Dr Asri - Imam Mahdi

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 16 เม.ย. 2013
  • Bendera hitam negeri terengganu panji-panji Mahdi. Habib keturunan Nabi. Ashabul Kahf di China. Tawaf Kubur Nabi Hud oleh sebahagian tareqat.Mengapa kubur Nabi Syiub di Jordan panjang? Asy'ari Muhammad pengasas al Arkam ketika hidup beri ramalan pada Jordan dan alasannya bila ramalan silap. Ini konsep Syiah. Asy'ari keluarkan jadual Allah dan Risalah dibumi Syam dan dia dilindungi awan seperti Nabi. Penjelasan Imam Mahdi menurut Sunni, Tareqat, al Arkam dan Syiah.
    Pinjaman video asal dari ONETAJDID: "20130222-DR ASRI-IQ-KH 119-RS FITNAH AKHIR2 ZAMAN"

ความคิดเห็น • 78

  • @syednazrul2943
    @syednazrul2943 10 ปีที่แล้ว +2


  • @farisalghofiqy7734
    @farisalghofiqy7734 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    ALM(2:1)Inna Lilmuttaqina Mafaza(78:31)/Sesungguhnya orang yg bertaqwa mendapat kemenangan!

  • @bambeygie6740
    @bambeygie6740 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    kita tunggu dan lihat jaa

  • @wardahabyad1692
    @wardahabyad1692 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Bagus 👍👍

  • @syednazrul2943
    @syednazrul2943 10 ปีที่แล้ว +2


  • @AmeyBarkaylow
    @AmeyBarkaylow 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Wajah Allah swt kebesaran yg tiada tolok bandingan adalah dari diri ini 360° keseluruhan sudut kearah cerkerawala yg tiada hujungnya dan ianya kekal sebelum Nabi Adam as sebelum big bang (rujuk prof Darwin)
    Ianya tiada awal sehingga skrg munculnya Al-Mahdi berhimpun sedunia bersaudara terus ke alam akhirat dibangkitkan arwah2 bertemu semula sanak saudara menuju akhirat kekal abadi ....
    Itulah wajah Allah swt yg senantiasa hidup ... kita menumpang di dalamnya hanya kefahaman ilmu saja yg menerima penerangan ini kalimah toyibah tiada yg lain hanya Allah swt shj baik memandang mahupun dipandang keseluruhan.
    Kemana saja kita berada Allah swt itu wujud tidak bertempat sbb kesemuanya ini adalah Allah swt zat wajibal wujud maha pemurah maha pemberi maha memimpin mengirimkan utusan silih berganti menurut kesesuaian suasana dan Al-Mahdi lengkaplah kemanusiaan sedunia dibangunkan disatukan kearah keamanan kekal abadi.
    Yg baik dan yg buruk senantiasa diberi pilihlah samada nilai baik ato buruk dgn tingkah dan sikap keterjebakan tetap diberi balasannya ...
    Yg tersenyum riang didunia membawa kesurga dan kusam masam bengis didunia membawa ke akhirat jika tidak berubah sikap jahatnya menjadi gila akhirnya tanpa mengira apa anutannya sepanjang kehidupan yg diberi Allah swt menurut kepercayaan masing2.
    Pope (kiasnya Isa turun ke bumi) selaku wakil pada Ratu Elizabeth sama2 berbai'at (bersetia) adalah juga berdarah terus kepada Adam as.
    Yg bersikap baik bertolak ansur selalu memaafkan itulah surga. Yg selalu berdendam khianat melakukan kejahatan itulah neraka.

  • @AmeyBarkaylow
    @AmeyBarkaylow 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Imam Al-Mahdi tidak perlu dicanangkan dan dipromosikan ... bila sampai saatnya muncul tertabal bergelar tuhan utk siapa saja walau pun menjauh dihutan belantara terus berperanan telah ditetapkan Allah swt diloh mahfuz.
    Kedatangan hanyalah persaudaraan sejagat tanpa mengira darjat dan keturunan mahupun agama bernikah lah bersilang bangsa semuanya org tahu mana baik mana buruk menjalani hidup aman dan makmur kebersamaan.

  • @syednazrul2943
    @syednazrul2943 10 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    IMAM ALMAHDI X DIKETAHUI SIAPA YG DI SOKONGNYA(MAKSUD ALHADITH).Wbagaimapun kita maklum sifat-2 almahdi yg mmperjuangankan keadilan,kesejahteraan,kamakmuran n freedom serta sifat-2 murni yg lain.Jadi kelompok-2/golongan-2 yg mmprjuangkn perkara-2 tersebut d sokong oleh almahdi.

  • @syednazrul2943
    @syednazrul2943 10 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Malaikat akan memukul tengkuk musuh-2 Almahdi(maksd alhadith).

  • @mohamadsaad4916
    @mohamadsaad4916 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    tentera almahdi ialah orang2 yg mempunyai ciri2 seperti para sahabat nabi carilah di dunia ini golongan manakah yg berusaha keras untuk menjadikan diri mereka seperti para sahabat..6 ciri para dahabat yg unggul.. 1.hakikat
    لااله الاالله محمدارسولالله
    2.hakikat solat khusyuk dan khuduk
    3.hakikat ilmu dan dzikir
    4.hakikat ikramul muslimin
    5.hakikat ikhlas niat
    (membetulkan niat)
    6.hakikat dakwah dan tabligh.
    jika ada pada kelompok tersebut ciri ini maka ikutilah mereka..insyaallah..kamu akan bersama imam Al mahdi...

  • @syednazrul2943
    @syednazrul2943 10 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Alamhdi adalah Penghulu Qiamat(Kata-2 Almahdi Almuntadzar Alkubra d dlm mntafsir hadis-2 ttg Almahdi).

  • @syednazrul2943
    @syednazrul2943 10 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Almahdi memiliki sgl sifat-2 kepenghuluan moyangnya/leluhurnya(Muhd SAW)(Qaul n Kata-2 Almahdi Almuntadzar Alkubra)

  • @sharifmuhammadsaifullah6181
    @sharifmuhammadsaifullah6181 10 ปีที่แล้ว +3


    • @SILVERCoinVSpapermoney
      @SILVERCoinVSpapermoney ปีที่แล้ว

      Pemuda2 yg menjadi pengikut nya masih lagi tidur. Yg pasti ditangan mereka bukan wang kertas mahupun crypto currency. Tetapi WANG PERAK yg fitrah dari Tuhan. Bukan sekadar jadi simpanan. Tetapi di belanjakan dan mengembalikan zakat dgnnya

  • @syednazrul2943
    @syednazrul2943 10 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    ditr sifat-2 almahdi asas juga disbut (mafhum hadis) ialah mengajak orng kpd Allah n Rasul SAW bukan pd dirinya-sendiri(sbb itu almahdi x mndedahkn diri kpd publik dgn nama 'almahdi' tp atas nama ISLAM) ada hadis myebut alamhdi dipaksa utk memimpin ummat (mafhum hadis) oleh kelompok-2 tertentu setelah melihat tanda-2 almahdi pada dirinya (contoh: ketua-2 wali Allah n ulama-2 soleh timur n barat akan dtaqdirkn oleh Allah swt brtemu dgn almhdi tnpa disedari akan melihat tanda-2 di dahi almahdi (secara firasat dgn izin Allah-ertinya mata kasar x boleh lihatlah utk melindungi identti almahdi dr publik).Ada yg kata tanda di dahi almahdi ialah kalimah "ALLAH" n mcm-2 pendapat.................Allah wa rasuluhu a'lam...........................amacam?Mesti seronok kalu dpt lihat tanda didahi almahd.Keajaiban ILAHI x ada yg mustahil bgNya.Mudah-2an Allah memudahkan urusan dunia n akhirat kita.Amin.............................brsambung

    • @faizolrani653
      @faizolrani653 8 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @zamrudtrader2363
    @zamrudtrader2363 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    imam mahdi adalah llaki yg dirahsiakan dr musuh2 nya..

  • @cheezylan
    @cheezylan 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    sampai kat amerika pun dh ada yg ngaku imam mahdi

  • @syednazrul2943
    @syednazrul2943 10 ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @paksuparto8857
    @paksuparto8857 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Mana ciri2nya imam laki2.... sekarang masih disembunyikan tuhan kurasa kita tak tau juga

  • @Benzijune
    @Benzijune 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    قُلِ ادْعُوا الَّذِينَ زَعَمْتُم مِّن دُونِ اللَّهِ لَا يَمْلِكُونَ مِثْقَالَ ذَرَّةٍ فِي السَّمَاوَاتِ وَلَا فِي الْأَرْضِ وَمَا لَهُمْ فِيهِمَا مِن شِرْكٍ وَمَا لَهُ مِنْهُم مِّن ظَهِيرٍ
    34:22 SAY: �Call upon those [beings] whom you imagine [to be endowed with divine powers] beside God: they have not an atom�s weight of power either in the heavens or on earth, nor have they any share in [governing] either, nor does He [choose to] have any helper from among them.� [32]

  • @syednazrul2943
    @syednazrul2943 10 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Diantar sifat-2 asas almahdi menolak bait ke atasnya sbg almahdi akhiruzzaman w/pun anda paksa beliau utk mnerima bait anda sehinggalah pmbaitn ke atasnya tetap akan brlaku dgn izinNya.Anda faham?sebab itu berhati-hatilh dgn sesetegh individu/kelompok yg sesat lagi menyesatkn ummat dgn pandangan yg mengelirukn ummt ttg almahdi tanpa mrujuk pendpt ulama-2 kita ASWJ yg mkaji sifat--2 n hakikat almahdi itu sendiri.

    • @lelaki79
      @lelaki79 10 ปีที่แล้ว

      Syed nazrul siapa guru anda?

  • @zamrudtrader2363
    @zamrudtrader2363 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    hati2 dr maza bila buat tuduhan..pada waliyullah..jgn terkejut nnt klu abuya ashaari bnar2 diizinkan utk kezahiran d bumi ni..

    • @AbuHanif-zc3sb
      @AbuHanif-zc3sb 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Ini semua cerita karut...
      Tak payahlah nak mengagungkan manusia sampai begitu sekali... Terima aja hakikat yang abuya tu dah meninggal... Sedekahkan fatihah jika itu boleh membantu beliau di alam sana... Selagi anda terperangkap dengan masa dan janji2 dusta penunggang2 agama selagi itulah takda apa yang boleh anda sumbngkan untuk agama...

    • @pahmisidek1124
      @pahmisidek1124 4 ปีที่แล้ว


    • @nasranmuhammad8228
      @nasranmuhammad8228 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Teringatlah lagu nada murni dulu..Tika abuya pulang..kalau dah terlebih taksub sgt, org yg dah mati pun dianggap akan hidup blk jadi al mahdi.. yg Dr Maza cerita tu bukan tuduhan, tapi dengan bukti bersepah, tapi dah dasar taksub camtulah level diorang ni. Tu belum lagi Sheikh suhaimi ghaib, pastu akan muncul semula sbg imam mahdi..otak dan akal sihat fikirlah, agama Islam tertegak atas hujah, bukan fantasi cam dlm cerita kartun..

  • @SILVERCoinVSpapermoney
    @SILVERCoinVSpapermoney 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Sia2 kisah pemuda gua, tidak diambil pelajaran. Wang Perak perlu di gunakan, bagi meruntuhkan penindasan dan kezaliman dlm kehidupan seharian. Ianya bukan sekadar pengetahuan. Tetapi perbuatan...

  • @sani291158
    @sani291158 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Tanya diri sendiri apa yg kita amalkan ada kah betul ke atau tidak .....kita yg tahu jgn salah kan orang dalam surah nisa ayat 136 sesat..... Dari kalam Allah

  • @syednazrul2943
    @syednazrul2943 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    Ada juga yg brpendpt bhw mereka (ulama-2 soleh n ketua wali-2 Allah di timur n barat) dgn firasat (dgn izin Allah) akan diizinkn oleh Allah melihat almahdi memakai Mahkota Syuhada di manapun mereka berada n Allah akan beritahu mereka dimana sebenarnya lokasi almahdi n mcm-2 pendapat lagi............ada rakan lama ana mmbenarkn perkara trsebut (tp mcm tadi fizikal almahdi publik trlarang melihatnya).....Wallahualam..............brsambung

    • @zulkarnainbasri6491
      @zulkarnainbasri6491 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      lek ah

    • @ParachuteManiac
      @ParachuteManiac 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Apa yang Nabi saya Muhammad S.A.W dah terangkan tentang imam mahdi kepada kami sudah cukup terang dan mudah difahami. Kami tidak perlu sesuatu perkara(yakni dalam agama) yg tidak diberitahu oleh Nabi kami. Cukuplah Allah dan Rasul buat kami dan cukuplah Al Quran dan Sunnah buat kami. Kerana kami tidak mahu menjadi seperti kaum yang terdahulu.

    • @dayunyun2483
      @dayunyun2483 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      bner t iku.rumahnya dmn..
      .sok tau lu?

  • @ajisamudra5527
    @ajisamudra5527 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Kalau nama muhammad bin abdullah ramai kali ngaku al mahdi..klau tanya ciri fisik al mahdi sikit pun tak tw..cuma tw nama sja..asal klaim lah..

  • @syednazrul2943
    @syednazrul2943 10 ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @syednazrul2943
    @syednazrul2943 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    Almhdi akan berhujjah(dlm mmbela ummat) dgn Allah (alhadis).almahdi akan naik ke langit melalui tangga-2 (maksud alhadis).Akan ada pemimpin yg akan akan brkata-2 dgn Allah (alhadis).Ramai brpendpt pemimpin tersebut adalah almahdi trmasuk pdpt tok guru aku.Almahdi akan diislahkn(dimikrajkn) ke langit (maksud alhadis) n mcm-2 lagi hadis-2 ttg almahdi nie.......................brsambung

  • @syednazrul2943
    @syednazrul2943 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    Ramai ulama salaf wa khalaf serta kontemporer mmbahas Imam almahdi almuntadzar alkubra lewat hadis-2.Kami mgkaji ttg almahdi sejak thn 1989-present (sampai bila-2 sehingga nyawa trpisah dr badan).Ada hadis myatakn almahdi muncul/wujud pd thn 1400 H.Sifat almahdi yg asas dia x mahu diproklamirkn bhw dia adalah almahdi.Bahkn ada hadis melarang mempamerkn almahdi pd publik secara fizikal.....brsambung

  • @syednazrul2943
    @syednazrul2943 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    Apabila Almahdi ZAHIR ucapan pertamanya ialah kehinaan/penindasan yg berlaku ke atas ummat Islam adalah kerna kesalahan ummat Islam itu sendiri(maksud hadis).Kita maklum ummat ini x habis-2 konfliknya sesama sendiri,x brsatupadu,x bukhuwwah, dan......dan.....dan.........serta x melaksanakn syariatNya n sunnah NabiNya.....tepuk dada tanyalah iman d dada.Faham-2 kita telah trmakan racun brbisa(propaganda,dakyah,ghazwatul fikr n so on.....) Dajjal laknatullah n kuncu-2nya(zionist n kelompok-2nya).Ingatlah ini adalah zaman fitnah yg brleluasa d sana sini yg cukup mmbingungkn.Kalu sekrang dah bingung bgaiman agaknya kebingungan ummat d kala Qiamat.Ummat ini hanya menunggu mati sj(selepas 1500 H-kalu ikut hadis).Beringatlah!Sungguh kami telah mmberi peringatan kpd kaum muslimin.Wallahualam.

  • @hamidinhajimohdisa3037
    @hamidinhajimohdisa3037 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Kamu2yg ta pandai jangan lah nak komen dengar je

  • @mifayed
    @mifayed 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    Nama sebenar Abu Bakar As Siddique ialah Abdullah bin 'Utsman bin Amir bin Amru bin Ka'ab bin Sa'ad bin Tamim bin Murrah bin Ka'ab bin Lu'ay bin Ghalib bin Quraisy. Bertemu nasabnya dengan nabi pada Murrah bin Ka'ab bin Lu'ay, dan ibu dari Abu Bakar adalah Ummu al-Khair Salma binti Shakhr bin Amir bin Ka'ab bin Sa'ad bin Tamim yang berarti ayah dan ibunya sama-sama dari kabilah Bani Tamim. Macam mana Dr Asri boleh cakap Abu Bakar bukan Bani Tamim? Tolong Dr Asri sebut pulak nasab Abu Bakar RA...

    • @exuaf
      @exuaf 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Abu Bakar dr bani tayyim bukan tamim

    • @pahmisidek1124
      @pahmisidek1124 4 ปีที่แล้ว


    • @fiquexii4970
      @fiquexii4970 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Abu bakar as sidiq bani tayyim laa
      Sila kaji dn check dn periksa klau bley cari la sumber leh dipercayai

  • @peterfuckers4022
    @peterfuckers4022 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Bendera terangganu🤣🤣

  • @syednazrul2943
    @syednazrul2943 10 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Almahdi mengalami masalah dlm brtutur tp bahasa Almahdi d fahami oleh alam semesta(maksd alhadith n pendpt para ulama ASWJ)

    • @mkmusisichannel2387
      @mkmusisichannel2387 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Cuba saudara bawa hadith tersebut dan penilaian ulama hadith ttg kesahihan hadith tersebut?

    • @pahmisidek1124
      @pahmisidek1124 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Hahahhaa...meroyan drpd atas lg hang ni..dalil n nas xde..bukti xde utk menyokong

  • @kripittgm
    @kripittgm 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Ashaari semasa dia tinggal diCengmai ada saorang hamba Allah kasana dengan niat nak masuk jadi ahli ARKAM. Apabila dia masuk bilik hotel Abuya dia lihat ada arak dan perempuan sundal bersama abuya. Apabila disoal berkenaan maksit dan minuman haram yang terhidang maka jawab Abuya" hari ini Allah menghalalkan kapada kita" kaswan yang nak masuk arkam terus keluar dan balek ka Malaysia dan batal niatnya nak jadi ahli Arkam.
    Dan bila Abuya dalam tahanan di Malaysia dan selepas itu keluar dalsm TV dia membuat pengakuan atas kesalahan belia menchukur rambut kepala botak dan bila berchakap air lior meleleh. Ini adalah tanda pengakuan kalah pertarongan jin yang mereka bela. Selepas itu jin mana pun dia tak boleh bela atau bersahabat. Dalam ilmu shirik saperti ini jin2 kata ini orang bacul dan kami tak nak lagi berdamping dengan bacul.

  • @syednazrul2943
    @syednazrul2943 10 ปีที่แล้ว


    • @farisalghofiqy7734
      @farisalghofiqy7734 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Alif Lam Mim (2:1)= Innaka Lilmuttaqina Mafaza (78:31)/Sesungguhnya

  • @syednazrul2943
    @syednazrul2943 10 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    DAJJAL AKAN MENGISTIHARKAN DIRINYA SEBAGAI ALMAHDI KPD PUBLIK(maksd alhadith).Sebab itulah almahdi x m'istiharkan dirinya sbga almahdi kpd publik/org awam.Almahdi hanya d kenali melalui firsatul mukmin dgn melihat tanda d dahiya(alhadith).Ada yg menyatakan tanda tersebut ialah kalimah "Allah" n sebagainya.Jadi hanya beberapa orang sahaja(ketua-2 Wali n ulama-2 soleh) yg d izinkan Allah utk brbaiat kpd Almahdi(maksud alhadith).

    • @BlizzardWind99
      @BlizzardWind99 10 ปีที่แล้ว

      Bukan ke istiharkan dirinya sebagai Tuhan? Lalu buta mata sebelah dan ada huruf Kafirun di dahinya?

    • @Syah-lf2cr
      @Syah-lf2cr 9 ปีที่แล้ว

      Sy nk tahu lebih lanjut ttg imam Mahdi.. Mcm mane nk berhubung dgn awk.. Ad fb tak

    • @halimhanipa4320
      @halimhanipa4320 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      nabi2 pun kenalkan dirinya nabi krn mrk bertanggungjwb menyebarkan Islam dan kebenaran. Bkn ringan tanggungannya. Takkan nk tunggu manusia yg naikkannya sedangkan beliau dipilih oleh Allah utk selamatkan manusia. Al Mahdi tu Allah yg pilih bkn sesuka manusia nk lantik sesiapa. x logik lah. Hadis dhaif kot.

    • @halimhanipa4320
      @halimhanipa4320 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Add halimhanipa. Biar Al Mahdi yg sbnr yg jelaskan.

    • @nadzrinpuad1283
      @nadzrinpuad1283 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      halim hanipa yahudi yg isytihar nabi sbg nabi.. nabi dibaiah sms dia muda lgi di depan kaabah.. mengaku sbg nabi selepas dia dibaiah sbg nabi..

  • @mohdzamri5512
    @mohdzamri5512 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Yg saya tahu Abuya Ashaari Muhammad tidak mengaku dirinya imam Mahadi, tapi beliau mengetahui kedatangan dan ciri imam Mahadi, dia hanya merasakan dirinya pemuda bani Tamim yg menunggu kedatangan imam Mahadi.. walaupun diriku bukan ahli Arqam tapi aku amat memahami perjuangan beliau krn hati org mukmin itu bersaudara... Wallahualam

    • @cintaqurandansunnahnabi
      @cintaqurandansunnahnabi 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Hadith bani tamim tu tak sahih

    • @AbuHanif-zc3sb
      @AbuHanif-zc3sb 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Tak perlu dibuka cerita arqam... Hanya orang yang pernah bersama jamaah sahaja tahu segala kisah disebalik arqam...

    • @pahmisidek1124
      @pahmisidek1124 4 ปีที่แล้ว


    • @SILVERCoinVSpapermoney
      @SILVERCoinVSpapermoney ปีที่แล้ว

      Pemuda bani Tamim atau bani Israel ke, kalau dalam tangan bukan WANG PERAK. Tidak termasuk dlm kisah pedoman AL kahf. Quran bukan dongengan.

  • @syednazrul2943
    @syednazrul2943 10 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Alamhdi dibantu oleh Jibrail AS n 3000 malaikat yg dbantu oleh Mikail AS utk mluruskn saf para malaikat (maksud alhadith).Kemurkaan Almahdi adalah kemurkaan Allah (maksud alhadith).So kita brharap ulama-2 kita ASWJ m'kaji ttg sifat-2 n hakikat almahdi utk manfaat ummah/publik.

  • @sabarkhamis2647
    @sabarkhamis2647 9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Essence of the call of the Awaited Mahdi; the Imam Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni to mankind and jinn altogether..
    - 38 -
    Imam Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni
    07 - 03 - 1432 AH
    11 - 02 - 2011 AD
    02:24 am
    Essence of the call of the Awaited Mahdi; the Imam Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni to mankind and jinn altogether..
    In the name of Allah the All Merciful, the Most Merciful, forgiveness and peace be upon my grandfather messenger of Allah -forgiveness and peace of Allah be upon him and his purified family- and the righteous supporters till the day people rise to Allah, the One, the All Mighty, the day when wealth will not avail, nor sons except who comes to Allah with a sound heart from association, surely association (with Allah) is a grievous wrongdoing, and most of them believe not in Allah without associating others (with Him). Glory be to Allah far above what they associate the Most High highly great (beyond measures)..
    O my beloveds in Allah’s love the scholars of the Muslims and their nation, and the searchers for the Truth of (the people) of the worlds, to the reality I do not say anything about Allah except the Truth, and the Truth is more more worthy to be followed if it was made clear to you that the caller to Allah is upon certain knowledge from his Lord, and not that the call by the certain knowledge of the Quran is confined to my grandfather Mohammad messenger of Allah forgiveness and peace of Allah be upon him and his family; in fact as well Allah made the decisive great Quran is as that a certain knowledge to whom followed Mohammad messenger of Allah forgiveness and peace of Allah be upon him and his family, so you find him disputing with (the people of) the worlds in the same certain knowledge of Mohammad forgiveness and peace of Allah be upon him and his family; the great Quran. In confirming to the word of Allah the Most High: {Say: This is my way: I call to Allah, with certain knowledge - I and those who follow me. And glory be to Allah! and I am not of the polytheists.}Truthful Allah the Great [Yusuf] 12:108
    What is the certain knowledge in which was disputing with the people Mohammad messenger of Allah -forgiveness and peace of Allah be upon him and his family- until it is an argument against the worlds if they did not follow the Truth from their Lord? And you find the answer in the decisive Book in the word of Allah the Most High: {And to recite the Quran. So whoever goes aright, he goes aright for his own soul, and whoever goes astray - say: I am only one of the warners.}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Naml] 27:92
    O scholars of Islam and their nation and the people in all, only disputing with you the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni in the same certain knowledge of Mohammad messenger of Allah -forgiveness and peace of Allah be upon him and his family- and he makes clear to the people the great Quran as was making it clear for the people Mohammad messenger of Allah forgiveness and peace of Allah be upon him and his family, and what is left from the explanatory-statement of Mohammad messenger of Allah -forgiveness and peace of Allah be upon him and his family- in the prophetical sunn undoubtedly you will find it matching with the explanatory-statement of the Imam Mahdi for the great Quran.
    O my beloveds for Allah’s pleasure, by Allah I do not deny except what what violated to the decisive great Quran whether it is in the prophetic sunna or in the Torah or the Gospel, so what is wrong with you do not understand the news? Many of you and refuses to believe the Awaited Mahdi whom Allah sent him to make clear the True explanatory-statement for the Reminder, and I do not bring to you the statement from myself by my opinion nor by conjecture which bears (the possibility) of right and wrong and it should not be fore me; in fact I bring to you the proof in the authority of knowledge from the decisive Quran without the least contradiction or violation, so do you want Allah to send to you an Awaited Mahdi confirming to what you are on it and each party of you wants the Awaited Mahdi to come from them verifying in what they have of knowledge and you know that you divided your religion into sects and each party rejoicing in what they have of knowledge? Therefore my beloveds in Allah’s love, how can the Imam Mahdi units your rank so he gather you upon one word (no God but Allah) and makes you by Allah’s permission upon straight path.
    O my beloveds for Allah’s pleasure, indeed had met the scholars of the Muslims and their nation on one thing and it is that they surely altogether associated with Allah, and their hearts are no longer sound from polytheism because of exaggerating Mohammad messenger of Allah -forgiveness and peace of Allah be upon him and his family- and the Imams of the Book, to the fact they believe that it should not be for them to compete with Mohammad messenger of Allah -forgiveness and peace of Allah be upon him and his family- in Allah’s love and the nearness to Him despite that he is not but a servant of Allah’s Muslim servants, and Allah did not command him to get out of boundary of the Muslims to their Lord because he is Allah’s son; in fact he is a servant of Allah’s righteous servants, and it should not be for him to order you to leave the closest place to the All Merciful for him without you, glory be to Allah the Great surely he is not Allah’s son so Mohammad messenger of Allah -forgiveness and peace of Allah be upon him and his family- is to be the most rightful in Allah besides you; in fact Allah commanded him to be included among the competing Muslims to the Lord whichever of them is the most loved and the closest. And Allah the Most High said: {But if you turn back, I ask for no reward from you. My reward is only with Allah, and I am commanded to be of the Muslims (who submit).}Truthful Allah the Great [Yunus] 10:72
    O my beloveds in Allah’s love, you just lost the great wisdom in the Book of the level which it should not be except for one servant of Allah’s Muslim servants whether being a prophet or messenger or of the righteous believers, indeed Allah made its owner an unknown (servant) among the servants surely Allah did not for-tel about him all the prophets and messengers of the jinn, mankind and the angels, so not anyone knows is (the owner) of the close angels of the All Merciful, or of the jinn or of mankind; in fact Allah made the owner of this level an unknown servant from among the servants and every servant hops to be him in all of whom Allah guided them of His servants altogether, and that is the True guidance, certainly should not be for a servant to favor (other) servant over himself that this level is to be for him (other servant rather than him) to be for him this level because he loves that servant a strong love. O glory be to Allah the Great, has he made his love to that servant stronger love than his love to the Lord of the worlds the worshiped Lord surely that is the polytheism in its core, will you keep your duty to your Lord? The fact it is the closest level to the worshiped Lord, except who wished it in order to spend it longing for more of Allah’s love to His servant in the Self of his Lord if you were worshiping Him. Indeed all whom Allah guided them of His servants you did not find them some of them preferred others into the great level of Allah’s love because the strongest love in their hearts is for Allah (rather) than their love to each other, so if you were most loving to Allah than your love to His prophets and His messengers then follow Mohammad messenger of Allah -forgiveness and peace of Allah be upon him and his family- in the competition into Allah’s love and the closeness to Him. All whom Allah guided you find them in competition for worshiped Lord whoever of them is the most loved and the nearest those whom Allah guided of His servants, as Allah gave you fatwa in His decisive Book about the method of their guidance to their Lord: {They seek (Al-Waseela) the closest level to their Lord - whoever of them is nearest - and they hope for His mercy and fear His chastisement. Surely the chastisement of your Lord is a thing to be cautious of.}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Esra 17:57
    And that method is the essence of the call of the Awaited Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni to mankind and jinn altogether, then whoever refused to compete with the servants to the worshiped Lord and said: How I long in competing with Allah’s prophets and His messengers? Let him know that his love to Allah’s prophets and His messengers is stronger than his love to Allah and he would never find besides Allah a loyal-friend or helper for him, to the fact he made whom they are equal to Allah in the love in the heart, and whoever did that he had associated with Allah while does not know and made His messengers or any male-servant or female-servant so he prefer them over himself to be the most loved and the closest than him to Allah he surely will call for perdition and enter into burning hell-fire and will never find for himself besides Allah a loyal-friend or a helper. Allah the Most High said: {And of the people who take for themselves others equal of worship besides Allah, whom they love as they should love Allah. And those who believe are stronger in (their) love for Allah. And O that the wrongdoers had seen, when they see the chastisement, that power is wholly Allah’s, and that Allah is Severe in chastising!}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Baqara] 2:165
    Therefor the strongest love in the heart is for Allah and another love should not be equal to it in the love, and we only love His prophets and His messengers because they are of Allah’s beloved ones who are the competitors to their Lord whoever of them is the most loved and the closest, but they did not confine for themselves (Al-Waseela) the closest level to Allah for the competition in His love and the closeness to Him without you. Then why Allah sent them? Is it in order to magnify them unjustly so you exaggerate in them then you make them more rightful then you in Allah, glory be to Him, as if they are sons of Him, glory be to Him the Most High and highly elevated (beyond measures)? In fact they are humans of Allah’s servants, there is no difference among the servants in the Book with their Lord, and and for each is his level to his Lord as his quest and his devotion to Allah in this life of testing. In confirming to the word of Allah the Most High: {Have you seen him who turns back,(33) And gives a little, then withholds?(34) Does he have the knowledge of the unseen so that he can see?(35) Or he had not been informed of what is in the scriptures of Moses,(36) And (of) Abraham who fulfilled (commandments)?(37) That no bearer of burden bears another’s burden;(38) And that man can have nothing but what he strives for;(39) And that his striving will soon be seen.(40) Then he will be rewarded for it with the fullest reward;(41) And that to your Lord is the final destiny;(42) And that He it is Who makes (people) laugh and makes (them) weep;(43) And that He it is Who causes death and gives life;(44) And that He creates pairs, the male and the female;(45) From the small life-germ when it is adapted;(46) And that He has ordained the second bringing forth.(47)}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Najm] 53:33-47
    Look at Allah’s fatwa in His word the Most High: {And that man can have nothing but what he strives for;(39) And that his striving will soon be seen.(40) Then he will be rewarded for it with the fullest reward;(41) And that to your Lord is the final destiny;(42)}Truthful Allah the Great.
    And this is the essence of the call of the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemen who does not command you to magnify him more than any servant, surely I am nothing but a servant from Allah’s servants like you I call you to what called you to all the prophets and messengers of jinn and mankind; they call you in one unified call in which there is no dispute among them altogether: {And certainly We raised in every nation a messenger, saying: Worship Allah and shun the devil. Then of them was he whom Allah guided, and of them was he whose remaining in error was justly due. So travel in the land, then see what was the end of the rejectors.}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Nahl] 16-36, so whoever disbelieve in the call of the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni he surely just disbelieved in the call of all the prophets and messengers and he would never find for him besides Allah a loyal-friend nor a helper.
    O to my strong amazement of people saying: “And how would Allah chastise us for if we did not follow the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni indeed he is not a prophet nor a messenger?”. Then the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni replies to them and I say: O glory be to Allah my Lord and your Lord, is your conjecture is that Allah chastised the nations the disbelievers in the messengers of their Lord because they gave lie to His messengers? In fact because they gave a lie in Allah’s messages in which His messengers argue with them and they disregarded it that it is from Allah so they turned away from following the messages of the Book, the sent down in the Book on His messengers, it is then the reason of their chastisement from their Lord to the fact originally they belied in the word of their Lord and therein they disregarded His decisive messages in His decisive Book and for that Allah the Most High said: {We know indeed that what they say grieves you, for surely they give not you the lie, but the wrongdoers in Allah’s messages they disregarded.}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Anaam] 6:33
    Therefore the reason that Allah chastised them to the fact they belied the word of their Lord in His decisive verses and they did not follow it and for that Allah chastised them an utmost chastisement, and I shall give you an example on this in the call of the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni who calls the all servants to worship Allah Him Alone no partner for Him, and the competition in love of Allah and the closeness to Him without forgoing a servant over (other) servant in Allah’s Self, and I gave them fatwa that this method of whom Allah guided them of His servants altogether, and I gave you the manifest proof to your knowledgeable and the ignorant of you for each Arab tongue of you by Allah’s fatwa in His decisive Book about the True method for whom Allah guided of His servants that they are altogether: {Seeking (Al-Waseela) the closest level to their Lord - whoever of them is nearest - and they hope for His mercy and fear His chastisement. Surely the chastisement of your Lord is a thing to be cautious of.}Truthful Allah the Great, so do you find them that they forgo some over others? In fact each of them wishes to be him the servant the most loved and the closest to the Lord because the strongest love in His heart is for His Lord who created Him to worship Him Alone, no partner for Him, for that Allah made the owner of the closest level in Allah’s love and His nearness an unknown servant, and Mohammad messenger of Allah -forgiveness and peace of Allah be upon him and his family- is no more than a servant included among the competitor servants to the worshiped Lord. and for that Mohammad messenger of Allah forgiveness and peace of Allah be upon him and his family said: [Ask Allah (Al-Waseela) the closest level surely it is degree in the garden of heaven it should not be except for one servant of Allah’s servants and I hope that I be him]. Truthful (Mohammad) forgiveness and peace be upon him, surely every servant of whom Allah guided them hopes to be him that unknown servant. And for that Allah the Most High said: {They are seeking (Al-Waseela) the closest level to their Lord - whoever of them is nearest - and they hope for His mercy and fear His chastisement. Surely the chastisement of your Lord is a thing to be cautious of.}Truthful Allah the Great.
    But scholars of the Muslims and their nation, except whom my Lord have mercy (for them); got angry against the Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni and said: “He want us to follow Mohammad messenger of Allah -forgiveness and peace of Allah be upon him and his family- in the competition in the closest level in Allah’s love and the closeness to Him, is not Mohammad messenger of Allah -forgiveness and peace of Allah be upon him and his family- has more right that he is being the one among the servants?” And they said: “Indeed Nasser Mohammad Al-Yemeni is erring manifestly and an insolent liar and not the Awaited Mahdi and on a manifest astray desiring to lead astray the Muslims from the method of the guidance of Mohammad messenger of Allah forgiveness and peace of Allah be upon him and his family”. Then the Imam Mahdi replies to them and I say: And what is the method of Mohammad messenger of Allah forgiveness and peace of Allah be upon him and his family? Ten their response would be in the Truth so they say: “Indeed he is a servant competing with the servants to the worshiped Lord desiring to be him the most loved servant and the closest and for that he hopes to be him the most loved servant and the closest to the Lord so that is the method of the straight path for the seal of the prophets and the messengers Mohammad messenger of Allah forgiveness and peace of Allah be upon him and his family, to the fact he (had) the strongest love in his heart to his Lord, therefore Allah the Most High said: {Say: If you love Allah, follow me: Allah will love you, and grant you protection from your sins. And Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Emran] 3:31
    Then the Imam Mahdi replies to them and I say: Oh to my amazement from the scholars of the Muslims and their nation they know the Truth from their Lord then they do not follow it! Or do not know in the intended of the word of Allah the Most High: {Say: If you love Allah, follow me: Allah will love you, and grant you protection from your sins. And Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.}Truthful Allah the Great? That is to say if was the strongest love in your hearts is Allah so follow me for the competition altogether in loving Allah and the closeness to Him whichever of us is the most loved and the closest (then) Allah will love you and would be pleased with you, surely that is the method of Allah’s guidance to whom He guided of His servants: {They seek (Al-Waseela) the closest level to their Lord - whoever of them is nearest - and they hope for His mercy and fear His chastisement. Surely the chastisement of your Lord is a thing to be cautious of.}Truthful Allah the Great [Al-Esra] 17:57.
    O scholars of the Muslims, why did you leave the clear Truth in Allah’s Book and the True sunna of His messenger and you followed words insertion in the True narration in which the jewish Kaab added words of insertion forgery against Abu Hurayra may Allah be pleased with him and pleased him? And the narration as follows: [Narrated to us Bendar, narrated to us Aasim, narrated to us Sufyan about Layth and he is son of Abu Saleem, narrated to me Kaab: Abu Hurayra narrated to me and said: Messenger of Allah forgiveness and peace be upon him said: Ask Allah (for me) Al-Waseela, they said: O messenger of Allah what is Al-Waseela? He said the highest level in the garden of heaven non attains it except one man and I hope that I be him].

  • @zamrudtrader2363
    @zamrudtrader2363 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Abuya syeikh imam ashaari bknlah syiah mcm yg Dr tuduh,dia antara pendakwah pertama yg sgt mmperkenalkan bhwa syiah adalah merbhya sejak tahun 80an lg, tp rmai org yg dgn sng mnuduh ust ashaari adalah syiah..Ustaz ashaari adalah seorang yg sgt beramal dgn ahli sunnah wal jamaah..dia yg pelopor kpda masyarakat utk mmakai pakaian (sunnah) berserban dan berjubah. tpi malah disesatkan kerajaan dan ulama rasmi..hati2 tuan2 sblum mngatakan sesuatu yg kita tak pasti,blh jadi kita sesatkan org lain, tpi tuduhan kita tdak tepat, SESAT itu kembali pada kita..wallahu A'lam

    • @ParachuteManiac
      @ParachuteManiac 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Beza kita dgn dr maza dan ustaz2 lain ialah mereka belajar, mereka lalui, dan mereka tahu perkara tersebut sebelum mereka bercakap. Kalau tidak dia tidak akan sewenang wenangnya menyebut perkara tersebut

    • @faizalherman317
      @faizalherman317 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Sedap je mulut Dr menyesatkan orang.. Dari dulu pandai cakap belakang ja, memalukan orang lain, dan ustaz suruh kita duduk diam je?? xpayah tunggu imam mahdi??.. Lain macam dah ni, ulama suruh kita bersedia disamping mempersiapkan diri sendiri.. Dengan cara Dr ni lah masyarakat islam buat hal masing², macam mana nak bersatu.. Kita kena bersedia setiap tanda besar kiamat sama macam kita bersedia akan kedatangan maut. Allahu

  • @syednazrul2943
    @syednazrul2943 10 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    ALMAHDI IALAH ISA(ALHADITH).Kami berkeyakinan almahdi ialah Isa,krn seluruh tanda-2 Isa ada pada Almahdi seprt rambutnya berminyak walaupn tanpa minyak.Rambut Isa seperti mutiara ada pada Almahdi.Ini adalah kesaksian para wali Allah n ulama-2 soleh.

    • @omarfai9975
      @omarfai9975 7 ปีที่แล้ว

      Greetings. Very good. Correct.

  • @larryhuffington6901
    @larryhuffington6901 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    lmam mahdi call

  • @AmeyBarkaylow
    @AmeyBarkaylow 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Al-Mahdi itu tuhan Melayu akan dtg naik seorang diri tertabal bila sampai masa ketentuan illahi itu lah Kita semua bani Tamin (dia itu keturunan Tamin Arab)