Are you a consumer or a citizen? (with

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 18 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 77

  • @AshTanya
    @AshTanya 2 ปีที่แล้ว +102

    Thanks so much for having me on this episode Leena!

    • @leenanorms
      @leenanorms  2 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      It was my pleasure entirely, thanks for being so fab!

  • @NerdyPandaPlans
    @NerdyPandaPlans 2 ปีที่แล้ว +81

    "But what we have to realize first is that discomfort is normal when you grow. It’s kind of just like exercise. We live in a society in which people treat discomfort and hurt as the same thing, when they’re not the same at all. It’s not good to hurt people. But separate hurt from discomfort, and recognize that if you’re in a position of power and someone with less power tells you about your actions and how it harms them… you’re not hurt, you’re just feeling discomfort." (p.222) This quote REALLY stuck out to me in this book. Discomfort has always been something that helped me grow as a person. With all this talk about the climate crisis, it can be easy to be a pessimist about it all and just give up. I realized that was my discomfort about the topic. It was easier to just continue consuming and discarding than make small actionable changes which can lead to bigger changes down the line. This book helped me start my no buy year and really start thinking about doing multiple meatless days a week. (Health issues prevent me from going full vegan unfournately.) Its a start to a bigger conversation for a lot a people, which is what the world needs!

    • @leenanorms
      @leenanorms  2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      Yes that's a such a good quote!!! Good luck with the no buy year! If you haven't already, do check out Hannah Louise Poston, she has a great playlist of advice videos on doing one! xx

    • @lucyandecember2843
      @lucyandecember2843 2 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @isabbygabbyorcrabby
    @isabbygabbyorcrabby 2 ปีที่แล้ว +87

    Those charity/specific event t shirts are the bane of my life. My solution has been to cut them up into rags so I now will never have to buy cleaning cloths for my kitchen or bathroom again because I have these cleaning rags made from stupid one-off t shirts :) I have been using and washing them for years and they genuinely still hold up! When they get unusably gross they will be useful grease rags for when I'm mending my bike or changing the oil in my car.

    • @leenanorms
      @leenanorms  2 ปีที่แล้ว +20

      Yes that's a good shout! They're weird because you can't really give them away to a charity shop, they're so specific. Although I have been known to buy people's amdram 'show' shirts off depop so maybe theres hope lol.

    • @WordShaker95
      @WordShaker95 2 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      I like to use them to sleep in and then for cleaning when they get past their best 👌

    • @isabbygabbyorcrabby
      @isabbygabbyorcrabby 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      @@WordShaker95 yes agreed they make great pjs! I don't think I've ever specifically bought pjs 😂

    • @IzlyeSellos
      @IzlyeSellos 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      I got a ton of these in college and ended up making a quilt out of them. I had like, 30? Scraps went to more sewing or filling up a heavy bag.

    • @Cluegoes
      @Cluegoes 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@WordShaker95 I do the same thing. They end up making up most of my pajama shirts!

  • @snazzysuze
    @snazzysuze 2 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    On thrift shops in the US: I can't speak to how it works in the entire country, but in the part of the US that I'm from, a "thrift shop" usually operates to raise funds for a charity, (eg women's shelters, schools, animal shelters, community support) whereas a "consignment shop" sells used goods for a profit.

  • @offonatangent8822
    @offonatangent8822 2 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    If Leena did a zoom group-sending of letters to fast fashion companies thing i would 100% join that! Or even like a livestream with a walk through how to do it etc!

  • @shironerisilk
    @shironerisilk 2 ปีที่แล้ว +34

    That's why I love this channel. These discussions about the language that is used to refer to the ''Third World/developing'' countries is already overdue. I'm Latina (Brazilian) and grew up being taught these terms in school (mostly as if we were our own fault - some students even used to wonder if we would be better off if we were colonized by Britain instead of Portugal) which just shows how pervasive and dangerous this imperialistic language is.
    But I think even though these terms left a bitter taste in my mouth, I think the thing that enraged me the most was when I found out that Latin America isn't considered ''part of the West'' by a lot of people and people are taught this definition in school in the US and Europe. I understand the other economic lines but this is just insulting. Latin America is literally the heir (not by our own choice, but through violent colonization, mind you) of Greece and Rome which are the the main foundations of the West.The influences of indigenous peoples and from Africa and Asia (which we are/should be proud of) aren't a justification why we shouldn't be considered ''Western'' - Europe isn't purely Greco-Roman either. Not to mention the pathetic wonky lines picking and choosing what is ''Western''. This definition feels like those ridiculous early 20th century definitions that ''Italian/Irish/Spanish/Portuguese people aren't white'' - convenient and deeply malicious.

    • @27alpar
      @27alpar 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Omg yes!! I just recently found out that we Brazilians are not part of the "western world" and it still enrages me (like, Latin America IS LITERALLY PART OF AMERICA), the westerns like to believe they're *oh so evolved* but really this kind of gate keepings just shows how much we have to grow as a collective

    • @27alpar
      @27alpar 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      As someone who lives in Sao Paulo, this feels personally offensive because there are very few cities in the world more "western capitalist global society" than here (which is both good and bad btw)

  • @erinrabideau3691
    @erinrabideau3691 2 ปีที่แล้ว +20

    TBH I came to your channel for the fun fashion and books, but watching your videos has honestly helped change my spending habits, as in now thrifting 95% of my clothing/accessories and reducing use of companies like Amazon etc. Your videos are my version of a climate cafe haha!

  • @drawyourbook876
    @drawyourbook876 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I recently read a book called How Europe underdeveloped Africa, and he talks exactly about who decides what development is and how messed up that is.

  • @IsabellaDemarko
    @IsabellaDemarko 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    ***Solution to Raggy clothing*** It's still worth taking clothes past the point of wearing to the charity shop, you could put it in a separate bag marked "Rag". Many charity shops have a rag pile that they sell to what my manager called, the 'rag man'. Not sure what it's used for but the charity will still get money from it and it's better off than in landfill, if you're unsure you can ask them if they do this. I learnt this when i volunteered at my local Hospise charity shop.

  • @101malteesers
    @101malteesers 2 ปีที่แล้ว +18

    Climate Cafés are absolutely a thing! There's training webinars for facilitators provided by the Climate Psychology Alliance and I even hosted one at work

    • @AshTanya
      @AshTanya 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Ahh that sounds amazing!!

    • @cmcmullan1234
      @cmcmullan1234 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Yes I came into the comments to say the same thing! Climate cafes absolutely exist! We also had one at work ☺️ xx

    • @rachelporter1231
      @rachelporter1231 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      came to say this too! :D

  • @meremeth
    @meremeth 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Camera interview tip if you want it Leena!
    If you put your camera on the opposite side of you to how your guest's camera is placed (with the camera same distance away from you as hers is, and the same angle of the face) it looks to us the audience like you're talking to each other!
    When the shots don't "match" it is visually confusing/distracting to follow.
    you can google "shot reverse shot example" if you need a visual

  • @MargaretPinard
    @MargaretPinard 2 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    I've been noticing and puzzling about the language changes and the perceived increasing speeds at which they change, for politically correct terms and wondering what it's doing to us...I appreciate Leena saying the point is to avoid desensitization, but it also means there's a continuing in-class and out-class of people as the early adopters or innovators keep changing the language, and that seems to be part of what is ticking off the 'disaffected'... dunno what to do about it, and I'm in between, catching up behind the innovators while I explain terms like 'cis' to my family members, but hey-ho. Thinking on it, definitely! Great chat, as always!!

  • @daizchalkx8490
    @daizchalkx8490 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Absolutely obsessed with this series, thank you so much Leena for keeping the climate crisis in our minds!! X

  • @caoimhenimhuireadhaigh1303
    @caoimhenimhuireadhaigh1303 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    I can't wait to watch the series that Ash mentioned potentially making!

  • @elzbethmrgn
    @elzbethmrgn 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    These conversations are amazing, please keep doing them!

  • @Towandakit
    @Towandakit 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7


    • @leenanorms
      @leenanorms  2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Yes I'm so excited!

  • @abbiemcdonagh8084
    @abbiemcdonagh8084 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thank you so much for this video! I loved listening to your points of view and will definitely read the book. I had to laugh about the point you make about donating items to charity shops that we think are no longer good enough for us to wear…I live in Germany and in my first couple of months here I brought some clothes to an Oxfam and after about 2 mins of inspection the woman working there promptly handed my bag back to me and explained she couldn’t sell these items 😂 speaks a lot for the quality control over here and how charity shops should be viewed- passing on loved items and not just a clothing dumping ground for fast fashion

  • @sallys.2707
    @sallys.2707 2 ปีที่แล้ว +24

    (My English brain is dead now, i'll translate this later)
    En février 2021, en France, une loi a été promulguée pour interdire la destruction des produits « non-alimentaire » (vêtements, meubles, jouets, etc.).
    On a discuté de ça avec un ami et, d’un côté c’est une loi qui peut paraître intéressante, mais d’un autre, toutes ces tonnes de vêtements qui vont finir dans les friperies/à la Croix-Rouge, combien vont être vraiment vendu ? Combien vont finir dans une décharge ? Est-ce que ça ne va pas aggraver le problème ?
    Un autre exemple est une de nos nouvelles lois pour lutter contre le logement insalubre/les passoires énergétiques, qui d’ici à 2030 rendra quasiment tous les logements de Paris invendable/in-louable. Sauf que dans beaucoup de cas faire des travaux sur ces bâtiments est très compliqué à cause de nos lois sur la protection des bâtiments historique. Que va-t-il se passer pour tous les gens qui vivent dans ces logements ? Et si on doit refaire les bâtiments, où va-t-on loger les locataires pendant les travaux ?
    C’est comme si les lois sur l’écologie de mon pays n’étaient jamais pensées au-delà de la valeur qu’elles ont pour l’opinion publique.
    L’écologie n’a pas vocation à être une couche de peinture brillante sur une politique sociale de merde, mais doit être une vrai révolution et tans que les gens qui font de la politique vivront en dehors de la réalité du terrain on y arrivera pas.

    • @theonlyenekoeneko
      @theonlyenekoeneko 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      (The auto google translate to English is remarkably accurate so you can save your energy) we have a similar law posed here in Melbourne for rentals to all have proper insulation and adequate heating/cooling by 2023 I believe (as if that will happen!) it’s in the name of saving the environmental cost compared to the current heating/cooling situation (which is crap in most houses) but no thought seems to be places into where we will live in the meantime or how to get around our heritage listed houses laws, similar to your country situation looks like

    • @obnitor
      @obnitor 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Très bien dit!

  • @kasterborouskitten
    @kasterborouskitten 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I love Ash's channel! So excited for this collab!!

  • @a.laddinsane
    @a.laddinsane 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    This was amazing! I’m loving the length of the videos in this series and your wonderful educated guests.

  • @angelxsiren0
    @angelxsiren0 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    The conversation about using developing/third world is definitely really interesting to me. I'm currently taking a course (titled Sociology of Globalization), and developing countries is used a ton. One of the theories splits countries into three categories, core, semi-perphiery and periphery. Periphery would be those historically pillaged countries, who are exploited for their resources.

  • @addictedtoyoutube1902
    @addictedtoyoutube1902 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I haven’t read this book so I perhaps need to understand the way in which the language is explained. I assume “historically pillaged” refers to European colonialism, but “historically” poses two problems to me. 1) throughout history most countries have been pillaged at one time or the other by another. Britain was pillaged and exploited for metals, farm land and slaves by the Romans, but we no longer suffer from that. 2. Plenty of countries are still pillaged/ exploited and not just by European colonists, e.g china’s role in African countries. I see there are reasons to reconsider “developing” (LEDC), but i feel like I want something yet more nuanced.

  • @TheBelinda10
    @TheBelinda10 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    26:00 - I work in charity and the amount of people that say there donateing really nice clothes and there mark or ripped and no one will want to wear it.
    The best way to view when donatesing is am I getting rid of this bc I don’t like it anymore/not fitting or bc it’s not wearable
    I work at Barnardos and my store gets what we call GIK which means ‘gift in kind’ the stuff that’s has been donated to us by other companies. We’ve had stuff from so many great places such as Amazon, Next, dunhill and a bunch of local business.

  • @MargaretPinard
    @MargaretPinard 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    ...and even more specifically on the meaning of sustainability to different people, I've been tearing more and more hair out when people do this Margaret Atwood Adventure booktag and for the 'helping the environment' question, all anyone usually says/starts with is 'I recycle.' 😳...😳...😳 Like, are we not past that with anyone yet??? *whimpers*

  • @lalicurates
    @lalicurates 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    So far I'm 3 for 3 of having already read the books you are featuring in this series! I'll say that's less a reflection on me, and more a reflection on your book choices- you are choosing books that have mass appeal and approach their given topics with accessible language and patience. Looking forward to the next one!

  • @SolracFS
    @SolracFS 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Jack Edwards recommended this series! Thanks so much to both of you, that was absolutely brilliant, loved all the laughs and most of all the messages of the book, it is on my priority to be read list!

  • @saraatppkdotpt8140
    @saraatppkdotpt8140 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Letting you know I enjoyed watching this video 😊

  • @silliepixie
    @silliepixie 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Lovely insightful conversation. I am loving this series!

  • @Elfxci
    @Elfxci 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I would 100% listen to Ash's series on supply chain and fashion!!! :)

  • @solo-bold
    @solo-bold 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I have never picked up a book talking about the climate crisis. But I might just read soon... thank you for this video. Also... I'm so excited for the next part of this series... I've always wanted you to collaborate with Levi. He's so cool.

  • @Cpark1401
    @Cpark1401 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Great chat! And excited about seeing a Levi and Leena crossover on one of my fave books next week :)

  • @newt5111
    @newt5111 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    YESS ANOTHER #nobooksonadeadplanet! Last time you inspired me to read We Are the Weather which I've found interesting but also very climate-anxiety-inducing....

  • @alexwood3459
    @alexwood3459 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I don't know if the term 'historically pillaged' is particularly useful- I understand the logic when considering a number of countries but I see lots of issues with it. I'm struggling to articulate this in words, I'd prefer to have a discussion on it but I'll try: just thinking of a couple examples: the colonial relationship the UK had with India was largely based on the trade of things like tea and finished textiles so I think it's hard to describe India as 'pillaged' but I would describe them as 'developing.' Additionally, a country that was not 'pillaged' (or at least not thought of as pillaged) is Lithuania which some people would still call a developing country (I don't know for myself, I think it was a developing country, now I'm not sure what it is)- I would include other Eastern European and ex-soviet states in this. I could go on for a long time but I just don't think the concept of 'developing' can be replaced with 'pillaged' (I mean the UK was pillaged by the vikings tbh so it's kind of a confusing term). I fully recognise that 'developing' is a problematic term not in the least because of this idea that 'developed' is best- is a high GDP, lots of planet destroying industry etc. better? It's like the debate around economic growth. Anyway, I'll stop my ramble but I just felt this term could've been challenged more, not just accepted as a better alternative- the history of the world is far too complicated to perfectly group countries together and I don't think we'll find a word or term that'll do the job.

    • @emilyb3875
      @emilyb3875 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Umm questionable example there using India as an example of “unpillaged” many many Indian Bangladeshi and Pakistani people would disagree with you there.

    • @alexwood3459
      @alexwood3459 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@emilyb3875 Please feel free to disagree, I want to have a convo about it, I can't think through my thoughts properly- I have other examples but India came to mind. I agree that there were finite resources taken from India- iron, coal etc. and human rights abuses occured towards Indians who were not allowed to enjoy the fruits of their labour so it probably was a bad example. I just feel like 'pillaged' isn't a good demarcation- I'll try rewording this tomorrow morning if someone else replies.

    • @libraryofkayla
      @libraryofkayla 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Maybe “Countries affected by colonialism” would be better? Pillaged makes me think of Vikings or something like that and I’m not sure it quite covers the vast impacts that countries like the UK/US/ Spain etc has had and continues to have on these countries.

    • @alexwood3459
      @alexwood3459 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@libraryofkayla even then this would include Australia which has not had the same impacts as many other colonised countries. Australia has retained much of its wealth but this hasn't been translated into the lives of every citizen including many Indigenous people. I think it's hard to find an appropriate term.

  • @sandrapandalesque8903
    @sandrapandalesque8903 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    So interesting. I think i will get the book.

  • @rachelcuthbertson4940
    @rachelcuthbertson4940 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Brilliant video ! I learnt so much and this series gives so much food for thought.

  • @sheajane4391
    @sheajane4391 2 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Absolutely loved both of your takes. A small piece of advice I am starting to implement is using you ripped or broken underwear as a pattern to create your own undergarments. Little things to reduce

  • @anitabelen5654
    @anitabelen5654 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I am so proud that I cannot relate to the free merch situation haha maybe bc the organizations I've been a part of have never had the founds to do that and when we could we were already a little more environmentally conscious :D 🇨🇱

  • @CraigSimmonds
    @CraigSimmonds 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Damn, looks like those captions took like 4 hours to write out 🤔

  • @daisydog
    @daisydog 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I thoroughly enjoyed this!

  • @MargaretPinard
    @MargaretPinard 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    NIMBYism in fashion!!! OOF,, smashing together two concepts I hadn't put together before...with supremacism!! Brill.

  • @rosejermusyk
    @rosejermusyk 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    “203 in your hymn books”

  • @sah_son6169
    @sah_son6169 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I don't know how i missed this video. Please someone tell me what rock I was under

  • @hiimchuckiewannaplay
    @hiimchuckiewannaplay 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    clicked on the video. it was the not c word i thought you would be talking about.... ummm I FEEL LIED TO hahahahahahah (still love the idea and am watching the video but yeah definitely had an autistic moment and really thought yall were gonna talk about the umm other c word)

    • @hiimchuckiewannaplay
      @hiimchuckiewannaplay 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      bought the book before the end of the video. and can't wait for braiding sweetgrass! nick offerman says its his favorite book - fun fact! haha

  • @TimiSterr
    @TimiSterr 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Neither of you stood up to support Ukraine! I messaged both of you and you ignored me! Shame on you! You two care so much about our ecology. Well, guess what? Chernobil (yes that one) was seized by Russians yesterday.

    • @t.w.2821
      @t.w.2821 2 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      look at you shaming two random englishwomen in the realize these are prerecorded

    • @TimiSterr
      @TimiSterr 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @T. W. look at their Instagram pages, posting shit, and being silent about the war! And shame on YOU too, for shaming a Ukrainian woman asking for help of any kind

    • @t.w.2821
      @t.w.2821 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@TimiSterr I dont assume to know what you are going through but these two posting something on their ig is not really helping, is it. Neither is attacking people in the comments.

    • @TimiSterr
      @TimiSterr 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @T. W. you realise Leena is all about spreading information about critical issues usually? Why? Because sometimes it is all you can do.

    • @t.w.2821
      @t.w.2821 2 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      @@TimiSterr I agree with you wholeheartedly on that, just not with how you chose to address it. What can a bunch of foreigners actually do to help in your opinion?