BUT LV up BOTH Palom/Porom TO LV 50 BEFORE the USELESS Tellah rejoins the party then SOLO LV up Cecil to lv 40 Paladin form on Mt ordeals THEN TO LV 60 on the Tower of Zot Rosa gets Holy at lv 55 and on a Magic only run NEVER fight the Wind fiend boss the one AFTER the Magus sisters are killed WITHOUT IT.
BUT LV up BOTH Palom/Porom TO LV 50 BEFORE the USELESS Tellah rejoins the party then SOLO LV up Cecil to lv 40 Paladin form on Mt ordeals THEN TO LV 60 on the Tower of Zot Rosa gets Holy at lv 55 and on a Magic only run NEVER fight the Wind fiend boss the one AFTER the Magus sisters are killed WITHOUT IT.