Thank you to everyone who watched and commented on this video! We welcome your participation. If you would like to learn more exciting things from the Bible, you can follow the link below to access FREE Bible study opportunities online.
Thanks Doug, read your book 20 something years ago. I have alot in common with you. Was running a muck back in the 70's. The Lord has been so patient with me. He is personal to each of us, as if we were the only one He came to save. I get discouraged by some in the church. Was thinking about how Jesus treated the demonics jist yesterday. Then I heard your testimony again. He's so awesome! Hope to meet you someday, maybe under the tree of life. God bless. 😊
I love 💕 this program and I think many people can relate to Pastor, so we see there is hope for everyone, not trying to say that Pastor was a big criminal, but lived a life that was not according to The Bible. And he preaches in a way so we all can understand it ! May God continue to keep him and bless him, the world needs a preacher like him .
Amazing journey, God leads in mysterious ways. Have faith in the mist high. Blessings to all that seek the most high - tell others about God's love and commitment to your salvation .. ❤️
I really enjoyed this testimony. I was headed to Hollywood when God stopped me. I did not want fame or riches , just enough money so I would not be in need of anything, but I could not understand why, hearing your testimony has helped me accept God's plan
Thank you for sharing your story! Life with the Lord is so much more valuable than all the world. May He bless and guide you in your walk with Him. - The Amazing Facts team
@@PastorBatchelor amen! By the way, pastor Doug, we pray for you and your ministry. I praise God for you. What year did u join the church? I was baptized in 1980 but started studying in 1978. I've been amazed how many people came into the church in that Era.
Pastor Doug my big boys life story is Just like yours . Please pray for him.. His father got drowned and died when he was young... He really needs Jesus.. He has gone to prison several times he escapes wanted by police still taking drugs.. Please i need prayers.. 🇵🇬🇵🇬🇵🇬
Hello Joy, and thank you for sharing. We will certainly keep your son in our prayers. The Lord has promised to draw close to him. - The Amazing Facts team
I bought the book when you came to Adelaide in February this year. Thank God (just before the lockdown). Read it a couple of times. Underlined and highlighted a couple of phrases that captivated me. Broken Chain and At Jesus's feet are the other two I completed reading. I got baptized after reading these three books. Always keeping you and Karen and your ministry in my prayers. God bless you Pastor Doug.🙏
Joy again following episode 8. Thanks Pastor Doug for the seem to be preaching the right message at the right time. I even enjoy your life story as an example before you preach..which even make make me laugh.. Pastor Dough i wish you came to Papua New Guinea again.. 🇵🇬🇵🇬🇵🇬🇵🇬
Great preaching pastor Doug and great story am sure alot of people were touched and u will be able reach them. U didn't come from a Christian home but God has turned all things for good so u can speak to each of us thank you for your encouraging words and keep doing the Lord's work u always giving me a better understanding of the Bible. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Pastor Doug thanks for your life story you have came along way and so have I and I'm so blessed to have a Seventh Day Adventist for a Girlfriend and she turn me on to your Preaching and your answering alot ofmy questions about God and Jesus Christ and your Preaching is opening my eyes to a healthier life thanks 😊
This video has left me teary, but happy, knowing God is always available for us. Pr. Doug’s life story was very inspiring and full of lessons. I would love to watch this over and over again it’s so full of life( in different ways). God is always good all the time.
May I ask for a special prayer for my son. Please help me pray for his emotional healing. A lot of anger, sadness, and self hate need to be removed. I love him with all my heart.
very touching testimony, God has His way . I myself can say that God was saving me from a lot of danger so we have all different testimonies to share with people so that people they can learn from us and through the Holy spirit can change them. thank you Pastor Doug for the spiritual bread of to day
𝗥𝗘𝗔𝗗 𝗧𝗛𝗜𝗦 𝗣𝗢𝗦𝗧 𝗜𝗙 𝗬𝗢𝗨 𝗪𝗔𝗡𝗧 𝗧𝗢 𝗠𝗔𝗞𝗘 𝗜𝗧 𝗧𝗢 𝗛𝗘𝗔𝗩𝗘𝗡 The Catholic Church brought "the trinity doctrine" into Christianity ! The trinity doctrine is not biblical. There is one God, The Father ! Jesus Christ is His only begotten son and therefore Divine. (Divine Nature) The Holy Spirit is The Spirit of The Father and His Only Begotten Son. (Not a 3rd god) And this is Life Eternal, that they might know YOU THE ONLY TRUE GOD, and Jesus Christ, whom YOU have sent. (John 17:3) __________________________________________ The Holy Spirit is not a 3rd God, called God The Holy Spirit. For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. (Romans 8:14) Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. (2 Corinthians 3:17) And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth ''THE SPIRIT OF HIS SON'' into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father. (Galatians 4:6) The Holy Spirit = The Spirit of God and Christ _________________________________________________ Ye have heard how I said unto you, I go away, and come again unto you. If ye loved My, ye would rejoice, because I said, I go unto the Father: for My Father is greater than I. (John 14:28) Jesus Christ Himself said that His Father is greater than Him. _____________________________________________________________ Jesus Christ the Son of God died for our sins ! Not God The Father. God The Father cannot die. See now that I, even I, am He, and there is no god with Me: I kill, and I make alive; I wound, and I heal: neither is there any that can deliver out of My hand. For I lift up My hand to Heaven, and say, I live for ever. (Deuteronomy 32:39-40) Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, thou art God. (Psalm 90:2) But thou art the same, and thy years shall have no end. (Psalm 102:27) ___________________________________________________________ “Even he shall build the temple of God, and he shall bear the glory, and shall sit and rule upon His throne, and He shall be a priest upon His throne: and the counsel of peace shall be between them BOTH.” (Zechariah 6:13) In this verse it's very clear, the plan of salvation shall be between them BOTH ! 1) God The Father 2) Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son Two persons ! Not 3. _______________ Look at this interesting conversation between Christ and the Samaritan Woman ! Did Jesus preach to her about a Trinity god ? Jesus saith unto her, Woman, believe Me, the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, WORSHIP The Father. (John 4:21) Ye worship ye know NOT what: we KNOW what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews. (John 4:22) But the hour cometh, and now is, when the TRUE Worshippers shall WORSHIP The Father in spirit and in Truth: for The Father seeketh such to worship Him. (John 4:23) God is a Spirit: and they that WORSHIP Him must worship Him in spirit and in Truth. (John 4:24) These verses talk about our Father who is spirit, and we are to worship Him in spirit and in Truth. Many think that our God is a "mystery" which they call a Trinity. The words of Jesus "Ye know NOT what ye worship" would apply if our God is a mystery. When we get to Heaven, God will not then say “Meet My Spirit”. We will see God face to face, and we will know Him ! The Father of Jesus Christ. That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, The Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him: The eyes of your understanding being enlightened, that ye may know what is the hope of His calling, and what the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, (Ephesians 1:17-18) _________________________________________ Does Matthew 28:19 proves a Trinity ? Read the quote below, The Catholic Encyclopedia, II, page 263: “The baptismal formula was changed from the name of Jesus Christ to the words Father, Son, and Holy Spirit by the Catholic Church in the second century.”
Great testimony. Lots of little lessons in there that we can all take away without actually having to live that live. Praise God and Happy Sabbath from Down Under!
What a powerful testimony! I heard this once before from you back in 2006 when I was a new Christian. Glad I got to share this with my wife last night when we watched it at home.
I’ve heard your testimony so many times. I never get tired of it. What an amazing story and what an amazing God! I cry, tears of joy, every time I hear it 🥲 all the things that happened in your life that brought you to where you are today! and all the people that are being saved all over the world because of God’s hand in your life. 💘💗 What an amazing God we serve, is a huge understatement.. alleluia praise Jesus Christ our Saviour & 👑 King❣️❣️❣️
Thank you Pastor Doug for your amazing testimony just to think how wonderful it will be when we get to heaven and find the amazing facts that God has for us I can't wait for that day
I become convicted to the truth as revealed by Pastor Doug, but the world has taken me away. I understood Jesus on an educational level, but I truly do not know Him. Please, pray for a lost soul so far, far away...
Always touched by your story whether reading or listening to it! Was raised a believer, loved Jesus, but it was not until I was college age that I saw Jesus loved, this little ant me. If I was the only one he would died for me! I was lost in the woods, in the dark. I knelt down to pray when I opened my eyes I say a light. I thought Jesus is the Light. I ran toward that light, falling over logs, getting caught on bushes. I came to a road the light ,it was coming from a lone house. I would have to climb a fence to get to the house, what if a dog lived there, I was afraid of dogs, what kind of person lived there? God said, I bought you this far don’t you think I can bring you the rest of the way. So I walked up to the door, it was a family the only reason the light was on was because of a slumber party, normally that light would not have been on. After using the phone to call my Dean to come get me. I said I am sure glad you don’t have a dog! We do, he is so fierce, people our friends wait in their car until we get hold of him. Where is he? He was asleep on the porch, I had to have walked right by him! The family was amazed at what God had done for me. He did even more, the Dean had to drive 30 miles in the middle of the night to get me. I could have been kicked out of school for being out so so long after curfew. She listened to me and was so touched, but my story, she just said don’t do such a foolish thing ever again. This is how God is He loves us when we’re rebellious and lost, we are so overwhelmed by is love, we cannot help but to love and honor Him. Thanks for your story!
Thanks for your testimony, Pastor Doug. It is so true that a man’s life does not consist of the abundance of things he possesses - it consists of knowing Jesus.
Pastor my daughter had my granddaughter reading the bible...she came to my daughter stating "I'm scared reading this book" daughter had to explain...she is fine now.📖🙏
Wow, Doug! Hi! You have Honored Me, My Friend! What a Life you have had! AMAZING! Well Done, Good and Faithful Servant, for All the GOOD that you have done, for the LORD GOD and Lord Christ and their Children, and for more GOOD that you will do, in the Future! I perceive from the LORD, that other people’s mistakes, allow other servants of GOD, to Shine, and so, these mistakes that occur from the Children of GOD, serve for a Very GOOD purpose, and that is to get others to Reread the Holy Scriptures, to Strengthen themselves and to become More Perfect in the Truth of GOD! Know that the Complete Holy Bible of GOD, does not total 66 books(GOD Forbid that GOD should total HIS books with such an evil number, as 66!), for Everyone has made mistakes, including me, until I recognized that for all the different churches that I have gone to and have seen on Television, that I should Trust In GOD, to reveal to me, in private, without the influence of others spreading their erroneous interpretations! Please use Christ’s full name, instead of saying, in the name of Jesus! Use the Original Names! The names LORD YAH or YAHUAH and CHRIST, have POWER And AUTHORITY! There are many who are called Jesus! Love, LORD(YAH) GOD(Elohim) or YAHUAH, and Lord God or Yahusha(Yahshua means Savior) Immanuel(God with us) Christ(Messiah, Holy Son of GOD!) Correct me, if I am not totally accurate! I Will Submit To The Truth! I was not born of the House of Judah, in this present Life! I was born a Christian, of the Holy Catholic Church, and because of the Sheep, who were not feeding their flocks, I searched out other churches to help me, including reading the Bible, stating at age 9, on my own, which imposed great guilt on my shoulders, because it exposed sins that I wasn’t sure that I was really guilty of, because my difficulties began in kindergarten and every year after that, I was attacked and traumatized by both evil spirited children and teachers! There was no year throughout schools, that I did not suffer from stress and fear of other evil people! The LORD GOD has hidden me, from the World, until the start of President Obama’s 2nd Term, at age 48! See my Tweets on President Trumps Twitter account, if not removed! I Love You, Doug Batchelor, and All the Children of GOD, who are trying their Best to overcome their sins and errors and to be as accurate and as Truthful as they can be, with the Help of the LORD GOD and HIS Christ, Immanuel, Our Savior! There is a reason why I use and differentiate between LORD and Lord and GOD and God! There is the Father, LORD and GOD and there is the Son, who allowed the Father to speak through Him, who is our Lord God and LORD, because they both lived in the same body and mind, but they are 2 distinct individuals! And this same relationship, All Christians can have with the LORD GOD and Christ, as ONE Family of GOD! Amen! AMEN!!!!!!! Love, LORD GOD, Lord Christ and EagleHawk Christ, Amen and AMEN!!!!!!! VJS(Prophet of GOD) 10-31-2020.
Loved hearing Pastor Doug's testimony! Very inspiring!... And since I come from a middle-class, blue collar family, it's even more interesting to hear how someone from a wealthy, higher echelon family grew up & especially fascinating to hear how he came to accept Jesus! But does anyone know how Pastor Doug decided to become a Seventh-day Adventist Christian?
He was in many churches from what I remember in his testimony given years ago, and he kept finding new truths from the Bible, and after a while, he realized that the 7th Day Adventist Church keeps all the commandments just like Revelation says, and also the Sabbath, and the state of the death and prophecies and everything else, and he became one! Revelation 14:12 KJV Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.
@@John-ek5bq YES❣ and those Commandments are Still in God's temple➡️ "The Ark of the Covenant" Rev. 11:19. I want to tell Everyone that This is the ARK we believers are to "board" Now, Not later Heb. 4.
@@withfreedomcomesresponsibi2039 Powerful brother! Indeed, the commandments are very sacred and important, but we are not saved by the law, we are saved by grace through faith! I like how you mentioned "this is the ark we must be on". Amen! Praise our loving and merciful God! 🙏 All glory to Him!!
Doug Batchelor thank you. I have a question and hopefully you see this again. When will we know when to move to the mountain? Also you should do zoom meeting.
In response to the question: how do you know you've forgiven someone, only God can give us true forgiveness and when you've got it you no longer feel anger or resentment towards that person. Also, when you remember the experience it no longer stirs up negative emotions.
What else?! Christ says that only the Father knows the day and hour when the end will come! Doug! You Reread that Bible! Children, Trust Your Father to reveal the knowledge, Directly to you, but you must Read the Bible at least Twice or Thrice! And more, if you are as forgetful as me! Love, LORD and Lord and Vincent, Amen! AMEN!!!!!!! VJS(Prophet of GOD) 10-31-2020.
I have a diffrent comment, I was going to get dentures wich my church was going to pay for and at the last minute i was denied , i really enjoy sharing God's word, I dedicated to read the bible for 4 years, and now wanted to start my own youtube channel, but I'm embarrassed to talk to stranger's having most of my teeth missing. I live in Mexico now and can't afford to get my dentures wich are about $6,800 dollars because it involves a surgery, if you want to help out let me know, @t
Thank you to everyone who watched and commented on this video! We welcome your participation. If you would like to learn more exciting things from the Bible, you can follow the link below to access FREE Bible study opportunities online.
Thanks Doug, read your book 20 something years ago. I have alot in common with you. Was running a muck back in the 70's. The Lord has been so patient with me. He is personal to each of us, as if we were the only one He came to save. I get discouraged by some in the church. Was thinking about how Jesus treated the demonics jist yesterday. Then I heard your testimony again. He's so awesome! Hope to meet you someday, maybe under the tree of life. God bless. 😊
Ha! your story was good, you don't want to mine
i thank you for your share. i've recieved a couple dvd in the mail from you relally enjoyed them.
I love 💕 this program and I think many people can relate to Pastor, so we see there is hope for everyone, not trying to say that Pastor was a big criminal, but lived a life that was not according to The Bible. And he preaches in a way so we all can understand it ! May God continue to keep him and bless him, the world needs a preacher like him .
Amen!!! Glory to God!
The next time someone tells me money can buy everlasting happiness, I'll direct them to this video.
I would slap them before they finish their sentence
@@uhhhwhyyy8563Peter Peter,😂be slow with your slaps
Awesome story ❤❤❤
Amazing journey, God leads in mysterious ways. Have faith in the mist high. Blessings to all that seek the most high - tell others about God's love and commitment to your salvation .. ❤️
Hallelujah God is great
Doug, it's amazing how similar our pasts are, yet you were raised in a rich family and I was raised in a very poor one.
This program was the one that proves to my husband that got loves us just as we are, God can work with that🥀🥀🥀
I got your book. When I feel sad or depressed I read it. It change my life
The richest caveman?
I really enjoyed this testimony. I was headed to Hollywood when God stopped me. I did not want fame or riches , just enough money so I would not be in need of anything, but I could not understand why, hearing your testimony has helped me accept God's plan
Thank you for sharing your story! Life with the Lord is so much more valuable than all the world. May He bless and guide you in your walk with Him. - The Amazing Facts team
@@PastorBatchelor amen!
By the way, pastor Doug, we pray for you and your ministry. I praise God for you.
What year did u join the church? I was baptized in 1980 but started studying in 1978. I've been amazed how many people came into the church in that Era.
I just love your testimoni. Absolutely amazing 😊
You are absolutely one of my favourite pastors.
Pastor Doug my big boys life story is Just like yours .
Please pray for him..
His father got drowned and died when he was young...
He really needs Jesus..
He has gone to prison several times he escapes wanted by police still taking drugs..
Please i need prayers..
Hello Joy, and thank you for sharing. We will certainly keep your son in our prayers. The Lord has promised to draw close to him. - The Amazing Facts team
Thank you Doug for being faithful to Gods calling for you.
What a powerful testimony Doug. May God continue using you in changing other people's lives and bring them to Christ. South Africa
I bought the book when you came to Adelaide in February this year. Thank God (just before the lockdown). Read it a couple of times. Underlined and highlighted a couple of phrases that captivated me. Broken Chain and At Jesus's feet are the other two I completed reading. I got baptized after reading these three books. Always keeping you and Karen and your ministry in my prayers. God bless you Pastor Doug.🙏
❤❤❤ I love
Happy Sabbath 💕
Happy Sabbath to u too
Happy Sabbath Greetings from Goroka in Papua New Guinea in the South Pacific. Blessed with this message. Glory and Praise be to God Almighty.
Pastor, thanks for sharing, this story was heartfelt. May God forgive me of ALL my sins.
So glad you could join us, Leah! The Lord has promised to forgive your sins and guide you in the right pather.
- The Amazing Facts team
Prabhshabadsingh sadana sadana in Agreement with pastor Lawson Amen
I love his testimony
Me too
Joy again following episode 8. Thanks Pastor Doug for the seem to be preaching the right message at the right time.
I even enjoy your life story as an example before you preach..which even make make me laugh..
Pastor Dough i wish you came to Papua New Guinea again..
Reformation Day! Amen!
Listening to this on Sunday in Australia while it is the sabbath there.
Thank you Pastor Doug very brave of you. I give you a lot of respect for giving your life testimony !🙏
Great preaching pastor Doug and great story am sure alot of people were touched and u will be able reach them. U didn't come from a Christian home but God has turned all things for good so u can speak to each of us thank you for your encouraging words and keep doing the Lord's work u always giving me a better understanding of the Bible. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Thank you for your comment! The Lord truly is very merciful to us. May God bless you. - The Amazing Facts team
Watching from Nairobi!! Happy to be here.
@@altagroenewald9094 Hello
Thank you for joining us! May God bless you. - The Amazing Facts team
Pastor Doug thanks for your life story you have came along way and so have I and I'm so blessed to have a Seventh Day Adventist for a Girlfriend and she turn me on to your Preaching and your answering alot ofmy questions about God and Jesus Christ and your Preaching is opening my eyes to a healthier life thanks 😊
So glad you could join us Victor! You will be in our prayers, may God bless and guide you in your journey with Him.
- The Amazing Facts team
Happy sabbath everyone From Maryland.The word of God is powerful. God’s plan for humanity
Happy Sabbath! 🙏🏻
Happy Sabbath to u too
This video has left me teary, but happy, knowing God is always available for us. Pr. Doug’s life story was very inspiring and full of lessons. I would love to watch this over and over again it’s so full of life( in different ways). God is always good all the time.
Thank you for your comment, Beth! Is is wonderful to hear you have been encouraged by the message. May God bless you. The Amazing Facts team
Wonderful testimony. Praise God for this testimony and the souls it will reach!!!
God bless you Pastor Doug.
May I ask for a special prayer for my son. Please help me pray for his emotional healing. A lot of anger, sadness, and self hate need to be removed. I love him with all my heart.
Thank you for your comments! We will be praying for your son, may God bless him with peace and healing. - The Amazing Facts team
awesome message & testimony!
Best ministry
Please pray I can be with my daughter again soon
You and your daughter will be in our prayers! May God bless you. - The Amazing Facts team
Great to hear Pastor Doug's testimony. God does amazing things to change people's lives
Please pray for me to feel better...having heart problems and a lot of fear and anxiety
Hello I have a prayer book and I will pray for you ... God hears you and knows your needs...😊
Thank you 🙏
God will take care of you
Through everyday
All the way
Thank you
very touching testimony, God has His way . I myself can say that God was saving me from a lot of danger so we have all different testimonies to share with people so that people they can learn from us and through the Holy spirit can change them. thank you Pastor Doug for the spiritual bread of to day
The Catholic Church brought "the trinity doctrine" into Christianity !
The trinity doctrine is not biblical.
There is one God, The Father !
Jesus Christ is His only begotten son and therefore Divine. (Divine Nature)
The Holy Spirit is The Spirit of The Father and His Only Begotten Son.
(Not a 3rd god)
And this is Life Eternal,
that they might know YOU
and Jesus Christ, whom YOU have sent.
(John 17:3)
The Holy Spirit is not a 3rd God, called God The Holy Spirit.
For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.
(Romans 8:14)
Now the Lord is that Spirit:
and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.
(2 Corinthians 3:17)
And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth ''THE SPIRIT OF HIS SON'' into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father.
(Galatians 4:6)
The Holy Spirit = The Spirit of God and Christ
Ye have heard how I said unto you, I go away, and come again unto you.
If ye loved My, ye would rejoice, because I said, I go unto the Father: for My Father is greater than I.
(John 14:28)
Jesus Christ Himself said that His Father is greater than Him.
Jesus Christ the Son of God died for our sins !
Not God The Father.
God The Father cannot die.
See now that I, even I, am He, and there is no god with Me:
I kill, and I make alive; I wound, and I heal:
neither is there any that can deliver out of My hand.
For I lift up My hand to Heaven, and say, I live for ever.
(Deuteronomy 32:39-40)
Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, thou art God.
(Psalm 90:2)
But thou art the same, and thy years shall have no end.
(Psalm 102:27)
“Even he shall build the temple of God,
and he shall bear the glory,
and shall sit and rule upon His throne,
and He shall be a priest upon His throne:
and the counsel of peace shall be between them BOTH.”
(Zechariah 6:13)
In this verse it's very clear, the plan of salvation shall be between them BOTH !
1) God The Father
2) Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son
Two persons !
Not 3.
Look at this interesting conversation between Christ and the Samaritan Woman !
Did Jesus preach to her about a Trinity god ?
Jesus saith unto her, Woman, believe Me,
the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, WORSHIP The Father.
(John 4:21)
Ye worship ye know NOT what:
we KNOW what we worship:
for salvation is of the Jews.
(John 4:22)
But the hour cometh, and now is,
when the TRUE Worshippers shall WORSHIP The Father in spirit and in Truth:
for The Father seeketh such to worship Him.
(John 4:23)
God is a Spirit:
and they that WORSHIP Him must worship Him in spirit and in Truth.
(John 4:24)
These verses talk about our Father who is spirit, and we are to worship Him in spirit and in Truth.
Many think that our God is a "mystery" which they call a Trinity.
The words of Jesus "Ye know NOT what ye worship" would apply if our God is a mystery.
When we get to Heaven, God will not then say “Meet My Spirit”.
We will see God face to face, and we will know Him !
The Father of Jesus Christ.
That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, The Father of glory,
may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him:
The eyes of your understanding being enlightened, that ye may know what is the hope of His calling,
and what the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints,
(Ephesians 1:17-18)
Does Matthew 28:19 proves a Trinity ?
Read the quote below,
The Catholic Encyclopedia, II, page 263:
“The baptismal formula was changed from the name of Jesus Christ to the words Father, Son, and Holy Spirit by the Catholic Church in the second century.”
Amen Pastor Doug, you are truly beautiful x thank you xx
Ready for another blessing. Amen.👍😁.
pls pray for the Philippines specifically Bicol region. we are amidst a ver strong typhoon. The strongest ever
How are things over there now any better?
You are in my prayers
@@ariellebrowne lots of houses and properties were destroyed, more than 300 houses were buried in lahar. And now there is another typhoon coming...😔
Happy Sabbath Pastor Doug...Wow what a testimony Pastor Doug...Yes Jesus is the answer!!!
May Father YAHweh bless your understanding.
Thank you pastor Doug.
Thank you very much as this has drawn me to Jesus and help me to give myself to Him again and wanting to really be real this time.
Praise the Lord, Jodi! May God bless and guide you in your walk with Him. - The Amazing Facts team
Watching from Melbourne Australia
Great testimony. Lots of little lessons in there that we can all take away without actually having to live that live. Praise God and Happy Sabbath from Down Under!
Amen! To God be the glory. "For with God nothing will be impossible" (Luke 1:37 NKJV).
Hebrews 1:8 is another good verse that tells us Jesus is God.
watching from Thailand
Praise God !!The everlasting Gospel transforms.🙏🏻 Great testimony Pastor Doug. All along God had chosen him already.
Amazing sermon brother ! Thank u
Amazing sermon...God is real😔thank u Jesus for u are a life changing 🙏💕
Happy sabbath Pastor dougbachelor
Thank you for sharing your story Pastor Doug. God bless!!🙏🏽
What a powerful testimony! I heard this once before from you back in 2006 when I was a new Christian. Glad I got to share this with my wife last night when we watched it at home.
Hello Pastor and hello to everyone
Very inspiring. You encourage us to live for Christ!!! Thank you.
God bless you Pastor Doug, very good topic😍
Happy Sabbath!
I’ve heard your testimony so many times. I never get tired of it. What an amazing story and what an amazing God! I cry, tears of joy, every time I hear it 🥲 all the things that happened in your life that brought you to where you are today! and all the people that are being saved all over the world because of God’s hand in your life. 💘💗
What an amazing God we serve, is a huge understatement.. alleluia praise Jesus Christ our Saviour & 👑 King❣️❣️❣️
Thank you Pastor Doug for your amazing testimony just to think how wonderful it will be when we get to heaven and find the amazing facts that God has for us I can't wait for that day
I become convicted to the truth as revealed by Pastor Doug, but the world has taken me away. I understood Jesus on an educational level, but I truly do not know Him. Please, pray for a lost soul so far, far away...
God bless you pastor Doug. this help me a lot
Powerful testimony!!
I got your book The Richest Caveman. I enjoyed reading it.
You did? Wow
How i wish i can have one😮how can i purchase the book? thank u...🤗
Great book!!
Always touched by your story whether reading or listening to it! Was raised a believer, loved Jesus, but it was not until I was college age that I saw Jesus loved, this little ant me. If I was the only one he would died for me! I was lost in the woods, in the dark. I knelt down to pray when I opened my eyes I say a light. I thought Jesus is the Light. I ran toward that light, falling over logs, getting caught on bushes. I came to a road the light ,it was coming from a lone house. I would have to climb a fence to get to the house, what if a dog lived there, I was afraid of dogs, what kind of person lived there? God said, I bought you this far don’t you think I can bring you the rest of the way. So I walked up to the door, it was a family the only reason the light was on was because of a slumber party, normally that light would not have been on. After using the phone to call my Dean to come get me. I said I am sure glad you don’t have a dog! We do, he is so fierce, people our friends wait in their car until we get hold of him. Where is he? He was asleep on the porch, I had to have walked right by him! The family was amazed at what God had done for me. He did even more, the Dean had to drive 30 miles in the middle of the night to get me. I could have been kicked out of school for being out so so long after curfew. She listened to me and was so touched, but my story, she just said don’t do such a foolish thing ever again. This is how God is He loves us when we’re rebellious and lost, we are so overwhelmed by is love, we cannot help but to love and honor Him.
Thanks for your story!
Thank you for sharing your testimony! It is truly wonderful how the Lord works in our lives. May He bless and guide you. - The Amazing Facts team
Thanks for your testimony, Pastor Doug. It is so true that a man’s life does not consist of the abundance of things he possesses - it consists of knowing Jesus.
Beautiful testimony Pastor Doug very inspiring thank you🙌
Pastor my daughter had my granddaughter reading the bible...she came to my daughter stating "I'm scared reading this book" daughter had to explain...she is fine now.📖🙏
Drive Safely
I want that book now cuz it's Really good now
It is good 👍
This is an amazing testimony. I loved reading the book too! I can relate. God obviously had a plan for you.
Even though money has its use it does not bring happiness especially if Jesus is not at the head of our life to guide how to use it properly .
I love watching you my dad used to watch u too ❤😅
Pastor Doug, we would like to hear how did you become a Seventh day Adventist?. :)
Wow, Doug! Hi! You have Honored Me, My Friend! What a Life you have had! AMAZING! Well Done, Good and Faithful Servant, for All the GOOD that you have done, for the LORD GOD and Lord Christ and their Children, and for more GOOD that you will do, in the Future! I perceive from the LORD, that other people’s mistakes, allow other servants of GOD, to Shine, and so, these mistakes that occur from the Children of GOD, serve for a Very GOOD purpose, and that is to get others to Reread the Holy Scriptures, to Strengthen themselves and to become More Perfect in the Truth of GOD! Know that the Complete Holy Bible of GOD, does not total 66 books(GOD Forbid that GOD should total HIS books with such an evil number, as 66!), for Everyone has made mistakes, including me, until I recognized that for all the different churches that I have gone to and have seen on Television, that I should Trust In GOD, to reveal to me, in private, without the influence of others spreading their erroneous interpretations! Please use Christ’s full name, instead of saying, in the name of Jesus! Use the Original Names! The names LORD YAH or YAHUAH and CHRIST, have POWER And AUTHORITY! There are many who are called Jesus! Love, LORD(YAH) GOD(Elohim) or YAHUAH, and Lord God or Yahusha(Yahshua means Savior) Immanuel(God with us) Christ(Messiah, Holy Son of GOD!) Correct me, if I am not totally accurate! I Will Submit To The Truth! I was not born of the House of Judah, in this present Life! I was born a Christian, of the Holy Catholic Church, and because of the Sheep, who were not feeding their flocks, I searched out other churches to help me, including reading the Bible, stating at age 9, on my own, which imposed great guilt on my shoulders, because it exposed sins that I wasn’t sure that I was really guilty of, because my difficulties began in kindergarten and every year after that, I was attacked and traumatized by both evil spirited children and teachers! There was no year throughout schools, that I did not suffer from stress and fear of other evil people! The LORD GOD has hidden me, from the World, until the start of President Obama’s 2nd Term, at age 48! See my Tweets on President Trumps Twitter account, if not removed! I Love You, Doug Batchelor, and All the Children of GOD, who are trying their Best to overcome their sins and errors and to be as accurate and as Truthful as they can be, with the Help of the LORD GOD and HIS Christ, Immanuel, Our Savior! There is a reason why I use and differentiate between LORD and Lord and GOD and God! There is the Father, LORD and GOD and there is the Son, who allowed the Father to speak through Him, who is our Lord God and LORD, because they both lived in the same body and mind, but they are 2 distinct individuals! And this same relationship, All Christians can have with the LORD GOD and Christ, as ONE Family of GOD! Amen! AMEN!!!!!!! Love, LORD GOD, Lord Christ and EagleHawk Christ, Amen and AMEN!!!!!!! VJS(Prophet of GOD) 10-31-2020.
Loved hearing Pastor Doug's testimony! Very inspiring!... And since I come from a middle-class, blue collar family, it's even more interesting to hear how someone from a wealthy, higher echelon family grew up & especially fascinating to hear how he came to accept Jesus! But does anyone know how Pastor Doug decided to become a Seventh-day Adventist Christian?
He was in many churches from what I remember in his testimony given years ago, and he kept finding new truths from the Bible, and after a while, he realized that the 7th Day Adventist Church keeps all the commandments just like Revelation says, and also the Sabbath, and the state of the death and prophecies and everything else, and he became one!
Revelation 14:12 KJV
Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.
@@John-ek5bq YES❣ and those Commandments are Still in God's temple➡️ "The Ark of the Covenant" Rev. 11:19. I want to tell Everyone that This is the ARK we believers are to "board" Now, Not later Heb. 4.
@@withfreedomcomesresponsibi2039 Powerful brother! Indeed, the commandments are very sacred and important, but we are not saved by the law, we are saved by grace through faith! I like how you mentioned "this is the ark we must be on". Amen! Praise our loving and merciful God! 🙏 All glory to Him!!
@@John-ek5bq *Faith. I gotcha brother! (By the way I'm female lol)
@@withfreedomcomesresponsibi2039 Ups, sorry, my mistake! 🙏
Plz pray for my dad he smoke and I don't want him to thank u
We will keep your dad in prayer! God has promised to give strength to overcome. - The Amazing Facts team
Doug Batchelor thank you. I have a question and hopefully you see this again. When will we know when to move to the mountain? Also you should do zoom meeting.
I.still want a chance to be rich, ever 1 always says they wouldnt do it,thats their problem, if you have god youll be okay
Haha..Pastor Doug owns a Cave..but Noah and Sons ,Owned the Whole Planet!.
Amen ...!!!!!!
In response to the question: how do you know you've forgiven someone, only God can give us true forgiveness and when you've got it you no longer feel anger or resentment towards that person. Also, when you remember the experience it no longer stirs up negative emotions.
Mom sounds like typical Hollywood elite🤦♀️
What else?! Christ says that only the Father knows the day and hour when the end will come! Doug! You Reread that Bible! Children, Trust Your Father to reveal the knowledge, Directly to you, but you must Read the Bible at least Twice or Thrice! And more, if you are as forgetful as me! Love, LORD and Lord and Vincent, Amen! AMEN!!!!!!! VJS(Prophet of GOD) 10-31-2020.
woww you are really rich past Doug
He is rich in the Lord. The monetary wealth his family had as a child is not his own though
Hi guys doug actually gave all the millions away he didn't take his father's inheritance.
The ten commandments are of the spirit.
God is greater than JESUS HIS OWN WORDS.
Doug can you please clear the controversy SDA n relationship with vatican n abortion
Doug my brother
Gostaria de ver as traduções...sei que são ótimos 👍👏
Thank you Pastor Doug
6)7)2023 WEDNESDAY
Could you please turn the English subtitles for the episode 8 on. Thank you!
I have a diffrent comment, I was going to get dentures wich my church was going to pay for and at the last minute i was denied , i really enjoy sharing God's word, I dedicated to read the bible for 4 years, and now wanted to start my own youtube channel, but I'm embarrassed to talk to stranger's having most of my teeth missing. I live in Mexico now and can't afford to get my dentures wich are about $6,800 dollars because it involves a surgery, if you want to help out let me know, @t
You are an insparation to the world
I need your book please because I have read it before now I told my sister about your book the Richest cave man now
Here is the link to the book. God bless you! - The Amazing Facts team
I want to join this bible questions. How?