I told my Italian husband about that $100 pizza, he said NO way, He will not spend $100 on a pizza. LOL............ Thank you for sharing, the food looks amazing. you guys are so funny!
If it's real Tartufo Bianco di Alba, when it crosses the sea to Canada, it can easily cost over 100 dollars. Its an experience for passionate foodies:)
好介紹. 可惜現在 work from home, otherwise my office is very near by. I won't spend that much money on a pizza though even though this looks so good. Great job! Thanks.
Sea bass 不需預訂。如確實想吃到,事先向餐廳預訂都不失為一個好提議👍 Cured fishes $29 for 3 kinds, $45 for 5 kinds of fishes. 影片中我們點了 $45 的 option. Sword fish and Monk fish 不那麼好吃,所以下次會選 3 個option 便好了 都預祝你和家人聖誕快樂,身體健康🎉🎉❤
真的好中意果皮和饭团的食客分享video lol 😘😘
Alba这个白松露产地是座非常漂亮的古镇,每年11月就是国际白松露节面对全世界游客。当地有手切Fassona牛肉他他配橄榄油,白松露和不加一滴水只用鸡蛋揉面的当地意面特产Tagliolini。当天新鲜做好后煮熟拌上融化的黄油和盐,再撒上freshly shaved白松露,人间美味,两个字:上头😆 而且当地价格是1克5-7欧,哈哈,很reasonable!
多謝你這麼風情畫意的留言,也謝謝你邀請我們到歐洲旅遊。我們倆下一次歐遊,必定會先與你聯系!! 同樣,若你和親朋有機會到加拿大遊玩,記得找我!!!!
@@TorontoHKger 哈哈,一定哦🤗 加油加油💪
Just pasta🍝🥫🍝🥫🍅🍅😬😂。睇完你介紹意大利🇮🇹菜。感覺到你真係好有心享受食物。喜歡你哋的視頻!👍🏻💪💪
I told my Italian husband about that $100 pizza, he said NO way, He will not spend $100 on a pizza. LOL............ Thank you for sharing, the food looks amazing. you guys are so funny!
If it's real Tartufo Bianco di Alba, when it crosses the sea to Canada, it can easily cost over 100 dollars. Its an experience for passionate foodies:)
Those dishes look so good!😋😋😋 Hahaha… you guys are so funny!🤣😂💩🤣😂💩 Love your channel!😍👍🏻👍🏻
太好了,有多間餐廳可以試,有時冇人推薦,来來去去都是那些Franchise 的restaurant或中餐。希望推介多些
好介紹. 可惜現在 work from home, otherwise my office is very near by. I won't spend that much money on a pizza though even though this looks so good. Great job! Thanks.
Try fried lamb brain next time! (If that dish is still available) It’s my favorite dish at Buca!
Wow they have that? For sure I will try it if I see it. Thanks for letting me know.
It’s called Cevello in the menu… brain wrapped in bacon roll … 一試難忘
吓? 點解你家人會有咁嘅印象?😅😅 落後就……我都覺得有少少啦,只覺得加拿大人比較撲素又唔太追趕潮流咁啦,但國民都唔算好窮嘅😅
看妳介紹食物 都感受到妳對食物的享受 想問魚生 sea bass 要事前預訂嗎? 另外那盤 cured fish platter 是 $2X or $4X? Thanks 預祝您倆聖誕快樂先。😊🎄
Sea bass 不需預訂。如確實想吃到,事先向餐廳預訂都不失為一個好提議👍
Cured fishes $29 for 3 kinds, $45 for 5 kinds of fishes. 影片中我們點了 $45 的 option. Sword fish and Monk fish 不那麼好吃,所以下次會選 3 個option 便好了
@@TorontoHKger Thanks a lot
European sea bass = Mediterranean Sea bass ?
地中海sea bass 用港式清蒸很似香港黃腳立魚味道。
我上網睇咗。。。mediterrian sea bass is same as european sea bass
@@TorontoHKger 地中海的鱼,鱼味非常浓厚,欢迎果皮和饭团过来尝试😍
我地都係盡量分享美食資料,唔係食神😝我個人喜歡希臘同埋西班牙出產嘅橄欖油,而家屋企有一罐西班牙嘅 Merula Extra Virgin Olive Oil, 喺 Pusateri 買架。好似要廿多元 500ml. 而家好貴,好嘅Olive oil 少過廿蚊都會係好嘢……
@@TorontoHKger thank you ah!!! 多謝你介紹我買呢隻橄欖油我會試下!我見你哋好似都鍾意食豬腸㗎喎 喺多倫多我食過最好味嘅就係喺新旺角入面嗰間云尚米线! 得閒去試下佢嘅煙燻豬腸!一個禮拜最少去食一次㗎😆
O C’mon! You’re paying their rent, that’s why is expensive. These kind of places offer unique gourmets, service, and atmosphere. Money is no object.
love the joke at the end
What is in English? Is it a mushroom?
So you mean the truffle pizza?
U should try Joni
Oooooo wow! Pictures look amazing! Marked down already 👍
How much the that meal cost?
Can't remember exactly... Three hundred something... For two people.
邊 part 令你 fasting 失敗呢? 魚生定係甜品? Hehe
Better than the siu mai???? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂