a lot of CC, not every CC creator can or will code their content properly so this perception may be a result of incorrect tags or an inability to change those tags, thus the inheritance system working from the cloned hair/eyes/etc original coding. Also, I feel like surprisingly the cat and dog genetics might be more limited which is a bit more jarring and obvious. This hunch is only based on CAS challenges though; I've never tried breeding a lineage of pets and checking myself so I could be wrong!
I love Jeb, he asked to move into my sim's house as a teenager so I had him be my sims roommate and hes lived with them ever since, now hes a vampire, my sim is an immortal spellcaster and they live with one of the ex sages (also immortal) who's married to a servo i built named Alpha Omega and somehow the game allowed him and the ex sage to give birth to a baby where theyre listed as mother and father to her. I kept Jeb's iconic bag head too. That's my most unique family lmao
You know, as polite as it is to have Editing-James hop in to clarify stuff, there's no universe in which I need to be told that when InVideo-James says "we're going to do something today" the chances of said thing actually then going on to be done today are doubtful at best. 😂😂 The forces of chaos may yet take us anywhere and that's part of the charm of the channel.
FYI: raising Research & Debate skill to 5 and above will help your sim finish their university homework faster (as well as all assignments). If you reach higher in the skill you can influence other sims to do your homework for you ;)
the only fix i know for the laundry bug is to not have them stacked on top each other, this always gives me the 'no available washing machine' bug in my game but if i have them seperate with at least 1 counter between the washer and dryer it has never broken for me! hope this helps :)
Thanks for that. I've had then bug out whether they are stacked or single... but I haven't tried it with a counter between them. I try not to put too many counters in the laundry room or sometimes the sims will go there to cook. Works fine if I put clutter stuff on the counters through.
Oh, thanks for the tip! I'll have to keep this in mind then. And thanks to TheBioExplorer for letting us know the counters can be decorated so they don't get food prep and dirty platers all over them. lol James could also move some of the hampers and put them along the other wall with the sink counter in between! That way he won't need to add more clutter. (I have a feeling the numbers of Sims and objects on the lot plus the produce from the plants is what might be causing the lag... he's been having the frame rate issue for a long time but I suspect in this case it really is just number of items plus number of mirrors reflecting things plus Sims struggling to queue adding onto the chug.)
Something that I found with butler’s is that if you have all your sims praise him they will actually do stuff around the house more so try it if you see that he is not cleaning as much
James, I know for me as well saving or clearing the notifications wont work, but how I fix the lags in my games is pausing and going through every singles household members and let the relationships gain, fame, confidence etc... notifications roll out... You know those little green icons with a plus above their head when they gain confidence or else... it seems like it piles up and when I actually look at sims and let those notification roll out, the lag usually disappears after the green notifications are over... I think the game struggle to keep track of everyones quirk gain and displaying them... It works everytime for me.
I have a butler in my game, and works beatifully haha, he repairs everything, cleans, gardens and takes care of the infants! Don't forget to assign a bed to him/her.
Haha that's some sims logic right there. Don't they go to butler school? No no, this is some guy we found at the flea market. But we gave him instructions!!
Something cute I noticed is that all the kids have Koji's skin tone except Oak so its understandable that he would also take after his mother's grandfather in terms of hair texture. Like he gets his appearance from his mum's side of the family.
I wanna see them at uni in the house. They can move out after they're done with it and take the money they'll probably get for the signing bonus to start off
FYI, they keep doing their homework at the dining room table because there are computers on their desks in their room. They usually prioritize the nearest empty desk or table
I think the sims will still complete university work and graduate if you have them as roommates. Move them out of your house as a one sim household. Ask them to be roommate and assign them their old bed. They do annoying roommate stuff, but go to class.
Have you tried clearing out the inventories of sims you aren’t actively playing? And simplifying the lots you aren’t using? It can help with lag. Which is dumb because the whole reason for loading screens was so other lots aren’t messing with performance and yet it still does.
Black genetics express themselves differently in each person. My siblings, my daughter and my siblings kids all look different (hair wise). It’s nice to see in the sims.
I had a household of 6 Sims (siblings and cousins) all go to Uni at the same time when DU first came out. It was a lot of fun. They all got straight A+s, participated in clubs, and started their respective careers at like level 8 or something crazy. I had a lot of fun with it. I think the oldest boy got Lilith Pleasant prego as well lol Where he found the time, I don't know. Since the tods will be aging into kids, I have faith you can handle the bigs all in Uni together :)
You need to create a study club with the college students (and the kids). Set the activity as homework and friendly interactions. When you get enough points you can buy a homework booster. It significantly speeds up the amount of time it takes to do homework. :)
With managing 10 sims, I feel like James mastered the "Sims micromanaging skill" !! Respect James ✌🏽✌🏽✌🏽 I could learn a thing or two from you about planning and schedules 😂
In all the many years I have played the Sims I've only had my sims win the lottery once. It was a rags to riches but I could NOT turn it down given how rare it is.
Toddler tip: toddlers can grab food themselves out of the Baker's Cousin Display Case from Get to Work. It works as a fridge as well, so food stays good. Just make some family meals and the toddlers can grab a plate when they are hungry.
tip for the bug where things delete when you build stuff: you (finally!) have the better build buy mod, so you can turn on the "build buy deletion fix" (or something to that effect) switch when you build something and then turn it off once you're done. there'll be a popup that explains it, but it basically stops things from being deleted even with move objects on
Sometimes James forgets what mods he has for convenient gameplay, lmao. This episode is the first time in a while he use the "smart pie menu" one again 🤣
1:25 Also keep in mind that Brianne and Addison are adopted so we don't know what Addison's heritage is. Especially is you go with the story line of he and Brianne being bio siblings. Also Koji is fairly dark skinned so he could have mixed ancestry as well
Always change the butler's traits to include NEAT. Then they'll keep everything clean for you. Also a good time to make sure they're not kleptomaniacs.
They may be going to sit at dining room table if the chair gives more comfort than the one in their bedroom. Felix, the ghost, sometimes moves into a house if you have neighborhood thing on, so he may be living in your neighborhood now. I usually see him if I have a haunted house or the spooky lot trait on.
the two other kids don't need to go to university - weren't they the ones always slacking off during school projects? maybe they don't go the university route but do something entirely different like streaming or opening a business together
I downloaded this house James and they NEVER clean ant=ything off that coffee table, I had to fill it with clutter to stop it looking like yours does now :)
I’m commenting again that I would love to see all four kids living together in one house while going to college and do a spin off mini series with them. We could have two LPs at one time like Briannes. It would be chaos but fun! If not that then maybe one or both of the other kids could decide college isn’t for them and get a job and move out.
For the kids, you could just finish ash and willow's degrees, then focus on Aspen and Alder. that might be the easiest if you want less to micromanage. maybe get aspen and alder part-time jobs in the meantime to contribute to the family funds. You should lock the kids' doors so only they can enter. Vlad likes to walk in and make himself at home. Before i discovered the joy that is a locked door, he once came over to my sim's house and stayed for a full day. this was also before i knew about the 'send home' option so i was very frustrated that he wasnt leaving. (i also had a pipe organ in my attic that i just thought was a cool thing and had no clue that vlad was obsessed with them so...yeah). felix psyded often shows up to visit once my sims start university. i've also discovered that if you put the spooky lot trait on, he will come over constantly. if your sim knows no ghosts, he'll be the only one to show up. i did an every lot challenge challenge a couple months ago with a haunted house lot and he was the only other ghost i saw at all besides guidry.
Great series I like it a lot. I hope you play the game the way you want to play it and don't worry too much about what the audience wants because people will be entertained regardless. Focus on what makes you happy.❤❤
I play rotation and do university with my legacy! TIPS: I play by week. If my sims enroll in a semester on wednesday, i do the week, and then the next wednesday at 5pm!! i exit the household and rotate because the next semester starts at 6pm! You wont be able to see their report xard but you wont be forced to sign up for a new semester. However you CAN NOT go back into the univeraity household until its their rotation because itll make you sign up for another semester. I also do age only active household and i have aging on for npcs only when i play the main household so everyone ages at the same rate. Once im done with the main familys rotation i switch npc aging off. I rotate between 6 households rn but i will probably get up to around 16 by the time the 3 gen moves out on their own.
I have a cat named Ash and every time you say the name he looks around like “what?” Then gives me a death glare for interrupting him from his important cat business.
I've been getting sims randomly running through my house and glitching through the walls. Even on top floor apartments and then disappear. I thought it was an apartment glitch. But it happened in regular house lots too. 😶🌫️ I even saved the clip onto my Playstation 😂
One of the other TH-camrs I watch discovered a good way to help toddlers get their skills up and keep their needs hood is to send them to preschool and she is doing a 100 infant challenge so she sends the kids to school toddlers to preschool and then only has to worry about the infants and newborns
Great episode! Managing the chaos was at all new level. James your the challenge king, and I'd like to see all 4 of the eldest kids staying home doing university, as their younger siblings grow up.
One thing I gotta say is that extremely curly hair can show up in a kid with as far as they know no previous curly hair for literal generations or at all irl, and with sydney so close it actually makes a ton of sense so it'd be cool if he kept it
Poor Alder is so over looked. He's usually with the kids either playing with them or tending to needs. He was always staring at the pictures of the old house and HE's the one that was inviting Krista over. He should have the family trait and move into the old house to start his own family.
Very good points!
Alder best boy!!!
The middle child syndrome 😢😅
yes pls. Alder and Krysta need to be a thing!
Quinn also really wants a child to get married soooo alder and krysta wedding??
James: Tells butler to invite all visitors in
I came to the comments to say this exact thing but you beat me to it 😂
I'm literally dying - the way he immediately forgets every choice he makes in this game LOL
I came here to say this also 😂😂😂
he did realize it later on tho..
BUTLER HINTS: (They work great for me if I remember these 3 things)
1) Take away one of their jobs if you don't need them to really do it. Like gardening. They'll spend more time on things you do need.
2) Periodically give "praise"... they will do more work for a period of time after that. If you never praise they seem to get worse and worse later.
3) Don't forget to lock their door so they have a private room.
4) If you see them slumping around bent over in the middle of the night, send them to bed via the social menu 😂😂
Also they have an action queue just like other sims so if they say they can’t do whatever you told them to do because they’re busy, just wait, they’ll get to it eventually.
5) Seduce them. Their job performance really goes up. ;)
So you’re saying they’re not bugged, James just doesn’t appreciate their services enough?
@@shutterbug8860 Something like that, yes. :D
The Butler’s name is Fatu and not once did James yell it like “Ah Batuu!” I’m highly disappointed!
Ah Fatu!
Lmao omg good catch! 😂
"Felix Psyded". Feel Excited?! Died laughing. Sounds legit!
Lol, I didn’t notice that 😂
Quinn single-handedly said 100 baby challenge
and everyone else raised them hahhah
Alder should be in the paranormal career. He randomly summoned a ghost 😂😂😂
As going to university as a separate household isn’t possible, I vote that all kids do uni from home. Imagine the chaos of four degrees, three adults and three children! 😂😂😂😂
I agree! :D
You technically Can go to university as a separate household you just have to keep going back to that household every 7-14 or however many (i dont remember) days and saying "join next term" to have them get their degree
I’m still waiting for him to get a dog to add more chaos
@@ChibiRandom13 or switch the household to unplayed while they're at university
@@mauratyson9580 Oh no, I hope he doesn't! lol Dr. Gluon's dog in his Miles Stone challenge is constantly getting dirty and needing a bath! 😅😂
I feel like Alder and Aspen would take a gap year between high school and university, considering school was never their thing. Maybe we could move them out and let them "explore" the world while Ash and Willow go through university
Ooh I like the gap year idea, maybe make them go to Selvordorada together and do the jungle adventure aspirations!
Alder and Aspen have several more days as teens though- like a week of being a teen left or something?
I feel like they sort of have beach bum vibes so maybe Sulani and the laid back aspiration. Then James could take them to a different world after the laid back aspiration was finished.
I think auntie Brianne might have come over to put the cornrows in Oak's hair!
No wonder Oak is lagging behind his siblings and ia sad. His family keeps trying to abandon him. He's obviously gonna be rhe next protagonist.
Yes. This. Poor, neglected Oak.
Lol I feel like Oak is going to become emancipated as soon as he can
Oak deserves better!
Oak is a real cutie, but I personally think James is setting it up where Ash and Krista get married and become the next heirs ❤
For University, check the elective courses, especially if you want the sim to be something like a vet. You get a randomized list of available classes/skills, which can be any skill, so you can usually get the veterinary skill (or whatever) that way.
you can only do that if you take just 3 main courses instead of 4, like james is doing. the option wont be available for him until the next semester.
@@Silverfur01 That's a good point! Actually, I think you can take more electives, right? If you take fewer necessary courses? Either way, elective is the way to go for vet next time.
Alder should be a paranormal investigator since hes the only one that knows Felix the ghost
Oooooh! I love that idea! Even if James doesn't play him, giving him that career before he goes could be fun. I think he was also the one who kept looking at the old house so maybe he could move back in with Felix there later lol.
I love how when your sims leave the lot they just disappear behind the basil bush 😂
"Alder and, Im gonna say... Maple." 😂🤣😂 This made me flash back to the countless times my mom called me by my sister's name (Im youngest of 8). James is unintentionally adding to the authenticity of life as a younger child in a big family.
Especially when your parents found it oh soooo hilarious to give you all similar names lol, it does feel very realistic how chaotic this family is xD
Yep my grandma had 8 kids and this apparently happened all the time. And my grandma used to mix up us 7 grandchildren too lol
I have 5 siblings and my mom would always call me my sister's name. Now she calls me my niece's name weirdly enough
Only a couple minutes in, but I've never really had an issue with butlers. Cute story actually, I had a butler working for one of my main families and he was never buggy and was great with the kids! One day another guy was on the lot as the butler and I realised because the bed was assigned to the first butler, and obviously the second one didn't have anywhere to sleep. I reassigned the bed to this new butler and just accepted the Sim was bugged or something, couple Sims days go by and the original butler shows up on the lot I come to find the two Sims are married and alternate whose butlering at this families house?! I guess it's a bug, but it was lowkey super wholesome to discover.
Oh my god that's actually adorable lol
I had a butler who was just the best. I figured out she was married and had the big happy family aspiration so I let her go once my kids moved out and aged her down so she could start the family she wanted. She named her first kid after my sim who died while she worked for me 😭 I know the names are random but that got me so hard
I had a butler quit after being terrorized by vampire triplet teenagers. I felt so bad lol. They would drink plasma from the butler and hiss constantly.
Please do a Return to Bigwallet Manor with the older kids. You could age it up a bit and clutter it with junk and have the kids restore it. It's a family theme generation, please take us back to the family's beginnings!
My Sim married Jeb Harris and none of their kids inherited his eye color. His son had triplets, and two of them were born with Jeb's eye color. Things like this make me think that The Sims does take into account the lineage beyond just parents...
I have thought for a long time that even applies in CAS. The algorhithms just "invent" a lineage for sims, and when a red-headed kid pops out of two brunette sims it comes from the invented lineage. If they did not do this, you would end up with the same sims (that is, they would all look like the parents, until you hit a few generations on, when a few people that don't look like the first two brunette sims have contributed to the family. Even in real life, there is no guarantee that your kids will look like you. I look like my 2nd great granny, my brother looks like her father in-law, our third great grandad. My dad does look like his dad, and my grandad looks like his grandad (my fathers 2nd great grandad), my mom looks like her maternal granny, but her mom (my granny) looks like her father.
i had a legacy where the ancestor had freckles and it skipped a gen but then passed down for the next like 5 gens lol it was the coolest thing ever
I think this is probably true and people just take it for granted that everything coded into the Sims was shallow because of well-known and criticized mistakes or strange bugs, plus the way the townie randomize function loves to give potentially POC Sims blonde or red hair (which could be dyed or random but real, it's not impossible for anyone of any ethnicity to have these genetics because they're simply recessive genes and also random mutations in human DNA to begin with. After seeing the tenth one though it feels less unique or trendy and more like carelessness.) Also, while James doesn't use a lot of CC, not every CC creator can or will code their content properly so this perception may be a result of incorrect tags or an inability to change those tags, thus the inheritance system working from the cloned hair/eyes/etc original coding. Also, I feel like surprisingly the cat and dog genetics might be more limited which is a bit more jarring and obvious. This hunch is only based on CAS challenges though; I've never tried breeding a lineage of pets and checking myself so I could be wrong!
I love Jeb, he asked to move into my sim's house as a teenager so I had him be my sims roommate and hes lived with them ever since, now hes a vampire, my sim is an immortal spellcaster and they live with one of the ex sages (also immortal) who's married to a servo i built named Alpha Omega and somehow the game allowed him and the ex sage to give birth to a baby where theyre listed as mother and father to her. I kept Jeb's iconic bag head too. That's my most unique family lmao
@@LilToastQueen lol Definitely unique and fun that a lot of it was random.
I love Oaks hair. He is too cute. I more so care about his possessed child arc 😂
You know, as polite as it is to have Editing-James hop in to clarify stuff, there's no universe in which I need to be told that when InVideo-James says "we're going to do something today" the chances of said thing actually then going on to be done today are doubtful at best. 😂😂 The forces of chaos may yet take us anywhere and that's part of the charm of the channel.
FYI: raising Research & Debate skill to 5 and above will help your sim finish their university homework faster (as well as all assignments). If you reach higher in the skill you can influence other sims to do your homework for you ;)
the only fix i know for the laundry bug is to not have them stacked on top each other, this always gives me the 'no available washing machine' bug in my game but if i have them seperate with at least 1 counter between the washer and dryer it has never broken for me! hope this helps :)
Thanks for that. I've had then bug out whether they are stacked or single... but I haven't tried it with a counter between them. I try not to put too many counters in the laundry room or sometimes the sims will go there to cook. Works fine if I put clutter stuff on the counters through.
Oh, thanks for the tip! I'll have to keep this in mind then. And thanks to TheBioExplorer for letting us know the counters can be decorated so they don't get food prep and dirty platers all over them. lol James could also move some of the hampers and put them along the other wall with the sink counter in between! That way he won't need to add more clutter. (I have a feeling the numbers of Sims and objects on the lot plus the produce from the plants is what might be causing the lag... he's been having the frame rate issue for a long time but I suspect in this case it really is just number of items plus number of mirrors reflecting things plus Sims struggling to queue adding onto the chug.)
thank you for the tip!!!
Something that I found with butler’s is that if you have all your sims praise him they will actually do stuff around the house more so try it if you see that he is not cleaning as much
"Now all we need is like a werewolf" Yes! SANDALWOOD!!!! Justice for Sandalwood!!!!
The rage at the Sims not cooperating is the most relatable thing ever 😆
You can actually start working on Willow's vet skill during college: just need to take it as an elective course.
James, I know for me as well saving or clearing the notifications wont work, but how I fix the lags in my games is pausing and going through every singles household members and let the relationships gain, fame, confidence etc... notifications roll out... You know those little green icons with a plus above their head when they gain confidence or else... it seems like it piles up and when I actually look at sims and let those notification roll out, the lag usually disappears after the green notifications are over... I think the game struggle to keep track of everyones quirk gain and displaying them... It works everytime for me.
the easiest way to enter full parenting mode is just use the "Tuck In" option when toddlers are sleeping :)
I’m always happy when he uploads a video 😆
so sad willow didn’t get into computer science degree since she started having interest in programming when she was younger
I feel like Alder and Aspen would not go to university but would get jobs to try to help the family.
I have a butler in my game, and works beatifully haha, he repairs everything, cleans, gardens and takes care of the infants! Don't forget to assign a bed to him/her.
I say if you hate the money trash can then sell it... Or swap it out for a dumpster so someone can constantly dive for deals, thrills, or ingredients.
James allows butler to invite anyone in
James ten minutes later WHY IS EVERYONE IN MY HOUSE
the entire sims community: HORSES???
James: THEY PATCHED THE PHOTO GLITCH 😭😭😭 (and i couldn't agree more btw)
Butlers read their butler manual or whatever for the first day or two then they start actually being a butler.
Haha that's some sims logic right there. Don't they go to butler school? No no, this is some guy we found at the flea market. But we gave him instructions!!
@@aawillma 😂😂😂
it so darn sweet that Maple wants to hang out with her big sister Willow, she is deffinitely a role model for her and i love it!
Something cute I noticed is that all the kids have Koji's skin tone except Oak so its understandable that he would also take after his mother's grandfather in terms of hair texture. Like he gets his appearance from his mum's side of the family.
"Influence to do homework - which you're already doing" is a surefire way to make sure the kid no longer wants to do homework 😂
Is the ghost a sign that Alder should follow the paranormal investigator career? 😂
I wanna see them at uni in the house. They can move out after they're done with it and take the money they'll probably get for the signing bonus to start off
FYI, they keep doing their homework at the dining room table because there are computers on their desks in their room. They usually prioritize the nearest empty desk or table
I feel James on the random lagging issue. It seriously impacts my game so much.
I love how when they leave the lot it looks like they teleport through the giant basil bush
You know you've made it in life when you have a butler, a maid, a nanny and a gardener. Loving this series 😁
Alder should become a paranormal investigator due to that. lol
"Hello? Im trying to socialize with you."
Quinn has learned the Parent-of-Teen official slogan lol. Welcome to the club 👋
FELIX PSYDED made me laugh so much when he kept repeating it 😅😂
I think the sims will still complete university work and graduate if you have them as roommates. Move them out of your house as a one sim household. Ask them to be roommate and assign them their old bed. They do annoying roommate stuff, but go to class.
9:36 Quinn was just praying for strength to survive this nightmare you have placed her in 😭
James you 100% should turn on gremlins in this house. I don’t think there is enough chaos yet 😂
Have you tried clearing out the inventories of sims you aren’t actively playing? And simplifying the lots you aren’t using? It can help with lag. Which is dumb because the whole reason for loading screens was so other lots aren’t messing with performance and yet it still does.
The Uni siblings need to make a homework club so they don’t bother each other while doing it.
Oak is sad because he is always left behind or left outside😂. I would like to see a series based on his story.
Black genetics express themselves differently in each person. My siblings, my daughter and my siblings kids all look different (hair wise). It’s nice to see in the sims.
the Sims is so punny. Felix Psyded, name sounds like "feel excited", died from laughter.
I had a household of 6 Sims (siblings and cousins) all go to Uni at the same time when DU first came out. It was a lot of fun. They all got straight A+s, participated in clubs, and started their respective careers at like level 8 or something crazy. I had a lot of fun with it. I think the oldest boy got Lilith Pleasant prego as well lol Where he found the time, I don't know. Since the tods will be aging into kids, I have faith you can handle the bigs all in Uni together :)
i love how much you focus on inclusivity and diversity in your let’s plays, James. it doesn’t go unnoticed!
But he does it as a matter of course without making a big deal of it. I love that.
@@glykerayes definitely!
You need to create a study club with the college students (and the kids). Set the activity as homework and friendly interactions. When you get enough points you can buy a homework booster. It significantly speeds up the amount of time it takes to do homework. :)
Having multiple toddlers, meal prepping and freezing pb&j is seriously a life saver. James is imitating me irl lol
Quinn sitting up in the bed at 2 in the morning kneeling in bed gave major "searching through my mans phone in the middle of the night" energy LMAO
If you need kids to potty train faster one kid can watch the other being potty trained
Send them to Batuu on a gap year for a bit of calm so they come back a few weeks later allowing you to focus on the triplets
james: we’re gonna travel today!
also james: we did not travel
advice for Willow -- have her take 3 classes and a vet elective, so she can learn the skill and get ahead!
With managing 10 sims, I feel like James mastered the "Sims micromanaging skill" !!
Respect James ✌🏽✌🏽✌🏽
I could learn a thing or two from you about planning and schedules 😂
i would love the chaos of all 4 twins going to uni at the same time that would be fun 😂
In all the many years I have played the Sims I've only had my sims win the lottery once. It was a rags to riches but I could NOT turn it down given how rare it is.
Toddler tip: toddlers can grab food themselves out of the Baker's Cousin Display Case from Get to Work. It works as a fridge as well, so food stays good. Just make some family meals and the toddlers can grab a plate when they are hungry.
tip for the bug where things delete when you build stuff: you (finally!) have the better build buy mod, so you can turn on the "build buy deletion fix" (or something to that effect) switch when you build something and then turn it off once you're done. there'll be a popup that explains it, but it basically stops things from being deleted even with move objects on
Yes, I was just gonna say the same thing! I think it’s called ”Deletion Protection” :)
Sometimes James forgets what mods he has for convenient gameplay, lmao. This episode is the first time in a while he use the "smart pie menu" one again 🤣
1:25 Also keep in mind that Brianne and Addison are adopted so we don't know what Addison's heritage is. Especially is you go with the story line of he and Brianne being bio siblings. Also Koji is fairly dark skinned so he could have mixed ancestry as well
Always change the butler's traits to include NEAT. Then they'll keep everything clean for you. Also a good time to make sure they're not kleptomaniacs.
They may be going to sit at dining room table if the chair gives more comfort than the one in their bedroom.
Felix, the ghost, sometimes moves into a house if you have neighborhood thing on, so he may be living in your neighborhood now. I usually see him if I have a haunted house or the spooky lot trait on.
I just love their house.... totally goals for real life. DEFINITELY enjoying this series! Good luck managing the University chaos!
Looks like nanny just got attached to the toddlers and comes even when he is not working.
the two other kids don't need to go to university - weren't they the ones always slacking off during school projects? maybe they don't go the university route but do something entirely different like streaming or opening a business together
Been bingewatching you James as I struggle through life right now, thank you for being so entertaining♡
I love the diversity and equality in your game plays. Really love the statement “Oaks great grandfather (Sydney) had beautiful hair”. Yes he did 🫶🏽
I always spam the “tuck in” interaction on a toddler to achieve “full parent mode”
When I want sims to do homework in their room - I lock them in.
I downloaded this house James and they NEVER clean ant=ything off that coffee table, I had to fill it with clutter to stop it looking like yours does now :)
I’m commenting again that I would love to see all four kids living together in one house while going to college and do a spin off mini series with them. We could have two LPs at one time like Briannes. It would be chaos but fun! If not that then maybe one or both of the other kids could decide college isn’t for them and get a job and move out.
Game: Aspen's responsibility fell out of range to earn the responsibility trait
James: Aspen is in range! Nice!
Not Jams telling the butler to invite everybody in and then asking why people are inside his house xDDD
Absolutely love how long these videos have been! Thanks for the amazing content James!
For the kids, you could just finish ash and willow's degrees, then focus on Aspen and Alder. that might be the easiest if you want less to micromanage. maybe get aspen and alder part-time jobs in the meantime to contribute to the family funds.
You should lock the kids' doors so only they can enter.
Vlad likes to walk in and make himself at home. Before i discovered the joy that is a locked door, he once came over to my sim's house and stayed for a full day. this was also before i knew about the 'send home' option so i was very frustrated that he wasnt leaving. (i also had a pipe organ in my attic that i just thought was a cool thing and had no clue that vlad was obsessed with them so...yeah).
felix psyded often shows up to visit once my sims start university. i've also discovered that if you put the spooky lot trait on, he will come over constantly. if your sim knows no ghosts, he'll be the only one to show up. i did an every lot challenge challenge a couple months ago with a haunted house lot and he was the only other ghost i saw at all besides guidry.
Great series I like it a lot. I hope you play the game the way you want to play it and don't worry too much about what the audience wants because people will be entertained regardless. Focus on what makes you happy.❤❤
"I need to go do some toddling" 😂
I play rotation and do university with my legacy! TIPS: I play by week. If my sims enroll in a semester on wednesday, i do the week, and then the next wednesday at 5pm!! i exit the household and rotate because the next semester starts at 6pm! You wont be able to see their report xard but you wont be forced to sign up for a new semester. However you CAN NOT go back into the univeraity household until its their rotation because itll make you sign up for another semester. I also do age only active household and i have aging on for npcs only when i play the main household so everyone ages at the same rate. Once im done with the main familys rotation i switch npc aging off. I rotate between 6 households rn but i will probably get up to around 16 by the time the 3 gen moves out on their own.
I have a cat named Ash and every time you say the name he looks around like “what?” Then gives me a death glare for interrupting him from his important cat business.
Butlers can't sleep on single beds and prefer couches instead. They really said, "give me double beds or nothing at all." 😂
I've been getting sims randomly running through my house and glitching through the walls. Even on top floor apartments and then disappear. I thought it was an apartment glitch. But it happened in regular house lots too. 😶🌫️
I even saved the clip onto my Playstation 😂
This house has been cursed even since Oak was possessed in the bathtub LOL
it took 30 minutes for James realize butler lets everyone in witch was best part... also Oak as quirk hates bedtime
"NO-ONE'S APPEASED" is such a vibe and im here for it.
This series is my absolute favorite sims content right now…or just my favorite content period.
One of the other TH-camrs I watch discovered a good way to help toddlers get their skills up and keep their needs hood is to send them to preschool and she is doing a 100 infant challenge so she sends the kids to school toddlers to preschool and then only has to worry about the infants and newborns
Great episode! Managing the chaos was at all new level. James your the challenge king, and I'd like to see all 4 of the eldest kids staying home doing university, as their younger siblings grow up.
One thing I gotta say is that extremely curly hair can show up in a kid with as far as they know no previous curly hair for literal generations or at all irl, and with sydney so close it actually makes a ton of sense so it'd be cool if he kept it
poor Oak. first people roast his hair in the comments and then he just gets basically ignored. I want him to get potty trained so badly! lol