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I very much empathize with your feelings of "alienation", to give it a label. This is not so unusual. And I greatly enjoy chipping in with thought provoking and hopefully positive comments. :)
I've struggled with this my whole life and only recently have I been able to get some of the clarity I so desire on the subject. When I met my twin flame I realized that my HS had prepare me to question everything during the zero-point activation which led me down the rabbit hole. My biggest gripe with communicating with others that have not evolved their conciousness is that I can't seem to break through the barrier of not having a point which is the point. I found myself in a constant state of self detrimental thoughts because my first instinct is to blame the other and it is only after removing myself from the situation that I am able to remind myself I was given the opportunity to share and that not everyone has made it to this point. Our experiences do affect and shape our reality but what I don't understand is why the extreme silence from the other side. I have issues describing the emotion I feel but is best described as a mixture of both reverence and resent for the experience. There are subjects regarding 9th dimensional energy that I would like to delve into deeper but I've found that I am only able to share what I see through touch or through telepathic conversation. Im excited to hear of a possible meet up in the future. This is a very exciting time to be alive, and I only admit that through clenched teeth even after experience ego death multiple times over.
@@wesromero1427 I found the paradigm of energy transfer in "The Celestial prophecy" very good way for looking at the way humans interact. Even the negative behaviour. Like, intimidation and bullying and interrogation and aloofness. Also playing the victim, "poor me", as a way of exiting a confrontation by demanding mercy. It's only a model, and all models are flawed. But some models are useful. I wouldn't go into the whole series of books as a complete "truth". Like you say, you can go a long way down the rabbit hole. :)
Bro I resonate with you on this sooooo much. A huge period of my life was spent processing all of this and reemerging back into society. Thanks for sharing brother.
These videos really speak to me, like we are all connected. I think a lot of us came here again because we have a special place in our heart for earth from a past life
the first 5 minutes were like having my words ripped from my mouth.. never have i ever heard someone who can relate to the way i’ve thought and felt my entire life. thank you
It feels so good to hear someone else speak the same things and conclusions that I've reached myself in this life. I'm ready to also do my part. I remember when I was 9 telling myself "These people are too emotionally immature to handle my heart, I'm alone in this world".
Just found your channel, and all I can say is thank you I've been having these types of thoughts since I remember and it's hard being so different and empathetic. As a teenager I felt overwhelmed by my own realizations and fell into a depression/lack of identity for some years. Then I discovered LSD, shortly after mushrooms, and my whole paradigm was transformed. It's still hard for me to comprehend all the specifics about the nature of reality and human nature, but when it comes to what I need to do it's simple. I know I'm here to love, help those in need, and lead by example. Now I'm just trying to do my part in healing the planet and the human race. It's as simple as taking some time to plant trees or volunteering to help poor kids have a better education. I love connecting with people and spreading hope, and I try to acknowledge how blessed I am each day. It's refreshing to find that there's more people like us. Much love
*This video made me feel not alone, as I have struggled with similar things my whole life, I clearly remember at around age 5 telling my dad that the "walking" world was a dream, he dismissed me and I learned at that point that it was pointless to tell adults about these things, that was 38 years ago. I also remember having serious trouble gasping the concept of "owning" things made out of matter, I mean, you use them and when they've served their purpose you move along, they are never "yours" like a memory or a thought, they're just temporarily being used and you will always transcend your car, your meal, your lawn mower... It was difficult living in a society of people that defended ownership with their life... I was also far smarter than average, and that just makes everything harder, it's no blessing... I was studying quantum physics at age 9, maxwell equations at age 7 and so on... This existance is very alien to me and I have to say that I have concluded that it is no measure of health, to be well adjusted to a sick society.*
yes this is a society that loves obedience death and destruction . If you play a PC games how is experience points awarded ? Do a silly quest obedience Kill is death and destruction blow everything up.
I really get you on the ownership idea. I try to give away my possessions when they serve their purpose. Before I used to be so envious but now I embrace the simple life and rate experiences and deep conversations as much more valuable.
Weird... I remember asking my mom when I was very little “mom where do I go when I close my eyes?”... she answered with “dreams” but... I knew I was going somewhere else like as I closed my eyes here they opened elsewhere... this resonates with me... I’m glad I’m not the only one.
I always felt the same way. I would often think, "I want to go home" even though I was home with my family. There was a sense of homesickness that still lingers today. I never wanted to leave my family because I loved them so much, as I still do. It's as if we were meant to be somewhere else, yet still together. In one long term relationship in particular I found myself feeling more "at home" but that feeling eventually lifted as the relationship crumbled. I don't feel nearly as lost as I used to- I wonder if it is due to consciously understanding and improving myself. I still don't feel like I belong here. I feel at peace in nature and as I look into the night sky, especially at the moon. Thank you to anyone who has taken the time to read this. I love y'all just for existing
I really like your videos because they beautifully articulate thoughts already in my head. I almost broke through on DMT a year ago and made contact with an entity that was super glad to see me. My friend was not handling the intensity well and I told them to wait while I made sure she was okay. The sheer power of the experience also scared the shit out of me, it was way more than anything I'd experienced before. Over the last month or so my life has been chaotic and in turmoil, my car engine exploded, lost my job, I broke up with my gf. But I've also noticed a lot of synchronicity, and I've become obsessed with speaking to the elves again. With all of the chaos, I was convinced I was going to become homeless and lose everything again. I was in a fearful, low, suicidal state. 3 times I went to walk to a pawn shop to try getting rid of a ring I bought for the girl I just broke up with, and 3 times I forgot my wallet. I thought it may be a sign, but I couldn't see any other way of keeping a roof over my head and not losing everything. What kind of sign could this be? It turned out, some of my friends heard about how bad of shapeI was in, and pitched in everything i needed to keep going. Their love was overwhelming and I relieved so much more help than I thought I could possibly get. Now I haven't actually taken the plunge with DMT back to their world, but it feels like they're here, listening to me, trying to guide me towards something else. It was in this journey that I spoke to some of my family for the first time in ages, and realized just how much all of them are stuck in a childlike state of mind. I cannot wake them up, they do not want to leave the comfort of the known, of the ego, of there only being the immediate material world in front of them with no depth. It saddens me that they are stuck there- there is so much more to explore! But my journey is not theirs, and I cannot force them to see. Every time I take mushrooms, it feels like an entity is scrubbing my soul clean, trying to heal me, because they are wonderful little buddies to have. I just wish I could do that for my sister, she is stuck in a chaotic, fearful state that I was in for many years. It is not a place I wish upon anyone.
youre right about everything BUT it's from an alienated perspective. People are multidimensional. They're like atoms and dont all mate with all others. you need to find the ones you resonate with but respect the ones that dont by understanding where they fit in, not calking them NPCs. that's love, not just valuing ppl immediately useful to you. yes the world seems like a confusing lie, but that's bc youre comparing it to the ideal image on your head. that pure image is the lie. the world IS "imperfect" but that's bc perfection doesnt exist: it's the trap used to always create anxiety in you in order to control you. get to know some of the complex organic moleculed. many are mostly C H S and O in elaborate structures that deliver rarer atoms like tungsten and aluminum to very specific places. that's like human personalities: structure, position and timing, not a simple, linear hierarchy.
I totally relate to this description. You are describing something that is also known as Asperger's syndrome, and your "non-humans" are neurotypical people, those that are not aspies. There is a neurodiversity movement that sees aspergers and autistics as having fundamentally positive traits and neurodiversity as something naturally important as biodiversity. Asperger's syndrome has been often described as the "wrong planet syndrome", as aspies feel themselves to be alien on Earth. You can look up the Wrong Planet forum that has millions of posts and I think many thousands of Asperger-users. You should also know about the Intense World theory of autism. According to that theory, autism and Asperger's mostly means sensory hypersensitivity, that is seen as a positive quality.
I'm 30 now and for me it had been a gradual journey of waking up over the last 10 years. Im now at a point where I see all of the things in humans that you have described and at times I cant help but feel a sense of hopelessness for many of my human brothers and sisters. I'm trying to get my hands on psychedelics to continue my journey of self discovery and awareness, but it almost seems there's something keeping me from finding them at this time sadly. Keep up the amazing work your doing and it's nice to hear some sense for a change!
being in the middle of my saturn returns, i'm aligning with this video more than ever. thank you for putting all of these complex emotions into such simple terms. simply having an open mind makes me feel like an outcast on this planet. like i've been sentenced to prison on a planet of asleep souls, and being the only one awake, it slowly eats away at my well being. but seeing there are more like me gives me hope. i pray we only grow more in numbers, and shed light on others, so none of us have to be alone.
Your words are reassuring, I had similar experiences as a kid but not as intense, I was always good at adapting. I remember thinking for a long time that I am trapped in my body, while being free of it in my dreams and lucid dreams, like not having a body is the natural state. I also often tell people that I think I am an alien and somebody made a mistake when they put me here. Even tough i say that jokingly, I actually mean it. I still haven't figured out why I am here, but I knew as a kid, that there is a point to it, that's why I never feared anything and travelled the world by myself, went to some dangerous places and nothing ever happened to me. We need a platform for communication, a forum or custom made social media site, for like minded people. There are not many people who understand this and can relate to what you said here. I would really like to exchange ideas with like minded people on a less controlled and less public platform.
I can relate so much to what you say in this video. I remember when I was a kid, I would always question everything and point out things what appeared unfair or cruel to me... And the only thing the adults had to say to me was: "this is just how the world works", "nobody promised that the world would be fair", "it's just how things are"... I remember looking at myself in the mirror and wondering: "why am I in this particular body in this particular timeline, on this particular planet?" And when I shared it with others no one really understood what was it about. So... hi.
Wow I'm not even kidding you tried to explain what is "humans" the entire video, and immediately when you said "they are like NPCs" everything came right in to place, great video, I too sometimes entertain the notion of that this lifetime might be my last on this planet, but like you said who knows lol
I loved this so much. I needed it. What I was struggling with lately was that... I was having a weird conflict with the people I've seen on internet (some very influential ones) talking about doing DMT, having ego deaths, contacting with entities, feeling the love energy flowing and composing all existence... and still being intolerant and toxic people on the majority of ideas they expose and behaviors they exhibit. I just couldn't deal with the idea of people being closed minded and unnecesarily mean to others... after going to higher dimensions and contacting with these beings. When someone acted toxicly I would think "If they only could have a psychedelic breakthrough" and then I couldn't bare with the idea of someone just being toxic even after psychedelics, and not having any excuse or solution.
Sadly it may take many upon many incarnations for some to find the light but none will be left behind all will be redeemed as there is no limit to eternity or the Love of the Oneness we are all a part of. Find Joy in the participation of the spreading of the Hope so that we can hasten the progress of all our fellow souls who have forgotten that we are not and cannot be separated from the eternal light shinning, shinning shinning on us all.
i like to believe those who don't learn in this lifetime will be given another lifetime over and over again until they do, and then they will too be embraced by whatever is on the other side. Kinda sad if some people are doomed to spend eternity, or just one life if that's all they have, in their self-made mental limbo. Mind you, part of that sadness is facing the possibility that i'm one of these "NPC"-s.
@@eightyfivexxs7879 Purgatory is a western concept created to extort indulgences, which are essentially bribes paid by the loved ones of the deceased to religious institutions to move the deceased by their intersession to heaven which is a scam. That being said a soul can choose to avoid the life review and remain earthbound out of fear of punishment from God, but this is not the plan of Oneness, the life review is a teaching lesson not a chastisement it is there to help you understand that when you belittle your fellow spirits and show no regard for them and what they value you are being counter productive and reinforcing the delusion of separation. Hell is of your own making weather you are alive here in the physical realm or an earthbound spirit stuck in the neither world. Remember God/Oneness is all forgiving, all loving and only wants you to regain spiritual sanity and break the cycle of reincarnation so you can move from this asylum to a higher plain. It is the gift of free will and up to you. When you forgive those who you perceive hurt or offended you, and maybe more importantly you forgive yourself you will be welcomed back like the prodigal son to a place that you have never really left. There is Love, Joy, Hope and Ecstasy, Ask and you will receive.
But why don’t things being reach out to us without the use of drugs or meditation, if this is so important, why don’t they give out personal revelations
@@bjaxfl You need to empty your cup first so that it has space. (meditation or spiritual practices) Then you have to give permission to others to fill it up (belief and faith in god or spirits or machine elves )
I NEEDED to hear this. This morning I woke up and something compelled me to write "The criticism of others is not real...." over and over followed by the mantra, "'You can't do that' 'Yes I can!'" Halfway through I randomly included 'I am not afraid of things I do not understand'. Woah. Thank you for sharing your perspective on this!
I share your perspective about humans and this reality. I remember when I was 4-5 years old I woke up from taking a nap and I said to myself '' you have to start living now''. Then I knew that many things were wrong and fake but my ego was taking control of me, so I could adjust in this reality. I knew also that I have a mission to accomplish on Earth. I also had a dream where I saw myself coming to Earth for the fourth time and that this life will be my last time here. Mushrooms helped me to remember many things that I have forgotten. Mushrooms helped me to discover my mission and connect with the others. I am glad that more open minded people are connecting through your channel and messages. I really don't like the financial system here on Earth but once tripping on mushrooms I found out that it is really strong thing here for many people that they are not able to let it go. The attachment to it is so strong that probably it will take many years for them to realize that they don't need it. Love for all
I live in Colombia, South America. My life experience has been similar to yours, i had an existencial crisis and ayahuasca came to me. After that experience i could see and unsderstand what i needed to understand at that moment, i resonate with everything you say, the information that i got is almost exactly what you talk on your videos. Nice to see there are lots of people in a very similar path all around the world!
As a young creature I wanted and searched for another that could cope with my awkward awareness and truth. I reached out to everyone at first but was shunned and humiliated- even tortured and chased away. I turned inward and found music as a tool to sail past the stupidity and misunderstandings all around. They tossed me into many doctors and pretenders that picked at me. Mostly o was an interesting anomaly and potentially a ready puppet. But I rebelled and continued my search for an intelligent connection beyond what most humans offered. By the time I was 7 or 8 I knew I was mostly alone and had to answer the voices inside. I’m glad to discover you now. It is some comfort truly. Thank you for sharing and shinning a light in this magnificent dark cavern of wonder. My elves open -teach me with music and playing piano. I attempted to step off this planet several times but have been saved and showed new knowledge. In 1972 I ate a handful of window pane LSD in order to end this game - yet magically I found the light and love of the universe. Love is.
434, Wow, I can't begin to tell you how much I resonate with this video. My first elementary school wanted to put me on ritalin. So my parents moved to a new district when i was in 1st grade. That second school tested me and put me in the gifted program in 3rd grade. They wouldn't even reveal my IQ to me as they thought it would go to my head at such a young age. I also figured the whole education system was to teach you to be a consumer and cog in the corporate machine. I stopped doing all homework in 4th grade. I'm 37 now and struggle with much of what you talk about. I feel like most around me are stuck in slow motion. I found psychs @ 18 but wan't mature enough to process them yet. I was downloaded so much info and I still think about and integrate those early trips every single day. It initially gave me an egoless depression for 8 months where I too deconstructed really in my mind. From what makes up a moment to how movement can exist to what is time and that it doesn't exist as we percieve it (which is just one direction of the 4th dimension and that what we see is just slices at a time of multi dimensional "reality"). I have been thinking of slowly reaquainting myself with them. Thank you so much for these videos. Much love 434!
This resonates with me so much. It can be a lonely existence, as most folks are just not interested in the bigger picture. It has always confounded me. There is nothing more important.
Hey, thanks for starting this channel i'm going through a bit of a tough time as well learning a lot about myself and realising a lot of things that are connected to a lot of messages in your videos. And I can relate to a lot of what you say in this video so much too. It's as if i coincidentally discovered your videos exactly at the time when I needed it the most.
I find your ideas to be quite interesting but have you ever questioned the knowledge you are given on mushrooms or do you question the machine elves and their knowledge?
TheHigher Intelligence your referring to, should welcome more detailed information requests and the questioning of their exclusive authority on what they are downloading to you 434.. What you speak of is repeated in numerous other channels and Spiritual teachers for many years. Until recently it's been easy to believe any communication is benevolent; Now more and more info is rising up that dark forces can easily disguise them selves and take advantage of Earth humans seeking any info that is " other worldly".. I enjoy your work, but it did make me question that you "didn't find a reason to" question their authority over you.. Safe travels to All
@@be434 Entities that contact you could be good or bad or just jokers, similar to humans. You have to use repeated observation to affirm what they are saying is reliable, just like human interactions. A good reason is your claim of the 47. Also, your view on "humans" seems to have a bias of what *you* want it to be. Interesting stuff though.
I think personal bias is something that is unavoidable. There are many credible views as to the nature of reality from the physical to the metaphysical and as far as I've seen no two people agree completely. I personally believe that we are all absolutely equal individually as collectively and we always find what we are looking for, we are the cause of the effect.
Dude.. I fucking love you. I’m about to cry. Your purpose is true. I have breakthrough anxiety, and I finally found someone that resonates on this level that’s hard to explain. It’s all so fucking beautiful.
Sounds like my husband. He doesn't understand my awakening. It happened a few years ago. He's called me crazy. Told me I need therapy. I went with it. Yet I knew in the back of my head I'm not crazy. I have a lot to learn. These videos help.😊
Not alone in this anymore. Thank you..The NPC comparison is accurate from what I've perceived. Sleep walkers I used to jokingly say at work. Retail is its own trippy eye opener.
i kind of feel the same way in many points, but i never really had the "urge" to change something.. i feel like i'm a spectator to all of this i also realized that there were 2 kinds of humans, i called the "humans" zombies, which described their lack of empathy and many other things your experience really deepens my thoughts and i'm really curious for what the future of 434 will look like, much love
The more and more I’m waking up to the truth I’m feeling so different and separate from family and friends which feels so strange. Your videos are reassuring. Thank you so much for all you share with us! I’m always looking toward to your videos. Thank you. ♥️
Peter you are a bodhisattva! There are alot of amazing people that are worth our energy. A buddhist monk once told me: "Stay away from bad friends!" Now i know its true meaning, its also means "Find good friends!".
I felt the same way about feeling my body was so alien when I was little. I couldn't understand why Drs weren't scanning you with their mind to find out what was wrong. I also didn't understand why we couldn't drive a car with our minds.
thank you for your time teaching me what life is all about! all my actions ever since I've seen your videos are to only to spread love, keep on doing what your doing
In the last year I have had dreams and fantasies about whether I should stay and help people, or just leave. I now do volunteer work and have become more social and more open minded but my biggest problem is that I lack disciplin. Thanks again for your videos 434, and everyone in the comments, it is really fun to read and it is a great ride.
A Mirror only shows us what we think we are, Our Heart tells us what we are, and our Loved Ones make us Who we are. These make up the reasons why we Fight. I am ready to move on.
You said "I deconstructed every element of reality" that's a pretty bold statement to say really. You have alot of growing to do, I don't mean this to ridicule you. I genuinely believe that if you learn a trade, perhaps carpentry, it would really help you out.
@@be434 I agree w regards to deconstructing reality is our job here, after a fellow x ray engineer died in the cath lab he works at told me what he saw and learned on the other side. I finally started seeing everything for what it is. Your videos ring true to me. I appreciate them. I cannot tell my wife and kids and family or colleagues too much cuz they think I'm crazy. My daughter who is an elevated soul, and a special needs teacher doesn't judge me. And you have to be careful with your spouse. I am slowly opening their minds. My friend got sent back. The docs at his hospital say he is a living miracle. I have family members who have lived miserable lives and died. My mother taught me things about this earth, she was a saint, unfortunately she had a tortuous physical life and died of breast cancer, in a most cruel way. She taught me to question reality and the state of the earth and our plight here. She also had an entity at her bedside before she died. My friend said the other side IS REALITY, this is the dream. Its almost like a joke to you when you view it from the other side.
I really was of the frame mind that "there is no one like me" for the longest time, until I listened to this specific video. There are several parallels I share with your story. Many of the exact same questions id ask myself and came to exact same conclusions that ive never even said aloud. What you said resonated with me deeply. I thank you. I thought I was alone, now I know that I am not.
i’ve felt like i’ve done this 10000000 times aswell like there was a time with our tribes people that was happier and my nature is fighting society’s programming, it’s a crazy feeling like i chose this life for the experience and i’m starting to regret it but i got over this thought when i realized when different was better, had a lot of profound wake ups like this throughout my life
Bare with this... I relate 200% with you and love you for what you are! I may also be one of this 47? Self-awareness is off the charts and IQ extremely strong in pattern recognition. I have entities posess impaired humans all the time and communicate with me.....brilliantly.... completely ambiguous, until properly deciphered....and I am constantly watched and patterns are all over the place. One met last nite discussed the singularity and how as an IT guy machines have been trying to talk to us, but humans don't even listen to each other. I wonder what kind of machines he was referring to, but there was little time. He studied me like a long lost relic as I Ubered him home. He agrees that tech will destroy our economies and explained how something he did in IT is exponential, although denying it humbly.....which exponential tech is an area I study, relating to the singularity. After he said IT is vulnerable to AI advances, I watched a Darpatv youtube channel video on software bug fixes and AI programming fill-in capabilities....and he was right...and I thought self-driving vehicles alone will destroy 12% of jobs, not counting insurance, police funding, and truck stop disruption. Its just the start. 3D printing will replace construction. Mankind is going to to apeshit crazy once economics go haywire. However, I have been pushing this unconditional love thing. On social media, they resist and get negative about love discussion. It will take time. Thank you for your efforts to wake and keep up our spirit(s). I also love your blue image in videos, as I see it sometimes when I close my eyes and try to connect openly. Something is coming. Patterns have gone from years of "soon" to "tonight", which still could mean years. Fyi...I have ingested strictnine as a baby, tried basic psych mushrooms, and thc, and had a Jester entity laughing in dreams whole life, flown in dreams, heck flew in a cavern up to 4 silent Matrix character looking entities where we just studied each other. Okay done. Take what you will from all this. In any case, thanks and I ranted just to show I completely relate. Similar to you, I also am a film maker and am a composer. I may have networking you can use, as we are connected on Facebook. Message me. I'm Ken Carpenter, so it should pop up. Tell me what your commercialized stuff is, beyond this sensitive topic, and I will see who to connect you with. Would have rather sent this private on FB messenger. However, you are what matters here, and those like us, assuming the best.
Everything you said about feeling strange in your body as a child..I had a similar experience as a child..and it keeps happening. I have always felt out of place and like I don't fit in, almost invisible. Thank you, Can't wait to hear the other videos.
I love that somebody else feels this way like I do. Human connection is very, very difficult. Either my concepts are over most peoples' heads, or I have to dumb myself down to connect with their concepts which feels like a drain of energy & a waste of time.
So interesting... I have felt similar feelings about life. You explain everything so well. It’s nice to have discovered these ideas on my own and you confirm them. I found your channel exactly when I needed to.
Almost there mate! That Love filter needs a big loving boost. You're still separating people into your own little boxes, allowing the ego to tell you one is better than the other. This happens through fear - not love. One cannot hold both at once. Fear is the ego's main stumbling block in the way of expansion - and in our way when we're trying to help others in theirs. The One Unconditional Love sees that The All is really The One, the One Self we're all a unique and necessary piece of.. and loves all equally. Time to let those old blinders fall off. No matter how awakened we are, the blinders can return. Because as we are in human form, part of the condition is *accumulation*. Keep clearing. Keep going. Your insights are needed.
Good job on the videos. I began trying to dissect reality only a few years ago. I’ve not tried mushrooms yet but I have done quite a bit of reading and research into various topics; including but not limited to metaphysics, biocentrism, General purpose AI, the origin of consciousness, DMT, super intelligence, time, string and just about anything else out there that will expand my creative thinking. More often then not I find Myself trying to explain these concepts, ideas and beliefs to people and I cause them to shut down. They immediately are either overwhelmed, go into a state of existential dread or stop talking to me entirely. Consciousness may only be a “reaction”. Your absolutely right that we are all grown up kids pretending in some cases to have it figured out. This has never been more evident. We are essentially stardust. We not only live in the universe but we are just as much a part of it. I’m completely perplexed most of the time at how anyone gets anything done knowing that we are the culmination of improbability. I’m more confused that they spend so much time being slaves to pieces of paper but I can see how these concepts are ingrained. It’s very bizarre indeed. The remote consciousness is something that I have never come across or imagined . I have read that several people complain of not being able to bring back these items that describe as self transforming living pieces of machinery. Everyone seems to have the same consensus in agreeing that if they were able to retrieve or bring back any of these objects it would totally change the perception of reality. Perhaps the remote consciousness is one of those concepts. I too believe that we are all one in the same. A Universal consciousness still figuring itself out and trying to wake itself up from a forever sleep... our life span and existence is so infinitesimally small that most beings ignore it on a timescale basis . We have no reference for anything that small or anything as large as all of existence. For all we know the “observable universe” may be the size of an atom compared to what is actually out there. Let that try to sink in for a bit. Your initiative and actions are/ is one of the most important things quite possibly in existence so that should give you some solace. I do not say these things lightly. Your thoughts are my thoughts now, as mine are yours. If that’s not something to get excited about then I don’t know what is. Think about it. Every one that you have ever seen or read about has the same realization that they are a conflux of something happening. While their perceptions are not entirely the same there is a clearly established basis and feeling of “the future becoming now & now becoming never.” Now either does not exist or exist forever in a constant state of change / entropy. I love you for making these videos brother. Keep it up, adapt and overcome. The egoic mind is very powerful and has helped me to write most of this so understand that you will always have critics. Your doing the right thing. If you have not read it yet check out the “poem of Parmenides”. It’s a bit of a nutcracker but good Philosophical reading.
I started looking at humans like an alien would when i was a teenager and went through a similar experience of distrust. Thank you for helping me not feel so alone.
I swear i’ve said the same exact things you’ve said to other people and myself on multiple occasions, so glad i found this channel because i feel like this is where i belong, i’m extremely isolated from society in terms of my value system and i feel as if even the people that understand the reality isn’t the way it seems don’t get me either, i’m like on a deeper level where i just don’t have the same fears as other humans, im very different. I also have those same empathetic tendencies as u and it can be perceived as a weakness if you’re looking at it from an intellectual standpoint from this world but it’s actually a superpower like u said in another video. My ability to see through other humans and the fact that i’m almost always misunderstood by others. I also feel like i don’t fit in❤️❤️
I feel like this too, lost in a cruel world. Helpless. I really try to focus on the helpers in the world, the ones that try to make a difference, the people that care, they are out there x
Love your content so far and I feel compelled to give some sort of reply. I've been on a journey for the last three years to make some sense of my world, so I moved away and I have been living alone, far from town, in a cabin. Mind you, I do have a steady job, although it hits hard on the social aspects of life... but I've never been much of a people person. But suffice to say, there are moments when I have even started to question my own sanity at times when going down that road of trying desperately to find answers to questions that just makes things even MORE bizarre. I can't shake this quote that “The search for reality is a most dangerous of undertakings for it will destroy the World in which you live” -Nisargadatta Maharaj. I do not claim to possess any knowledge or wisdom that surpasses any other, but in my pursuit of meaning I have at least come to the conclusion that to live my life with any kind of meaning is to be aware. To be aware of ones emotions so as to think before speaking, without the reaction of lashing out because of them, to be firm but kind and stand ones ground, to try and understand and show compassion and not purposely cause hurt. Long story short; I just want to be a better person and still be me. And you are an inspiration. Thank you! And To all who made it this far: I may not know you, but know that I care. And I truly hope your path leads you to your answers and peace.
Thank you for your hard work and bravery , I Feel you’re message and it’s wonderful to know I’m not alone on this amazing journey of Awakening! Bless You Brother!
I've felt so alone for a while I have one friend who thinks like me. I really needed to see this video I've tried talking to my mum about how lonely I've felt cuz all my friends just shut down when I begin to talk about life any deeper than work or leisure, and she just says "I think you need to contact your psychiatrist" I couldn't believe what she said it's like people can't hear what I'm saying. Fuck it's frustrating.
i feel like i’m so self aware that i can make vibes that make people act certain ways or understand me, i can feel there emotion towards me and i consider them mix it with logic and objectivness and i can talk all day and share and love, but some people don’t even understand my concepts so i feel like alien when i speak
I've had a theory about these "humans" or "NPCs": because our population has increased so much, there is not a large enough "reserve" of souls to fill all these human bodies, so they are filled with beings of lower spiritual development, perhaps too low to operate correctly in human bodies.
Agree with everything you spoke about. The way you explain so clearly, really opened my eyes just that little bit more and i reckon it will for many. Looking back on my past after watching this, i feel a very instant realization towards who may have been a 'human' especially because these days I feel a big chunk of time was wasted on them. I wanna just say a massive thanku to you bro, you really have had a massive impact on my life in such a short period of time and i am excited to see how your great knowledge and understanding will change this world for the better
My girlfriend and I literally just yesterday broke down with each other over how out of place here. Not Earth, Earth feels right, but in modern industrial society. Our souls ache to just walk without running int fences, borders, roads, and those who think they own the land. How we wish we could stop using our words and just connect with other humans in a higher vibrational way. How we wish money was a concept that we didn't have to understand or spend time thinking about how to collect. We just want to grow food, spend all day outside, and love ourselves and everybody else in the world but they make it so hard!
and i too for some reason feel like this is my last time around on this place. i think i got big things to come and I'm excited for it for the first time in what seems to be, my life.
@@be434 it is awesome. I am learning that after 47 years of a lot of loneliness, there are others like me, who I didn't think existed here. It is so empowering to connect. It fills my heart even more.
Hey I wanted to comment here because I've watched a lot of your videos and for the most part they're amazing, but I did want to tell you something I've learned. Before I start, I've made my own deems for almost 2 years now and have had 30+ breakthroughs. I love it and it will always have a place in my life, and I'm forever grateful for the encounters I've had and the ways that its transformed my life. I wanted to write this because, as a person who has had many many encounters with entities that have been VERY loving and forthright with information, I can relate to your way of thinking because I've learned similar things. I also had similar childhood feelings of being different. I also can relate to your view of humanity and the deep sadness that comes with realizing the extent of human cruelty, and for most of my life, through childhood and adolescence, I have viewed it from a similar perspective as your own and what you've talked about in this video. Especially when I was breaking through on a regular basis, I couldn't help but be astounded with the beauties of life, but I found little joy in a lot of conversations I had with people, who didn't see life as I did, and would always be complaining about something or other, or talking shit about people, or not acting in a loving way, etc. HOWEVER...... I see that perspective as very detached/dissociated, especially because other people do not have the advantage of DMT and being "reborn", and are just making it through life from birth to death without a moment of peace, understanding, and ego-free reflection. Let me explain By just living life these past few months (reflecting on my DMT experiences the whole time, but not using) I've found that the majority of human pain and suffering stems from misunderstandings. Every person, especially in America where success and climbing the social ladder is #1, everyone has wants and needs, and is constantly seeking to satisfy those wants and needs. This is a part of ego. Additionally, every person, through the conversations they've had their whole life, has developed a way of talking and thinking that suits those wants and needs, which is unique to themselves, but also generally similar to the people they've associated with their whole lives (Humans form tribes and cliques, and most hang out and talk to the same types of people their whole lives). This is a large part of subconscious ego (so I will refer to it as such, though there are more parts to ego), and conflict arises when 2 people, who may want the same thing, cannot understand the others ego, and a negative emotion arises because of the lack of connection, so they distance themselves. ALSO, and this is a huge aspect that I won't get into because it is basically just all of psychology, the emotional scars that people have received, especially in childhood, will affect their ways of thinking (obviously) and create walls between themselves and others, or fear responses, or things they may find attractive in others, etc. HERES WHAT I WANT YOU TO CONSIDER: Like I said, very few people have the advantage of DMT, and fewer still have the advantage of living an unconventional lifestyle, like yourself. You probably make your money off of youtube, which is hardly anyone in the grander scope of society. I assume you are American because you speak English without an accent, so you know how much people are focused on their careers and their place in society here, which, under strictly existential terms, doesn't exist, BUT it is a very real force that people perceive in their own lives and it truly does have an effect on their lives. Ignoring the fact that most people are pushed by their parents into pursuing ways of life that are similar to theirs, or into climbing the social ladder, I want you to take consider this: It's easy to have a detached perspective towards human drives and motivations and the suffering they cause, especially because you probably don't engage in the same behaviors and thus don't understand where it comes from. I know what that's like. BUT, if you started living your life the same way that so many others have (pursuing an education, then a career, all while trying to maintain/create social relationships the whole time) you would begin to see the same behaviors arise in yourself. Most find that there simply isn't enough time to be completely loving towards others while also maintaining the lives they've created for themselves, so they sacrifice kindness, etc, in order to reach their goals (job, wife, car, support kids, SEX(a huge one, its our biology, and makes many people's lives meaningful, in the moment at least) and other mostly bullshit things in the end) and will end up acting in a perceived negative way towards others, even if you have no ill intent and want them to find their own happiness in life. You may wish them well, but you'll never be the one to tell them that. You will focus on your own life and meeting your own desires and goals. I hope you realize that most people are this way: they may not truly have ill intent, but their thoughts are conditioned in a way to seek what they want and the people they want to be with, without consideration for the rest. One aspect of DMT is that it will let you see all that is happening in life/humanity in a single moment, but those without it will never have that same perspective (until death maybe ;)) and some will begin identifying with the thoughts that keep them away from certain people. These people will truly act in a negative (evil even sometimes, but most evil people were abused) way, and will be cruel to others, but this is just a surface-level perception. I commented this because I think you are putting a lot of walls between yourself and others , and walls between different "kinds" of people (really just different patterns of behavior, but people identify with their behaviors, which is part of ego) but, as someone with similar experiences (and loads of entity encounters :)) and whose learned a lot, I think a lot of these walls that you have are because you don't engage with the vast majority of people and actually have conversations with them, and ESPECIALLY because your lifestyle is alien to those who have lived their whole lives following others, whether it be their parents or friends or peers, because they are expected to find a career, wife, have kids, check off things on their bucket list, etc., and this is what they're conditioned to want, so they receive positive emotions from reaching these (although many feel empty because it isn't a permanent substitute for real truth and meaning) Part of it might be Aspergers or autistic patterns of behavior, no offense, just because you mentioned being very logical as a kid. If you have a lot of conversations with people (normal type of conversations, even business ones, not deep ones like the ones on your channel) you'll find mostly that you're talking to their ego and they're talking to yours. Both are perceived and in reality non existent, but its just what happens. Probably a function of biology that makes surviving easier. Over time, people build their egos/personalities/ways of talking in order to better suit their needs. Most people don't realize it and think that that is who they are, but they've just found more efficient ways of behaving to get what they want (also their egos may create new wants/needs for them to blindly follow). If you began working a 9-5 and wanted to climb up the social ladder to build a better life for yourself like so many people do, you'd begin to understand why people act the way they do. Most of the time it doesn't come from an evil place, but it does create a lot of misunderstanding for those who don't understand this, which creates suffering and perceived cruelty. You are no different, you've just found a different way of living your life. IF you lived like others do, you'd start to see the same behaviors in yourself that you lament in others. You'd act in those same ways without realizing. Those who identify with and pursue more negative behaviors end up creating suffering for others that choose to view these behaviors as cruel, like I have and like you have/do, but the core humanity and the core of existence is all the same. In the vast majority of cases (again, not accounting for abuse and those who act in a way because of emotional scars... DMT has a great way of healing past traumas that influence behavior :)) people are kind and seeking love. They just don't show it to everyone they meet. I do hope you've read this. It did take a while lol. I think it'll help you, even if it is kind of tragic. We all find our peace in the end, and this might make you understand human nature a little more. TL;DR: Explanation of human nature from someone who's had many many breakthrough experiences :)
As an add-on to this (I'd probably put this somewhere in the beginning), like I said, very few people have the gift of DMT and entity encounters. All they know is what they've learned from other people, whether through conversation (both spoken words and the the unspoken cues in conversation that create emotion) and informational sources, which are, you guessed it, written by other people. And what do people know anyway lol.
wow... i'm reading ekhart tolle right now and it is crazy how your understanding of ego is close to his, so thank you. it's always great to see the same concepts come out in different people (which means that these concepts lead to some truth). your comment really reasonated with what interests me in psychology (that's what i want to study later (i'm just 17 so not a lot of experience yet)) AND the ""spiritual"" aspect of your comment really hit me too, and with what i heard you look like you have a lot of experience in both domains, so i was wondering if all that process was only attained by dmt or were there other things that helped you progress? i don't have a lot of knowledge yet due to my age and i would appreciate a lot if you could give me some little info of how you got where you are today (maybe books, people that you looked up to or even your own "philosophy" about life and who we are..) what you said really touched me in a good way and i could see the truth in what you said (at least my interpretation of the truth because the truth can vary so much from people to people (due to different belief systems, conditioning in childhood etc)) and also it is hard to find some real knowledge in this world.... so much knowledge is hidden/transformed because of ego and the majority of people somehow take their belief systems as fact, identify with their ego/beliefs and spend their whole life in passive mode without ever questioning themselves, authority or what we call ""reality"". somehow owning material objects and seeing half naked bodies became more important then the fundamental questions regarding life in general that are it seems to obvious for people to notice. i am sorry for the long text, but i always get exited when i finally meet someone who thinks this way (it's really rare)... and i would love to learn a bit of your "process" on how you got to where you are now (i'm talking about your knowledge of course), if that isn't too personal of course. again, thank you for the great comment that i found by ""accident"" ;) much love to you
I’ve never heard another human describe the exact thing I’ve felt my entire life so perfectly. I’ve always felt that “ego” or primitive mind in me, but it feels like “I” or my actual consciousness is parenting it in a way, and some humans aren’t aware of the bigger picture beyond this realm for some reason & I almost had to dumb myself down to communicate and connect with them until I learned to start treating them my interactions w them like a game lol
Wow... just wow.. You have pretty much word for word described my own experience of existence on this planet.. every single word resonated with the core.. every description of your experiences,your feelings, your frustrations etc.. even down to the sense of this being your last visit here ( especially the extreme tiredness with it all ) At times it really has been a profound struggle to continue when having to deal with the "humans". At the age of 53 I have been doing it just a bit longer than you but like you I have found the means and ways to live my purpose..which also like you revolves around Love. Thank you so much for sharing.
I've just got one problem with this video, please, don't attack me but argue with me with your opinions. Saying that they have lack of logical thinking is like saying you're superior to them. I think anyone who is worse in understanding reality can learn. Hell i was at that stage too when if someone told me what i think, i'd just say that he's insane or delusinal or something like that just because i did not understand some conceps of life. (my english isn't on a high level yet, i know)
that's why I said I know people who I tried to reason with for 20 years. They can't learn. It is not a matter of hierarchy as they have a different purpose I know nothing of. It is my subjective, frustrated opinion
@@be434 Okey thank you for the reply, but if you ask me it's about not yet getting to the stage when you can understand these kind of ideas to the full potential because you can't look at a idea objectivly and have a pre-determined opinion about most things (without actually realising you're doing that)
Being illogical is not the same as being less intellectual. The man who invited the machine gun was very intelligent, but couldn't see the logical conclusion of billions of deaths being laid at his feet. The people who worked on the Manhattan project were arguably the most intelligent people who lived all last century, but again didn't realize the power to vaporize cities would end up in the hands of idiots.
13 mins of my life spent responsibility. Thanks bro, everything u said connects an actually happened at one point in my life. Im 18 yo an i already tired of this simulation its not fun anymore
Right there with you 1000%. I can be surrounded by people, but I might as well be alone. It's so lonely knowing what we know. I'm trying so hard to find the others. Fifth Element was an awesome flick BTW.
I love you bro I’m so happy I found this community, i’m relieved and excited to know that I am now part of a community of like-minded individuals who see past the illusion 🙌🏽
Your support means a lot 💖 all methods here: | or | CashApp: £peterhedron / $peterhedron
I very much empathize with your feelings of "alienation", to give it a label. This is not so unusual. And I greatly enjoy chipping in with thought provoking and hopefully positive comments. :)
I've struggled with this my whole life and only recently have I been able to get some of the clarity I so desire on the subject. When I met my twin flame I realized that my HS had prepare me to question everything during the zero-point activation which led me down the rabbit hole. My biggest gripe with communicating with others that have not evolved their conciousness is that I can't seem to break through the barrier of not having a point which is the point. I found myself in a constant state of self detrimental thoughts because my first instinct is to blame the other and it is only after removing myself from the situation that I am able to remind myself I was given the opportunity to share and that not everyone has made it to this point. Our experiences do affect and shape our reality but what I don't understand is why the extreme silence from the other side. I have issues describing the emotion I feel but is best described as a mixture of both reverence and resent for the experience. There are subjects regarding 9th dimensional energy that I would like to delve into deeper but I've found that I am only able to share what I see through touch or through telepathic conversation. Im excited to hear of a possible meet up in the future. This is a very exciting time to be alive, and I only admit that through clenched teeth even after experience ego death multiple times over.
@@wesromero1427 I found the paradigm of energy transfer in "The Celestial prophecy" very good way for looking at the way humans interact. Even the negative behaviour. Like, intimidation and bullying and interrogation and aloofness. Also playing the victim, "poor me", as a way of exiting a confrontation by demanding mercy.
It's only a model, and all models are flawed. But some models are useful.
I wouldn't go into the whole series of books as a complete "truth". Like you say, you can go a long way down the rabbit hole. :)
@@PATTHECATMCD I started reading it and already I can feel a weight being lifted off my shoulders. Thank You.
@@PATTHECATMCD I enjoy it too!
Bro I resonate with you on this sooooo much. A huge period of my life was spent processing all of this and reemerging back into society. Thanks for sharing brother.
love your comment Bryan, really happy they have a purpose
100% same
@@be434 we need a 434 community forum for like minded people to discuss and expand on this
@@zy9dh He has a subreddit
Bro same
These videos really speak to me, like we are all connected. I think a lot of us came here again because we have a special place in our heart for earth from a past life
I know I do. I don't do drugs and always have visions of an ancient Earth covered in thick mist and long tall forests
the first 5 minutes were like having my words ripped from my mouth.. never have i ever heard someone who can relate to the way i’ve thought and felt my entire life. thank you
Thank you. I understand completely. You're not alone. I love you
Can you ask them about reincarnation please!
You ask them, don't be afraid, don't have fear.
Likkle Biggz Shyheem
Why not?
Likkle Biggz Shyheem I’ve been trying to find psychedelics for like a year but where I live it’s pretty hard to. But I’ll keep looking 👍🏽
Simon You dont find psychedelics. Psychedelics find you. The teacher will present itself when the student is ready. Exactly how I came across it.
Edwardo Montejano yes I’ve heard of that and I totally believe it.
It feels so good to hear someone else speak the same things and conclusions that I've reached myself in this life. I'm ready to also do my part. I remember when I was 9 telling myself "These people are too emotionally immature to handle my heart, I'm alone in this world".
Just found your channel, and all I can say is thank you I've been having these types of thoughts since I remember and it's hard being so different and empathetic. As a teenager I felt overwhelmed by my own realizations and fell into a depression/lack of identity for some years. Then I discovered LSD, shortly after mushrooms, and my whole paradigm was transformed. It's still hard for me to comprehend all the specifics about the nature of reality and human nature, but when it comes to what I need to do it's simple. I know I'm here to love, help those in need, and lead by example. Now I'm just trying to do my part in healing the planet and the human race. It's as simple as taking some time to plant trees or volunteering to help poor kids have a better education. I love connecting with people and spreading hope, and I try to acknowledge how blessed I am each day. It's refreshing to find that there's more people like us. Much love
Listening to you describe growing up sounds like me! I'm glad you exist. I am not alone!
*This video made me feel not alone, as I have struggled with similar things my whole life, I clearly remember at around age 5 telling my dad that the "walking" world was a dream, he dismissed me and I learned at that point that it was pointless to tell adults about these things, that was 38 years ago. I also remember having serious trouble gasping the concept of "owning" things made out of matter, I mean, you use them and when they've served their purpose you move along, they are never "yours" like a memory or a thought, they're just temporarily being used and you will always transcend your car, your meal, your lawn mower... It was difficult living in a society of people that defended ownership with their life... I was also far smarter than average, and that just makes everything harder, it's no blessing... I was studying quantum physics at age 9, maxwell equations at age 7 and so on... This existance is very alien to me and I have to say that I have concluded that it is no measure of health, to be well adjusted to a sick society.*
yes this is a society that loves obedience death and destruction . If you play a PC games how is experience points awarded ?
Do a silly quest obedience Kill is death and destruction blow everything up.
I really get you on the ownership idea. I try to give away my possessions when they serve their purpose. Before I used to be so envious but now I embrace the simple life and rate experiences and deep conversations as much more valuable.
Weird... I remember asking my mom when I was very little “mom where do I go when I close my eyes?”... she answered with “dreams” but... I knew I was going somewhere else like as I closed my eyes here they opened elsewhere... this resonates with me... I’m glad I’m not the only one.
Man it's rare for me but hearing someone else who sees things like me is so beautiful thank you for sharing this
I use to feel homesick when I was a kid even though I was at home with my parents
I always felt the same way. I would often think, "I want to go home" even though I was home with my family.
There was a sense of homesickness that still lingers today. I never wanted to leave my family because I loved them so much, as I still do. It's as if we were meant to be somewhere else, yet still together.
In one long term relationship in particular I found myself feeling more "at home" but that feeling eventually lifted as the relationship crumbled.
I don't feel nearly as lost as I used to- I wonder if it is due to consciously understanding and improving myself.
I still don't feel like I belong here. I feel at peace in nature and as I look into the night sky, especially at the moon.
Thank you to anyone who has taken the time to read this.
I love y'all just for existing
I really like your videos because they beautifully articulate thoughts already in my head. I almost broke through on DMT a year ago and made contact with an entity that was super glad to see me. My friend was not handling the intensity well and I told them to wait while I made sure she was okay. The sheer power of the experience also scared the shit out of me, it was way more than anything I'd experienced before. Over the last month or so my life has been chaotic and in turmoil, my car engine exploded, lost my job, I broke up with my gf. But I've also noticed a lot of synchronicity, and I've become obsessed with speaking to the elves again. With all of the chaos, I was convinced I was going to become homeless and lose everything again. I was in a fearful, low, suicidal state. 3 times I went to walk to a pawn shop to try getting rid of a ring I bought for the girl I just broke up with, and 3 times I forgot my wallet. I thought it may be a sign, but I couldn't see any other way of keeping a roof over my head and not losing everything. What kind of sign could this be? It turned out, some of my friends heard about how bad of shapeI was in, and pitched in everything i needed to keep going. Their love was overwhelming and I relieved so much more help than I thought I could possibly get.
Now I haven't actually taken the plunge with DMT back to their world, but it feels like they're here, listening to me, trying to guide me towards something else. It was in this journey that I spoke to some of my family for the first time in ages, and realized just how much all of them are stuck in a childlike state of mind. I cannot wake them up, they do not want to leave the comfort of the known, of the ego, of there only being the immediate material world in front of them with no depth. It saddens me that they are stuck there- there is so much more to explore! But my journey is not theirs, and I cannot force them to see.
Every time I take mushrooms, it feels like an entity is scrubbing my soul clean, trying to heal me, because they are wonderful little buddies to have. I just wish I could do that for my sister, she is stuck in a chaotic, fearful state that I was in for many years. It is not a place I wish upon anyone.
Sorry for the typos, autocorrect :/
youre right about everything BUT it's from an alienated perspective. People are multidimensional. They're like atoms and dont all mate with all others. you need to find the ones you resonate with but respect the ones that dont by understanding where they fit in, not calking them NPCs. that's love, not just valuing ppl immediately useful to you. yes the world seems like a confusing lie, but that's bc youre comparing it to the ideal image on your head. that pure image is the lie. the world IS "imperfect" but that's bc perfection doesnt exist: it's the trap used to always create anxiety in you in order to control you. get to know some of the complex organic moleculed. many are mostly C H S and O in elaborate structures that deliver rarer atoms like tungsten and aluminum to very specific places. that's like human personalities: structure, position and timing, not a simple, linear hierarchy.
I totally relate to this description. You are describing something that is also known as Asperger's syndrome, and your "non-humans" are neurotypical people, those that are not aspies. There is a neurodiversity movement that sees aspergers and autistics as having fundamentally positive traits and neurodiversity as something naturally important as biodiversity. Asperger's syndrome has been often described as the "wrong planet syndrome", as aspies feel themselves to be alien on Earth. You can look up the Wrong Planet forum that has millions of posts and I think many thousands of Asperger-users. You should also know about the Intense World theory of autism. According to that theory, autism and Asperger's mostly means sensory hypersensitivity, that is seen as a positive quality.
Hmm your on to something..
Marius Scheijgrond He is on something it’s called Science not drugs. :)
I'm 30 now and for me it had been a gradual journey of waking up over the last 10 years. Im now at a point where I see all of the things in humans that you have described and at times I cant help but feel a sense of hopelessness for many of my human brothers and sisters.
I'm trying to get my hands on psychedelics to continue my journey of self discovery and awareness, but it almost seems there's something keeping me from finding them at this time sadly.
Keep up the amazing work your doing and it's nice to hear some sense for a change!
"very tired with this existence, as if it was something I've repeated many times"
This is very resonant with me.
being in the middle of my saturn returns, i'm aligning with this video more than ever. thank you for putting all of these complex emotions into such simple terms. simply having an open mind makes me feel like an outcast on this planet. like i've been sentenced to prison on a planet of asleep souls, and being the only one awake, it slowly eats away at my well being. but seeing there are more like me gives me hope. i pray we only grow more in numbers, and shed light on others, so none of us have to be alone.
Your words are reassuring, I had similar experiences as a kid but not as intense, I was always good at adapting. I remember thinking for a long time that I am trapped in my body, while being free of it in my dreams and lucid dreams, like not having a body is the natural state. I also often tell people that I think I am an alien and somebody made a mistake when they put me here. Even tough i say that jokingly, I actually mean it. I still haven't figured out why I am here, but I knew as a kid, that there is a point to it, that's why I never feared anything and travelled the world by myself, went to some dangerous places and nothing ever happened to me. We need a platform for communication, a forum or custom made social media site, for like minded people. There are not many people who understand this and can relate to what you said here. I would really like to exchange ideas with like minded people on a less controlled and less public platform.
I can relate so much to what you say in this video.
I remember when I was a kid, I would always question everything and point out things what appeared unfair or cruel to me... And the only thing the adults had to say to me was: "this is just how the world works", "nobody promised that the world would be fair", "it's just how things are"...
I remember looking at myself in the mirror and wondering: "why am I in this particular body in this particular timeline, on this particular planet?" And when I shared it with others no one really understood what was it about.
So... hi.
Wow I'm not even kidding you tried to explain what is "humans" the entire video, and immediately when you said "they are like NPCs" everything came right in to place, great video, I too sometimes entertain the notion of that this lifetime might be my last on this planet, but like you said who knows lol
NPC is a meme now, describing someone who is not their own person, more like a robot.
I loved this so much. I needed it. What I was struggling with lately was that... I was having a weird conflict with the people I've seen on internet (some very influential ones) talking about doing DMT, having ego deaths, contacting with entities, feeling the love energy flowing and composing all existence... and still being intolerant and toxic people on the majority of ideas they expose and behaviors they exhibit. I just couldn't deal with the idea of people being closed minded and unnecesarily mean to others... after going to higher dimensions and contacting with these beings. When someone acted toxicly I would think "If they only could have a psychedelic breakthrough" and then I couldn't bare with the idea of someone just being toxic even after psychedelics, and not having any excuse or solution.
Sadly it may take many upon many incarnations for some to find the light but none will be left behind all will be redeemed as there is no limit to eternity or the Love of the Oneness we are all a part of. Find Joy in the participation of the spreading of the Hope so that we can hasten the progress of all our fellow souls who have forgotten that we are not and cannot be separated from the eternal light shinning, shinning shinning on us all.
i like to believe those who don't learn in this lifetime will be given another lifetime over and over again until they do, and then they will too be embraced by whatever is on the other side. Kinda sad if some people are doomed to spend eternity, or just one life if that's all they have, in their self-made mental limbo. Mind you, part of that sadness is facing the possibility that i'm one of these "NPC"-s.
do you think some may get stuck in some type of loop (purgatory) if they do not come to a higher understanding?
@@eightyfivexxs7879 Purgatory is a western concept created to extort indulgences, which are essentially bribes paid by the loved ones of the deceased to religious institutions to move the deceased by their intersession to heaven which is a scam. That being said a soul can choose to avoid the life review and remain earthbound out of fear of punishment from God, but this is not the plan of Oneness, the life review is a teaching lesson not a chastisement it is there to help you understand that when you belittle your fellow spirits and show no regard for them and what they value you are being counter productive and reinforcing the delusion of separation. Hell is of your own making weather you are alive here in the physical realm or an earthbound spirit stuck in the neither world. Remember God/Oneness is all forgiving, all loving and only wants you to regain spiritual sanity and break the cycle of reincarnation so you can move from this asylum to a higher plain. It is the gift of free will and up to you. When you forgive those who you perceive hurt or offended you, and maybe more importantly you forgive yourself you will be welcomed back like the prodigal son to a place that you have never really left. There is Love, Joy, Hope and Ecstasy, Ask and you will receive.
But why don’t things being reach out to us without the use of drugs or meditation, if this is so important, why don’t they give out personal revelations
@@bjaxfl You need to empty your cup first so that it has space. (meditation or spiritual practices)
Then you have to give permission to others to fill it up (belief and faith in god or spirits or machine elves )
I NEEDED to hear this. This morning I woke up and something compelled me to write "The criticism of others is not real...." over and over followed by the mantra, "'You can't do that' 'Yes I can!'" Halfway through I randomly included 'I am not afraid of things I do not understand'. Woah. Thank you for sharing your perspective on this!
I share your perspective about humans and this reality. I remember when I was 4-5 years old I woke up from taking a nap and I said to myself '' you have to start living now''. Then I knew that many things were wrong and fake but my ego was taking control of me, so I could adjust in this reality. I knew also that I have a mission to accomplish on Earth. I also had a dream where I saw myself coming to Earth for the fourth time and that this life will be my last time here. Mushrooms helped me to remember many things that I have forgotten. Mushrooms helped me to discover my mission and connect with the others. I am glad that more open minded people are connecting through your channel and messages. I really don't like the financial system here on Earth but once tripping on mushrooms I found out that it is really strong thing here for many people that they are not able to let it go. The attachment to it is so strong that probably it will take many years for them to realize that they don't need it.
Love for all
Thank you SO MUCH! You are amazing. I will be supporting your work❤️🙌🏻
A bit of Warhammer humor for you
I live in Colombia, South America. My life experience has been similar to yours, i had an existencial crisis and ayahuasca came to me. After that experience i could see and unsderstand what i needed to understand at that moment, i resonate with everything you say, the information that i got is almost exactly what you talk on your videos. Nice to see there are lots of people in a very similar path all around the world!
I love you, thank you for sharing this message with us.
As a young creature I wanted and searched for another that could cope with my awkward awareness and truth. I reached out to everyone at first but was shunned and humiliated- even tortured and chased away. I turned inward and found music as a tool to sail past the stupidity and misunderstandings all around. They tossed me into many doctors and pretenders that picked at me. Mostly o was an interesting anomaly and potentially a ready puppet. But I rebelled and continued my search for an intelligent connection beyond what most humans offered. By the time I was 7 or 8 I knew I was mostly alone and had to answer the voices inside. I’m glad to discover you now. It is some comfort truly. Thank you for sharing and shinning a light in this magnificent dark cavern of wonder. My elves open -teach me with music and playing piano. I attempted to step off this planet several times but have been saved and showed new knowledge. In 1972 I ate a handful of window pane LSD in order to end this game - yet magically I found the light and love of the universe. Love is.
Well said my friend, Thank you
434, Wow, I can't begin to tell you how much I resonate with this video. My first elementary school wanted to put me on ritalin. So my parents moved to a new district when i was in 1st grade. That second school tested me and put me in the gifted program in 3rd grade. They wouldn't even reveal my IQ to me as they thought it would go to my head at such a young age. I also figured the whole education system was to teach you to be a consumer and cog in the corporate machine. I stopped doing all homework in 4th grade. I'm 37 now and struggle with much of what you talk about. I feel like most around me are stuck in slow motion. I found psychs @ 18 but wan't mature enough to process them yet. I was downloaded so much info and I still think about and integrate those early trips every single day. It initially gave me an egoless depression for 8 months where I too deconstructed really in my mind. From what makes up a moment to how movement can exist to what is time and that it doesn't exist as we percieve it (which is just one direction of the 4th dimension and that what we see is just slices at a time of multi dimensional "reality"). I have been thinking of slowly reaquainting myself with them. Thank you so much for these videos. Much love 434!
liked the story Donny, thanks
Holy shit. It's right after my 35th birthday and suddenly I'm obsessed about psychedelics again. I wish I had access to some.
This message resonates with me on such a level. And I can feel your voice. It is soothing.
You are not clueless bro, you truly Care about this Place that’s how the Universe shares knowledge with you ✌🏼❤️
This resonates with me so much. It can be a lonely existence, as most folks are just not interested in the bigger picture. It has always confounded me. There is nothing more important.
so many clicks, i have no words. Thank you for sharing
Hey, thanks for starting this channel i'm going through a bit of a tough time as well learning a lot about myself and realising a lot of things that are connected to a lot of messages in your videos. And I can relate to a lot of what you say in this video so much too. It's as if i coincidentally discovered your videos exactly at the time when I needed it the most.
Most Grateful for your Openness❤
I find your ideas to be quite interesting but have you ever questioned the knowledge you are given on mushrooms or do you question the machine elves and their knowledge?
Fair point
I don't really have a reason
TheHigher Intelligence your referring to, should welcome more detailed information requests and the questioning of their exclusive authority on what they are downloading to you 434.. What you speak of is repeated in numerous other channels and Spiritual teachers for many years. Until recently it's been easy to believe any communication is benevolent; Now more and more info is rising up that dark forces can easily disguise them selves and take advantage of Earth humans seeking any info that is " other worldly".. I enjoy your work, but it did make me question that you "didn't find a reason to" question their authority over you.. Safe travels to All
@@be434 Entities that contact you could be good or bad or just jokers, similar to humans. You have to use repeated observation to affirm what they are saying is reliable, just like human interactions. A good reason is your claim of the 47. Also, your view on "humans" seems to have a bias of what *you* want it to be. Interesting stuff though.
I think personal bias is something that is unavoidable. There are many credible views as to the nature of reality from the physical to the metaphysical and as far as I've seen no two people agree completely. I personally believe that we are all absolutely equal individually as collectively and we always find what we are looking for, we are the cause of the effect.
Dude.. I fucking love you. I’m about to cry. Your purpose is true. I have breakthrough anxiety, and I finally found someone that resonates on this level that’s hard to explain. It’s all so fucking beautiful.
Sounds like my husband. He doesn't understand my awakening. It happened a few years ago. He's called me crazy. Told me I need therapy. I went with it. Yet I knew in the back of my head I'm not crazy. I have a lot to learn. These videos help.😊
Not alone in this anymore. Thank you..The NPC comparison is accurate from what I've perceived. Sleep walkers I used to jokingly say at work. Retail is its own trippy eye opener.
i kind of feel the same way in many points, but i never really had the "urge" to change something.. i feel like i'm a spectator to all of this
i also realized that there were 2 kinds of humans, i called the "humans" zombies, which described their lack of empathy and many other things
your experience really deepens my thoughts and i'm really curious for what the future of 434 will look like, much love
I’m high rn and I completely understand everything you said, thanks for a whole new awareness
The more and more I’m waking up to the truth I’m feeling so different and separate from family and friends which feels so strange. Your videos are reassuring. Thank you so much for all you share with us! I’m always looking toward to your videos. Thank you. ♥️
Thank u bro for this video, I couldnt agree more with u! We are all suns of THE ALL! 🙌🏽☀️
Peter you are a bodhisattva! There are alot of amazing people that are worth our energy. A buddhist monk once told me: "Stay away from bad friends!" Now i know its true meaning, its also means "Find good friends!".
I felt the same way about feeling my body was so alien when I was little. I couldn't understand why Drs weren't scanning you with their mind to find out what was wrong. I also didn't understand why we couldn't drive a car with our minds.
thank you for your time teaching me what life is all about! all my actions ever since I've seen your videos are to only to spread love, keep on doing what your doing
In the last year I have had dreams and fantasies about whether I should stay and help people, or just leave. I now do volunteer work and have become more social and more open minded but my biggest problem is that I lack disciplin. Thanks again for your videos 434, and everyone in the comments, it is really fun to read and it is a great ride.
A Mirror only shows us what we think we are, Our Heart tells us what we are, and our Loved Ones make us Who we are. These make up the reasons why we Fight. I am ready to move on.
You said "I deconstructed every element of reality" that's a pretty bold statement to say really. You have alot of growing to do, I don't mean this to ridicule you. I genuinely believe that if you learn a trade, perhaps carpentry, it would really help you out.
Tanja, you didn't get a heart like from the author lol.
You not is his brain so how can you know, just saying :)
nz k very true I don't know his brain. It's just my opinion :)
deconstructing the reality is your job here. if you haven't started it is about time
@@be434 I agree w regards to deconstructing reality is our job here, after a fellow x ray engineer died in the cath lab he works at told me what he saw and learned on the other side. I finally started seeing everything for what it is. Your videos ring true to me. I appreciate them. I cannot tell my wife and kids and family or colleagues too much cuz they think I'm crazy. My daughter who is an elevated soul, and a special needs teacher doesn't judge me. And you have to be careful with your spouse. I am slowly opening their minds. My friend got sent back. The docs at his hospital say he is a living miracle. I have family members who have lived miserable lives and died. My mother taught me things about this earth, she was a saint, unfortunately she had a tortuous physical life and died of breast cancer, in a most cruel way. She taught me to question reality and the state of the earth and our plight here. She also had an entity at her bedside before she died. My friend said the other side IS REALITY, this is the dream. Its almost like a joke to you when you view it from the other side.
I really was of the frame mind that "there is no one like me" for the longest time, until I listened to this specific video.
There are several parallels I share with your story. Many of the exact same questions id ask myself and came to exact same conclusions that ive never even said aloud. What you said resonated with me deeply. I thank you. I thought I was alone, now I know that I am not.
definitely not
i’ve felt like i’ve done this 10000000 times aswell like there was a time with our tribes people that was happier and my nature is fighting society’s programming, it’s a crazy feeling like i chose this life for the experience and i’m starting to regret it but i got over this thought when i realized when different was better, had a lot of profound wake ups like this throughout my life
Bare with this...
I relate 200% with you and love you for what you are! I may also be one of this 47? Self-awareness is off the charts and IQ extremely strong in pattern recognition. I have entities posess impaired humans all the time and communicate with me.....brilliantly.... completely ambiguous, until properly deciphered....and I am constantly watched and patterns are all over the place. One met last nite discussed the singularity and how as an IT guy machines have been trying to talk to us, but humans don't even listen to each other. I wonder what kind of machines he was referring to, but there was little time. He studied me like a long lost relic as I Ubered him home. He agrees that tech will destroy our economies and explained how something he did in IT is exponential, although denying it humbly.....which exponential tech is an area I study, relating to the singularity. After he said IT is vulnerable to AI advances, I watched a Darpatv youtube channel video on software bug fixes and AI programming fill-in capabilities....and he was right...and I thought self-driving vehicles alone will destroy 12% of jobs, not counting insurance, police funding, and truck stop disruption. Its just the start. 3D printing will replace construction. Mankind is going to to apeshit crazy once economics go haywire.
However, I have been pushing this unconditional love thing. On social media, they resist and get negative about love discussion. It will take time. Thank you for your efforts to wake and keep up our spirit(s). I also love your blue image in videos, as I see it sometimes when I close my eyes and try to connect openly. Something is coming. Patterns have gone from years of "soon" to "tonight", which still could mean years. Fyi...I have ingested strictnine as a baby, tried basic psych mushrooms, and thc, and had a Jester entity laughing in dreams whole life, flown in dreams, heck flew in a cavern up to 4 silent Matrix character looking entities where we just studied each other. Okay done.
Take what you will from all this. In any case, thanks and I ranted just to show I completely relate. Similar to you, I also am a film maker and am a composer. I may have networking you can use, as we are connected on Facebook. Message me. I'm Ken Carpenter, so it should pop up. Tell me what your commercialized stuff is, beyond this sensitive topic, and I will see who to connect you with.
Would have rather sent this private on FB messenger. However, you are what matters here, and those like us, assuming the best.
This is my favorite channel as of right now.
Everything you said about feeling strange in your body as a child..I had a similar experience as a child..and it keeps happening. I have always felt out of place and like I don't fit in, almost invisible. Thank you, Can't wait to hear the other videos.
amazing messege bro thank you vey much for the knowledge !!! love ya
Yes you are a shield of love and light bro thank you
I totally agree in every point with you!
No one rlly wants to be freed. The expression of these new and exciting truths has been refined. Thanks 434
I love that somebody else feels this way like I do. Human connection is very, very difficult. Either my concepts are over most peoples' heads, or I have to dumb myself down to connect with their concepts which feels like a drain of energy & a waste of time.
So interesting... I have felt similar feelings about life. You explain everything so well. It’s nice to have discovered these ideas on my own and you confirm them. I found your channel exactly when I needed to.
Almost there mate! That Love filter needs a big loving boost. You're still separating people into your own little boxes, allowing the ego to tell you one is better than the other. This happens through fear - not love. One cannot hold both at once. Fear is the ego's main stumbling block in the way of expansion - and in our way when we're trying to help others in theirs. The One Unconditional Love sees that The All is really The One, the One Self we're all a unique and necessary piece of.. and loves all equally. Time to let those old blinders fall off. No matter how awakened we are, the blinders can return. Because as we are in human form, part of the condition is *accumulation*. Keep clearing.
Keep going. Your insights are needed.
Good job on the videos. I began trying to dissect reality only a few years ago. I’ve not tried mushrooms yet but I have done quite a bit of reading and research into various topics; including but not limited to metaphysics, biocentrism, General purpose AI, the origin of consciousness, DMT, super intelligence, time, string and just about anything else out there that will expand my creative thinking.
More often then not I find Myself trying to explain these concepts, ideas and beliefs to people and I cause them to shut down. They immediately are either overwhelmed, go into a state of existential dread or stop talking to me entirely.
Consciousness may only be a “reaction”. Your absolutely right that we are all grown up kids pretending in some cases to have it figured out. This has never been more evident.
We are essentially stardust. We not only live in the universe but we are just as much a part of it. I’m completely perplexed most of the time at how anyone gets anything done knowing that we are the culmination of improbability. I’m more confused that they spend so much time being slaves to pieces of paper but I can see how these concepts are ingrained. It’s very bizarre indeed.
The remote consciousness is something that I have never come across or imagined . I have read that several people complain of not being able to bring back these items that describe as self transforming living pieces of machinery. Everyone seems to have the same consensus in agreeing that if they were able to retrieve or bring back any of these objects it would totally change the perception of reality. Perhaps the remote consciousness is one of those concepts.
I too believe that we are all one in the same. A Universal consciousness still figuring itself out and trying to wake itself up from a forever sleep...
our life span and existence is so infinitesimally small that most beings ignore it on a timescale basis . We have no reference for anything that small or anything as large as all of existence. For all we know the “observable universe” may be the size of an atom compared to what is actually out there. Let that try to sink in for a bit.
Your initiative and actions are/ is one of the most important things quite possibly in existence so that should give you some solace.
I do not say these things lightly. Your thoughts are my thoughts now, as mine are yours. If that’s not something to get excited about then I don’t know what is. Think about it. Every one that you have ever seen or read about has the same realization that they are a conflux of something happening. While their perceptions are not entirely the same there is a clearly established basis and feeling of “the future becoming now & now becoming never.” Now either does not exist or exist forever in a constant state of change / entropy.
I love you for making these videos brother. Keep it up, adapt and overcome. The egoic mind is very powerful and has helped me to write most of this so understand that you will always have critics. Your doing the right thing.
If you have not read it yet check out the “poem of Parmenides”. It’s a bit of a nutcracker but good Philosophical reading.
This video brings answers to many of my questions
I started looking at humans like an alien would when i was a teenager and went through a similar experience of distrust. Thank you for helping me not feel so alone.
I swear i’ve said the same exact things you’ve said to other people and myself on multiple occasions, so glad i found this channel because i feel like this is where i belong, i’m extremely isolated from society in terms of my value system and i feel as if even the people that understand the reality isn’t the way it seems don’t get me either, i’m like on a deeper level where i just don’t have the same fears as other humans, im very different. I also have those same empathetic tendencies as u and it can be perceived as a weakness if you’re looking at it from an intellectual standpoint from this world but it’s actually a superpower like u said in another video. My ability to see through other humans and the fact that i’m almost always misunderstood by others. I also feel like i don’t fit in❤️❤️
I feel like this too, lost in a cruel world. Helpless. I really try to focus on the helpers in the world, the ones that try to make a difference, the people that care, they are out there x
Love your content so far and I feel compelled to give some sort of reply. I've been on a journey for the last three years to make some sense of my world, so I moved away and I have been living alone, far from town, in a cabin. Mind you, I do have a steady job, although it hits hard on the social aspects of life... but I've never been much of a people person. But suffice to say, there are moments when I have even started to question my own sanity at times when going down that road of trying desperately to find answers to questions that just makes things even MORE bizarre. I can't shake this quote that “The search for reality is a most dangerous of undertakings for it will destroy the World in which you live” -Nisargadatta Maharaj. I do not claim to possess any knowledge or wisdom that surpasses any other, but in my pursuit of meaning I have at least come to the conclusion that to live my life with any kind of meaning is to be aware. To be aware of ones emotions so as to think before speaking, without the reaction of lashing out because of them, to be firm but kind and stand ones ground, to try and understand and show compassion and not purposely cause hurt.
Long story short; I just want to be a better person and still be me. And you are an inspiration. Thank you!
And To all who made it this far: I may not know you, but know that I care. And I truly hope your path leads you to your answers and peace.
Thanks Runar!
love you man, thanks for doing this!
Things you told sounds so similar about how I think about life. Thanks for sharing your story, I felt a big relieve. Love 434!
So happy I found you! OMG - Ditto-Ditto-Ditto ... Sending you back so much love 😘💖
Thanks Lori
God everything you say just clicks for me, you say everything that’s on my mind perfectly! Thanks for the beautiful content! 434
my pleasure
Could be my own words. Wow. Thanx alot for sharing.
Thank you for your hard work and bravery , I Feel you’re message and it’s wonderful to know I’m not alone on this amazing journey of Awakening! Bless You Brother!
thanks Ross
I've felt so alone for a while I have one friend who thinks like me. I really needed to see this video I've tried talking to my mum about how lonely I've felt cuz all my friends just shut down when I begin to talk about life any deeper than work or leisure, and she just says "I think you need to contact your psychiatrist" I couldn't believe what she said it's like people can't hear what I'm saying. Fuck it's frustrating.
I had the same. I don't talk to them anymore. :(
i feel like i’m so self aware that i can make vibes that make people act certain ways or understand me, i can feel there emotion towards me and i consider them mix it with logic and objectivness and i can talk all day and share and love, but some people don’t even understand my concepts so i feel like alien when i speak
I've had a theory about these "humans" or "NPCs": because our population has increased so much, there is not a large enough "reserve" of souls to fill all these human bodies, so they are filled with beings of lower spiritual development, perhaps too low to operate correctly in human bodies.
Old souls and new souls brother check it out :)
your videos give me a sense of connection, and i don't feel so alone..thank you.
that was my goal!
Agree with everything you spoke about. The way you explain
so clearly, really opened my eyes just that little bit more and i reckon it
will for many. Looking back on my past after watching this, i feel a very
instant realization towards who may have been a 'human' especially because
these days I feel a big chunk of time was wasted on them. I wanna just say a
massive thanku to you bro, you really have had a massive impact on my life in
such a short period of time and i am excited to see how your great knowledge
and understanding will change this world for the better
My girlfriend and I literally just yesterday broke down with each other over how out of place here. Not Earth, Earth feels right, but in modern industrial society. Our souls ache to just walk without running int fences, borders, roads, and those who think they own the land. How we wish we could stop using our words and just connect with other humans in a higher vibrational way. How we wish money was a concept that we didn't have to understand or spend time thinking about how to collect. We just want to grow food, spend all day outside, and love ourselves and everybody else in the world but they make it so hard!
Bless, bless love, love
and i too for some reason feel like this is my last time around on this place. i think i got big things to come and I'm excited for it for the first time in what seems to be, my life.
Maaan... thank you for your words. Your graphics are speech less.
I thought I was the only one who thought like this. It's reassuring to know that there are others who can see through.
hence the video!
Here you are connecting with the rest of us that are like you.
Peace ✌️ ❤️
that's really awesome
@@be434 it is awesome. I am learning that after 47 years of a lot of loneliness, there are others like me, who I didn't think existed here. It is so empowering to connect. It fills my heart even more.
Hey I wanted to comment here because I've watched a lot of your videos and for the most part they're amazing, but I did want to tell you something I've learned.
Before I start, I've made my own deems for almost 2 years now and have had 30+ breakthroughs. I love it and it will always have a place in my life, and I'm forever grateful for the encounters I've had and the ways that its transformed my life. I wanted to write this because, as a person who has had many many encounters with entities that have been VERY loving and forthright with information, I can relate to your way of thinking because I've learned similar things. I also had similar childhood feelings of being different.
I also can relate to your view of humanity and the deep sadness that comes with realizing the extent of human cruelty, and for most of my life, through childhood and adolescence, I have viewed it from a similar perspective as your own and what you've talked about in this video. Especially when I was breaking through on a regular basis, I couldn't help but be astounded with the beauties of life, but I found little joy in a lot of conversations I had with people, who didn't see life as I did, and would always be complaining about something or other, or talking shit about people, or not acting in a loving way, etc.
HOWEVER...... I see that perspective as very detached/dissociated, especially because other people do not have the advantage of DMT and being "reborn", and are just making it through life from birth to death without a moment of peace, understanding, and ego-free reflection. Let me explain
By just living life these past few months (reflecting on my DMT experiences the whole time, but not using) I've found that the majority of human pain and suffering stems from misunderstandings. Every person, especially in America where success and climbing the social ladder is #1, everyone has wants and needs, and is constantly seeking to satisfy those wants and needs. This is a part of ego. Additionally, every person, through the conversations they've had their whole life, has developed a way of talking and thinking that suits those wants and needs, which is unique to themselves, but also generally similar to the people they've associated with their whole lives (Humans form tribes and cliques, and most hang out and talk to the same types of people their whole lives). This is a large part of subconscious ego (so I will refer to it as such, though there are more parts to ego), and conflict arises when 2 people, who may want the same thing, cannot understand the others ego, and a negative emotion arises because of the lack of connection, so they distance themselves. ALSO, and this is a huge aspect that I won't get into because it is basically just all of psychology, the emotional scars that people have received, especially in childhood, will affect their ways of thinking (obviously) and create walls between themselves and others, or fear responses, or things they may find attractive in others, etc.
Like I said, very few people have the advantage of DMT, and fewer still have the advantage of living an unconventional lifestyle, like yourself. You probably make your money off of youtube, which is hardly anyone in the grander scope of society. I assume you are American because you speak English without an accent, so you know how much people are focused on their careers and their place in society here, which, under strictly existential terms, doesn't exist, BUT it is a very real force that people perceive in their own lives and it truly does have an effect on their lives.
Ignoring the fact that most people are pushed by their parents into pursuing ways of life that are similar to theirs, or into climbing the social ladder, I want you to take consider this:
It's easy to have a detached perspective towards human drives and motivations and the suffering they cause, especially because you probably don't engage in the same behaviors and thus don't understand where it comes from. I know what that's like. BUT, if you started living your life the same way that so many others have (pursuing an education, then a career, all while trying to maintain/create social relationships the whole time) you would begin to see the same behaviors arise in yourself. Most find that there simply isn't enough time to be completely loving towards others while also maintaining the lives they've created for themselves, so they sacrifice kindness, etc, in order to reach their goals (job, wife, car, support kids, SEX(a huge one, its our biology, and makes many people's lives meaningful, in the moment at least) and other mostly bullshit things in the end) and will end up acting in a perceived negative way towards others, even if you have no ill intent and want them to find their own happiness in life. You may wish them well, but you'll never be the one to tell them that. You will focus on your own life and meeting your own desires and goals. I hope you realize that most people are this way: they may not truly have ill intent, but their thoughts are conditioned in a way to seek what they want and the people they want to be with, without consideration for the rest. One aspect of DMT is that it will let you see all that is happening in life/humanity in a single moment, but those without it will never have that same perspective (until death maybe ;)) and some will begin identifying with the thoughts that keep them away from certain people. These people will truly act in a negative (evil even sometimes, but most evil people were abused) way, and will be cruel to others, but this is just a surface-level perception.
I commented this because I think you are putting a lot of walls between yourself and others , and walls between different "kinds" of people (really just different patterns of behavior, but people identify with their behaviors, which is part of ego) but, as someone with similar experiences (and loads of entity encounters :)) and whose learned a lot, I think a lot of these walls that you have are because you don't engage with the vast majority of people and actually have conversations with them, and ESPECIALLY because your lifestyle is alien to those who have lived their whole lives following others, whether it be their parents or friends or peers, because they are expected to find a career, wife, have kids, check off things on their bucket list, etc., and this is what they're conditioned to want, so they receive positive emotions from reaching these (although many feel empty because it isn't a permanent substitute for real truth and meaning) Part of it might be Aspergers or autistic patterns of behavior, no offense, just because you mentioned being very logical as a kid. If you have a lot of conversations with people (normal type of conversations, even business ones, not deep ones like the ones on your channel) you'll find mostly that you're talking to their ego and they're talking to yours. Both are perceived and in reality non existent, but its just what happens. Probably a function of biology that makes surviving easier. Over time, people build their egos/personalities/ways of talking in order to better suit their needs. Most people don't realize it and think that that is who they are, but they've just found more efficient ways of behaving to get what they want (also their egos may create new wants/needs for them to blindly follow).
If you began working a 9-5 and wanted to climb up the social ladder to build a better life for yourself like so many people do, you'd begin to understand why people act the way they do. Most of the time it doesn't come from an evil place, but it does create a lot of misunderstanding for those who don't understand this, which creates suffering and perceived cruelty. You are no different, you've just found a different way of living your life. IF you lived like others do, you'd start to see the same behaviors in yourself that you lament in others. You'd act in those same ways without realizing. Those who identify with and pursue more negative behaviors end up creating suffering for others that choose to view these behaviors as cruel, like I have and like you have/do, but the core humanity and the core of existence is all the same. In the vast majority of cases (again, not accounting for abuse and those who act in a way because of emotional scars... DMT has a great way of healing past traumas that influence behavior :)) people are kind and seeking love. They just don't show it to everyone they meet.
I do hope you've read this. It did take a while lol. I think it'll help you, even if it is kind of tragic. We all find our peace in the end, and this might make you understand human nature a little more.
TL;DR: Explanation of human nature from someone who's had many many breakthrough experiences :)
As an add-on to this (I'd probably put this somewhere in the beginning), like I said, very few people have the gift of DMT and entity encounters. All they know is what they've learned from other people, whether through conversation (both spoken words and the the unspoken cues in conversation that create emotion) and informational sources, which are, you guessed it, written by other people. And what do people know anyway lol.
wow... i'm reading ekhart tolle right now and it is crazy how your understanding of ego is close to his, so thank you. it's always great to see the same concepts come out in different people (which means that these concepts lead to some truth). your comment really reasonated with what interests me in psychology (that's what i want to study later (i'm just 17 so not a lot of experience yet)) AND the ""spiritual"" aspect of your comment really hit me too, and with what i heard you look like you have a lot of experience in both domains, so i was wondering if all that process was only attained by dmt or were there other things that helped you progress? i don't have a lot of knowledge yet due to my age and i would appreciate a lot if you could give me some little info of how you got where you are today (maybe books, people that you looked up to or even your own "philosophy" about life and who we are..) what you said really touched me in a good way and i could see the truth in what you said (at least my interpretation of the truth because the truth can vary so much from people to people (due to different belief systems, conditioning in childhood etc)) and also it is hard to find some real knowledge in this world.... so much knowledge is hidden/transformed because of ego and the majority of people somehow take their belief systems as fact, identify with their ego/beliefs and spend their whole life in passive mode without ever questioning themselves, authority or what we call ""reality"". somehow owning material objects and seeing half naked bodies became more important then the fundamental questions regarding life in general that are it seems to obvious for people to notice. i am sorry for the long text, but i always get exited when i finally meet someone who thinks this way (it's really rare)... and i would love to learn a bit of your "process" on how you got to where you are now (i'm talking about your knowledge of course), if that isn't too personal of course. again, thank you for the great comment that i found by ""accident"" ;) much love to you
Cultivating love and spreading awareness on the importance of knowledge. That’s how I deal with it.
Also by traveling.
I’ve never heard another human describe the exact thing I’ve felt my entire life so perfectly. I’ve always felt that “ego” or primitive mind in me, but it feels like “I” or my actual consciousness is parenting it in a way, and some humans aren’t aware of the bigger picture beyond this realm for some reason & I almost had to dumb myself down to communicate and connect with them until I learned to start treating them my interactions w them like a game lol
Wow... just wow.. You have pretty much word for word described my own experience of existence on this planet.. every single word resonated with the core.. every description of your experiences,your feelings, your frustrations etc.. even down to the sense of this being your last visit here ( especially the extreme tiredness with it all ) At times it really has been a profound struggle to continue when having to deal with the "humans". At the age of 53 I have been doing it just a bit longer than you but like you I have found the means and ways to live my purpose..which also like you revolves around Love. Thank you so much for sharing.
I've just got one problem with this video, please, don't attack me but argue with me with your opinions.
Saying that they have lack of logical thinking is like saying you're superior to them. I think anyone who is worse in understanding reality can learn. Hell i was at that stage too when if someone told me what i think, i'd just say that he's insane or delusinal or something like that just because i did not understand some conceps of life.
(my english isn't on a high level yet, i know)
that's why I said I know people who I tried to reason with for 20 years. They can't learn. It is not a matter of hierarchy as they have a different purpose I know nothing of. It is my subjective, frustrated opinion
@@be434 Okey thank you for the reply, but if you ask me it's about not yet getting to the stage when you can understand these kind of ideas to the full potential because you can't look at a idea objectivly and have a pre-determined opinion about most things (without actually realising you're doing that)
Being illogical is not the same as being less intellectual. The man who invited the machine gun was very intelligent, but couldn't see the logical conclusion of billions of deaths being laid at his feet. The people who worked on the Manhattan project were arguably the most intelligent people who lived all last century, but again didn't realize the power to vaporize cities would end up in the hands of idiots.
@@jeffreymoffitt4070 You're right but i think people will understand what i meant, sorry for that
@@be434 it certainly is.
13 mins of my life spent responsibility. Thanks bro, everything u said connects an actually happened at one point in my life. Im 18 yo an i already tired of this simulation its not fun anymore
it gets better later!
This video makes more sense to me than anything has. Ever.
love you bro lets keep going growing no matter what
Finding you gave me HOPE that LOVE is possible
Right there with you 1000%. I can be surrounded by people, but I might as well be alone. It's so lonely knowing what we know. I'm trying so hard to find the others. Fifth Element was an awesome flick BTW.
I love you bro I’m so happy I found this community, i’m relieved and excited to know that I am now part of a community of like-minded individuals who see past the illusion 🙌🏽
❤👌 Thank you!