The time to kill is awful dude like it’s not fun. The maps are cancer and the camping is awful. What an L game. Put 300 hours into mw2 and am gonna have to go back.
Check this out guys 😵🤣 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 release sees UK's biggest-ever gaming traffic for internet service providers According to EE, BT and Virgin Media O2, the game's launch and pre-load period has seen record traffic across each of the networks. In a new press release, Virgin Media O2 stated on Wednesday 8th November, when the game was available to pre-load, its broadband network "hit 25.1Tbps at peak (8-10pm)".
In the old days campers and noob tubers were appropriately shamed in the lobbies everyone took part in. And as we all know the social aspect has been eliminated.
As someone who mostly played S&D I never understood the complaints from people camping. Knowing what angle to hold and what the map traffic will be are skills that you have to get good at.
@mrgamer81 The dlc was never confirmed. Just a rumour. Go look and see if you can find infinity ward and activision confirming this, you won't. But it should definitely have been a dlc
It was good if you enjoyed sitting in corners and playing 10 minute TDM matches where the score limit isn’t even hit because everyones playing like its a ARMA 3 mission. MWII was magnitudes better (in my opinion, not stating that as a fact but just an opinion) in terms of multiplayer. I pretty much spent my whole time on MW2 playing shipment dropping nukes which was extremely fun while when I tried MW2019 it was just giant maps filled with people camping
You hit the nail on the head, I was wondering if I was getting too old and couldn't see anything when I was playing but knowing you had the same issue reassures me I'm not going insane
@@danielsan9850nah, I’m a Xbox nigga and even I hate this rancid dog shit. Cod needs mcc collection for the older titles and separating the newer cods from warzone b/c every cod that has come out these last 4 years has been made around warzone
For me all of the recent cods have felt like, to play and do well, you have to use meta. It just feels like they’re giving us all this “choice”, but only make 3 guns actually good
@@hack-cq6hrI unlocked Orion camo 3montgs into MW2. I agree op probably has some skill issues, but when so many people are sweating with meta weapons, using anything else I just handicapping yourself.
I miss the 3-shot kills of CoD4, giving your regular mags anywhere from 5 to 6 kills if you're decently accurate and not just spraying. I also miss deep impact and double tap
I think your points were pretty valid for the most part. I just wanna know why you liked MW2 2022 Multiplayer. That shit was dog water for me, and most people it seemed like statistically. The movement and maps were trash, so I was surprised you didn't mention that here either. The only enjoyment I saw people getting from it for the most part was ranked play. I'll look on your channel for an MW2 video I guess
Mw2 multiplayer needed more map rotation modes so players could pick and choose the games they wanted to play rather then being randomised into literally any of the maps in existence
ion kno, MW2 wast the first COD i bought sice Infinite Warfare and I had a blast. Maps, for the most part, were good, movement dynamic and advanced for boots on the ground entry, TTK was too fast at times but I didn't mind it for the most part. I agree that map roation and game modes lacked variety tho.
They combined multiple free to play modes and two whole games on the steam charts and its still not even hitting half the amount of players when mw2 first launched. That says a lot about a franchise that isn't giving the players what they want...
The difference is older games had many ways to counter the campers. These new set of games are undeniably pushing the camping playstyle with little counters for them, and rushers are heavily penalized.
COD MW 2 (OG) was my all time favorite shooter. I played that game for years. Those maps were perfect. You could camp, but, it was also pretty easy to get campers out of their spots, especially with the rocket launcher (noob tube). It's actually easier for snipers to camp in the newer versions of the game (especially if the team doesn't allow their spawn to move). My favorite gun was the AA12. Nothing cleaned out campers faster than that thing. Extended mag, burst in the room and let loose. It was also great for setting up ambushes in high traffic areas. You stop the aggressive bull rush players, and the rest of the team fell apart. of course, your k/d ration was usually 1.0, maybe higher if you were good, but your team would win.
Yeah the only cod that I’m nostalgic about the maps in is BO2 I personally think bo2 had much better maps than the older cods. I think one of the greatest normal sized maps is Grind. Obviously I like nuketown and shipment more but in terms of a full sized map I think Grind is one of the greatest 3 lane maps ever.
I would looove a new COD (a treyarch one) with a BO2, BO3, or BO4 timeline. Infinite warfare and advanced warfare are way too far in the future for me but that slightly futuristic timeline hits me some kinda way for sure.
@@beentheredonethat5908 factually untrue… pretty sure the entire modern warfare series was before bo2. I wasn’t referring to Trayarch only, I was referring to all of cod up to bo2.
@@zaiyas1408 Modern warfare happened between blops 2 and 3. Before that, it was WW and black ops 1, after came modern warfare , black ops 3 after, then infinite warfare and advanced warfare. The studio jumps didn't start until after 2, they didn't have the money until 2 to start hiring new studios. I have all the games here, I still play them, especially since everything has been trash lately, I've broken out the ps3 and been having a great time going into the old games and maps. Black ops one was pretty much a remake of WW, with some tweaks to make it better, then black ops 2, then modern warfare took over while treyach worked on three and the chronicles.
I have refunded call of duty modern warfare 3 on steam and they have accepted my refund. this game has the worst campaign the mid multiplayer the worst zombies nostalgia is a key factor on this game but nostalgia will not make this game better
Hearing you talk about you're favorite COD gun made me think of Titanfall. I've played a ton of 1st person shooters (Like we all have) and still to this day I've personally never felt gunplay better than Titanfall 2. Those weapons were buttery smooth perfection.
Thanks to all the early beta testers for finding and reporting bugs to Activision, can't wait to get the game this time next year once it's in a playable state 🙌
For the granular stuff, double check your resolution settings in the quality menu. Sometimes it sets it to a lower resolution than what your monitor is set to and it happens to me after a big update to the game. Hope this helps
I was on the same boat of looking forward to mw3 playing 600 hours on mw2. Before the campaign even came out, I randomly had a sixth sense that this was gonna be a letdown. I’m glad I cancelled my preorder. What a disappointment.
I do respect his opinions, but all these changes were done by feedback, even in game . So it's fine for the majority. The ttk especially in mw2 2022 is awful
@@syedmohammedayaan4435 True I feel like sledgehammer just needs to find a sweet spot between mw2’s ttk and the current ttk in mw3 and they’ll be set on that issue.
@@syedmohammedayaan4435 The TTK in MWII is the same it has been in nearly all past cod titles. Y'all need to stop trying to turn COD into a competitive twitch shooter, it never has been and never will be
The guy at around the 12:30 mark didn't kill you even though you say he should've, because players like you start jumping non stop in a panic to exploit lag and poor hit detection in this game. Maybe next time try playing with boots on the ground during a gun fight and the enemy that actually connected first and you say should've gotten the kill, will get it. This is the problem with the current state of COD players, they want all these twitchy crackhead movements to dodge bullets because you can't be skillful enough to exercise awareness and accurately connecting shots first, and instead choose the training wheels of bunny hopping and slide cancelling to give yourself an advantage. These developers have no business implementing such fast movement in a game they haven't been able to improve hit detection on in YEARS.
MW2 had really good maps. Highrise, estate, Terminal, Afghan, Favela, I even like wasteland. I think the only bad maps were Derail, Karachi and underpass.
@@Total_Recall1984 there all trash in MWIII cause the gameplay doesn’t suit it. The original maps where suited for different styles of gameplay. Favela I used tac knife on my revolver with lightweight pro commando pro. I also forgot to mention sub base was good too
@@kyriakoskarallis5268 Sub base was not good either. Basically none of the map are good, the new duty is terrible on all fronts, I just hope warzone is better.
Yeah bro, hot take, I loved those large old school maps. The slower gameplay in MW2 was something I've missed since after OG MW3. The only reason the nostalgia bait was so strong in the MW3 promotion I hate the smooth brain small maps like Shipment, Nuketown, Rust etc But I might be in the minority with that. Seems most folks love small ass maps I mean how many remakes do we need of those maps? Shipment/Rust 24/7 is good for grinding camos tho Large maps capture war way better, small maps for the short attention span kids, which undoubtedly is the majority of COD audiences Haven't bought neither MW2 nor MW3 yet, but I have a feeling the multiplayer for MW3 may actually be seen in higher regard. My lucky guess. Sledgehammer already made more positive changes than IW ever did from beta to launch Is it worth $70 tho? hmmmmm
I feel u there I like the bigger maps I hated how the maps keep getting smaller and smaller everyone sais mw2 Original was slow Paste But I never felt it was. I play mostly searching destroy so I like the bigger maps maps.
I've always agreed with people that say Call of Duty copies Battlefield now.I think one of the biggest reasons 2042 had failed at launch was trying to be Call of Duty,these companies trying to cheat of each other test questions is getting dull
Yeah, I agree with pretty much all of your points you have done throughout this video... BUT then I noticed that you bought the Inarius skin, so the Gamer Law™ requires me to disregard every and all of your opinions, sorry.
The original MW2 maps were designed for low ttk and low recoil guns like the ACR and the Famas. Those made them fun as you can have easy and fun long range fights.
I got my hands on a Vault Edition copy for free (Employee Appreciation bonus at work), so I absolutely feel bad for anybody who spent money on this overpriced DLC
Adjusted movement, added only old maps, campaign looks like DMZ with cutscenes oh and zombies is DMZ with zombies 🤦 at least they added guns. This is why I never pre order. I'm not paying full game price for a DLC pack. This is just something to slap a storefront on and pimp operator packs.
All I gather from today's player base on any game is no matter what is released it will get trashed relentlessly because nothing can satisfy anyone anymore especially the people who love saying nothing will beat og cod/games. legitimate complaints are good to have but I see so many people in a blind rage today because it's not exactly what you want
It's no wonder the movement feels like advanced warfare, it's the game they were actually working on before the project was stopped and they had to make this game within 18 months.
I'm glad they toned down how OP the guns are. Last couple CODs guns were so insanely accurate and powerful it made it even easier to camp and get kills. It takes more skill this way and I'm for it. Agree with extended mags take though.
From the beta it didn't feel like that, it felt like vanguard, where the guns didn't really have recoil. During the beta I got a kingslayer on a sniper who was shooting at me, I was across the map using the AR. Feels like their will be no point in using long ranged weapons
Yeah I canceled my order only because I realize yo why I’m paying $100 just to play all the old maps I brought back in the day. It should be a bonus not the content. When my twin brother told me that they were “bring back the OG maps” I knew at that moment who was the smart one and who was the dumb one. Also the wasteland map is the worst, I would have preferred if they brought like two maps, like rust from the OG mw2 and new maps then all the old map. My god, the submarine map was the worst but it was fun back in the day. But not because of the map. Just the experience I had with my friends.
Although I understand that a higher time to kill somewhat kills the flow of some maps, it helps a lot to prevent campers from killing without any effort.
You’re high buddy. The TTK is grossly overdone. It takes a whole mag to maybe kill 2 people. What a joke. CoD from the 2009 era is what CoD should be. If you want that changed to this garbage, find another game buddy. That’s not what CoD has been about. And if you can’t handle a few campers, get better.
Completely disagree on your take on the maps. Mw2 had some amazing maps. My least favorite mw2 map is rust. I absolutely abhor small maps in COD, especially the newer ones, because player movement is so fast it makes maps feel even smaller. I can't stand COD fans who want shipment and nuketown and other extremely degenerate, super small maps in every single COD game because brain too smol to be able to function in multiplayer unless they are spawning 2 steps away from the enemy every time they die, netting you extremely cheap kills by default because otherwise you would end the game 2-19.
"My favorite cod games were the original Modern Warfare Trilogy" and "I don't like big maps" is the most ironic thing I've seen on the internet today. Original Modern Warfare had all big maps, the small maps were you can mindlessly run and gun like your gameplay shows would fair better in Black Ops.
MWII was bad, MW2019 had the best mechanics, just terrible maps. I didn't buy MWIII, but id take it over MWII move like molasses warfare any day, also alot of the maps feeling slow issues could be fixed with Combat Pacing but i bet IW wouldnt let SH do that.
After years of garbage releases, its odd that this is the first year I feel genuinely disrespected that they even released this game. Like straight up insulting. Probably finally a good time to start playing some other games.
Yeah, this and the servers are really really bad now - constant packet bursts, crashes and gsmebreaking bugs are making call of duty completely unplayable. There's so many other games out there, good games, that they really need to stop thinking that their playerbase are hooked for life because it's actually a lot easier to quit the franchise then they like to believe.
You're complaining about running around like a chicken with your head cut off, and your playing TDM... Why not play a gamemode with an objecitve?? TDM has always been trash on non-small maps.
@@cameron765 then don’t play the game if u wanna cry like a bitch about high kill time. Once again griffin bitching just to bitch 😂🤣 u can’t make a dem happy no matter what u do. Trump 2024 baby 🤪
I'm an old head player of COD since 2003 and I like MW3 for the most part. What really kills it for me is the damn SBMM. I have two gaming PCs where I could reverse boost to avoid sweaty AF lobbies with nerds snorting Gfuel before each match, but I refuse to buy two copies of the game to have a casual experience. Before the Gen Z zoomers got something to say about SkiLl IsSuE bRo, I'd happily clap u on rust with a sniper. It's the weapon I've used the most for two decades. With that out of the way, remove SBMM, and bring back lobbies that don't disband so I can continue to quickscope their souls😊
Idk man mw2 2022 was dog shit, I think mw3 is more fun movement wise and gun play wise but the maps aren’t really that fun to play it’s cool the first couple times but after that it’s gay af, then the zombies and campaign suck ass too there’s that. I still think mw3’s multiplayer alone is decent enough
Both TTK have something i hate, yeah I hate not getting double kills because of reloading but when its low I also hate sliding between a doorway and getting 2tapped by a kastov instantly.
This was why Wings was so powerful back in the day man. I loved og MW2 but I have to agree with you on the camping stuff. As for time to kill, you should try hardcore, much better. I cant go back to standard games after playing hc. It really does suck in standard game modes. The worst part is that they changed how headshots work in the newer games. In og MW headshots killed no matter the weapon. Now it takes multiple headshot to kill.
I am an unrepentant camper, I make no apologies for it. An LMG and claymores are all I need to be happy. That said, maps that explicitly cater to camping are not good.
I don’t agree that the TTK is too slow. A slower TTK actually let’s us get into gunfights and rewards the person with the better aim. The quicker the TTK the easier it is for campers to sit in corners. Now at least I have a chance to shoot back and don’t have to check every corner in every building.
I actually absolutely hate online fps multiplayer. Team death match is just everybody running around shooting until one of the teams gets more lucky. I prefer ground war but there is a major problem with people camping in their tank
I’m starting to come around to the idea that quality degrades. This remake of MW3 sucks but compared to the one 10 years from now, this might be substantially better. I’m not a hard ass, I can enjoy and make the most of what I get. The World takes more money from me than anything this game will ever do in a year’s time
Every year. Same people b**** about the same stuff. Also just watched the most mid terminal gameplay from an “og player players who loves the MW trilogy”. Brotha you might just be bad at the game. Usually games aren’t fun if you aren’t good at them, have you tried the new halo?? Seems more your speed🤣
Do you guys remember the black ops pass for bo4 which was like 40 bucks? This game is equivalent of that. One giant dlc with a co-op campaign, remastered map pack, new weapons, and a new zombies mode re-branded as a New Game with a $70 price tag. I wait till it goes on sale before Christmas or ill pick it up used from gamestop. Its worth about $40.
I loved the MW2 maps even Wasteland but they are the reason I DIDN'T buy the game. I played those maps for thousands of hours already. Don't need to do that ever again. I wanted new maps but this game is just MW2.5 with old maps.
Not hating but curious if he would be "keeping that same energy" if shipment was already out or there was a rust 24/7 playlist. If you watch his streams he basically lives on shipment 🤷♂
I ain’t gonna lie i love the original MW2 but the way these players are on the maps is eye gouging and it didn’t help with these stupid tutorials that wouldn’t stop popping up and couldn’t turn off. And the blueprints i saved for weapons didn’t carry over which is stupid. Some of these maps should have been left out or put on big teams like Afghan and Derailed should be on big teams. They could have just left out Wasteland that map is literally open and just too dam big. I’m sure i left out some maps out. And it dumb that it doesn’t show you the challenge to unlock the operators like the new MW2 did. But the movement does feel good. They really should of just added this as a DLC
Ttk is always pretty fast in multiplayer with no armour and generally firefights are close range - it is going up against a three plate opponent in warzone that really determines how good the ttk on A weapon really is
I dont have nostalgia for mw2 2009 (I played it much later on xbox one) but I would say that it is still my favorite cod mp and I like most of the maps but some of them do suck. It is also important to realize that the shooting mechanics in the old mw2 were definitely clunkier and the resolution of the game on consoles was lower. All of that made it harder to beam people from across the map. That being said i think it would have been better to compile a list of the best maps from all the mw games and put them in the new mw3. Even throw in some good black ops maps. I dont think people would care about the "immersion". I really did not like the maps in mw2(2022) so this is a huge improvement either way for me.
I'm glad he said exactly what I said. Headglitching camping, headglitching no hitbox and camping. Rinse and repeat it's worse on hardcore as well. I literally wrote it in my review 2 hours in yesterday.
The one issue I have is the netcoding. It feels like I never know when im being shot until im one bullet away from dying. Anyone else noticing this? Keep in mind my ping is like 20
Super disappointed with this multiplayer. First entry in the Modern Warfare franchise I genuinely didn’t like.
Me neither, but still, it's most buyed game on ps and pc rn
I'm gonna stick wit MW2
The time to kill is awful dude like it’s not fun. The maps are cancer and the camping is awful. What an L game. Put 300 hours into mw2 and am gonna have to go back.
Check this out guys 😵🤣
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 release sees UK's biggest-ever gaming traffic for internet service providers
According to EE, BT and Virgin Media O2, the game's launch and pre-load period has seen record traffic across each of the networks.
In a new press release, Virgin Media O2 stated on Wednesday 8th November, when the game was available to pre-load, its broadband network "hit 25.1Tbps at peak (8-10pm)".
....Where the hell are the OG MW3 maps?
@airyonaspraker1833 didn't make it because this game is a MW2 expansion
In the old days campers and noob tubers were appropriately shamed in the lobbies everyone took part in. And as we all know the social aspect has been eliminated.
As someone who mostly played S&D I never understood the complaints from people camping. Knowing what angle to hold and what the map traffic will be are skills that you have to get good at.
@@Why_Blue 🤡
@@Why_Blue makes sense in snd, its cancerous in other gamemodes
@@Why_Bluemost campers aren't using tactics. They just lay a claymore and hope
microsoft sucks sensitive toes.
I just read that MW3 had half the development time a normal COD game has. Really explains a lot.
16 months, and it was planed to be dlc,
@mrgamer81 The dlc was never confirmed. Just a rumour. Go look and see if you can find infinity ward and activision confirming this, you won't.
But it should definitely have been a dlc
the Developers came out and denied that. apparently that wasn't true.
@@jako997they are liars that released a quarter of a game for 70 dollars. I guess you'll believe anything
@@thebodykeepsthescore2828activision did confirm a year 2 dlc for mwii. They didnt say they were gonna charge $70 tho.
If call of duty keeps this up it's going to end up like Halo one day
That one day is a lot closer than you think
I think Halo's problem was losing Bungie.
Modern Warfare 2019 was so good. What a shame.
🧐no it wasn't
lol it sucked
It was good if you enjoyed sitting in corners and playing 10 minute TDM matches where the score limit isn’t even hit because everyones playing like its a ARMA 3 mission. MWII was magnitudes better (in my opinion, not stating that as a fact but just an opinion) in terms of multiplayer. I pretty much spent my whole time on MW2 playing shipment dropping nukes which was extremely fun while when I tried MW2019 it was just giant maps filled with people camping
@@alexmediato299 is was way better
especially the GW
You hit the nail on the head, I was wondering if I was getting too old and couldn't see anything when I was playing but knowing you had the same issue reassures me I'm not going insane
Entire video is literally just “mY fAvOrItE gAmE iS mW2” then proceed to whine about everything that made MW2, MW2. MAYBE you just don’t like MW2.
camping and one shot sniping in nearly EVERY map! Spawning is a huge problem too. This game is trash!
I had the exact same thing!
Now nobody will be able to say that griffin is a blatant cod fanboy 😞
@@danielsan9850nah, I’m a Xbox nigga and even I hate this rancid dog shit. Cod needs mcc collection for the older titles and separating the newer cods from warzone b/c every cod that has come out these last 4 years has been made around warzone
@danielsan9850 one how is this xbox's fault to begin with the moment you blame xbox you lost the argument
Uh dude he still plays mw3 I'm sure of it. Hence the video. So yes he is a fanboy
@@firexallst4rz277All of these clip are from his late night streams.
Just because he doesn't like one COD doesn't mean he's not a fan boy lol. What a dumb take.
For me all of the recent cods have felt like, to play and do well, you have to use meta. It just feels like they’re giving us all this “choice”, but only make 3 guns actually good
Honest skill issue.
@@hack-cq6hrI unlocked Orion camo 3montgs into MW2. I agree op probably has some skill issues, but when so many people are sweating with meta weapons, using anything else I just handicapping yourself.
Shout out! Sean ranklin, big ups liquid griffin
I miss the 3-shot kills of CoD4, giving your regular mags anywhere from 5 to 6 kills if you're decently accurate and not just spraying. I also miss deep impact and double tap
I think your points were pretty valid for the most part. I just wanna know why you liked MW2 2022 Multiplayer.
That shit was dog water for me, and most people it seemed like statistically. The movement and maps were trash, so I was surprised you didn't mention that here either. The only enjoyment I saw people getting from it for the most part was ranked play.
I'll look on your channel for an MW2 video I guess
Mw2 multiplayer needed more map rotation modes so players could pick and choose the games they wanted to play rather then being randomised into literally any of the maps in existence
ion kno, MW2 wast the first COD i bought sice Infinite Warfare and I had a blast. Maps, for the most part, were good, movement dynamic and advanced for boots on the ground entry, TTK was too fast at times but I didn't mind it for the most part. I agree that map roation and game modes lacked variety tho.
They combined multiple free to play modes and two whole games on the steam charts and its still not even hitting half the amount of players when mw2 first launched. That says a lot about a franchise that isn't giving the players what they want...
I find it funny how a lot of people are like "these new games have too many campers, the old ones are so much better" when its been like that forever
The difference is older games had many ways to counter the campers. These new set of games are undeniably pushing the camping playstyle with little counters for them, and rushers are heavily penalized.
@@justinr1513rushing has never been easier than it is now.
COD MW 2 (OG) was my all time favorite shooter. I played that game for years. Those maps were perfect. You could camp, but, it was also pretty easy to get campers out of their spots, especially with the rocket launcher (noob tube). It's actually easier for snipers to camp in the newer versions of the game (especially if the team doesn't allow their spawn to move). My favorite gun was the AA12. Nothing cleaned out campers faster than that thing. Extended mag, burst in the room and let loose. It was also great for setting up ambushes in high traffic areas. You stop the aggressive bull rush players, and the rest of the team fell apart. of course, your k/d ration was usually 1.0, maybe higher if you were good, but your team would win.
Yeah the only cod that I’m nostalgic about the maps in is BO2 I personally think bo2 had much better maps than the older cods. I think one of the greatest normal sized maps is Grind. Obviously I like nuketown and shipment more but in terms of a full sized map I think Grind is one of the greatest 3 lane maps ever.
I would looove a new COD (a treyarch one) with a BO2, BO3, or BO4 timeline. Infinite warfare and advanced warfare are way too far in the future for me but that slightly futuristic timeline hits me some kinda way for sure.
There were only two games before bo2, world at war and b01 lol.
@@beentheredonethat5908 factually untrue… pretty sure the entire modern warfare series was before bo2. I wasn’t referring to Trayarch only, I was referring to all of cod up to bo2.
MW2's map selection is my favorite, but I think BO2 was Treyarch's best multiplayer overall.
@@zaiyas1408 Modern warfare happened between blops 2 and 3. Before that, it was WW and black ops 1, after came modern warfare , black ops 3 after, then infinite warfare and advanced warfare. The studio jumps didn't start until after 2, they didn't have the money until 2 to start hiring new studios. I have all the games here, I still play them, especially since everything has been trash lately, I've broken out the ps3 and been having a great time going into the old games and maps. Black ops one was pretty much a remake of WW, with some tweaks to make it better, then black ops 2, then modern warfare took over while treyach worked on three and the chronicles.
I have refunded call of duty modern warfare 3 on steam and they have accepted my refund. this game has the worst campaign the mid multiplayer the worst zombies nostalgia is a key factor on this game but nostalgia will not make this game better
You know it’s bad when even Griffin says a cod game sucks
So everyone begged for movement back, they gave it to us, and everyone just camps
Every year people talk s*** about Call of Duty and every year it keeps selling. I personally haven't bought it More than 10 years now.
And yet still watching the videos 😂😂😂😂 grow up
@@grootis It's not about watching the video make sense. It's about everyone talking about the same thing and nothing change.
Hearing you talk about you're favorite COD gun made me think of Titanfall. I've played a ton of 1st person shooters (Like we all have) and still to this day I've personally never felt gunplay better than Titanfall 2. Those weapons were buttery smooth perfection.
The movement and gunplay were unmatched!
The fact that the Mw3 maps is recycled Mw2 maps is SUS as hell. This is a DLC combined with company greed
You know it's bad when the developers themselves weren't informed about this at all
SHG has been put into crunch after crunch after crunch
Thanks to all the early beta testers for finding and reporting bugs to Activision, can't wait to get the game this time next year once it's in a playable state 🙌
Yeah, so nice of Activision to reward the early beta testers by charging them a premium price for the privilege of being first to play
Welcome to modern gaming. Beta testing? Nope. We will use our customers.
For the granular stuff, double check your resolution settings in the quality menu. Sometimes it sets it to a lower resolution than what your monitor is set to and it happens to me after a big update to the game. Hope this helps
I was on the same boat of looking forward to mw3 playing 600 hours on mw2. Before the campaign even came out, I randomly had a sixth sense that this was gonna be a letdown. I’m glad I cancelled my preorder. What a disappointment.
I do respect his opinions, but all these changes were done by feedback, even in game . So it's fine for the majority. The ttk especially in mw2 2022 is awful
@@syedmohammedayaan4435 Yeah, changes that should've never been removed from the game before the last good cod was like b02
@@syedmohammedayaan4435 True I feel like sledgehammer just needs to find a sweet spot between mw2’s ttk and the current ttk in mw3 and they’ll be set on that issue.
MW2 has probably the worst MP in COD history. All changes they made are great for the game.
@@syedmohammedayaan4435 The TTK in MWII is the same it has been in nearly all past cod titles. Y'all need to stop trying to turn COD into a competitive twitch shooter, it never has been and never will be
It's pretty simple. People keep buying a crappy product, company will keep churning out a crappy product.
it's a money grab, they know they can put out any crap, and people will till buy it.
I love this new mw3 . Don't know what your all crying about . Best game in years
The guy at around the 12:30 mark didn't kill you even though you say he should've, because players like you start jumping non stop in a panic to exploit lag and poor hit detection in this game. Maybe next time try playing with boots on the ground during a gun fight and the enemy that actually connected first and you say should've gotten the kill, will get it.
This is the problem with the current state of COD players, they want all these twitchy crackhead movements to dodge bullets because you can't be skillful enough to exercise awareness and accurately connecting shots first, and instead choose the training wheels of bunny hopping and slide cancelling to give yourself an advantage.
These developers have no business implementing such fast movement in a game they haven't been able to improve hit detection on in YEARS.
MW2 had really good maps. Highrise, estate, Terminal, Afghan, Favela, I even like wasteland. I think the only bad maps were Derail, Karachi and underpass.
highrise trash, estate trash, favela trash, terminal is ok, wasteland is absolute trash.
@@Total_Recall1984 there all trash in MWIII cause the gameplay doesn’t suit it. The original maps where suited for different styles of gameplay. Favela I used tac knife on my revolver with lightweight pro commando pro. I also forgot to mention sub base was good too
@@kyriakoskarallis5268 Sub base was not good either. Basically none of the map are good, the new duty is terrible on all fronts, I just hope warzone is better.
Yeah bro, hot take, I loved those large old school maps. The slower gameplay in MW2 was something I've missed since after OG MW3. The only reason the nostalgia bait was so strong in the MW3 promotion
I hate the smooth brain small maps like Shipment, Nuketown, Rust etc
But I might be in the minority with that. Seems most folks love small ass maps
I mean how many remakes do we need of those maps? Shipment/Rust 24/7 is good for grinding camos tho
Large maps capture war way better, small maps for the short attention span kids, which undoubtedly is the majority of COD audiences
Haven't bought neither MW2 nor MW3 yet, but I have a feeling the multiplayer for MW3 may actually be seen in higher regard. My lucky guess. Sledgehammer already made more positive changes than IW ever did from beta to launch
Is it worth $70 tho? hmmmmm
No it isnt worth the money played it for 30 mins now ive deleted it
I feel u there I like the bigger maps I hated how the maps keep getting smaller and smaller everyone sais mw2 Original was slow Paste But I never felt it was. I play mostly searching destroy so I like the bigger maps maps.
I agree bigger maps are better. Kids complain about dying every time you spawn but also only want small maps ….
I do appreciate what you said about MW2’s maps even though I like them, but what you’re saying about these maps is exactly how I feel about MW2019
yeah mw1 2019 maps were shit
Black ops series > Modern warfare series
I've always agreed with people that say Call of Duty copies Battlefield now.I think one of the biggest reasons 2042 had failed at launch was trying to be Call of Duty,these companies trying to cheat of each other test questions is getting dull
70 bucks is robbery for this map pack
This is a failure. Spends $100 and plays for 100 hours. Just terrible. You wanna play tonight
Yeah, I agree with pretty much all of your points you have done throughout this video...
BUT then I noticed that you bought the Inarius skin, so the Gamer Law™ requires me to disregard every and all of your opinions, sorry.
The original MW2 maps were designed for low ttk and low recoil guns like the ACR and the Famas. Those made them fun as you can have easy and fun long range fights.
I got my hands on a Vault Edition copy for free (Employee Appreciation bonus at work), so I absolutely feel bad for anybody who spent money on this overpriced DLC
Adjusted movement, added only old maps, campaign looks like DMZ with cutscenes oh and zombies is DMZ with zombies 🤦 at least they added guns. This is why I never pre order. I'm not paying full game price for a DLC pack. This is just something to slap a storefront on and pimp operator packs.
All I gather from today's player base on any game is no matter what is released it will get trashed relentlessly because nothing can satisfy anyone anymore especially the people who love saying nothing will beat og cod/games. legitimate complaints are good to have but I see so many people in a blind rage today because it's not exactly what you want
It's no wonder the movement feels like advanced warfare, it's the game they were actually working on before the project was stopped and they had to make this game within 18 months.
I'm glad they toned down how OP the guns are. Last couple CODs guns were so insanely accurate and powerful it made it even easier to camp and get kills. It takes more skill this way and I'm for it. Agree with extended mags take though.
From the beta it didn't feel like that, it felt like vanguard, where the guns didn't really have recoil. During the beta I got a kingslayer on a sniper who was shooting at me, I was across the map using the AR. Feels like their will be no point in using long ranged weapons
This is a joke right?
Yeah I canceled my order only because I realize yo why I’m paying $100 just to play all the old maps I brought back in the day. It should be a bonus not the content. When my twin brother told me that they were “bring back the OG maps” I knew at that moment who was the smart one and who was the dumb one. Also the wasteland map is the worst, I would have preferred if they brought like two maps, like rust from the OG mw2 and new maps then all the old map. My god, the submarine map was the worst but it was fun back in the day. But not because of the map. Just the experience I had with my friends.
Although I understand that a higher time to kill somewhat kills the flow of some maps, it helps a lot to prevent campers from killing without any effort.
Yeah i agree BO4 did it and it was so much metter, and they should make buffed up version of "tier one"/hardcode mode for players who want low ttk..
facts. I liked the TTk in the beta. Perfect.
Yeah griffingaming is tripping
Yeah say that when a set team does pack movement or group camp within an area. Shit’s annoying and that’s what faster movement time is used for.
You’re high buddy. The TTK is grossly overdone. It takes a whole mag to maybe kill 2 people. What a joke. CoD from the 2009 era is what CoD should be. If you want that changed to this garbage, find another game buddy. That’s not what CoD has been about. And if you can’t handle a few campers, get better.
Completely disagree on your take on the maps. Mw2 had some amazing maps. My least favorite mw2 map is rust. I absolutely abhor small maps in COD, especially the newer ones, because player movement is so fast it makes maps feel even smaller. I can't stand COD fans who want shipment and nuketown and other extremely degenerate, super small maps in every single COD game because brain too smol to be able to function in multiplayer unless they are spawning 2 steps away from the enemy every time they die, netting you extremely cheap kills by default because otherwise you would end the game 2-19.
I disagree with your time to kill opinion. Its prolly the only thing that Mw3 did right.
13:46 Remember, switching to your secondary weapon is always faster than reloading.- CoD 4
Anyone else find it strange that the MW3 Reboot has a bunch of MW2 classic maps but no MW3 classic maps?
mw4 be mw3 lol you get hd dome with doors pay 80 haha.
"My favorite cod games were the original Modern Warfare Trilogy" and "I don't like big maps" is the most ironic thing I've seen on the internet today. Original Modern Warfare had all big maps, the small maps were you can mindlessly run and gun like your gameplay shows would fair better in Black Ops.
COD 4 and MW3 had a great mix of Small/Medium sized maps.
Complaining about "tryhards padding their kds" and then complaining about how the time to kill makes it hard for you to maintain a 3 or 4 kd is wild😂
MWII was bad, MW2019 had the best mechanics, just terrible maps. I didn't buy MWIII, but id take it over MWII move like molasses warfare any day, also alot of the maps feeling slow issues could be fixed with Combat Pacing but i bet IW wouldnt let SH do that.
Advanced warfare is my favorite cod of all time. The nostalgia imma feel using the Bal and ASM1 again is going to make me tear up a bit
For Game devs, time is not on their side, and now companies are saying this isn't a bug, but a feature and it shows. TY for reviewing this
Im actually convinced the call of duty community would not like the old games of they came out as they were released back in the day right now
I would. Shit, I wish the OG MW3 featured bots.
@@Merlaut715 the call of duty community complain about every game not saying its not valid but if you keep playing that's on you
Do people really like Rust/nuketown 24/7..? Its like TF2 2fort all over again.
Do a shot every time Griffin says 'literally' or 'literal' and in all his videos, by the end, you are a happier person.
After years of garbage releases, its odd that this is the first year I feel genuinely disrespected that they even released this game. Like straight up insulting. Probably finally a good time to start playing some other games.
Yeah, this and the servers are really really bad now - constant packet bursts, crashes and gsmebreaking bugs are making call of duty completely unplayable. There's so many other games out there, good games, that they really need to stop thinking that their playerbase are hooked for life because it's actually a lot easier to quit the franchise then they like to believe.
It’s never been a better time to get back into cod welcome back to the channel boys
You're complaining about running around like a chicken with your head cut off, and your playing TDM... Why not play a gamemode with an objecitve?? TDM has always been trash on non-small maps.
Weren't the teams larger as well? It's only 6x6, but weren't they in the past 12x12? I don't remember correctly anymore.
That's a stupid argument when others' COD had a really good time to kill without u playing hard-core
@@cameron765 then don’t play the game if u wanna cry like a bitch about high kill time. Once again griffin bitching just to bitch 😂🤣 u can’t make a dem happy no matter what u do. Trump 2024 baby 🤪
I'm an old head player of COD since 2003 and I like MW3 for the most part. What really kills it for me is the damn SBMM. I have two gaming PCs where I could reverse boost to avoid sweaty AF lobbies with nerds snorting Gfuel before each match, but I refuse to buy two copies of the game to have a casual experience. Before the Gen Z zoomers got something to say about SkiLl IsSuE bRo, I'd happily clap u on rust with a sniper. It's the weapon I've used the most for two decades. With that out of the way, remove SBMM, and bring back lobbies that don't disband so I can continue to quickscope their souls😊
Idk man mw2 2022 was dog shit, I think mw3 is more fun movement wise and gun play wise but the maps aren’t really that fun to play it’s cool the first couple times but after that it’s gay af, then the zombies and campaign suck ass too there’s that. I still think mw3’s multiplayer alone is decent enough
I don't love the Modern Warfare trilogy as much as you, but I adore all the MW2 maps. I disagree that most are too big. That was CoD Ghosts' problem.
I honestly enjoy the more grounded movement in MW2. Really wasn't a big fan of all the slide canceling and all that in MW1 and now 3
Crazy how they charge us $70 for a game that’s 80% reskins of things that already exist in other CODs.
They need to sort out their file size. 100+gb is ridiculous
yes 100 percent.
TTK is great, switch to secondary. Use perks to swap weapons and reload faster.
Both TTK have something i hate, yeah I hate not getting double kills because of reloading but when its low I also hate sliding between a doorway and getting 2tapped by a kastov instantly.
I havent played since Advanced Warfare. Im having a blast.
its crazy cuz no one loves these maps more than me and i could care less about this game, so sad.
This was why Wings was so powerful back in the day man. I loved og MW2 but I have to agree with you on the camping stuff. As for time to kill, you should try hardcore, much better. I cant go back to standard games after playing hc. It really does suck in standard game modes. The worst part is that they changed how headshots work in the newer games. In og MW headshots killed no matter the weapon. Now it takes multiple headshot to kill.
Look here look listen!
shame they couldn’t just hold off a year like they said they would and release an actual game instead of a $70 DLC pile of steaming shit💀
seems all the campers and people who can't aim dislike this game
I got it for ps5, realized what I did and requested a refund, Sony is super strict about refunds. So now I’m down $70
I am an unrepentant camper, I make no apologies for it. An LMG and claymores are all I need to be happy. That said, maps that explicitly cater to camping are not good.
I don’t agree that the TTK is too slow. A slower TTK actually let’s us get into gunfights and rewards the person with the better aim. The quicker the TTK the easier it is for campers to sit in corners. Now at least I have a chance to shoot back and don’t have to check every corner in every building.
I actually absolutely hate online fps multiplayer. Team death match is just everybody running around shooting until one of the teams gets more lucky. I prefer ground war but there is a major problem with people camping in their tank
I’m starting to come around to the idea that quality degrades. This remake of MW3 sucks but compared to the one 10 years from now, this might be substantially better. I’m not a hard ass, I can enjoy and make the most of what I get. The World takes more money from me than anything this game will ever do in a year’s time
this isn't better than any call of duty game, except vanguard.
@@Total_Recall1984 Tell me 10 years from now if this is still true, that’s the point I was saying
Every year. Same people b**** about the same stuff. Also just watched the most mid terminal gameplay from an “og player players who loves the MW trilogy”. Brotha you might just be bad at the game. Usually games aren’t fun if you aren’t good at them, have you tried the new halo?? Seems more your speed🤣
MW2 2022 better than this game mp wise? ☠️☠️☠️
💥💥You liked MW2 2022 lmao that multi player is trash. Infinity War ain't been good since MW3 in 2011.
Do you guys remember the black ops pass for bo4 which was like 40 bucks? This game is equivalent of that. One giant dlc with a co-op campaign, remastered map pack, new weapons, and a new zombies mode re-branded as a New Game with a $70 price tag. I wait till it goes on sale before Christmas or ill pick it up used from gamestop. Its worth about $40.
Stop buying the same poop every year and see the magic that unfolds.
I loved the MW2 maps even Wasteland but they are the reason I DIDN'T buy the game. I played those maps for thousands of hours already. Don't need to do that ever again. I wanted new maps but this game is just MW2.5 with old maps.
Not hating but curious if he would be "keeping that same energy" if shipment was already out or there was a rust 24/7 playlist. If you watch his streams he basically lives on shipment 🤷♂
I ain’t gonna lie i love the original MW2 but the way these players are on the maps is eye gouging and it didn’t help with these stupid tutorials that wouldn’t stop popping up and couldn’t turn off. And the blueprints i saved for weapons didn’t carry over which is stupid. Some of these maps should have been left out or put on big teams like Afghan and Derailed should be on big teams. They could have just left out Wasteland that map is literally open and just too dam big. I’m sure i left out some maps out. And it dumb that it doesn’t show you the challenge to unlock the operators like the new MW2 did. But the movement does feel good. They really should of just added this as a DLC
How is rust a good map? I think it’s the worst map ever made
I don’t like nuke town either.
By the look of the game play, the ttk looks quicker than the beta.
Ttk is always pretty fast in multiplayer with no armour and generally firefights are close range - it is going up against a three plate opponent in warzone that really determines how good the ttk on A weapon really is
I dont have nostalgia for mw2 2009 (I played it much later on xbox one) but I would say that it is still my favorite cod mp and I like most of the maps but some of them do suck. It is also important to realize that the shooting mechanics in the old mw2 were definitely clunkier and the resolution of the game on consoles was lower. All of that made it harder to beam people from across the map. That being said i think it would have been better to compile a list of the best maps from all the mw games and put them in the new mw3. Even throw in some good black ops maps. I dont think people would care about the "immersion". I really did not like the maps in mw2(2022) so this is a huge improvement either way for me.
I'm glad he said exactly what I said. Headglitching camping, headglitching no hitbox and camping. Rinse and repeat it's worse on hardcore as well. I literally wrote it in my review 2 hours in yesterday.
Man you know they fucked up when the guy who liked vanguard isnt enjoying the game
Yeah large maps can be the worse since it can be good for campers to wait in an area and just to kill you in that same area
Large and very small aren’t that great honestly
This video is about 28 minutes of complaining that the maps are too big. I think I got it after 5 minutes
My biggest complaint is BRING BACK THE DAMN HITMARKERS FOR KILLSTREAKS. Killstreak kills are unsatisfying as fuck
The one issue I have is the netcoding. It feels like I never know when im being shot until im one bullet away from dying. Anyone else noticing this? Keep in mind my ping is like 20
Are you not having any issues with the crazy hitmarkers? They literally don’t die? But they’re able to kill you with in 2 bullets it’s very weird
I couldn't imagine getting dead silence and ghost and still need to camp just to get a kill
2019 stole my heart and ever since then cod has been completely horrid
The time to kill is absolutley horrific, my biggest gripe!
still better than spiderman 2 and every playstation exclusive except bloodborne of course