My TV has composite output but not component for some reason. It's good to see that this adapter produces an ok image i honestly expected worse. Thanks for the video very informative
wii games is my child hood even tho its 11 years older than modern games... i think people when they get good at modern games will go back to old nostalgic games
I heard there's higher quality Wii2HDMIs being made that are better than the more cheap ones, on average, and shouldn't have the intermittent diagonal lines/jailbars problem. I think I recall reading that the ones made by Electron Shepherd are the highest quality while still being pretty cheap--about $24 USD, with no variable lag or anything--worth doing a search for! But either way, Component 480p through one of these kinds of adapters is pretty much always gonna be sharper than regular old Composite AV cables. In terms of value for money, you get plenty with these.
@@memestealer6348 I have several cheap Wii HDMI adapters (white 2-5 USD AliExpress type) here as well as two of the Electron Shepherds. He sent them as a replacement for an early batch Wii HDMI adapter that had severe problems (way too bright), which I documented on Twitter (sadly not documented on his website still). I had bought the adapter more than a year before I tested it, so the warranty service was stellar. The two new ones are both slightly less bright than my latest cheap Wii2HDMI (2.5 USD). While it doesn't have the diagonal noise lines that were quite obvious on the earlier batch cheap Wii2HDMIs (much better on the new batch, barely noticeable), it has vertical noise lines and is generally the slightest bit more noisy. The brightness levels on the 2.5 USD AliExpress type are closer to my reference (native Wii HDMI mod) than the Electron Shepherd adapter. Also, one of the two he sent me is slightly darker than the other. The brighter one is actually just as bright as the new batch Wii2HDMI, but the color balance is different between them. Wii2HDMI has better red levels (very close to reference), E.S. has better green levels (also very close to reference). Depending on which you games you play, you'll prefer one or the other. Having the analog output on the cheaper adapter can be quite handy though (not present on the E.S.), and based on how much you get for 2.5 USD, I'd expect the E.S. to exceed it in picture quality much more strongly to make it worth the almost 10x higher price. Still, with the E.S. adapter you get customer service in case there's a defect, and I expect that the quality will be more consistent (I only tested one of the recent batch cheap Wii2HDMI, so who knows, maybe half of them are significantly worse). So for people who'd rather not spend hours checking color levels, the Electron Shepherd is a good safe option.
luckily the one that I have has zero input lag, looks just as good a component cable and it's way more convenient than going through the hassle of connecting component cables on an HDTV.
Can confirm for only ~ $10 this adapter does wonders to enhance your wii experience. Just need a good TV that can upscale. Don't bother with the more expensive adapters.
I was curious about this from the unboxing video. Yeah, I'm impressed. Not something I personally need but definitely recommended for others who simply need an HDMI solution for their modern TVs.
As a owner of that device, i can say it is a bit inferior to components but not that much. Unless you freeze the picture and make some will not suffer of the differences
I mean why not? I actually have a Wii and several good games as a package I got off Ebay years ago, barely ever played it and of course if I do drag it out I need to hook up to my 14 inch CRT, this might be something to consider.
The problem with these is that they're hit or miss. If you're lucky you get a good one but if youre not then its terrible because there's basically no quality control. The 'brands' selling them aren't real brands so you can buy from the multiple from the same listing and still end up with different chips inside of different quality. Mayflash and Electron Shepherd are both about US$20 and known to be real brands that are reliable, so its better to fork out the extra money if you care about the picture quality
i have one on the den wii, as well as one in reserve for the wii i now have hooked to my CRT in my hobby room. These are actually pretty good. now and again you may get one with jailbars but most times you will get good results. Also, Hyperkin has a history of crappy audio amps, im gonna actually sit down and swap out the SMD caps on my Retron 3's SNES Amp as they used the wrong value caps for it, hence the really strong audio coming from it (found a post in the Ben Heck forums where a user did the same, and worked fine) - makes me wonder who they have there for an electronics engineer as well as QA/QC.
If you don’t want the artifacts you have to buy the mayflower branded one. It has none of those rolling bands that the others like yours have. It’s a couple dollars more but the quality is virtually perfect.
I have one really similar but white and some letter on the bottom left and never noticed the lines artifact. But it literally give life again to my homebrew wii, that and an old 64 GB USB I partitioned so it can boot and load wii games (small 1gb FAT 32 for homebrew apps | 62-63 GB NTFS for games)
I bought one and, despite the "FULL HD 1080P" plastered all over the casing and listing, all it does it a straight passthrough of whatever signal, 480i, 480p or 576i (if you're in Europe/Aus etc.) in the same way an OSSC does in passthrough mode with the TV/monitor itself handling the upscale to whatever is its native resolution. There are no controls on the device to switch between modes and no instructions supplied so I've asked my vendor to clarify but doubt mine actually does what was advertised (:
@@theinternetsmrak no none of these cheap ones seem to and honestly it's probably fine for most in fact these have very little to no lag because of this pass through nature, if the cheap thing had to upscale it would add a lot of latency. Granted your TV will still do that anyway and so depending on your TV will determine how much lag there is.
@@MN12BIRD Yes, having spent a few weeks with it now, it is like plugging the Wii directly into my old TV with component cables, which unfortunately results in lack of support for 240p output used by emulators and VC games. My device is also a fair bit noisier than component leads so I'll have to stick with the OSSC for now.
Yeah the diagonal lines issue is a combination of the adapter and the Wii itself. The Wii does not output a clean digital signal due to the digital and composite port being combined, so the signal gets noisy due to composite, and the adapter probably doesn't have a filter for it. This is true even with the official component cables, sure it can be less noisy but it's still there, evidenced by Gamecube games still being a bit fuzzy on the official Wii component cables but not the Gamecube component cables since the Gamecube has a dedicated digital out. The only solution is to straight physically mod the Wii to output a non combined dedicated digital signal.
Once had a Wii component cable that I got for free and it was almost the same with the upgraded quality and it made the games look a lot better and again same here, but it was free so I would get that if you have a component out on your tv stil
I wonder how this compares to a Wii U running Wii games. I was running Mario Party on a Wii U via HDMI and noticed there were visual improvements. I didn't do a deep technical evaluation but the Wii U looked like it was doing some extra processing such as anti-aliasing textures as well as the final render. It looked cleaner and there was more contrast than a Wii also, but this is probably due to the digital Wii U output rather than the analog output of the Wii.
I've personally found that component cables plus a component to HDMI upscaler yields a better result on the original Wii than running Wii games on the Wii U, regardless of that console's digital output, and I've got both consoles connected to my current 55" 4K OLED TV.
@@ThanosReXXX I run a Wii through its official Nintendo component cables. I didn't do a thorough test of my library--just Mario Party 8. With Mario Party and the same LCD, but using a Wii U and HDMI, it looked like Nintendo was doing some extra processing. It could be that the Wii U handles textures better or does some filtering, but I do think the picture looks better on the Wii U. It could also be that my LCD handles an HDMI signal better vs an analog one. I'd be curious about the upscaler you used. I've heard a lot of these no-name chinese brands do things like add a halo around edges or distort colors. It doesn't sound like you are using one of those based on the experience you noted.
I dont get the haye this device gets, lol. Its cheap, and gets the job done. Is it perfect? No and are there better options? Yes. But this seems like a good gateway for people who want an hdmi solution, if they want better they begin that journey of searching for better options. Its a fine little device for the price.
Try setting your TV on game mode under picture options . I noticed when i did that with my older systems like turbografx etc it plays full speed and picture quality is ok compared to on a different setting I'll get major lag on the game like delay when i press the buttons or move the d pad and picture won't look that great
on Wii.. on Wii.Dude! Rememebr was wre talking about this and I said mine had such hguge input lag itr ws not usuable! I have a major update on this. I just bought a TIME SLEUTH. It measures lag on a display acurrately. And I also learned something about Megaman 9 on Wii. Megaman 9 on Wii FORCES output to 480i !Even system set to 480p it outpuits 480i mode. I teste timer sleuth in 1080p mode the top flash of the screen has a delay of 2.,5 miliseconds, and square at bottom delayed 16 milisecond. BUT here is the big news, 480 took over 50 milliseconds to draw square at bottom of screen in 480i mode. And this is my badas OLED C2 LG. My crappy old sony, with the Wii2 sd adapter, specifically I tested with megaman 9 becuase it was on homepage and he jumps, the TV native lag fopr 480i could have been HUGE. IN 480p mode it might have not been bad at all. I can't tell now, the old tv is gone. I have heard about this interlaced modes adding huge inpuit lag, somtimes over 100 miliseconds on crappier tvs. If I had knownm megaman 9 was iunterleaced, I would have also tested something else. BUt I did not know.Anmd pres button, wait a bit, then later watch him jump. Fully unplayable so I tossed in trash. For me, I wil Still would not want one personaly, I am hhardcore, but thought it was fascinating. These days i paid the big bucks and went all out with Retrotink 5x pro. It adds 2.5 millliseconds with my current settings, nice, so total acerage abuot 10 miliseconds fully, for all my sources no matter how low res.
Im currently trying to figure out which is better for the Nintendo Wii - - - 4:3 ratio at 480i on a CRT or 16:9 ratio at 480p on a LCD with some progressive scan activated. Thinking of getting the Portholic HD Wii thing but im just not sure
You don't understand why this looks better than the standard composite? This uses 480p RGB component (primary color signals separated across 3 wires) compared to 480i composite (with all the color info on one wire) It's very obvious why it looks better once you understand composite vs component. 480p is double the resolution per frame of 480i and the colors aren't "compressed" into a single signal that has to be demodulated by the TV to separate them again. It's like compressing a Blu-ray to half the resolution and lowering the bitrate to 1/3rd the data and then wondering why it looks worse.
Not really but also of course yes relatively speaking the larger your TV the worst 480p is going to look at the same distance. My TV is 55" but I'm actually quite close to it most people would be further back and so being further back on a 65" will be the same. It always comes down to DPI and how close you sit factors in.
Sony Z9K have some 8k smoothing. It's basically 8K aliasing. X95L have the same thing but its up to 4k quality only. If you play with the settings some more you could get really good picture quality with manual HDR, full/limited HDMI ranges and such but for each game you have to calibrate exclusively. Also those TVs have motion interpolation.
Not sure what you're talking about Nintendo never officially released any form of Wii to HDMI solution of their own whatsoever. They had component cables and as mentioned in the video that MIGHT be a better option depending on your TV. But if your TV (like many new 4K TV's) only has HDMI and doesn't have component inputs then that's of no use.
Oh lord no! Please listen up to my advice. These are horible. Total garbage. Not frompicture quslity, but the HUGE input lag. IMO anyone that watches this video and bubys these crap is being harmed. if you could do a quick test u can see, put in mario, press jump and chekc out how long it takes before he jumps. U press jump then w then wait a bit then he jumps. It hurts the game experience truly badly. Not just that it is a bit of input lag and not a big deal, it is alot with these cheap things. And since like u said they probably are mas produced and probaly all the same like the one I got. Maybe test this then test with composiute on a crt if u have one then right into your flat tv if it has a composite port,m and compare. I remeber when I threw mine out, I prese4d jump with mega man, then holy crap, big delay befor ehe jumped. Thehn I plugged direct into my flat tv vomponent ports and it actually was near perfect. Visual quality was great,, but what good is that with huge lag. And for tvs that have a bit of lag already, they stack up.
I played through all of world 6 on NSMB Wii and noticed zero lag compared to using composite via the retrotink (sub 1ms) and after doing some more research I can safely say the Wii2HDMI will not add any noticeable lag. There are several variations of the Wii2HDMI, at least 3 I can see. They all look the same on the outside but are different on the inside. Pictures I've seen of the insides can confirm this. They aren't all the same. That said most will have 4ms or less latency. The best one, often referred to as the Sewell has less than 1ms latency and also fixes any intermittent line noise. This one usually costs apx $25 from what I can tell so it should be obvious most people don't have that one and still I can't find anyone else claiming these have high latency at all. It's all the opposite in fact again under 4ms seems to be the norm. I've also learned in order for these to be so fast at upscaling... they aren't! Despite saying 1080p on them it turns out most of these are only passing through 480p. So 480p in, 480p out. This would explain why they can be so fast (again some have been tested and verified under 1ms!) as they're only converting Analog to Digital and they aren't upscaling. There's a guy on Reddit claiming he tested a bunch of really cheap ones off AliExpress and they were all under 1ms! He also pointed out using component on his Framemiester he was getting way higher latency! Now here's what you have to keep in mind now. Your TV may not handle upscaling 480p very quickly. Obviously every TV is different in this regard and they're ALL going to add latency to various degrees! But the same can be said with component inputs. Some TV's are going to handle converting Analog to Digital and upscaling 480p from component inputs again, with wildly varying degrees of latency. Some could very well be much higher than even the slowest Wii2HDMI would ever be. Perhaps you had an exceptionally bad Wii2HDMI with a different ADC chip inside than mine or perhaps your TV has a lot more latency when handling 480p but that's not the case with most again very little people claiming these have high latency and a lot of people who have tested them are saying the opposite. I'm no hardcore gamer but I noticed none and if 4ms or less is the norm that makes sense. 4ms is extremely fast!
@@MN12BIRD Thsnis aesome news! Mine was total craPM AS i SAID. a QUICK CONFORMATION U DID NOT NOTIC CE. mY tv HAD COMPONENT CABLES BUILT IN, AND i COMPARED MY WII ADAPTER WITH STRAIGHT IN. i WAS TRYOING TO CLEAN UP CABLES WITH IT AND i HAD MULTIPLE COMPPONNET DEVICES AT THE TIME. oOps sory caps lock! Great u found wodr,ing adpater for so cheap. I wonder thugh if it is like a lotto, will some stil suck and some like yours be good? There have been cheap gneeric vidoe scalers releasing like this,s ome good, some bad with same brand name, as in, no real brand name hehhe. Cheers man.
OK I didn't expect it to be that good honestly 😮
The difference in quality you can see is basically just the difference between composite and component video
I honestly couldn't believe how well it stacks up vs the much much more expensive alternatives.
My TV has composite output but not component for some reason. It's good to see that this adapter produces an ok image i honestly expected worse. Thanks for the video very informative
Much better than I expected. I’ll have to pick one up
wii games is my child hood even tho its 11 years older than modern games... i think people when they get good at modern games will go back to old nostalgic games
I heard there's higher quality Wii2HDMIs being made that are better than the more cheap ones, on average, and shouldn't have the intermittent diagonal lines/jailbars problem. I think I recall reading that the ones made by Electron Shepherd are the highest quality while still being pretty cheap--about $24 USD, with no variable lag or anything--worth doing a search for!
But either way, Component 480p through one of these kinds of adapters is pretty much always gonna be sharper than regular old Composite AV cables. In terms of value for money, you get plenty with these.
those jailbars just made it not worth it
Electron shepherd also made a chip for the wii you can solder on. I'm considering buying their adapter but $20 is big ask
@@memestealer6348 I have several cheap Wii HDMI adapters (white 2-5 USD AliExpress type) here as well as two of the Electron Shepherds. He sent them as a replacement for an early batch Wii HDMI adapter that had severe problems (way too bright), which I documented on Twitter (sadly not documented on his website still).
I had bought the adapter more than a year before I tested it, so the warranty service was stellar.
The two new ones are both slightly less bright than my latest cheap Wii2HDMI (2.5 USD). While it doesn't have the diagonal noise lines that were quite obvious on the earlier batch cheap Wii2HDMIs (much better on the new batch, barely noticeable), it has vertical noise lines and is generally the slightest bit more noisy.
The brightness levels on the 2.5 USD AliExpress type are closer to my reference (native Wii HDMI mod) than the Electron Shepherd adapter. Also, one of the two he sent me is slightly darker than the other. The brighter one is actually just as bright as the new batch Wii2HDMI, but the color balance is different between them. Wii2HDMI has better red levels (very close to reference), E.S. has better green levels (also very close to reference).
Depending on which you games you play, you'll prefer one or the other. Having the analog output on the cheaper adapter can be quite handy though (not present on the E.S.), and based on how much you get for 2.5 USD, I'd expect the E.S. to exceed it in picture quality much more strongly to make it worth the almost 10x higher price.
Still, with the E.S. adapter you get customer service in case there's a defect, and I expect that the quality will be more consistent (I only tested one of the recent batch cheap Wii2HDMI, so who knows, maybe half of them are significantly worse). So for people who'd rather not spend hours checking color levels, the Electron Shepherd is a good safe option.
@@williamgregory2017 I was able to fix the jailbars with priiloader and 480p fix/flickering disabled
I wonder how the Wii2HDMI Adapter would compare to the WiiUs HDMI Output
luckily the one that I have has zero input lag, looks just as good a component cable and it's way more convenient than going through the hassle of connecting component cables on an HDTV.
Can confirm for only ~ $10 this adapter does wonders to enhance your wii experience. Just need a good TV that can upscale. Don't bother with the more expensive adapters.
I was curious about this from the unboxing video. Yeah, I'm impressed. Not something I personally need but definitely recommended for others who simply need an HDMI solution for their modern TVs.
As a owner of that device, i can say it is a bit inferior to components but not that much. Unless you freeze the picture and make some will not suffer of the differences
I mean why not? I actually have a Wii and several good games as a package I got off Ebay years ago, barely ever played it and of course if I do drag it out I need to hook up to my 14 inch CRT, this might be something to consider.
i loved this video, i've been watching you since i was a kid like 14 years ago or some shit and this is the kinda stuff i always love seeing from you
Is this equal or better or worse than a composit that you showed at 1:10?
The problem with these is that they're hit or miss. If you're lucky you get a good one but if youre not then its terrible because there's basically no quality control. The 'brands' selling them aren't real brands so you can buy from the multiple from the same listing and still end up with different chips inside of different quality. Mayflash and Electron Shepherd are both about US$20 and known to be real brands that are reliable, so its better to fork out the extra money if you care about the picture quality
i have one on the den wii, as well as one in reserve for the wii i now have hooked to my CRT in my hobby room. These are actually pretty good. now and again you may get one with jailbars but most times you will get good results. Also, Hyperkin has a history of crappy audio amps, im gonna actually sit down and swap out the SMD caps on my Retron 3's SNES Amp as they used the wrong value caps for it, hence the really strong audio coming from it (found a post in the Ben Heck forums where a user did the same, and worked fine) - makes me wonder who they have there for an electronics engineer as well as QA/QC.
If you don’t want the artifacts you have to buy the mayflower branded one. It has none of those rolling bands that the others like yours have. It’s a couple dollars more but the quality is virtually perfect.
I have one really similar but white and some letter on the bottom left and never noticed the lines artifact.
But it literally give life again to my homebrew wii, that and an old 64 GB USB I partitioned so it can boot and load wii games (small 1gb FAT 32 for homebrew apps | 62-63 GB NTFS for games)
I bought one and, despite the "FULL HD 1080P" plastered all over the casing and listing, all it does it a straight passthrough of whatever signal, 480i, 480p or 576i (if you're in Europe/Aus etc.) in the same way an OSSC does in passthrough mode with the TV/monitor itself handling the upscale to whatever is its native resolution.
There are no controls on the device to switch between modes and no instructions supplied so I've asked my vendor to clarify but doubt mine actually does what was advertised (:
@@theinternetsmrak no none of these cheap ones seem to and honestly it's probably fine for most in fact these have very little to no lag because of this pass through nature, if the cheap thing had to upscale it would add a lot of latency. Granted your TV will still do that anyway and so depending on your TV will determine how much lag there is.
@@MN12BIRD Yes, having spent a few weeks with it now, it is like plugging the Wii directly into my old TV with component cables, which unfortunately results in lack of support for 240p output used by emulators and VC games. My device is also a fair bit noisier than component leads so I'll have to stick with the OSSC for now.
How does this look for gamecube games in the wii with the wii2hdmi?
Thanks eh, it's a good informative review, which is what it's about. 😊
Yeah the diagonal lines issue is a combination of the adapter and the Wii itself. The Wii does not output a clean digital signal due to the digital and composite port being combined, so the signal gets noisy due to composite, and the adapter probably doesn't have a filter for it. This is true even with the official component cables, sure it can be less noisy but it's still there, evidenced by Gamecube games still being a bit fuzzy on the official Wii component cables but not the Gamecube component cables since the Gamecube has a dedicated digital out. The only solution is to straight physically mod the Wii to output a non combined dedicated digital signal.
theres also the stretch that softmodding just fixed that maybe you didnt consider
we may be in the golden age lf the wii
So gamecube games look worse on the wii than the GameCube itself?
So gamecube games look worse on the wii than the GameCube itself?
I can't get these adapters to work ( LG 50" ) only that av to hdmi black box you show is it because it's 5v powered?
No idea this i assume gets its power from the Wii and assuming your TV can handle 480p via HDMI if the other one works. Maybe just a bad unit?
they are pretty good for the money
Thank you! I am gonna get it. The cheap component one I got is really bad. Want to play some gamecube games on my wii
Once had a Wii component cable that I got for free and it was almost the same with the upgraded quality and it made the games look a lot better and again same here, but it was free so I would get that if you have a component out on your tv stil
I wonder how this compares to a Wii U running Wii games. I was running Mario Party on a Wii U via HDMI and noticed there were visual improvements. I didn't do a deep technical evaluation but the Wii U looked like it was doing some extra processing such as anti-aliasing textures as well as the final render. It looked cleaner and there was more contrast than a Wii also, but this is probably due to the digital Wii U output rather than the analog output of the Wii.
I've personally found that component cables plus a component to HDMI upscaler yields a better result on the original Wii than running Wii games on the Wii U, regardless of that console's digital output, and I've got both consoles connected to my current 55" 4K OLED TV.
@@ThanosReXXX I run a Wii through its official Nintendo component cables. I didn't do a thorough test of my library--just Mario Party 8. With Mario Party and the same LCD, but using a Wii U and HDMI, it looked like Nintendo was doing some extra processing. It could be that the Wii U handles textures better or does some filtering, but I do think the picture looks better on the Wii U. It could also be that my LCD handles an HDMI signal better vs an analog one.
I'd be curious about the upscaler you used. I've heard a lot of these no-name chinese brands do things like add a halo around edges or distort colors. It doesn't sound like you are using one of those based on the experience you noted.
I had one nothing work wrong with it. Work very well. In my country can buy 4usd😊😊😊
I dont get the haye this device gets, lol. Its cheap, and gets the job done. Is it perfect? No and are there better options? Yes. But this seems like a good gateway for people who want an hdmi solution, if they want better they begin that journey of searching for better options. Its a fine little device for the price.
Try setting your TV on game mode under picture options . I noticed when i did that with my older systems like turbografx etc it plays full speed and picture quality is ok compared to on a different setting I'll get major lag on the game like delay when i press the buttons or move the d pad and picture won't look that great
on Wii.. on Wii.Dude! Rememebr was wre talking about this and I said mine had such hguge input lag itr ws not usuable! I have a major update on this. I just bought a TIME SLEUTH. It measures lag on a display acurrately. And I also learned something about Megaman 9 on Wii. Megaman 9 on Wii FORCES output to 480i !Even system set to 480p it outpuits 480i mode. I teste timer sleuth in 1080p mode the top flash of the screen has a delay of 2.,5 miliseconds, and square at bottom delayed 16 milisecond. BUT here is the big news, 480 took over 50 milliseconds to draw square at bottom of screen in 480i mode. And this is my badas OLED C2 LG. My crappy old sony, with the Wii2 sd adapter, specifically I tested with megaman 9 becuase it was on homepage and he jumps, the TV native lag fopr 480i could have been HUGE. IN 480p mode it might have not been bad at all. I can't tell now, the old tv is gone. I have heard about this interlaced modes adding huge inpuit lag, somtimes over 100 miliseconds on crappier tvs. If I had knownm megaman 9 was iunterleaced, I would have also tested something else. BUt I did not know.Anmd pres button, wait a bit, then later watch him jump. Fully unplayable so I tossed in trash. For me, I wil Still would not want one personaly, I am hhardcore, but thought it was fascinating. These days i paid the big bucks and went all out with Retrotink 5x pro. It adds 2.5 millliseconds with my current settings, nice, so total acerage abuot 10 miliseconds fully, for all my sources no matter how low res.
Ha that's awesome 👍 great combo now with the retrotink and the OLED TV
you should check out the Electron Ash adapter and then compare.
Im currently trying to figure out which is better for the Nintendo Wii - - - 4:3 ratio at 480i on a CRT or 16:9 ratio at 480p on a LCD with some progressive scan activated. Thinking of getting the Portholic HD Wii thing but im just not sure
I don’t understand why it would improve the quality
You don't understand why this looks better than the standard composite? This uses 480p RGB component (primary color signals separated across 3 wires) compared to 480i composite (with all the color info on one wire) It's very obvious why it looks better once you understand composite vs component. 480p is double the resolution per frame of 480i and the colors aren't "compressed" into a single signal that has to be demodulated by the TV to separate them again. It's like compressing a Blu-ray to half the resolution and lowering the bitrate to 1/3rd the data and then wondering why it looks worse.
Does it support or (480p) or (480i)
It's 480p output (despite saying it's 1080p) but no upscaling is partially why it's so fast (low latency)
Does the quality decrease with a bigger tv? We have a 65”in sanyo
I hope I get an answer soon I really wanna know😭😭
Not really but also of course yes relatively speaking the larger your TV the worst 480p is going to look at the same distance. My TV is 55" but I'm actually quite close to it most people would be further back and so being further back on a 65" will be the same. It always comes down to DPI and how close you sit factors in.
Sony Z9K have some 8k smoothing. It's basically 8K aliasing. X95L have the same thing but its up to 4k quality only. If you play with the settings some more you could get really good picture quality with manual HDR, full/limited HDMI ranges and such but for each game you have to calibrate exclusively. Also those TVs have motion interpolation.
Thanks for the tip. Went and ordered one :)
Just listen to this, and if it doesnt work, what are you missing out on? $5? Oh no.
For me, it's Dolphin until they port these old Wii and GameCube games to the Switch.
ive tried 3 different ones on my TCL 5 series. None of them would work. LOL
Weird maybe your TV doesn't support 480p via HDMI
If that doesn't work the next best thing to do is get AV to HDMI adapter
@@figment1988 That's what I'm using on mine, it's not too bad really for a cheapie upscaler.
i got one for 70 cents on aliexpress
I bought 2 they were both trash the component cables work way better
maybe if you attached a mClassic & mCable to it it might do better
10 dollars? You got scammed i got mine for 3$ from Ebay
$10 Canadian in a store is really not bad most stores would mark them up way more than that;)
I’ve spent $180 and 28 different brands, they all suck ass, ether puts bunch of lines across screen or other weird stuff
Mayflash and Electron Shepherd are known to be good
these are not as good as the ones that Nintendo released years ago
Not sure what you're talking about Nintendo never officially released any form of Wii to HDMI solution of their own whatsoever. They had component cables and as mentioned in the video that MIGHT be a better option depending on your TV. But if your TV (like many new 4K TV's) only has HDMI and doesn't have component inputs then that's of no use.
Oh lord no! Please listen up to my advice. These are horible. Total garbage. Not frompicture quslity, but the HUGE input lag. IMO anyone that watches this video and bubys these crap is being harmed. if you could do a quick test u can see, put in mario, press jump and chekc out how long it takes before he jumps. U press jump then w then wait a bit then he jumps. It hurts the game experience truly badly. Not just that it is a bit of input lag and not a big deal, it is alot with these cheap things. And since like u said they probably are mas produced and probaly all the same like the one I got. Maybe test this then test with composiute on a crt if u have one then right into your flat tv if it has a composite port,m and compare. I remeber when I threw mine out, I prese4d jump with mega man, then holy crap, big delay befor ehe jumped. Thehn I plugged direct into my flat tv vomponent ports and it actually was near perfect. Visual quality was great,, but what good is that with huge lag. And for tvs that have a bit of lag already, they stack up.
I played through all of world 6 on NSMB Wii and noticed zero lag compared to using composite via the retrotink (sub 1ms) and after doing some more research I can safely say the Wii2HDMI will not add any noticeable lag. There are several variations of the Wii2HDMI, at least 3 I can see. They all look the same on the outside but are different on the inside. Pictures I've seen of the insides can confirm this. They aren't all the same. That said most will have 4ms or less latency. The best one, often referred to as the Sewell has less than 1ms latency and also fixes any intermittent line noise. This one usually costs apx $25 from what I can tell so it should be obvious most people don't have that one and still I can't find anyone else claiming these have high latency at all. It's all the opposite in fact again under 4ms seems to be the norm. I've also learned in order for these to be so fast at upscaling... they aren't! Despite saying 1080p on them it turns out most of these are only passing through 480p. So 480p in, 480p out. This would explain why they can be so fast (again some have been tested and verified under 1ms!) as they're only converting Analog to Digital and they aren't upscaling. There's a guy on Reddit claiming he tested a bunch of really cheap ones off AliExpress and they were all under 1ms! He also pointed out using component on his Framemiester he was getting way higher latency! Now here's what you have to keep in mind now. Your TV may not handle upscaling 480p very quickly. Obviously every TV is different in this regard and they're ALL going to add latency to various degrees! But the same can be said with component inputs. Some TV's are going to handle converting Analog to Digital and upscaling 480p from component inputs again, with wildly varying degrees of latency. Some could very well be much higher than even the slowest Wii2HDMI would ever be. Perhaps you had an exceptionally bad Wii2HDMI with a different ADC chip inside than mine or perhaps your TV has a lot more latency when handling 480p but that's not the case with most again very little people claiming these have high latency and a lot of people who have tested them are saying the opposite. I'm no hardcore gamer but I noticed none and if 4ms or less is the norm that makes sense. 4ms is extremely fast!
@@MN12BIRD Thsnis aesome news! Mine was total craPM AS i SAID. a QUICK CONFORMATION U DID NOT NOTIC CE. mY tv HAD COMPONENT CABLES BUILT IN, AND i COMPARED MY WII ADAPTER WITH STRAIGHT IN. i WAS TRYOING TO CLEAN UP CABLES WITH IT AND i HAD MULTIPLE COMPPONNET DEVICES AT THE TIME. oOps sory caps lock! Great u found wodr,ing adpater for so cheap. I wonder thugh if it is like a lotto, will some stil suck and some like yours be good? There have been cheap gneeric vidoe scalers releasing like this,s ome good, some bad with same brand name, as in, no real brand name hehhe. Cheers man.