A Meeting by the River-is one of the most striking cross-cultural works of the 1990s which brought Grammy Awards for Best World Music Album to renowned guitarists Ry Cooder & Vishwa Mohan Bhatt. The four-track album was recorded as improvisation since both musicians had first met just an hour before the recording session. The idea of joining two musical traditions through a slide technique belonged to Ry Cooder who was very impressed to hear the Indian classical repertoire performed by Vishwa Mohan Bhatt on the Mohan veena-a unique instrument of his own design.~~~
Funny how rivers flow through different lands and can still lead to the same Delta Blues soul. We all have that ancient link to the water and the earth and those soft, moist, places where they become one. Rotting and growing from the decay, the saltwater and freshwater mixing with the tides, the trade winds and all that concentrated life, death, danger and peacefulness meeting in one place of beauty. Hiding wonders that can enthrall you. Like this gem I discovered by accident in this swampland known as TH-cam. Where so many ideas, people, songs and tunes meet from across this planet. A great delta at the end of innumerable rivers. Another gem for my collection. A serendipitous event for us all.
Hare Krishna Keith....what a cool comment. Peace on earth through transcendental sound vibration that has no race, gender, or age or any other bodily designation. 💙🎵🕊️🎵💙
Had to section my wife of 21 years this afternoon,after years of suicide attempts,diets,gut dysbiosis...blahdee fekkin blah.Sobbed my spine out earlier,sought out any and all music to heal and ground my turmoil.This and The Iron Horse by the Sound Defects has me vibrating again.Much love to all of you,we have to carry on..I am you and you are me.And we are AWESOMENESS personified. Sugar is poison.
I was born a white man by chance. I thank all my African American brothers who have been writing and singing the blues for so long now. Many times, in the most distressed moments of my life, I felt there was nothing like such great music to listen to my heart and soul's pain, and soothe me to keep going no matter what. My life owes so much to such great music.
I like blues too. But it's the last thing I would listen to, to lift me out of my sorrow and pain. Blues music does nothing to soothe me. It only substantiates my pain.
It's wonderful to hear Ry Cooder and Vishwa Mohan trade energies with such feeling and conviction. I believe that there is universal ambiance behind great music and this collaboration transcends genres....
Most of the comments below mention only Cooder, as if Vishwa Mohan Bhatt were some session sideman. He's not, he's a master in a tradition of Indian Guitar little known in the west. I've been a fan of Cooder for 30+ years, but this is a COLABORATION between TWO great guitarists.
Not sure if you have heard Ali Farka Toure (Western Africa), he did an album with Ry Cooder that is very good. th-cam.com/video/g0iaTsSHuWY/w-d-xo.html
That is an amazing album, and both the full album & (I think) all the individual tracks are right here at YT. Mesmerizing work; genius times two, or maybe genius squared. Higher-res copy (it makes a huge difference, really) here: th-cam.com/video/1XUloEaR1RM/w-d-xo.html
As a conductor of a 45-piece Mexican chamber orchestra in San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico, I am used to living and working in a bi-cultural experiment on a daily basis. This production effortlessly captures a collective human spirit...
Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to everything. Plato
@@thomasshook1028 problem is math is still imaginary, may i have a jar of red '7' on my desk by tomorrow morning? didnt think so, its all in your head whereas music has a physical property. math is just a way to decode the former
Sunday morning coming down, eating breakfast, getting ready for church, talk about a God moment! Music is about half of my life, my main companions are a Irish Bouzouki and a Tenor Guitar with several other toys that I play at playing. I long ago unplugged my T.V, and now just use You Tube for everything, new, info, movies, weather and of course MUSIC. I'm 78 Yrs old and waiting for the next big thing to help keep me happy until my pine box arrives. In N.M. where I live you can be buried in a cardboard box, (still legal) and in your backyard if you own it! Kind of like a 3rd - world country and that's why I moved here many years ago, blessings world.
Say it VJ. He's a pretty funny guy isn't he?. First time I saw Ry was 1974 at the Bottom Line and that was an interesting show (for those who know of this night). I've seen him do the 'Jazz' project as well as 'Buena Vista (the only US show at Carnegie). In between? Chicken Skin band (with Flaco & the Pahuinis) a couple of times at Princeton U., Bop Till You Drop (w/John Hiatt) shows/tour , a Jazz/Blues show one night in NYC with Joe Louis Walker. I remember the Ali Farka show which was cancelled in NYC at the last minute due to war in his home country. Or of late with Ricky Skaggs and the Family Band where bluegrass and gospel was beautifully done. LuRN.
You are not wrong there. I was lucky enough to grow up in Big Sur and go to the baths before they were Esalen, but Esalen baths at two in the morning with the surf below and your nostrils filled with sulphur and peppermint while shooting stars fly overhead is not too bad ;)
What a beautiful and mesmerizing collaboration! Ry Cooder and VM Bhatt are such supreme masters of their craft that the music, despite the tremendous differences, never seems labored or strained, just joyous, and like the meeting by the river, just runs with a spiritual flow.. lovely.
Uh huh!! . . I remember buyin 'and listenin' to that Ry Cooder album that has the song "L'il Sister Don't You Do What Your Big Sister Done" on it (is that the name of It, lol- I know you know which one I mean!?) back in the late '70s in Charlotte, North Carolina when I lived on East 7th Street near Central Piedmont Community College . . I believe he IS a national American treasure, y'all!! . .
i love how we can all see the same world and express the same feelings through such a variety of interpretations and cultures. mankind is amazing. greetings from mexico.
Add a few more cents for an ice cream cone. I still wonder if I was wrong for not grabbing an old Who album, but you chose well. Now, look for Anoushca Shankar (sp).
What a wonderful photograph. That instrument, the musician. Wow. Still listening to the music. Like that Ry Cooder experiments. He's not too smug to all the fabulous magical music being played n created out there. 👍
I was captivated by the charming music first time I heard A Meeting By The River album; thank you Eileen sis-in-law for the CD. I found the inter-play between two such different guitars amazingly beautiful - Visma Mohan Bhatt's self-created mohan vina, a hybrid between guitar and the Indian vichitra vina, and Ry's bottleneck guitar. And ably supported by Sukhvinder Singh Hamdhari on tabla and Ry's 14-year-old son Joachim on dumbek, a Middle Eastern bongo-like hand drums. Ry and Bhatt apparently met for the first time less than an hour before the recording session at the Christ The King Chapel in Santa Barbara California. The fusion collaboration musical inter-play is spontaneous and tranquil, said to be a one-take only. As the album moves on, Ry embraced more Indian sound while Bhatt more bluesy. No, it is not an Indian music album. How to categorise it? Well, the album was voted BEST WORLD MUSIC album in the 1994 Grammy Awards. A must listen album.
Bought this when it came out along with Bhatt’s other on Water Lily Acoustics and the one Ry did with Ali Farka Toure. Aside from being beautiful music, they are some of the best sounding recordings of the last 40 years, painstakingly done. Bhatt is a masterful improviser and Ry, well, he’s been one of America’s great treasures for a long time now, a musician and musicologist who can make any project soar.
Thanks for posting ArnhemNL update since Bangla Desh &Ravi Shankar George Harrisson. Now with Ry Cooder. Mental update.Ganges delta bleus. I lve in a country with about
Panditji, I have heard you live and I am a great fan of yours. For me you are the very embodiment of music. You are a true example of having become music. Just love everything you perform. May you live forever in the human hearts.
Right on! I can't tell them apart....but what is good music without drum/tabla....who never get recognized. I go crazy for great drums. Why don't they get any credit? 😟
i have been to Vishwa Mohan Bhatt's house in Jaipur and seen his instruments and been shown how they are played by his son......he was not in town at the time being that he was giving concerts all over India at the time........his guitars had been Indianised in that they were meant to played as lie flat slide guitars but some of them had sympathetic drone strings just like sitars, derubas and sarods have. he had already done the album with Rye Cooder by the time that i got taken there and there was posters and writing about it, not to mention an album.......i used to do business in Jaipur and i know the city like a second home even keeping a motorbike there to this day. Vishwa Mohan Bhatt is the pride of the city, he is the only world class musician who lives there.
@@imleksutra933 You must not have been listening very closely. Or perhaps you had a headache. Or perhaps you were invited to a kitchen once and didn't like what you found. Nevertheless, the echoes are there.
2021......Genius! A wonderful blending of sounds,....so complimentary to each other. Ry is a master,...check out his soundtrack compositions for movies,...all excellent. I recommend the soundtrack for: Paris,Texas
A Meeting by the River-is one of the most striking cross-cultural works of the 1990s which brought Grammy Awards for Best World Music Album to renowned guitarists Ry Cooder & Vishwa Mohan Bhatt. The four-track album was recorded as improvisation since both musicians had first met just an hour before the recording session.
The idea of joining two musical traditions through a slide technique belonged to Ry Cooder who was very impressed to hear the Indian classical repertoire performed by Vishwa Mohan Bhatt on the Mohan veena-a unique instrument of his own design.~~~
I hear all of the instruments playing brilliantly and I'm so glad Ry Cooder is in on this beautiful music. Mesmerising...
Funny how rivers flow through different lands and can still lead to the same Delta Blues soul. We all have that ancient link to the water and the earth and those soft, moist, places where they become one. Rotting and growing from the decay, the saltwater and freshwater mixing with the tides, the trade winds and all that concentrated life, death, danger and peacefulness meeting in one place of beauty. Hiding wonders that can enthrall you.
Like this gem I discovered by accident in this swampland known as TH-cam. Where so many ideas, people, songs and tunes meet from across this planet. A great delta at the end of innumerable rivers. Another gem for my collection. A serendipitous event for us all.
Hare Krishna Keith....what a cool comment.
Peace on earth through transcendental sound vibration that has no race, gender, or age or any other bodily designation.
Wow VM out of this world !
Both are masters of their craft. This collab is absolutely brilliant and beautiful.
Had to section my wife of 21 years this afternoon,after years of suicide attempts,diets,gut dysbiosis...blahdee fekkin blah.Sobbed my spine out earlier,sought out any and all music to heal and ground my turmoil.This and The Iron Horse by the Sound Defects has me vibrating again.Much love to all of you,we have to carry on..I am you and you are me.And we are AWESOMENESS personified.
Sugar is poison.
I was born a white man by chance. I thank all my African American brothers who have been writing and singing the blues for so long now. Many times, in the most distressed moments of my life, I felt there was nothing like such great music to listen to my heart and soul's pain, and soothe me to keep going no matter what. My life owes so much to such great music.
I was born human by chance and would to thank the unique manifestations and power of music that runs deeply within the collective soul of our species.
music doesnt change as much as ones friends do
I like blues too. But it's the last thing I would listen to, to lift me out of my sorrow and pain. Blues music does nothing to soothe me. It only substantiates my pain.
@@davidsleger6476 My feelings too, except I only like melodic blues.
Blues ain't nothing but a good man feeling bad.
Acknowledged your hurt embrace the pain to give you strength to strive thru it
It's wonderful to hear Ry Cooder and Vishwa Mohan trade energies with such feeling and conviction. I believe that there is universal ambiance behind great music and this collaboration transcends genres....
hare krsna
Most of the comments below mention only Cooder, as if Vishwa Mohan Bhatt were some session sideman. He's not, he's a master in a tradition of Indian Guitar little known in the west. I've been a fan of Cooder for 30+ years, but this is a COLABORATION between TWO great guitarists.
It's obvious listening to both of these geniuses that they are both masters of their craft.
@@CoreyEdwards I agree completely!
This is truly beautiful. Saying I want to take Acid with Robert Johnson almost sounds sacrilegious....but I'd be lying if I didn't admit it
Christ, that sure sounds like a sitar Bhatt's playing!! And you've all forgotten the tabla player--that's some genius-level drumming.
Simon Penny I agree with what you state. However, I would not come across Bhatt if it were not for Ry Cooder.
GOD---How BLOODY BRILLIANT,is this????
From a mad keen 76yo Aussie fan.
Amazing sounds from all.
I'm a black American listening to this. Music truly knows no color.
we are at the point to become all one!
Not sure if you have heard Ali Farka Toure (Western Africa), he did an album with Ry Cooder that is very good. th-cam.com/video/g0iaTsSHuWY/w-d-xo.html
That is an amazing album, and both the full album & (I think) all the individual tracks are right here at YT. Mesmerizing work; genius times two, or maybe genius squared. Higher-res copy (it makes a huge difference, really) here:
just scrolling, indians are black :-)
i am native canadian, peace cousin.
It's fascinating how the sounds and rhythms from two very different cultures fit so well together.
hare krsna
As a conductor of a 45-piece Mexican chamber orchestra in San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico, I am used to living and working in a bi-cultural experiment on a daily basis. This production effortlessly captures a collective human spirit...
hare krsna
Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to everything. Plato
sweet !!
Music and mathematics. Those are the two universal languages.
kings to you, my friend
@@thomasshook1028 problem is math is still imaginary, may i have a jar of red '7' on my desk by tomorrow morning? didnt think so, its all in your head whereas music has a physical property. math is just a way to decode the former
thanks Willy for the Plato quote - astute philosophy.
Since I was a kid with a cassette of Paris Texas Ry Cooder’s slide guitar has transported me
Harry Dean Stanton at his best.
Along those lines I refer you to 'Big Bad Love'
Sunday morning coming down, eating breakfast, getting ready for church, talk about a God moment! Music is about half of my life, my main companions are a Irish Bouzouki and a Tenor Guitar with several other toys that I play at playing.
I long ago unplugged my T.V, and now just use You Tube for everything, new, info, movies, weather and of course MUSIC. I'm 78 Yrs old and waiting for the next big thing to help keep me happy until my pine box arrives.
In N.M. where I live you can be buried in a cardboard box, (still legal) and in your backyard if you own it! Kind of like a 3rd - world country and that's why I moved here many years ago, blessings world.
Both dudes are amazing. I've been a fan of Ry's for 30 years. My first experience with Bhatt.
This has been nice to find.
Endless beautiful!❤
Ry Cooder, soon to be, if not already, one of our true national treasures.
+craig sides national treasures of world!
V.M. Bhatt is one of India's true treasure so it's a good marriage of music.
... international treasure
Really, where you have been in the last thirty years ... ???
Say it VJ. He's a pretty funny guy isn't he?. First time I saw Ry was 1974 at the Bottom Line and that was an interesting show (for those who know of this night). I've seen him do the 'Jazz' project as well as 'Buena Vista (the only US show at Carnegie). In between? Chicken Skin band (with Flaco & the Pahuinis) a couple of times at Princeton U., Bop Till You Drop (w/John Hiatt) shows/tour , a Jazz/Blues show one night in NYC with Joe Louis Walker. I remember the Ali Farka show which was cancelled in NYC at the last minute due to war in his home country. Or of late with Ricky Skaggs and the Family Band where bluegrass and gospel was beautifully done. LuRN.
Blown away...A great example of how the world can live in harmony...east west north douth upside down an inside out! God bless us all plesde🙏
Thanks 😁💜💙💚💛🧡♥️💘🌹🎻🎸🎺🎹🎤🎶🎵 My feelings exactly about music.
Thank you Ambient Buddha for sharing this "East meets West" phenomenal artists in an universal language : blues & mantra, this is heaven on earth !
Sitar and delta blues hauntingly beautiful
It isn't sitar. It is mohan veena designed by Pandit Vishwa Mohan Bhatt himself.
I'm Italian listen to this.....no barriers music Is the Medicine
Hare Krishna
One of my favorite Ry Cooder collaborations! Soak in a hot tub on a cliff in Big Sur and listen to this music is the ultimate experience.
You are not wrong there. I was lucky enough to grow up in Big Sur and go to the baths before they were Esalen, but Esalen baths at two in the morning with the surf below and your nostrils filled with sulphur and peppermint while shooting stars fly overhead is not too bad ;)
+SF Jazzer lucky dudes.. I'm in Canada watching snow...
Or sleeping in the cab of your pickup watching the waves crash down below, and the full moon slowly rise over the mountains... Big Sur sticks with you
Layin' on a water bed, I'll raise you one Quaalude and half a bottle of Cold Duck. BEST high for this kind of music.
+May Ward HAHAHA water beds and cold duck -- you're dating yourself there!!!
What a beautiful and mesmerizing collaboration! Ry Cooder and VM Bhatt are such supreme masters of their craft that the music, despite the tremendous differences, never seems labored or strained, just joyous, and like the meeting by the river, just runs with a spiritual flow.. lovely.
In the 60s and 70s, they made spaghetti westerns. You could make curry westerns with this. Pretty cool.
Alliance parfaite entre la musique indienne et le blues une grande réussite
I had the good fortune to hear V.M. Bhatt in a smallish venue (the Glenn Gould Theatre in Toronto). Just him and a tabla player. Mind blowing.
This is wonderful music from two great musicians
Man what a way to meld East and Western epilogues of the slide on strings to create such ambience and rhythm!!! Love it , absolutely loved it!!!
hare krsna
Indian and American slide masters playing together? Just beautiful!
My 🐈 love's this... complete & utter bliss 💟💜💙💛💚💟💜💙💛💚💟
Ry Cooder's projects always dazzle me.
No puzzles. Just love it, man!
Love his work with the Stones!
Listen to his work with and by The Buena Vista Social Club.
Uh huh!! . . I remember buyin 'and listenin' to that Ry Cooder album that has the song "L'il Sister Don't You Do What Your Big Sister Done" on it (is that the name of It, lol- I know you know which one I mean!?) back in the late '70s in Charlotte, North Carolina when I lived on East 7th Street near Central Piedmont Community College . . I believe he IS a national American treasure, y'all!! . .
Bop till you drop!!!
Ry Cooder is an an artist of consummate skill. He has taken his art to the edge, the ultimate place possible. Most artists stop at just being good.
Great music ! This one certainly is among the best collages in music.
man i couldnt imagine not having youtube this is ethereal .
Utter brilliance.
Wow how did I not know about this indescribable awesomeness with Ry Cooder & VM Bhatt?? Thank you, YT!
i love how we can all see the same world and express the same feelings through such a variety of interpretations and cultures. mankind is amazing. greetings from mexico.
You're a deep guy...keep spreading your thinking, buddy.
Greetings from England to Mexico. This great isn't it😎
bueno amigo!
my TH-cam journey started with Peter Green tonight and it's been all round the houses. This is just fantastic ♥
Peter Green, one of our favs. This cut is sublime.
MY first exposure to Ravi Shankar was buying one of his albums from a dollar bargain bin at the local Thrifty Drug Store...best dollar I ever spent.
Add a few more cents for an ice cream cone. I still wonder if I was wrong for not grabbing an old Who album, but you chose well. Now, look for Anoushca Shankar (sp).
Shows the truth of music
I love this type of fusion! Excellent. The two instruments blend and harmonise so well together.
Root music that holds the world together.
Antje Dirksen-Post O' yes. You are so right. Incredible comment. :)
It's the only thing that's kept me alive.
So wonderfully put into words, thank you !
Flamenco. Jass
Lorsque l’on aime les voyages, avec ce morceau il suffit de fermer les yeux...
This is 100% outstanding, excellent jam, wish I wasn't so blasted hard of hearing, I just can't seem to get this loud enough 🙂🤜🤛
Absolutely wonderful. Since getting internet a few years ago TH-cam has really opened up new horizons for my music taste. Thank you so much.
Music transcends culture and geopolitical boundaries.
hare krsna
Just ....... Wow .. ....
What a wonderful photograph. That instrument, the musician. Wow. Still listening to the music. Like that Ry Cooder experiments. He's not too smug to all the fabulous magical music being played n created out there. 👍
Fabulous!! Combination of West Indian guitar and East American! Sadie ♡
These friend are breath of fresh air, buffing my mind from the inside. Big thanks..
Just wow... So serene, so peaceful. Music, love it
holy cow-mister Bhatt is great.lifts slide guitar and blues to another level,not to mention the drummer who is fabulous!
Just "Wow" can't believe it took me so long to find something like this. So much better off now!
I was captivated by the charming music first time I heard A Meeting By The River album; thank you Eileen sis-in-law for the CD. I found the inter-play between two such different guitars amazingly beautiful - Visma Mohan Bhatt's self-created mohan vina, a hybrid between guitar and the Indian vichitra vina, and Ry's bottleneck guitar. And ably supported by Sukhvinder Singh Hamdhari on tabla and Ry's 14-year-old son Joachim on dumbek, a Middle Eastern bongo-like hand drums.
Ry and Bhatt apparently met for the first time less than an hour before the recording session at the Christ The King Chapel in Santa Barbara California. The fusion collaboration musical inter-play is spontaneous and tranquil, said to be a one-take only. As the album moves on, Ry embraced more Indian sound while Bhatt more bluesy.
No, it is not an Indian music album. How to categorise it? Well, the album was voted BEST WORLD MUSIC album in the 1994 Grammy Awards. A must listen album.
Exquisite beyond words. I need to paint it.🦋
what a wonderful music... another world.
this is a masterpiece ..a work of true art .. ethnically aesthetic
So interesting musician!!! Thanks a lot!!!
I feel if these guys went on tour for 20 years, the music would be unbelievably awesome!
What a lovely blend of instruments! ❤️
Difficult to describe...it's sooooo freakn brilliant 🎵🙏🏽☮
Bought this when it came out along with Bhatt’s other on Water Lily Acoustics and the one Ry did with Ali Farka Toure. Aside from being beautiful music, they are some of the best sounding recordings of the last 40 years, painstakingly done. Bhatt is a masterful improviser and Ry, well, he’s been one of America’s great treasures for a long time now, a musician and musicologist who can make any project soar.
Love this,thanks.Buddha.
Enchanting experience of listening to two Wizards in this ensemble music
God Bless all the ARtists
Kasturi G
Thanks for posting ArnhemNL update since Bangla Desh &Ravi Shankar George Harrisson. Now with Ry Cooder.
Mental update.Ganges delta bleus. I lve in a country with about
Oh DEar.
Mr Cooder is still around.
A very fine muscician w good taste for music and fellow muscicians.
hare krsna.
Ry Cooder has to be one of coolest names for any musicians
He's also one of the musicians with the coolest career check the band he played with on Wikipedia !
Yep. Rory Gallagher is another one
Came here on George Harrison's mentioning Ry's name.
Lots of Brits knew the American musicians I didn't know!😉
This is taking me to a wonderful mystical level of life.
still love the work of Ry Cooder!!
just a beautiful peace of music sure moves me/touches my soul
Thank you for sharing this beautiful peace .
How can music be so good!
Keep playing I'm flying , my dream is beginning , touch my soul , i hear my self in silence , amazing
Inégalable ry cooder nomad sound
One love big up
Haven’t gotten a damn thing done this morning but discovered some great musicians so...yeah!
Panditji, I have heard you live and I am a great fan of yours. For me you are the very embodiment of music. You are a true example of having become music. Just love everything you perform. May you live forever in the human hearts.
As modern as it is ancient, without electric interference, and with a soul thump back beat too.
Ouh la la! tout simplement merveilleux et tellement pur le son
Ry Cooder unites. Polar prize!
Omg beautiful and brings me back to Yehudi and Shankar 1967
The blend of East and West in this song is just perfect. Interesting how the Indian style guitar fits with Blues. Love this Collaboration.
Right on!
I can't tell them apart....but what is good music without drum/tabla....who never get recognized. I go crazy for great drums.
Why don't they get any credit?
Beautiful ...
this is extraordinary piece of music for me
Just like "good books take you to other good books," good musicians put you in touch with other good musicians.
Fits like a hand in a glove. Lovely!
i have been to Vishwa Mohan Bhatt's house in Jaipur and seen his instruments and been shown how they are played by his son......he was not in town at the time being that he was giving concerts all over India at the time........his guitars had been Indianised in that they were meant to played as lie flat slide guitars but some of them had sympathetic drone strings just like sitars, derubas and sarods have. he had already done the album with Rye Cooder by the time that i got taken there and there was posters and writing about it, not to mention an album.......i used to do business in Jaipur and i know the city like a second home even keeping a motorbike there to this day. Vishwa Mohan Bhatt is the pride of the city, he is the only world class musician who lives there.
This is just awesome. The beginning sounded like come on into my kitchen by Robert Johnson. Unusual and brilliant blend.
It actually sounded nothing like come on in my kitchen :/
@@imleksutra933 i heard 'dark was the night cold is the ground' at first
@@imleksutra933 You must not have been listening very closely. Or perhaps you had a headache. Or perhaps you were invited to a kitchen once and didn't like what you found. Nevertheless, the echoes are there.
Amazing fusion blues ....loving it
so up lifting fantastic music
2021......Genius! A wonderful blending of sounds,....so complimentary to each other. Ry is a master,...check out his soundtrack compositions for movies,...all excellent. I recommend the soundtrack for: Paris,Texas
Absolutely Enchanting
Ambient Buddha is the god. thanx for this one
Kove this so much thank you so much for sharing here.awesome.
Please update this beautiful season on spotify, couldn't fide this there 🙏
Geniuses Both!...Astounding!
I can hear in this music our Parana Delta ( Argentina), amazing music.